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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Dec 15, 2019 9:58 AM
Dec 2015
Darikan said:
kun_kirito said:
he watched 82 episode and say its trash
ez hater
anyone who watch the anime that deep love the anime anyone who said diferent is a hater

Your quote sound like Georg W. Bush.
I never wrote that it was trash, SAO is the second franchise that I am quite familiar with, played all games from Hollow Fragment to Fatal Bullet. When I hadn't read the LNs, I couldn't understand the hate, then my view of SAO changed. Only if you know the entire franchise can you give an almost objective / neutral opinion. If you don't understand the definition of criticism, then you have to learn it.

critisim is fine
but ppl who rate this anime less then 5 are haters becouse for most ppl less then 5 is trash and why you watch something that is trash

i am not talking about you
i am taking general on haters
and every anime/manga outther not sao only

most ppl who rate this season low

are haters who dont care and probbly never watched it

i agree last season was kinda bad but i didnt hate this season becouse of it
Dec 15, 2019 10:39 AM
Dec 2019
I'm waiting for Kirito to wake up. Ok. There's a war and our main character is being a vegetable.
Dec 15, 2019 10:42 AM
Nov 2009
This episode made me giggle like an otaku nerd and cringe at the same time, I love it.
Also Eugeo spent more time with Kirito than all those girls combined lol.
Dec 15, 2019 11:55 AM
Mar 2018
Superns18 said:
Jogan6 said:

No, it's okay to say it with respect. But you should think That Asuna is Kirito's wife, practically.
Alice doesn't want anything romantic, believe me.
Ronye is the kouhai or student. They're both fond of each other, but nothing romantic.
And finally Liena she's his senpai or teacher. She came out in the first part and never showed any romantic feelings towards Kirito.
And there was really important information. I explain: Like there's someone undercover IN RATH.
The revelations for the Underworld Residents. It was interesting to me to see how they reacted to all the truths, and how Asuna handled the situation.
About Stacia's powers. And that she can't "spam" that ability to break the earth.
And finally establish the relationship of Asuna and Alice, and strengthen a little the trust between them, also the actions they will take.

It may not be entertaining, but I think it's a good base.

without going into too deep in the LN's. Alice does have romantic feelings for Kirito and this ep was very obvious with that, not sure how you missed that.

Sao can't be 100% understood if you don't read the novels. There are tooooooooo many "internal" monologues. And this ep.10 is one of the cases, like the one in the episode with the "kiss attempt".
Jo_GhostDec 15, 2019 11:59 AM
Dec 15, 2019 12:20 PM
Dec 2019
kuroneko99 said:
kuroneko99 @ep3 said:
So the main story has started in this episode after the two introductory episodes. The logic that connects the virtual/game system and real world seems smooth and persuasive. Although AI weapons today would be only targeting systems using shape recognition, the Soul Translation Technology enables machines to have ego/self-images like human. STS works as a self-image incubator with accelerated time.

Although the audience understand the importance of STS like this, why Alice, only a sample of synthetic individual, is so important wasn't explained reasonably in this episode, I think. It may come from that I had been watching SAO:Alicization series as a battle entertainment avoiding to hear bothersome explanation to date.
In this episode, a certain extent of my question was solved. But it's not persuasive enough to seek Alice so badly. Although they need a highly developed autonomic software for AI weapons, it's too much for AI weapons to have (such a strong) will.

Made an account just to reply this ... I also watch this SAO from ep1 with simmiliar perspective as your, but mine might be leaned toward 'operational side' of such an A.I. rather than usual harem show.

In my limited understanding and wildest imagination, this show (Haven't read the Novel yet.) might have a hard time telling how writer managed to made Alice willingly serve as a Military A.I.

It's kinda Alice got Drafted into Military service you know, without both good reason and urgency for her or underworld resident ... And with such her capability to think, decide, and act ... Expect the dilema of dealing with a Conscripted Soldier ... Many are low motivated, etc. etc. ,Basically way more chaotic than the usual Volunter soldier.
(Just read experiences of people who got into it, or have to deal with conscripted people on daily basis)

Or you could take the dark route, Do Forced syntethization/Memory Wipe before put her inside a militarized drone ... But that wouldn't be pleasant for me, and will backfire when she got her memory back in the future.

