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Sep 29, 2023 5:30 AM

Jul 2017
The most hyped and anticipated heartbreaking show of the Fall season, under director Keiichiro Saito going for his 2nd AOTY, it's finally here!

Too bad for YOASOBI, the song is good, but it does NOT fit the series. milet's ED, however, is perfectly, soulfully, brilliant!

The Hero Party of mage Frieren, Hero Himmel, Warrior Eisen and Priest Heiter, coming back after their stint as the typical Hero party, right at the end of their adventure of 10 years. The corrupt priest of Heiter always getting drunk at times, Frieren getting eaten by the mimic (which is THE legendary Frieren meme) and all that shadows over the Era Meteor Shower as they cull their adventure to an end, and part ways for what seems like an "eternity" for Frieren that the humans can't understand of elves living 50 or even 100 years being a blimp of their lives. And coming back to the same town 50 years later, Frieren meets Himmel to get the shadow horn that exudes the evil aura, then goes with him to meet Eisen and Heiter to see the Era Meteor Shower once again, at the very place they met 50 years ago.

The day of Himmel's passing was a bittersweet one, but while Heiter allayed Frieren of the humans being unsympathetic about the Great Hero, 10 years feels like an eternity loss of the human soul. Once again, Heiter makes his leave, leaving both Eisen and Frieren to their own devices, though the latter wants to know more about humans.

Onto the lands of Strahl, and Frieren is out looking fo Heiter's home, though he gained himself an assistant in the process. Fern as she's called, a war orphan, Heiter wants Frieren to take her as an apprentice mage, though that will be dead weight to the mage. Instead, a book that teaches of immortality and resurrection, Heiter wants her to decipher since he could meet natural death anytime. Sure, Fern's magic is strong, but not strong enough to blast a hole through the big rock adjacent to her.

It's as every bit as engrossing as the manga. FANTASTIC START!
KANLen09Oct 5, 2023 12:34 PM
Sep 29, 2023 5:42 AM

Jul 2021
I actually like the OP song but it just doesn’t fit Frieren, even though the series itself does have some intense moments but it's also more about traveling no? I expected the vibe to be similar to Mushoku Tensei’s OPs but it is what it is.. Anyways the past arc consists of members from the Hero Party and they returned to the Royal Capital after defeating the Demon King. I guess due to the perception of time, they all definitely got that feeling when they were reminiscing about their 10-year adventure being too short, despite the fact that they already have such cherishable memories until the day it lasts.. They part ways for some self-discovery. Man they really did the animation great, though the firework would’ve been cool if it had more of a close-up. Himmel’s passing is quite an emotional one though, Frieren realizes she didn't know him well enough and decides to explore human life further as she continues her magical quest.
Sep 29, 2023 6:01 AM
Aug 2022
ooh yeah, it's definitely an interesting Anime.
I'm looking forward to seeing upcoming episodes.
Sep 29, 2023 6:02 AM

May 2020
And the (what will become) second best series this year has finally arrived… with a close to 2 hour long premiere, and an opening song from Yoasobi right off the bat.

We started with the basic setting of a hero party and how these four people have already conquered the demon king as well his army, returning back to their hometown to celebrate the glory. Four being… the hero Himmel, the elf Frieren, the priest Heiter, and the warrior Eisen. The party might have comprised humans, elf and heck even a dwarf, but the bond those four shared over the whole lot of 10 years they were together subjugating the demon army doesn’t have anything to do with the kind of specimen they are. They celebrated together, they became the heroes of the world together and then they shared a promise together…

… the promise to group together again and see the half a century meteor shower, like they did back then the day they returned home. As Frieren being the elf she is, with an age span on totally different magnitude than normal humans, she went back to research magic for the next 100 years. And when she came back half a century later… our hero Himmel might not be similar to how he used to be in a physical sense, but his thoughts, his words and his charisma were still very much the same as they used to be. The party lived their promise again, and thus came the time of farewell… Himmel’s demise and then Frieren’s realization about how short the human lifespan is, was as emotional as it was back in manga.

