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Vinland Saga
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Jun 19, 2023 12:22 PM

May 2018
Good ending for now for a great show! The reunion was great (minus Helga's gorilla moments lol)

Jun 19, 2023 12:22 PM

Aug 2022
This was such a great ending. Thorfinn's reuninon with his family was really heartwarming. Can't wait for the next season!
Jun 19, 2023 12:31 PM
Jun 2019
I will forever cherish that I was present and got to watch vinland saga season 2 from episode 1 weekly. I have never seen characterization as good as this season and I hope someone out there has the skill to learn from it and match it.
This is the greatest story and season to be ever made.
Jun 19, 2023 12:32 PM

Sep 2020
5ika said:
Ylva is horrible in this episode. Was hoping they would skip most of it like they did with some other weaker comedic parts of the manga but I guess not.
You wanted them to cut off entire Brother-sister reunion part or what ? That scene was genuinely funny imo.
Jun 19, 2023 12:37 PM
Mar 2015
Oue boi is Vinland bound Just can't stay home can you?
Jun 19, 2023 12:44 PM
Feb 2021
ZXEAN said:
5ika said:
Ylva is horrible in this episode. Was hoping they would skip most of it like they did with some other weaker comedic parts of the manga but I guess not.
You wanted them to cut off entire Brother-sister reunion part or what ? That scene was genuinely funny imo.
I very rarely like slapstick humor to begin with especially on more serious stuff. Even considering that the round 2 inside the house was just painful to watch. I can overlook it once in a while, like just the first kick would have been fine, but they just went all in.

Jun 19, 2023 12:48 PM

Jan 2019
Thorfinn finally reunited with his mom. Man, what a ride.
Now I'm waitiing for Season 3 news to be confirmed.
Jun 19, 2023 12:48 PM
Jul 2021
Absolute banger of a season and my man Thorfinn is finally reunited with his family back at his home. Need that season 3 so badly right now.
Jun 19, 2023 12:49 PM

Feb 2012
The prodigal son returns!

Haha, I'm glad they kept in tsundere Ylva. He endured 100 punches from Drott but his only older sister can K.O. him. The genes of Sigvaldi are with her.

The montage with Askeladd simply blew my mind.
Fortress_MaximusJun 19, 2023 2:17 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jun 19, 2023 12:53 PM

Sep 2020
5ika said:
ZXEAN said:
You wanted them to cut off entire Brother-sister reunion part or what ? That scene was genuinely funny imo.
I very rarely like slapstick humor to begin with especially on more serious stuff. Even considering that the round 2 inside the house was just painful to watch. I can overlook it once in a while, like just the first kick would have been fine, but they just went all in.
Can't relate. I really like that part.
Jun 19, 2023 12:56 PM
Nov 2017
Thorfinn is a beautiful man and vinland saga is a beautiful anime
Jun 19, 2023 12:57 PM
Jun 2023
Wow... how much I felt Hometown was wild. The part I was waiting for in so long, his reunion with his family and boy, did it not disappoint. A perfect finale that'll set the tone for next season. And the very end where he cut his hair and no facial hair, a completely different man. I loved all of it. 100/10 season and season finale.
Jun 19, 2023 1:00 PM

Nov 2013
I actually loved this season more than 1st. Absolutely amazing. Will be hoping for S3.
Jun 19, 2023 1:08 PM

Oct 2022
The perfect cap-off to an absolutely astonishing season that managed to top the first with it's more character focused storyline. Every piece of development feels earned, the causes pursued feel truly righteous, and my heart is left full from the long-awaited reunion.
Jun 19, 2023 1:12 PM
Dec 2021
great anime. multiplication.
Jun 19, 2023 1:18 PM

Mar 2020
With how much pain Thorfinn has endured, I'm glad he experienced some moments of true happiness, by seeing his family, and all the people in Iceland. It was a very solid finale to give us the proper send-off and closure to the farmland arc, and to set up for whatever is to come next. Very glad to see how far Thorfinn has come, and his journey will continue.

This has to be one of the most memorable seasons of anime I have ever watched, as it was such a gripping, emotional roller coaster. Words cannot begin to describe how much this season of Vinland Saga has meant to me, and I'm sure it has impacted many others as well. I understand some may not enjoy it as much due to it being a much slower-paced arc, but I hope everyone found something to enjoy from this season. Thank you to director Shuhei Yabuta, as well as the staff for working so hard to make this a wonderful experience that will be cherished by many. It was a pleasure talking about this show weekly.

