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Why so many people like to be prophets of doom?

Mar 20, 9:19 AM

Jan 2021
Why are so many people negative about the future and think the world as we know it is going to end soon

People hold this opinion for thousands of years, and there were so many prediction that the world was going to end, yet it didn't

World didn't change much imo, the same laws apply as they did 5000 thousand years ago, so what's the big deal?

We humans still function on same principals, why we can't just be positive and do our time with gratitude for it being given to us?

I didn't do shit to be born, yet I was and it's cool here
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Mar 20, 9:21 AM

Jan 2009
like i said on another thread we got this but its not universal a lot of people are not doomers anyway

also everything has an end but its a matter of when so people like to predict when that end comes
Mar 20, 9:24 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to deg
like i said on another thread we got this but its not universal a lot of people are not doomers anyway

also everything has an end but its a matter of when so people like to predict when that end comes
@deg you are right, but this minority bothers me a lot >
Mar 20, 9:27 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to Cammell
@deg you are right, but this minority bothers me a lot >
@Cammell also what do you think of climate change, evil AI, nuclear wars, deadly pandemics? they will likely intensify a lot of people says in the future
Mar 20, 9:52 AM

Mar 2023
People want society to fall apart so they can be the king of the ashes.
Mar 20, 11:28 AM

Sep 2016
Because they are longing for the Apocalypse Now.

This is the end, my only friend the end.

ZarutakuMar 21, 11:35 AM
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Mar 20, 12:25 PM

Jun 2019
If the insufferable city-dwellers who pretend to suffer from eco-anxiety could stop producing CO2, everyone would be able to breathe more easily.

Zarutaku said:
Because they are longing for the Apocalypse Now.

I also love the smell of napalm when I shave in the morning.
Mar 20, 12:56 PM

May 2013
Well the world is going to shit completely but I can't do anything about it so just gonna live my best life.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Mar 20, 1:01 PM

Apr 2013
Because it's beneficial for some to keep the masses in a constant state of fear. Since we are easier to control that way.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Mar 20, 1:19 PM

Mar 2008
Just because something hasnt happened before doesnt mean it never will. In fact several things have happened like the extinction of the dinosaurs and the last ice age and many empires have fallen. Rapture dreaming Christians that want the end to come but scared anyway because they know they all "sinned" + doomsday cultists which neither being same or even similar to as scientists making educated predictions of possabilities in order to effect decisions so one cant equate such things. Also some of these past predictions are completely fabrications of entertainment media. The Mayans didnt say the would end, they said a new cycle would begin which means hard times and that can potentially be an end if not prepared. I recall many false claims made about Baba Vagna who never made doomsday predictions yet it is all over the internet. Natural disasters arent so natural anymore becoming increasingly extreme and showing up places they didnt before. All those massive wild fires around the US and Australia and that deep freeze in Texas that knocked out power for example. You'd have to be deaf blind and dumb to not see something ain't right. That doesnt mean you have to panic it means you prepare and make better decisions to help prevent bad things from happening or reduce their negative effect.
traedMar 20, 1:37 PM
Mar 20, 3:29 PM

Aug 2012
World has change drastically in just the last 70 years.

@traed The rapture is about the persecution of true Christians and trying destroy the Christian faith, not about vanishing into thin air. Which persecution and perversion of our faith already under attack.

F.Y.I everyone has sinned it's not about being a sinner. it's about turning your ways from it. Born again comes in.
Mar 20, 3:50 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to Order-Sol
World has change drastically in just the last 70 years.

@traed The rapture is about the persecution of true Christians and trying destroy the Christian faith, not about vanishing into thin air. Which persecution and perversion of our faith already under attack.

