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Jul 20, 2017 12:13 AM

Feb 2010
with the Russian election coming up Putin decides that fidget spinners are bad.

whats next memes getting banned?


are memes banned in russia?

the reason this was done was because a politcal rival was giving them out for free to his supporters.

basically this lets him arrest them to keep his rival from winning the election
GrimAtramentJul 23, 2017 10:22 AM
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

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Jul 20, 2017 12:15 AM
Jul 2018
Having a fidget spinner is Gulag worthy.
Jul 20, 2017 1:15 AM

Mar 2008
Things banned in Russia
-memes of Putin photoshopped with makeup
-"emo" fashion
-cursing online
-holocaust denial
-"gay propaganda"
-sex ed in schools
-fidget spinners
Jul 20, 2017 1:52 AM
Jul 2018
I'm starting to think that russsia needs a new motto
Jul 20, 2017 1:54 AM

Feb 2010
spuukiebuugi said:
I'm starting to think that russsia needs a new motto

that has been the case for a while now
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Jul 20, 2017 2:05 AM

Apr 2016
So the cancer finally reach MAL huh ?
Jul 20, 2017 2:12 AM

Feb 2010
Swagernator said:
So the cancer finally reach MAL huh ?

mostly this is about the russian election since we all know how this is going to end....
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Jul 20, 2017 2:38 AM

Jan 2017
I don't know why Fidget spinner is given such priority. I don't even know anything about fidget spinners tbh
As for the Russian election, I want Natalia Poklonskaya to win because she is hot.
Tho she is also extremely religious.

As long as Russia chooses a Anti-war president, I got no problem with the election.

Join Emilia's self-proclaimed knights club if you are a fellow Emilia fan

Jul 20, 2017 3:00 AM

Mar 2014
Russia is doing something good for once because fidget spinners are cancer
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Jul 20, 2017 3:11 AM

Jul 2014
Good, the fad is annoying.

traed said:

-"emo" fashion
-cursing online

Whoa, wait, where does this come from?

(Though, really, MAL CE should learn that there's also Duma to shit on when talking about Russia, not only Putin.)
Jul 20, 2017 3:13 AM
Jul 2018
I had a good laugh at that title. You have all that serious stuff in then suddenly; "putins war on fidget spinners ", haha.

In al seriousness though (as serious as I can take this anyway) this is stupid, does Rusia not have anything better to do?
Jul 20, 2017 3:52 AM

Mar 2008
deadoptimist said:
Good, the fad is annoying.

traed said:

-"emo" fashion
-cursing online

Whoa, wait, where does this come from?

(Though, really, MAL CE should learn that there's also Duma to shit on when talking about Russia, not only Putin.)

Looking at the first one a bit more it seems it didn't actually pass. Basically in 2008 the Duma thought emo stuff caused suicides so they tried to ban clothes and websites and just about anything associated with "emos". It supposedly was part of a legislation called something like “Government Strategy in the Sphere of Spiritual and Ethical Education”

In 2014'ish Putin put legislation that banned swearing in media but I heard from some places it also applies to things said on the internet. That might be a bit off though.

"Under another law also signed on Monday, popular online blogs which receive more than 3,000 daily page views will also be subject to the harsh new rules, effectively putting them on the same footing as mainstream media outlets. "
Jul 20, 2017 4:04 AM

Jul 2014
Heksalka said:
In al seriousness though (as serious as I can take this anyway) this is stupid, does Rusia not have anything better to do?

Not to argue with the stupidity of this all and my country in general, but the secret to making these sorts of headlines is:
1. Take some random stuff some random Russian deputy/official/TV-person said.
2. Replace all the names by "Putin" and "Russia".
2. Add something militaristic.
3. Profit.

Ex. Some child-protecting orthodox deputy thinks that books for children have colors that are too bright, cus she read something on the internet (and she is an idiot), and she doesn' thave anything better to do than to bring it up on a session (better than discuss corruption, right?). Nothing of consequence is done.
Russian news: Duma plans to ban colors.
Western news: Putin's war on color.
Western social media and Russian opposition: Russians hate colors, because of their totalitarian genes.

Lol, I haven't known. I guess emos just aren't popular enough anymore to notice their effort. At some point they did crack on the topic of suicide on the internet.

