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Why do anime fans seem to hate eachother so much?

Sep 26, 2019 12:48 PM
Aug 2019
Like they form groups and such ... shouldn't we stick together instead of infighting over irrelevant stuff over which is the better show, taste, waifu, time period, etc...

Anime is already a weird enough medium that unites many unique people together... why complicate it? Seems counterproductive imo.

Or do you have a different experience?
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Sep 26, 2019 1:05 PM

Jan 2017
Ranpyone said:
Why do anime fans seem to hate eachother so much?

So that we can feel superior to other weebs by having a unique and unpopular opinion.
Sep 26, 2019 1:08 PM

Mar 2012
Because they are few stupids viewers who claimed that an anime is superior than the others.
And generally they took a bad one.

Ranpyone said:
Seems counterproductive imo.

It is.
But people don't like when others praise an anime they don't like.
Sep 26, 2019 1:13 PM
May 2017
Ranpyone said:
Like they form groups and such ... shouldn't we stick together instead of infighting over irrelevant stuff over which is the better show, taste, waifu, time period, etc...

Anime is already a weird enough medium that unites many unique people together... why complicate it? Seems counterproductive imo.

Or do you have a different experience?

Because that would be too logical, what you describe also applies to movies/tv shows/Music/Video Games,etc!!
Asking people to have a common understanding these days is too much, regarding the anime community honestly i have no hope for them, there're great people here definitely and most of the time that "negative side" is just a loud minority!! A lot of immaturity lurks around and trust me, some of them aren't even coming from kids, they're full grown adults wich is even more embarassing

Just focus on the good side and ignore the toxic one, also the smaller the fanbase is, better chances you won't come across these types of behaviour

P.S: im not a native english speaker so forgive me if i made some errors
Sep 26, 2019 1:14 PM

Jun 2019
Because this is internet, and you can't have all the positives in any form of community whatsoever. Oddly enough, I find anime community to be one of the least "toxic", but that's just me.


Sep 26, 2019 1:15 PM

Jan 2009
tribalism "us vs them" mentality is part of human nature

so make a common goal like a common enemy to unite the anime fandom like maybe hollywood fans vs anime fans
Sep 26, 2019 1:15 PM
Feb 2019
Because they don't have my opinion, my preferences and my fetishes in their mind, therefore they're wrong.
Sep 26, 2019 1:18 PM

Jun 2019
This does happen because of somebody. People see this one person fighting over these insignificant things and they do the same, to which is a literal waste of time. There isn't a concrete reason. It just happens.
Sep 26, 2019 1:24 PM

Jul 2019
I don't think that's true. It's all in the name of fun. All off the dudes and dudettes i've encountered so far were kind enough people with a good sense of humor
Sep 26, 2019 1:24 PM

Sep 2018
People like to argue over meaningless things.
Jolyne Kuujou + Steel Ball Run Universe = Billie Eillish
Sep 26, 2019 1:26 PM

Nov 2018
It's just bullshit. Whether you hate it or love it,it's not gonna check the fact by just a single person.
"When they're alive, you can enjoy watching them struggle. When they're dead, you can enjoy tearing out their guts. Tales are things you get to enjoy twice."
Sep 26, 2019 1:28 PM

Oct 2018
Nah, they don't hate each other, it's just that people have a big mouth on the internet in general.
Sep 26, 2019 1:31 PM
Jul 2018
Because we are Tsunderes.

No, it depends on their personality. If I dislike someone's behavior, I don't care, if they are an anime fan.
Sep 26, 2019 1:51 PM

Apr 2015
Why does "insert random Fandom" hate each other?
Sep 26, 2019 1:54 PM

Aug 2012
No, because it's a war zone out here.
Sep 26, 2019 2:02 PM
Jan 2018
Shitaste said:
Because this is internet, and you can't have all the positives in any form of community whatsoever. Oddly enough, I find anime community to be one of the least "toxic", but that's just me.