So i unintentionally decided to wrote sketch/draft about it, just for the sake of keeping my sanity under control ... Using different Characters thought.
Dec 15, 2019 12:49 PM
Dec 2019
DevilYoungboy said:
Asuna should've just hit them with the "you live in a video game" - I bet it would've given them an existential crisis

Rather than preoccupied by thinking about their existence, they might spend too much effort and time to figure out what is a video game anyway ... Lol (XD)
Dec 15, 2019 12:55 PM

Sep 2014
I really liked Asuna meeting Kirito but the harem part is trash.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Dec 15, 2019 1:26 PM

Mar 2017
I love SAO but the harem aspect really cheapens the whole tone of the show. I thought with them taking SAO to a more mature and darker place they might stop the petty harem fights but no!

Anyway, i did actually enjoy this episode, especially the part where Asuna and Kirito reunited. It was so sweet when he reacted to her because he hasn't had that much of a reaction to anything so far. That sword fight between Asuna and Alice was awesome too!
Dec 15, 2019 1:50 PM

Apr 2018
Asuna VS Alice was so precious and adorable

It seems a lot of people hate the harem, I agree it was forced, but it feels like they put it in there more for the inside joke "welcome to the harem!" rather than just throwing a harem moment in there just for the sake of harems so I feel like it was a nice giggle after all the 'very serious talk about serious things' in the rest of the episode. I'm not mad at it.
Dec 15, 2019 2:44 PM

Feb 2014
I had to laugh when Asuna and the other girls gathered at the same spot, all proclaiming how Kirito is important to them. It was like a small harem convention gathering. XD

At least we get to see Liena again, though. =)

Jokes aside, this episode was pretty satisfying. Asuna's words was able to convince Ronie and Tiese, as both girls agreed to let Asuna see Kirito, which led to a really nice scene where Asuna hugs Kirito. However, after that was done, Alice came in, going by the mantra is action first, questions later and ended up dueling with Asuna, before Bercouli stopped the fight.

With those misunderstandings out of the way, it was good to see how Asuna was able to explain her situation more thoroughly to the Integrity Knights at the meeting they had. I now want to see Asuna and Alice in action already. =)
Dec 15, 2019 2:45 PM
Nov 2018
Darikan said:
Superns18 said:
Alice Stans, we here:

It’s here. Finally. I’ve waited YEARS to see most of the scenes in this episode animated and was not disappointed at all. What an episode, seeing Alice and Asuna duke it out, the two getting jealous, everyone coming forward with their feelings about Kirito, phew. A-1 have spared no expense this season and have reached unlimited budget works level of sexiness.
Begs the question, what does it take to push it over an 8 on MAL? The number of 5 and below reviews are shocking. If you don't like SAO at this point, you never will, just give up the hating, lol.

What a week for SAO. Kirito tops top male characters of the decade list from NewType, volume 23 drops, SAO it’s top of AnimeTrending list, whew. The hate circle-jerk against SAO seems to be dying or at least getting pushback.

Alicization is exploding.

Accept that there are other opinions. Again, if some people don't like SAO, they can still watch and rate it. Objectively speaking, SAO is not a good series compared to others. By the way, criticism is not a hate.

Criticism, yes. I criticize it too. But people saying just "This is overpowered and bad" should have stopped watching after SAO's first two stories.
Dec 15, 2019 2:50 PM
Nov 2018
Agreed, it was forced. "I also want to share (worship), please." "Me too," "mee too!"

Gensouori said:
I knew this was coming, but I was still disappointed at the forced harem part near the end.

Who would talk like that? They could just say "I would like to hear more about Kirito in the outside world." Not talk about sharing as if anything he does is so special. Does he like tea or not? Did you sit together under a tree by the river? Me too!