Jun 19, 2023 1:26 PM
Jul 2014
Azuchi said:
Way better than the first season despite less deaths. This was more mature and brilliant in my opinion. Though didn't care much for Einar, being the crybaby he is.
The first season was just a boy killing people for way too many episodes but I'm not complaining. 
Kind off thinking about buying the manga as well. Does anyone know which volume this season ended with? So I can read them all and catch up before we might get a third season.

The anime is up to chapter 100. This was 100, season 3 will probably go from 101 to 150.
Jun 19, 2023 1:33 PM
Jul 2018
The lines, showing a brief vision of a past that we haven't seen and of several important characters in the plot, were magical. The last episode was an excellent conclusion to the spectacular Farmland arc. That accompanied the calm of everyday life and the incredible feeling of following the evolution, the two brothers realizing their achievements, their first wheat plantation. Soon after, it unfolded into a profound Arnheid family drama, which left scars and changed the course of the narrative, with many moments that made the eyes sweat. Then, after the carnage and killing unfold in a territory that was once peaceful, to remind us that human beings can be brutal and animalistic with their fellow men. Ending the arc with a conflict of ideas resolved with a sincere dialogue between two idealistic rivals. In this episode, we conclude the journey of the old Thorffin, reuniting with his family and rekindling his bonds. Accepting your sins but moving forward each day. Continually trying to become a better HUMAN being.

As lineares mostrando uma breve visão de um passado que não vimos, de vários personagens importantes no enredo, foi mágico. O episódio passado, foi uma excelente conclusão, para o espetacular arco de Farmland. Que acompanhou a calmaria do cotidiano, e da incrível sensação de acompanhar a evolução, os dois irmãos realizando suas conquistas, sua primeira plantação de trigo. Logo depois se desenrolando para um profundo drama familiar de Arnheid, que deixou cicatrizes, e mudou o rumo da narrativa, com muitos momentos de fazer os olhos suarem. Seguidamente depois o desenrolar da carnificina e matança, em um território outrora pacifico, para nos relembrar de que o ser humano pode ser brutal e animalesco com seus semelhantes. Finalizando o arco com um conflito de ideias, solucionado com um diálogo sincero de dois rivais idealistas.
Enquanto neste episódio concluímos a jornada do antigo Thorffin, reencontrando sua família, reatando seus laços. Aceitando seus pecados, mas seguindo em frente cada dia. Tentando continuamente se tornar um ser HUMANO melhor.

Jun 19, 2023 1:34 PM

Mar 2010
I can't really say I didn't enjoy it, but at the same time some episodes almost put me to sleep.. so overall twas alright.. for this episode... twas great seeing thorfinn reunite with his fam. But damn I guess his sis got most of the strength kek

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jun 19, 2023 1:53 PM
Jun 2021
Reunion episode Thorfinn getting home  wholesome but damn it's been 24 weeks already, seeing Thorfinn grow so much, i never knew i would so see that when i was watching season 1. On the top of my head my fav episodes this season were Ep 9 and Ep 23. One of the best and my Favourite piece of fiction i have ever experinced. I will definitely be reading the manga soon. 10/10
Jun 19, 2023 1:55 PM
Aug 2022
It was so good to see this wrap up so beautify. I’m no good with words but it’s been a journey ever since s1 dropped, and i was not expecting this season to be such of a surprise. With Thorfinns message this anime was truly life changing for me and others. I’ll be honest, i give out lots of 10/10 but in this case, this deserves a teir beyond that. I’ll def be reading the manga but until then i really hope they continue adapting this series.
Jun 19, 2023 2:01 PM
Nov 2022
Thorfinn, you are a true warrior...
Jun 19, 2023 2:06 PM
Jul 2022
Great Reunion! I am so excited for the adventure to come!
Jun 19, 2023 2:15 PM

Apr 2020
What can I say? Perfect/10. 
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
Jun 19, 2023 2:17 PM
Sep 2019
Gostei do anime inteiro por mais que nao tenha tido muitas lutar em comparação a primeira temporada essa segunda temporada foi focada na construção do personagem espero que tenha uma terceira temporada logo onde eles finalmente encontrem a vinlandia mais fico com um pouco de receio de como irão desenvolver uma terceira tempora sem que o personagem principal (Thorfin) entre em alguma batalha ja que um anime focado na era dos vikings sem uma batalha é realmente triste ja que a construção do personagem ja foi feita com essa segunda temporada.
Jun 19, 2023 2:29 PM
Nov 2020
this is not Vinland Saga this is not Thorfen that i saw in 1st season these are some new characters i don't know how they got in the anime . this is so bad i don't get how anyone enjoying this Bullshit
Jun 19, 2023 2:31 PM
Mar 2022
TokyoGhoulRemake said:
kinda crazy it took nearly 50 episodes before the characters from vinland saga to go to vinland