Such is the life of Frieren, those 50 years might not have made any significant difference to her life, but for them humans, it was almost the half of their lifespan:(
Sep 29, 2023 6:03 AM

Dec 2021
I guess seeing as Crunchyroll likes to fuck everything up, the 94 minute premiere is split into 4 different episodes I guess..

The demon king has been vanquished, and the triumphant hero party returns to their homeland before eventually going their separate ways. Among the group - the mage Frieren, hero Himmel, priest Heiter, and warrior Eisen - they reflect on their ten-year journey as the time to bid each other farewell approaches. However, the passage of time is unique for elves, and Frieren must watch as her companions gradually fade away one by one.

Frieren's emotional journey this episode, especially during the funeral, hit me. Initially, she strikes herself as her usual stoic self, but suddenly she breaks down. In their ten years together, Himmel saw her as a cherished friend, while she viewed him as a passing acquaintance. Her tears weren't for the loss of a friend, but for the missed chance to truly know him. This is just the start of the two-hour premiere. As an immortal, Frieren experiences time differentlyᅳwhat feels like a decade to her is like a week to us. Only with Himmel's passing does she realize the missed opportunities. Determined to form deeper connections, she embarks on a new journey, uncovering the profound impact of Himmel and their party, passing on these lessons to the next generation.

Of course, this show wouldn't even be here if it weren't for the goats themselves MAD fucking HOUSE. After a brief hiatus, the pioneers of anime from the 2000s and early 2010s are making a strong comeback. They've been easing back into the anime scene, and let me tell you, they don't mess around. It's not just the meteor scene scenes that are flawlessly executed; it's the landscapes, the cinematographyᅳevery aspect of the animation is stunning. And that opening theme? YOASOBI sure loves their long premiere anime's huh. They've hit the mark with this one, I can assure you. The song takes a tit-for-tat approach from Frieren's point of view, emphasizing the significance of the journey required to leave a lasting impression on someone's life. Is it surpassing Idol? Only time will tell.

What Sousou no Frieren does is delve into the essence of humanity and the significance we find in our fleeting lives. It's a touching tale filled with laughter, tears, action, and drama. This first episode shines brilliantly from start to finish, this may very well not only be an anime of the season, but an anime of the year if it keeps this pace.

Sep 29, 2023 6:39 AM
Jun 2023
Can't believe Frieren is voiced by the same woman who does Anya
Sep 29, 2023 6:43 AM
Apr 2020
I'm incredibly hyped. have plans to sit down and watch it on my big TV with my daughter after she gets home from school. Normally I watch anime on my computer but this one's too special.
Sep 29, 2023 7:20 AM

Nov 2010
  • The premiere included entire volume one of the comics.
  • Though lapse of absolute time affects your physical, lapse of time accompanied by events affects your mental.

Sep 29, 2023 7:22 AM
Feb 2020
i love it this is peak anime
Sep 29, 2023 7:28 AM

Jun 2019
A perfect start to a beautiful story. I adore these characters so much. I love Frieren so much. She's so cute. Made me emotional at times. Very pretty visually as well. Loved the OP and ED.

Thank you to all the staff who brought this to life and thank you to MADHOUSE. We back Baby!!! Looking forward to more greatness.

Not going to comment on all other episode discussions since I watched it as a single episode or maybe I will. LOL :P
Pre_YumSep 29, 2023 7:31 AM
Sep 29, 2023 7:34 AM

Apr 2010
This was a strong episode it really makes you think, a long life is both a blessing and a curse.
While it sounds like something nice people change seeing them grow older and eventually losing them is a hard thing and living through all that is harsh and painful, something this episode conveyed really well.

The characters seemed nice but it's to early to talk about their development and background, from this first episode tho i have high hopes.
Sep 29, 2023 8:00 AM
May 2018
Frieren anime adaptation before GTA 6
Sep 29, 2023 8:34 AM

Feb 2021
Very cinematic episode, pretty slow start despite many years passing by.

