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Sep 11, 2009 11:49 PM

Sep 2007
I must be slow or something. I only just realised at the beginning of this ep that he was dead.

Sep 11, 2009 11:53 PM

May 2008
dammit this really sad that Yuuki has to die ...

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Sep 12, 2009 1:19 AM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
i hope this series wraps up nicely but so far it looks like an 8/10 for me.
p r o f i l e 👀
Sep 12, 2009 1:39 AM

Jun 2009
Really, if I were Itsuki, I would have been wondering why my best friend wasn't sticking around to say hi, so I think that's when Itsuki started to clue in that something was "up" with regards to Yuuki. He was starting to throw confused looks in Mirai's direction and there was something in the tone of his voice that sounded like he thought something was wrong.

I'm relieved that Mirai wasn't alone for the realization.

I think if it went any faster, then Mirai wouldn't have come to the realization as smoothly as she did here. I think it had to be gradual and she needed to see his desk and drawings to push the memories to the surface.

They through me through a bit of a loop. I thought the surgery scene was real and the darkish-green scene was the dream. When they showed us the full scene of what was real, that's when I remembered that they put a tag on a boy that had the same color shirt as Yuuki's. The thing is, the first time they showed that scene, it was quick and incomplete. Well done.
ChibiSamuraiTV | My YT Channel |
Sep 12, 2009 2:10 AM
May 2008
xanusuri said:
I must be slow or something. I only just realised at the beginning of this ep that he was dead.

or another possibility is that you thought that show was "striving for a sense of realism". i know i did >.< and when his final declaration came i was like 'lolwut? xD' take care "sense of realism", i'll miss you.
Sep 12, 2009 7:09 AM

Sep 2007
Well, I guess I was expecting this since Mari found out her family was safe. I figured that if one of the two turned out okay, the other would get the short stick. Rather than Yuuki dying though, I thought their parents would have been dead (curse my lack of observation skills and not noticing earlier).

Also, anyone else think that it was his fault in the first place? I understand he's a kid, but still.
J-970Sep 12, 2009 7:21 AM
Sep 12, 2009 7:24 AM

Dec 2007
Yuukiiii é___è
Sep 12, 2009 8:15 AM

Aug 2009
So is Yuuki a ghost or is he a delusion?

I'm thinking he's more of a ghost since he can interact and knows his surrounding.
Sep 12, 2009 9:07 AM

Jan 2009
I already guess it since the end of episode 8 and absolutely sure in episode 9, and in this episode I only waited one sentence that i think would came out when they still in the truck. Apparently, they strech the episode and suspend the death declaration which is make me dissapointed with this episode.

Seriously, what i waited to come out in the first minutes came out 20 minutes later, such a waste for episode.

I hope they have a good ending for this
Sep 12, 2009 9:10 AM

Jan 2009
Splitter said:
Oh my god, could they have dragged this episode out any longer? Mari understandably tiptoed around it, but the Itsuki kid should have realized something was fucked up halfway through!


The real backpack actually now is with Mari, the one that Ghost-Yuuki hold is just another delusion
Sep 12, 2009 9:31 AM

Sep 2008
Here's the better view from Episode 9!!

Look at what Mari is holding!! D***, I just realize that he's dead. Took to some time to look back what's going on~~~
Sep 12, 2009 9:35 AM

Jul 2007
TaisukeKanou said:
Here's the better view from Episode 9!!

Look at what Mari is holding!! D***, I just realize that he's dead. Took to some time to look back what's going on~~~

Aha! Okay then, plothole filled. Thank you.
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Sep 12, 2009 9:39 AM

Aug 2008
no way! so what does it mean? mirai was always talking to herself in the whole episode 9, and mary didn't notice mirai that yuuki was dead?? >__<
Sep 12, 2009 9:59 AM

May 2008
kleeny said:
no way! so what does it mean? mirai was always talking to herself in the whole episode 9, and mary didn't notice mirai that yuuki was dead?? >__<

episode 8, too

did you see your dream?

I am a banana.
Sep 12, 2009 10:02 AM

Jun 2009
During ep8 and 9 Mari's reaction didn't even caught me that Yuuki is really that.. like I've said before in ep9 about the backpack... but what's with this ep that the death was too much.

But I really think the author would like to put Mirai's state of denial, coz its really hard to forget your love ones right

19:26 lol that was one Goosebump i felt haha

ok so the flashback was very satisfying.. however going back to the E.R scene was too much (ep8)
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Sep 12, 2009 12:06 PM

Aug 2008
Loved this episode.
Was it dragged out for the viewer? Maybe, but not for me. What I liked about the handling of Yuuki's death is that it does two different things depending on the maturity of the viewer: If you realized that Yuuki died early on, you were watching a totally broken girl walk around talking to herself because she is in denial...then you get to witness her totally breakdown during this episode, and "hear the truth"; if you were with Mirai in the denial, then you probably started slowly questioning a lot of what happened, and then was with Mirai as the revelation became apparent.

