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Jul 6, 2017 5:39 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, what a chapter.

Big Mama really is really in a sour mood.
Interesting reveal about Stussy though. Turns out, she's from the CP0. What a cliffhanger D:
Jul 6, 2017 5:45 AM

Dec 2013
I didn't expect CP0 to suddenly show up.

Luffy and the others didn't last long. They really aren't ready for Big Mom yet...

Even though Judge got destroyed he has a decent amount of guts charging at Big Mom.
Jul 6, 2017 5:56 AM

May 2015
Didn't expect that from Stussy :O
How was Luffy so easily beaten and what was that about him "losing power"? Was he just fatigued again?
Nice to see Judge charge in like that, even though he got one shotted lmao. So I'm guessing that's it for the arc then. Kinda expected that ending as it was their only way of escaping. Now for Reverie and Wano, huh? I wonder if Big Mom will follow Luffy to Wano... She's crazy enough to do it. Still don't have a clue how Luffy will defeat Kaidou. Nightmare gear fourth looks to be the only way that he'll even be able to put up a fight. We'll see...
Jul 6, 2017 6:01 AM

Jun 2014
Everyone got destroyed, which was kind of expected. The power difference between Luffy and co. and the crew of a Yonko is crazy, how the hell does Luffy plan to take out Kaido if he can barely handle Big Mom? Finally the Tamatebako played its role, hopefully that explosion can serve as enough of a distraction to help everyone get out of there.

Fang said:
How was Luffy so easily beaten and what was that about him "losing power"? Was he just fatigued again?

I would assume it has something to do with how he's been fighting practically nonstop since the arc began, plus the huge strain from Gear Fourth. I know he had some recovery time here and there, but it may not have been enough.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jul 6, 2017 6:02 AM

Dec 2011
This chapter is so worth the wait.
What an amazing chapter and so many things happens.
Stussy is with the CP-0, an undercover agent.
That's Big News.
Luffy isn't ready at all to beat a yonko and i doubt they can beat Kaido right now.
Also finally the Tamatekabo finally come to play as may be an escape route for them.
R.I.P Judge
Jul 6, 2017 6:04 AM
Mar 2016
Fang said:
Didn't expect that from Stussy :O
How was Luffy so easily beaten and what was that about him "losing power"? Was he just fatigued again?
Nice to see Judge charge in like that, even though he got one shotted lmao. So I'm guessing that's it for the arc then. Kinda expected that ending as it was their only way of escaping. Now for Reverie and Wano, huh? I wonder if Big Mom will follow Luffy to Wano... She's crazy enough to do it. Still don't have a clue how Luffy will defeat Kaidou. Nightmare gear fourth looks to be the only way that he'll even be able to put up a fight. We'll see...

The Arc isn't over yet. The castle is collapsing which will probably be the reason why they escape, however they haven't escaped yet. There are probably still a few chapters to go. Plus we don't know how Big Mom will react to her castle getting destroyed, either she rages or she cries again, probably the former.

Oh and we'll probably find out next chapter how Judge's face looks like without his mask because Big Mom destroyed it.
Jul 6, 2017 6:05 AM
Apr 2016
One of the best chapters yet in this arc. The way Big Mom addressed Kaido as a thing was freaking epic. Hairs on my hand literally stood up lol. What did Big Mom do to Luffy, which undid his Gear 4th form? Did she just fodderize Gear 4th? Wow. What a chapter. Stussy is from CP-0, which is really exciting. Also, the Tamatebakko is another mystery, was it just a bomb? Or is there something beyond that? 5/5.
Jul 6, 2017 6:09 AM

Aug 2014
Luffy G4 is just something BM easily blocks with armament
I can't see any frickin way for Luffy and co to have even the smallest of chance to defeat Kaido
And I'm actually very excited seeing how Yonko is a reason to be truly feared, makes my hope to see Shanks going absolute beast mode that one can't comprehend in the future
Jul 6, 2017 6:10 AM

Nov 2016
Wow what an awesome chapter :O

First off totally didn't expect Stussy to be a member of CP0, but it makes sense that the goverment is trying to be everywhere I guess. And seeing that she was using a flying Shigan like nothing truly shows that they are a cut above the CP9. Looking forward for more variations of the Rokushiki.

