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Oct 11, 2018 6:54 AM

Sep 2017
Deknijff said:
Madoka is trash
not because there are better magical girl anime or thats its quote on quote dark like other haters say

its because its not actually dark enough for an actual edge lord to enjoy which is the only value it holds in terms of appeal and completely fails at it
None existing gore, rushed as fuck compared to other shows of its kind like Future Diary and the gold standard that is Higurashi. Characters that break down over nothing basically too
I would like to complain that the characters are flat with little to them too but that is personal preference really

I think people have different understanding on what's dark. Future Diary wasn't a bit dark for me. It's exciting and entertainment but it in no way reminds you how you are a failure and your life is meaningless, which Madoka does.

For me, being "dark" means being ruthlessly honest about the darkest truth we can find within ourselves. Recognising madness within oneself is way more emotionally heavy than watching a psycho killing others on screen. In the latter situation you are never really threaten, while in the former situation when you are threaten by the truth you may find in yourself, something that you always subconsciously avoid to dwell on in daily life: your insecurity about people who you love may abandon you, your anxiety of losing your job and consequently social respect, your sense of guilt over having hurt someone you care, your doubt about whether anything you do would really matter at the end, whether life is utterly meaningless, etc. That's why the works of literary masters like Dostoevsky, Kafka, Tolstoy are viewed as deep and dark, and the question they asked has caused so many sleepless nights for generation. A kid is kept sleepless by monsters, spirits, gore and blood; an adult by life itself.

Some people may be lucky in enough never having to have faced the mentioned anxiety and guilt even years after entering adulthood. Psychological dark shows are then simply not for them.
Oct 11, 2018 7:03 AM

Sep 2017
AbstractBear said:
TTGL is just a decent anime, not a masterpiece as some want to make it seem.

Most episodes are boring, without a clear direction and some of them are terribly animated.

Second half is even worse, it's just a big mess, especially those last episodes.

There are a few interesting characters but I don't care about most of the others.I don't even care about Simon.

There are plenty of better Mecha Anime that aren't as regarded as TTGL , this isn't even in my top 5 Mecha Anime.

I guess it's all about aesthetics and shit like that ://

The only part of TTGL really excited me was the part that shortly after beating up Lordgenome, in the beginning of the 2nd arc, Simon found out the truth about Lordgenome and everything they have done now seemed to be meaningless. That part was strong. But then after that short interruption the show returned to what it has always been, mindless fights and so on.
I liked the aesthetic and place a huge weight on aesthetic in anime, but it's the show is too long to be engaging by aesthetic alone. It's a decent show tho.
Oct 11, 2018 7:07 AM

Mar 2015
NGNL is just another garbage fanservice & jailbait show :)
Oct 11, 2018 7:08 AM

Sep 2017
Reina_Orikasa said:
NeoLegendX said:
isnt this yet another why do you find these highly rated anime good cause i dont threads

It kinda is isn't it...

I guess you could find an unpopular opinion about why you think a highly acclaimed show is good.

Yes, actually I wanna see more "I think it's good too but not for the same reason" -- sort of replies.
Oct 11, 2018 7:10 AM

Mar 2018
LunaUri said:

• 3-Gatsu no Lion is complete trash; excess in monologues, pretentious characters, and self-pity. No thanks!

Okay. No. Sorry. Don't get it. Looks like we watched completely different shows. First of all to address your claim that the show contains an "excess of monologues". Not every show has to contain action and I actually hate shows that feature action to the detriment of the story. "3-Gatsu No Lion" is mainly a quiet drama and Slice of Life show so of course there will be a lot of conversations and also wonderful monologues. I especially enjoy the inner monologues from Rei when he tries to explain how he feels and also the imagery that is used (e.g. him drowning in water, a cold wind blowing....). Pretentious? If you said that about some works by Haruka Murakami then I would have said "Yeah, okay. You are right. That stuff is sometimes pretentious." or how about Richard Dawkins? Very pretentious but "3-Gatsu"? Not really. Also self-pity? Really? Rei doesn't pity himself. Life is what it is. He was bullied at school, his parents and sister died, he became part of a family where only his foster mother was truly kind. Rei was emotionally (and maybe also physically) abused by his sister (and to some extent also by his brother). He had no friends and Shogi is all he has but he doesn't pity himself. Actually, there isn't a single character that shows any kind of self-pity. Neither Rei, Harunobu, Shimada and especially none of the sisters show any kind of self-pity. Quite the opposite. The sisters smile away the pain and tears!

Really. Are you sure you watched "3-Gatsu"
Oct 11, 2018 7:20 AM

Sep 2017
meatbun_ said:

Ghost in the Shell is not that deep, but the anime is a giant improvement on the manga.

Agree. Every philosophical articles writing on GitS (movies or TV) has been about the cyborg posthumanist setting. Beyond the setting, the story and characters themselves hardly have asked anything deep or original about humanity/post-humanity.

The second season of 3-gatsu isn't all that better than the first (both were great).


Koi wa Ameagari no You ni was the best show of its season.

It's probably gonna be the best of the year for me. But I guess it's the kind of show only enjoyed by older audience. It probably will never get the recognition befitting its achievement for years to come.
Oct 11, 2018 7:30 AM

Sep 2017
Apoc_Revolution said:

- Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: It's one of those shows that focuses heavily on characters clearly being infatuated with each other, but without containing any physical or verbal confession whatsoever, which I find irritating. It's also boring to watch and I don't care about the characters. Only the music is good. Scored: 3/10.

It's not a romance show. Kaori wasn't there because she wanted to date Kousei. She wanted to help Kousei overcoming his trauma and be able to perform music with him. The show was a journey of Kousei's self-overcoming.
Oct 11, 2018 7:36 AM

Aug 2016
CHC said:
Chiibi said:
Oh I've got one:

Grave of the Fireflies IS MANIPULATIVE AS F*CK. It kinda annoys me. Sage of Anime Abandon put it best:

"We're not sad because we're attached to the characters. We're sad because we're watching children die".

And he's damn right. Critics praise the hell out of this thing....but I've seen WAY better directed, characterized sad anime than this. (tear-jerkers are like my favorite genre; are you kidding me lol)

Yes. I hated that film a lot. I never understood why the boy couldn't compromise with their aunt in such a desperate time and decided he would rather let her sister die than returning to the aunt's house. The kid's dead was totally unnecessary and the film seems to be more about how a kid's short-sighted stubbornness led to self-destruction, than anti-war.