Strange I've seen people call it the most toxic and thats coming from the movie community ... Ironic
Sep 26, 2019 2:04 PM
Jan 2018
It all depends on the anime fans you communicate with .

There are many a**holes now and then
Sep 26, 2019 2:05 PM

Feb 2018
I don't hate any of y'all beautiful motherfuckers so...Love u.

Sep 26, 2019 2:06 PM

Sep 2018
The basilisk screeches when presented with a mirror.
♪ MAL card collector and anime challenge enjoyer
♫ My alignment is Chaotic Stupid™

Anime Challenges
Card Collection
Sep 26, 2019 2:12 PM

Jun 2019
Mattinator95 said:
Shitaste said:
Because this is internet, and you can't have all the positives in any form of community whatsoever. Oddly enough, I find anime community to be one of the least "toxic", but that's just me.

Strange I've seen people call it the most toxic and thats coming from the movie community ... Ironic

That's on them. The only part I really hate about this community is shipping wars or any controversial dilemma to the plot, to the point they'd send death threats to the creators.

Movie community is just divided into two subgroups anyway: marvel and non-marvel.


Sep 26, 2019 2:19 PM

Mar 2018
You mean unite and wallow in self-pity uWu anime is trash and so am I let's fap to traps and lolis
Sep 26, 2019 2:47 PM

Apr 2016
It’s simple, anime/manga/novel community is pretty bad. I'm in different communities but this community is one of the worst and that’s a very sad thing. In all these years that’s the answer I found.
Sep 26, 2019 2:48 PM

Oct 2008
I would like nothing more than to be buddy buddy with people who share my hobby. The thing is now in the 2010s what it means to be an anime fan means different things to different people.

Watch "Gigguk the anime zone" to hear in greater detail.
Sep 26, 2019 2:49 PM

Sep 2019
The larger a fanbase is, the more inner groups develop. And then those inner groups fight.
Sep 26, 2019 2:50 PM

Feb 2010
It's because there isn't really anything that ties 'anime fans' together. It's a vague term. Most people just like a small subset of anime, a few specific genres, but somehow everyone just gets the one label of 'anime fan', giving the illusion that we are all into the same thing when we really aren't. People enter the 'anime fandom' with the expectation to find like-minded individuals, people who are into the same stuff as they are but then reality kicks in and they realize that anime fans are just as varied as any other group of people and that can be frustrating for people who crave this sense of 'unity' that you're talking about. So the infighting starts, with every 'fan', every fandom claiming that they are doing it 'right'.

And that's just talking about taste in anime. Let's not even start on the ideological and political divide that goes through the anime fandom. Or the sheer amount of unbearable personalities that just make me want to have nothing to do with certain people. There's always a ton of reasons why people don't get along with each other and liking some subset of a huge medium like anime doesn't change that at all.

So yeah, 'anime fandom' is just an umbrella term, it says nothing about liking the same kind of stuff or being like-minded in any way, or having anything in common at all. I've been very active in this community for almost 10 years now and I found maybe a dozen people during all that time who had a similar mindset and similar interests in anime and weren't assholes. It's hard to find likable people to get along with.

The vast majority is satisfied just marking and glorifying their specific territory, their genres and types of shows, their taste, while usually looking down on anything else. That way they at least get that 'sense of unity' from their smaller sub-fandoms, because the anime community as a whole can't provide it. So they flock together based on niche interests. Fujoshi, Ecchi-fans, oldfags, shounen casuals, moe fans, critical viewers, people who dig the whole subculture with anime only being the top of the iceberg. Most of these groups have more in common with their equivalents from other mediums than they do with other groups of anime fans.

If you're like me and have a holistic but not exclusive interest in anime, an open mind for everything and don't like it when people shit on stuff in generalized ways, you'll never find a sense of community because it only exists in these almost tribal niche fandoms which often define themselves more by what they dislike than by what they like. Shitting on the other fans is part of what gives them a sense of identity as a group. It's a bit like street gangs, what color you hate is almost as important as what color you wear, if not moreso.

