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Aug 2, 2022 2:31 PM

Feb 2017
using ngnl as an example here - i think its a bit silly to have the og "helpful" button turn into the "nice" button. top review of ngnl rn is a 4/10 rating with 2400 who Originally rated it as "helpful". changing it to be 2400 nices seems a bit funny to me.

its like: here's a 19 page essay on why this anime was disappointing. and then thousands of people rate that as "nice". idk. seems better to keep "nice" as "helpful". i personally wouldn't think that a 4/10 review is "nice" , i'd think it to be "helpful". am i making sense because i feel like i'm not-

placeholder text
Aug 2, 2022 2:34 PM
Nov 2016
I don't like this new update.

The note of the reviewers was a great information about his feeling about the anime. Seeing the four best review with a 10/10 was a good hint of a good anime, even despite a not so good notation mean. And 10/10 on a review don't mean the same as 7/10, at all ...
Aug 2, 2022 2:44 PM

Jun 2011
Kineta said:
Over the years, the helpful button has become a "like" button. With the prevalence of social media, it's not really surprising.

Social media? I think the real reason is you removed the "not helpful" counterpart.
Aug 2, 2022 3:07 PM

Jul 2019
I expected to maybe see feedback options one day but for posts on the forums, not the reviews, so I'm surprised.
Life is a despicable endurance race
Aug 2, 2022 4:00 PM
Mar 2021
Please bring the numbers back at least. I'm not a reviewer, but i wanna glance at the reviews to make my mind, and not have to read through thousands of words to determine if the "recommended" tag was in fact just a 7 "ok" review or a 10 "absolute masterpiece" review. I feel like hiding the numbers is a hindrance and so counterproductive.
Aug 2, 2022 4:16 PM

May 2021
S5_0014_81 said:
As stated in other posts I fully agree with the changes.


The more you take away the "number" or "score" out of the review the better.

Please, don't pay attention to the loud minority of Twitter/Discord reviewers who are upset about these changes. They don't care about actually reviewing in good faith, just the attention that gives them. Most of the complaints I've seen from them are that some of their reviews are not on top anymore. Garbage people, If they truly cared about making reviews they would be happier than people now have more tools to give feedback to them (Emoji expanded feedback seems great) - But do you want to know why they're upset?

Because by hiding the number you take away the main emotional weapon of the review. It's obviously not the same to have a "Not recommended" than a "1" on top for them to open a trashing review for a seasonal show for example. The number takes part to an emotional level, this is why some people also take reviews they're against -very- personal and why people gloss over numbers to make decisions as well. A number carries more impact, it's more emotional, they know this and they use it to manipulate. By removing this feature or at least taking it out of the center, they are forced to actually make something people will read, which, of course they can't because they mostly write trash updooted by their twitter circle.

While we still now retain some form of "scoring" inside the review, the number has been removed from the top, I believe that this will help in reducing the toxicity and backlash that reviewers receive from readers who disagree, if people don't see a number ( especially on top, like the first thing they see) they won't take it that personal.

Others have pointed out that people will now be less interested in reading reviews, this is good however, as the people who actually care about READING a review will take the time to read it and not just gloss over to see if they agree with an arbitrary number. This is a step in the right direction, however I believe that a numerical number "scoring" in a review doesn't make much sense altogether, a (REC/MIXED/NO REC) system as the one we are heading now is more useful review-wise.

I couldn't agree more with you . Finally a rational person

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Aug 2, 2022 4:45 PM

Dec 2008
I don't think this is a very good update.

1. The use of Not Recommended, Mixed Feelings, and Recommended, turns the reviews into a 3 point system, especially because you now hide the score at the bottom. A 3 point system isn't particularly useful. Whether a show is good, great, or a must watch, it all just becomes "recommended", whereas previously, it might've been an 8 or a 9 or a 10. I am not necessarily against the idea of using words to rate a show, but if you are going to do this, then you need a lot more than just 3 words, in my opinion.

2. The emoji reaction system is nonsense, and of help to no one. If I was reading a review, and then wanted to see how many people found the review helpful or agreed with it, what does "funny" "nice" "creative" etc do for me? Cool a review is funny and creative, but so what? Is it accurate or not? What am I supposed to take away from this?

3. Allow comments on reviews. I know some people will be against this idea, because they think fanboys etc will just fill the comments section, and maybe they will in some cases. But I still think it is important for other people to be able to respond on a review in order to properly critique it. Maybe in a review, I state things that are incorrect, or maybe I say things that other people may interpret differently. I think adding a comment section for people to give feedback would be useful. Maybe the author of the review could pin their own responses at the top of the comment section that addresses certain things that were brought up, so it is easily visible. Maybe the comments themselves could be upvoted, and so the ones that received the most upvotes appear on the first page of the feedback section. The reviewer could respond to said feedback that appears below the comment, kind of like how companies give feedback to reviews on other sites.
Basically what I am trying to say is, there is currently no way to express disagreement or give feedback to a review, and I think there are a lot of intelligent ways of doing this, so it is disappointing to see that the staff here has not even tried.

Just a couple of other suggestions.

How about showing the affinity between the reader and the writer?
If you see that the person likes the same shows that you like, then maybe their review would be more useful to you.

How about an Amazon review style page where you show both popular negative and positive reviews side by side?
Saku_kAug 2, 2022 4:49 PM
Aug 2, 2022 5:10 PM

Jul 2012
This is kinda hard to stand. It is GREAT you'll be shuffling reviews but, can we at least get episode count back so I can decide shows to watch and not just for preliminary.
I don't really care about the emojis. My major criticism is Bring back the score. Even my own review, I like reading what I have to say to justify my score, and since I don't write reviews unless I feel strong about it. And recommended compared to a score is so distracting when trying to read the review. I don't need what I have to say to be shadowed by a single "recommended"
張大です for 張大勇督察
Aug 2, 2022 5:16 PM

Jan 2018

>The number does a GOOD job at quantifying the enjoyment/satisfaction of the reviewer

It does up to a degree but it's a very individual and instransferible way of quantifying enjoyment, as in other people's paramenters for scoring are completely different than yours. Some people give a 10 to half of the shows they watch, others do it once every blue moon. What does a 6 mean to you, what does it mean to me? This is not a good way of communicating and why I believe numerical scoring should be for personal use only.

