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Why do people think Fate is impossible to get into?

Jun 30, 12:34 PM
Jun 2024
There is a commonly held believe in the anime community that Fate series is inaccessible. What is your experience and opinion on the matter?
Jun 30, 12:36 PM

Sep 2018
I never seen that perspective, but I do think people who recommend watching fate Zero before Deen Fate s/n are wrong. I will never understand fate go though so that is where the stigma comes from.
Jun 30, 12:38 PM

Feb 2011
No one thinks that.

To get into fate either read Fate/stay night visual novel or watch Fate/Zero anime, afterwards just interact with whatever has "Fate" in its name.
ShizunaJun 30, 12:42 PM

Jun 30, 12:40 PM

Sep 2016
Because it's f**king huge, that's why.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 30, 12:40 PM

Feb 2020
People usually say this about Monogatari series.
Jun 30, 12:44 PM

Apr 2020
and the crazy part is that its not even worth it (unless u only like rlly good fight scenes)
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Jun 30, 12:49 PM

Apr 2020
Because it's a franchise with a lot of entries and that tends to throw some people off , but it's not that confusing. Just watch fate/zero before stay/night after that, you can watch whatever you want.
Jun 30, 12:59 PM

Aug 2013
Just pick one and you have seen the formula that gets reused for every other Fate anime.

I also thought Gigguk would make any sense explaining it, but that left me even more confusing.
I don't know who quotes me and then deletes the comment, but know that you make my day.

STEAM's GOTY 2024 the Ghost of Tsushima

Jun 30, 1:05 PM

Sep 2018
Because Fate fans recommend starting with the visual novel instead of the subpar first anime adaptation. That turns people off since an anime fan isn't necessarily a fan of VN or LN, whereas being also a fan of manga is more likely.

I only watched Zero, UBW and Heaven's Feel.
Jun 30, 1:07 PM

Oct 2017
The sheer number of spinoffs can look intimidating to the uninformed viewer even if most of them aren't consequential to the main plot.
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Jun 30, 1:10 PM

Jun 2016
I get that because the titles are just word salads that make no sense so there is no clear entry point. Still it's very easy to get into because the order doesn't really matter once you get through Fate/Stay Nighy.
Jun 30, 1:13 PM

Jul 2016
It's not so much inaccessible as it is...unnecessary? Most people will just watch the ufotable trinity of Fate/Zero, UBW, and Heaven's Feel and call it a day because those are some of the highest quality works ever made that tell the "main" story so to say. Then after that you got to really be into Fate lore to explore the side materials. Like yeah some of them are cool but why bother if you aren't already a fan?
Jun 30, 1:28 PM

Jan 2020
His video on the topic really made it worse than it has ever been
Jun 30, 1:56 PM
Feb 2022
I just finisihed fate stay night today. It was really good. For a while people keep me away from Fate, because every comment was different about the order to watch it. I said "f**k it", and i'm watching in the first order i saw.
Jun 30, 2:55 PM

May 2018
"Why do people think Fate is impossible to get into?"

Because the VN Fate fans have a live long mission to sabotage all the Fate anime,
Jun 30, 3:32 PM

May 2024
I watched a few seasons and stopped after that
It's cool but I don't have the time or interest to keep up with everything else
I'm new!
Jun 30, 3:37 PM

Apr 2024
Well, in English, up until very recently, playing the VN in English has been something of a task, and a lot of people want immediate answers to questions that just take some time to understand, like how everything even remotely relates to FGO, or why Edison is a lion
"Dreams are worth fighting for"
Jun 30, 3:56 PM
Sep 2017
I watched UBW and Fate/Zero back in 2015, then proceeded to read the VN in 2019/2020.

Start with the visual novel, it's not that hard. The adaptations are ofc gonna leave out a lot of details due to the length of the visual novel.
Jun 30, 4:21 PM

May 2022
Eh, I started with the 2006 one but can't remember anything besides 6-year-old me specifically choosing it thinking this was the original and thinking all the other shows like UBW and Zero were spin-offs or sequels.

Apparently watching F/SN 2006 is the worst thing you could ever do, according to Fate enthusiasts, so now I'm just reading the VN and reading all the other stuff before I just watch the anime in release order.
Jun 30, 4:22 PM

May 2021
Outsider looking in perspective, it's the amount of off shoot routes that are available. I think a lot of people think the VN is required to watch the show as well.