I guess, I sort of skimmed over the discussion of the swearing law, because I didn't get what is the fuss - not using swearing in mass media is normal. For some reason the opposition thinks that swearing is important politically, thinking back to the USSR and its extremely official language. Though I see how it can be difficult when mass media laws are applied to popular blogs.
There's a lot of swearing everywhere inculding the net, though.
deadoptimistJul 20, 2017 4:21 AM
Jul 20, 2017 4:22 AM

Mar 2008
deadoptimist said:

I guess, I sort of skimmed over the discussion of the swearing law, because I didn't get what is the fuss - not using swearing in mass media is normal. For some reason the opposition thinks that swearing is important politically, thinking back to the USSR and its extremely official language. Though I see how it can be difficult when mass media laws are applied to popular blogs.
There's a lot of swearing everywhere inculding the net, though.

It supposedly sensors art (film and literature) too though not just the news. Unless maybe it was later changed to be tamed down.
Jul 20, 2017 4:30 AM

Mar 2015
russia at it finest... why everyone surprised?
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Jul 20, 2017 4:45 AM

Jul 2014
traed said:
It supposedly sensors art (film and literature) too though not just the news. Unless maybe it was later changed to be tamed down.

Apparently, though it doesn't apply to festival films and cable and plays where it's part of the script. And it looks like when selling stuff you just need to warn with stickers. And Leningrad as well as rap artists still trend, so I wonder why they even needed the law, hm.

Though outside music the analogs to f** bombs and such have never been accepted in public speech, so it doesn't bother me.

While I fact chequed I found out that they planned to ban swearing (the 4 "mat" roots, to be precise) in-home, now that's interesting. Well, as they say: "The cruelty of Russian laws is balanced only by how irregularly they are applied".

You sure know more about the state of our legislature than me.
Jul 20, 2017 4:50 AM

Mar 2008
deadoptimist said:
traed said:
It supposedly sensors art (film and literature) too though not just the news. Unless maybe it was later changed to be tamed down.

Apparently, though it doesn't apply to festival films and cable and plays where it's part of the script. And it looks like when selling stuff you just need to warn with stickers. And Leningrad as well as rap artists still trend, so I wonder why they even needed the law, hm.

Though outside music the analogs to f** bombs and such have never been accepted in public speech, so it doesn't bother me.

While I fact chequed I found out that they planned to ban swearing (the 4 "mat" roots, to be precise) in-home, now that's interesting. Well, as they say: "The cruelty of Russian laws is balanced only by how irregularly they are applied".

You sure know more about the state of our legislature than me.

Oh so that makes it similar to what other countries like the US do i guess.

I just hear random stuff here and there then take mental notes and look it up again later to be sure i recall right lol I have no idea how the gov works there
Jul 20, 2017 4:51 AM

Mar 2015
also, why do you guys hate fidget spiners soo much?
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Jul 20, 2017 4:58 AM

Mar 2015
razor39999 said:
Kuma said:
also, why do you guys hate fidget spiners soo much?
Anything that supports ADHD as a condition worth celebrating (and overdiagnosing) is complete BS in my book.

that's advertising problem, not fidget spiner on it's own... just like the whole magnet bracelet make you healthier thing... at least, fidged spinner does actually an entertaining toy...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Jul 20, 2017 5:53 AM

Mar 2016
Gotta love Putin cause he takes zero risks when it comes to running his country.

Kinda makes me sad. How is CrazyRussianHacker going to make his fidget spinner videos now?

edit: i did not read the article, too tired to read rn
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 20, 2017 9:56 AM

Jul 2015
am agains banings of liberties over harmles thing
however am can no pity lost of finger spiner
Jul 20, 2017 1:12 PM

Jul 2015
These damn commie bastards now want to outlaw fidget spinners! Fidgets are just a tool of capitalism I see, distracting people from reading Marx.
Jul 20, 2017 1:51 PM

Jun 2015
swirlydragon said:
[...]As for the Russian election, I want Natalia Poklonskaya to win because she is hot.
Tho she is also extremely religious.


I don't know dude. I like them both. I actually ship them.

Jul 20, 2017 2:17 PM

Nov 2008
Putin needs to stop, banning fidget spinners and memes will cause more problems than it's worth.