And if you reject those niche fandoms because you are into anime as a whole and can't stand the infighting, like I do, you always just feel like a visitor whereever you go, floating around the community and making friends here and there but never belonging anywhere because there exists no community for fans like that. It's too vague. For a sense of unity and community you need more specific interests than a vague and generalized interest in animation from Japan.

It's like saying 'I like politics in general without any specific interests. Which party should I join?'.
No, there isn't.
I probably regret this post by now.
Sep 26, 2019 10:21 PM
Jul 2018
You may as well just ask the question, why do humans hate each other? Humans in general love conflict, love drama, and love feeling special. All of humanity has done this throughout our time on this Earth. They will create clubs, create subcultures, divide themselves, and put themselves in hug boxes.
Sep 26, 2019 11:01 PM
Jul 2018
Because we are human beings and humans love to hate a lot of things...
Sep 26, 2019 11:12 PM

Nov 2018
I felt that same way when i first joined MAL which is crazy cause now idgaf
Manga is expensive af
Sep 26, 2019 11:21 PM
Sep 2019
Pullman said:
It's because there isn't really anything that ties 'anime fans' together. It's a vague term. Most people just like a small subset of anime, a few specific genres, but somehow everyone just gets the one label of 'anime fan', giving the illusion that we are all into the same thing when we really aren't. People enter the 'anime fandom' with the expectation to find like-minded individuals, people who are into the same stuff as they are but then reality kicks in and they realize that anime fans are just as varied as any other group of people and that can be frustrating for people who crave this sense of 'unity' that you're talking about. So the infighting starts, with every 'fan', every fandom claiming that they are doing it 'right'.

And that's just talking about taste in anime. Let's not even start on the ideological and political divide that goes through the anime fandom. Or the sheer amount of unbearable personalities that just make me want to have nothing to do with certain people. There's always a ton of reasons why people don't get along with each other and liking some subset of a huge medium like anime doesn't change that at all.

So yeah, 'anime fandom' is just an umbrella term, it says nothing about liking the same kind of stuff or being like-minded in any way, or having anything in common at all. I've been very active in this community for almost 10 years now and I found maybe a dozen people during all that time who had a similar mindset and similar interests in anime and weren't assholes. It's hard to find likable people to get along with.

The vast majority is satisfied just marking and glorifying their specific territory, their genres and types of shows, their taste, while usually looking down on anything else. That way they at least get that 'sense of unity' from their smaller sub-fandoms, because the anime community as a whole can't provide it. So they flock together based on niche interests. Fujoshi, Ecchi-fans, oldfags, shounen casuals, moe fans, critical viewers, people who dig the whole subculture with anime only being the top of the iceberg. Most of these groups have more in common with their equivalents from other mediums than they do with other groups of anime fans.

If you're like me and have a holistic but not exclusive interest in anime, an open mind for everything and don't like it when people shit on stuff in generalized ways, you'll never find a sense of community because it only exists in these almost tribal niche fandoms which often define themselves more by what they dislike than by what they like. Shitting on the other fans is part of what gives them a sense of identity as a group. It's a bit like street gangs, what color you hate is almost as important as what color you wear, if not moreso.

And if you reject those niche fandoms because you are into anime as a whole and can't stand the infighting, like I do, you always just feel like a visitor whereever you go, floating around the community and making friends here and there but never belonging anywhere because there exists no community for fans like that. It's too vague. For a sense of unity and community you need more specific interests than a vague and generalized interest in animation from Japan.

It's like saying 'I like politics in general without any specific interests. Which party should I join?'.
No, there isn't.

