This is Mafia society's Valentine game as part of our event. This will be a 15 person setup. This game will have it so everyone has lover as a sub role to thier main role to fit the theme. This does mean that the game will be slightly unbalanced and short however.
Roles in this game:
1 Town cop
1 Town doctor
1 Town viglante
1 Transporter
7 vanilla townies
1 Mafia RB
1 Mafia Godfather
1 Mafia goon
1 SK
I will explain in this part what the points are that you will get for takeing part in this game.
- Joining and being inactive: 0 points
- Joining and actually playing: 5 points
- Winning game while dead: 10 points
- Winning game while alive: 15
- 3rd party win: 20 points
section i: general game guidelines
-you are not allowed to use any external communications (pm/irc/etc.) to discuss the game. everything must be said in this thread.
-Please do not post anymore after you die
-if you have questions regarding the rules please post them in the game @host, @Jackrito
section ii: game overview
- This game will have three factions. The town SK and the mafia
- - This game has two phases a day phase and a night phase. day and night phases. Phase time to be voted upon
section iii: lynching
- When lynching a target please use Vote: Jackrito so that I know who you are voting for.
- The hosts will keep a running vote count list.
- Whoever has the most votes at the end of the day is lynched.
- "no lynch" is an option
- If it is a tie on the first day no one will die. After the first day it will be RNG with everyone in the game.
section iv: miscellaneous
- Remember to have fun
- If you know you are going to be gone please let me know so I do not modkill without reason
- Be polite to each other. You may critique plays but no one personally
- If no replacements are available and you are inactive and did not post in 48 hours,
Factional kill- You have the ablity to kill someone in the game each night.
Perfect disguise- You appear as town when checked by the town cop.
Mafia Role PM's
Mafia Godfather
Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Godfather, along with your partners, [Player Name], A Mafia roleblocker, and [Player Name],Mafia Goon. You will be able to communicate with each other in a mafia club which I will sent to you shortly
Factional kill: Each night phase, you may perform the factional kill
Disguse- You appear as a townie to the cop
Win condition:
You win when the number of living Mafia is equal to or greater than the number of living town-aligned players or nothing can prevent this from occurring.
Mafia Goon
Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Goon, along with your partners, [Player Name], A Mafia Roleblocker, and [Player Name],Mafia Godfather You will be able to communicate with each other in a mafia club which I will sent to you shortly
Factional kill: Each night phase, you may perform the factional kill
Win condition:
You win when the number of living Mafia is equal to or greater than the number of living
Mafia Roleblocker
Welcome, [Player Name]. You are the Mafia Roleblocker, along with your partners, [Player Name], A Mafia Goon, and [Player Name],Mafia Godfather. You will be able to communicate with each other in a mafia club which I will sent to you shortly
Factional kill: Each night phase, you may perform the factional kill
Role block- You are able to block the actions of a player each night so they can not use thier ablity
Win condition:
You win when the number of living Mafia is equal to or greater than the number of living
Townie Role PMs
Town Cop
Welcome, [Player Name], you are the town cop
Justice- You have the ablity to check someones and find out if they are mafia or town
Win condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one town player is left alive.
------------------------------------------------ -Town Viglante
Welcome, [Player Name], you are the town Viglante
Heart breaker (1 use)- You have the power to kill one person in the game of your choice by messageing the host.
Win condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one town player is left alive.
------------------------------------------------ Town Transporter (3 use)
Welcome, [Player Name], you are the Town transporte (3 use)
Transporter (3 Use)- You can use your powers to transport 2 people in the game so the actions done on them that night is reversed
Win condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
- Town doctor
Welcome, [Player Name], you are town doctor
Medical skills- Each night you can choose to protect someone and if they are attacked they will not die.
Win condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
- Miller
Welcome, [Player Name], you are - Miller
Miller- You will appear as mafia when checked by a cop
Win condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one town player is left alive.
- Vanilla Townie
Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Vanilla Townie.
Your weapon is your vote, you have no night actions.
Win condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one town player is left alive.
Player List
12.Dr Iss
14Ace the Kidd