Where does a number draw the line between recommending a show and not recommending it? 5,6? There are some shows I've seen and rated like that which I would still recommend. See how all the things I've listed as ambiguities and problems that come from using numbers can be solved by actually reading the review itself? thing that most people don't do, and if they do, they will get a much better idea if the reviwer enjoyed the show or not rather than glossing over a number and assuming they share the same parameters as you do.

To add an example, the closest thing to a standardized metric on MAL for scoring treats a (5) as an "Average", there are tons of "Average" shows which I enjoyed. I personally think most things rated like (5) are less than that, therefore my "Average" is usually (6).

>the top reviewers are the most passionate ones and have been doing this for years

"Top reviwers" wew, some of these people are actually organized on twitter/discord to pump their garbage on top, I've seen several times promoting their shit there and calling others to do so. Nor they opinions deserve to hold any sort of relevance over anyone's else, they hold no authority despite what their internet points might lead them to believe.

>Most people literally just give the reviews they like a helpful and call it a day.

Most people don't read reviews, just gloss over a number they agree with and call it a day. People who read reviews don't go and shit on a reviewer's profile in a toxic way because they got mad about a number (which is understandable physchologically as explained earlier), this is super common behavior in popular shows. I think that by removing a number a lot of these people will not even care about reviews, solving the problem itself, and the ones they do read and care enough to reply to the reviewer's profile will more likely do it in a more constructive way.

> figuring out whether something is worth their time or not

I wouldn't trust my personal enjoyment to these people and you shouldn't either. Read the summary, watch an episode or two. Learn to drop things perhaps? Reviews are meant to be read after anyway, most are filled with spoilers as well.

>well established reviewers might quit or just care less which means a drop in overall MAL review quality

The ones who will quit will be the ones that seek attention the most, the ones who seek their reviews to be on top, - no matter what -.
No one is forbidding anyone to review anything, this entire fuss is over - some - people not having the spotlight anymore, or not having it as easy as they had it up to now. Good.

By the way, I read your entire post but I think this is enough to get my point across
S5_0014_81Aug 3, 2022 7:03 AM
Aug 2, 2022 5:34 PM

Feb 2019
Personally I like the update, but please please please add a dislike or not helpful option! Sometimes a review just isn't a good reflection of the show

Also yes, please add back episode count! But honestly I don't care about that as much as long as reviews still say preliminary
TeirayoAug 2, 2022 5:39 PM
No watch list sig cuz "You watch anime in 3 days or 3 months! Such is the proper way!"
Aug 2, 2022 6:10 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
I dont think I would reccomend a 7 I gave, to someone, so that feels a bit too strict, there should be definitly more labels there.
Aug 2, 2022 6:17 PM

Dec 2007
i think this update making the opposite, rather than making the "upvote" being "like", now reviews are more part of social network rather than "professional one".
[quote=Saku_k message=67053621
3. Allow comments on reviews. I[/quote]i'm with this idea.
mostly the "discussions" about the reviews are in the users profiles comments, rather than in the reviews, which is more directed.
that, and the fact that some people blocking profile comments from non-friends (like me), so one who have to comment one someone review, rather than have fast and quick, may take time 'till the user will approve him, and the fact that who says he will approve, or he [the commenter] would wants to befriend with him.

i think comments like in the club pages (where there's more than 10 comments, the old are removing) on the review page (and not on the profile/anime page) would be good.

i also would like that some of non-popular reviews to get more attentions. there are some of my reviews who got only 2 votes. (yeah, one of them is me)
User-NameAug 2, 2022 6:22 PM
Aug 2, 2022 6:23 PM

Jun 2011
Not a fan of these changes. I understand trying to combat certain issues, but I don't think this is the best way to go about it. Taking away a number score in place for emoji reactions is just a bad idea. Keep the number scores, as well as the scores for individual categories, such as music, characters, animation, etc. but actually make them visible.

I like the idea of Recommended/Mixed/Don't Recommend, but don't tie them to specific scores, but instead let users pick one.

Fighting against bots and users who always seemingly shoot up to the top is also a great idea. I can think of two users specifically that are almost always at the top of every review section, and it makes me groan every time I see them. Giving newer or lesser seen reviews more exposure to users would be really helpful, as there are usually competent, and well written reviews that should get more attention, but don't.

But the biggest issue is practically no negative feedback. Reviews are of course, highly subjective, but so are the reactions to them. Users should have the ability to disagree with something if they want to. Speaking of, I think reviews should have their own comment sections. This is simply to avoid having trolls, spammers, or otherwise users who disagree with the review, go to the reviewers profile and spam their disagreements on their walls.

I think overall, this update made things much worse than better.
Aug 2, 2022 7:20 PM

Aug 2016
I definitely appreciate no longer having the scores basically be the first thing someone sees in a review.

Something that I think would also really improve reviews on MAL is having the default reviews displayed be the most popular / most helpful ones that month. A continual problem I have noticed is that the top reviews for a seasonal show are always published the day the show finishes airing. This is to avoid being excluded as "preliminary" once the show finishes while still striking while the iron is hot, so to speak.

The problem with this, I feel, is that it promotes haste over well written and researched reviews. If someone wants to take a bit more time reviewing something, waiting a while until after the show finishes, I don't think they should be "punished" because of that.

Another plus to this change is that it would allow new perspectives to be displayed on shows that have been around for a long time. The top reviews for Evangelion were all written years ago at this point. People are still reviewing it, of course, and many of them have a lot of effort and passion put into them. But those reviews are not as visible because they are more recent, so I think changing what kinds of reviews you first see on an anime's page would help keep things a bit more "fresh" on this site.
People who put MAL stats in their sigs are losers lol
Aug 2, 2022 7:22 PM

Sep 2018
Honestly, removing numbers from reviews is a plus. People treat such numbers like scripture like metacritic.
Aug 2, 2022 7:26 PM

Apr 2013
While i can appreciate the effort MAL, this was a giant downgrade. This should've been done better and while am not on the forums, it sounds like ya'll didn't even bother to ASK the reviews and readers what WE wanted. You pride yourself on your site, but how can you say you truly care about us if you don't even bother to ask us for our input on features WE use? For the record, I like ya'll are trying to randomize the reviews on the anime main page, but how u went about it was imo, not as well implemented. It can be better. The rest? Not great and is just awful.