F.Y.I everyone has sinned it's not about being a sinner. it's about turning your ways from it. Born again comes in.
I wasn't really talking about all Christians rather specific subsets since there are different demonizational views and individual views on top of that that differ a lot and in the US they were influenced by a novel series about the rapture. The part about me saying "all sinned" was actually more of a subtle jab at people judging others without looking at themselves and suggesting how vastly varying views are on what is considered "sin".
Mar 20, 4:22 PM

Aug 2012
Reply to traed
I wasn't really talking about all Christians rather specific subsets since there are different demonizational views and individual views on top of that that differ a lot and in the US they were influenced by a novel series about the rapture. The part about me saying "all sinned" was actually more of a subtle jab at people judging others without looking at themselves and suggesting how vastly varying views are on what is considered "sin".
@traed No, there aren't different types of Christians. You are a real one or your fake. I found out about this channel from our good friend @AmityBlight.
Mar 20, 4:27 PM

Jul 2021
The world isn't going to end, society might collapse under its own stupidity though.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Mar 20, 4:47 PM

Feb 2010
So referring to more modern doom types and not the classic Revelations Doomer of the past (Baby boomers today lol)
Narcissism gets blamed unfairly for a lot of flaws, but your typical online doomer is a clear-cut example of it. Even with the more passive types who are very mopey, they subtly demonstrate these qualities with the constant need to prove their bleak outlook is better than anyone else's and be admired for that. They also show no empathy whatsoever for the world lol. Which says a lot. If one cared and believed the world was doomed they would act completely difference than the typical doomer. Attention-seeking bullshit (whether positive attn or negative) can explain so much today.

As for the old-school "God is coming tomorrow" types, I have noticed these ppl were ALWAYS those who had pretty much lived the best days of their lives or already had children. I think these have a lot or everything to do with it. It could probably be a little bit of attention seeking behavior and a way to sort of dunk on everyone. I've never been able to narrow down exactly why or how. Maybe something like "I'm so good the world is so bad and I can say this out loud now that I have less freedom and my single adult days are over".
Mar 20, 7:36 PM

Dec 2021
Can't speak for other countries, but in the U.S it's generally just propaganda pushed by billionaires, white supremacists, or Russian bots to try and convince you to support a dictator in the November elections. Only 8 more months of the propaganda to go. Wheeeeeeeeeee!
Mar 21, 12:57 AM

Mar 2008
Order-Sol said:
@traed No, there aren't different types of Christians. You are a real one or your fake. I found out about this channel from our good friend @AmityBlight.

Things changed in time and some beliefs are incorrect historically but many think their belief is the one true one and correct regardless. One should not assume immunity to this. Many of his points are semantics and his own assumptions on what someone else thinks based on nothing but a survey which im not sure if he cited where he got that or if i missed it. For example when he talked about where people get "moral truth" he failed to understand different people could interpret that question to mean different things and wrongly assumed if someone says it is determined by the individual that somehow automatically means they arent following biblical ways and think God's rules arent absolute. Though sure some things he said can apply to some people but he misunderstands why different denominations even came about in the first place and completely disregards them all the same degree. He also neglected to consider more deeply how different parts of the bible were written at different times by different people which not everyone believes which is and isnt canonically God's word. This is how denominations come about, it isn't merely cherry picking passages and misunderstanding from bad translations as only reason. Beyond that i would have to go deeper into scholarly theology on what beliefs are closest to the oldest ones which I will mostly refrain from at the moment from being far too broad a topic and entailed and I just don't really feel well enough to be up to the task and dont want it to turn to more a debate.
traedMar 21, 1:40 AM
Mar 21, 1:00 AM

Dec 2015
I might be wrong but that's the same reason on why people write reviews at the first second of the airing of 3rd episode of a seasonal anime

The seek out for attention.

Cammell said:
the same laws apply as they did 5000 thousand years ago, so what's the big deal?

Do we speak about nature/physics laws, or the social/countries laws?

Cause Hammurabis/other laws which existed in Babylon, or Ancient Roman laws or Medieval Magdeburg Rights which originated and inspired many nowadays country laws are different for what we have right now. Literally Hammurabi is the most different "Eye for an Eye", imagine the penalties in nowadays if you would pay back the same damage to the person who broke law causing you any damage.

Mar 21, 1:51 AM

Mar 2023
People can cheer up, you have to believe in them
I don't know what I'm doing.
Mar 21, 9:14 AM

Aug 2012
@traed What are his resources? He just told you uses bible to debunk people false preaching and self worshipping world view.

