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London Elects First Muslim Mayor, Sadiq Khan Of The Labour Party

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May 7, 2016 7:54 PM

Jan 2013
That's good news. In Canada, a Muslim mayor was elected and he's a member of the UK labour party equivalent, the NDP.

Not surprised with the Islamophobic comments, typical MAL.
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May 7, 2016 8:04 PM

May 2009
All this fear mongering is quite hilarious. For those who believe this is a first in the West, Ahmed Aboutaleb, a Muslim migrant, has been the mayor of Rotterdam since 2009. Calgary's mayor is a Muslim as well. They've both been doing a pretty good job and Nenshi was awarded the World Mayor prize in 2014. Unsurprisingly, no sharia has been implemented in either city and neither has "fallen".

Khan seems like an overall decent guy (and unquestionably a far better candidate than Goldsmith), hopefully he'll work towards achieving his stated goals and doesn't let down his voters.

Hats off to Londoners for electing a Muslim and the son of a Pakistani bus driver as their mayor at a time where islamophobia is gaining ground and reshaping the European political landscape.
bacchiMay 7, 2016 8:08 PM
May 7, 2016 8:47 PM

Apr 2016
Oh great. I feel bad for everyone living over there...

"Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time."
May 7, 2016 10:06 PM

Feb 2015
Clebardman said:
I thought MAL would burn but apparently CE regulars have better stuff to whine about these days.

It's no longer funny, surprising, or rage-inducing. It's just sad. I don't really want to think about it, because things over there aren't going to change until the situation becomes critical, and even then I have my doubts about the future of the U.K.
Now you're wondering if there's white text in any of my other posts.

Over there, I'm everywhere. I know that.
May 7, 2016 10:15 PM

Sep 2015

whats next a muslim president/chancellor/prime minister? can't wait for it

May 7, 2016 10:19 PM
Mar 2011
The_Nico said:


The cuckoldry has already begun.

you ou like him better if he said ppur all muislm in the uk in gas chamabers fucking hell nico how right wing are you sdi note labour has not really been left wing for almost 30 years
Blair was the uk version of Clinton much he bent over for th big banks and other interests
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
May 8, 2016 4:02 AM

Oct 2013
Good for him, I hope he perform his job fittingly.

The idiotic posts are not surprising at all, time will show how things will play. People need to stop spouting nonsensical bs whenever a Muslim gets an important job, look at his actions then judge.
May 8, 2016 4:19 AM

Jul 2015
A7MAD111 said:
Good for him, I hope he perform his job fittingly.

The idiotic posts are not surprising at all, time will show how things will play. People need to stop spouting nonsensical bs whenever a Muslim gets an important job, look at his actions then judge.

Nah bro, this goes against their preconceptions that muslims are subhumans marrying a harem of 8 years old girls. they can't look, it would taint their pure idea of white civilization.
May 8, 2016 4:51 AM

Apr 2015
A7MAD111 said:
Good for him, I hope he perform his job fittingly.

The idiotic posts are not surprising at all, time will show how things will play. People need to stop spouting nonsensical bs whenever a Muslim gets an important job, look at his actions then judge.

We're accustomed to this already, but still hilarious. Don't know if they're trying to act smart or just trolling. An Outright prejudice of a person just because of his religion. Hope they learn to respect peoples right to vote and choose who they wanted to lead them even if the pathetic minority don't like it.
May 8, 2016 5:42 AM

Jun 2013
I don't care about the mayors religious beliefs but as a person not from the UK, how's the labour party like?
May 8, 2016 5:58 AM

Aug 2010
Tomboy said:
how's the labour party like?

Their MPs are far less likely to mug a homeless person for fun than their Conservative counterparts.
fuck everything and rumble
May 8, 2016 5:59 AM

Jun 2013
gallivant said:
Tomboy said:
how's the labour party like?

Their MPs are far less likely to mug a homeless person for fun than their Conservative counterparts.

Come to think of it, are they liberals?
May 8, 2016 6:11 AM

Jan 2013
Funny enough soon after this Mosques around the UK are demanding Muslim women all stop wearing trousers, must ask men for permission to leave the house and to delete facebook accounts.

Of course all the white shamers, Muslims, and Paid NSA posters on here won't connect that or will call it a coincidence. Historic progress has been made here today at the expense of the white man. And thats a great day is it not?