AGREE! 100% with you @Pullman . I couldn't limit myself to liking just one or the other. Sure, I have go-to preferences in genre or types of shows, but I generally give most things a chance and don't troll other people's preferences. I've always held the belief that anime has something for everyone. An "Anime fan" is such a loose term to describe everyone who consumes this media. There are always A-holes no matter where you go in this world and its no different even in the "Anime Community".
Sep 27, 2019 12:18 AM
Jul 2018
One reason is that now we don't have an ultra-popular series worldwide that would unite most newer fans. Popular Shonen today are nowhere near the popularity of Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon or even 70s-80s popular anime series in the West.Most DB fans are in their 30s

Anime community is way too fractured now to have something in common,apart from some popular series that are faded to obscurity after a while
Sep 27, 2019 1:04 AM
Jan 2018
Shitaste said:
Mattinator95 said:

Strange I've seen people call it the most toxic and thats coming from the movie community ... Ironic

That's on them. The only part I really hate about this community is shipping wars or any controversial dilemma to the plot, to the point they'd send death threats to the creators.

Movie community is just divided into two subgroups anyway: marvel and non-marvel.

I agree I dislike that about this community as well

Especially death threat's to voice actors
Sep 27, 2019 1:07 AM

Nov 2011
Because people can never agree with everyone on everything.

Sep 27, 2019 1:09 AM

Feb 2016
I don't see what the big deal is, fighting occurs in pretty much every large community there is, regardless of the topic/hobby. It hardly applies to just anime
Sep 27, 2019 1:14 AM
Jul 2019
Because these things called opinions exist.
Sep 27, 2019 1:19 AM

May 2018
Ranpyone said:
shouldn't we stick together

- Yeah, try to stick together with a JoJo will attempt to murder him/her after 5 minutes preventing another "It was me, Dio!" joke.
- Try to reason with a SAO fan.
- Try persuade a battle shounen fan to watch something different.
- Try to tell a millennial or z gen to have patience with shows made before least for 3-5 episodes until he/she get used to the aesthetics.
- Try to tell a DBZ fan that there is such thing as DB.

Quite impossible if you ask me.
alshuSep 27, 2019 1:36 AM
Sep 27, 2019 1:39 AM

May 2009
alshu said:
Ranpyone said:
shouldn't we stick together

- Yeah, try to stick together with a JoJo will attempt to murder him/her after 5 minutes preventing another "It was me, Dio!" joke.
- Try to reason with a SAO fan.
- Try persuade a battle shounen fan to watch something different.
- Try to tell a millennial or z gen to have patience with shows made before least for 3-5 episodes until he/she get used to the aesthetics.
- Try to tell a DBZ fan that there is such thing as DB.

Quite impossible if you ask me.
I don't see why we should demand that people have the same opinions on individual shows.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Sep 27, 2019 1:50 AM

Apr 2012
It's because 'anime' is a ridiculously broad thing to have a fandom. Anyone who is a fan of both Card Captor Sakura and Now and Then, Here and There, or both Angel's Egg and Dragon Half, or both Princess Tutu and Kill La Kill must be insane.

*Hides list.*

It's a similar phenomenon to Doctor Who fandom, but even worse. Two different anime can have dimaetrically opposed values and interests in every possible way, there aren't really any traits which anime fans will all have in common.
Sep 27, 2019 1:57 AM

May 2018
GlennMagusHarvey said:

I don't see why we should demand that people have the same opinions on individual shows.

It's the other way around actually: JoJo fans can't stop talking about it, SAO fans demanding respect for SAO and being offended when they don't get it, battle shounen fans judging every other show through battle shounen logic, newer fans thinking that the current aesthetics are the ultimate ones despite having very vague idea about them (now there are wide varieties of styles, artistic choices and artistic tools which cannot be generalized that easily...thus those guys go with the date of release as a criterium)...

You can't talk with those people because you can't find common therms with them.
alshuSep 27, 2019 2:08 AM
Sep 27, 2019 1:59 AM

Jan 2011
Those anime fans sure are a contentious bunch.
Sep 27, 2019 2:17 AM

Nov 2017
I don't think that's a bad thing to be honest, just like video games, movies or shows people like to argue wich one is the best and why. There's nothing wrong with two people arguing over something they love. But of course when some people start mocking other people because of their tastes that's when it goes too far, for example : the vocal minority of the JoJo community or that one time Ninja posted a tweet about how Kimetsu No Yaiba might be his favorite anime and the all internet decided that he was the clown of the day.