Recommended → Placeholder: Overall 7-10
Mixed Feelings → Placeholder: Overall 5-6
Not Recommended → Placeholder: Overall 1-4

^ This is imo, THE worst part of this update for me. I have PLENTY of anime I'd not rec that I've rated a 7.0 or 7.5, becus they're just average at best or there's other anime mroe worth ur time. I also find it VERY IRONIC one of the guide lines YOU MAL have set up is to NOT tell someone NOT to watch an anime (If that was done away recently my apologies) yet its OK for this system to put words in our reviews and our mouths by saying "Recommended" or further put words in our mouth with "mixed feelings" when there likely isn't any or FLAT OPUT SAY DON'T WATCH by this tag saying "Not recommended" when we might not actually be saying that (E.g. a short 5 or less min series such as a picture drama might get this rating but be serviceable and ok and not bad at all, but its short, not much to it so it gets a lower rating)

As it stands, the reviews and searching for reviews and trying to find outr if an anime is worth watching now is BROKEN... a LOT of people look to the score (Numbers) to help them determine if its even worth watching and I mean in the reviews themselves. OFC they'll also use other info from the review but still, those numbers are important and having to click (and scroll) each review is not ok just to see that number... I also include the number near the bottom anyway so this makes my reviewed look even less professional now (Not that I cared much about that but still, I DID try)

MAL, am not gonna waste anymore of my time on this post but PLEASE A) Change the system back and B) Ask everyone what WE want. Please even send a notification on our accounts on MAL so everyone will know about it and give it a month of feedback. Take it all into consideration. Hold polls, require forum posting if need be to keep bot spam down for the voting but tzake the feed back, then SLOWLY emplement the changes and adjust accordingly, vs. all at ocne so we can have the best exp on MAL.

Sincerely, someone who cares about MAL, occasionally reviews anime, and may not do any more reviews unless the system is VASTLY improved from what its now at or if it goes back to how it was b4 this recent change...

p.s. Forgot to say, remove the funny and confusing and related tags, those are basically gonna be the BOO button (Dislike button) and used by trolls and bots to down vote reviews' confidence, heck, just remove that altogether please as its not a good idea... I personally don't bother with stuff that has a down vote button...
--Kaori--Aug 2, 2022 7:29 PM
Aug 2, 2022 8:06 PM

Apr 2011
Apolygon2 said:
Alright, here's what you should do to fix the backlash and keep the system:

1. make most voted the default again. the suggested thing can stay, but the most popular should be the way to go. at least until you make a proper algorithm that works perfectly, that should be the case.

2. instead of removing the (story, art, sound...) thing, make it customizable, diverse it into more options like (directing, pacing...) and the give people the option to pick and choose if they want to include them or not. you can please both parties, and reach your goal of not having people feel like they have to talk about those things.

3. have both the recommended thing and score. telling someone something is good, and telling someone, you should watch something are not the same. there is no reason to only have 1 of them, you don't need to remove the score to have that.

having both clears the score confusion, while also keeping everything that works about a score system.

I like this concept!

Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all
Code Lyoko, be there when you call
Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall
Code Lyoko, stronger after all
Aug 2, 2022 8:11 PM

Oct 2019
MoonBunny9297 said:
Apolygon2 said:
Alright, here's what you should do to fix the backlash and keep the system:

1. make most voted the default again. the suggested thing can stay, but the most popular should be the way to go. at least until you make a proper algorithm that works perfectly, that should be the case.

2. instead of removing the (story, art, sound...) thing, make it customizable, diverse it into more options like (directing, pacing...) and the give people the option to pick and choose if they want to include them or not. you can please both parties, and reach your goal of not having people feel like they have to talk about those things.

3. have both the recommended thing and score. telling someone something is good, and telling someone, you should watch something are not the same. there is no reason to only have 1 of them, you don't need to remove the score to have that.

having both clears the score confusion, while also keeping everything that works about a score system.

I like this concept!

Updated version:

it would also help if you commented on it to support the idea there. if enough people agree with it, they might take it into consideration.
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Aug 2, 2022 8:47 PM
Jul 2022
I would say it looks worse, but I don't read reviews so I don't really care.
Aug 2, 2022 9:43 PM

Feb 2021
Many people were already disillusioned with this website, and for many, this was the last nail to seal this joke of a website from the last few people who had enough sense to give it any dignity. There's a reason why no one takes this website seriously. Here's my two cents from my profile, from someone who also got fed up finally, and it's fitting that the knuckleheads in charge caused it. I don't have patience for the fools who are too thick headed to see the wrong in this and who defend it:

Congratulations MAL, you've made your website even worse with this ridiculous and laughable new review system. It's nothing short than a biased censorship by the cowards who pulled these strings. Consider my financial support canceled, from others too, as well as some reviewers quitting as a result of this incompetency. I hardly have any more patience to contribute here anymore, as Anilist is superior, seeing as though people actually read there. You pathetic pieces of decrepit scum. You knew what you were doing with your "There are some reeeeally strange bugs with the "Suggested" ordering which slipped through testing... they will be fixed shortly" lie, as it affected reviewers many of your garbage mods have an obvious grudge against. It's nothing new, though this website is a joke, and anyone who takes it, and it's ratings seriously, is a fool.

I've quit this website, and moved on to Anilist. May it rest in acid.
Spirit_ChaserAug 2, 2022 9:51 PM
Aug 2, 2022 11:30 PM

Dec 2012
Unfortunately, but this update is the wrong direction for MAL. All the sites on the Internet look the same in terms of ratings and graphic responses, clogged with ugly "emoji." MAL is, sorry, "was" one of those sites that has long successfully defended itself in this regard. Sorry, what's next, a section on TikTok clips to be even more modern? Come to think of it, not all changes are necessary or better. MAL looked very good the way it has looked so far, and I think the changes should not go beyond the "retro" style too much. Now the new system completely doesn't fit anything, lots of people don't like it and it's just ugly. The previous solution was good and readable.

Above all, please restore the ability to check the rating without pressing "More info" on each review. This is silly and takes up more time and screen space. Possibly it would partially solve the problem if you could hold the cursor over the review tag (recommended and so on) to see the real rating.

It might be worth going in the direction of selection for people with some sort of slider in the options: retro MAL and new MAL system, starting with this rating system. It should not demolish anything, just for one option would be hidden emoji and in place of "recommended" would be the usual rating.

Funny, it used to be an April Fool's joke how ratings were changed to nasty emoji.... Link for those who forgot:
I can't understand why something was added that everyone laughed at at the time and those who were surprised by it caused outrage and distaste.