Jul 20, 2017 2:59 PM

Mar 2008
Is there any actual decent opposition to Putin?
Jul 20, 2017 4:01 PM
Jul 2018
traed said:
Is there any actual decent opposition to Putin?
traed said:
Is there any actual decent opposition to Putin?
Had Clinton not interfered in the 1991 election there would be. Not because he was a member of the Government, but because of the disastrous aftermath of US-led neoliberal economic policies in Russia that Yeltsin did that firmly made it so no one would oppose Putin.
Jul 21, 2017 3:44 AM

Jul 2009
Heard a wartime story that when WW2 started and bombing runs have reached the territory of a clinic for mentally ill people, the mental patients panicked and started clinging onto random objects when the soldiers and doctors tried to evacuate them from the premises of the clinic. Eventually they decided to pacify the panicking patients by giving them mechanical bearings (which spin similar to fidgets). The mental patients lost awareness of their surroundings and submitted themselves to the evacuation team.

I wonder if fidget spinners are a natural form of identifying mental patients in the crowd.
Jul 21, 2017 4:01 AM

Oct 2016
spuukiebuugi said:
I'm starting to think that russsia needs a new motto

>implying fidget spinners are actual fun
Jul 21, 2017 4:04 AM

Jul 2014
traed said:
Is there any actual decent opposition to Putin?

But the so called liberals have been the same since the 60-s or, on some aspects, since the 19 century, maybe earlier, so, personally, I worry that they may come to power again if only because there's nobody else well organized.
As the person above has said, they are disliked because of the trauma of the 90-s. Though people responsible for that still are in power, Putin always honors Yeltsin, current economics policies still use some of the same ideas and the warped privatization of that time remains unchallenged. Most of the talk about national pride and nationalism is just talk.
It also is hard to get behind the "liberal" rhetorics, because they allow themselves to write and talk about Russians' "genetic slavery" and "fundamental incompetence". The elitist attitude attracts some people, but it won't raise masses, that's for sure (but maybe it won't be necessary).

The parliament opposition is not exactly opposition. Communists still attract people (because of nostalgia and the lack of social agenda in other parties' programs), but KPRF is just sad, and smaller parties are small.

Nationalists don't seem to do well. On one hand, they're persecuted, on the other, they're way too divided: there're socialist nationalists (Limonov), monarchist nationalists, nationalists that fight for Ukraine now... The only popular nationalistic site has just been blocked.

Traditionalist views seem to become more important because of the growing influence of church, I think they can be considered a power too.

I've seen some articles about how the ruling United Russia may divide and that will bring change. But that's only if they fight because of ideology too, not only because of clans, or if said clans have ideological differences.

That's how it looks when reading popular media, probably it's not entirely correct. But basically there's no good idea/plan for people to want to risk what little stability (and health) that they have for. Maybe some people believe Putin too, I don't know.
Jul 21, 2017 8:02 AM

Jul 2016
traed said:
Things banned in Russia
-memes of Putin photoshopped with makeup
-"emo" fashion
-cursing online
-holocaust denial
-"gay propaganda"
-sex ed in schools
-fidget spinners

I support that Russia has banned Homosexual propaganda, this way the youth aren't getting bad influences.
Jul 21, 2017 3:20 PM

Mar 2008
In what way are the liberals behind times? Isn't that still a small move forward?
What do you mean by "warped privatisation"?
What does "genetic slavery" even supposed to mean?

What was the popular nationalist site that was blocked ideologically associated with?

I've seen a religious map of Russia and it geographically is divided by Orthodox and Non religious people in different areas. That seems like conditions a civil war could break out in the future if something doesnt change.

Nyu said:
I support that Russia has banned Homosexual propaganda, this way the youth aren't getting bad influences.

You're a bad influence.
Jul 21, 2017 3:31 PM

Jan 2014
I've been puzzled about how fidget spinners got so popular in the first place, but warring against them seems a tad much.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Jul 21, 2017 4:02 PM

Jul 2014

The privatization of the 90-s was nor just nor beneficial. "Common property" being sold in corrupt schemes and then destroyed together with livelihoods of whole cities has left many people salty (and broke and sometimes dead). To give you perspective on the atmosphere - we have a demographic gap that bothers educational institutions, etc., because at some point during the 90-s people were not giving birth to children.