I remember having read an interview of Isao Takahata where he said he made that film because he saw the kids today have problematic attitudes, and this film could serve as an admonishment for them. Although most people have taken this film as primarily an anti-war film, it wasn't his original intention. The director creative intention should not always limit viewer's interpretation of the film, but in this case I think his intention -- a very manipulative one -- is perfectly realised in the film, and that's why I think what he said about his intention confirmed my judgement.

The film is actually based on a short story, the main character is based on the writer (who didn't die during the war) and was written as an apology to his little sister who died of malnutrition due to his foolish actions.
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Oct 11, 2018 7:51 AM

Oct 2012
Here's another one from me. I don't think madoka magica is a great show, but I still think it's good in ways. Loved it when I was young but rewatching it as an adult I found it contrived and I found what could be considered philosophical dialogue pretty unimpressive. It seemed like it wanted to be making some kind of statement but it totally failed in that regard cause I don't even know what that statement could be. Dont wish for your life to be different? Or something? However I still found it entertaining and emotional at times.

Also I like the original steins gate but the art is ugly and the theme song is horrible

Also idk if this is unpopular but parasyte had literally the worst theme song I ever heard. I honestly feel.embarrassed for the people who wrote it when I hear that song. I can't stand it
ChromephoneOct 11, 2018 7:56 AM
Oct 11, 2018 7:51 AM

Feb 2018
1.NGNL is absolute garbage, and Bakemonogatari is the same, pretentious trash trying to look smart, when it really isn't.

2.Miyazaki films are dull.

3.Clannad had some lovable characters, but the plot was dull most of the time, and the ending was terrible.

4.Last two episodes of NGE are the whole point of the show, it slowly builds up towards that, and that it what makes it a masterpiece (took me a while to realize this one).

5. FMA:B is a good show, but it is nowhere near good enough to be #1, not even top 30. I'm not even going to talk about Kimi no Na wa.

Lunilah said:
Hunter x Hunter The Chimera Ant arc is the worst part of the anime and i wish it never happened.

The premise (Queen) is the silliest MacGuffin i've ever seen in an anime. The arc is filled with the worst amount of violations of show don't tell, there are many 'big moments' that happen just to happen for the plot and carry no emotional weight or just make zero sense. The entire arc makes no sense.

I don't know if you are talking about the original hxh (because I haven't seen it) or 2011, but if you are talking about the 2011 version, it is the best part without a doubt, it is not that it doesn't make any sense, it is just that it went completely over your head.
Oct 11, 2018 7:57 AM

Sep 2017
LunaUri said:
meatbun_ said:

heh, for me it has always been the opposite. I thought the Akira manga was a mess of never-ending and mindless action that got boring after the second volume with some not so compelling attempts at philosophy and plot scattered here and there, so I liked how contrived the movie was.

Excess in monologues: what's the problem with that?

Pretentious characters: why?

Self-pity: I believe we may have watched completely different anime. If anything, 3-gatsu goes completely against self-pity. That's the whole deal with Rei's stepbrothers: they gave up without trying, while Rei pushed forward and became a professional instead of lying down and whining. The whole anime is about overcoming difficulties and trying hard to become a better person, so I really don't know where you're coming from.

He had many things that people would dream of & a family of people who deeply supported him & a base of people who would were devoted to him & yet every episode was full of angsty monologues & allegorical drowning. As someone who was in a similar position, you take what you can get. I was disappointed because I liked the mangaka’s previous work: Honey & Clover.

I think 3-gatsu is the kind of show you have to be a very empathetic person to enjoy if you yourself are not the kind of sensitive person Rei is.

Btw though I disagree 3-gatsu being a self-pitying show, I don't think the show passes any definitive judgment of any character. Rei's stepsister and stepbrother were presented as more a tragedy than "bad persons", "people who give up too easily". They didn't try as hard as Rei did because their life do not depend on becoming a professional as Rei did. Rei's stepfather adopted him because of his talent in shogi, that's why he thought if he fails at shogi, he will be worthless, even though Rei didn't even love playing shogi that much. His stepsister and his stepbrother on the other hand, didn't carry that weight as they play shogi. As their father's real daughter and son they felt they were entitled to his love. They shouldn't have to work exhaustingly to win his love. But they also noticed that even though their father does love them, what he really want deep down is someone to fulfil his dream in shogi that he himself couldn't during his youth. They will not have that special place Rei has in their father's heart simply as a good daughter and a good son.

I don't think it will be any better if the stepsister and stepbrother didn't give up and work themselves exhaustingly to "win back" their father. Actually I would feel more sad for them if they do. I guess the true growth for them is to accept the fact that they need not to strive to be the heir of their father unfulfilled dream. They are living a miserable life now because they have internalised their father's criterion of success (being the top in shogi) and judges themselves by it. They don't have to be the top in shogi to have a good life. They are not their parent's proxy.

Edit: words and grammar
CHCOct 11, 2018 9:36 AM
Oct 11, 2018 7:57 AM
Sep 2017
Alcoa said:

3- No Game no Life:
It's a harem anime that failed in many aspects, and didn't enjoy it.

NGNL is not a harem anime. No harem tags on MAL either. It has a clear goal and unlike harem anime does not revolve around only girls. Sora is the exact opposite of a harem protag, and since the show is actually good, it's not a harem anime.
“There is an art, it says, or rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground ... and miss."
Oct 11, 2018 8:22 AM

Oct 2013
1) Madoka Magica is bad. Just because they suffer because they're stupid doesn't make it deep and philosophical. Arthur Weasley once said "Haven't I taught you anything? What have I always told you? Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain?”. Guess they haven't heard of it

2) Cowboy Bebop is very repetitive and because of the episodic nature it doesn't get anywhere really

3) Made in Abyss isn't that good. Let's see, the amount of people who got to the bottom of the Abyss can be counted on one hand, rest are dead. And now we're expecting kids to go down there. So it's either they have super easy time and then it's boring and shitty, or they suffer on their way a lot. Lose-Lose situation.