Maybe you should think about a voting system for the new changes?
Aug 2, 2022 11:56 PM

Apr 2012
Changes Review TLDR

1. Removing the numbers for each category and moving the overall score to the bottom was probably the worst idea of the changes. Please undo those ASAP. It's not just bad, but unnecessary. Now nobody will know what a reviewer thought of a show at first glance unless they manually put their score at the top, which is incredibly backwards. For example, I used to scroll down an anime, check out the score, and then maybe read the review to understand why they chose that score. If I didn't want to know about the anime, I could see that all the reviewers gave it a similar score and assume that's about what the anime is worth. When I see stark contrasts I know that the show appeals to some audiences and not to others. This update has robbed us of easy review scanning

2. Should not have reduced the number of reviews that can make it to the front page, this makes it more difficult for a review to be seen because the review finding system is generally terrible. Perhaps dynamically load more reviews to the front page using a show more tab. I think 4 was a good base amount though.

3. Perhaps reach out to reviewers and ask what features they think will improve the website instead of just changing things...?

1. The recommendation feature is nice
2. Spoiler warning is a nice addition to the reviewer's tab
3. The font and spacing are improved
4. More reaction options are good
5. It looks better overall visually.

You guys should generally think to talk to a diverse panel of users before overhauling core features of the website

Aug 3, 2022 12:16 AM
Dec 2012
Nice update, finally reviews can start being relevant and clear on their intention, instead of the old ones where the top revuews were always from the same people giving low scores.
Aug 3, 2022 12:51 AM

Apr 2018
This new system seems good to me, it is not very different from the previous one, only now it is a little more tedious with more Helpful options in emotes and other aesthetic changes.

What I don't know is how the new algorithm will work in the reviews, since what appears in the Top Reviews seems to be random. However, you can filter the most voted and preliminary and technically you will have the old top of reviews without problem.

What does interest me is that in the future you will have the option to see a list of users who gave their vote in a review. Not that I'm generally in favor of this practice, but with the nature of upvoting in MAL I don't see any other way to handle this problem. It's okay.

I think all the negative reaction to this update is greatly exaggerated.

You and the rose are connected. Know the weight of your own life
Aug 3, 2022 1:13 AM

Oct 2014
Here's an idea, bring back the numbered scores 1-10, and also allow the reviewer to select one of the new tags ("Recommended", "Mixed Feelings" and "Not Recommended") as per the new system. So when writing a review the reviewer selects a rating, and a tag.

I'm pretty sure most people who read reviews appreciate the numbered scores. It is true that different people have different rating tendencies but that doesn't mean the numbered ratings should be removed from reviews entirely. Using the tags in addition to a numbered score should be enough to solve this issue.
Aug 3, 2022 3:24 AM

Jul 2014
Here’s an idea also, bring back the not helpful button. Like others said, there is no way to show dissatisfaction on a review. Hey MAL review team, there’s a thing called differing opinions. Not everything is all sunny and flowers blooming.

#BringBackNotHelpfulButton seriously
Aug 3, 2022 4:22 AM
Feb 2021
Honestly who thought it's a good idea to get rid of the ratings in reviews? There's a BIG difference between a 7 and a 8, let alone 9+ animes. At least show us the ratings beside the Recommended/Not Recommended.
Aug 3, 2022 5:21 AM

Jul 2011
So you guys removed the scores from the top and the option to rate the review as "not helpful" but added a lot of more generic ways to praise a review that is not really different then just press "helpful".

I don't want to be rude but this is just bad. Is basically what youtube did with the dislikes buttons, you guys are just hiding and masking information with a fake feeling of actual good exchange.

Why? Did a dumb sponsor ask you to do this?
LuhosAug 3, 2022 5:32 AM
Aug 3, 2022 5:28 AM

Feb 2021
Please, add negative or dislike button! People need to know these opinions too!
Aug 3, 2022 7:24 AM

Oct 2016
Eh, kinda fruity. I wouldn't think of a 6 as mixed feeling but it makes sense in terms of distribution. Other changes seem fine.

S_Nuffin said:
Honestly who thought it's a good idea to get rid of the ratings in reviews? There's a BIG difference between a 7 and a 8, let alone 9+ animes. At least show us the ratings beside the Recommended/Not Recommended.

I had the same reaction, but they are there, very small, at the bottom, but they are there.
Aug 3, 2022 9:14 AM

Dec 2015
Well ... without the "mixed feelings" they might have had to set it to "not recommended". Cause 6 is certainly not something anyone woudl recommend - I guess. You can't just split the 10 numbers in half and say "everything 6-10 is recommended".

Keep in mind: Time is limited. And people want to spend their time as best as possible. If there is a ton of better stuff to watch ... recommendation only makes really sense if they would like it a lot. This is also a problem with the "recommendation" thing itself ... with the reviews.

The recommendation system (I hope there will be also major updates - since this is more useful in general) tries to recommend "similar anime". Therefore the reader already has some more clues. This automated change/mapping for the old reviews to the 3 recommendation labels ... just means ... nothing - until the reviewer manually checks if it is okay.

Even then it only means probably "for the average user with the average taste" or "for a taste similar to the one the reviewer had". ... unless it is a "masterpiece" recommended to "anyone". (Personally I would not even recommend something with 8 or lower to anyone.)

So ... the reviewer needs to think about this very well. Good that there is at least an option to make this different - and not based on fixed scores. I wonder how most people will use this though. Or how the intended use is.

There really might be some people that think it is okay to recommend anything that is "above average" - even when reviewing and trying to be a bit more wannabe-professinal like some pro-reviewer.

Maybe different options/labels would be better here. I have small part in my profile - in the first spoiler tag I think - on how I personally rate. Cause "recommended for fans of the genre" ... could be a thing. Where some anime might not be recommandable to just anyone - but fans of the genre might love it for sure.
Aug 3, 2022 9:28 AM

Jan 2014
I'm on the fence when it comes to the whole thing here. As I can see there is potential and good when it comes to the update itself, and if maybe ironed out more, it would actually be better. Could even bring back the previous upvote number system to go along with it. Or least find a way to work it with the like/love parts. Should also remove the confusing one, as that really doesn't make sense to me. Like. if you put confusing under a review, what are you confused about? We'll never know, so what's the point of it? If anything, there should be a proper feedback option, where people can if they wanted to give thoughts on their reviews, where they agree or disagree. I also don't think a dislike option, or downvote option is the best idea. Cause it's been proven before, that if put the right motion in, MAL can easily be toyed with. Whats stopping those who only see numbers, and clout, force downvoting, others reviews with many accounts, all to get their own on top or something? It would need to be properly managed.