Pretty nice that Luffy in Gear 4th is able to exchange blows with Big Mom. This technique has still some weakpoints, but if Luffy will work on them, he's easily capable to go against the big caliber, at least physically. Another nice detail was how Big Mom was referring to Kaido, if even she's calling him "That Thing" I don't want imagine what fucker he will be.
As good as this arc is, really can't wait for Wano tbh.

The Vinsmokes made themselve useful again, but against the power of the Big Mom pirates they were almost without a chance in the end.

Most on our side are down and the situation looks extremely shitty, just when everything appeared hopeless the Tamatebako is finally fulfilling it's tole in this arc. Considering how long Oda was building it up I wouldn't call it a Deus ex machina at all.

Like always One Piece still knows how to get me hyped.
FMmatronJul 6, 2017 6:13 AM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 6, 2017 6:17 AM

Mar 2016
And that Red haired pirates fan art of them in a band looked so cool xD

Amazing chapter :D

Stussy being CP-0. Did not expect that . I love her more now. Seeing the Flying Shigan being used was great.
Luffy's G4 attack did literally nothing on BM. NOTHING. Judge bringing up something about the "66 short days of hope" was interesting.
Everyone completely annihilated lol. Judge is down. BM holding Yonji and Niji in her hands. Katakuri holding Ichiji in one. Reiju, Sanji and Luffy are down. I was almost waiting for the Tamatebako to explode when they were in that situation. Should be interesting to see how they are going to escape now that the castle is collapsing.

"Go Caesar. You'll still trash though" LOL
I laughed more than I should have when he landed on Katakuri's foot xD

Jul 6, 2017 7:07 AM
Sep 2012
Go Caesar, you are still trash though. I love that.

Well Luffy showed some maturity here, he didn't take the bait and we know someone saying he is not going to become king of the pirates is a trigger word, I thought he was going to take the bait.

Things aren't looking good for the Vinsmoke, and did I see the brothers have some emotions, maybe the spell of no emotion will be broken.

Next chapter might be the climax of the arc, extra pages, color pages, I think we are going to escape next chapter.
Jul 6, 2017 7:16 AM

Aug 2010
Damn that was great. Oda's really showing how intimidating BM and her crew really are. Flying? NOPE, Katakuri and even Brulee stopped them.

G4 Kong didn't even make BM flinch holy damn...
Isn't that the punch that sent doffy flying O_o
And then taking thunder and slamming it in Judge's face....

Stussy was a surprise. Like where that's going
And then finally the Tamatebako's role is here. How will this chaos help lets see
Jul 6, 2017 7:28 AM
Jul 2017
1) luffy's stupidity is surely infinite.
2) Tamatebako waw! finally blown up! it will screw up everything.
3) Stessy, CP-0. that's big news.
4) yonkou is not a little thing. strawhat is really not ready yet to stepping on yonkou arena.
5) how de fak luffy said that he will beat kaidou easily!
Jul 6, 2017 7:29 AM
Oct 2013
I loved that chapter.

The Vinsmokes deservedly got shat on. WATCH OUT FOR ICHIJI GUYS! I´m telling you guys Ichiji is hiding some shit. AND HE GOT SHAT ON! I love this conclusion.

One of Big Mom´s guests does actually have a purpose and the others were expectedly introduced for no reason. But at least Stussy will play some role later down the line.

The Tamatebako responsbile for their escape is kinda bullshit, but in this situation anything would be so I´m fine with that. Better than the nuke that killed Meruem.

5/5. Alot of development, comedy was good, action was good. One Piece at it´s best. Now let´s see how he´ll stretch next chapter for no reason instead of having them escape.
Jul 6, 2017 7:35 AM
Apr 2014
Glad power levels were respected, everyone got rekt by the Big Mom pirates.
Didn't think the Tamate Bako had that much explosive power, enough to collapse a freaking castle made of hardned cake. Then again it does make sense, that's the power it takes for it to be credible enough in order to explode in Big Mom's face.
Jul 6, 2017 7:38 AM
Mar 2014
This is BIG NEWS indeed

Was hoping to see the Tamatebako bomb taken to the world government, but alas :(
Jul 6, 2017 7:49 AM
Oct 2013
Drake1000 said:
Glad power levels were respected, everyone got rekt by the Big Mom pirates.
Didn't think the Tamate Bako had that much explosive power, enough to collapse a freaking castle made of hardned cake. Then again it does make sense, that's the power it takes for it to be credible enough in order to explode in Big Mom's face.

