-Aries scaring Yunhua (and everyone else) was pretty funny.
-The music at around 3:20 (with the food in the background) reminded me of Animal Crossing on the Gamecube, so that was nice.
-If Quitterie is this terrified of space life, she should look into another field. Seems pretty dumb to make this one of her quirky character traits, given the context of the show.
>What's up with the boys?
Oh dang, Luca's a boy?
-That scream when Quitterie messes with that parachute plant was pretty funny.
-These people need to quit lying around, aren't their lives on the line here? Though I guess I can't blame them for wanting to take in the scenery of a different planet.
-I feel bad for Funicia, she must feel like a 3rd wheel (9th wheel?)
>The sphere returns.
Oh crap. I actually wasn't expecting this at all.
>Photographic memory.
Dumb trope to be honest, but I guess they had to give her something. I'm sure it will be used in the future.
-I like that they stuck with the name "Tur-gon".
>Zack and Quitterie were childhood friends all along!
-Honestly the drama with that entire "Quitterie going too far and yelling at Funicia and crying and storming off" felt so forced. Everthing about it.
>Nobody taught me how to love.
Oh shut up lol.
>He made that jump.
Yeah right. I would believe it if his anti-gravity shoes hadn't broken.
>Zack conveniently remembers that Kanata is some famous decathlete.
>Even though, he's a decathlete, that alone doesn't explain how he's making these jumps! It's the need he has to save his friends!
These 2 last statements alone are dumb, but combined with...
>I'm not a competitive decathlete.
Then how did Zack hear of him before? If he's just some decathlete, but isn't a competitive on, why would Zack remember hearing about that?
>Oh shoot, looks like Kanata is about to fall!
>Conveniently timed parachute plant
Oh screw you. Why create false intensity?
-I will admit that Quitterie hugging Funicia near the end was kind of nice. She seems like she meant what she said. Hopefully she doesn't go back to being a jerk to her sister.
-That laugh.
>One of us is the one who sabotaged the ship.
I will admit that this was interesting to hear.
Despite the dumb stuff in this episode, I'm still giving this show a 6 (Fine) so far. I'm just glad to have another non-Mecha space anime. The sphere returning was pretty cool even though it could have been done better. I mean, the first time it appeared, they were running for their lives and still all got caught by it, but the second time, it practically spawned right beside them. They were running, stopped and argued for a few seconds, and still outran it. Also, I wonder if the sphere can appear on the ship? That would be bad for sure.
The twist at the end of the episode was very interesting. My biggest 3 suspects are Zack, Ulgar, and Yunhua.
And with that, the first volume of the manga is adapted. 7/49 chapters. Perhaps they will be able to fit it all in one season? I have been reading the manga alongside watching the anime. There are a few bits from the manga that I wish hadn't been cut out, but for the most part it seems like a loyal adaptation so far.
Some examples of stuff that should have stayed in the show, but were cut out:
01. (Looking at pile of fruits) "This looks like a modern art exhibit."
02. Zack holding Funicia's hand when helping her find her room.
03. Zack: Kanata, I need to talk to you in private.
Kanata: Zack, I'm glad you feel that way about me but
Zack: Not that!
Honestly the adapters screwed up not leaving those in. It makes Kanata seem so much more funny and Zack seem like a sweet but stern person.
I heard the manga gets better after the first volume and REALLY good about halfway through, so I am excited.
Mm, an episode with survival elements. I'm almost getting a No Man's Sky kinda vibe. The monster they faced this episode shows how dangerous certain planets can be.
Gotta say though, the world they're building into this series is very colorful and unique. Hope to see more like that. The comedy still remains lighthearted as usual with the character chemistry. However, episode got more emotional this week.
>Gotta say though, the world they're building into this series is very colorful and unique.
This is definitely a big plus for the series so far.
JUUSEE said:Good episode. Not a manga reader, but by the looks of it the adaptation's going well so far, but isn't 5 chapters quite a bit of ground to cover in one episode?
Having a traitor on board is to be expected although I was hoping this wouldn't be the case. It would be interesting if the scene where Funicia asked Zack what was wrong wasn't of him discovering that the communicator was missing, but was when he was actually removing it himself.
Characters are looking good so far, although we have yet to see much from Ulgar and Yunhua.
The mysterious sphere appears again out of nowhere. I'm thinking that this is engineered by somebody in some way or at the very least manipulated.
>Isn't 5 chapters quite a bit of ground to cover in one episode?
It really didn't cut out much.
Spaceship said:Anyone else feel like Kanata suddenly eating the fruit and completely losing it vs. Quitterie was a little too over the top for him? Especially since he's shrugged off arguably worse barbs from her before...
Yeah, that whole bit was all very forced.
Kimurah said:Blergh, what a load of crap and writer's convenience this episode turned out to be
They got lost in a forest in an uncharted world, yet the dumbest member of the team has photographic memory and she mentions it in the exact moment they need it the most. Same with Kanata that he's an alleged athlete, yet on all the dumb flashbacks that have been repeated over and over, it was never pointed out that he was an A class athlete. The author truly doesn't know jack shit how to foreshadow events in order to make the story advance in a natural way. Something more intuitive before entering the woods, would be if anyone in the exploring team would have marked the trees with any kind of sharp object and create a path to retreat to in case of an emergency like the one they had. The idiocy on the whole group would have gotten them killed in any other kind of media, but because it's anime and the author just loves to pave the way for them to move forward on planets with convenient atmosphere and edible fruits (and boy, the food tester just feels like another massive asspull) they will never be in real danger.
