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Jul 21, 2012 5:54 PM

Sep 2011
Aahaha, this episode made me crack up so much :D.
Jul 21, 2012 6:06 PM
Oct 2010
Ahri said:
greenmush said:
Sigh its turning out that Aoki will become the character that no one falls in love with :( But seriously Taichi needs to tell Kiriyama how dangerous that technique is ! if not someone can seriously lose his manhood LOL
If they attacked her they deserve it.
Thanks to the weird situation, she knows first hand how much it hurts. She won't be using it unless it's really called for.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Jul 21, 2012 6:39 PM

Oct 2011
That punch to the balls has got to be the best scene of Summer 2012 season so far. Too hilarious, and so true.

I'm loving it so far. Gotta be my favortie show of the season, the drama is always welcome. 5/5
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Jul 21, 2012 7:10 PM

Aug 2011
Like it.
The rubbish part is when I started to ship Taichi and Inaba together.
Next episode is probably Inaba's arc
SoshinraJul 21, 2012 7:23 PM

Jul 21, 2012 7:11 PM

Dec 2007
Ouch. Even though that is the correct method in defending against guys, did not see that coming. lol

Loving the development of this anime.
Jul 21, 2012 7:14 PM

Feb 2009
Will this my favorite of the season?! I can't believe how good this is! Inaba is my favorite character, but seeing how the other four are paired, what about my dear Inaba? I really do not like that little harem that is forming around Taichi, I definitely don't want my Inaba to be part of it.
MaxCrazy7Jul 21, 2012 7:58 PM
Jul 21, 2012 7:23 PM

Feb 2012
Omg teh drama!

Looks like Yui is starting to fall for Taiichi. Judging from towards the end of the ep, Aoki and Iori might start to fall for each other as well. Thing is, they each are in love with the other person in the pairings. Truly great development.

They're learning more and more about themselves as time goes on.

5/5 ep
Jul 21, 2012 7:38 PM

Sep 2011
xjakku said:
Can't wait for next ep to see what happened with Inaba though.

I'm going to guess an anxiety attack. When I was a graduate student, while out on a DATE of all things, it happened to me. We were at an art exhibit looking at the artsy things when 'black', and the next thing I know I'm looking up and wondering "why are all these people above me looking down at me? The girl I was with said she simply heard this groan come out of me and as she turned to look at me I was already on my way down to the floor.
Jul 21, 2012 8:05 PM

Nov 2011
Well, that was a nice resolution with Yui. There was also a glimpse at Inaba's issues, and a continuation of what was hinted of Iori's situation in the previous episode. While it is slowly tipping towards contrived, the drama is done well enough for it to cover it. The comedy is balanced nicely as well, and I'm getting more out of the characters, and the show, than I expected.
Jul 21, 2012 8:27 PM

Sep 2009
Shouldn't "Drama" be in the list of genres for this show? Anyways, I very much enjoyed this episode.
Jul 21, 2012 8:32 PM

Jul 2012
This show keeps on getting better and better. Yui is probably one of my favorites now. I'm glad that the guys aren't emotionless blank slates, either. Same goes for the girls.

I really liked this episode. The comedy and drama were balanced almost perfectly and I love how it's giving some good depth to everyone. This better keep up. <3
Jul 21, 2012 8:35 PM

Jan 2011
Well this show is shaping up to be pretty damn good seems like it's far more serious with the body switching and everyone having their own issues (plus the comedy fits in nicely when needed)

dat ending...Inaba was kinda harsh in the start but i want to know whats up with her!
Jul 21, 2012 8:38 PM

Apr 2008
Mnn, as a breakdown drama lover, I really want to be excited for this show. There's so much potential for messing with interaction and mixing trauma, and they're certainly not afraid to go into some dark issues. The problem is... it's so fast.

From episode 2 it was pretty easy to see most of the characters' respective traumas with Yui and Iori as the most obvious. And Yui is better after just that? Yes, literally walking in someone else's shoes is a pretty revolutionary therapy method, but that cheapens the character trait.

The show also has very little concept of subtlety. Now, that's not something I mind too much. I loved AnoHana even through all the cheese and obvious tear jerking, but I think Kokoro Connect would be better if they weren't just immediately giving the issues so straight out. The multiple speeches in other bodies. Himeko's whispered everyone is enemies. Selfless freak. I think this could have been done more demonstratively.

Really, I just hope this show doesn't burn out. I want to see it backpedal and spiral and grow, but it feels like core issues are being thrown out and resolved too quickly for anything good to be left in the later episodes.
Jul 21, 2012 8:52 PM

Jan 2010
I love this show so much! It has so many things I like.