Yeeeah don't get your hopes up. As I understand it, they forst need to acquire a buttload of money before they can get prepared. That's probably gonna take a while, maybe even a whole season.
Jun 19, 2023 2:31 PM
Jul 2014
Unq said:
this is not Vinland Saga this is not Thorfen that i saw in 1st season these are some new characters i don't know how they got in the anime . this is so bad i don't get how anyone enjoying this Bullshit

Now, when everyone else likes it and you don't get it because you obviously don't understand how character development works, that says it's a you problem.
Jun 19, 2023 2:32 PM
Oct 2022
sooo gooood like fr
Jun 19, 2023 2:34 PM

Oct 2013
Thorfinn has finally returned to where his life started - to Iceland, his homeland. After all those years he was given a chance to reunite with his family. Quite beautiful ending.

I liked this season. It won't be a lie if I say I enjoyed it more than the first one. More realistic and mature take, combined with high production quality, really did the work.

5ika said:
very rarely like slapstick humor to begin with especially on more serious stuff. Even considering that the round 2 inside the house was just painful to watch. I can overlook it once in a while, like just the first kick would have been fine, but they just went all in.
I can relate. This moment felt off. I don't have anything against slapstick humor, but I felt there was too much of it in this episode. I heard the manga has in general more that kind of scenes, but they were either omitted or toned down in the anime. Thank goodness, lol.
Jun 19, 2023 2:35 PM

Feb 2014
It has been one long journey, so it felt fitting to see Thorfinn finally return home after all these years. Ylva, his sister, thought that he wasn't the real Thorfinn and that led to a few comedic moments with her treating him like a complete ragdoll. To some, it might break the mood a bit, but for me, it was a rare wacky moment that had me laughing many times. XD

Thankfully, Thorfinn's mother instantly recognised him and that led to a tearful reunion between the two of them. It wasn't long before Thorfinn told his family of not only everything that he has gone through, but of his next goal in heading off to Vinland itself. His new hairstyle at the end of the episode did take me by surprise, as he looks pretty close to King Canute's look.

My overall thoughts of this season is that I would most likely rate it the same 10/10 score that I gave to the first season. It still continues to being a special series of excellent character development and solid action, along with the beautiful soundtrack and the impressive visual quality. I hope that there will be a 3rd season on the horizon. Even if us fans have to wait another 4 years or even longer than that, it'll be worth it if it stil delivers just like both seasons have done thus far. =)
Jun 19, 2023 2:40 PM

Sep 2017
Nooo Thorfinn don't cut your hair! Ah well. This was a fantastic emotional finale. I think last episode would have worked better for the final in a way but you don't really wanna start a season with him meeting his family for the first time in forever so I get it. Anyway this arc was fantastic and completely elevates Vinland Saga into one my all time favourite series. I just wonder how the next season could ever top the farmland saga. This growth arc for Thorfinn is maybe my favourite character arc of all and I'm not sure where we go from here with that. Anyway I'm still excited for another season and hope it comes sooner rather than later.
Jun 19, 2023 2:42 PM

Feb 2012
CHILLS!~ and not from the cold but from this MASTERPIECE!!!
PEAKLAND saga! 10/10
Jun 19, 2023 2:43 PM
Nov 2020
Damolisher said:
Unq said:
this is not Vinland Saga this is not Thorfen that i saw in 1st season these are some new characters i don't know how they got in the anime . this is so bad i don't get how anyone enjoying this Bullshit

Now, when everyone else likes it and you don't get it because you obviously don't understand how character development works, that says it's a you problem.
ok , i'm the problem but there's no such thing called development without anything happening he's literally become a farmer and having nightmares about the past you called this development !!! just tell me how is that development, and he all of sudden forget his revenge and he lived in war since he was 6 years old ,  how did he know peace now ?? and the writer is writing something about Viking they didn't know mercy or this bullshit . 
Jun 19, 2023 2:46 PM

Nov 2016
You really are your fathers son ranks among iconic quotes such as "people die when they are killed"

Jokes aside, I felt like tearing up from too much peak fiction. Friggin Winland Saga deserves a 9,5/10 for delivering so many top tier episodes.