4) Overlord sucks. It started good but the plot froze for Ainz Harem fillers after S1

Here, my unpopular opinions that I wouldn't dare write on Reddit because it's Reddit

Bonus: Goblin Slayer traumaized me for life, I regret trying it and I hide all posts related to it on Reddit

Bonus 2: I liked Bakemonogatari, but I hate Araragi, I don't believe how anyone can like this non deserving Harem MC. At least other Harem MCs aren't pervert lolicons. If the police was a thing in Monogatari, he would've been sitting in jail for pretty darn long
Oct 11, 2018 8:29 AM

Aug 2016
Texhnolyze started to get significantly less interesting after
Who are you and why do you show your hostility towards a complete stranger whom you've not once spoken with before. Are you seriously asking to get blocked? Well, if that's what your intent is; to tempt me into throwing hands with someone as lowly and insignificant as you, then i may grant your wish provided you articulate yourself a bit better when trying to spite a person of my wavelength.
Oct 11, 2018 8:49 AM

Feb 2010
LunaUri said:

He had many things that people would dream of & a family of people who deeply supported him & a base of people who would were devoted to him & yet every episode was full of angsty monologues & allegorical drowning. As someone who was in a similar position, you take what you can get. I was disappointed because I liked the mangaka’s previous work: Honey & Clover.

I'm sorry but you just lack any understanding of how depression works as well as any empathy for it if you can say these things and mean them. Outside factors have very minimal impact on depression that comes from within. Telling a depressed person 'why the fuck are you not happy, you have all these supporting people around you' is about the worst fucking thing you can do for them and that's what your 'criticism' sounds like. It's really more a lack of basic understanding of depression, which is a central theme to the show, than it is a legitimate complaint.

Also lol @ his family supported him. Have you met his adoptive siblings? Do you remember his real family is gone? Indeed a family background to envy him for...
I probably regret this post by now.
Oct 11, 2018 8:58 AM
Mar 2016
It's not acclaimed series yet but I remember how massively hyped it was.

Mahoutsukai no Yome - It's pretty much about a old monster mage that buys a jail bait girl from a auction who has the intention to make her his wife/apprentice. In the end Stockholm syndrome girl accepts his offer even though he tried to kill her a few times, and non of the supporting characters object, specially the priest.
Oct 11, 2018 9:20 AM

Sep 2017
JokerVentura said:
CHC said:

Yes. I hated that film a lot. I never understood why the boy couldn't compromise with their aunt in such a desperate time and decided he would rather let her sister die than returning to the aunt's house. The kid's dead was totally unnecessary and the film seems to be more about how a kid's short-sighted stubbornness led to self-destruction, than anti-war.

I remember having read an interview of Isao Takahata where he said he made that film because he saw the kids today have problematic attitudes, and this film could serve as an admonishment for them. Although most people have taken this film as primarily an anti-war film, it wasn't his original intention. The director creative intention should not always limit viewer's interpretation of the film, but in this case I think his intention -- a very manipulative one -- is perfectly realised in the film, and that's why I think what he said about his intention confirmed my judgement.

The film is actually based on a short story, the main character is based on the writer (who didn't die during the war) and was written as an apology to his little sister who died of malnutrition due to his foolish actions.

I don't think the film adaptation has accomplished the same thing.
CHCOct 11, 2018 10:00 AM
Oct 11, 2018 9:46 AM

Mar 2018
CHC said:
JokerVentura said:

The film is actually based on a short story, the main character is based on the writer (who didn't die during the war) and was written as an apology to his little sister who died of malnutrition due to his foolish actions.

I don't like the film adaptation has accomplished the same thing.

But what does it say about Takahata that he basically wished he had also died and not just his sister. There is quite a bit of self-loathing going on if you think about it. I disagree with your point of view BTW. For one thing the boy
CHC said:
JokerVentura said:

The film is actually based on a short story, the main character is based on the writer (who didn't die during the war) and was written as an apology to his little sister who died of malnutrition due to his foolish actions.

I don't like the film adaptation has accomplished the same thing.

But think about it what it says about Takahata. He basically wished that he had died along with his little sister and not lived. There is quite a bit of self-loathing and sorrow going on.
Oct 11, 2018 9:56 AM

Nov 2008
JokerVentura said:

The film is actually based on a short story, the main character is based on the writer (who didn't die during the war) and was written as an apology to his little sister who died of malnutrition due to his foolish actions.

Yeah, I do know that....but I still don't really think it's a good film to sit through from a narrative aspect. People are always like "YOU MUST SEE THIS MOVIE OR YOU'RE NOT A TRUE ANIME FAN. ALL ANIME FANS MUST SEE IT AND LOVE IT."

Which is ridiculous. There are a hell of a lot of people I wouldn't recommend this to; simply put, it's unpleasant to watch and basically a waste of time because you already know the kids die.

Oct 11, 2018 10:04 AM

Sep 2017
huntress1013 said:
CHC said:

I don't like the film adaptation has accomplished the same thing.

But what does it say about Takahata that he basically wished he had also died and not just his sister. There is quite a bit of self-loathing going on if you think about it. I disagree with your point of view BTW. For one thing the boy
CHC said:

I don't like the film adaptation has accomplished the same thing.

But think about it what it says about Takahata. He basically wished that he had died along with his little sister and not lived. There is quite a bit of self-loathing and sorrow going on.

Sorry I meant "I don't think the film adaptation has accomplished the same thing." Typo.
Akiyuki Nosaka was the writer of the original short story. Takahata is the film director and he might not be thinking the same thing when he adapt this short story.
Oct 11, 2018 10:10 AM

Sep 2017
d_agra said:
It's not acclaimed series yet but I remember how massively hyped it was.

Mahoutsukai no Yome - It's pretty much about a old monster mage that buys a jail bait girl from a auction who has the intention to make her his wife/apprentice. In the end Stockholm syndrome girl accepts his offer even though he tried to kill her a few times, and non of the supporting characters object, specially the priest.

The first 4 episode was so boring that I had to drop. I might pick it up again in future. But I don't really understand the appeal. It's like Violet Evergarden: trying very hard to be touching and soothing without being touching or soothing. But at least VE has outstanding visual so I'm not puzzled by why people were hyped about that.
Oct 11, 2018 10:16 AM

Jun 2014
JokerVentura said:

I've never seen Journey to Agartha but I've seen the other titles mentioned. 5 centimeters per second is by far my favorite out of them, but it's pretty easy to see why Kimi no na wa appealed to a significantly larger audience. Success and quality/talent have less to do with each other than some people believe (although it can be argued that anything that leads to success is "talent" or "quality").

