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Accel World (light novel)
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Sep 8, 2012 8:27 AM

Aug 2012
Noumi should just die already !! >:(
Can't wait to see Haru destroys him.
Andd.. Nerve Gear! Sword Art Online reference :3
Thriive_Sep 8, 2012 8:33 AM
Sep 8, 2012 8:28 AM

Dec 2011
Kennyal said:
I dont think Noumi can be blamed for chiyu's state of mind as she is only playing the part of his sidekick until she is able to betray him and get him virtually destroyed, shes playing a role of her own choice to get close to and then destroy the guy.


I think she's plotting something and we'll find out soon. Also, Nomi about it get owned :) and I'm ready for Hime to come back.

Sep 8, 2012 8:36 AM

Jan 2012
WTF Chiyu?
Sep 8, 2012 8:55 AM

Jul 2012
I just feel that even after Noumi is defeated he will reveal the video of Haruyuki.
Sep 8, 2012 9:14 AM

Sep 2010
Fuck! Chiyu really is a FUCKING BITCH!

Why the hell Haru need to fight Nomi according to Nomi's rules? Haru got more leverage, and haven't Nomi released that "Haru sneaking into girls' bathroom" video already? More BS.

twonlineSep 8, 2012 9:20 AM
Sep 8, 2012 9:16 AM

Jun 2009

Both Haruyuki and Taku are idiots...

Revealing his knowledge of Noumi's secret right off the bat...
Lets settle this in a winner takes all....
We burst linker fight with honor...

This is rather... dumb... For Haruyuki, who's smart enough to figure out Noumi's secret... and a supposedly smart student Taku... They really do rush things instead of considering their options...

To think that Haru didn't even talk to Taku beforehand and plan it out before going to Noumi (Who's quite a plotter) bragging about what he knows...

Gosh... What is this? A shonen manga aimed at 7 year old?
AirStylesSep 8, 2012 9:22 AM
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Sep 8, 2012 9:21 AM

Oct 2010
kaimax said:
Kennyal said:
I don't think Noumi can be blamed for Chiyu's state of mind as she is only playing the part of his sidekick until she is able to betray him and get him virtually destroyed, shes playing a role of her own choice to get close to and then destroy the guy.

Kudos for you, since you can understand Chiyu state of mind.
So I see, in another words Taku is just a corkscrew for not overspilling a friendship into chaos? Seems like it or at least he is like plugging for a circle not to derail. Seems like that then he should find another girl that can tell F off to Chiyu and cares of Taku more.

I have heard of Taku x Chiyu here and so far guy is degraded beyond belief. IMO he is totally mind wrecked. He needs to affirm himself and stop being blind to all this.
kaimax said:
People needs to remember that destroying Dusk Taker won't give Haru his wings back.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? How come? Can't be! Getting rid of Tusk Taker will not give back all abilities he stole?

IMPOSSIBLE! Why? Now you got my interest!

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Sep 8, 2012 9:24 AM

Jun 2009
You can all insult Haru all you want but fat shoe has the balls of steel to reject Chiyu without batting an eye when she literally offered herself to him.

Meanwhile, Taku is the real guy suffering here. Reki must really hate him. Poor guy.
Sep 8, 2012 9:29 AM

Nov 2011
Wait wait wait. Did I just see NervGear there? And did i saw HAru open a file in his FAMILY server. So SAO and AW is really connected...

And now, who is Kuroyukihime's parent???
Sep 8, 2012 9:54 AM

Feb 2012
Alright, Chiyu started to strip with some melodramatic music in the background, basiically saying "Fuck me, I'm yours, I'll always be". Now I won't say Haru should have gone for it but for Christ's sake, stop tearing up every fucking time, it's ridiculous and pathetic.

At least the maid kicked some ass, too bad the fight was rather short.

Preview looks interesting but I absolutely do not want to see Haru completely naked, even if they are covering his crotch, it's too much. Oh, neither do I want to see the naked Noumi again.
Sep 8, 2012 10:00 AM

Dec 2011
Well, hopefully they can finish this fight already.... and get his wings back.
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Sep 8, 2012 10:10 AM

Apr 2012
I'm rooting for Noumi at this point. He is a terrible caricature of villain and couldn't be anymore evil unless he had a moustache to twirl but he still uses his wits better than anyone on the show. I'm less interesting in the fight than seeing what Noumi has planned.
Sep 8, 2012 10:20 AM

May 2011
Oh yeah the final battle is coming up, soon Noumi will get his ass kicked and feel the despair that he deserves hopefully. His plan is probably gunna be just having Chiyu join the fight on his side and be the undefeated tandem that they've been.

