Man in Austrailia fined for importing lolicon
Source: ANN
20 of 88 Comments Recent Comments
Whether anime porn is morally wrong or not, you guys are going to get nowhere.
that about sums up every internet argument ever
Loli-hentai may be drawnings but the intent is to make the viewer to become aroused at seeing children having sex. Is there a difference between yaoi and gay porn? No, and there isn't a difference between loli-hentai and child pornography.
WHOAWHOAWHOAWHOA hold up there. There's a huge difference between yaoi and gay pornography, and it's not just that one's animated and one's not.
It's a little difficult to explain, too, but by using that to argue your point, you're almost proving yourself wrong [at least, to those who enjoy BL]. In fact, it's sort of well known that most BL fans don't find real gay pornography attractive at all. xD
ALSO truth. The main difference between BL/yaoi and gay porn is that gay porn is made for gay men, while yaoi/BL is mostly made for and enjoyed by women. In the same way, lolicon appeals to a totally different audience than real child pornography.
Aug 17, 2007 10:00 AM by ScrumYummy
A) I don't want to really get too deeply into this
B)I agree with Krelian..
example-I enjoy violent anime, I enjoy talking about violence but I hate hurting people, and I have an inability to do so. I'd probably be a bit freaked out to hold a gun >_>
I really have no problem with "Abuse, Torture, Rape, and Murder" in anime.. it's not real.. I don't think I have ever ENJOYED a rape scene in anything.. ever.. anime, movie etc.. but sometimes they are necissary for plot..
WHOAWHOAWHOAWHOA hold up there. There's a huge difference between yaoi and gay pornography, and it's not just that one's animated and one's not.
It's a little difficult to explain, too, but by using that to argue your point, you're almost proving yourself wrong [at least, to those who enjoy BL]. In fact, it's sort of well known that most BL fans don't find real gay pornography attractive at all. xD
Yeah.. I'd never watch gay porn with real guys.. But I enjoy yaoi from time to time.. HELL, I'd rather watch hentai than real gay porn.. I'd rather watch hentai than regular porn.. I don't know.. I only like real people when they are infront of me (if that makes sense...)
ps-But some people are messed up, and they may watch real child porn along with lolicon.. But those people are messed up in the first place and I HIGHLY doubt some drawings would create a completely non existant disorder in them....
Aug 16, 2007 11:13 PM by SY_IS_DEAD_IRL
Aug 16, 2007 9:41 PM by Killuan
Killuan: Smoking and lolicon isn't a fair comparison, because smoking isn't really considered deviant like lolicon is, merely a social difference (one that is either accepted or frowned upon depending on the social context). Lolicon is considered deviant in larger society, but is a freedom that should be protected and granted irregardless.
>>As such, I have no problem with your objections to animated child porn, I just don't think that they should have any bearing on the law since they're not based on any rational argument.
That's basically the crux of the whole debate for me.
Aug 16, 2007 9:20 PM by Washi
Whether anime porn is morally wrong or not, you guys are going to get nowhere.
that about sums up every internet argument ever
Aug 16, 2007 8:14 PM by accela
Aug 16, 2007 7:02 PM by BlueYoshi
They're just gonna say, "NUH UH" to any arguments we give them and pull another "But it's morally WRONG."
It's too hard to believe that things in anime could be different from in real life. We all know real life is just like anime, where everyone always looks 10 years younger than they are, third graders have c-cup breasts, and you are described as overweight when your cheeks are bigger than the other characters despite having the same shaped body.
Aug 16, 2007 5:39 PM by accela
Aug 16, 2007 5:06 PM by thebigcheese
From Cambridge Online Advance Learners Dictionary
paedophile UK, US pedophile
noun [C]
a person, especially a man, who is sexually interested in children
If one is sexually interested in watching loli-hentai (depicting children) then they are concidered a paedophile. A paediphile and a child molester is different: a paedophile is interested in seeing children in a sexual way, while a child molester is going out and molesting children. Also, do you have evidence to back your statistics?
Loli-hentai may be drawnings but the intent is to make the viewer to become aroused at seeing children having sex. Is there a difference between yaoi and gay porn? No, and there isn't a difference between loli-hentai and child pornography. Why should society concider real child having sex immoral while it's perfectly moral for people are jerking off to drawn children? There isn't a difference; people are aroused at seeing drawn children. That isn't the message society should promote.
I really didn't want to get invovled, so this is the last post I'm going to make.