FallenCrusader said:
Evangelion - worst thing I've ever watched. So bad it's insulting. Composition, characters, music, graphics - literally every single part of it.
Though I accept it's attempts to present some psychology problems but there is one problem - all of that is deep information which the viewer has to search for by himself and that's only possible if the viewer really got interested in the show- which I can't see any reasons for if the show meant is Eva.

Definitely not saying you must think positively of NGE or that you have shit standards if you think it's the worse thing you've seen━I'm just going to provide you with the reasons why I got interested in the show, as you said you didn't see any reason to be. If you actually don't care, no offense taken, you can stop reading.

First things first, I finished NGE and End of Evangelion yesterday, and have refrained from rating it yet as I'm trying to process how exactly good/bad I think it is, but one thing is for certain: I enjoyed it.

Composition━pretty vague, not sure what you're talking about exactly so addressing everything you could possibly mean requires way more effort than I'm willing to give.
Characters━I didn't particularly like any of the characters (my favorite character is probably Asuka or Ritsuko, but I dislike them. I just happen to dislike everyone else more). However, most characters serve a purpose in representing the greatest insecurities and inconsistencies in people. I could relate in part to almost all of the characters explored, and I'm sure you did too.
Music━loved it when they played inappropriate classical pieces over dark scenes. Just my personal tastes.
Graphics━so I haven't seen much anime, but NGE is currently the oldest anime I've seen, but it's not even the worst visually. I think that says a lot.
Oct 11, 2018 10:30 AM

Oct 2010
CHC said:
Chiibi said:
Oh I've got one:

Grave of the Fireflies IS MANIPULATIVE AS F*CK. It kinda annoys me. Sage of Anime Abandon put it best:

"We're not sad because we're attached to the characters. We're sad because we're watching children die".

And he's damn right. Critics praise the hell out of this thing....but I've seen WAY better directed, characterized sad anime than this. (tear-jerkers are like my favorite genre; are you kidding me lol)

Yes. I hated that film a lot. I never understood why the boy couldn't compromise with their aunt in such a desperate time and decided he would rather let her sister die than returning to the aunt's house. The kid's dead was totally unnecessary and the film seems to be more about how a kid's short-sighted stubbornness led to self-destruction, than anti-war.

Because the film is not anti-war. That was explicitly stated by Takahata. It's a story about two kids and their dramatic experience in war.

On the other hand there may be valid reasons to dislike the execution and presentation of the drama, even to call it artificial and manipulative, but "this cocky 14-year-old who is the son of an important figure in the military doesn't behave like a humble and perfectly functional adult" doesn't sound like one to me.
Oct 11, 2018 10:44 AM

Aug 2016
iunne said:
JokerVentura said:

I've never seen Journey to Agartha but I've seen the other titles mentioned. 5 centimeters per second is by far my favorite out of them, but it's pretty easy to see why Kimi no na wa appealed to a significantly larger audience. Success and quality/talent have less to do with each other than some people believe (although it can be argued that anything that leads to success is "talent" or "quality").

FallenCrusader said:
Evangelion - worst thing I've ever watched. So bad it's insulting. Composition, characters, music, graphics - literally every single part of it.
Though I accept it's attempts to present some psychology problems but there is one problem - all of that is deep information which the viewer has to search for by himself and that's only possible if the viewer really got interested in the show- which I can't see any reasons for if the show meant is Eva.

Definitely not saying you must think positively of NGE or that you have shit standards if you think it's the worse thing you've seen━I'm just going to provide you with the reasons why I got interested in the show, as you said you didn't see any reason to be. If you actually don't care, no offense taken, you can stop reading.

First things first, I finished NGE and End of Evangelion yesterday, and have refrained from rating it yet as I'm trying to process how exactly good/bad I think it is, but one thing is for certain: I enjoyed it.

Composition━pretty vague, not sure what you're talking about exactly so addressing everything you could possibly mean requires way more effort than I'm willing to give.
Characters━I didn't particularly like any of the characters (my favorite character is probably Asuka or Ritsuko, but I dislike them. I just happen to dislike everyone else more). However, most characters serve a purpose in representing the greatest insecurities and inconsistencies in people. I could relate in part to almost all of the characters explored, and I'm sure you did too.
Music━loved it when they played inappropriate classical pieces over dark scenes. Just my personal tastes.
Graphics━so I haven't seen much anime, but NGE is currently the oldest anime I've seen, but it's not even the worst visually. I think that says a lot.

I think with films like 5cm per second and Garden of Word, their success lies in people resonating with their message. Some people just don't agree with the message and some don't understand it. Your Name was a lot more mainstream and not very deep, hence with Makoto Shinkai didn't want it to be so successful and become the main film he's known for. I'm not surprised you haven't seen Journey to Agartha/Children who Chase Lost Voices. I'm not sure why, but it's one of his least known and watched films.
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Oct 11, 2018 10:50 AM

Dec 2017
Ranacchi said:

Koe no Katachi
Who in their right mind even tries to write a romantic tale about a bullying victim and that person's bully.
There are some things you just don't do and this is one of them.
Some people truly are sick.

If you think Koe no Katachi's main theme is romance no offense but you've completely missed the point of the story.

It's about redemption. Sure there's a confession scene but the story doesn't revolve around it.
"Welcome to the new generation, where fanboys are easy to gain and will defend devs no matter what they possibly do."
Oct 11, 2018 10:56 AM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
Reina_Orikasa said:

If you think Koe no Katachi's main theme is romance no offense but you've completely missed the point of the story.

It's about redemption. Sure there's a confession scene but the story doesn't revolve around it.

Doesn't make it any less distasteful in my eyes. Different people, different tastes.

Oct 11, 2018 11:31 AM

Nov 2017
With pleasure.

I don't understand even critics now saying FMAB is a total classic. It's a kids' show. The first series was better, it had better pacing, better characterization, and I'm not even that big of a fan.

Now, I do admit I skipped the first 20-ish episodes because I read the manga already, but I couldn't watch the same story all over again. Plus the original series did it better.

I think it has tremendous arcs, but the whole god-complex thing going on, about the evil cell becoming a god and stuff, it's weak. The author likely wrote it because they couldn't think of anything else. Everybody talks about FMAB like it's this dark series, and totally mature--because they like action.

Why are people always obsessed with action, even if it has no soul?

I also like the main characters, Edward and Alfonse, much less in FMAB. Mostly they just turn into action stars. I don't like the idea of letting the first series do the emotional work and FMAB taking that for granted, then also adapting the first 20 episodes again and making everything super dark.