Oooh interesting, so AW and SAO are in the same universe and are connected.
Sep 8, 2012 10:29 AM

Jan 2012
so the fight next week will end things and the last episode will be just clearing some things up. I'm pretty excited about the final fight.
Sep 8, 2012 11:07 AM

Jun 2009
Please shut that Noumi faggot already, i can't stand his voice anymore.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Sep 8, 2012 11:15 AM

Jan 2008
Most interesting thing about this episode was the NerveGear reference. Cool.
Sep 8, 2012 11:30 AM
Jan 2011
Well, then Haru really doesn't get it at all, Chiyu loves him- Haru you Stupid Piggy.
Sep 8, 2012 12:16 PM

Sep 2011
Chiyu, has made me want to drop this show so much. She's getting rather annoying, more so, than Haru.

Next week we'll see the battle..1 episode? 2 Episodes of it who knows. Hate how Hime has been out of the episodes for more than 5 episodes +
Sep 8, 2012 12:47 PM

Mar 2010
A good episode, some stuff has been revealed and I'm looking forward to the next episode a lot!
Sep 8, 2012 12:54 PM

Jul 2011
well, that was thrilling. i can't wait for the next ep, darn, i'm getting impatient now!
Sep 8, 2012 1:28 PM

Aug 2008
xjakku said:
-Koyuki- said:

I had been wondering for a while. Why both of you always come to the threads at the same time?
Sep 8, 2012 2:36 PM

Jun 2012
SAO and Accel W. are in same universe.
Soo, what if Hime's daughter of Kirito and Asuna... just kidding :D

Realy good ep, I hate that Nomi fag. >.<
Sep 8, 2012 3:57 PM

Apr 2010
'He doesn't get my point... oh, I know! I'll just strip, that'll work!' For sure.
Sep 8, 2012 5:37 PM

Nov 2007
Yeah he's not sex hungry just food hungry. Still a worthless fat pig of main character. I wish Noumi and piggy would go away. He should expose Noumi either way. I mean an illegal brain chip he uses to cheat?

Entertaining and a good concept ruined by such an awful main character. Still Chiyu has been interested in Porky since the start, and he doesn't even care.

You'd think Rust Jigsaw would have been more useful. Or do anything.
Sep 8, 2012 5:54 PM

Nov 2010
For once, a MC turns down a woman without being a total loser about it.

Poor Taku though.

I'm bummed that for half of the second ark there hasn't been the chance for Haru x Kuroyukihime interaction, just a lot of Chiyu's bullshit.
Sep 8, 2012 6:48 PM

May 2010
Haru and Taku its a trap dont you see that, Haru still turn down Chiyu what madness is this and shameless promo for Tekken Tag 2 haha 2 day left.

someone need to watchdog (thump up for anyone that gets this) that prick and make him revile all his deep dark secrets. pay back a mofo
Sep 8, 2012 7:07 PM

Mar 2008
Damn all these comments about Chiyu whoring herself out are really out of place. There was no whoring out of any sort. She showed her bra, woo hoo big deal, bikini's show more skin.

She knows how Haru thinks, she's been friends with him forever. She obviously needed to send him a very clear sign that she is not going anywhere despite what happens in Accel World. The whole "I'm right here, take a look, you can touch me" is a very clear sign and Haru clearly realized it when he said "I believe in you." Also to all you stating she's whoring herself out because of his feelings for Yukihime, get a grip, as far as I'm aware and recall (and please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong and I'll edit) they are NOT dating. It's more so a I like you, you like me but we're not really a couple sort of deal.

I don't know why Chiyu is so messed up in the head right now, but it sounds like she likes Haru and Taku, and it feels like Noumi is doing something to control her in Accel World despite her saying she's doing this of her own accord. All in all it feels like she's just trying to keep her trio of friends together and finding that Accel World is causing problems with that.

I don't know what all the hates about, Chiyu is awesome. There I said it.
Sep 8, 2012 7:32 PM
Jan 2008
Guys remain calm.

Kirito is going to come kill Noumi
Sep 8, 2012 8:05 PM

Jun 2008
Yumekichi11 said:

kaimax said:
People needs to remember that destroying Dusk Taker won't give Haru his wings back.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? How come? Can't be! Getting rid of Tusk Taker will not give back all abilities he stole?

IMPOSSIBLE! Why? Now you got my interest!

Yes, It's not like Defeating/destroying his Duel Avatar will automatically return his wings. It's still in Noumi's possession, so destroying his DA is basically deleting all of his possessions.

Also keep in mind, it's not like the Chrome Disaster's armor where it has special traits as an enhanced armament.