It's why a feedback option would be best, that way it lets people know what they think of your reviews, and how you can either do better, or know how your review truly fared. But that's all I gotta say about it. If they ironed it out a bit more, maybe it'd be better. Otherwise, I'd go back to the previous one pronto.
Aug 3, 2022 9:42 AM

Aug 2015
S5_0014_81 said:

>The number does a GOOD job at quantifying the enjoyment/satisfaction of the reviewer

It does up to a degree but it's a very individual and instransferible way of quantifying enjoyment, as in other people's paramenters for scoring are completely different than yours. Some people give a 10 to half of the shows they watch, others do it once every blue moon. What does a 6 mean to you, what does it mean to me? This is not a good way of communicating and why I believe numerical scoring should be for personal use only.

Where does a number draw the line between recommending a show and not recommending it? 5,6? There are some shows I've seen and rated like that which I would still recommend. See how all the things I've listed as ambiguities and problems that come from using numbers can be solved by actually reading the review itself? thing that most people don't do, and if they do, they will get a much better idea if the reviwer enjoyed the show or not rather than glossing over a number and assuming they share the same parameters as you do.

To add an example, the closest thing to a standardized metric on MAL for scoring treats a (5) as an "Average", there are tons of "Average" shows which I enjoyed. I personally think most things rated like (5) are less than that, therefore my "Average" is usually (6).

>the top reviewers are the most passionate ones and have been doing this for years

"Top reviwers" wew, some of these people are actually organized on twitter/discord to pump their garbage on top, I've seen several times promoting their shit there and calling others to do so. Nor they opinions deserve to hold any sort of relevance over anyone's else, they hold no authority despite what their internet points might lead them to believe.

>Most people literally just give the reviews they like a helpful and call it a day.

Most people don't read reviews, just gloss over a number they agree with and call it a day. People who read reviews don't go and shit on a reviewer's profile in a toxic way because they got mad about a number (which is understandable physchologically as explained earlier), this is super common behavior in popular shows. I think that by removing a number a lot of these people will not even care about reviews, solving the problem itself, and the ones they do read and care enough to reply to the reviewer's profile will more likely do it in a more constructive way.

> figuring out whether something is worth their time or not

I wouldn't trust my personal enjoyment to these people and you shouldn't either. Read the summary, watch an episode or two. Learn to drop things perhaps? Reviews are meant to be read after anyway, most are filled with spoilers as well.

>well established reviewers might quit or just care less which means a drop in overall MAL review quality

The ones who will quit will be the ones that seek attention the most, the ones who seek their reviews to be on top, - no matter what -.
No one is forbidding anyone to review anything, this entire fuss is over - some - people not having the spotlight anymore, or not having it as easy as they had it up to now. Good.

By the way, I read your entire post but I think this is enough to get my point across

The cartel is sinking! But it seems like the MAL staff just undid their change and now all the "most helpful" reviews are automatically front page again.
Aug 3, 2022 10:12 AM

Aug 2017
Well, looks like this change is controversial so I don't have a strong opinion about it. I'm neutral.

Spirit_Chaser said:
Many people were already disillusioned with this website, and for many, this was the last nail to seal this joke of a website from the last few people who had enough sense to give it any dignity. There's a reason why no one takes this website seriously. Here's my two cents from my profile, from someone who also got fed up finally, and it's fitting that the knuckleheads in charge caused it. I don't have patience for the fools who are too thick headed to see the wrong in this and who defend it:

Congratulations MAL, you've made your website even worse with this ridiculous and laughable new review system. It's nothing short than a biased censorship by the cowards who pulled these strings. Consider my financial support canceled, from others too, as well as some reviewers quitting as a result of this incompetency. I hardly have any more patience to contribute here anymore, as Anilist is superior, seeing as though people actually read there. You pathetic pieces of decrepit scum. You knew what you were doing with your "There are some reeeeally strange bugs with the "Suggested" ordering which slipped through testing... they will be fixed shortly" lie, as it affected reviewers many of your garbage mods have an obvious grudge against. It's nothing new, though this website is a joke, and anyone who takes it, and it's ratings seriously, is a fool.

I've quit this website, and moved on to Anilist. May it rest in acid.

Imagine saying AL is a superior site in the first place, with a barely active userbase after like nearly 10 years, political rules, awful anime database and unfriendly to anime fans in general. That site is dead and it's a fact. They had their first and last chance in 2018 and it's too late now. MAL is still the most popular anime tracking site and numbers don't lie. But I don't expect too much from you when u say stuff like "I can't take you seriously if you don't watch anime before the year 2000".

Good luck in your Twitter-like site.

NurguburuAug 3, 2022 11:02 AM
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Aug 3, 2022 10:50 AM

Dec 2021
Everyone should edit their reviews to include their 1-10 numbered rating in the very first line until the admins get annoyed and flip it back.

Duplicating the number of clicks to access the most basic of information is pointlessly strongarmed UX design, in the goal of funneling people into narrow paths the designers feel the site "should be used".

A lot of different types of people use this site in different ways; that's the drawing power of it I think compared to competitors. Pushing simplification (3-point vs 10-point review scale) on this site in particular is a bad choice in my opinion.

Aug 3, 2022 11:22 AM

Dec 2021
iamKetranLang said:
This is kinda hard to stand. It is GREAT you'll be shuffling reviews but, can we at least get episode count back so I can decide shows to watch and not just for preliminary.
I don't really care about the emojis. My major criticism is Bring back the score. Even my own review, I like reading what I have to say to justify my score, and since I don't write reviews unless I feel strong about it. And recommended compared to a score is so distracting when trying to read the review. I don't need what I have to say to be shadowed by a single "recommended"

Also, I strongly agree with this point about how the reviews are essentially a thesis in defense of your 1-10 score. That's how I have always seen them as presented here. The strong emphasis this site has on data, numbers, rankings, etc. Its firmly embedded in the DNA to celebrate and embrace this numerical approach.

So that is why this very small change feels consequential to me, I feel like its neutering one of the core functionalities of MAL.

If the site continues to obfuscate the backbone of data that allows it to run from the users in the name of simplicity/usability, I believe MAL's unique identity that originally drew users in will slowly be lost.
martiantarheadAug 3, 2022 1:16 PM

Aug 3, 2022 1:30 PM

Jul 2021
If y'all don't revert this dogshit update ima be pissed.
Aug 3, 2022 2:24 PM

May 2020
Is the default sorting of the reviews now back to 'Most Voted'? If so, that's some progress...

Maybe try sleeping?