And there are only women who want to hear about this extremely important person, connected to the survival of their world? Shouldn't the male knights want to learn about Kirito, a person from the outside? But learn more important facts.

I half expect the pugilist (absurd name) guild's (also absurd, as if they were in an MMO) girls only want to invade so they can fall on their knees before Kirito.
Dec 15, 2019 5:38 PM

May 2019
Mikenshi said:
The quarrel between Alice and Asuna would have been better if this kiss had happened

Kissing without consent?

It would be 201X's rape / sexual assault.
Dec 15, 2019 5:47 PM

Nov 2010
Shortbarrelraifu said:
kuroneko99 said:
In this episode, a certain extent of my question was solved. But it's not persuasive enough to seek Alice so badly. Although they need a highly developed autonomic software for AI weapons, it's too much for AI weapons to have (such a strong) will.
Made an account just to reply this ... I also watch this SAO from ep1 with simmiliar perspective as your, but mine might be leaned toward 'operational side' of such an A.I. rather than usual harem show.

In my limited understanding and wildest imagination, this show (Haven't read the Novel yet.) might have a hard time telling how writer managed to made Alice willingly serve as a Military A.I.

It's kinda Alice got Drafted into Military service you know, without both good reason and urgency for her or underworld resident ... And with such her capability to think, decide, and act ... Expect the dilema of dealing with a Conscripted Soldier ... Many are low motivated, etc. etc. ,Basically way more chaotic than the usual Volunter soldier.
(Just read experiences of people who got into it, or have to deal with conscripted people on daily basis)

Or you could take the dark route, Do Forced syntethization/Memory Wipe before put her inside a militarized drone ... But that wouldn't be pleasant for me, and will backfire when she got her memory back in the future.

So i unintentionally decided to wrote sketch/draft about it, just for the sake of keeping my sanity under control ... Using different Characters thought.
It's likely that the show failed to convey the intension of the novel. And your assumption based on motivation matter works well.

Though it may be too much for weapons to install not only logical thinking but also emotion and will. In such a case, you have to explain the AIs the background of the war and persuade them beforehand. XD

Anyway I think some people want fictions to have well-made fabrications. If SAO lacks this, the show doesn't have so much difference from Fate series.
kuroneko99Dec 15, 2019 5:51 PM
Dec 15, 2019 5:55 PM

May 2019
Shortbarrelraifu said:
kuroneko99 said:
In this episode, a certain extent of my question was solved. But it's not persuasive enough to seek Alice so badly. Although they need a highly developed autonomic software for AI weapons, it's too much for AI weapons to have (such a strong) will.

Made an account just to reply this ... I also watch this SAO from ep1 with simmiliar perspective as your, but mine might be leaned toward 'operational side' of such an A.I. rather than usual harem show.

In my limited understanding and wildest imagination, this show (Haven't read the Novel yet.) might have a hard time telling how writer managed to made Alice willingly serve as a Military A.I.

It's kinda Alice got Drafted into Military service you know, without both good reason and urgency for her or underworld resident ... And with such her capability to think, decide, and act ... Expect the dilema of dealing with a Conscripted Soldier ... Many are low motivated, etc. etc. ,Basically way more chaotic than the usual Volunter soldier.
(Just read experiences of people who got into it, or have to deal with conscripted people on daily basis)

Or you could take the dark route, Do Forced syntethization/Memory Wipe before put her inside a militarized drone ... But that wouldn't be pleasant for me, and will backfire when she got her memory back in the future.

So i unintentionally decided to wrote sketch/draft about it, just for the sake of keeping my sanity under control ... Using different Characters thought.

Finally a comment besides the "harem" thing.

"this show might have a hard time telling how writer managed to made Alice willingly serve as a Military A.I."

I don't think so, because i guess (i havent read the LN either after this point) the whole RATH millitary motivation is a bluff to obtain that huge budget.

That's why this excuse, that stupid robot, all that sounds bullshit. Because it really is.