Edward not wearing a shirt in the final action part is soooooooo lame. You can wear a shirt and fight villains, no matter what Goku says. And Goku is like a super alien, Edward is just some guy who works out.

The love story doesn't even make sense, is there supposed to be a love story?

The bad guy is so lame when you realize that 'god power' was too much power. You can't go higher than 'god', lol. 'God' is the limit. The author wrote themselves into a corner trying to seem cool. So once he achieves god status it's like, oh okay how do I make this go wrong now?

All these cool creatures and stuff--and their deaths are lame. Envy died lame. A bunch of fire and now you're a little muppet? Boo.

Fullmetal Alchemist is the ultimate series that COULD have been. It SEEMED like it would be cool, but its execution was lacking.

You want an actual epic series that really hits the mark? MONSTER. You're welcome.
Oct 11, 2018 11:55 AM

Aug 2013
LunaUri said:
It would be one thing if it was an accurate portrayal of depression, but, instead, it languishes in it & even though the supporting characters, aside from Kyouko, practically do nothing but support him & praise him to the point where they’re unrealistic human beings, what I typically call the “two-dimensional support-puppet trope.”

I'll go with Pullman here and say you lack understading of how depression works. You may have passed through it, but you certainly have no idea as to how most people usually face it. What you're saying is the usual "hey dude your life is pretty neat so why aren't you thankful?" which most depressive people hear at least once in their lives and is more of a hassle to them than anything else.

LunaUri said:
When Rei refuses to recognize that he has hoards of really good people in his corner, that’s not just trauma/depressionーthat’s an irritating degree of self-entitlement.

Which is a characteristic found in most depressive people.

LunaUri said:
(even making fun of an older man that is an alcoholic & going through a divorce)

...when did he made fun of him? I don't remember that. I just rewatched the entire match and the following scene where Rei runs and screams and the dramatic aspect of it didn't even left room open for jokes.

LunaUri said:
Also, he gets abused by his step-siblings for his foster father liking him more than his own kids, that’s far from the worst scenario! Foster/step-children are often mean/abusive naturally to newcomers in a family!

Yes, because tearing a family in two just by standing there and having the constant feeling of being a nuisance and an intruder to an otherwise happy family seems like a fantastic scenario, indeed. His mere presence also took the one thing the two siblings believed to make their father proud, so you're delusional if you thought that was really a good enough scenario.

"Foster/step-children are often mean/abusive naturally"

Dude, the show heavily implies he was MOLESTED by his stepsister. It wasn't simple fraternal abuse, come on.

LunaUri said:
Many of his daily angsts aren’t even about the death of his family; he refuses to eat because he loses a shogi match & followed by a monologue of self-pity!

Because shogi is literally the only thing he believe he has to cope with life. So when he loses at shogi and becomes a step further of being declassified, it's literally like he's losing something fundamental for him to live. But the whole point of the show is that he gradually sees this isn't all and he comes to see how all people around make part of his life, and this begins to show in the first season, so I don't really know where you are coming from.

GitS: Yup, I gotta say I love the movie as I'm a suker for cyberpunk, but I was surprised how plain it was philosophically upon watching it again a while ago. It's also hard taking such a psychological approach when your characters are so apathetic.

3-gatsu: Because I thought both were pretty consistent. I had mixed feelings about Hina's arc in the second season (thought it was a wee too over the top) and I didn't like the first couple episodes of the first (which I'm glad I endured).
If there's something that makes me split about this, though, is the match between Shimada and Tanagihara, which was easily one of the most fantastic things I've seen on the medium.

Koi Wa: Yeah, at first I didn't think much of it, it was a pretty and fun show, but when those last couple episodes it became something else. I guess a lot of people were put off by the age gap "romance" (or by the lack of it, I've seen too).
Oct 11, 2018 12:42 PM

Oct 2010
dadnaya said:

3) Made in Abyss isn't that good. Let's see, the amount of people who got to the bottom of the Abyss can be counted on one hand, rest are dead. And now we're expecting kids to go down there. So it's either they have super easy time and then it's boring and shitty, or they suffer on their way a lot. Lose-Lose situation

Didn't the show answer that already, though? I mean, we know the answer to this dilemma, that there is going to be a lot of suffering and it will get worse as they advance through the Abyss. That is how it happened in the first season, and from what I've heard from the manga it follows that trend. Not gonna lie, I thought you had dropped the series somewhere in the middle when I read this because of what happened in its latter half, or maybe I'm misinterpreting something.

And I mean, the series gives a solemn tone to the journey from the beginning, whenever the characters move forward and say goodbye it gives a feeling that this is a path of no return, Riko never stated that she intended to come back, and the curse of the Abyss serves as a constant threat towards that alternative.
Oct 11, 2018 12:44 PM

Nov 2008
DarkInsomnia57 said:
With pleasure.

I don't understand even critics now saying FMAB is a total classic. It's a kids' show.

Since when can "kids' shows" NOT be classics? If you take a look at American movies that are considered "classics", a lot of them are totally kid-friendly. (Sound of Music, Wizard of Oz etc)

Edward not wearing a shirt in the final action part is soooooooo lame. You can wear a shirt and fight villains, no matter what Goku says. And Goku is like a super alien, Edward is just some guy who works out.

It's sexy so that's all that matters. :'D We fangirls deserve a piece of the fanservice pie; if Lust can wear slutty clothing, Ed can fight shirtless. But it's also practical; shirts make you all sweaty and gross when you fight really hard; who wants to keep wearing that shit for the whole fight? Lol it also gives you more freedom to move around and you won't have to worry about your shirt getting caught or your opponent trying to choke you with it or something.

The love story doesn't even make sense, is there supposed to be a love story?

It's obvious from the beginning that Ed and Winry have loved each other since they were kids....*shrugs* I think it's adorable. But it's just a tiny subplot. It's not like it takes over the series.
ChiibiOct 11, 2018 12:50 PM

Oct 11, 2018 12:56 PM

Oct 2013
jal90 said:
dadnaya said:

3) Made in Abyss isn't that good. Let's see, the amount of people who got to the bottom of the Abyss can be counted on one hand, rest are dead. And now we're expecting kids to go down there. So it's either they have super easy time and then it's boring and shitty, or they suffer on their way a lot. Lose-Lose situation

Didn't the show answer that already, though? I mean, we know the answer to this dilemma, that there is going to be a lot of suffering and it will get worse as they advance through the Abyss. That is how it happened in the first season, and from what I've heard from the manga it follows that trend. Not gonna lie, I thought you had dropped the series somewhere in the middle when I read this because of what happened in its latter half, or maybe I'm misinterpreting something.