I've only seen Zero - UBW. Both were pretty good and I've considered watching the movie trilogy too. I had to shut my brain off trying to figure out what to watch first though. After reading 10-20 different opinions on what should be watched, and having a friend explain what to start with. You end up either turned off completely by that, or just dive in and hope for the best.
Jun 30, 4:34 PM

Nov 2019
Why do people think Fate is impossible to get into?

not reading the comments or anything else, bro if anyone genuinely believes this shit they are stupid/retarded, if you cant watch an anime dont watch it unless you are like me, but alot of you guys need to lock in :)
I am a COMPLETIONIST. Aiming to finish AS MANY ANIME as possible before DEATH, Despite them being SATISFACTORY or if they are BORING.


No anime has actually satisfied my anime taste, That I can call a MasterPiece (10/10), still searching... hopefully one day I will find that show and obsess over it till I die.
Jun 30, 4:39 PM

Jan 2009
never heard anyone saying that but maybe because there is too much to watch
Jun 30, 5:51 PM
Jul 2012
I've never heard that the Fate series was inaccessible. I haven't read anything; I've only watched anime.

I'd say to watch Stay Night (2006) first and then Fate/Zero, which emphasizes the latter's impressiveness even more. (Zero is the best in the series, period, but there is a neat mystery to be solved first. Viewing Zero first makes the mystery pointless for the audience.) After that, watch whatever interests you.

Unlimited Blade Works is an alternate retelling of Stay Night that looks amazing visually and has unbelievably impressive action scenes, but the viewer also has to suffer through the worst anime protagonist I've EVER seen. I hate Emiya Shirou.

Apocrypha is a cool twist on the now-established Holy Grail War concept. It's my second favorite after Zero.

Grand Order exists. It's an odd duck.

The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II is an okay spin-off where the protagonist solves mysteries. Would recommend only if you like anything Fate related.

I haven't seen Prisma Ilya. It looked like a standard, pre-Madoka magical girl series but with Stay Night characters.
Jun 30, 6:31 PM

Oct 2019
it's not impossible to get into the series, it feels impossible for people to watch it whenever they ask fate fans where to start watching and what are fillers, fans never seem to come to an agreement and online sites either so that puts off people.
Jun 30, 7:58 PM

Dec 2020
It'd be much easier if
1. People would be more willing to read the visual novel
2. The Fate route got a better adaptation.
Jun 30, 8:20 PM

Jan 2021
I remember a tiktok video, joking about the Fate series being hard to get to. Fate fans said it's easy and said the 'current' watch order, eventually they started arguing between themselves about the watch order.
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
Jun 30, 8:23 PM
cinnamon girl ♡

Apr 2021
Serafos said:
People usually say this about Monogatari series.

atleast it is structured better than FATE !!!

𝐈 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • Faye Webster
...i'll quiet down if it's what you want, i understand
i'm not the only one for you - so tell me what you're
looking for... is it a picture-perfect girl, for you ?
Jun 30, 9:17 PM

Aug 2020
Three reasons primarily:
- a handful of people who don't actually give a shit about the story shilling zero as a good starting point
- the first route being a subpar adaptation of the story whilst being required for proper understanding of the characters
- ufotable making a mess by adapting zero right before ubw making people think the former entry leads into the latter

Kenzolo-folk said:
and the crazy part is that its not even worth it (unless u only like rlly good fight scenes)

What an embarrassing take
Jun 30, 9:25 PM

Jun 2024
Fate/Zero and Unlimited Blade Works aren't that hard to get into. It's when you reach the other Fate series and Grand Order, then maybe it'd be kinda overwhelming.
Jun 30, 9:32 PM

Feb 2020
because some weirdos recommend newbies to start from studio deen stay night... 🤦‍♂️ now why would you do that...? Fate/zero is the best fate and is the best part to get started.
and yeah another big problem is unfinished FGO adaptations
Jun 30, 11:22 PM

Aug 2020
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
because some weirdos recommend newbies to start from studio deen stay night... 🤦‍♂️ now why would you do that...? Fate/zero is the best fate and is the best part to get started.
and yeah another big problem is unfinished FGO adaptations

Deen stay night is the first route of the story that's necessary to understand the characters. Zero spoils every major twist in fsn in basically its first episode. It's the absolute worst starting point possible
Jun 30, 11:30 PM

Feb 2020
Reply to offcrack
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
because some weirdos recommend newbies to start from studio deen stay night... 🤦‍♂️ now why would you do that...? Fate/zero is the best fate and is the best part to get started.
and yeah another big problem is unfinished FGO adaptations