To me, the Kayaba plan is still behind everything and this project is part of something greater. In fact, creating digital LEGIT life is great enough.
Dec 15, 2019 5:57 PM

Nov 2011
4 girls 1 comatose boy. You know they are gonna make doujin out of that.

Dec 15, 2019 7:39 PM

Sep 2016


This will only get better from now on.
Aaaand, we're already with 2 episodes left for this cour.
God I hate split cour.
Dec 15, 2019 7:44 PM

Oct 2008
he's my husbando! no! he's mine! lolz! and 2 more girls was added! hahahah!

Dec 15, 2019 8:48 PM

Oct 2018
so kirito is going to wake up at the end of the series........
“You can always die. It's living that takes real courage." - Himura Kenshin”

Dec 15, 2019 10:08 PM
Dec 2019
Rob7 said:
Shortbarrelraifu said:

Made an account just to reply this ... I also watch this SAO from ep1 with simmiliar perspective as your, but mine might be leaned toward 'operational side' of such an A.I. rather than usual harem show.

In my limited understanding and wildest imagination, this show (Haven't read the Novel yet.) might have a hard time telling how writer managed to made Alice willingly serve as a Military A.I.

It's kinda Alice got Drafted into Military service you know, without both good reason and urgency for her or underworld resident ... And with such her capability to think, decide, and act ... Expect the dilema of dealing with a Conscripted Soldier ... Many are low motivated, etc. etc. ,Basically way more chaotic than the usual Volunter soldier.
(Just read experiences of people who got into it, or have to deal with conscripted people on daily basis)

Or you could take the dark route, Do Forced syntethization/Memory Wipe before put her inside a militarized drone ... But that wouldn't be pleasant for me, and will backfire when she got her memory back in the future.

So i unintentionally decided to wrote sketch/draft about it, just for the sake of keeping my sanity under control ... Using different Characters thought.

Finally a comment besides the "harem" thing.

"this show might have a hard time telling how writer managed to made Alice willingly serve as a Military A.I."

I don't think so, because i guess (i havent read the LN either after this point) the whole RATH millitary motivation is a bluff to obtain that huge budget.

That's why this excuse, that stupid robot, all that sounds bullshit. Because it really is.

To me, the Kayaba plan is still behind everything and this project is part of something greater. In fact, creating digital LEGIT life is great enough.

I don't think so, because i guess (i havent read the LN either after this point) the whole RATH millitary motivation is a bluff to obtain that huge budget.

This could mean Alice would be soon discarded after they got the contract, and render her motivation or consent to become unnecesary.

This also open a new story possibility, she will still in the game/procurement program but will be screwed by lots of vested interest.
I kinda wanna to see how the drafted Alice cope up with usual Military procurement & Military Industrial Complex x People who made that purchase decision drama.

Instead of getting a decent humanoid drone, she is stuck in M60 GPMG version of drone body, a epitome of an institutional screwup and quoting the armorer who deal with it on daily basis.

"M60 is a failure that too ashamed to be a machinegun, it literally beating itself to death everytime it being shot.
Armorer had to have stones in his arsenal just to smash/fix the dents on it's receiver everytime someone turned in a m60 after a practice sesion."
This guy,on behalf of US people, even made an apology to M60(AFAIK it's M60E6 now) new buyer, the Danish.

That would show her how really ugly Real World is, even when she just barely arrived at real world.

That's why this excuse, that stupid robot, all that sounds bullshit. Because it really is.

I could imagine who would be the real world user of a complicated but have limitless potential A.I. Drone system like Alice ... She and her kind would be deployed in very limited number, because of the cost of fielding them and effort required to keep them running.

Just like How Stoner 63 LMG didn't got adopted by USMC in vietnam due to "it's too much hassle to keep it operational/clean." While the Navy SEAL adopt and loved it, because the benefit worth all of the hassle.

About replacing all Human soldiers with militarized A.I ? ... Hmmm, i don't think so, at least based on what i know about how the brass/military leaders and politican way of thinking, they would see the cost of it first.