"Genetic slavery" is the supposed feature of Russians, according to our liberals, some foreign press/thinkers and the recent literature Nobel Prize laureate Svetlana Aleksievich.

For example, there's a well-known unregistered political party "Western Choice", first led by an old dissident lady Novodvorskaya, and now after her death by her follower Borovoy, and they most definitely are a part of the "liberal" oppositiion. Both tend to express their wish for Russia to be occupied and maybe killed off and then repopulated to get rid of the bad ex-soviet people. Novodvorskaya dreamed for this to be done by the Sixth Fleet. In Dostoyevski's novel Brothers Karamazov there is this utterly disgusting person Smerdyakov, who says that he thinks it's a pity that Napoleon hasn't won, cause "a clever nation would've subdued a very stupid one" - that's something about the archaism of these views. Secondly, I have never seen any "liberal" politician to say that while he is also a liberal he doesn't support these vews, on the contrary, many also shit on their would-to-be electors - that's something about why liberals are not widely supported. Oh, and they also think that the 90-s were the best time. On the other hand our currently very successful official Chubais once said on camera (during the 90-s) that it's good that many people would die because of his reforms, because the old soviet generation would be replaced this way - that's a bit about the 90-s and our current government.
Most people would want personal freedom amd for the government to mess with them less, but would you want to vote for those who propose or stand by the idea of you being subdued by another nation or killed off? That's a bit of a problem. And some of our liberals ignore the lessons of the past and propose, say, a new privatization, and the very word makes people shudder. (But our government conducts smaller ones constantly.)

Sputnik & Pogrom was mostly associated with fantasy monarchism, rad design and it's chubby creator Egor Prosvirnin, but it sure was the most mainstream nationalist site. They even sent some humanitarian aid to Donbass. I guess they overdid with shitting on Putin, so now they're blocked for being extremist and causing ethnic conflict. Apparently together with some minor nationalistc sites. But nationalists have been sent to prison for a while now.

I am not sure the church will break us so much. Doesn't seem so critical to me, but I dunno.
deadoptimistJul 21, 2017 4:15 PM
Jul 21, 2017 4:12 PM

Jan 2009
Putin being authoritarian again nothing new
Jul 21, 2017 5:17 PM
Jul 2018
Tsundereppoi said:
Heard a wartime story that when WW2 started and bombing runs have reached the territory of a clinic for mentally ill people, the mental patients panicked and started clinging onto random objects when the soldiers and doctors tried to evacuate them from the premises of the clinic. Eventually they decided to pacify the panicking patients by giving them mechanical bearings (which spin similar to fidgets). The mental patients lost awareness of their surroundings and submitted themselves to the evacuation team.

I wonder if fidget spinners are a natural form of identifying mental patients in the crowd.
lol sauce? ...................................................
Jul 21, 2017 5:23 PM

Jul 2016
traed said:
In what way are the liberals behind times? Isn't that still a small move forward?
What do you mean by "warped privatisation"?
What does "genetic slavery" even supposed to mean?

What was the popular nationalist site that was blocked ideologically associated with?

I've seen a religious map of Russia and it geographically is divided by Orthodox and Non religious people in different areas. That seems like conditions a civil war could break out in the future if something doesnt change.

Nyu said:
I support that Russia has banned Homosexual propaganda, this way the youth aren't getting bad influences.

You're a bad influence.

Apparently the Russian Government disagrees with you.
Jul 21, 2017 5:34 PM
Jul 2016
Seems a bit overkill. If he'd just given it time, it would have gone the way of pet rocks, lava lamps, and Phantom Thieves merchandise.
Important Note: I no longer - in any way, shape, or form - consider myself a moral nihilist (even in my old, convoluted definition of the term). I very much do believe there is such a thing as objective good and evil. In addition, I apologize for any of the posts I've made that are rude, aggressive, or otherwise unbecoming.