And I mean, the series gives a solemn tone to the journey from the beginning, whenever the characters move forward and say goodbye it gives a feeling that this is a path of no return, Riko never stated that she intended to come back, and the curse of the Abyss serves as a constant threat towards that alternative.

As the show went on it indeed answered that question. And it's not that it isn't good because that's the answer (the road of suffering), but I just do not enjoy at all these "suffering" anime (See: Madoka Magica), especially if they're kids.

Episode 10 made me want to drop the anime with a score of 1/10, but the later episodes made me score it not too badly
Oct 11, 2018 1:08 PM

Oct 2017
Samurai Champloo is a boring and repetitive anime.

Anyway, I love Nujabes.
Oct 11, 2018 1:12 PM

Sep 2016
CHC said:
Apoc_Revolution said:

- Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: It's one of those shows that focuses heavily on characters clearly being infatuated with each other, but without containing any physical or verbal confession whatsoever, which I find irritating. It's also boring to watch and I don't care about the characters. Only the music is good. Scored: 3/10.

It's not a romance show. Kaori wasn't there because she wanted to date Kousei. She wanted to help Kousei overcoming his trauma and be able to perform music with him. The show was a journey of Kousei's self-overcoming.

I already know that, I never said it was a romance show. It doesn't change the fact that the show pretends to be romantic on the surface and that it has the romance tag.

Oct 11, 2018 1:38 PM

May 2018
Came here for some interesting fun facts (and hey,there are some), left again since more than half of the posts are "this anime is crap/overrated/boring/repetitive". Answers even more bland than the anime they want to cry about.
Shit posting at its' finest, sigh..

Gintama's comedy became more often hit and miss after the serious arcs started. Not because the general tone of the comedy became worse but because it feels out of place.

JoJo's weird presentation of story and characters builds a distance between the show and the viewer. In that regard you don't care most of the time WHAT exactly is going on (so far that you might not even care for the characters' deaths) and just enjoy the ride.

The amount of people who think Sword Art Online is complete trash is too damn high. Learn to distinguish between a very good,good, average, bad and abysmal show because clearly, those people can't.

ArrRtiOct 11, 2018 1:59 PM
Oct 11, 2018 1:48 PM

Aug 2016
Here's a positive unpopular opinion about a highly acclaimed anime:

Angel Beats' ending actually makes sense.
Who are you and why do you show your hostility towards a complete stranger whom you've not once spoken with before. Are you seriously asking to get blocked? Well, if that's what your intent is; to tempt me into throwing hands with someone as lowly and insignificant as you, then i may grant your wish provided you articulate yourself a bit better when trying to spite a person of my wavelength.
Oct 11, 2018 1:56 PM

Oct 2011
Is K-On being a great show really an unpopular opinion?
Oct 11, 2018 2:00 PM

Nov 2016
Akerakai said:
"Aot is philosophically deep. It explored in depth the various ethical ideals are formed in a society which is under the condition of perpetual existential threat, how those ideals play out their conflict, the tragedy of disillusionment of the idealists, and the moral ambivalence of the Machiavellian pragmatists"

This ain't it mate

You had the perfect oportunity to make a "This ain't it chief" meme but you fucked it up.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 11, 2018 2:25 PM

Oct 2014
A_Haiku_Unloose said:
Lunilah said:
Hunter x Hunter The Chimera Ant arc is the worst part of the anime and i wish it never happened.

The premise (Queen) is the silliest MacGuffin i've ever seen in an anime. The arc is filled with the worst amount of violations of show don't tell, there are many 'big moments' that happen just to happen for the plot and carry no emotional weight or just make zero sense. The entire arc makes no sense.

I don't know if you are talking about the original hxh (because I haven't seen it) or 2011, but if you are talking about the 2011 version, it is the best part without a doubt, it is not that it doesn't make any sense, it is just that it went completely over your head.
I'm sorry but that arc couldn't go over any head, everything was narrated for you. So much so that a 5 year old could understand it, which is quite offensive. The other arcs didn't suffer nearly as bad with this problem, they were great and didn't drag me across shards of glass to understand what i'm already looking at.

The Queen MacGuffin was a terrible excuse to spawn a world level conflict, how to power creep yourself into a corner 101. Am i supposed to care about any arc previously or other compelling villains when from day 1 of birth this guy trumps literally the entire series? I can't invest myself in something like that. He doesn't even get to do anything with his life, he only lives for 5 weeks and it's stretched out to over 60 episodes. HxH does villains wonderfully, which is why i hated, in my eyes, all this wasted potential. All those 'amazing' plot lines, narrative development, villain dynamics, were all wasted on Meruem. I can only imagine what those would have been like on someone i can get invested into.

The Chimera arc is the best part to you because that's your subjective takeaway from it, but can you even think about it outside of yourself? Can you understand that people might have issues with things that you care nothing about? These are just the 2 most glaring issues i had with that arc.

I don't believe in the Devil.
You should. He believes in you.
Oct 11, 2018 2:30 PM

Jan 2016
Cowboy Bebop is kinda pointless and isn't even highly entertaining. Plus, the characters didn't interest me too. I gave it many chances to get me to at least finish it but I reached the eighth episode and nothing still changed so I gave up and dropped it. It was overall a stale experience.
Oct 11, 2018 2:30 PM

Aug 2016
ResKori said:

xD love this.

Is me saying Angel Beats was actually a shit anime unpopular opinion?

Saying an anime with an average score over 8 on MAL is shit probably qualifies as unpopular opinion. It's also a fairly popular opinion, even among people who like Angel Beats, that the ending has a plot hole, but it really doesn't and the dialogue before that scene literally explains what happened.
Who are you and why do you show your hostility towards a complete stranger whom you've not once spoken with before. Are you seriously asking to get blocked? Well, if that's what your intent is; to tempt me into throwing hands with someone as lowly and insignificant as you, then i may grant your wish provided you articulate yourself a bit better when trying to spite a person of my wavelength.
Oct 11, 2018 4:07 PM

Nov 2008
ArrRti said:

The amount of people who think Sword Art Online is complete trash is too damn high. Learn to distinguish between a very good,good, average, bad and abysmal show because clearly, those people can't.