The human chain in the first episode was a pretty big mistake. They are now fighting each other and neglecting Kanata that at least tries to keep the group safe, hence this route feels like a step back. Kanata's idiotic move to go hunt a dragon makes him even less reliable despite his good intentions to keep the group together.
So sad that this contrived story is all in the name of friendship and alleged character growth.
I know write? This episode was full of conveniences. Adding on to your athlete point, note that he mentions that he is not a competitive athlete. Then how did Zack just suddenly recognize him as some famous athlete that he read about in an article? It doesn't make any sense. Not to mention Aries says that his need to help his friends helped him make that jump. So much BS. And when they make us think something crazy might happen, he just gets caught by one of those parachute plants. Very convenient. As for the photographic memory thing, it's probably the writer's attempt to make Aries useful in the future. It was still pretty dumb though.
2ego said:Welll, that felt disappointing, I guess I set my expectations too high.. I really hate the cast, it's insanely generic, I'm so tired of characters like them. The first planet was pretty bizarre I guess, but it didn't make me go like "wow" or anything, it felt rather...boring. And the person that cut communicators, I can easily guess who it was: the glasses quiet girl. An obvious guess, I suppose.
I feel like it might be her too.
phantomfandom said:I think this anime lack fanservice, next planets better have hot springs. Kanata must have nice muscle...
>I think this anime lack fanservice
aLotQuestion_ said:Not sure if anyone noticed, but if you use Rokka no Yuusha mindset to think about it.
The culprit could be Aries, who cut off the communicator.
First point I found in this episode that doesn't make sense, she claimed that she doesn't has much friends despite being cheerful and good in communicating.
Second point is that, she has pink hair you should know what that mean in a survival genre.
That would definitely be really cool. If she does end up being the villain, I hope they execute it well, because so far this show has poor execution. It would be a shame if such an interesting twist was executed poorly.
Rowan_F said:I got really confused five minutes in. They all walk onto the planet with their helmets on so I think "oh yeah, the atmosphere must not be breathable" but then a second later they all just have the helmets off. I thought it was a mistake like "wait, where did the helmets go, why aren't the choking?" Eventually I realised, it was just bad directing in that bit.
Rest of the episode was good though. I like the imagination put into the plant life.
Good eye. I didn't notice that.
trenchantbaka said:For the people saying the characters are generic; yes they are. They are very strictly based on shounen tropes. But does that mean that this show won't be any fun whatsoever? No. The manga of this anime was another example of a case where I enjoyed a story with generic characters. So I think people should fix their expectations by now.
I'm glad you enjoy the character, but a lot of people (myself included) don't. No need to get upset about it. Some people have higher expectations.
shanimebib said:It's definitely gonna be a complete adaptation. So, let's see what we have here for the source material:
- Ranked in Kono Manga ga Sugoi 2019 (3rd Place). √
- Winner of the Manga Taisho Award for 2019. √
- Majority of the readers opinion: That second half of the story.√
- Nothing but positive reviews (8/10 or more) in most of the popular sites.√
Ah! People will go like "Oh, this is so generic and boring." and then leave early and then come back again when the overall score jumps roughly around episode 6 or 7. Hmm. I can totally see that happening.
Also, weekly appreciation of the beauty that is Quitterie. ❤
So what? The manga is highly appraised. Does that mean people aren't allowed to criticize the show based on the 2 episodes we've been given so far? From what I've heard, the manga really starts to get good at the halfway mark, but for me and many other so far, it comes off as generic. This is a discussion board for the anime version and so far the anime is just average-ish, in my opinion. Don't get so upset that people aren't enjoying it so far.
Also Quitterie is WORST girl.
syncrogazer said:I wouldn't even call this writing, it's just shit strung together at break-neck speed. I laughed when she said she didn't need friends and one flashback and a scary situation later she loves her friends. Should have stopped when Aries revealed her photographic memory. Oh and by the way the guy is an athlete, fuck these people. Awful.
The comedy in the beginning was kind of fun, but I don't think I can sit through another episode of this. Planet hopping space adventures have never looked so shitty.
You pretty much summed up how I feel.
Spaceship said:Nim0174 said:
gotta hope all these fact claiming complainers drop it fast so we don't need to read their unconstructive comments anymore xD
They won't. They get off on the reactions they get from people who actually enjoy and defend the show. Best policy is just to ignore. I got into it with one of those jackasses earlier today and it was a mistake. Don't feed the trolls.
Brushing off any critique as haters or trolls is so incredibly immature. Discussion boards have different opinions. Get over it. Seriously.
Trentin said:Not as good as the beginning but still really good, the new planets are hopefully going to be really interesting if they are all up to par with this one which makes me really excited. Not the best cast so far but they are slowly growing on me, depending on how long it is since the manga isn't that long I feel like there is too many characters, this can be chalked up to the fact that it hasn't had time to properly characterize them yet but I do worry that a few of them might end up to be a bit weak.
The Revelation at the end of the episode makes me even more excited to continue with this series, If it continues this strongly I'll be very happy.
Variety of planets is what I look forward to most in Space shows. I'm looking forward to the potential this anime has.
Smudy said:Don't you people have something better to do? I wouldn't think so but prove me wrong.
But hey, good on boosting the comments on the discussion thread.
What's bothering you about people debating. That's one of the things discussion boards are for.
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