Anime isn't very niche anymore, everyone knows that it exists, so there's bound to be some toxicity, that's just because some people are just bad from the start, and some people are literal 10 year olds (anime is cartoon so it attracts a lot of children obviously), that's when the debate just turns into a death match.

If there wasn't any debate over wich is the best show, waifu, etc, it would be pretty boring, I mean as long as everyone respects each other's opinions.
OcalinoSep 27, 2019 2:21 AM
Sep 27, 2019 2:38 AM

Mar 2012
because the only way for nerds to feel better about themselves is to look down on nerds they feel are "less cringey" then they are

so they act as though its "normal" people that hate anime and its fans, and not other anime watchers, which is actually the case
Sep 27, 2019 2:48 AM
Nov 2018
Mattinator95 said:
Shitaste said:
Because this is internet, and you can't have all the positives in any form of community whatsoever. Oddly enough, I find anime community to be one of the least "toxic", but that's just me.

Strange I've seen people call it the most toxic and thats coming from the movie community ... Ironic

Well it is since we have fans of individual animes arguing against each other like L vs light, naruto vs sasuke,
Orihime vs rukia and the most baseless hinata vs sakura etc when we never seen a "iron man vs captain America" split marvel fanbase, not to mention the general anime "dub vs sub" and superior genre wars when in movie fandoms if you don't like a genre you just don't.
Sep 27, 2019 2:53 AM

May 2009
alshu said:
GlennMagusHarvey said:

I don't see why we should demand that people have the same opinions on individual shows.

It's the other way around actually: JoJo fans can't stop talking about it, SAO fans demanding respect for SAO and being offended when they don't get it, battle shounen fans judging every other show through battle shounen logic, newer fans thinking that the current aesthetics are the ultimate ones despite having very vague idea about them (now there are wide varieties of styles, artistic choices and artistic tools which cannot be generalized that easily...thus those guys go with the date of release as a criterium)...

You can't talk with those people because you can't find common therms with them.
Besides the fact that I know at least several JoJo fans who are quite capable of talking about things other than JoJo, and the SAO hatedom being frankly kinda obnoxious, and so on...

I get how one might be disappointed in not having much of common themes to talk about with them, but that's just what happens when people use something as "ridiculously broad" as anime for a fandom focus, as @logopolis observes.

But everyone has their stuff that they just like or don't like watching. I just don't see a need to pull someone away from their love of battle shounens, or whatever it may be.

@Ocalino I definitely agree. Disagreements and even arguments can be quite fun as long as people stay within the realm of honor and reason.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Sep 27, 2019 3:08 AM

Oct 2017
Honestly despite the idiots out there the anime fanbase is probably one of the least "toxic" fandoms I have been apart of. As for why a lot fans don't get a long to be honest we shouldn't really think that there is such a thing as a universal anime community. The only thing we have connecting one another is well all like (at least I hope you do) Japanese animation or comics.

These stories however can vary drastically and so anime tends to attract different kinds of people to it who honestly might have nothing else in common with each other. Genre, creators are more what people actually can gather around vs say just liking a medium. Honestly I think some of the major conflicts in this "fanbase" is just "fans" fighting over what they think anime should be. AKA make more stuff that I personally like and I don't care about x so stop making it.

Also there is a difference between talking or critiquing something and someone just bashing a show or someone else. You can have honest disagreements (surprising I know) with people that hate the show you like or like the show you hate. Those conversations if anything can be the most interesting if your willing to open up more so than just more validation for something you already know you like. That type of conversation can get stale after a time because you usually share the same opinion. Though yes when it delves into personal attacks or the person doesn't even try to understand your view though sure that's when it can get annoying. That isn't specific to this fanbase though.
BilboBaggins365Sep 27, 2019 3:15 AM
Sep 27, 2019 3:22 AM
Jul 2018
I was unaware that we do hate each other...
I almost never have an issue with anyone on this site unless it is someone who is going out of their way to rile me up and that doesn't count.
Perception I guess, idk.
Sep 27, 2019 3:24 AM

May 2018
GlennMagusHarvey said:
Besides the fact that I know at least several JoJo fans who are quite capable of talking about things other than JoJo

Wow, really?
And they don't reference JoJo with absolutely no reason like every third sentence or so?