-Characters that express themselves in a clear way
-No convoluted character relationships
-A lack of drama, replaced largely by problem solving instead
-Sawashiro Miyuki
-Inaba Himeko
"My tables-meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain."
Jul 21, 2012 9:08 PM

Dec 2010
This really just keeps getting better and better, Inaba was harsh at the start but perhaps she called what she did since in her experience people are selfish people who only care for themselves thus to her he is abnormal, also wondering what is up with Iori and her mom....gotta say tho what a lol way to help Yui out
Jul 21, 2012 9:15 PM

Jan 2011
Wow, Kokoro Connect is quickly becoming one of my favourites this season. The switching personality thing actually works. Each individual character has their own problems.

Taichi and Yui scenes were great. Taichi in Yui's body kicking his own body's crotch and then they switched bodies again moments later. That was freaking hilarious. xD Yui's now not afraid of being around men. :)

Inaba suddenly fainted oh damn. And I wonder what happened with Iori and her mother.
Jul 21, 2012 9:22 PM

Nov 2008
Papde said:
Great episode!
Hopefully there's an Inaba-filled episode next. She's my favourite character.

She's my favorite as well. I really think she's awesome, and when she collapsed, I was like NOOOOOOO!!! I really hope its not something serious.
ElessaR88 said:
I have a feeling that Iori switched with Inaba in the end, when she collapsed.

I really hope your wrong. I just don't want it to be Iori, cause that would give her even more importance, which I don't want.
vansonbee said:
My theory base on the current episodes. Taichi likes Inaba and she likes him, but were getting trolled into thinking Taichi likes Lori.

I hope you are right!!! If that happened, it would make me soooo happy : )
I know Inaba keeps saying that the most vulnerable one is Iori, but I really don't care for that girl. I'd rather see Taichii with Yui before I see him with Iori, although I really want him with Inaba : )
On another note, I'm really glad Yui, got over her fear thanks to Taichi. It must of been an awful experience, so I'm really happy for her.
I am a sucker for romance!!!!

Jul 21, 2012 10:05 PM

Apr 2010
Love everyone's theories on the relationship game.

To be honest, i really don't care who Tachi ends up, but as long as Aoki isn't left out I'll be good. Of course that'll make or break the series for me. I know it's a shallow view and regardless someone is gonna get left out, but I'd rather have the supporting male character get some love.

And yeah I agree that this little harem around Tachi is annoying and if any of the girls were present when Aoki was having his serious talk, they'd would have a completely different opinion of him. But alas Tachi is always givin opportunities to prove himself.
Jul 21, 2012 10:12 PM

Jan 2011
I read a couple of reviews that were pretty dismissive of the first episode in the series, largely because the reviewers assumed that this would be the typical hijinks and misunderstandings bodyswap comedy. What we've seen has been a much darker and more internalized plot development, with many of the characters revealing psychological problems that they have succeeded in hiding from the outside world. This show is living up to my hopes, and I expect that I'll raise my score at least once before the end of the series. Speaking of psychological problems, I'm wondering just what will be revealed about Taichi and Aoki--I don't think they'll be lucky enough to get off scot free.

And since they are so blithely swapping bodies back and forth, maybe we can get an ending where Taichi gets both Inaba and Iori...
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Jul 21, 2012 10:21 PM

Jul 2011
Really good episode, I enjoyed it.

Jul 21, 2012 10:37 PM

Dec 2006
I agree.this episode was so funny and awesome!!
Taichi is so lovely *--* my favorite character so far!!
Jul 21, 2012 10:40 PM

Oct 2008
This anime took a more serious tone than I would have expected.
Good character development and some great comedy. I really like how they are running with the premise.
Jul 21, 2012 10:41 PM

Apr 2008
iHeartTsugumi said:
If any of you notice on the ED the last part where Iori is passing the ball that symbolizes their hearts to Taichi I really think that Iori and Taichi will end up together and I hope that it will really happen. :D

I threw together an image of the swap in question:

Inaba->Aoki and Yui->Inaba, eh?
Jul 21, 2012 11:06 PM
Apr 2011
What do Inaba and Taichi mean when Inaba said that Iori is the 'weakest link in the StuCS"? Was the reason already explained in previous episodes? o.O
deactivated10325Jul 21, 2012 11:30 PM
Jul 21, 2012 11:18 PM

Oct 2011
So instead of pairings, we get a harem revolving around Taichi?
...So Aoki's just a sidekick?
That's the feeling I got from this episode but seriously, I hope I'm wrong.
Jul 21, 2012 11:29 PM

Jun 2009
Well, I felt that blow a little.

Shouldn't that be the first move that should be thought to girls to protect themselves against guys?
Jul 21, 2012 11:39 PM

Dec 2011
This anime became way better after this episode.
I can see her developing feelings for Taichi now.