This episode cleanly helped pull Mirai out of her denial, and I loved watching it. To me, not a moment was wasted, since, for Mirai, she was getting to know her brother through the school, the tree, and Itsuki. She felt like she hadn't spent enough time with him in the past two years, and when she was with him, she was a bitch, so in order to let go, she needed this closure. It was beautiful. Since Yuuki died, I've been paying close attention to when Mirai is talking to Yuuki. It was always out of earshot of Mari until maybe right before she left, when Mirai said, "Yuki wants to go home." That's what drew the first puzzled look on Mari's face, but I think she rationalized it by assuming that it was Mirai's thought of Yuuki's wish.

One of the best single episodes of the year. If this were a live action television show, this episode would get a lot of people Emmys.
Sep 12, 2009 12:10 PM

Jan 2008
So is it just Mirai subconsciousness that created Yuuki, or it was Yuuki's spirit? The former sounds more logical, but then again, how could it find Mari's family and save his best friend?
Sep 12, 2009 12:14 PM

Aug 2008
Yuuki didn't do anything. Mirai was walking around, her friend told her to go to the school, then she ran into Itsuki who showed her where her parents were, and it was Mirai who saved Itsuki, not Yuuki. He's a total delusion.
Sep 12, 2009 1:30 PM

Aug 2007
Mirai is sure good in being stubborn, thinking that Yuuki was still alive and kicking. Well, indeed, it was already obvious that he was dead, but it was not known for the people who didn't know ánd Mirai herself. Reminds me that I was one of the few who actually noticed that Yuuki's wrist got tagged with a 'I'm dead' label in what was it again, episode 8. I guess we'll meet with Mari next episode again. If not, that would be lame, as I think she's going to bright slap Mirai.
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
Sep 12, 2009 1:40 PM

Jun 2008
Nooo,Yuuki it's dead,that's not fair:(.So it really was,me didin't wanted to believe it.If I remember,in the 9th episode,in the last few minutes,when Mirai and apparentally Yuuki left Mari-san,I've seen she had a bag in her hand and I think it was Yuuki's so she wanted to give it back to Mirai.Sooo sad>.<.I have to wait a week more for the last episode,finally!
Sep 12, 2009 2:38 PM

Oct 2007
This series keeps bringing tears to my eyes =( very well done.
Sep 12, 2009 4:08 PM
Jun 2008
Nooo! That can't be true! =(
Yuuki was the best character for me. He was always happy and trying to cheer everyone up...

Now I wonder how it will end...
Sep 12, 2009 4:28 PM

Dec 2008
ntHai said:
So is it just Mirai subconsciousness that created Yuuki, or it was Yuuki's spirit? The former sounds more logical, but then again, how could it find Mari's family and save his best friend?

You'd be surprised what the mind can come up with.

I've heard of everything as "normal" as seeing bugs everywhere to seeing Jesus flying around the room...
Sep 12, 2009 5:14 PM

Jul 2008
Best anime of the season, probably year if Higashi no Eden fails us, with the worst soundtrack. When Yuuki was revealing that he is dead, there should have been some really dramatic piano music, but they just shitted it. If there was some sad music, I would have teared. The series only had like three songs.

As much as I like the show, I dislike how it went from realistic to a hallucination. Kinda pisses me off because I felt like the last two episodes were for nothing.

One of the best single episodes of the year. If this were a live action television show, this episode would get a lot of people Emmys.[/quote

IF this got licensed sometime this year and released in 2010, I believe Higashi no Eden would actually be the one to get an award. I predict that Higashi no Eden will be praised by magazines and articles, but will have low sales.
ArtRodriguezSep 12, 2009 5:18 PM
Sep 12, 2009 10:16 PM

Jul 2009
WOW Best episode and Best anime of this year :)
I reliazed Yuuki's death, when Mirai was at the school...
Damn sad episode and episode 11 is the last:(
Sep 12, 2009 10:46 PM

Apr 2008
wow D= i thought i was the only that dind't notice he was already dead until this epi, then Mari could also see him? seriously what are those hints everyone is talking about beside the dream?
Sep 12, 2009 10:48 PM
Jul 2008
Ah, don't make this series super natural.
Sep 12, 2009 10:49 PM

Apr 2008
WOW, I was in total denial about his death. Looking back at it all the signs were there I just refused to process them.