Just look at M16 rifle, the first generation of it had lots of problems that claims it's user life ... All that happened not because of the design was suck, but the people who made decision back then intentionaly issued it with cheaper powder/munitions that the designer himself said it's not suitable for his baby ... Basically it's kinda like feeding diesel/non-aviation fuel into a jet engine, you can guess what would or might happen during MidFlight.

To me, the Kayaba plan is still behind everything and this project is part of something greater. In fact, creating digital LEGIT life is great enough.

Papa Kayaba never fail to impress huh, the guy already dead but his ideals lives on ... and I wouldn't be surprised if at the end of this, the show decided to display connection between his ideals and this project.

I still have no idea about this part of something greater, my imagination kinda suck for this kind of thing, care to enlighten me.
Dec 15, 2019 11:04 PM
Sep 2016
Kaiser-chan said:
4 girls 1 comatose boy. You know they are gonna make doujin out of that.

Are you feeling jealous or sth? If so, there are plenty BL mangas and doujins to go around. You will find countless KiritoXEugeo alone lmao.
Dec 15, 2019 11:07 PM

Nov 2011
nazsa said:
Kaiser-chan said:
4 girls 1 comatose boy. You know they are gonna make doujin out of that.

Are you feeling jealous or sth? If so, there are plenty BL mangas and doujins to go around. You will find countless KiritoXEugeo alone lmao.

Why would I? I am looking forward to that.

Dec 15, 2019 11:44 PM
Sep 2016
Kaiser-chan said:
Why would I? I am looking forward to that.

Oh sorry. My sarcasm detector is malfunctioning again.
Dec 16, 2019 1:40 AM
Jul 2018
Kaiser-chan said:
4 girls 1 comatose boy. You know they are gonna make doujin out of that.

Yes, that'll be great if they did. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dec 16, 2019 2:54 AM

Jul 2017
YASSSSS Asuna in the Fluctlight world under a superuser account, literally the goddess of the in-game world. And of course, she can finally see Kirito face-to-face more about his comatose stance, while to the others, she's just a God by name.

And the moment both Alice and Asuna meet, tensions run high. But as is with the "lovers' quarrel", both juniors Ronie and Liena have no idea what they're into (subsequently they did) and suddenly this ship is afloat with waifus on one comatose boy.

Once Asuna fills in the news of Earth for them, all of the remaining Integrity Knights are understood of the severity of the issue from start to finish, the puzzle pieces that were once scattered are now slowly forming into one big picture.

Question is, how will the discussion about Kirito bring an end to this war?
Dec 16, 2019 4:15 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Nemesis16 said:
Farabeuf said:

I feel the same way as you do. Classic SAO. They have good premises, killer animation but then they go and do weird unnecessary stuff that makes you facepalm. You have a perfectly good triangle with two awesome female characters and then you have to shoehorn a fecking triangle into it. I hate these little SAO "let us girls sit down and rave about Kirito" group sessions.

There's no "freaking triangle". Alice and Asuna are the only ones relevant characters. Those 4 characters weren't there because they love him, Ronye was there because she was his kouhai and Liena because she's his senpai, along Alice who he knew there. Those were the three people along Eugeo who's dead that Kirito mostly connected in the underworld and it was to show their connection with him. That's the literal intention of the scene but amazingly, most people can't interpret this and just throw terms like harem here and there. Which I'll repeat, none of those characters outside of Asuna and Alice have romantic feelings for Kirito.

greed2 said:

I think this is the point where Kirito should be thankful that there is a system that allows him to create "digital clones" of himself. If I was in Kirito's situation, and if my digital clones are able to understand that the anger of Waifu is worse than Self-Destruction, I think having "digital clones" satisfy each Waifu would be a good idea at this point; with the exception of Asuna, the rest of this Episode's Waifu are "digital"

On the side note, Asuna is right, the REAL WORLD is ugly beyond description

Every Kirito would love Asuna

A harem in anime or manga setting doesn't necessarily need a romantic relationship to be such. The presence of a character with lots of people of the opposite sex around them is enough. You should document yourself more and fanboy less.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Dec 16, 2019 4:15 AM
Dec 2019
does anyone know why thy only need alice and not eugeo because eugeo also break the code 871 by saving his apprentice...
Dec 16, 2019 4:30 AM
Jan 2019
erwindportgas said:
does anyone know why thy only need alice and not eugeo because eugeo also break the code 871 by saving his apprentice...