Aug 3, 2022 2:38 PM

Jul 2021
I have been visiting this site primarily to read reviews, to see if a show would be for me.

I don't feel one way or another about most of these changes, but 2 things stick out to me.

1. A 3-point "Recommended/Mixed Feelings/Not recommended" label is not granular enough.

There should be a quick and easy way to differentiate a "lukewarm recommendation" and a "glowing endorsement" (also with negative reviews), without opening up and reading every review. Then I can get more information about the "spread" of opinions at a glance, and I can look for a review from one group or the other, depending on the situation.

Before the change, I have used the 1-10 score to determine this, often to skip over 1/10 or 10/10 reviews quickly. I don't think it's absolutely necessary to bring back the 1-10 score at the top of the review, but I would like at least some kind of label that represents the opinion in a review in more detail.

2. "Preliminary" and "Episodes watched" labels are no longer visible.

I can't easily tell whether the reviewer actually finished the show or not, or how far the reviewer got. For shows that finished airing, I would definitely prefer reviews that encompass the whole show.

I noticed these labels are visible when I click "Open" and open up the review on its own page, but it would be much more convenient to have them on the list of reviews as well.

EDIT: I also noticed the labels are not visible for currently airing shows only, and for completed shows they are? Still a little confused..
perseiiAug 3, 2022 2:51 PM
Aug 3, 2022 2:59 PM
Apr 2016
This change is bad. Bring back scores prominently featured for reviews. Also 4 top reviews instead of 3. I can no longer look at the top 4 reviews and their scores to gauge community perceptions. This website isn't social media and it doesn't need to be.

Edit: Make the reviewer's episodes watched appear more prominently as it's useful to know if they finished the show or the review was written before finishing it.
KeibedonaAug 3, 2022 3:02 PM
Aug 3, 2022 3:36 PM
Aug 2022
Made an account to react to this change. I've been visiting MAL for many years.

I only use MAL to look at reviews and recommendations. So I ignore the Details tab and go straight to the Reviews tab and scan the review scores of those that finished the season to see if they agree with the MAL score or if there are many (negative) outliers. If there are, I scan a few reviews quickly, being careful to skip spoilers and plot. Scanning the scores used to take 10 seconds. Now it almost takes 10 seconds to do that for a single review. That is tedious and I'm likely to do less of that and look for alternatives. Like for many, for me the "Recommended/Mixed Feelings/Not recommended" labels don't convey enough information.

It looks like a small change, but it is the main way in which I used the site and it was made much worse. I feel strongly about this. Thankfully the reviews themselves are still there, behind the "Read more" button. Please don't remove them too.

And yes, helpful and unhelpful labels are helpful. I find longer reviews are usually also more helpful.

_01Aug 3, 2022 4:00 PM
Aug 3, 2022 5:20 PM

Aug 2014
I believe the "revert the change of removing the 'Not Helpful' option" is one of the most requested changes on this site ever, at this point. It has been requested for a number of years.
I also believe that although reviewers complained about the "Not Helpful" votes which I'm sure helped effectuate the removal of it, the MAL stamped alternative of "either shut up or leave criticizm directly to the reviewer" was worse, for everyone. It also made many reviewers actually close their profiles.

The change of being given 7 new options to interactively be "Positive" in different ways about a review and not a single way to interactively disagree in the mildest way is not impressive, considering the feedback.

Aug 3, 2022 5:24 PM
Go read Medalist
Apr 2007
Dropping a big QoL change that affects user experience without first discussing it with users themselves is a great way to increase the amount of work for yourself.

In any case, I would like to defend negative reviews to ensure their visibility isn't reduced in any way, because it sure seems quite a few people here don't like unpopular opinions.

Reviews are a big deal for me. I use them regularly to choose what to watch/read, and the methodology I use values mixed and negative reviews higher than the positive ones. There's a very rational reason for it, too: people like different things, and a title's strong points may well be unique to itself, i.e. how specifically this work does things. Yet even if a reviewer does a good job upselling the title's strongest points, it may still fail to click if I'm not predisposed to enjoy that particular combination of arguably well-conceived aspects. Or it will click, but not to the same extent.

Deal-breakers, however, have far better reach across differences in tastes. Does the work adapt the material poorly or is incomplete? Does it contain gratuitous rape scenes, glorify abuse, or attempt humor in bad taste? Are the characters nothing more than common genre stereotypes? Is the plot a collection of predictable tropes with no interesting thematic payload or social commentary? Does the adaptation have production values so horrible they detract from the source material? These are very common criticisms, and it's incredibly important for any work that there is a review that brings one's attention to such things if there are any. That's what the concept of reviews is for.

Both as a member of the audience and as an author of reviews, I don't want negative reviews to be any less prominent than they have been up till now as the result of any changes. In fact, I'd appreciate them being more prominent, such as in cases where the four (now three) front-page reviews are all glowing endorsements with the next-highest-voted one being a well-articulated criticism that gets unfairly ignored by anyone who doesn't delve into the review section.

I think somebody earlier suggested that reviews should represent a consensus opinion for an average person, or something similar. (Can't find the specific post at a glance, though.) I think that would be missing the point of having multiple reviews to choose from, which only benefits from having substantive differences between them. After all, there would be no need to have more than one if all of them said the same thing. An "average review" will be targeted at an "average person" by definition; nobody should ever try writing it that way that on purpose. When I'm reviewing something myself, I always try to focus on aspects that I value and criticize aspects that I consider important to criticize. I also adapt my style and structure of the review to what I intend to say in it. There is no perfect way to do a review, no formula that works with everyone. Always write your reviews in the way you feel is best for describing your specific experience with the work. If it was painful, you should rightly mention that without being afraid to hurt the feelings of a fan. Nobody should feel guilty or inadequate for having a different opinion.

Never forget that the primary purpose of reviews isn't to (in)validate somebody's opinion or influence a title's rating; it's to help users who hadn't had any prior experience with it manage expectations and decide whether they should invest their time. Readers should be trusted to form their final opinion on the matter but it's a reviewer's job to notify them of experiences they might find important if they decide to seek them out first.

I will follow up on this post with all the big issues I've found with the update and some of the suggestions from the thread.

pinkhorizon said:
I'm going to use my personal favourite reviewer on this site, SingleH as an example, he probably takes reviewing more seriously than anyone else on this site and boy is he crazy good at it

Not to discredit your point (which I generally agree with), but isn't SingleH a she?
Aug 3, 2022 6:48 PM

Aug 2017
Manaban said:
deg said:
i heard there is a reviewers cartel here on MAL lol so they will not like this update at all, no wonder reviews here are monopolize by a few names only

yes the review cartel is quite infamous. they have upvote mules and everything. viscious tbh
Is the cartel including that one guy who writes 1000 word essays for every anime he reviews?