I've always striven to walk a path befitting a follower of Christ, and now recognize some of my old comments here as misguided if not outright wrong. If you happen upon them, pray do not let them darken your view of the God I serve. He is kind, even if I, at times, have not been.
Jul 21, 2017 6:35 PM

Mar 2008
deadoptimist said:

The privatization of the 90-s was nor just nor beneficial. "Common property" being sold in corrupt schemes and then destroyed together with livelihoods of whole cities has left many people salty (and broke and sometimes dead). To give you perspective on the atmosphere - we have a demographic gap that bothers educational institutions, etc., because at some point during the 90-s people were not giving birth to children.

"Genetic slavery" is the supposed feature of Russians, according to our liberals, some foreign press/thinkers and the recent literature Nobel Prize laureate Svetlana Aleksievich.

For example, there's a well-known unregistered political party "Western Choice", first led by an old dissident lady Novodvorskaya, and now after her death by her follower Borovoy, and they most definitely are a part of the "liberal" oppositiion. Both tend to express their wish for Russia to be occupied and maybe killed off and then repopulated to get rid of the bad ex-soviet people. Novodvorskaya dreamed for this to be done by the Sixth Fleet. In Dostoyevski's novel Brothers Karamazov there is this utterly disgusting person Smerdyakov, who says that he thinks it's a pity that Napoleon hasn't won, cause "a clever nation would've subdued a very stupid one" - that's something about the archaism of these views. Secondly, I have never seen any "liberal" politician to say that while he is also a liberal he doesn't support these vews, on the contrary, many also shit on their would-to-be electors - that's something about why liberals are not widely supported. Oh, and they also think that the 90-s were the best time. On the other hand our currently very successful official Chubais once said on camera (during the 90-s) that it's good that many people would die because of his reforms, because the old soviet generation would be replaced this way - that's a bit about the 90-s and our current government.
Most people would want personal freedom amd for the government to mess with them less, but would you want to vote for those who propose or stand by the idea of you being subdued by another nation or killed off? That's a bit of a problem. And some of our liberals ignore the lessons of the past and propose, say, a new privatization, and the very word makes people shudder. (But our government conducts smaller ones constantly.)

Sputnik & Pogrom was mostly associated with fantasy monarchism, rad design and it's chubby creator Egor Prosvirnin, but it sure was the most mainstream nationalist site. They even sent some humanitarian aid to Donbass. I guess they overdid with shitting on Putin, so now they're blocked for being extremist and causing ethnic conflict. Apparently together with some minor nationalistc sites. But nationalists have been sent to prison for a while now.

I am not sure the church will break us so much. Doesn't seem so critical to me, but I dunno.

"was nor just nor" what? I think you missed a word of picked the wrong words. So basically they took the common property and gave it off to elites or something?

But what does it mean? Does it mean people are slaves to their genes? Or does it mean slavery influenced Russian DNA?

Okay so only way things could change is by socialists if they could agree on things more since the liberals are neoliberal to the extreme?

I meant like 40 to 100 years from now it might turn into that not the near future. The more near future is more likely to be a "holy war" against Muslims which has already been words I heard thrown around by the church but I don't think that is as likely as the far future escalation I suspect.

Nyu said:
Apparently the Russian Government disagrees with you.

Lol you actually think that's an argument. Pretty sure Russia doesnt have an opinion on you.
Jul 21, 2017 6:49 PM

Jul 2016
traed said:
deadoptimist said:

The privatization of the 90-s was nor just nor beneficial. "Common property" being sold in corrupt schemes and then destroyed together with livelihoods of whole cities has left many people salty (and broke and sometimes dead). To give you perspective on the atmosphere - we have a demographic gap that bothers educational institutions, etc., because at some point during the 90-s people were not giving birth to children.

"Genetic slavery" is the supposed feature of Russians, according to our liberals, some foreign press/thinkers and the recent literature Nobel Prize laureate Svetlana Aleksievich.