Our next episode would be dedicated for Inaban!

Overall, a great episode.
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Jul 21, 2012 11:49 PM

Mar 2012
This anime. So good.
Even though this episode suffered from a severe lack of Iori, it still managed to be near-flawless in concept and execution. I actually care about and like all of the characters now. Pretty impressive for the first three episodes.

Also, the music - especially the bit during the preview and transition/drop into the ED - is amazing.
Jul 21, 2012 11:57 PM

Oct 2011
complicated but amazing
Jul 22, 2012 12:23 AM
Apr 2011
gem of this season
Jul 22, 2012 12:36 AM

Apr 2012
really nice episode, so curious about their love pentangon
Jul 22, 2012 12:39 AM
Community Admin
sunny moment

May 2010
This episode was quite well done, and I'm definitely enjoying the bits of comedy they put into the story as well. As for the pacing itself, seeing that one episode has 'concluded' Kiriyama's story; I'm hoping that there will be hopefully something extra thrown into the mix in the future to stop things from, so far, being quite linear and straight forward. One thing I noticed is that hints from Iori's story were being dropped from episode 1 which also probably means it will be the primary one.

Besides the female cast; I'm also hoping to see some drama from the guys as the body-switching is two way there should be opportunity to see more into their, what appears on the surface, as carefree lives. Won't bet anything on it though.

Either way, so far so good and I'm looking forward to more as well as some more diversity in story telling.
Jul 22, 2012 1:20 AM

Apr 2011
Taichi got talent for solving problems. If he keeps that up, the girls will eventually fall in love with him, or did they already?

It was all good and nice at the end, but I got surprise when Inaba suddenly collapse.

Inaba! NOOOO!!!
Jul 22, 2012 1:21 AM

Apr 2012
Just started watching this. Certainly is good. And had a good laugh during this episode.
Especially when they acted out their 'fantasies' :D

and Yui is so cute at the end, patting Taichi and all :3

Kokoro Connect seems promising ;)

My forum picture is awesome. #sorrynotsorry (tumblr)

Jul 22, 2012 2:00 AM

Jul 2012
ElessaR88 said:
I have a feeling that Iori switched with Inaba in the end, when she collapsed.

I think the same thing !! I am pretty sure Iori is the one that passed out in Inaba's body. Also I have a feeling that Inaba might like Iori and not Taichi, that why she is so concerned about her. I just love this anime, my heart beat so fast for every single story of all of them. It is so true and sometimes i forget is just an anime and I feel their emotions so deeply!!

Oh Kokoro I give you 10/10

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Jul 22, 2012 2:05 AM

Sep 2008
This episode should deserve 6/5!!!

Let's see how many body switches we have in this episode
Scene 1: When the boys made the girls' love confession (4 bodies switched at the same time)
Yui --> Taichi
Taichi --> Inaba
Inaba -->Aoki
Aoki --> Yui

Scene 2: At the 2nd half of the episode
Taichi --> Yui
Yui --> Taichi

Every part of the episode from start to finish is priceless, especially the relationship between Yui and Taichi and the fake girls' confessions scene.
ShoutaAzumaJul 22, 2012 2:52 AM
Jul 22, 2012 2:25 AM

Aug 2011
This series is really solid right now.

Looking forward to next ep a lot. This had become my 2nd most anticipated anime this season now
Jul 22, 2012 2:59 AM

Sep 2010
So Yui was afraid of boys.. Didn't see that one coming....

Anyway Inaba is getting on my nerves...

Jul 22, 2012 3:00 AM

Nov 2007
I like all three girls in the anime. And the boys are nice too. This anime, as I have anticipated before the start, alongside Natsuyuki Rendezvous and Tari Tari would be my weekly must see shows! And I look forward to all three of them now once the airing day comes! While the anime could have taken an all out ecchi route, it seems we are getting into more serious side of the story. The humour is still there, but the enjoyment comes from the conversations they have when the more serious nature of the personality switching become a major concern.

This anime also reminds me why I respect my opposite sex more than my own.

As for the episode itself, a great episode! I loved it how we are getting to see the characters develop so quickly, and although I could predict that Yui had a horrible experience that makes her avoid men, it was refreshing to see Taichi giving her a push to overcome her past. And then Inaba showed great compassion for the two girls in the club and it seems she truly cherish both the girls.