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Sep 8, 2012 10:14 PM

Jan 2012
damn kill Noumi already T_T
Sep 8, 2012 10:15 PM
Nov 2010
KaitoDash said:
xjakku said:
-Koyuki- said:

I had been wondering for a while. Why both of you always come to the threads at the same time?
I wondered that also. Never got a respond.
Sep 9, 2012 12:29 AM
May 2012
How come you making Chiyuri a such a whore!! WHAT A DEVIL!! THIS IS TOO MUCH!!


only 2 EPS LEFT!!

Will haruyuki settle the score against Dusk Taker once and for all?! Will Chiyuri ever get involved with this?!


Z-flame said:
KaitoDash said:
xjakku said:
-Koyuki- said:

I had been wondering for a while. Why both of you always come to the threads at the same time?
I wondered that also. Never got a respond.

Same here anyway. especially who had an over-emotional moment till you had NO desire to do something I mean It's been stuck in my head all the time despite what happened throughout the episode of Accel World. (IDK but autistic people like me always act like this). #OFF TOPIC

PhoenixIce said:
Guys remain calm.

Kirito is going to come kill Noumi

Why do I care?

How can I calm down? I'm really pissed right now since ep15. And Kirito was in SAO & it ain't gonna happen in this show (Unless there's a drama CD & Crossover novel of it). My 'desire' about this still unleashed (Watch Kokoro Connect much?).

Just remember folks, what I really want is REVENGE!!! Because Revenge is a dish best served cold!!
JafriZinSep 9, 2012 12:59 AM
Sep 9, 2012 2:30 AM

Jun 2007
Yumekichi11 said:
Stark700 said:
Yumekichi11 said:
So, the question is should Chiyu be bashed as a whore due to this being her own fault of whoring herself out like that or Noumi hatred for changing her brain into thinking like that and of her own image?

I had to read this several times to understand what you're trying to ask.

I'd say for now that Nomi deserves the ass kicking of a life time for being the asshole of 2012 so far this year.

Chiyu on the other hand has her own issues..that needs to be sorted out but probably not in such a violent way. I would definitely say that she is not a likeable character this series now considering her actions in the past few episodes.
What I meant in easier terms is if Chiyu is showing out her assets to Haruyuki cause of Noumi and hi influence on her or is it cause of her nature of not liking Taku really but still clinged on to Haruyuki if it makes it easier. I was just using more my psychological terminology which as you can see resulted in too much vagueness.

The reasons I ask is cause I I am to know if I am thinking it right or it's just plain my own view. We do know she did it once with the bed scene and after that she did not but all these ecchi accidents and all lead me to believe that in her head she ain't serious of Taku yet. In fact I fear he might get seconds and Haruyuki firsts. That much seems obvious to me from how Chiyu was acting out, being to protect a guy friend in the showers by doing all that seems to me the most suspicious. I am not sure Taku would get the same treatment.

That being said, at this point is Chiyu really going to double cross in love? I know Haruyuki won't, THE MAN LEFT! I mean how obvious that is and if he would not, long he would have sex with her on that bed including taking her first time.

Yet he did not and left. Shows a lot IMO of him. He ain't sex hungry unlike a certain School Days Makoto.

Point being, Chiyu should start doing all this shit to Taku. HE LOVES HER MAN! How obvious can that be. Although he is not doing shit to prove it to her.

She's having a hard time grasping the fact that this is not a game. Pretty sure they covered this in the Taku arc at the beginning but she's had a crush on Haruyuki from the start. Taku points this out multiple times and even states that he'd be fine if she chose him in the end. Noumi's not doing anything to her brain. She's just confused and acting dumb on her own. I'm sure all she really wants to do is be with Haru and Taku but in the current situation she cant. Noumi would steal her powers and probably kill her avatar.
Sep 9, 2012 2:57 AM
Jul 2009
Oh Haru, choosing game instead of boobs. That was something.
Sep 9, 2012 3:06 AM
Nov 2010
did you see??...!!!!!!!!.....So accel world and sao are connected!!!XD

see it
Sep 9, 2012 3:58 AM

Jul 2011
lol Chiyu, don't act like a whore everytime, you already have a boyfriend if I'm not wrong.
Sep 9, 2012 5:24 AM

Jul 2010
That's what I wanted Haruyuki to say to Chiyu: "I believe in you". She's doing it for a reason, siding with Noumi like that. She either wants more (real world) attention from Haruyuki and/or she plans to turn on Noumi once she's gotten his trust.

We also got the first blatant cross between SAO and AW: the NerveGear! I kinda expected Rust Jigsaw to use some sort of implant chip since he doesn't use a Neuro Linker. I'm looking forward to Kuroyuki-hime returning as well!