@Ryu1908: yes, I also liked AB's ending. Didn't really think there were holes in the plot. Though Jun Maeda is one of my faves so I could be a little bias. lol I don't care that he prefers to story-tell through emotion instead of logic; that's actually one of my favorite things about his style.

@dadnaya: I love MiA but I can respect that opinion. It's absolutely f*cked up and the later chapters of the manga get even worse, yes, the child suffering gets worse. Stay away from it. xD Ya won't like season 2 any better.

Oct 11, 2018 4:22 PM

Aug 2016
Chiibi said:

@Ryu1908: yes, I also liked AB's ending. Didn't really think there were holes in the plot. Though Jun Maeda is one of my faves so I could be a little bias. lol I don't care that he prefers to story-tell through emotion instead of logic; that's actually one of my favorite things about his style.

@dadnaya: I love MiA but I can respect that opinion. It's absolutely f*cked up and the later chapters of the manga get even worse, yes, the child suffering gets worse. Stay away from it. xD Ya won't like season 2 any better.

I wouldn't say Angel Beats has plot holes, but it definitely does a poor job at explaining a lot of things about how the afterlife works outside of the basic stuff, worldbuilding really isn't the series' strongest aspect. That being said, I don't think the series is even trying to build a cohesive world either, it definitely gives more attention to the emotional side of things, especially the theme of moving on, giving life a chance despite the hardships you face and all that.
Who are you and why do you show your hostility towards a complete stranger whom you've not once spoken with before. Are you seriously asking to get blocked? Well, if that's what your intent is; to tempt me into throwing hands with someone as lowly and insignificant as you, then i may grant your wish provided you articulate yourself a bit better when trying to spite a person of my wavelength.
Oct 11, 2018 4:28 PM

Oct 2013
CHC said:
Deknijff said:
Madoka is trash
not because there are better magical girl anime or thats its quote on quote dark like other haters say

its because its not actually dark enough for an actual edge lord to enjoy which is the only value it holds in terms of appeal and completely fails at it
None existing gore, rushed as fuck compared to other shows of its kind like Future Diary and the gold standard that is Higurashi. Characters that break down over nothing basically too
I would like to complain that the characters are flat with little to them too but that is personal preference really
I think people have different understanding on what's dark.
Yeah I know
thats why I dont use it a lot of the time because personally dont find anything dark but its easy to use as buzzword in context of the conversation of these kinds of shows
CHC said:
Future Diary wasn't a bit dark for me. It's exciting and entertainment but it in no way reminds you how you are a failure and your life is meaningless, which Madoka does.
I just wanted to highlight this because everything beneath on what you consider dark can be easily said about Future Diary too based on whats in the show and much more than Madoka too
CHC said:
For me, being "dark" means being ruthlessly honest about the darkest truth we can find within ourselves. Recognising madness within oneself is way more emotionally heavy than watching a psycho killing others on screen. In the latter situation you are never really threaten, while in the former situation when you are threaten by the truth you may find in yourself, something that you always subconsciously avoid to dwell on in daily life: your insecurity about people who you love may abandon you, your anxiety of losing your job and consequently social respect, your sense of guilt over having hurt someone you care, your doubt about whether anything you do would really matter at the end, whether life is utterly meaningless, etc. That's why the works of literary masters like Dostoevsky, Kafka, Tolstoy are viewed as deep and dark, and the question they asked has caused so many sleepless nights for generation. A kid is kept sleepless by monsters, spirits, gore and blood; an adult by life itself.
You seem to have completely forgotten everything that caused Yuno to have become the way she is and the same for the other characters and only remember Yuno killing people
Oct 11, 2018 4:37 PM

Apr 2017
HopefulNihilist said:
1) Re: Zero:

-Sets up no direction to where the plot is supposed to go.
-The author confuses being irrational with being completely stupid, which is why Subaru is retarded.
-The show attempts to "subvert" isekai cliches, while indulging itself in them (ie surrounding the mc with cute girls).
-Almost no backstory is given to the MC.

I've just realized that there is literally no backstory for Subaru, woah LMAO

Oct 11, 2018 4:47 PM

Oct 2014
I think most Isekai are merely a cash grab and how they're written is a complete disgrace to their own premise. They're basic fantasy stories and nothing else. The VRMMORPG ones are the worst offenders, with soft rules that either are already or become meaningless.

Most have a main character that serves the purpose of being a fish out of water, and the story holds no bearing on the world they come from, at best it's just a line here and there. There is no dynamic at all with both worlds, only the new one. You can replace any of these MC's with a clueless individual from the new world they go to and have the exact same anime.

I don't believe in the Devil.
You should. He believes in you.
Oct 11, 2018 4:53 PM

Aug 2013
Oh boy, I can't believe I forgot about Made in Abyss. I thought the anime was a HUGE improvement over the manga, which doesn't seem to be the general opinion about it. Not only it managed to shroud the original superfluous worldbuilding and weak character of the story by adding a lot of atmosphere and charm and creating something unique, it actually managed to tone down the creepy aspect of it, which was still uncomfortable in the anime but left me dumbfounded in the manga.
Oct 11, 2018 5:09 PM

Jan 2016
meatbun_ said:
LunaUri said:
It would be one thing if it was an accurate portrayal of depression, but, instead, it languishes in it & even though the supporting characters, aside from Kyouko, practically do nothing but support him & praise him to the point where they’re unrealistic human beings, what I typically call the “two-dimensional support-puppet trope.”

I'll go with Pullman here and say you lack understading of how depression works. You may have passed through it, but you certainly have no idea as to how most people usually face it. What you're saying is the usual "hey dude your life is pretty neat so why aren't you thankful?" which most depressive people hear at least once in their lives and is more of a hassle to them than anything else.

LunaUri said:
When Rei refuses to recognize that he has hoards of really good people in his corner, that’s not just trauma/depressionーthat’s an irritating degree of self-entitlement.

Which is a characteristic found in most depressive people.

LunaUri said:
(even making fun of an older man that is an alcoholic & going through a divorce)

...when did he made fun of him? I don't remember that. I just rewatched the entire match and the following scene where Rei runs and screams and the dramatic aspect of it didn't even left room open for jokes.