Despite it´s hardness it´s still cake. Ussop taught us that during the Little Garden Arc. The Tamatebako wasn´t intended to blow up in Big Mom´s face.
Jul 6, 2017 7:51 AM
Jan 2017
_Kuuhaku_ said:
Luffy G4 is just something BM easily blocks with armament
I can't see any frickin way for Luffy and co to have even the smallest of chance to defeat Kaido
And I'm actually very excited seeing how Yonko is a reason to be truly feared, makes my hope to see Shanks going absolute beast mode that one can't comprehend in the future

There has been another gear form (either Gear 5 or another) teased by Oda within some chapters. And it will probably lead to a more even battle between Luffy and Kaido.
Jul 6, 2017 8:13 AM

Jun 2016
i have a feeling big mam is ging to deploy a fleet set to fishman island after she discovers that the tamebako box exploded
Jul 6, 2017 8:39 AM

Oct 2007
Fang said:
Didn't expect that from Stussy :O
How was Luffy so easily beaten and what was that about him "losing power"? Was he just fatigued again?
Nice to see Judge charge in like that, even though he got one shotted lmao. So I'm guessing that's it for the arc then. Kinda expected that ending as it was their only way of escaping. Now for Reverie and Wano, huh? I wonder if Big Mom will follow Luffy to Wano... She's crazy enough to do it. Still don't have a clue how Luffy will defeat Kaidou. Nightmare gear fourth looks to be the only way that he'll even be able to put up a fight. We'll see...

What do you mean follow? There is not even the slightest hint Luffy even got close to escaping.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 6, 2017 8:42 AM

May 2015
@JudgeRuthless We were told that this arc only has a few chapters left. With the castle collapsing, it's clear that the chaos will give them a chance to escape. Not to mention that Luffy basically told Big Mom that they'll finish their fight later. The arc is ending.
Jul 6, 2017 8:45 AM

Oct 2007
So, Morgans works for CNN?
Jul 6, 2017 8:59 AM

Mar 2016
CP-0 hm? Didn't see that one coming...
When Luffy use Gear 4 I was like "Will he finally use other form that is not Bound Man or Tank Man?" But no after all... -.-
Finally the dam box exploded!!!!
Jul 6, 2017 9:46 AM

Aug 2015
Kaido is referred by Big Mom,another Yonko, as a "thing"

He is definitely above the level of the strawhats and pretty much every rookie. They will need huge alliance to hurt Kaido (taking him down? nah that's delusional).
Jul 6, 2017 10:00 AM

Jan 2016
WHAT A CHAPTER! Everybody are down but something will happen! Dammit this got me so hooked that I didn't want it to end.

Luffy and CO will have to get some major power up during the Wano Arc if they want to even scrath Kaidou and Big Mom!
Jul 6, 2017 10:05 AM

Aug 2015
It such a great chapter!!! I can't believe CP-0 would appear there!! And the tamakebako too.. I thought it will explode big mom's crew or something. But I never expected it will blow the cake and make it fall... Lol XD

I'm starting to get embarrassed by my own forum signature line.. XD
Jul 6, 2017 10:08 AM

Oct 2015
I didn't expect Luffy to be so exhausted that he can only punch Big Mom once. We could clearly see that Luffy is way too weak to do anything against the yonkou. I hope he gets some sort of idea about how to master Gear 4 so he can use it for longer time, or maybe some other form other than Bound Man and Tank Man. He could even use "awakening", just like Doflamingo did. Although I do not really know how that would work, but I'm sure things won't workout if he doesn't train.

Some people even say there will be a 2nd time skip, but I highly doubt it, considering he'll be targeted by Big Mom, the government, etc.