I'll be blunt-- "Fail". read the definition of Lolicon in it's western usage. It only refers to the depiction of animated loli characters. Pedophile is referring to "real" life prepubescent children. It does, in no sense, imply to the animated realm. After all, Evangeline is well over 100. Shes clearly not prebubescent,(although she does look it that is irrelevant) shes merely loli. Or Shana, well over 50 and the mindset of one to prove it. Also, you can argue that although they are animated they are still children, but face the facts-- in actuallity they are not children at all or even human, they are fictional character's made by professional artists. Now, like I've said once, I'll say it again. By calling me a pedophile for watching loli hentai, you are also claiming that a very large Otaku population is also Pedophile and if that's the case, it should be considered as normalcy. Loli is something that regardless of your original mind-set, you may come to love and enjoy after becoming acquainted to it... Or better yet, actually know how to seperate a pedophile from a lolicon, clearly something alot of people on this board lack.
As for my statistics-- you should not need evidence for something so obvious. How many people on this board are defending lolicon? How many sites out there are made for the sole purpose of lolicon? Lolicon is a very common existance, unlike CP. It's very easy to aquire and most Otakus you converse with about that particular subject will understand you. I know, as I have absolutely no fear of telling any individual that I am a lolicon.
Now morality: that is a very hard subject matter to tread upon. Yes, ofcourse, I know fapping to loli certainly isn't moral but alot of things legal in this day and age are not. Smoking certainly isn't 'Moral", yet legions of people still smoke, even after awareness of it's potential side-effects. Anyways, I'm merely stating that while 'immoral', CP is on an entirely different level of immorality. It saddens me to see an underaged female aquainted to sex at such an early age. Why? Because I know that it could potentially become detrimental to that females daily life. Loli on the other hand, no one is harmed in the making of thus said material and It's not something I watch to relinquish my urges of doing something like that in the real world. I simply have a preferance for lolicon and I will not change my ideals on this subject matter.
On a final note-- would you consider it "OK" if a man where to date a women which soon inevitably lead to sexual intercourse with that women? Although there is a twist, the female is infact of age but due to some incurable disease she looks no older than 8.
P.S. yea, that may have sounded a little rude in an effort to prove my point, but It was not my original intentions. I just get tired of this same ol'e arguement that serves no real purpose because changing a persons opinion in this matter is a futile attempt. Seeing it for yourself is about the only way I know that would prove a possibility.
Aug 16, 2007 3:58 PM by Killuan
Thats alot harder concept to live Kei than it is to say. Im a pretty open minded guy, in all things except for a few things. Abuse, Torture, Rape, and Murder are about all I will take my stand on, and for me, those objections are amplified by it being children.
Anything else, is pretty open ground to be discussed or let pass over. I am emotional about this, but not everything is capable of being experenced without emotion.
edited: because I switched around the words live and say in the first sentence.
It is a tough concept to live by, but I for one think that the law should be as fair and devoid of bias as possible. So there's no place for emotion there. For example, even if I would very much like to see a rapist or child molester dead, I believe they deserve a fair trial and would hopefully set my emotions aside in order to see that they get one. I'm also very much against rape, murder, abuse, torture, etc. I just can't find a decent reason to object to these things in anime because it isn't real.
As such, I have no problem with your objections to animated child porn, I just don't think that they should have any bearing on the law since they're not based on any rational argument. For example, I think it's perfectly fine that many Christians object to gay marriage on moral grounds and I would never be in favor of forcing churches to marry gay couples when they believe that it's wrong, but there's absolutely no basis for the government to treat gay couples differently since the objections are purely religious/moral. Even if I personally believed something was wrong, I'd support your right to do it as long as it doesn't affect anyone but yourself.
Aug 16, 2007 2:22 PM by Krelian
Loli-hentai may be drawnings but the intent is to make the viewer to become aroused at seeing children having sex. Is there a difference between yaoi and gay porn? No, and there isn't a difference between loli-hentai and child pornography.
WHOAWHOAWHOAWHOA hold up there. There's a huge difference between yaoi and gay pornography, and it's not just that one's animated and one's not.
It's a little difficult to explain, too, but by using that to argue your point, you're almost proving yourself wrong [at least, to those who enjoy BL]. In fact, it's sort of well known that most BL fans don't find real gay pornography attractive at all. xD
Aug 16, 2007 1:45 PM by accela
Anything else, is pretty open ground to be discussed or let pass over. I am emotional about this, but not everything is capable of being experenced without emotion.
edited: because I switched around the words live and say in the first sentence.
Aug 16, 2007 11:11 AM by Sandgolem
This is something along the lines of "I may not agree with what you say/believe, but I'll definitely fight for your right to say/believe in it."
Aug 16, 2007 11:04 AM by kei-clone
Last time I checked placing emotion over logic was the opposite of being rational.
Well, I suppose I should apologize from becoming physically ill at the thought of a child being used in that way.