When your sister takes you down in one punch after you took 100. Ylva was too hilarious lmao

After checking the respetive chapter I realized that the content was slightly altered here too. We didn't get to see Ylva giving Thorfinn the haircut and the grave scene was added.
FMmatronJun 20, 2023 1:21 PM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 19, 2023 2:48 PM
Jul 2014
For all the people confused about the "new character" - yes, that was Askeladd. They showed the younger versions of his parental figures - Thors & Helga, Leif, and Askeladd.

Found this to be again a disappointing adaptation, but still a good show. It's difficult for me to separate my pre-existing feelings for the manga and the emotions I felt while reading this arc from the anime itself and what it evoked from me, so i settled on an 8/10. 10/10 source makes it hard to justify lower than that since it wasn't completely butchered or anything major like that (though the beginning had me worried).
WanderingWispJun 19, 2023 3:43 PM
Jun 19, 2023 2:52 PM

Nov 2015
Im not sad it ended , I'm excuted for the next season.
Jun 19, 2023 2:55 PM

Feb 2019
“You must live to do that, thorfinn, son of thors”

Easiest 10 of the year. Whew man, what a journey. One of the greatest animated works ever created. Not only did the manga justice, but surpassed it. The highest form of praise for an adaptation. MAPPA’s anime original content and direction were superb and heightened an already amazing story.

What this season lacked in action, it made up for in character drama and development. In the span of 24 episodes we saw Thorfinn truly grow into a man.

Coming from the lost and broken husk that we saw in episode 1 to the joyful, optimistic and cheerful thorfinn at the end feels so natural and believable because we’ve seen the ups and downs. We’ve been right there with him on this journey and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.

Was kind of hoping we’d get a season 3 little cinematic thing setting up Hild and Gorm like we did at the end of season 1, but it is what it is. We won’t have to wait long for more Vinland.
Jun 19, 2023 3:02 PM
May 2020
finishing the season on a high note, thorfinn meeting with his family was honestly such a wholesome moment and even better yet, you can see how much he has changed as a person as opposed to season 1. granted he was a kid in s1 it still is rather remarkable that he was able to make a full 180 in his philosophy
Jun 19, 2023 3:02 PM
Jan 2023
ParayBR said:
The comic scenes with Thorfinn's sister were unnecessary and somewhat spoiled the feeling of the reunion, diminishing the emotion of what could have been great. And it was a disgrace to Thorfinn's past as an assassin who took over 100 punches. These comedic scenes really detracted from everything that was built here. It got really bad. It spoiled what could have been a great ending.

I totally agree, the reunion could have been emotional and more realistic than punches and comics, this ep could have been the best one of the story
Jun 19, 2023 3:23 PM
Mar 2022
ZER0PT said:
Everyone that said this season would be worse than the first one lied to me.
It's still a masterpiece 10/10.

I don’t think we were watching the same anime then…
Jun 19, 2023 3:27 PM

Nov 2012
need season 3, now
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
Jun 19, 2023 3:27 PM
Jan 2022
A fitting finale to the show
Jun 19, 2023 3:44 PM

Jan 2011
really liked this part 2, i think that compared to season 1 its much slower but somehow i still found it more entertaining,  it had some genuine epic an dramatic moments that far surpass anything season 1 offered

Jun 19, 2023 4:01 PM
Apr 2020
amazing episode, always wondered is he ever gonna come back home. Farmland saga is peak!
Jun 19, 2023 4:03 PM

May 2016
Great season, packed with so many epic momentsof thrills and action, got emotional during the reunion with his mother.
I would have liked it if Yelva did what she did out of hatred for Thorffin being the main reason of Thors death and not out of stupidity...

Jun 19, 2023 4:18 PM
Oct 2015
This season was great few levels ahead of the first season that was mid, also gave meaning and fixed the main flaw of season 1 which was that the protagonist was pathetic, one dimensional and unlikeable.
Jun 19, 2023 4:24 PM
May 2021
Jun 19, 2023 4:29 PM

Feb 2014
A wholesome journey filled of everything. 9/10
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Jun 19, 2023 4:32 PM
May 2017
Beautiful season, so far it's my anime of the year. It's been a pleasure discussing this every Monday with you guys

10/10 season
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