IzanaSolos said:
I guess seeing as Crunchyroll likes to fuck everything up, the 94 minute premiere is split into 4 different episodes I guess..
I remember when people were mad at Cr for "splitting" the Kaguya movie into 4 episodes, when in reality that was just how it aired on TV in Japan...
Sep 29, 2023 8:37 AM

Apr 2022
madhouse is here with another banger and the visuals look great. nice to see frieren, himmel, heiter and eisen animated. i like how they all sound exactly as i imagined haha. OP and ED are pretty solid too but i think i might like the ED more, might have to listen again.
already getting hit with the passage of time in one episode and we see an old himmel. i see the gag of frieren getting eaten by the mimic starts pretty early on. lil fern was cute and i remember getting teary around chapter 3 which i'm guessing will be adapted in the next episode, so we'll see if it's the same effect or not. sadly, don't have the time to watch it now though.
Sep 29, 2023 8:43 AM

Sep 2019
Amazing episode to start the season, very emotional and beautiful.

@DeathCorp6 Something your average battle shounen fans can't afford.
Sep 29, 2023 8:44 AM
Apr 2020
normal first episode
Sep 29, 2023 8:45 AM

Jun 2014
I know absolutely nothing about the source material but I'm assuming it'll be an emotional ride for the next several months.

I feel for Frieren, since elves have super long lifespans she's going to easily outlive Heiter, Eisen, and Himmel, the latter of whom already passed away in this episode. RIP. At least he got to see a beautiful meteor shower before he went.

Looks like the priest is still kicking, and he wants Frieren to take the young girl he adopted under her wing. Her magic capabilities are already pretty impressive.

I really liked this premiere, it seems like this will be one of this seasons strongest shows. The visuals and music were amazing, and I'm liking both the OP and the ED. I feel like it's been quite some time since Madhouse produced something notable, so I'm glad to see them bounce back with this.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Sep 29, 2023 8:45 AM

Jul 2012
The story's very interesting so far and the music's really great. It reminds me of Mushishi a little. Seems like the focus will be on Frieren's growth as a character and how she'll handle death and regret.
Sep 29, 2023 8:51 AM

Jun 2013
The ED is beautiful
Sep 29, 2023 8:51 AM
Apr 2021
It's five minutes into the episode, why am I already in tears?
Sep 29, 2023 8:52 AM
May 2021
ArimaKana said:
@Apratim You have to understand the depth story to know why people love this so much and ehy it's highly rated.

Well it's an aftermath story. And the MC is wandering around. There is no particular objective of the series, no thrills , nothing to expect much then where is the fun?? It's boring af, those who like slow paced story watch it but all this hype was useless. I was disappointed after watching this lol
Sep 29, 2023 8:57 AM

Nov 2021
Beautifull episode, the adaptation really elevates the manga, couldn't ask for a better.

The soundtrack kind of reminds me of Lord of the Rings.
Sep 29, 2023 8:58 AM

Mar 2020
The most anticipated new show of the Fall season is finally here, and it's off to a solid start!

This premise is pretty unique, as it shows a hero party having already defeated the demon lord, and the journey has ended for Frieren, Himmel, Eisen, and Heiter. They part ways, but as Frieren is an elf, time runs differently for her, and quickly, years go by, everyone ages, and they sadly pass on. I feel as if this might be a little life lesson to cherish the people around you, as life is short, and that's a good message. Production wise, it looks great, and Evan Call's OST is beautiful, really encapsulates that emotional energy. Looking forward to more!
Sep 29, 2023 8:59 AM
Oct 2022
episode yang memukau dengan tampilan animasi serta visual yang baik
Sep 29, 2023 9:04 AM
Feb 2021
Great opening to the story
Sep 29, 2023 9:05 AM
Jul 2016
It's so fucking funny seeing this beautiful animation adapted from the manga. And there's still making corrupt priest jokes lmao.

I thought they were doing a 2 hour premiere, but I guess it's a few episodes premiere.
Sep 29, 2023 9:06 AM

Oct 2017
Beautiful premiere, Madhouse pretty much adapted it perfectly and captured the essence of the manga. Got emotional watching it. Though I think the manga was more impactful with the portray of events. OP/ED were both nice btw.