For example, there's a well-known unregistered political party "Western Choice", first led by an old dissident lady Novodvorskaya, and now after her death by her follower Borovoy, and they most definitely are a part of the "liberal" oppositiion. Both tend to express their wish for Russia to be occupied and maybe killed off and then repopulated to get rid of the bad ex-soviet people. Novodvorskaya dreamed for this to be done by the Sixth Fleet. In Dostoyevski's novel Brothers Karamazov there is this utterly disgusting person Smerdyakov, who says that he thinks it's a pity that Napoleon hasn't won, cause "a clever nation would've subdued a very stupid one" - that's something about the archaism of these views. Secondly, I have never seen any "liberal" politician to say that while he is also a liberal he doesn't support these vews, on the contrary, many also shit on their would-to-be electors - that's something about why liberals are not widely supported. Oh, and they also think that the 90-s were the best time. On the other hand our currently very successful official Chubais once said on camera (during the 90-s) that it's good that many people would die because of his reforms, because the old soviet generation would be replaced this way - that's a bit about the 90-s and our current government.
Most people would want personal freedom amd for the government to mess with them less, but would you want to vote for those who propose or stand by the idea of you being subdued by another nation or killed off? That's a bit of a problem. And some of our liberals ignore the lessons of the past and propose, say, a new privatization, and the very word makes people shudder. (But our government conducts smaller ones constantly.)

Sputnik & Pogrom was mostly associated with fantasy monarchism, rad design and it's chubby creator Egor Prosvirnin, but it sure was the most mainstream nationalist site. They even sent some humanitarian aid to Donbass. I guess they overdid with shitting on Putin, so now they're blocked for being extremist and causing ethnic conflict. Apparently together with some minor nationalistc sites. But nationalists have been sent to prison for a while now.

I am not sure the church will break us so much. Doesn't seem so critical to me, but I dunno.

"was nor just nor" what? I think you missed a word of picked the wrong words. So basically they took the common property and gave it off to elites or something?

But what does it mean? Does it mean people are slaves to their genes? Or does it mean slavery influenced Russian DNA?

Okay so only way things could change is by socialists if they could agree on things more since the liberals are neoliberal to the extreme?

I meant like 40 to 100 years from now it might turn into that not the near future. The more near future is more likely to be a "holy war" against Muslims which has already been words I heard thrown around by the church but I don't think that is as likely as the far future escalation I suspect.

Nyu said:
Apparently the Russian Government disagrees with you.

Lol you actually think that's an argument. Pretty sure Russia doesnt have an opinion on you.

My point was that, the Russian Gov't banned Homosexual propaganda, and that I agree with this action.
Jul 21, 2017 7:23 PM

Sep 2014
The motherland is heading towards the right direction. People that aren't medically classified as Autistic that uses Fidget Spinners should be shot tbh.
Jul 21, 2017 11:51 PM

Mar 2008
Nyu said:
My point was that, the Russian Gov't banned Homosexual propaganda, and that I agree with this action.

It's not actually propaganda that's just what they call it. It's actually just any protest for rights.
Jul 22, 2017 12:01 AM

Sep 2009
Comic_Sans said:
Russia is doing something good for once because fidget spinners are cancer

lmao they deserve to be banned.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Jul 22, 2017 12:03 AM

Jan 2015
For once I'll agree with Putin. Fidget spinners are cancerous.
Jul 22, 2017 5:37 AM

Jul 2014
traed said:
"was nor just nor" what? I think you missed a word of picked the wrong words. So basically they took the common property and gave it off to elites or something?

But what does it mean? Does it mean people are slaves to their genes? Or does it mean slavery influenced Russian DNA?

Okay so only way things could change is by socialists if they could agree on things more since the liberals are neoliberal to the extreme?

I meant like 40 to 100 years from now it might turn into that not the near future. The more near future is more likely to be a "holy war" against Muslims which has already been words I heard thrown around by the church but I don't think that is as likely as the far future escalation I suspect.

"Just" as in "justice", basically - fair. Tho I concede that my idea that double "nor" as a conjunction is also acceptable was wrong.

I think we may lose each other's point at "common property". For Soviets everything was common property (means of production belong to workers), so I talk about industry, huge industrial complexes. Those who actually created the privatization process say that they were aiming for speed - to make changes irreversible as fast as possible and that all Soviet industry was at the moment bankrupt. Then they add that it was very bad for a while, but now it's ok, so it's ok as a whole and little people just don't understand. (I've already mentioned that the position of the government is that it was totally fine, maybe, just, er, maybe, because people who became rich at that time now are in power - like Potanin, Prohorov, Chubais. Chodorkovsky is also from that time, but he fell.)

