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And yet another Azu-nyan episode that is definitely worth watching! I laughed throughout most of the episode. And seriously, there should me more Jun!!!!
Simply awesome episode, this is what K-on is all about (^.^)
And I really like how Sawako thinks xD
Too bad the girls weren't as exited over her ideas and costumes =P
Sicilian said: I think it was the best episode in season. Just like good ol' days in first seaon)
I have to agree with this. This episode was just like the good old days of the first season, full of laughs and moe. Second season was pretty bland for me but this episode and a few ones were enjoyable. But one great episode doesn't really help change my view of the show overall. Still, I laughed and smiled at this episode more than the rest of the season combined. Can anyone get me a screenshot of Mio in that nurse outfit? Thanks ;P
i loled @ Sawako's imagination of making a trailer movie in the beginning xD
lol love how Yui kept looking down at Mio's hw and back to the camera so many times xD
anyways okay episode >.> one more episode to go!
Was the best episode ever >.< Azu-nyan arrrgghh *cant resist.. must.. hug* and dont forget the hollywood trailer style. Also Mio as nurse.. my dreams come true :D
I do remember that Yui cut her bangs in the Yearbook-episode. But when the school festival (I think that was it? Talking about that concert) arrived the were already normal.
So, how does this episode blend in? If I remember correctly, Azusa remembered the school festival in this episode, so it should be happening after that concert. But Yui still got those weird, short bangs °_o"
I am confused.
I do remember that Yui cut her bangs in the Yearbook-episode. But when the school festival (I think that was it? Talking about that concert) arrived the were already normal.
So, how does this episode blend in? If I remember correctly, Azusa remembered the school festival in this episode, so it should be happening after that concert. But Yui still got those weird, short bangs °_o"
I am confused.
The school festival was the episode before she cut her hair (school festival = ep20, haircut = ep21). This special happens between ep21 and 22 (valentine's episode and the four of them getting accepted to the all-girl college at the end).
I’m glad at how KyoAni handled this episode. I thought this would feel like pointless side-story, seeing as the main plot ended at episode 24, but instead -although the episode itself was pretty random- I got a great one filled with memorable moments. This is the kind of episode that made K-ON! as enjoyable as it was.
All those ideas for the recruitment video were amusing, but Sawako’s thought of the Holywood-styled trailer made me laugh my head off. It was priceless, if K-ON!!’s movie is like that I’ll love it to bits. The moé fan service wasn’t really needed, or so I think, but it wasn’t half bad. The final editing of the video was amazing.
I would have liked it to be placed in the chronological order of the story, but they can’t let K-ON!! end in a bittersweet way, I guess.
Anisamar said: I would have liked it to be placed in the chronological order of the story, but they can’t let K-ON!! end in a bittersweet way, I guess.
Indeed... at the end, the bittersweet (like the coffee beans covered with choco I'm munchin' atm) feel both episodes 20 and 24 left us don't fit the the whole show feel... K-On! is our dear heart lighted cute funny Series... not a saddish one :P
Anyway I'm happy to see such cute episode!! Seriously they really did all that stuff for just a video??? xD I loved Mio on a Nurse outfit... dude it totally fits her!!! takes out her beauty and makes her look so mooeeee... Definitely the best scene of the whole episode, along with Ton-chan's Voicing by Nodoka and Ritsu... Nodoka's one was plain weird... Like definitely didn't fit the poor Ton-chan at all... btw, speaking of Ton-chan... I dun get it... it's a he or a she? I thought and I was certain it's a she... yet... Azunya says it's a he but she's a she... I'm sue of that :/
I loved Ton-chan's idea the most!! Too bad everyone else discarded it immediately and didn't used it... yet Azusa's idea was good enough for what they need... YAY! let's film them studying.... Having tea and sweets! and never rehearse/practice xD But definitely all those interviews and the responses and that scene at the end were priceless... I loved that rec vid... I'd join the Keion bu without doubts! Oh and Sawa's idea was a bit too overdone but could have been a good idea if they were really going to film that hahaha
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That can't possibly leave tha in the cookie jar! Are they insane?! You know what? Actually that would have made a great promotional video for the second season of this show. I'm impressed by how good this was overall. Yui trying to act all studious and smart is what really got me. That and those ridiculous outfits that Sawako-sensei was trying to put on them. Actually, I don't think I'd mind seeing them in them. >:-)
Why the hell is their female advisor trying to put them in such revealing clothes anyway? I'll chalk that up to her punk rocker past and not anything else weird.
I had to stop the episode when Yui started "correcting" Mio in the studying scene because I just couldn't stop laughing. I just couldn't stop xD Just remembering that scene now is cracking me up :P
5 star episode right here. Haircut Yui? Check. Ritsu being adorable? Check. Azunyan with kitty ears? Check. Mio in a nurse outfit? Check. Mugi being a lesbian? Check. I see no flaws in this episode.