So we'll be seeing the final "do-or-die" duel between Silver Crow/Cyan Pile and Dusk Taker. I'm looking forward to Noumi going down.

Sep 9, 2012 6:01 AM

Sep 2007
Chiyu loving Haru.
Not her boyfriend.
Not difficult to know. :o
Sep 9, 2012 6:02 AM
May 2012
LittleOtakuStar said:
did you see??...!!!!!!!!.....So accel world and sao are connected!!!XD

see it

NOMI! I should've known all of this!

what is he going to do next?! Invading SAO World then?!

This is gonna be insanely brutal! I mean you thought that this is a game?! NOT ANYMORE!

In other Q & A:-

It's funny that Haruyuki failed to track Rust Jigsaw user down till the scene cuts just like that to the another plot (Why do I have this stupid feeling about what's gonna happen when Rust Jigsaw is goin to steal the show throughout the fight).
JafriZinSep 9, 2012 6:14 AM
Sep 9, 2012 6:05 AM
Jan 2012
Sluts... Sluts everywhere.
I really hate nomi but I hate haruyuki more than a lot.
Sep 9, 2012 6:15 AM
May 2012
Axeria said:
Sluts... Sluts everywhere.
I really hate nomi but I hate haruyuki more than a lot.

He's worst than Nagi Homura/Dai Artai from My HiME/Otome (Sunrise), Mao from Code Geass & Shidou Koichi from High School of the Dead.

I'm afraid that Rust Jigsaw user was Nomi Seiji's men & he's gonna involved as well throughout the fight not just Chiyuri!
JafriZinSep 9, 2012 6:28 AM
Sep 9, 2012 7:02 AM

Mar 2011
I don't think Chiyu showing herself to Harayuki makes her a whore.

MC characters are so clueless only a girl doing that would get the message across that she likes him. Sure, Taku may love Chiyu but she doesnt love him, she loves Harayuki, who in turn loves Kuroyukihime.

Ahhh, young love!
Sep 9, 2012 7:08 AM

Oct 2010
DeathfireD said:
So I see, guess Taku needs to straighten her up and yes that is interesting of how much a game becomes something serious enough to amend to this. It's quite a good proof that not all games should be introduced to everyone cause some become way too unstable mentally to the point of doing stupid things like Chiyu.

A very interesting you raise there. That of being careful around who gets what. For the what can sure ruing their mentality as in Chiyu's case.

She needs to rethink her shit cause that's not right for the guy she dates. Come to think of it, Taku never made up with Chiyu after that let's stay friends thing.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Sep 9, 2012 10:45 AM

Jan 2012
This Noumi business has lasted way too long...

But ohwell; the SAO references were nice!
Sep 9, 2012 11:16 AM

Dec 2009
I can't express how much i fucking hate this show ... it blows sooo hard. Chiyu x Haru ruined this show for me. IMO Chiyu is a dirttyyyy whoreeee.. *sigh* poor Taku
Sep 9, 2012 5:11 PM
Jul 2012
Well, I guess this episodes signals the final battle of Dusk Taker, or Silver Crow. I am kinda sad, on how they took the sole fight in this episode so, well short. I like this anime's fight scenes, thus is why I watch it. I really do like the SAO reference in this.
Sep 9, 2012 7:35 PM

Jun 2010
Well the episode was prttey amazing like the 21th one, curiosity here is killing me off lol. Illegal chip, prolly nomi and jigsaw are connecting to the matching list like that. Nice one silver crow ^ . ^.
And the chiyu x haru - I was also like WTH... Or it's a "symphaty" story for 'em, but doubt it.

btw. Does anyone know the title of soundtrack in 22 episode (conversation between haru and that older girl in the bar and waiting for jugsaw) after opening?
Sep 9, 2012 10:19 PM
May 2012
I guess my insanity continues then. Seems most of my posts have zero response despite what happened in this anime (So much Blasphemy goin on in this show). Probably they thought that I was Over-reacting much.
Sep 10, 2012 6:35 AM

Jan 2011
Finally some real progress but I want more of Kuroyukihime.
I'm not such a fan of this show, something just feels wrong.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Sep 10, 2012 6:38 AM

Apr 2008
SpAyKeR said:
Well the episode was prttey amazing like the 21th one, curiosity here is killing me off lol. Illegal chip, prolly nomi and jigsaw are connecting to the matching list like that. Nice one silver crow ^ . ^
And the article Haru remembered said that brain implant chip is stopped because it can be used for brain jacking...
Good thing it's ruled illegal, won't want those problem from Ghost in the Shell here. So, this means their Neuro Linker technology is designed with that safety measure in mind then...
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