Deen stay night is the first route of the story that's necessary to understand the characters. Zero spoils every major twist in fsn in basically its first episode. It's the absolute worst starting point possible
@offcrack stay night is straight up garbage if you watch it it'll ruin your experience for the best fate series fate zero... do you know how many people have dropped fate series just because of fate stay night.
start with fate zero then ubw cus it'll help you understand the best character archer and then finally heavens feel and if you really like fate then finally watch stay night that's my take in fate watch order
Jun 30, 11:32 PM

Jul 2021
Getting into it is not that hard, just watch UBW or Zero.
Most of the series is for people who are already fans, normal people don't need to care for those.
JaniSIrJun 30, 11:35 PM
Jun 30, 11:34 PM

Aug 2020
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
@offcrack stay night is straight up garbage if you watch it it'll ruin your experience for the best fate series fate zero... do you know how many people have dropped fate series just because of fate stay night.
start with fate zero then ubw cus it'll help you understand the best character archer and then finally heavens feel and if you really like fate then finally watch stay night that's my take in fate watch order

Zero is among the worst fate spinoffs and isnt a valid starting point. The only 3 stories that matter are the routes which are covered by fsn 2006, ubw 2015 and the movie trilogy. Everything else including zero is intended to be watched afterwards with context from the main story which is centered around Shirou
Jun 30, 11:37 PM

Jan 2021
Once a fate fan, you'll think its easy to remember the spinoff, sequels, prequels, alternative ending and stuff but before you were a fan, it always looks a bit intimidating.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Jun 30, 11:40 PM

Feb 2020
Reply to offcrack
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
@offcrack stay night is straight up garbage if you watch it it'll ruin your experience for the best fate series fate zero... do you know how many people have dropped fate series just because of fate stay night.
start with fate zero then ubw cus it'll help you understand the best character archer and then finally heavens feel and if you really like fate then finally watch stay night that's my take in fate watch order

Zero is among the worst fate spinoffs and isnt a valid starting point. The only 3 stories that matter are the routes which are covered by fsn 2006, ubw 2015 and the movie trilogy. Everything else including zero is intended to be watched afterwards with context from the main story which is centered around Shirou
@offcrack you lost all your credibility after saying zero is worst spinoff there's a reason it's the highest rated fate on mal and if you don't understand Kiritsugu shirou's ideology becomes even more shallow than it already is ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Jun 30, 11:48 PM

Aug 2020
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
@offcrack you lost all your credibility after saying zero is worst spinoff there's a reason it's the highest rated fate on mal and if you don't understand Kiritsugu shirou's ideology becomes even more shallow than it already is ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

kiritsugu is a poor man's version of Shirou, anyone who cares about the series and knows what they're talking about (read: have actually gone through the vn) can attest to this. U can feel free to stay in your ignorance but kiritsugu will always be a sad manchild, as he is referred to in the zero novel, and Shirou will always be the man who fixed the borderline moronic mistakes your edgelord made, canonically. And dont even try to throw the word shallow around again u secondary speedreading clown im gonna laugh my ass off ROFL
Jun 30, 11:55 PM

Jul 2021
heychrisj said:
Unlimited Blade Works is an alternate retelling of Stay Night that looks amazing visually and has unbelievably impressive action scenes, but the viewer also has to suffer through the worst anime protagonist I've EVER seen. I hate Emiya Shirou.

I watched UBW abridged on YouTube, I already dropped the original anime before that, but you don't need to like the anime to like the abridged version.
Anyway, at one point I went "This is so stupid, that if I wasn't watching the abridged version I'd be extremely mad that it happened."
Kind of awkward when the actual plot makes into the parody as a joke.
Jun 30, 11:59 PM

Feb 2020
Reply to offcrack
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
@offcrack you lost all your credibility after saying zero is worst spinoff there's a reason it's the highest rated fate on mal and if you don't understand Kiritsugu shirou's ideology becomes even more shallow than it already is ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

kiritsugu is a poor man's version of Shirou, anyone who cares about the series and knows what they're talking about (read: have actually gone through the vn) can attest to this. U can feel free to stay in your ignorance but kiritsugu will always be a sad manchild, as he is referred to in the zero novel, and Shirou will always be the man who fixed the borderline moronic mistakes your edgelord made, canonically. And dont even try to throw the word shallow around again u secondary speedreading clown im gonna laugh my ass off ROFL
@offcrack I know you're trying to sound mature and intelligent but it's not working my guy... it's really not 🤦‍♂️ non vn readers hate 2 things stay night adaptation and shirou. I've heard really good things about shirou in vn but he's your typical shounen protag just like deku or naruto my watch order saves you from both of these car crashes... now keep snorting that mountain of copium and stfu
Yesterday, 12:05 AM