Also I'm glad the Tamatebako's finally out of the story. We've been waiting for it to have some sort of significance again after the fishman island. If CP0 took it to the WG, I'm sure it would be funny watching some admiral opening it, but it'd be for too long in the story by then.
Jul 6, 2017 10:25 AM

Sep 2013
Big Mom casually blocking a g4 luffy blow XD and the bm crew rekts everyone nicely XD
The most interesting thing is big mom called kaido a "thing: :O
Jul 6, 2017 10:37 AM

Dec 2014
man this is getting serious...go caeser even though you are trash lol
Jul 6, 2017 10:37 AM

Jan 2011
its R.I.P for them...
but i think someone stronger will appear to save them.
Jul 6, 2017 11:16 AM
Dec 2016
KsT said:
its R.I.P for them...
but i think someone stronger will appear to save them.

Doubt an asspull like that is going to happen unless Bege has another ally he didn't tell luffy about but I don't see how anyone above Luffy would want to come save them and the only ones we know of is-

The Yonkos- BB just fought with the Rev Army
Kaido wouldn't save them even if his "Life" Depended on it
Shanks is a mystery but I don't see why he'd work with someone like bege or even if he came to help luffy there no way the news got to him that fast that they were fighting BM when Luffy only really came there in the first place to save Sanji.

Rev Army- We can assume they are out of commission for the time being after the scuffle with BB

WG- None of them have a reason to help anyone there besides Stussy so not like SH would be getting a pass/save from them.

Warlords- Unless Mihawk is passing by then they'll be receiving no help from him but even if he is passing by why help lol.
Boa just as said for shanks couldn't have received news that fast that luffy was taking on a Yonko + she wouldn't be of much help anyways.
Kuma is under full control of the WG.
Weevil has no reason to even go to Whole Cake Island when he is hunting down WB pirates.

I just don't see how anyone *Strong* would appear RN lol esp strong enough to save them from a Yonko and her crew on their Island.
Jul 6, 2017 1:46 PM

Sep 2014
Didn't expect that from Stussy :O
Luffy punching Big Mom lol, think he needs a few more power-ups to beat that monster.
Tamatebako finally serving its purpose.
Jul 6, 2017 2:26 PM

Jan 2014
Jesus, so many one hit fights....... I want see full battles beetwen strong characters already. Since Enies Lobby most of fights are just one shots.


Oda, I demand full battles, not just one shots.
Jul 6, 2017 2:49 PM
Jul 2017
I didn't expect ichiji to get manhandled the way he did, my goodness. Every main character looked like fodder at this tea party. And the fact that Big Mom blocked a Kong Gun with one arm and then referred to Kaido as a "thing" after is a huge testament to his power. Honestly, I can't see even a nightmare gear 4th working on him.I just wish this chapter was longer.
Jul 6, 2017 3:41 PM

Mar 2014
The day is saved by...THE MINISTER OF THE LEFT. And he isn't even there. But what did he think of putting a bomb that powerful inside the treasure chest. If a thief was dumb enough to open the content inside the Ryuuguu Castle, it would end in a catastrophe.
Jul 6, 2017 3:43 PM

May 2015
Had to share this...
Jul 6, 2017 6:02 PM
Apr 2017
Kafka98 said:
1) luffy's stupidity is surely infinite.
2) Tamatebako waw! finally blown up! it will screw up everything.
3) Stessy, CP-0. that's big news.
4) yonkou is not a little thing. strawhat is really not ready yet to stepping on yonkou arena.
5) how de fak luffy said that he will beat kaidou easily!

He never said that he will beat kaido 'easily'
Jul 6, 2017 6:03 PM
Apr 2017
Taito10 said:
Jesus, so many one hit fights....... I want see full battles beetwen strong characters already. Since Enies Lobby most of fights are just one shots.


Oda, I demand full battles, not just one shots.

Oda is telling us that they are not ready yet and fights is coming in wano arc
Jul 6, 2017 6:36 PM
Mar 2010
Luffy will beat Kaidou in Wano by achieving perfect 4th Gear along teaming with X-Drake and Law plus the rest of the Strawhats. There's no way Luffy can fight Kaidou in a mano-e-mano fight, he has to be with everyone and it'll be a gangbang, maybe minus Zoro and Sanji since there's no way they fight twice as they will be fighting Kaidou's commanders.

But still, the pressing matter is how will they escape WCI. Yeah, the box exploded, the castle is damaged. But all Big Mom has to do is just pull another Haoshoku with her DF to destroy the falling debris, but since Big Mom is literally a stupid hag with a child's mind, I can see her getting distracted for a moment and some magic will help Luffy and party get away.