Aug 16, 2007 10:58 AM by Sandgolem
Nice guys, on defending the lolicon debate. :3
I would have helped more but this same debate is questioned all too often on the AC forums boards. ;(
Seriously though, when will people realize that atleast 15% of all Otakus are Lolicon. With that being said, based on the opposing logic, that would also conclude that atleast 15% of all otaku are pedophile;(Yes, the western usage of "Lolicon" is not interpreted the same way as pedophile. A rather large misconception) which clearly is not the case. Loli's will turn even the most sane individuals into lolicon's, It's as simple as that. I have absolutely no interest in ' "real" child pornography', neither does any single one of my friends but a majority of them are lolicon. Hell, atleast 50% of all people who watch anime that I have introduced to lolicon have stuck with it and now enjoy it as much as I do. Face the facts people, just because we enjoy watching loli characters portrayed in sexual or explicit imagery, does not even remotely imply that we are pedophile.
From Cambridge Online Advance Learners Dictionary
noun [C]
a person, especially a man, who is sexually interested in children
If one is sexually interested in watching loli-hentai (depicting children) then they are concidered a paedophile. A paediphile and a child molester is different: a paedophile is interested in seeing children in a sexual way, while a child molester is going out and molesting children. Also, do you have evidence to back your statistics?
Loli-hentai may be drawnings but the intent is to make the viewer to become aroused at seeing children having sex. Is there a difference between yaoi and gay porn? No, and there isn't a difference between loli-hentai and child pornography. Why should society concider real child having sex immoral while it's perfectly moral for people are jerking off to drawn children? There isn't a difference; people are aroused at seeing drawn children. That isn't the message society should promote.
I really didn't want to get invovled, so this is the last post I'm going to make.
Aug 16, 2007 10:55 AM by mistress_reebi
That's the problem - it's fine to say that we should have some kind of standards, but who is to say that your standards are better than mine or someone else's? In one corner of the world cannibalism is horrendous, in another it's perfectly normal. In one place gay people have the right to be married, in another they don't because of someone's "standards." If you're not going to force a religious dogma on everyone that lays out rules handed down from some higher power, how exactly do you choose where to draw all these lines that need to be drawn? The only unbiased way I can determine is to judge things based on how they affect the rest of society, which is why I don't think it's any of my business if you or anyone else want to watch animated child porn.
Isn't that statement itself irrational? Your mind is set because of your feelings on the issue and towards children in general rather than because of a rational argument. Last time I checked placing emotion over logic was the opposite of being rational. That said, I doubt we're going to get anywhere by arguing this back and forth, so perhaps it's best we don't.
Aug 16, 2007 10:16 AM by Krelian
I think the biggest issue here is that there's an enormous social stigma against child pornography (and rightfully so, I suppose)
why are we supposing that child porn is wrong?
Maybe Im just a prude. But Im always gunan be a prude when it comes to evolving Children, in anyway, in sex, rape, or torture (yes even the productions of animated porn, which I know no real children are harmed) . Im sorry if you feel that somehow makes me an irrational.
Aug 16, 2007 8:15 AM by Sandgolem
I cannot believe someone in this day and age just mentioned the idea of a "thought crime". I suppose you got the wrong message from George Orwell's 1984? You are more extreme than I thought you were.
Yeah... that's a little too extreme... I mean... if I got punished every time I thought about killing my ex-husband... well... you know...
There is a limit to taking things TOO far...
Aug 16, 2007 7:21 AM by Chelle
Hmm interesting situation, I'm glad that our country has done this. This man is guilty of committing thought crime, whether or not it was intentional... but that is irrelevant.
I can only hope that our country takes more measures to "snuff out" this idea from our society, but for some reason I think it can only increase.
I cannot believe someone in this day and age just mentioned the idea of a "thought crime". I suppose you got the wrong message from George Orwell's 1984? The idea is absurd and I'm sorry but I cannot rationally talk with someone who believes that I can be punished for what I think.
Most of the societies we're talking about aren't theocracies, and definitely not the country this man was arrested in! People need to keep their religious beliefs out of secular governments! I'm sorry but that issue has been bugging me for quite a while.
The people who are opposed to the censorship laws, and laws against lolicon, well, I don't ever see anything changing in this. Censorship has been around forever, and will probably be around forever. The people who vote in these laws side with the moral/ethical people in almost all cases, especially ones regarding child abuse (in any form), be it in real life, or in lolicon's case, illustrated works of fiction.
I think we can change these censorship laws, and history has proven so many times. Remember back then when it was "indecent" for Elvis Presley to shake his lower body on television? As people become more and more open-minded and accepting of differences, these censorship laws will change for the better.
Aug 16, 2007 7:19 AM by kei-clone
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isnt it a little objective to label pre-teen boy love to be labeled as yaoi and pre-teen girl love to be labeled as lolicon? Granted they're both wrong but one has more of a taboo aura (lolicon) around it when both should have the same equally taboo essence. Untill yaoi can seperate their pre-teen boy side genre, Yaoi is wrong as much so as lolicon. dunno why FYG's cant see that (end of rant)
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