Aug 2020
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
@offcrack I know you're trying to sound mature and intelligent but it's not working my guy... it's really not 🤦‍♂️ non vn readers hate 2 things stay night adaptation and shirou. I've heard really good things about shirou in vn but he's your typical shounen protag just like deku or naruto my watch order saves you from both of these car crashes... now keep snorting that mountain of copium and stfu

Are u projecting im explaining why ur clown take is bad not trying to sound intelligent, tho i get that a zerobaby could conflate the two since ignorance is bliss for u guys. U go ahead and appeal to popularity all u want especially on MAL and the western communities but in the end FSN is the simply story liked by ppl who give a crap while zero is the one u enjoy if ur looking for mindless action and shallow characters and themes. Anyway dont give input on things ur clueless about anymore id appreciate that a lot ty 👍
Yesterday, 12:21 AM

May 2024
Cuz ppl only look at how many entries of it there are. When in reality watching 2 or 3 Fate anime of the main storyline is practically enough.
Yesterday, 12:24 AM

Feb 2020
Reply to offcrack
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
@offcrack I know you're trying to sound mature and intelligent but it's not working my guy... it's really not 🤦‍♂️ non vn readers hate 2 things stay night adaptation and shirou. I've heard really good things about shirou in vn but he's your typical shounen protag just like deku or naruto my watch order saves you from both of these car crashes... now keep snorting that mountain of copium and stfu

Are u projecting im explaining why ur clown take is bad not trying to sound intelligent, tho i get that a zerobaby could conflate the two since ignorance is bliss for u guys. U go ahead and appeal to popularity all u want especially on MAL and the western communities but in the end FSN is the simply story liked by ppl who give a crap while zero is the one u enjoy if ur looking for mindless action and shallow characters and themes. Anyway dont give input on things ur clueless about anymore id appreciate that a lot ty 👍
@offcrack are you restarted by any chance? 🤣 I literally said watching fate zero helps you understand Kiritsugu which further helps you understand shirou's obsession with this "hero of justice" thing without this understanding he's a lame and boring protag.
also people watch zero for fights? ok you might be restarted 🤣 zero doesn't even have that good animations and Fights, for that people watch heavens feels... now feel free to fuck off with your trash opinion 🚮🗑️
Yesterday, 12:54 AM

Jul 2021
I find Fate daunting to get into because I keep hearing about how daunting it is to get into Fate.

That's all I hear about Fate, really. I also hear all kinds of opinions on which one to watch first; people can't seem to agree, even on this thread.
Yesterday, 1:07 AM

Aug 2020
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
@offcrack are you restarted by any chance? 🤣 I literally said watching fate zero helps you understand Kiritsugu which further helps you understand shirou's obsession with this "hero of justice" thing without this understanding he's a lame and boring protag.
also people watch zero for fights? ok you might be restarted 🤣 zero doesn't even have that good animations and Fights, for that people watch heavens feels... now feel free to fuck off with your trash opinion 🚮🗑️

Yes fate zero is the equivalent of a fate hollywood movie with epic dogfights in the sky and big monsters to kill, very much so the shallower story between the two. Shirou is his own character though and doesn't need any supplementary material to be understood where his motivation stems from unless u lack media literacy i suppose but that's actually really just a given with u guys considering ur show spoonfed you urobuchi's incredible "philosophy". Gonna feel good sleeping tonight knowing im not this clown ass secondary embarrassing myself bartering these dogshit takes around zoomers on MAL who dont know any better
offcrackYesterday, 1:11 AM
Yesterday, 1:27 AM
Nov 2022
Many people prefer to start with the original media, which for Fate is the Fate: Stay/Night visual novel. Unfortunately, you can't buy that VN anymore for whatever reasons. It's not too hard to pirate, but most people won't go that far. But it is still a bit odd that you can't start at the beginning and have to jump in with later media.
Yesterday, 7:29 AM

Jan 2018
i'm not gonna watch only female cast show like prisma kaleid/ ilya or whatever. i tried it but it's too girly i guess lol
Yesterday, 7:47 AM

May 2018
hazecloud said:
only female cast show like prisma kaleid/ ilya

There are Shiro and later chibi-Gilgamesh. Also Kiritsugu Emiya and Kirei Kotomine appear for an episode or two. Waver has a short cameo. Other male characters too.

More like too lewd for its own good.
Yesterday, 12:17 PM

Sep 2007
Reply to deg
never heard anyone saying that but maybe because there is too much to watch
deg said:
never heard anyone saying that but maybe because there is too much to watch

Same here as I haven't played any/all the games/VN or watched all the anime related to Fate, which is understandable.

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