How you take something and how something statement doesn't matter, how it is stated is the objective truth. I just told you people will perversion it to fit world view. I already posted guide how buy the actual Bible.

You spoke of issues that are literally answered in the Bible lol. You proven you never study and read it like everyone who criticizes it. What else could from people justified stealing, lying and killing for self reasons few months ago.

It's not a debate you were wrong then you double down on being wrong. I corrected you. Y'all do that alot more often you people prove yourself wrong.

I'm the fool here in the situation. You people believe men can become women, it's okay be a cuck, you can br non binary, Human being, who eat pill philosophy and worship whores and steroid sex trafficer.
Order-SolMar 21, 9:23 AM
Mar 21, 9:30 AM
Dec 2022
Based on my experience, pessimism is a normal thing to think about.
Mar 21, 10:47 AM
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007
Maybe because throughout 99% of our history, humanity didn't have weapons of mass destruction that could end us all, and didn't have the technology to create deadly viruses in labs that could spell doom to our health and lives?

We live simultaneously in the best times of human history (lots of freedom, high standards of living), and the worst times of human history (we could be ended instantly if some lunatic like Pootain wanted to kill us).

Being a prophet of doom was a silly thing in the past, but nowadays it's the reality we live in. If someone calls you silly for thinking of doom and gloom nowadays, they're just foolish clowns disconnected from reality. It's not an exaggeration to say that our comfortable world could crumble and decay to nothingness the next day.
Mar 21, 11:04 AM

Oct 2013
It's just the reality. No matter how positive and optimistic you are, in the end you'll still gonna die. Especially if you die old with a lot of complications.

No matter how handsome and strong you are, with age you'll get ugly and weak. Your wealth doesn't matter because ghost use different currencies.

Some people may lead a good life and don't think that far ahead to the future. But some people have a rough life and realize that it will only getting worse.

Being a 'doomer' probably just mean being a 'realist'. But people like to cope so they label people as a doomer.
Mar 21, 11:21 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to Scavendgarr
It's just the reality. No matter how positive and optimistic you are, in the end you'll still gonna die. Especially if you die old with a lot of complications.

No matter how handsome and strong you are, with age you'll get ugly and weak. Your wealth doesn't matter because ghost use different currencies.

Some people may lead a good life and don't think that far ahead to the future. But some people have a rough life and realize that it will only getting worse.

Being a 'doomer' probably just mean being a 'realist'. But people like to cope so they label people as a doomer.
@Scavendgarr People like you are the problem
Mar 21, 11:23 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to BigBoyAdvance
Maybe because throughout 99% of our history, humanity didn't have weapons of mass destruction that could end us all, and didn't have the technology to create deadly viruses in labs that could spell doom to our health and lives?

We live simultaneously in the best times of human history (lots of freedom, high standards of living), and the worst times of human history (we could be ended instantly if some lunatic like Pootain wanted to kill us).

Being a prophet of doom was a silly thing in the past, but nowadays it's the reality we live in. If someone calls you silly for thinking of doom and gloom nowadays, they're just foolish clowns disconnected from reality. It's not an exaggeration to say that our comfortable world could crumble and decay to nothingness the next day.
@BigBoyAdvance Sure it could

Thinking about it won't change anything, why don't you put more effort to live life if that is a real possibility to you?

I don't take waking up in the morning for granted
Mar 21, 11:26 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to MiniSweetDessert
People can cheer up, you have to believe in them
@MiniSweetDessert I do believe in them

sad that they don't believe in themselves

Mar 21, 11:28 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to Zettaiken
I might be wrong but that's the same reason on why people write reviews at the first second of the airing of 3rd episode of a seasonal anime

The seek out for attention.

Cammell said:
the same laws apply as they did 5000 thousand years ago, so what's the big deal?

Do we speak about nature/physics laws, or the social/countries laws?