Bumped my overall anime rating to a 9/10. The only three ongoing shows that I was rating with a splendid 9/10 were Natsuyuki, Kuroko and SAO out of the 20 shows I am seeing this season before this episode.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
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Jul 22, 2012 4:35 AM
Apr 2011
Taichi is still my favorite but...
I have a feeling that he's going to be the one who hurts everyone the most. It's always the selfless guy that gets himself in these situations. That saying "too much kindness is cruel" is very true. When you try to spread your loyalty around, it's hard to establish how you really feel about each person. Although it's good he's limited his trust to the other 4, this is going to cause a lot of confusion with the girls as he's always seen to be the 'hero' for them.

It would be an interesting surprise if he did like Inaba but I don't really think that is the case (just imo).
Jul 22, 2012 5:45 AM

May 2010
Why would you do that? i know its to help her, get over her fear but the PAIN OL THE PAIN is not worth it, knowing that your gonna switch back, that made me grab mine ouch, anyway to find like something like that happen to Yui was mind shocking, just when i think this show was light hearted guess i was wrong, Ups to Taichi for doing something like that for a friend selfless indeed, As for Inaba i think she just fell from all that stress of having to deal with everything and when some was finally lifted she collapse

This is starting to be one of the best of the season.
Jul 22, 2012 5:45 AM

May 2010
Three_Leaf_Ivy said:
iHeartTsugumi said:
If any of you notice on the ED the last part where Iori is passing the ball that symbolizes their hearts to Taichi I really think that Iori and Taichi will end up together and I hope that it will really happen. :D

I threw together an image of the swap in question:

Inaba->Aoki and Yui->Inaba, eh?

Maybe another angle view but Yui and Aoki are still in question. xD

What I'm pointing out is this

to this

Even if they swapped they are still Iori and Taichi right? :D

Also this one,

All looking and smiling at Taichi while Iori is sleeping. I wonder what that means.
iHeartTsugumiJul 22, 2012 5:51 AM
Jul 22, 2012 6:29 AM

Jul 2010
My prediction was right; Yui was almost raped in the past. Taichi really learned her the best attack against a guy and that gave her some confidence. xD

I wonder what got into Himeko('s body) though. I actually think it was actually Iori in her body when she collapsed. It seems like everyone has his/her fair share of problems and I like that about this show.

Taichi might up hurting people the most in the end. Too much kindness isn't good either.
OnyxthegreatJul 22, 2012 6:34 AM

Jul 22, 2012 6:32 AM
Feb 2012
Comedy and Slice of Life my ass, this shit's dark.

And good. Very good. Excellent. 5/5
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Jul 22, 2012 7:02 AM

Apr 2011
Another great episode. Kokoro Connect is better than I thought it would be its so enjoyable. Wasn't expecting fanservice in this episode.
Jul 22, 2012 8:32 AM

Jun 2011
Damn.....They just had to do a great development for Yui, now i cant choose whether i want Taichi to end up with Iori or Yui though it will most probably be Iori.

This show is really exceeding my expectations with the nice blend of drama and comedy. I thought it was gonna be some K-on-ish type anime but i sure was wrong and im very glad that i am.
Jul 22, 2012 8:33 AM

May 2011
Oh my god this bloody series is just too imba. Slice of life my ass. The plot's friggin too deep for it. The way they bring out the plot step by step is just too good. Definitely one of the best show of this season.

And as usual, the way the do the preview and then the ED. It gives you an overwhelm feeling. Seriously good stuff.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Jul 22, 2012 8:56 AM

Mar 2012
ArcanaTrace said:
Damn.....They just had to do a great development for Yui, now i cant choose whether i want Taichi to end up with Iori or Yui though it will most probably be Iori.

This show is really exceeding my expectations with the nice blend of drama and comedy. I thought it was gonna be some K-on-ish type anime but i sure was wrong and im very glad that i am.

Iori, no contest.
Jul 22, 2012 9:04 AM
May 2012
Holy crap. Solid ep. If they definitely keep this up, this might become my anime of the year, aside from the season.

So Inaba says Iori's the weakest link. I want to see more of that. but damn, WHY NO IORI THIS EP? Well at least seeing her appearing a few times in this ep is all good.

So Yui's androphobic? Inaba was right, she was good at hiding it. And good work Taichi for giving her some confidence.

Still, lots of questions. What did Iori and her mom talked about? But more importantly, what happened to Inaba? why did she collapsed? Well, that was definitely a cliffhanger.

There's definitely a huge development even after three episodes, and i could sense that there'll be more in the next one.

Can't wait for next week!

Jul 22, 2012 9:24 AM
Jul 2012
uhm.. i was like "WUTT JUST HAPPEN WITH MY INABA!?"
uhm i don't know why,, i just kinda dislike Iori
since she's grabbing all the attention because of her sad past and a vulnerable type ish :/

so i'm kinda rotting for Inaba X Taichi which is NEVER gonna happen
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