That was the old world when someone from a different ethnic and religious group takes power, showcasing the decline, downfall and eventual subjegation of the native populance given lack of biths, military culture and a over-reliance on non-natives to carry out day-to-day tasks. That a Decadent, lazy, immoral and dishonourable native population won't do.

Lets have three hoorahs for progressive inclussion. History books will not remember this golden era differently I am sure. Likely not even Sarcasim here. History is wrote by the Victors.
RedArmyShogunMay 8, 2016 6:14 AM
May 8, 2016 6:24 AM

Aug 2014
People pretending like he actually has much power or that he will "inflict his evil islamic standards" upon London. His religion doesn't fucking matter, nobody is going to remember this in a month's time apart from people living in London because those are the only people who should actually give a shit about the mayor of their city. He's a politician so if he does some stupid shit then he deserves to be hated but just because he believes in similar stuff to 1/7th of the world's population, isn't any reason to get so scared. Fear makes people act irrationally.

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
May 8, 2016 7:16 AM

May 2009
RedArmyShogun said:
Funny enough soon after this Mosques around the UK are demanding Muslim women all stop wearing trousers, must ask men for permission to leave the house and to delete facebook accounts.

Of course all the white shamers, Muslims, and Paid NSA posters on here won't connect that or will call it a coincidence. Historic progress has been made here today at the expense of the white man. And thats a great day is it not?

You say white shamers and Muslims "won't connect that", but you haven't actually told us how this is relevant or related to his election as a mayor at all. It's pretty desperate to attempt to draw a link between Sadiq Khan's election and the views expressed by some 3 mosques out of +1800 in the UK. Views that have been condemned by numerous Muslim community leaders and scholars from the UK, but let's just keep ignoring the very people who are able to address these issues from within.

As for progress having been made at the expense of the white man, surely you must be joking?
bacchiMay 8, 2016 7:19 AM
May 8, 2016 7:56 AM
Jan 2014
Everyone is talking about islamophobia but if London and the UK were truly islamophobic they wouldn't elect a Muslim as mayor of the largest city in the UK. Western Europe is arguably one of the most tolerant regions in the world although the far right is gaining traction.

As for Muslim majority countries it's interesting to note that things have degraded significantly for minorities when it comes to representation in politics. It used to be common in places like Iraq, Syria or Egypt to see Christians in high positions of power, for instance Tariq Aziz a Chaldean Catholic Christian was basically the right-hand man of Saddam Hussein. But today in Arab countries in particular it has become a lot more difficult for religious minorities mainly Christians to access these positions as far right Muslim politicians tend to consider them enemies from within and puppets of the West.
Another good example would be Léopold Sédar Senghor a catholic and one of the founders of Senegalese democracy.
The best recent example I could think of would be Basuki Thahaja Purnama a Christian who became governor of Jakarta the largest city in Indonesia.
May 8, 2016 8:13 AM

Jan 2013
May 8, 2016 8:36 AM

May 2009
^Such a well-reasoned rebuttal. You should refrain from making farcical claims you're unable to back up.
May 8, 2016 8:38 AM

Nov 2012
bacchi said:
RedArmyShogun said:
Funny enough soon after this Mosques around the UK are demanding Muslim women all stop wearing trousers, must ask men for permission to leave the house and to delete facebook accounts.

Of course all the white shamers, Muslims, and Paid NSA posters on here won't connect that or will call it a coincidence. Historic progress has been made here today at the expense of the white man. And thats a great day is it not?

You say white shamers and Muslims "won't connect that", but you haven't actually told us how this is relevant or related to his election as a mayor at all. It's pretty desperate to attempt to draw a link between Sadiq Khan's election and the views expressed by some 3 mosques out of +1800 in the UK. Views that have been condemned by numerous Muslim community leaders and scholars from the UK, but let's just keep ignoring the very people who are able to address these issues from within.

As for progress having been made at the expense of the white man, surely you must be joking?

Sure, name all the negative aspects of colonialism and ignore all the positive aspects to bias the view and make colonialism seem like the worst thing on earth. Go ahead and calculate the positive from the addition of all the knowledge gained through colonialism and we can talk again.
It's so amazing how these fools can bash the west demanding for reparations, when, if colonialism hadn't happened, English would not have happened and Shashi Tharoor himself would be shoveling shit in the streets of an ancient India. And it's not as if he has an agenda, oh say, furthering the interests of his own culture.. He's a fucking diplomat for Christ's sake!