But wait, there's still the stoic Katakuri... how in the world will they escape?!
Jul 6, 2017 6:43 PM

May 2017
The one of the Best chap. i've seen...

║ anime list | manga list | feel free to add 😁 ║
Jul 6, 2017 9:00 PM

Dec 2012
Great chapter. Stussy being a part of CP0 was unexpected.
Big Mom Pirates owning everyone.

Gear 4th didn't last long. Wonder what Big Mom did to Luffy?

Tamatebako blew up. An opportunity to escape.
"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Jul 6, 2017 9:20 PM

Mar 2015
i know that goverment will somewhat give notice to this big party, but i don't expect that CP-0 it self and it was stussy...

lol, tamatebako surprisingly become important...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Jul 6, 2017 9:35 PM

Jul 2014
Stussy was a surprise.
Jul 6, 2017 10:34 PM

Mar 2016
Fang said:
Had to share this...

Hahahah this is awesome XD

Judge: "Thank you for loving me"
Sanji: "I don't love you"
Judge: ......
Sanji: .......
Judge dies.
Perfect outcome heh.

Jul 6, 2017 11:46 PM

Jun 2012
I'm actually a little surprised that things went down exactly the way I said they might, last week. Still, it had me going when they were all defeated and weak like that. Even when the chest fell a 2nd time I thought it might happen, but it still slipped my mind as they were all laying there, out for the count.

kaitonic said:
Stussy is with the CP-0, an undercover agent.
That's Big News.
I see what you did there.

PirateKingJJ said:
Also, the Tamatebakko is another mystery, was it just a bomb? Or is there something beyond that? 5/5.
The Tamatebako was just the pills that Hody Jones stole that made him and his crew boosted. One of the ministers just placed explosives in it after realizing the contents were stolen.

notoezy said:
*me reading last page*
*Saw something at the bottom *
"I was like , oh great another break??? "
*Reads it word by word*

Honestly! That relieved me xD
You scared the f*ck out of me Oda xD
Lol, I was thinking the same thing. Now I'm really excited for the next chapter... sounds like there's gonna be a lot of extra fan-service.
HalibelTheEspadaJul 6, 2017 11:50 PM
Jul 6, 2017 11:49 PM

Jan 2014
Taito10 said:
Jesus, so many one hit fights....... I want see full battles beetwen strong characters already. Since Enies Lobby most of fights are just one shots.


Oda, I demand full battles, not just one shots.

Oda is telling us that they are not ready yet and fights is coming in wano arc

I dont trust Oda anymore. He doesnt care about fights.
Jul 6, 2017 11:53 PM
Apr 2017
Taito10 said:

Oda is telling us that they are not ready yet and fights is coming in wano arc

I dont trust Oda anymore. He doesnt care about fights.

Oda care about plot more than fight
He is not ur avg shonen mangaka
Jul 6, 2017 11:58 PM

Jun 2012
Taito10 said:

Oda is telling us that they are not ready yet and fights is coming in wano arc

I dont trust Oda anymore. He doesnt care about fights.
I'm honestly not sure I understand what you're saying here. I can understand saying that the fights bore you... but how has any of this (before this chapter) been one-shot fights? I mean, Enies Lobby was the same way as what just happened... Rob Lucci wrecked Luffy multiple times in one go before Luffy was able to defeat him, but the final fight was pretty epic. Crocodile did the same. Pretty much every major villain has been this way.

What about Luffy vs Cracker? What about the fight against Brulee in the woods? Doflamingo vs Luffy? Hody Jones? Senor Pink? I could name lots of fights since Enies Lobby, easily, that were not "one-shot fights".

Personally I thought this was pretty unique having every single person utterly defeated like that. They have maybe 2 power-houses left in the picture... vs 100+ monsters... I can't think of a time where their entire forces were destroyed like this.
HalibelTheEspadaJul 7, 2017 1:34 PM
Jul 7, 2017 12:22 AM
Jul 2017

He never said that he will beat kaido 'easily'

what i mean is that he say that so easily. for him, kaido just like just some another step to before beatin' up bigmom
Jul 7, 2017 12:45 AM
Mar 2016
When big mom call you that thing you know you dangerous
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