On the other hand, there's the opinion that the rush made a lot of shady people get important properties, so a lot of stuff that could've been salvaged was lost and/or destroyed. (Whole lines of production thrown out of windows to sell the land underneath.) And it looks like industry was sold at mush lover prices, to "necessary" people, in a currupt way. Anyways, people don't like it, because it was done with little care for them and, often, for the factories themselves, and the USSR was industrial, these factories were the main and sometimes the only place to work.And it was a turbulent time, when all savings lost their value, so people were left to survive in a jungle-like environment with their spirits crushed (they were told they have no value). The new proprietors mostly leeched money and there was a lot of mismanagement. Plus it's not exactly clear why the new oligarhs got to leech that money from things that hadn't been made by them. There were also vouchers, which were a state-organized scam (by Chubais, that guy is loved, as you can guess). Surveys show that 80% of Russians are still not ok with those events.

I.e. you were an effective electric engineer on a giant factory that makes helicopters. And then you dig ditches to keep your family not dead, while your factory is sold for a couple of millions to some unknown guy, who got these millions god knows where since he also lived in USSR, and then proceeds to fire everyone and close half of the lines because they tell that now it "free market" and that they don't need helicopters. You're not happy. Nowadays the factory is still in shit, the same guy tells stories about how much of a sucessful manager he is, the state pumps your taxpayer money in the factory to repair it some, because apparently it needs helicopters. Like this.


Do you look for logic in slurs? That means that for Russians slavery is genetical, so they're fundamentally irredeemable untermensh. Some do add that it is because of history, but that's not the point.

Our current liberals are not extreme, they're just stupid and have grown deaf in their echo-chambers. But they're a constant factor, I give it to them, thanfully they can't unite because of their egos. We need new liberals. But if someone wants support of the masses, they'd need to talk about social and economic justice, not freedoms, imo.

God knows what will happen in 10 years, 100 is too much. As of now our religious leaders seem to deal with the leaders of muslim just fine. But church politics is a mystery.

traed said:
Nyu said:
My point was that, the Russian Gov't banned Homosexual propaganda, and that I agree with this action.

It's not actually propaganda that's just what they call it. It's actually just any protest for rights.

They had a LGBT column on 1 May in my city though. It's more like they can call propaganda whatever they want whenever they want.
deadoptimistJul 22, 2017 10:00 AM
Jul 22, 2017 6:37 AM

Jan 2017
at least i support and i am happy that Russia banned the homosexul propaganda
Jul 22, 2017 11:25 PM

Jun 2015
traed said:
Things banned in Russia
-memes of Putin photoshopped with makeup
-"emo" fashion
-cursing online
-holocaust denial
-"gay propaganda"
-sex ed in schools
-fidget spinners

Don't know
Emo fashion is still used in Russia and no one gets arrested.
Cursing online everyone does it no one gets arrested
Idk about this one
They get sex education?
Fidget spinners are still sold massively here. And not "Banned"

How do I know this? I am Russian and go to Russia twice every year. I lived here for 4 years
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Jul 23, 2017 12:37 AM

Oct 2015
i'll never understand the obsession w. fidget spinners

i'll be a
bad girl who's
always good to her
Jul 23, 2017 12:43 AM
Feb 2017
good. the fad is stupid anyway.
Jul 23, 2017 1:23 AM

Mar 2008
Takamura-sama said:
traed said:
Things banned in Russia
-memes of Putin photoshopped with makeup
-"emo" fashion
-cursing online
-holocaust denial
-"gay propaganda"
-sex ed in schools
-fidget spinners

Don't know
Emo fashion is still used in Russia and no one gets arrested.
Cursing online everyone does it no one gets arrested
Idk about this one
They get sex education?
Fidget spinners are still sold massively here. And not "Banned"

How do I know this? I am Russian and go to Russia twice every year. I lived here for 4 years

Keep in mind I was partially joking
-That was a recent thing. I was going by memory. There is some post about it on CE from months ago.
-I had already corrected myself the emo thing didn't actually pass into law it was just attempted.
-the cursing thing is just for blog posts with a certain number of regular readers. Obviously this cant be enforced easily so tons of people wouldnt be charged with anything.
-I'm finding mixed info about sex ed. Some say it's not allowed some say it's absolute garbage.
-not atm yeah
Jul 23, 2017 5:51 AM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
They can't stop the memes. No one can.
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