My biggest regret: Reading all 200+ chapters of Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Aug 3, 2022 7:18 PM

Apr 2010
This update is probably the single worst update MAL has ever received. It makes the review system worthless.

Let me get right to the point: If you insist on keeping this change move the actual review score from hidden in the "read more" at the very bottom to back up to the top, you can even put it next to your "recommended"/"not recommended" nonsense.

Why: Being able to see the rating the reviewer gave the anime to begin with is what even gave me the basis to even determine if that review was even worth reading. If it wasn't remotely close to the average rating for the show then chances are the review was some extreme outlier.

Like if a show has an average score of 8 and they gave it a 1 then chances are their review is trash and it's not worth reading. Similarly if a show's rating is 6 and someone gives it a 10 it's probably not that great of a review either, though if one's a 5, 6, or 7 then it may be worth checking out.

As it stands now I probably just won't bother reading any of the reviews because it's a waste of time. There are so many users on one extreme end or another that it's impossible to know what we're even getting into when we start reading a review now. Basically, don't waste our time.

That being said, moving the scores back up to the top for actual usability of the system isn't all you need to do. If there are going to be changes to the review system the single most important change beyond that would be to get rid of the way it currently chooses which are shown on the main anime page. Currently it's the reviews with the most votes which are always the first reviews posted which many a time are even preliminary reviews that didn't even watch the entire show and unfortunately no matter how many hundreds of reviews are posted those same crappy ones are the ones stuck there on the front page forever.

What I suggest is rather than the most voted on reviews for a show instead you have it show one recommended, one not recommended, one mixed. Each chosen randomly out of the pool of all reviews with those scores, if they're available. If they're not then show another of whichever of the other two have the most review types. And if it's only praised or panned then in that case you can just show those types of reviews at random. This method I think would be the most fair to any given series. Though in the spirit of fairness it might actually unfairly give exposure to bad takes.

So if you consider that then perhaps the most truly fair might be to just pull 3 at random every time an anime's page is loaded. Not the top ones, not even any specific type, just three of the total pool of reviews completely at random. This would give the largest possible exposure to the largest possible pool of reviews.

Whatever the case, something does need to be done about what reviews are displayed because it's been busted for years.

Seriously though, don't hide the ratings. Put them back up at the top where they belong. They're critically important to the site's functionality and usefulness of the review system. Without them we have to do extra clicks and extra scrolling just to see if a review was done in bad faith or just an extremely poor outlier take.
Aug 3, 2022 7:31 PM
Jan 2013
Couldn't the dev team just give us an option to revert back to the original in the account settings tab? Its true people have different ideas of score but that's just the beauty of the internet.
Aug 3, 2022 7:36 PM
Go read Medalist
Apr 2007
Okay, here's the analysis as promised. There's a lot to unpack with this update. It is evidently intended to fix some long-standing problems with the review system—which absolutely do exist—but its current implementation creates even more problems than it solves.

Thankfully, I believe most of those can now be rather easily fixed, or avoided if we're talking about yet-unimplemented changes.

Issue #1
Using labels in front instead of reviewer's score makes it harder to gauge how they feel about the title at a glance.

First off, users are entirely right to point it out. The primary purpose of a review is helping users decide whether to spend their time and/or money on something. But the same applies to reviews themselves: it's often important to be able to tell at a glance whether it's worth spending the time on the review itself, and sometimes it may not even be necessary per se. In the typical case, the most valuable reviews by far are likely to be rated between 8 and 3 because that score range compels the reviewer to highlight both strong and weak points of a work. The fact that we now can't tell a difference between a 7 and a 10 or a 1 and a 4 immediately means, in part, that it's now harder to gauge how strongly a reviewer feels about the title and whether they can be expected to present a balanced viewpoint. The information is still available, to be sure, but requires the audience to jump through extra hoops to get to it, wasting their valuable time.

However, it's also true that numbers are largely superficial when everyone has their own scale (and the scale itself constantly gets inflated over time), so the intention to move away from it has rational merit.

Split the current "Recommended" into "Recommended" (7–8) and "Strongly Recommended" (9–10). Optionally split the current "Not Recommended" into "Not Recommended" (3–4) and "Strongly Disrecommended" (1–2). Tweak the names to your liking; it's the granularity that's important.

Issue #2
The new emoji reaction system feels like a soulless corporate decision made to jump on the bandwagon of familiar SNS trends window-dressed as promoting actual diversity of feedback.

There is plenty of merit to this criticism. With a single-bit feedback, the question a reader is presented with is simple: "Was this review helpful?" Note that this is a yes/no question. It is relatively easy to condense your answer into "yes" or "no" if the question is precise enough, which this one is.

If you're moving to a larger set of possible responses, the question is inevitably reformulated into a "What did you think of this review?" When you're starting your question with a "what", you are no longer asking something that can be adequately represented as a "yes" or "no"—you're asking for substance, you're asking the person to describe. Condensing the multitude of thoughts and feelings one may have on the matter into a single-word label is frustrating, and the fact that you then have to choose just one even if several apply in equal measure is even more frustrating.

Furthermore, the labels themselves have different degrees of conciseness. Something being "helpful" is self-explanatory: "it helped me decide", but what does "nice" refer to? What is "confusing"—the author's arguments, conclusions, language, anything else? Is an "informative" review supposed to be full of spoilers, or provide historical background, or analyze the plot or characters in detail? All of that is arguably informative, but it's completely useless for the reader to have it all grouped together if they're looking for something specific.

Rethink the labels to be more concise and descriptive so they can at least work as search/sort criteria. Allow users to select multiple choices, unless you want them to fall back on whatever the thumb-up option represents whenever they don't want to bother choosing which stupid emoji summarizes their feedback better than another stupid emoji.

Or revert it entirely; nobody will miss it in the current implementation.

Issue #3
Older reviews have a disproportionately higher chance to get to the front page. Reviews on the front page have a disproportionately higher chance to stay there forever. Those that don't end up on the front page are barely ever read. Reducing the number of front-page reviews from 4 to 3 arguably made this even worse. The new system purports to fix this by defaulting to "suggested" reviews, but nobody understands what one has to do to make their review more "suggested" under a system with hidden variables.