Fact is, with all its evil colonialism gave humanity the greatest step forward the world has ever seen, to the point that if it didn't happen I would not even be able to call out dumb fucks on the internet, like I am now.
OrevatafMay 8, 2016 8:47 AM

May 8, 2016 8:49 AM

Jan 2013
bacchi said:
^Such a well-reasoned rebuttal. You should refrain from making farcical claims you're unable to back up.

Why should I? The poster below did a good job. And so does any history book.

I'm not paid to make the blind see. So why should I waste time on the likes of you? Your opinion is made and a few words won't make you sway. Historical examples you'll in the stupidity of Youth and progress simply go "The times have changed." The only people swayed will be the simple minded, and folks on either side of our fence will simply be reinforced in what they believe. Ultimately the only purpose of Debate is to sway those with no opinion in efforts of short term support.

To go into detail on this would take some time. Time that your aren't worth. Make no mistake, I can back up what I claim. I just don't see the point into talking to the idiot wall.
May 8, 2016 9:22 AM

Sep 2013
bacchi said:
It's pretty desperate to attempt to draw a link between Sadiq Khan's election and the views expressed by some 3 mosques out of +1800 in the UK. Views that have been condemned by numerous Muslim community leaders and scholars from the UK, but let's just keep ignoring the very people who are able to address these issues from within.

With the Muslim now in charge, it will be easier for more of them to get in and in 50 years 70 years or so they will have bred enough to be the majority, which will lead to them changing the constitution to Sharia's Law.
The committee leaders know they are the minority so they keep quiet, just wait till they are the majority.
May 8, 2016 9:30 AM

May 2009
Orevataf said:
bacchi said:

You say white shamers and Muslims "won't connect that", but you haven't actually told us how this is relevant or related to his election as a mayor at all. It's pretty desperate to attempt to draw a link between Sadiq Khan's election and the views expressed by some 3 mosques out of +1800 in the UK. Views that have been condemned by numerous Muslim community leaders and scholars from the UK, but let's just keep ignoring the very people who are able to address these issues from within.

As for progress having been made at the expense of the white man, surely you must be joking?

Sure, name all the negative aspects of colonialism and ignore all the positive aspects to bias the view and make colonialism seem like the worst thing on earth. Go ahead and calculate the positive from the addition of all the knowledge gained through colonialism and we can talk again.
It's so amazing how these fools can bash the west demanding for reparations, when, if colonialism hadn't happened, English would not have happened and Shashi Tharoor himself would be shoveling shit in the streets of an ancient India. And it's not as if he has an agenda, oh say, furthering the interests of his own culture.. He's a fucking diplomat for Christ's sake!

Fact is, with all it's evil colonialism gave humanity the greatest step forward the world has ever seen, to the point that if it didn't happen I would not even be able to call out dumb fucks on the internet, like I am now.

Easy there, you'll burst a blood vessel.

I was responding to the ludicrous claim that progress has been made at the expense of the white man. Britain and much of imperialist Europe was looting and brutally exploiting the rest of the world for centuries and much of the progress modern Western society is built on came from these riches. I hardly see how any progress has been made at the expense of the white man as claimed by RedArmyShogun.

I'm not ignoring anything. The numbers speak for themselves and it's simply a fact of history that colonialism benefited its perpetrators first and foremost and left exploited lands devastated, many still struggling to get back on their feet to this day.

You speak of the "all the positive aspects" of colonialism (hard to believe anyone would employ such an expression, but it's MAL I guess) as if they somehow outweigh centuries of barbaric exploitation and unfathomable brutality. Jews now have a nation partly due to the atrocities of the Holocaust, does it make it acceptable to tell them "hey, you got a country thanks to it, stop being so ungrateful."? Of course not. Why is it then acceptable to tell, say, the Congolese who have suffered a genocide against 6 million of their population in the name of Belgian imperialism and for the sake of the rubber industry, "hey, you now got the internet you dumb fucks, be grateful."?

India wasn't better off either when the British reluctantly left, it was a shadow of its former economic might. It went from being a world famous exporter of finished goods to an importer of raw materials and from generating nearly a third of global trade to a meager 2%. Other former colonies tell the same tale of ruthless exploitation and devastation.