Elves and humans passage of time are different. Elves who live for centuries can't fathom the short human lives. As is in Frieren's case. For her 10 years is nothing. But Himmel and the party is undoubtedly important to her as shown how she regrets not spending more time trying to know Himmel. Eisen and Heiter are in their last leg too. It's gonna be sad to see them go when their time comes.
Sep 29, 2023 9:14 AM

Oct 2018
The art is sooooo beautiful, and my frieren were so gorgeous.
Sep 29, 2023 9:17 AM

Jul 2011
So Frieren is a type of elf that can live 1000s of years.

How old Himmel even was? He didn't even looked much older than Heiter.

Meet Fern that looks like very prone to do dark magic, and get a grimoire that is about resurrection and immortality. Sound like a great combination, sarcastically speaking.
Sep 29, 2023 9:19 AM

Feb 2021
Wow. Just, wow. Tanezaki Atsumi is killing it as Frieren. She sounds so stoic yet her voice is very soothing. Animation is great, unique camera angles, coloring that isn't too solid or vibrant. Madhouse nailing this adaptation so far. Ending song by milet sounds amazing too. It fits right at home with the theme and setting of the story. On the other hand, ugh, Yoasobi's song feels out of place. It doesn't sound bad or good; it's just another Yoasobi song.

Have a listen to milet's songs and see just how generic Yoasobi songs are.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Sep 29, 2023 9:22 AM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
Starting with the end of the journey, and then progressing to some final interesting and pretty unique way to start the story. I'm guessing the priest is not going to survive the time it takes Frieren to decipher the life preservation spell. Either that, or he barely makes it and the spell turns out to be a myth. However, it does seem like the young girl will be an important character moving forward. Definitely interested to learn more about her. Anyway, solid first episode we have here.
Sep 29, 2023 9:23 AM
Apr 2019
all is good on this anime, the only problem with this anime is that the opening is very unsuitable, maybe a softer opening would be more suitable for an anime like this
Sep 29, 2023 9:25 AM

Feb 2018
I would say this was a great episode in terms of conveying just how different Frieren is when compared to the others in her party and the way she treats life.
Wasn't sure if going through all of it in just one episode would be effective, but as it kept progressing I do think it was successful in building some sort of bond/feeling in such a short amount of time.
I'm already looking forward to see just what unfolds on Frieren's new adventures!
Sep 29, 2023 9:27 AM
Mar 2023
I can’t find it on Crunchyroll anyone know why? I’m in North America
Sep 29, 2023 9:28 AM

Aug 2023
Is episode 5 gonna release next week?
Because i watch on pirated site and it says that next episode will be released 27 days from now
Sep 29, 2023 9:29 AM
Jul 2023
A great start, a sad one indeed
MainnusSep 29, 2023 11:03 AM
Sep 29, 2023 9:30 AM

Apr 2021
Really a terrible choice of OP singer.
Sep 29, 2023 9:35 AM
Jul 2020
Bad OP. Everything else perfect
Sep 29, 2023 9:35 AM
Dec 2020
Joshhhp said:
This was so anticipated! Seeing how beautiful it looks, with the serene music and calm moments without dialogue made me so happy! I'm gonna be that guy and saying that this has potential to be AOTY (in my opinion). One thing that got me thinking, the "first episode being a two hour long movie"... yeah they split it in four parts so it's basically four episodes released at the same time, it's not that bothering as long as I'm enjoying the anime but still, all that info for only four episodes. Either way knowing the manga a bit I + the director with all the producers working on the anime I don't doubt at all that this masterpiece will be a failure. Up to the next episode!

why did you sound so positive just to shit on it
Sep 29, 2023 9:37 AM
Dec 2019
Pillsbury_Uchiha said:
Swan_chan said:

Their attention span is not strong enough for non-shounen it seems

frieren's literally is a shounen

that's a secret 🤫 let's this dumb people feel good about themselves for once in they lives 😬

"look at me I'm an Elf who lives forever and has to watch everyone else die" wow so deep 🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽
Sep 29, 2023 9:39 AM

Jul 2016
Absolutely love how comfy the vibe of this is. Don't know what it is about the adventures of stoic elf mage that's just so soothing.