LunaUri said:
Also, he gets abused by his step-siblings for his foster father liking him more than his own kids, that’s far from the worst scenario! Foster/step-children are often mean/abusive naturally to newcomers in a family!

Yes, because tearing a family in two just by standing there and having the constant feeling of being a nuisance and an intruder to an otherwise happy family seems like a fantastic scenario, indeed. His mere presence also took the one thing the two siblings believed to make their father proud, so you're delusional if you thought that was really a good enough scenario.

"Foster/step-children are often mean/abusive naturally"

Dude, the show heavily implies he was MOLESTED by his stepsister. It wasn't simple fraternal abuse, come on.

LunaUri said:
Many of his daily angsts aren’t even about the death of his family; he refuses to eat because he loses a shogi match & followed by a monologue of self-pity!

Because shogi is literally the only thing he believe he has to cope with life. So when he loses at shogi and becomes a step further of being declassified, it's literally like he's losing something fundamental for him to live. But the whole point of the show is that he gradually sees this isn't all and he comes to see how all people around make part of his life, and this begins to show in the first season, so I don't really know where you are coming from.

GitS: Yup, I gotta say I love the movie as I'm a suker for cyberpunk, but I was surprised how plain it was philosophically upon watching it again a while ago. It's also hard taking such a psychological approach when your characters are so apathetic.

3-gatsu: Because I thought both were pretty consistent. I had mixed feelings about Hina's arc in the second season (thought it was a wee too over the top) and I didn't like the first couple episodes of the first (which I'm glad I endured).
If there's something that makes me split about this, though, is the match between Shimada and Tanagihara, which was easily one of the most fantastic things I've seen on the medium.

Koi Wa: Yeah, at first I didn't think much of it, it was a pretty and fun show, but when those last couple episodes it became something else. I guess a lot of people were put off by the age gap "romance" (or by the lack of it, I've seen too).

1. There’s a difference between being depressed & not being grateful for literally being given EVERY reason to be happy. I went through some heavy shit, similar to Rei’s situation (as a teenager), & I would have killed to have the strong support system that he has & financial stability.
2. He makes fun of the older man after the match is over & monologues about how pathetic the guy’s life is (in his head), which I think is the douche-iest thing ever.
3. If his step-sister molested or assaulted him, why does the series never make a point of clarifying it & instead goes about it in an overly artsy, symbolic way. At least Aku no Hana & Oyasumi Punpun had the cajones to address that the female-on-male sexual assault happened, without skirting around the issue & later making the assaulter more sympathetic. I didn’t say his living situation was ideal, but imagine if he was in a typical foster situation, where EVERYONE abuses him & treats him as lesser.
4. I understand the value that shogi has to him, but the artistic direction in that episode was so contentious that it made me immeadiately see it as whining.
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Oct 11, 2018 5:10 PM
Oct 2018
I don't know why, but I was really bored, watching it and I was even thinking about dropping it. Like where they were at that fortress I was so bored.

-Pkmn Sun and Moon
It actually has a really cool and unique style, but it's really boring and it feels way more catered towards kids than f.e Pkmn XY and Z. Satoshi has accomplished close to nothing so far. The only interesting part was, when the ultrabeasts first appeared.

First season was pretty okay, but I hated Kirito from the beginning. Second season was an absolute shit show with unnecessary harem elements in it. The sister part was so gross.

Incest in anime is really disgusting and I hate it, when it happens. And I consider step-siblings also incest. I hate it, when a good story is ruined by one sibling having a crush on the other.
Oct 11, 2018 5:12 PM

Jan 2016
huntress1013 said:
LunaUri said:

• 3-Gatsu no Lion is complete trash; excess in monologues, pretentious characters, and self-pity. No thanks!

Okay. No. Sorry. Don't get it. Looks like we watched completely different shows. First of all to address your claim that the show contains an "excess of monologues". Not every show has to contain action and I actually hate shows that feature action to the detriment of the story. "3-Gatsu No Lion" is mainly a quiet drama and Slice of Life show so of course there will be a lot of conversations and also wonderful monologues. I especially enjoy the inner monologues from Rei when he tries to explain how he feels and also the imagery that is used (e.g. him drowning in water, a cold wind blowing....). Pretentious? If you said that about some works by Haruka Murakami then I would have said "Yeah, okay. You are right. That stuff is sometimes pretentious." or how about Richard Dawkins? Very pretentious but "3-Gatsu"? Not really. Also self-pity? Really? Rei doesn't pity himself. Life is what it is. He was bullied at school, his parents and sister died, he became part of a family where only his foster mother was truly kind. Rei was emotionally (and maybe also physically) abused by his sister (and to some extent also by his brother). He had no friends and Shogi is all he has but he doesn't pity himself. Actually, there isn't a single character that shows any kind of self-pity. Neither Rei, Harunobu, Shimada and especially none of the sisters show any kind of self-pity. Quite the opposite. The sisters smile away the pain and tears!

Really. Are you sure you watched "3-Gatsu"

My issue was not with other character pitying themselves, but Rei dramatizing his own issues & not being able to appreciate what he has. As someone who went though similar issues, I was disgusted by 3-Gatsu’s representation of trauma.
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Oct 11, 2018 5:26 PM

Jan 2016
Pullman said:
LunaUri said:

He had many things that people would dream of & a family of people who deeply supported him & a base of people who would were devoted to him & yet every episode was full of angsty monologues & allegorical drowning. As someone who was in a similar position, you take what you can get. I was disappointed because I liked the mangaka’s previous work: Honey & Clover.

I'm sorry but you just lack any understanding of how depression works as well as any empathy for it if you can say these things and mean them. Outside factors have very minimal impact on depression that comes from within. Telling a depressed person 'why the fuck are you not happy, you have all these supporting people around you' is about the worst fucking thing you can do for them and that's what your 'criticism' sounds like. It's really more a lack of basic understanding of depression, which is a central theme to the show, than it is a legitimate complaint.

Also lol @ his family supported him. Have you met his adoptive siblings? Do you remember his real family is gone? Indeed a family background to envy him for...

You clearly misunderstood what I was saying, espeically with the family statementーI hardly see the phrase “a family full of people” as an indication that it’s his actual family. Also, accusing someone of being unempathetic over a fictional character is ridiculous. Every word & action that comes out a character’s mouth is calculated. If you were talking about a real person, I would understand; but the thought that someone criticizing an anime character is deemed as unempathetic is ridiculous & delusional.
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