Boy oh boy, is this a can of worms to be opened.

* Hidden variables are bad, period. I don't want the visibility of reviews to be decided by something that is intentionally obscured and may or may not work against what I'm looking for in a review. This is not YouTube which has a year's worth of content uploaded every minute so it has to pick something out to show to someone who didn't explicitly search for it. There is no need to make it so complex and prone to bias when solutions that would solve the core problem don't require this complexity to begin with.

* If we want more different reviews to be read, then reducing their amount on the front page surely doesn't contribute to that goal, does it? Even if you implement some form of rotation, you still have fewer slots to be shuffled. If the problem with having more reviews is that they occupy too much valuable space on the title's front page, well, let me show you exactly how deep they end up buried on an actual page. About four standard screens deep in this case. There are no pages in existence where the review module is visible on the top screen under the same conditions. Maybe sacrifice something else instead, like, I don't know, collapsing characters or background info? How often is that information referred to by people looking to decide whether they want to read/watch something new?

* Instead of most voted-on reviews, what will be stuck on the front page under the current system are the most "suggested" ones, is that right? We have been given no concrete information on what this intends to solve and how it's supposed to do it.

* The main problem with reviews is that once the feedback gets going, it snowballs and cements the review in place. The current system doesn't introduce any meaningful ways to rotate front-page reviews or otherwise help new and overlooked reviews or reviews voicing unpopular opinions gain more traction. There is virtually no incentive to write a review for something that finished airing/publication more than a several days ago at best, and the new system doesn't seem to be able to solve that because it still relies on feedback—which these reviews don't get to begin with. How they're supposed to get this feedback is anyone's guess.

1. Increase the number of front-page review slots. Three isn't enough; at least revert it to four.

2. Separate the slots by function. Top of the month, top positive, top negative, newest published, whatever. Think of something that'll help representation instead of hindering it under a different sauce.

3. Introduce review rotation. Have at least some of the front-page slots (ideally, all of them) dedicated to rotating through reviews that haven't been on the front page in some time. Rather than being creative in writing an algorithm for sorting reviews, it's better to pour that creativity into coming up with a way to expose people to more reviews, period.

4. Consider making module positions on manga/anime front page customizable. You already have this for the user panel; personally, I spend more time on title pages than I do on my user panel.

Issue #4
Readers have no meaningful ways to disagree with a review. New suggestion system is expected to take "designated criticism" emoji reactions into account to algorithmically change which reviews appear on top.

This one is tricky because common sense and community ethics dictate a need for a disapproval outlet, but herein come two problems.

1. A downvote (or whichever other designated alternative) will be abused. This is guaranteed, and you can see just by the example of this thread how many users are completely unable to voice their criticism in a constructive and polite manner. Allowing them to affect how a review they disagree with appears to other users is a great way to breed an echo chamber culture that incessantly downvotes any outliers. Furthermore, it would be trivial for a popular reviewer with a big enough horde of followers to weaponize it to their advantage without breaking any site rules per se, mods won't be able to do anything against that.

2. I don't feel this solves the issue of having actual bad reviews on the site per se, or giving users an ability to voice their criticism in any meaningful manner. To begin with, the need to downvote a review only arises when said review is stuck on top of ones that are more helpful. This can be solved much more efficiently. There should be no way for users to "cancel" a review simply because of opinion differences because, as I said earlier, it leads to an echo chamber and hurts diversity and representation of opinions.

Attach comment threads to reviews (the same way it's done for news articles should work just fine here) to let anyone give their feedback in a comfortable way in textual form. If they have something to say, it better be an actual argument rather than a single-bit reaction that gives the reviewer no meaningful feedback on what they did wrong. Reviewers put in effort to criticize works in text, so it's only fair if any criticism towards them is also an effort made in text.

If all helpful reviews receive ample exposure and feedback via rotation, bad ones will sink down into oblivion where they belong all on their own and stop being a front-page problem, and the need to downvote them disappears on its own.

Issue #5
Making review voters public.

Please don't; this is a horrible, horrible idea that creates completely unneeded social anxiety for everyone susceptible to it, as well as a great potential source of social abuse.

A reviewer might not want to be able to see it because it would compel them to check who voted on their reviews and look for their friends' names there—because this information is now available to them. They might become upset at seeing their friends vote for a competing review with an opposite opinion. A reviewer's friends will also know their actions are visible and might feel more pressure due to the reviewer being able to tell whether or not they have voted on their or anyone else's review. If there's any sort of a designated criticism emoji reaction, many users will be afraid to press it because for them it would be akin to painting a target on themselves. I don't want any of this both as a reviewer myself and as a reader of others' reviews, and see no practical value in it whatsoever—only harm.

This helps no-one except mods for catching bot accounts. People have private anime lists, they should have a right to vote privacy all the same.

Limit this information to mods, and only mods.
moozoohAug 3, 2022 7:56 PM
Aug 3, 2022 7:55 PM

Dec 2021
Please revert this I hate it. It makes reviews so confusing.

Aug 3, 2022 8:13 PM

Feb 2015
Creating solutions to non-issues and avoiding legitimate quality-of-life changes. Real image of MyAnimeList staff team:
Aug 3, 2022 9:10 PM

Oct 2021
- Put the reviewers score back to the top

- Add a way to provide constructive criticism

- Give writers a fair chance to present their reviews

1 ) The actual score of the reviewer is much more important to readers than categorizing tags. Put the score somewhere we can easily see it like before. The scores tell us a lot about the review and whether it'll be helpful to us or not.

2 ) Overpraising reviews is what this update will achieve. I believe there should be a way to constructively disagree with what a reviewer has said without it becoming toxic hate.

3 ) We need more diversity. I'm tired of seeing the top reviews being dominated by a few names, extremely low scored reviews, essays that don't get to the point, and unfair representation of a title that makes people give up on it without trying.

Reviews should have more diversity and less competition so more people will write and benefit more readers. Underrated titles and newer ones alike can benefit from diverse reviews. Diverse reviews can help unsure people decide whether they should try or will enjoy a title.

One suggestion to add diversity and incentive for others to write is to mix up the displayed reviews. Have 1 or 2 random reviews at the top that changes regularly, then display the top rated reviews under that.

All this update does is add ways to overpraise and categorize reviews instead of trying to fix the actual flaws with the system. I appreciate the initiative to change but please tackle what's important first.
PriinceYukiAug 3, 2022 10:26 PM


Don't try and get me to cook
I can take care of anything
else but not that


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