Cause Hammurabis/other laws which existed in Babylon, or Ancient Roman laws or Medieval Magdeburg Rights which originated and inspired many nowadays country laws are different for what we have right now. Literally Hammurabi is the most different "Eye for an Eye", imagine the penalties in nowadays if you would pay back the same damage to the person who broke law causing you any damage.

@Zettaiken I'm talking about the way society functions, yes it is different than it used to be

but we are the same, the rules within us don't change
Mar 21, 12:05 PM

Dec 2015
Reply to Cammell
@Zettaiken I'm talking about the way society functions, yes it is different than it used to be

but we are the same, the rules within us don't change
@Cammell In that case yes, which is why I asked if you meant the laws as the literal law code, in I would say personally around 90% we're exactly the same as people from Bronze Age or maybe even Stone Age era.
Mar 21, 12:40 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to Cammell
@Scavendgarr People like you are the problem
@Cammell as a contrarian I'm just yapping but I'll take your reply as a compliment.

My life sucks, so i just begging for attention on MAL. I Cope hard everyday, believing tomorrow wouldn't get any worse. I'll probably already delete myself if i believe anything i write above without a ludicrous amount of hopium lol.
Mar 21, 10:20 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to Scavendgarr
@Cammell as a contrarian I'm just yapping but I'll take your reply as a compliment.

My life sucks, so i just begging for attention on MAL. I Cope hard everyday, believing tomorrow wouldn't get any worse. I'll probably already delete myself if i believe anything i write above without a ludicrous amount of hopium lol.
@Scavendgarr feel free to write whatever you want

I laughed maybe too much reading your reply

it's weird because based on your forum avatar I though you was a outgoing person, extrovert and all that stuff, somebody that likes to goof around
Mar 21, 10:29 PM

Dec 2016
I wish for the end of western civilization so that I can live my best life.
Mar 21, 10:34 PM

Aug 2014
The asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs had the power of ten billion atomic bombs, yet the planet is fine.

When people talk about the world ending, what they really mean are things like our fragile human civilization, not the Earth itself.
Mar 22, 2:04 AM

Oct 2013
Reply to Cammell
@Scavendgarr feel free to write whatever you want

I laughed maybe too much reading your reply

it's weird because based on your forum avatar I though you was a outgoing person, extrovert and all that stuff, somebody that likes to goof around
@Cammell the fuck. My ava is punpun, not naruto nor asta. Of course I'm depressed.
Mar 22, 7:32 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to Scavendgarr
@Cammell the fuck. My ava is punpun, not naruto nor asta. Of course I'm depressed.
@Scavendgarr I just realized it rn

still looks happy to me
Mar 22, 11:10 AM

Oct 2013
Reply to Cammell
@Scavendgarr I just realized it rn

still looks happy to me
@Cammell true, it's the early stage of punpun where he's still innocent and happy.
Mar 22, 1:20 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to Scavendgarr
@Cammell true, it's the early stage of punpun where he's still innocent and happy.
@Scavendgarr I don't know I haven't actually read it, it has nice cover though
Mar 22, 1:21 PM

Jul 2014
Because so many people conflate pessimism and cynicism with intelligence and sophistication. That's not to say a pessimistic outlook on something can't be informed or intelligent, but that people will readily believe that pessimism is inherently smart, or at least that it makes them look smart.
Take care of yourself

Mar 22, 2:12 PM

Jun 2019
KittenCuddler said:
Can't speak for other countries, but in the U.S it's generally just propaganda pushed by billionaires, white supremacists, or Russian bots to try and convince you to support a dictator in the November elections. Only 8 more months of the propaganda to go. Wheeeeeeeeeee!

Are you doing okay? Your country is doomed anyway since you have the choice between a senile man and a (possibly senile) crazy man.
Mar 22, 2:38 PM

Sep 2016
Reply to Meusnier
KittenCuddler said:
Can't speak for other countries, but in the U.S it's generally just propaganda pushed by billionaires, white supremacists, or Russian bots to try and convince you to support a dictator in the November elections. Only 8 more months of the propaganda to go. Wheeeeeeeeeee!