The idea that the white man has traveled the world to bring civilisation and enlightment to the savages in an altruistic effort from which said savages have greatly benefited is laughable. Any enterprise to build infrastructure was undertaken with the colonial powers' interests in mind, not out of a sense of philanthropy or duty towards the populations they were exploiting. Equally preposterous is the premise that if it weren't for colonialism and its atrocities, former colonies would never have made any progress. Colonialism isn't and never was historically a requirement to spread knowledge as evidenced by the countries that were not subjected to Europe's imperialist domination yet advanced and progressed just fine and did so better than former colonies.

ichii_1 said:
bacchi said:
It's pretty desperate to attempt to draw a link between Sadiq Khan's election and the views expressed by some 3 mosques out of +1800 in the UK. Views that have been condemned by numerous Muslim community leaders and scholars from the UK, but let's just keep ignoring the very people who are able to address these issues from within.

With the Muslim now in charge, it will be easier for more of them to get in and in 50 years 70 years or so they will have bred enough to be the majority, which will lead to them changing the constitution to Sharia's Law.
The committee leaders know they are the minority so they keep quiet, just wait till they are the majority.

Can't tell if serious. The mayor of London doesn't have the power to bring in more Muslims.

RedArmyShogun said:
bacchi said:
^Such a well-reasoned rebuttal. You should refrain from making farcical claims you're unable to back up.

Why should I? The poster below did a good job. And so does any history book.

I'm not paid to make the blind see. So why should I waste time on the likes of you? Your opinion is made and a few words won't make you sway. Historical examples you'll in the stupidity of Youth and progress simply go "The times have changed." The only people swayed will be the simple minded, and folks on either side of our fence will simply be reinforced in what they believe. Ultimately the only purpose of Debate is to sway those with no opinion in efforts of short term support.

To go into detail on this would take some time. Time that your aren't worth. Make no mistake, I can back up what I claim. I just don't see the point into talking to the idiot wall.

Much talk about historical books and education and no actual references, hard facts or numbers presented as Shashi Tharoor did in the debate. Absolutely no substance, just paragraphs of pure judgement of the character of those who disagree with you.
bacchiMay 8, 2016 1:04 PM
May 8, 2016 9:47 AM

Sep 2013
bacchi said:

ichii_1 said:

With the Muslim now in charge, it will be easier for more of them to get in and in 50 years 70 years or so they will have bred enough to be the majority, which will lead to them changing the constitution to Sharia's Law.
The committee leaders know they are the minority so they keep quiet, just wait till they are the majority.

Can't tell if serious. The mayor of London doesn't have the power to bring in more Muslims.

Then how did so many get in then? he will put on a brave face to the white men while appeasing the muslims who will get cocky, e.g. redarmyshogun's comment about mosques already wanting to enforce laws/rules.
With the opposition so lax, muslim will run over the place by the end of the century.
May 8, 2016 9:55 AM

May 2009
ichii_1 said:
bacchi said:

Can't tell if serious. The mayor of London doesn't have the power to bring in more Muslims.

Then how did so many get in then? he will put on a brave face to the white men while appeasing the muslims who will get cocky, e.g. redarmyshogun's comment about mosques already wanting to enforce laws/rules.
With the opposition so lax, muslim will run over the place by the end of the century.

RedArmyShogun's comment is a load of nonsense. These 3 mosques answered some questions asked by their followers. One of them published a guide on interactions between spouses and the post about travel is from 10 years ago, making it even more ridiculous to link it to Khan's election. Seriously, this is just desperate.
May 8, 2016 10:26 AM

Jun 2015
Orevataf said:
bacchi said:

You say white shamers and Muslims "won't connect that", but you haven't actually told us how this is relevant or related to his election as a mayor at all. It's pretty desperate to attempt to draw a link between Sadiq Khan's election and the views expressed by some 3 mosques out of +1800 in the UK. Views that have been condemned by numerous Muslim community leaders and scholars from the UK, but let's just keep ignoring the very people who are able to address these issues from within.

As for progress having been made at the expense of the white man, surely you must be joking?

Sure, name all the negative aspects of colonialism and ignore all the positive aspects to bias the view and make colonialism seem like the worst thing on earth. Go ahead and calculate the positive from the addition of all the knowledge gained through colonialism and we can talk again.
It's so amazing how these fools can bash the west demanding for reparations, when, if colonialism hadn't happened, English would not have happened and Shashi Tharoor himself would be shoveling shit in the streets of an ancient India. And it's not as if he has an agenda, oh say, furthering the interests of his own culture.. He's a fucking diplomat for Christ's sake!

