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Definitive Birthday Party Scene Research Project

Aug 13, 2023 12:04 AM

Dec 2018
Good late morning everyone! I remembered that I don't have a soul so here's a topic with a totally unique title for you all ✩
Hey, turns out there's already some threads on AD about a similar topic, so this thread was brought to y'all by @Marinate1016 and @TheBlockernator!

Do you love anime? Of course you love anime, you're on this site and are probably active on these forums enough to post about your favorite anime characters everyday. You probably even celebrate your favorite characters' birthdays—no shame to you if you do, sometimes I like to draw some of my favorite characters when I remember their birthday is around! Many of you love to post about anime characters' birthdays, but I'm surprised to see that not enough people really talk about the few times anime actually features a birthday scene in the story. Whether if it's something as simple as a screencap of a well-drawn birthday cake or ridiculously specific as a memorable birthday celebration, why don't we discuss about the best birthday celebrations in anime?


What does the best birthday cake look like?

Let's get straight to the real point for many of you—who in anime/manga had the best looking birthday cake(s)? Anything memorable about it, like maybe it looks like it has your favorite flavors and/or ingredients? Any cute decorations on it, or was there something special about the cake that was memorable, like maybe a character had been shown spending time to bake it for someone?

Whose birthday party looks the most fun?

Sometimes you get so engrossed in a scene that you truly imagine yourself there with the characters... or am I the only one who sometimes feels like that haha? Anyway, don't any of you ever feel that way with some of these birthday party scenes in anime? If you have, what are some of these instances? How would you celebrate along—would you try and be a party animal? Are there any fun games the characters were shown playing/having played? Any unique situations that happened because of maybe the setting, like if it was inside or outside?

...are you feeling lonely, too?

Ever love a character so much that you wish they had one of these cute anime scenes? Who do you think should have had a canon birthday party? How do you think or want to imagine the characters' friends (if they have any) would celebrate the occasion? Perhaps... you'd like to use a birthday scene that actually happened in another anime for example?


These are just some simple questions to consider... I dunno, I just really like seeing a group of characters have fun together. Is it just me or does anyone else feel the same way? I'm surprised that anime doesn't feature them as much as I initially thought I did. Birthday parties sound like a great way to highlight character chemistry and maybe bring a fun side to the story.
The few times I could think of a birthday or even a birthday cake referenced in anime seems to feel the same, so maybe if we all talk about and compile together cool birthday party anime scenes, we can not only appreciate them more, but also come up with ideas to maybe think up of cool birthday scenarios of our own.. whether you're a fellow writer or not, I dunno I think random stuff like this is fun to think about! ♪

Happy discussing,
from your local MAL forum threadreaper

Aug 13, 2023 12:38 AM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022
Fario-P said:
Do you love anime? Of course you love anime, you're on this site and are probably active on these forums enough to post about your favorite anime characters everyday.

Are you sure about all that?

My favorite character ryoutsu is cursed.. He was born on Hina Matsuri.. as a kid ryo-san got angry at his schoolmates for taunting him that such a manly boy was born on girls day..
He retaliated by trashing doll festival at his school and neighborhood..
So he was cursed by the dolls spirits with the worst of luck on birthday..
Ryo-San's birthday episodes on kochikame were probably the best and funniest..
He would just hide under the bed or handcuffed himself to his bedroom door and still he wasn't spared..
This includes mauled by polar bear, blown up by missiles, getting set on fire and even dying after getting ran over by a train..

Aug 13, 2023 1:00 AM

Sep 2010
I only remember one birthday in anime and I wished I wouldn't.

Aug 13, 2023 1:40 AM

Oct 2010
my favorite birthday party episode is Yukimi's b-day from the movie Nine Koibito Sengen. I like it because her b-day is on the 2nd of October (like me) and the party was great, it was just her and her boyfriend at her place, eating cake, her granma was also there. I am a party guy but that scene was too cute and romantic therefore it's my no1 birthday episode.
Aug 13, 2023 2:30 AM

Nov 2019
I've got to admit that Komi's birthday is the most memorable thing in the entirety of its awful franchise.

Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

Aug 13, 2023 2:51 AM

May 2020
You've raised an interesting point now that I think about it. I can't recall birthday's being very important in most manga that I read, even in slice-of-life manga. It's not a common trope like Valentine's day or school festivals. Maybe the Japanese don't celebrate birthdays very often ? I don't know but it's definitely something to think about.

As for birthdays in general, I used to find it fun to celebrate it when I was younger but now that I'm older I like making it sort of like a "Treat yourself" day. Not that celebrating it with other people is necessarily bad but going solo and having fun seems more my taste these days.
Aug 13, 2023 3:36 AM

Jun 2017
I tear up every time I watch Kimurin's Happy Birthday scene.

Aug 13, 2023 4:52 AM

Aug 2020
Oh I really appreciate this post. I wish there were more birthday moments in anime for sure.

And by the way I had thought this was a badge challenge at first.

Aug 13, 2023 4:56 AM

Aug 2020
Also in the anime Deaimon, Itsuka's birthday is the same as mine ^__^

So nice to share a birthday with a good and cute character.

Aug 13, 2023 5:14 AM

Feb 2020
"What does the best birthday cake look like?"

I'm not 100% sure, but this cake from Yuru Yuri came to my mind first.
Aug 13, 2023 8:01 AM

Feb 2016
The little sister hums Happy Birthday in an episode of Amagami. Her friend has to remind her it's not a Christmas song.
Aug 13, 2023 6:31 PM

Dec 2018
TitanInsane said:
You've raised an interesting point now that I think about it. I can't recall birthday's being very important in most manga that I read, even in slice-of-life manga. It's not a common trope like Valentine's day or school festivals. Maybe the Japanese don't celebrate birthdays very often ? I don't know but it's definitely something to think about.
KitsuFrost said:
Oh I really appreciate this post. I wish there were more birthday moments in anime for sure.
Thank you both for your appreciation! This topic was a thought I had for some time this year, but only now remembered to make a thread due to a fun game I played sometime ago that had two different but equally cute birthday scenes.
Aug 13, 2023 6:51 PM

May 2012
Fario-P said:
here's a topic with a totally unique title for you all ✩
The Definitive Feet Scene Research Project would like to have a word with you!

Aug 14, 2023 7:50 AM

Jun 2017
My personal favorite birthday scene was the one in Strawberry Marshmallow, where all the girls in the show stay up all night to make their big sister a birthday gift.

As for characters i think should've had a birthday scene, i want to say Tomoko from Watamote. She spends the entire series alone, shy and awkard and desperately wanting friends. She could've had something.
My waifu is the most wonderful waifu. Mai Valentine.
Aug 14, 2023 8:06 AM

Apr 2019

Anne no Nikki (1995) starts with Anne Frank' s birthday scene, where she receives an empty diary as a gift.

Aug 20, 2023 11:57 AM

Dec 2018
TheBlockernator said:
My personal favorite birthday scene was the one in Strawberry Marshmallow, where all the girls in the show stay up all night to make their big sister a birthday gift.
Oh wow, how cute! Can't wait to get started on this anime now, thanks for not making me regret my DVD purchase!!

As for characters i think should've had a birthday scene, i want to say Tomoko from Watamote. She spends the entire series alone, shy and awkard and desperately wanting friends. She could've had something.
That is sad... but I'm also surprised you didn't say Mai Kujaku.

Maybe it's because loneliness is part of the whole point of her character, especially in a filler arc, but she still could have had something in my opinion :(
Aug 20, 2023 6:13 PM

Aug 2010
One I remember from anime is from Clannad: After Story, Nagisa's birthday which is also the same as Christmas Eve.

Another one is Himawari's birthday from Boruto because it highlights Boruto and Naruto's relationship in the story at first. Also it kinda give me mixed feelings.