Are you doing okay? Your country is doomed anyway since you have the choice between a senile man and a (possibly senile) crazy man.
@Meusnier I'm confused, who's the crazy one? The one who wants to defend Taiwan against China or the one who wants to rule by decree?
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Mar 22, 2:41 PM

Jun 2019
Zarutaku said:
I'm confused, who's the crazy one? The one who wants to defend Taiwan against China or the one who wants to rule by decree?

The one in office is the senile one, but in the end, they are both senile and both crazy, though one seems more unhinged than the other.
Mar 23, 5:51 AM

Dec 2021
Reply to Meusnier
KittenCuddler said:
Can't speak for other countries, but in the U.S it's generally just propaganda pushed by billionaires, white supremacists, or Russian bots to try and convince you to support a dictator in the November elections. Only 8 more months of the propaganda to go. Wheeeeeeeeeee!

Are you doing okay? Your country is doomed anyway since you have the choice between a senile man and a (possibly senile) crazy man.
@Meusnier I'm doing well, thank you! I've been learning sign language, a bunch of new dinner recipes, and rock climbing a whole bunch this year. My job is pretty "tonight," plus I still get to visit my folks and friends regularly.

But no matter how hard one tries, you can't escape bumping into culty crap telling you to burn down your home to worship an orange boi. Not to mention there are already election ads on TV (luckily, none of them have been for the cult leader). It's March, for Pete's sake!

(The country may be in trouble, but we ain't doomed. We outnumber the weirdos by a whole bunch, and the gap between us grows everyday)
Mar 23, 6:03 AM

Aug 2021
people are really this serious no way
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 23, 6:16 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to YanYan
people are really this serious no way
@YanYan ong I quit casual discussion

everyone way too serious
Mar 26, 2:00 PM

Jun 2019
KittenCuddler said:
@Meusnier I'm doing well, thank you! I've been learning sign language, a bunch of new dinner recipes, and rock climbing a whole bunch this year. My job is pretty "tonight," plus I still get to visit my folks and friends regularly.

But no matter how hard one tries, you can't escape bumping into culty crap telling you to burn down your home to worship an orange boi. Not to mention there are already election ads on TV (luckily, none of them have been for the cult leader). It's March, for Pete's sake!

(The country may be in trouble, but we ain't doomed. We outnumber the weirdos by a whole bunch, and the gap between us grows everyday)

I am glad to hear that you are doing well. May I ask why you have interest in sign language? Are you a bartender by chance? #KittenCuddlerOverAOC

Before the elections, I would like to propose to bring back all the art—and "rare and precious" books!—you guys stole from us. Then the country could burn to the ground and nothing of value would be lost.

(I think that the crazy people are only increasing. Just try to look for the Princess of Wales on Twitter and you will see that 95% of posts say that she has passed away or that her cancer video was done by AI...)
Mar 26, 3:38 PM

Mar 2008
Order-Sol said:
@traed What are his resources? He just told you uses bible to debunk people false preaching and self worshipping world view.

How you take something and how something statement doesn't matter, how it is stated is the objective truth. I just told you people will perversion it to fit world view. I already posted guide how buy the actual Bible.

You spoke of issues that are literally answered in the Bible lol. You proven you never study and read it like everyone who criticizes it. What else could from people justified stealing, lying and killing for self reasons few months ago.

It's not a debate you were wrong then you double down on being wrong. I corrected you. Y'all do that alot more often you people prove yourself wrong.

I'm the fool here in the situation. You people believe men can become women, it's okay be a cuck, you can br non binary, Human being, who eat pill philosophy and worship whores and steroid sex trafficer.

I meant he didn't seem to cite the survey he referenced repeatedly. I thought I made that clear.

I don't know where you posted such a guide you speak of so I can't comment on that.

But i didn't even criticize the bible itself there but rather the assumptions being made.