Fact is, with all its evil colonialism gave humanity the greatest step forward the world has ever seen, to the point that if it didn't happen I would not even be able to call out dumb fucks on the internet, like I am now.

Colonialism actually leads to the net transfer of wealth from the colonized to the colonizer, and inhibits successful economic development. It was greed that motivated the Europeans to colonize the world, not the 'white man's burden'. It's also incredibly arrogant of you to suggest that the European's brought civilization to the rest of the world.
India for example was a country that was extremely prosperous while Europe was stuck in the dark ages. As soon as cracks started to appear, the British took advantage. The first part of British rule in Bengal was a period of colonial exploitation. The British capitalists, in order to capture the markets of Bengal, systematically destroyed all Bengal’s industry and forced the local manufacturers and skilled laborers to work in British owned factories.

The British East India Company used to collect raw materials by looting and intimidating the local people. It contracted a pledge from those who worked in cottage industries that they would buy raw materials only from the company, and sell finished products only to the company. The company used to sell raw materials at high rates, and buy finished products at twenty-five percent below their actual market price. The manufacturers who refused to agree to the terms of the company were handcuffed and publicly flogged, and the thumbs of many weavers who resisted the demands of the company were chopped off to destroy their capacity to weave fine cloth. Because of this kind of oppression, the weavers of Bengal could not compete with the weaving industry which was being developed in Manchester.

Within ten years after the Battle of Plassey in 1757, most of the important industries in Bengal such as silk, cotton, sugar, salt, color dyes, machine parts and shipbuilding had been systematically destroyed. The manufacturers and skilled laborers who had been employed in various industries for generations were uprooted from their natural source of livelihood and pushed towards agriculture. The inevitable result was the catastrophic famine of 1770. Thus, Bengal was converted into a supplier of raw materials and a market for British products. This type of economic exploitation is called “colonial exploitation”.
This is just one example of colonial exploitation. And you suggest we should be grateful.

People don't need the white man's superior intellect to be prosperous, history shows that.
May 8, 2016 10:51 AM

Dec 2013
bacchi said:
One of them published a guide on interactions between spouses and the post about travel is from 10 years ago, making it even more ridiculous to link it to Khan's election.
Hmmmm. Why is that?
May 8, 2016 12:57 PM

May 2009
Astros said:
bacchi said:
One of them published a guide on interactions between spouses and the post about travel is from 10 years ago, making it even more ridiculous to link it to Khan's election.
Hmmmm. Why is that?

I don't understand the question. Are you asking why it is ridiculous to imply a link between a statement made by a mosque 10 years ago and the election of Sadiq Khan as mayor of London 3 days ago? As in, imply that the mosque was somehow emboldened by the election of a Muslim 10 years before it happened?
May 8, 2016 1:00 PM

Apr 2015
ichii_1 said:

With the Muslim now in charge, it will be easier for more of them to get in and in 50 years 70 years or so they will have bred enough to be the majority, which will lead to them changing the constitution to Sharia's Law.
The committee leaders know they are the minority so they keep quiet, just wait till they are the majority.

Why not also try to have non Muslims breed to keep themselves to be the majority? If not, why not invite more non Muslims immigrants from other parts of the world to flock to the country to outvote the Muslims in every election?

It's both fair but pathetically desperate though.
RPSB9May 8, 2016 1:14 PM
May 8, 2016 1:23 PM

Dec 2013
bacchi said:
I don't understand the question. Are you asking why it is ridiculous to imply a link between a statement made by a mosque 10 years ago and the election of Sadiq Khan as mayor of London 3 days ago? As in, imply that the mosque was somehow emboldened by the election of a Muslim 10 years before it happened?
Yes. Mainly to the first one. Couldn't sentiments from that mosque have spread and been emboldened within the last decade leading up to the election? There's also the more recent statements to consider. If their age doesn't make them absolutely ridiculous then what does?
May 8, 2016 1:43 PM

May 2009
Astros said:
bacchi said:
I don't understand the question. Are you asking why it is ridiculous to imply a link between a statement made by a mosque 10 years ago and the election of Sadiq Khan as mayor of London 3 days ago? As in, imply that the mosque was somehow emboldened by the election of a Muslim 10 years before it happened?
Yes. Mainly to the first one. Couldn't sentiments from that mosque have spread and been emboldened within the last decade leading up to the election? There's also the more recent statements to consider. If their age doesn't make them absolutely ridiculous then what does?