And last but not least, Naruto's 17th birthday scene.
Aug 20, 2023 6:56 PM

Oct 2016
I don't know about best, but I liked Shiro's speech about why people celebrate birthdays and what it meant for Kuro in Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Zwei.
Aug 23, 2023 2:47 PM

Dec 2018
CaptainKenshiro said:
I don't know about best, but I liked Shiro's speech about why people celebrate birthdays and what it meant for Kuro in Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Zwei.
This is the kind of scene that I want to see more of, both in this thread and in actual shows... from an anime I don't ptw at all lol
Aug 28, 2023 12:34 PM

Jun 2017
Fario-P said:
TheBlockernator said:
My personal favorite birthday scene was the one in Strawberry Marshmallow, where all the girls in the show stay up all night to make their big sister a birthday gift.
Oh wow, how cute! Can't wait to get started on this anime now, thanks for not making me regret my DVD purchase!!

As for characters i think should've had a birthday scene, i want to say Tomoko from Watamote. She spends the entire series alone, shy and awkard and desperately wanting friends. She could've had something.
That is sad... but I'm also surprised you didn't say Mai Kujaku.

Maybe it's because loneliness is part of the whole point of her character, especially in a filler arc, but she still could have had something in my opinion :(
Mai definitely should've had something, but i'm not sure how a birthday party would work since she's older, she's 24 and birthday parties aren't really something i associate with that age, it always felt like a kid/teenager thing for me.
My waifu is the most wonderful waifu. Mai Valentine.
Sep 1, 2023 10:20 PM

Dec 2018
Reply to TheBlockernator
Fario-P said:
TheBlockernator said:
My personal favorite birthday scene was the one in Strawberry Marshmallow, where all the girls in the show stay up all night to make their big sister a birthday gift.
Oh wow, how cute! Can't wait to get started on this anime now, thanks for not making me regret my DVD purchase!!

As for characters i think should've had a birthday scene, i want to say Tomoko from Watamote. She spends the entire series alone, shy and awkard and desperately wanting friends. She could've had something.
That is sad... but I'm also surprised you didn't say Mai Kujaku.

Maybe it's because loneliness is part of the whole point of her character, especially in a filler arc, but she still could have had something in my opinion :(
Mai definitely should've had something, but i'm not sure how a birthday party would work since she's older, she's 24 and birthday parties aren't really something i associate with that age, it always felt like a kid/teenager thing for me.
@TheBlockernator Mai at least got a few flashbacks, so I was thinking maybe a scene like that could develop her backstory some more.
Sep 2, 2023 1:01 AM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022
@Fario-P, Is Twitter better than Mal now when it comes to dealing with menaces..??

Sep 2, 2023 8:01 PM

Dec 2018
Reply to ryo-san
@Fario-P, Is Twitter better than Mal now when it comes to dealing with menaces..??
I don't actually know who that user is, I only mentioned their name because they made a thread similar to this one in the past. Maybe you should contact the actual mods on the site about him.
Sep 2, 2023 8:23 PM

Jul 2022
Evening. I hope the definitive birthday project is going well. I like to read through the thread from time-to-time. I imagine that you've already added Clannad to the birthday list already since I saw the wonderful gif from Kanon '06 that you've placed in there, but there is a birthday which occurs in Season 1 of Clannad and a birthday which occurs in After Story. In the first season of Clannad, around episode 8 or 9, I can't really remember as well as I should, Tomoya and Nagisa have a party in the empty classroom for Fuko. It isn't the most entertaining party because its just the three of them, but it is still a birthday with games, party hats, and bonding. The odd thing is that there's like zero footage of it on YouTube for some reason.

Then in After Story, on Christmas Eve, Nagisa has her 21st birthday and is able to drink with her parents for the first time, to the joy of Akio. It isn't a true birthday party, but I'd still count it as a birthday celebration. Drunk Nagisa was also some amazing fan service. So if you want to add this as a "maybe a birthday scene?" kind of thing, go ahead.
Sep 5, 2023 8:12 AM

Dec 2018
Dulonkk said:
Evening. I hope the definitive birthday project is going well. I like to read through the thread from time-to-time.
Thank you! I love making threads like these that are fun to revisit time from time.

I am aware of the birthday scene for Fuuko, but only briefly heard about Nagisa's as I have yet to start watching After Story.
2 hours ago

Jul 2024
Well depression and pityseeking is ops personal larp thing so if the shoe fits.
1 hour ago

Feb 2016
I forgot about this thread. My favorite episode of Macross Delta is the birthday episode. I can't find any clips, but I found the song used in that episode.

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