Eugeo's fluctlight has already been deleted.
Dec 16, 2019 4:32 AM
Jan 2019
Since Kirito is in a vegetative state, I just wanted to say, that its really cute how all the girls get together to share a midnight potato snack...
Dec 16, 2019 5:31 AM
Sep 2018
Gensouori said:
I knew this was coming, but I was still disappointed at the forced harem part near the end.

Only liked the reunion and the discussion part with bercouli and the other integrity knights parts of this episode
Dec 16, 2019 5:53 AM

Dec 2015
Ignoring the weird Kirito harem moments, this was actually an interesting episode. For the first time in this season I was legit into what was happening on the screen and nothing absurd happend for me to roll my eyes. Maybe this arc can have a decent ending
Dec 16, 2019 8:17 AM
Jul 2014
TrueDragonPrince said:
Wouldn't it be awesome for Yui-chan to be granted access to another superuser account, maybe another "goddess"? Also, what kind of idiot leaves superusers accounts unprotected by passwords? It's like inviting crackers to steal them and wreck havoc in their games... LOL

It's almost like this episode established that there's a mole or sabotour working in Rath. I wonder if that could have something to do with them being unlocked.
Dec 16, 2019 8:22 AM
Jul 2014
kater_tot said:
I love SAO but the harem aspect really cheapens the whole tone of the show. I thought with them taking SAO to a more mature and darker place they might stop the petty harem fights but no!

Anyway, i did actually enjoy this episode, especially the part where Asuna and Kirito reunited. It was so sweet when he reacted to her because he hasn't had that much of a reaction to anything so far. That sword fight between Asuna and Alice was awesome too!

I'd view this episode as kind of a silly, breather kind of episode. Besides this one, the more mature and grim tone is very much here to stay. Having read all of it this part was easily my least favorite part of the arc. I'm generally not a fan of the psuedo-harem in SAO.
Dec 16, 2019 9:47 AM

Apr 2013
I'm just want to say that...

Asuna really3 BEAUTIFUL with the goddess Stacia attire..
Especially with the ribbon-like tied on her hair...
Now I'm know Asuna still my waifu since this series start, 2012 back then...
Dec 16, 2019 12:59 PM

Feb 2013
Farabeuf said:
Nemesis16 said:

There's no "freaking triangle". Alice and Asuna are the only ones relevant characters. Those 4 characters weren't there because they love him, Ronye was there because she was his kouhai and Liena because she's his senpai, along Alice who he knew there. Those were the three people along Eugeo who's dead that Kirito mostly connected in the underworld and it was to show their connection with him. That's the literal intention of the scene but amazingly, most people can't interpret this and just throw terms like harem here and there. Which I'll repeat, none of those characters outside of Asuna and Alice have romantic feelings for Kirito.

Every Kirito would love Asuna

A harem in anime or manga setting doesn't necessarily need a romantic relationship to be such. The presence of a character with lots of people of the opposite sex around them is enough. You should document yourself more and fanboy less.

No one said romantic relationship, I said romantic feelings. They can't exactly have romantic relationship when Kirito loves Asuna and is dating her for over a year.

And I know very well what is a harem and it's not just presence of girls that makes it one. It's having more than a love triangle, so more than two romantic interests.
brzzcodeDec 16, 2019 1:05 PM
Dec 16, 2019 1:03 PM

Feb 2013
Rob7 said:
Mikenshi said:
The quarrel between Alice and Asuna would have been better if this kiss had happened

Kissing without consent?

It would be 201X's rape / sexual assault.

And you come to me saying that you read the light novel. If you have actually read it, you would know that this scene was completely badly adapted as Alice wasn't described in that position at all in trying to kiss him since she never thought on doing that, and all of her intentions were to use her incarnation to try to wake him up when she approached him.