I was saying it's ridiculous to blame an election that took place 3 days ago for a statement that was made 10 years ago. The issue of extremism in the UK didn't appear 3 days ago either, such statements have been made by radical leaders before and after the election and have nothing to do with it. Mosques (radical or not) also have been publishing guides and articles for decades.

Edit: Also, Khan supports gay marriage and voted in favoured of it in parliament, questions the reasons for which women wear hijab, etc. For these reasons, he's been declared non-Muslim by more than a couple extremist Muslims.
bacchiMay 8, 2016 1:51 PM
May 8, 2016 2:00 PM
Jan 2014
bacchi said:
Edit: Also, Khan supports gay marriage and voted in favoured of it in parliament, questions the reasons for which women wear hijab, etc. For these reasons, he's been declared non-Muslim by more than a couple extremist Muslims.

True, I've also read that because of that, he has received death threats and his daughters are under police protection.
May 8, 2016 2:05 PM

Apr 2015
bacchi said:

Edit: Also, Khan supports gay marriage and voted in favoured of it in parliament, questions the reasons for which women wear hijab, etc.

Prepare for the "bashing and insults" from the scholarly ISphobes.
May 8, 2016 2:19 PM

Dec 2013
bacchi said:
I was saying it's ridiculous to blame an election that took place 3 days ago for a statement that was made 10 years ago. The issue of extremism in the UK didn't appear 3 days ago either, such statements have been made by radical leaders before and after the election and have nothing to do with it. Mosques (radical or not) also have been publishing guides and articles for decades.

Edit: Also, Khan supports gay marriage and voted in favoured of it in parliament, questions the reasons for which women wear hijab, etc. For these reasons, he's been declared non-Muslim by more than a couple extremist Muslims.
I see.

So because the statements were said before the election, they have no new connection to it? Also because he's said he will be going against traditional Islam values?
May 8, 2016 2:37 PM

Jan 2014
Don't know why I expected this not to degrade into petty arguments. It's not that big a deal for a moderate Muslim to get such a position. If he was one of those breeding hatred against the West, then it would be an issue.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
May 8, 2016 2:44 PM

May 2009
Astros said:
bacchi said:
I was saying it's ridiculous to blame an election that took place 3 days ago for a statement that was made 10 years ago. The issue of extremism in the UK didn't appear 3 days ago either, such statements have been made by radical leaders before and after the election and have nothing to do with it. Mosques (radical or not) also have been publishing guides and articles for decades.

Edit: Also, Khan supports gay marriage and voted in favoured of it in parliament, questions the reasons for which women wear hijab, etc. For these reasons, he's been declared non-Muslim by more than a couple extremist Muslims.
I see.

So because the statements were said before the election, they have no new connection to it? Also because he's said he will be going against traditional Islam values?

He hasn't said it. He's voted in favour of gay marriage and has a solidly liberal voting record. The same hardliners who would tell women they shouldn't travel without a male relative consider him a non-Muslim for his liberal stances, I fail to see how they have been emboldened by his election when they essentially see him as an infidel.

I'm all ears if you can actually demonstrate a link between a statement made by a random mosque 10 years ago or more generally extremism in the UK and Khan's election as mayor of London. Is there any evidence of such a link that I'm unaware of?
bacchiMay 8, 2016 2:54 PM
May 8, 2016 3:19 PM

Dec 2013
bacchi said:
He hasn't said it. He's voted in favour of gay marriage and has a solidly liberal voting record. The same hardliners who would tell women they shouldn't travel without a male relative consider him a non-Muslim for his liberal stances, I fail to see how they have been emboldened by his election when they essentially see him as an infidel.

I'm all ears if you can actually demonstrate a link between a statement made by a random mosque 10 years ago or more generally extremism in the UK and Khan's election as mayor of London. Is there any evidence of such a link that I'm unaware of?
Ahh. Well people can't be counted on to be logical all the time. Extremists especially.