GlennMagusHarvey said:
the SAO hatedom being frankly kinda obnoxious

So you go around the issue redirecting me to the "Hating SAO is baaad!' topic?
Replace it with MHA or AOT than, I was just using a popular example.

GlennMagusHarvey said:
But everyone has their stuff that they just like or don't like watching.

OK but admit that pushing their favourites in any possible conversation is kind of a killjoy.

GlennMagusHarvey said:
I just don't see a need to pull someone away from their love of battle shounens, or whatever it may be.

As mentioned above it's the other way around - a lot of those fans see every other anime as some sort of badly conceived battle shounen which lacks levelling up, tournament arcs, long "Mamoru!" monologues, needless flashbacks + recaps and absurdly slow nonsensical battles.
alshuSep 27, 2019 4:20 AM
Sep 27, 2019 3:36 AM
Apr 2017
Have you never experienced ANY fandom at all? Why do you think football fans hate each others' guts rather than being like "oh yeah we all like football"? Why do you think videogame fans are at each others' throats with childish "pc v console" "console wars" "real gaming v mobile gaming"? I've never been part of any fandom whatsoever that wasn't intrinsically divided in several groups that didn't like each other at all rather than people who enjoyed being part of the same fandom. No matter the fandom's subject, age of fans or anything else. That's how humans work.

I mean, I'd rather someone who didn't like anime than someone who said byousuku 5 cm is a masterpiece, the first one has at least some redeeming qualities left anyway.
"The problem with defining even an aspect of your personality by something that you like, is that criticism of that product appears to you to be criticism of you personally. I find it to be a very harmful attitude, [...] you can't rationally discuss a product because you've started to define yourself by its very existence."

John Bain
Sep 27, 2019 4:32 AM
Jul 2018
It's not surprising, imagine a music site, you'd have heavy metal, indy, classical, acoustic all thinking their tastes were better.

So instead those sites are split up into sections. Things would be more harmonious if we had an Ecchi, comedy, mecha etc site for each different taste.
Sep 27, 2019 4:54 AM

Sep 2019
alshu said:
GlennMagusHarvey said:
Besides the fact that I know at least several JoJo fans who are quite capable of talking about things other than JoJo

Wow, really?
And they don't reference JoJo with absolutely no reason like every third sentence or so?

GlennMagusHarvey said:
the SAO hatedom being frankly kinda obnoxious

So you go around the issue redirecting me to the "Hating SAO is baaad!' topic?
Replace it with MHA or AOT than, I was just using a popular example.

GlennMagusHarvey said:
But everyone has their stuff that they just like or don't like watching.

OK but admit that pushing their favourites in any possible conversation is kind of a killjoy.

GlennMagusHarvey said:
I just don't see a need to pull someone away from their love of battle shounens, or whatever it may be.

As mentioned above it's the other way around - a lot of those fans see every other anime as some sort of badly conceived battle shounen which lacks levelling up, tournament arcs, long "Mamoru!" monologues, needless flashbacks + recaps and absurdly slow nonsensical battles.
There is a difference between hating something and extremely hating something. I think that's what Glenn wanted to say.
"I think I wanted to attack something. Like betraying people or hurting people. And, well, it's not exactly nice, but hurting the readers too... In all honestly, I feel that's what I really wanted to do. For me, as a reader, when I think, "this manga will remain in my heart," it means, for example, it phenomenally hurt me: It's those kinds of experiences I'm after." - Pajime Hisayama (My favourite hurting author).
Sep 27, 2019 4:59 AM

May 2018
Because of elitism, some people just want to feel superior over the other. We have elitist vs casuals, old anime vs modern anime etc.
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