What people? Are you okay?
Mar 26, 7:57 PM
May 2012
A solar flare big enough can fry satellites and most of the chips on earth potentially leading to the Kessler syndrome erasing the technological era.
A volcanic eruption big enough won't just block air traffic but can obscure a continent or even the world for centuries killing vegetation and every animals that benefits of it, it can also trigger the glaciation.
Marine life can also be wiped out by the flood basalt eruptions making the ocean acid by releasing sulfur and carbon dioxide.
Terrestrial animals and vegetation can be wiped out easily by a comet or asteroid impact big enough.
A virus or a bacteria can evolve in a such way that and wipe out species that host it.
Then you have remote weird alien apocalypse like a comet that can bring on earth an unknown potentially lethal organism.
All this things except for the alien maybe had happened dozens and dozens of time and sometimes were so big that almost lead to the extinction of life on earth (the big five mass extinctions).
It is just that it happens once in millions of time and humanity as you know it its just a mere few millenniums and the technological era is just way lesser.
It's not about the human empires that rise and dies out in centuries, life is ridiculously weak, the universe is death and human society is even weaker than that. Should I mention the supernova event? galaxies colliding? the universe cold death?
The human era it is just a fraction of time compared to the earth's journey.
Just like this isn't bad enough the human activity is even endangering more the ridiculously bad statistics.
In fact you should not be worried about natural disasters but yourself.
There's the nuclear pollution, not just the human nuclear war but also the Chernobyl disaster could have destroyed half Europe already.
Humans are polluting the earth, the air(greenhouse gas but also it almost erased the ozone layer), the sea(mercury, oil, plastic).
Being killed by AI or turn into a machine is just the nicest thing that can happen honestly.
It is wrong thinking that the human apocalypse will be soon but also thinking that the actual human society will last long.
Should you be worry about it? no, It is what it is.
Everything transforms, everything adapts and if it fails to adapt it perishes but that's okay so this too is part of the whole.
Mar 26, 8:28 PM

Jun 2016
This thread feels like a way to skirt CE archiving, many people bringing up politics again. After the insanity of 2020 and beyond I no longer give a shit, I don't know anything about current events or political happenings and I don't care. I'm not going to vote, this year or ever again. And my mental health is improved a thousand fold from it. As Cipher from The Matrix said, "Ignorance is bliss."
Lost_VikingMar 26, 8:31 PM
Mar 30, 12:43 PM

Dec 2021
Reply to Meusnier
KittenCuddler said:
@Meusnier I'm doing well, thank you! I've been learning sign language, a bunch of new dinner recipes, and rock climbing a whole bunch this year. My job is pretty "tonight," plus I still get to visit my folks and friends regularly.

But no matter how hard one tries, you can't escape bumping into culty crap telling you to burn down your home to worship an orange boi. Not to mention there are already election ads on TV (luckily, none of them have been for the cult leader). It's March, for Pete's sake!

(The country may be in trouble, but we ain't doomed. We outnumber the weirdos by a whole bunch, and the gap between us grows everyday)

I am glad to hear that you are doing well. May I ask why you have interest in sign language? Are you a bartender by chance? #KittenCuddlerOverAOC

Before the elections, I would like to propose to bring back all the art—and "rare and precious" books!—you guys stole from us. Then the country could burn to the ground and nothing of value would be lost.

(I think that the crazy people are only increasing. Just try to look for the Princess of Wales on Twitter and you will see that 95% of posts say that she has passed away or that her cancer video was done by AI...)

Meusnier said:
Before the elections, I would like to propose to bring back all the art—and "rare and precious" books!—you guys stole from us. Then the country could burn to the ground and nothing of value would be lost.

Excuse me? Nothing of value will be lost?

You sure as heck ain't gettin' any of ur old books or art back if my feline furrends are considered "nothing of value"!
Mar 30, 1:57 PM

Jan 2022
Cammell said:
it's cool here

You are a dumb person if you believe this.
Mar 30, 2:13 PM

Jul 2013
Because the human species totally sucks ass. And humans totally deserve extinction (which they will get relatively soon). The evidence for near term human extinction (NTHE) is simply overwhelming. The deniers are not smart enough to see the evidence. Don't worry. Humans will get NTHE soon enough. I guranatee it.
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