You're just being completely disingenuous, and your posts about this series just shows it all the time, even more with this "rape/sexual assault" bullshit that you just said now. It's just trolling at this point.
brzzcodeDec 16, 2019 1:16 PM
Dec 16, 2019 1:13 PM

Feb 2013
mizukasa said:
Casting a land alteration skill can cause your fluctlight to overload resulting to a headache... How does that even work when it's the system's job to handle the player's commands and not their brain (or soul)? Hm, I'm happy that they put a restraint on Asuna's OP skill but did they also forgot it's a supercomputer that's handling the entire environment of Underworld? It's like the director decided to put it that way because he doesn't want Asuna to abuse the skill and ending the battle in one go without thrill. I'll just pretend there's nothing stupid behind it.

The new harem members are pretty annoying as well. I prefer it if Alice could be with Eugeo instead and the other 2 girls Liena and the other one who almost got raped can disappear for all I care. Why is Asuna even giving other girls a chance to possibly steal Kirito away, I mean he wouldn't but still, she doesn't seem to mind it even if Kirito cheats on her.

The director? What? Those aren't things that a director do.

About Asuna, just look for this video, it'll explain to you with the content of the light novel which the anime skipped or made much smaller. I don't want to write a ton of things and having to look for the citations on the LN so watch it, it's faster either way.

About the "harem". Asuna isn't caring because there's nothing there to care, even more when she's his girlfriend and Kirito loves her. Alice don't love Kirito unlike the anime makes many think, neither do Liena or Ronie. All of those are only there because they are the characters that had more contact with Kirito in the underworld, which Eugeo would be there if he was still alive. This reunion is just for them to share information about real world and underworld.

Dec 16, 2019 1:29 PM
Case is closed!

Jan 2019
It's kinda cute episode. Alice and Asuna fighting over Kirito. lol. Kirito is so popular even he doesn't notice that. I'm looking forward to watching the next episode =)
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 16, 2019 2:35 PM
Jul 2018
evaguyver said:
erwindportgas said:
does anyone know why thy only need alice and not eugeo because eugeo also break the code 871 by saving his apprentice...

Eugeo's fluctlight has already been deleted.

Not deleted. The novels gave more details, when fluctlights die the light particels get released to the real world but they don't literally cease to exist. However, no one knows where they go but yes he's not in the cube anymore (unfortunately).
Dec 16, 2019 2:41 PM
Jul 2018
Gorochu said:
But in Kirito's eye,we all know Eugeo>all his other harem.

this isn't even far from the truth. only Asuna can compare
Dec 16, 2019 4:04 PM

May 2019
Probably my favourite season so far (since early season 1). I really like the dark, uncensored way they're handling the action and the thematic concerns - it's where SAO thrives.

We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths.
As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are.
That's what death is, don't you think?

Itachi Uchiha
Dec 16, 2019 6:30 PM

May 2019
Nemesis16 said:
Rob7 said:

Kissing without consent?

It would be 201X's rape / sexual assault.

And you come to me saying that you read the light novel. If you have actually read it, you would know that this scene was completely badly adapted as Alice wasn't described in that position at all in trying to kiss him since she never thought on doing that, and all of her intentions were to use her incarnation to try to wake him up when she approached him.

You're just being completely disingenuous, and your posts about this series just shows it all the time, even more with this "rape/sexual assault" bullshit that you just said now. It's just trolling at this point.

"You must be fun at parties" (again)

Dec 17, 2019 9:05 AM

Nov 2014
Nemesis16 said:
mizukasa said:
Casting a land alteration skill can cause your fluctlight to overload resulting to a headache... How does that even work when it's the system's job to handle the player's commands and not their brain (or soul)? Hm, I'm happy that they put a restraint on Asuna's OP skill but did they also forgot it's a supercomputer that's handling the entire environment of Underworld? It's like the director decided to put it that way because he doesn't want Asuna to abuse the skill and ending the battle in one go without thrill. I'll just pretend there's nothing stupid behind it.