Not that I know of, only conjecture.
May 8, 2016 3:25 PM
Feb 2014
RedRoseFring said:
Don't know why I expected this not to degrade into petty arguments. It's not that big a deal for a moderate Muslim to get such a position. If he was one of those breeding hatred against the West, then it would be an issue.

He shared platforms with ISIS sympathizers, supports Hamas and Hezbollah, and called "Moderate Muslims" Uncle Toms.

That isn't moderate.
May 8, 2016 3:31 PM

Jan 2013
The_Nico said:
RedRoseFring said:
Don't know why I expected this not to degrade into petty arguments. It's not that big a deal for a moderate Muslim to get such a position. If he was one of those breeding hatred against the West, then it would be an issue.

He shared platforms with ISIS sympathizers, supports Hamas and Hezbollah, and called "Moderate Muslims" Uncle Toms.

That isn't moderate.
If they support Hezbollah, then what are they?
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

May 8, 2016 3:55 PM

Apr 2016
Some of the comments in this thread calling people who point out how Khan is not a moderate an "Islamophobic" is both pathetic and hilarious. What's next? We're racist? haha

The_Nico said:
RedRoseFring said:
Don't know why I expected this not to degrade into petty arguments. It's not that big a deal for a moderate Muslim to get such a position. If he was one of those breeding hatred against the West, then it would be an issue.

He shared platforms with ISIS sympathizers, supports Hamas and Hezbollah, and called "Moderate Muslims" Uncle Toms.

That isn't moderate.

You don't see anyone talking about any of that, or how he called Azam Tamimi's extremist comments about how the world burn if they kept showing Muhammad as "nothing but flowerly".
RhaeserysMay 8, 2016 4:08 PM

"Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time."
May 8, 2016 4:02 PM
Feb 2014
Cabron said:
The_Nico said:

He shared platforms with ISIS sympathizers, supports Hamas and Hezbollah, and called "Moderate Muslims" Uncle Toms.

That isn't moderate.
If they support Hezbollah, then what are they?

Unconscious listeners of Moon Man
May 8, 2016 5:11 PM

Apr 2015
Jelmazmo said:
What's next? We're racist? haha.

Just SJWs who complains coz a Muslim won an election by majority vote.
May 8, 2016 5:20 PM

Apr 2016
Imeon said:
Jelmazmo said:
What's next? We're racist? haha.

Just SJWs who complains coz a Muslim won an election by majority vote.

What? Are you saying that we're SJWs? I don't know what you mean....

"Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time."
May 8, 2016 5:25 PM

Apr 2015
Jelmazmo said:

What? Are you saying that we're SJWs? I don't know what you mean....

No. I mean the losers and the election and acting to be one. Damn, it sucks to be in the minority.
May 8, 2016 5:29 PM

Apr 2016
Imeon said:
Jelmazmo said:

What? Are you saying that we're SJWs? I don't know what you mean....

No. I mean the losers and the election and acting to be one. Damn, it sucks to be in the minority.

May I ask if English is your first language? I want to know because none of your replies make any sense as answers to "What's next? We're racist?".

"Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time."
May 8, 2016 5:38 PM

Apr 2015
Jelmazmo said:

May I ask if English is your first language? I want to know because none of your replies make any sense as answers to "What's next? We're racist?".

Actually my third language. What I'm is that those who complaints about Khna being elected are acting [are] like SJWs who wines a lot coz they weren't able to shove their ideas the get the majority.
May 8, 2016 5:43 PM

May 2009
Alcoholic-san said:
bacchi said:

As for progress having been made at the expense of the white man, surely you must be joking?
sure, blame modern average UK people for the actions of British nobility and Parliament during Indian colonization

I wonder how many modern British people descended from the people who actually planned and ordered it? just track those people down and make them pay reparations

making people who themselves nor their ancestors had nothing to do with it pay up is unreasonable

I linked the video in response to the claim that progress was made at the expense of the white man, as it details the brutality and exploitative nature of the Biritish Raj and the other European imperialist powers. Whether that constitutes grounds for reparations is a different subject that is of no relevance to my point. Apologies for not having made that clear.
May 8, 2016 6:16 PM
Feb 2014

May 8, 2016 6:48 PM

Apr 2016
The_Nico said:


Isn't that an ad? That anyone can place?

"Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time."
May 8, 2016 6:57 PM
Jul 2018
Rightist conservative whiners gonna whine, I say good for him.
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