Also, this random kid's sleepy face is just hilarious to me for some reason.
Sep 29, 2023 9:42 AM

Dec 2017
First episode was worth the hype, makes me sad everytime I see how old they got compared to the elf :(

bad op though, what made them think yoasobi would fit this anime?
Sep 29, 2023 9:43 AM
Handler One

Jan 2023
Absolute stellar premiere, Madhouse killed it with the beauty of the landscape, cinematography, and staying true to the manga.
The music was nothing I couldn't have asked more for, Yoasobi's energetic opening, Milet's beautiful ending, and Evan Call's stirring soundtracks.

Seeing the mimic chest joke get animated was such a joy, to see adventure not only be filled with thrills and excitement but also moments of bonding and laughing. It's very clear on how we will see how time flies for Frieren and how she will naturally outlive her companions as an Elf. For Frieren, 10 years or even 60 years is nothing to her unlike others, where those years encompass a portion of their lives already. In those years, Himmel has passed away while Heiter and Eisen have grown past their prime.

I feel that the message here is not only the importance of connection but also the appreciation of life and people around you and that time moves far faster than how it feels. It's a good lesson to learn for anyone, understanding that memories and time are precious.

Good thing I finally got my lazy butt to start the manga in anticipation of the release, loving the manga so far and thoroughly impressed with the premiere. High expectations but also very high hopes for Sousou no Frieren.
Another adds to the list of Friday seasonals, have a lovely day today. :)
KohiChillySep 29, 2023 9:48 AM

"You fought to the end. You survived. That's why you're here now. I think that's something you should be more proud of."
- Vladilena Milizé
Sep 29, 2023 9:44 AM
Dec 2021
I can't believe it, this series looks like it's going to be one of the best of the season <3, I love itt! I was seriously waiting for this series, thank you so much
Sep 29, 2023 9:47 AM
Jan 2022
OP goes hard by Yoasobi as always. Might have to make this my ace for the Fantasy League
Sep 29, 2023 9:48 AM

Jun 2021
Beautiful and already emotional episode. I have no complaints about the adaptation. The premiere didn't disappoint. Thank you Madhouse, the visuals look great and pretty cinematic. Although I was imagining Himmel with Ishikawa Kaito's voice, Okamoto Nobuhiko's voice suits him well. Even as an old man Himmel, he did a pretty good job. The characters' voices fit them perfectly. Himmel’s passing hits me in the feels the moment I saw Frieren crying. The same feeling as the manga did to me. I love the pacing so far. It's really worth the hype. Looking forward to Frieren's journey along with its fantastic story.
Sep 29, 2023 9:55 AM
Sep 2023
I don't like the opening song, I think Yoasobi is not appropriate for the first episode which is about memories. I don't dislike Yoasobi songs, but for this anime and episode, I don't like it. about the story in this anime, it really made me shed tears. very good
Sep 29, 2023 9:58 AM

Dec 2010
Average episode. Had some emotional points but was hard carried by the amazing art and animation. The opening song was probably the worst of the entire year, but at least the ending was fantastic.
Sep 29, 2023 10:01 AM
Jun 2020
I have read the manga before they announced they were going to do an anime adaptation, and holy shit is the first episode promising. The animation quality, story pacing, and music are just *chef's kiss*! The manga was great in itself, but its shortcomings were borderline boring manga composition making it look like blocks of pretty pictures and not dynamic enough. The anime absolutely made this series so much better in terms of imagery and more. Another series I was looking forward to this season is was the S-rank daughter (which I have read the LN too and like the story alot), but the quality of Frieren just blew that out of the water and made it look like an amateur production.
Sep 29, 2023 10:12 AM
Jan 2009
This is top tier, good character design, fluid animation, fantastic backgrounds, background elements like crowds, horses, are mostly well animated and things move. Fantastic to see a fantasy anime that actually well produced, and not the usual isekai trash budget with CGI-horse carts and crowds of people that looks like a bunch of minecraft villagers.
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