The new harem members are pretty annoying as well. I prefer it if Alice could be with Eugeo instead and the other 2 girls Liena and the other one who almost got raped can disappear for all I care. Why is Asuna even giving other girls a chance to possibly steal Kirito away, I mean he wouldn't but still, she doesn't seem to mind it even if Kirito cheats on her.

The director? What? Those aren't things that a director do.

About Asuna, just look for this video, it'll explain to you with the content of the light novel which the anime skipped or made much smaller. I don't want to write a ton of things and having to look for the citations on the LN so watch it, it's faster either way.

About the "harem". Asuna isn't caring because there's nothing there to care, even more when she's his girlfriend and Kirito loves her. Alice don't love Kirito unlike the anime makes many think, neither do Liena or Ronie. All of those are only there because they are the characters that had more contact with Kirito in the underworld, which Eugeo would be there if he was still alive. This reunion is just for them to share information about real world and underworld.

The director, the writer, or the LN's author or whoever it was who decided to put it out like that. But whoever it was doesn't matter, that isn't the point; it was still a stupid reasoning. I know it isn't possible to adapt everything in the light novel but the anime could've come up with a better reasoning since not everyone here is willing to read the novel and just came to watch the anime. So it (the anime) has to be informative enough on its own without being illogical and the audience be satisfied with the information provided without being forced to check what happened in the novel. I won't buy into the reasoning "read the LN since the anime skipped some info." that some fans peddles to justify the anime's shortcomings. Before you misunderstand, I'm criticizing the anime not the light novel.

If you've read the LN I guess I'll trust you with that for now. I still think there's a chance for them to fall for him though, this might just be the start.
mizukasaDec 17, 2019 9:16 AM
Dec 17, 2019 9:31 AM

Feb 2016
This season is fantastic so far the animation staff have worked really hard this season and i appreciate it....
Dec 17, 2019 10:03 AM

Feb 2016
Superns18 said:
Alice Stans, we here:

It’s here. Finally. I’ve waited YEARS to see most of the scenes in this episode animated and was not disappointed at all. What an episode, seeing Alice and Asuna duke it out, the two getting jealous, everyone coming forward with their feelings about Kirito, phew. A-1 have spared no expense this season and have reached unlimited budget works level of sexiness.
Begs the question, what does it take to push it over an 8 on MAL? The number of 5 and below reviews are shocking. If you don't like SAO at this point, you never will, just give up the hating, lol.

What a week for SAO. Kirito tops top male characters of the decade list from NewType, volume 23 drops, SAO it’s top of AnimeTrending list, whew. The hate circle-jerk against SAO seems to be dying or at least getting pushback.

Alicization is exploding.


The most unjustified hated anime of all times
Dec 17, 2019 10:23 AM

Feb 2016
3C-273 said:
Asuna VS Alice was so precious and adorable

It seems a lot of people hate the harem, I agree it was forced, but it feels like they put it in there more for the inside joke "welcome to the harem!" rather than just throwing a harem moment in there just for the sake of harems so I feel like it was a nice giggle after all the 'very serious talk about serious things' in the rest of the episode. I'm not mad at it.

Well said...that's exactly what i feel

I hoped more people felt it that way too but apparently it's not unfortunatelly....
Dec 17, 2019 12:32 PM

May 2018
Finally the harem is back!
Dec 18, 2019 6:17 AM

Aug 2017
Alice and Asuna fighting over Kirito was hilarious lol. She really beautiful with the goddess Stacia attire.

code 871? A mole inside RATH? Niceee.

BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Dec 18, 2019 7:05 PM

May 2017
Comander-07 said:
I really liked Asuna meeting Kirito but the harem part is trash.

Agreed, harem posturing in this episode was cringe.
Dec 18, 2019 7:31 PM

May 2019
Nurguburu said:

code 871? A mole inside RATH? Niceee.

That subplot has potential to be a great dectetive case.

Since Asuna is innocent and the Kayaba's girl just arrived later, we have a 50% chance to discover the right suspect!
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