It will be interesting to see how this ends.
Sep 12, 2009 10:59 PM

May 2008
Karuroso said:
wow D= i thought i was the only that dind't notice he was already dead until this epi, then Mari could also see him? seriously what are those hints everyone is talking about beside the dream?

if you read through the episode 8 and 9 discussions you'll realize just how elaborately they set it up... and there are several points where his death is strongly hinted by words and events that otherwise don't make sense, but you have to pay attention to details. The backpack is a good example, and the ways that yuuki interacts (or rather doesn't) with the people around him.

ep 8 clues:

episode 9 just further confirms it, mostly through the duplication of Yuuki's backpack and the "isshouni te" line from Mari. There's lots of instances where Yuuki's actions don't really make sense, though. They really drew it out for a long time... I'm surprised so many people took this long to realize it.

I am a banana.
Sep 13, 2009 5:13 AM

Jun 2007
This made me so depressed seeing him not there when Itsuki showed up.
Sep 13, 2009 5:50 AM

May 2008

I won't probably get it though.
Sep 13, 2009 1:30 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Damn. So he did die... I was wondering what that bag was in the previous episode... I didn't really expect this. =(




[H+] ³  
Sep 13, 2009 6:52 PM

Dec 2007
shit, i must have been asleep for the past episodes not to notice this. total shock
Sep 13, 2009 8:53 PM

Jan 2009
I can't belive oO
Have at least one death is one more positive point for this anime, but it's hard to understand why Mari has not done anything about it. Okay not want to hurt the feelings of Mirai, but I do not believe that Mari would be the "crazy". I was saddened by Yuuki ;/
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Sep 13, 2009 9:43 PM
Oct 2007
While watching this episode, I thought Mirai would realize Yuuki's death at the school--specifically, when she found Yuuki in the classroom. I was expecting her to hug him but unable to touch his "soul" and immediately go into break-down mode. But I also like the way BONES did it by letting Yuuki state the fact of his death.

"Onee-chan, you know ... I'm dead ..."

That was really well done.

Now, I'm hoping the last episode won't disappoint. I fear Mirai's mom may die though, given that they closed up on her empty futon/necessities in the gym, she went back to the house by herself, and the possibility of another aftershock. But whatever the case, I foresee a hopeful message to be portrayed in the ending.
Sep 14, 2009 3:23 PM

May 2009
To be honest I was surprised.. Jesus, how did I miss all those signs.. probably did't wanna believe.. for some reason I'm shedding a tear everytime I watch this show so this episode was not an exception..
Sep 14, 2009 6:48 PM

Aug 2009
I was somewhat expecting this from the school part..

but its still sad to see Yuuki actually died a few episodes back.

Swine Flu killed Yuuki indeed.. wasn't Mirai's imagination.
Sep 14, 2009 8:56 PM

May 2009
Half the blame in which I wasn't able to cry were you fuckers trying to find out if Yuuki died, thanks. Other than that, I wasn't that surprised, just wonder how they will do the final episode.
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Sep 15, 2009 10:10 AM
May 2007
i thought it was all mirai's bad dream. really didn't expect this to happen until i see the title after yuuki talked "anone"
arggggggghhhh... that really creeps me up... ;____;
Sep 15, 2009 1:20 PM

Jan 2008
aulzon said:
So is Yuuki a ghost or is he a delusion?

I'm thinking he's more of a ghost since he can interact and knows his surrounding.

I'm also wondering which of these two he was. I can't decide if it was Mirai's mind supplementing his personality onto a hallucination, or if he was an actual ghost and hence she really did see him and he was actually interacting with her.
Sep 15, 2009 6:32 PM

Mar 2008
Second episode that made me tear up.

Yuuki saying he's dead was very sad, although it was kind of obvious since episode 8.
Sep 15, 2009 7:57 PM

Jun 2007
PsychFreak said:

As for how Yuuki died, I think it was by some head trauma he had earlier when he saved Mirai from the falling Tokyo tower. It must have got worse for him through each episode until it took it's toll at the end of episode 7.

I always viewed that as the proverbial Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads after it happened. A blow to the back of the head with a brief loss of consciousness, to say he had an intercranial hemmorhage or other more traumatic brain injury which eventually leads to death if untreated.

ETA: But the show really did need something like this. The way the two of them were constantly dodging life-threatening incidents was going to take away from any drama or poignancy if they ended up perfectly fine in the end.
TheTsunamiSep 15, 2009 8:07 PM
Sep 15, 2009 8:51 PM

May 2008
TheTsunami said:
safe to say he had an intercranial hemmorhage or other more traumatic brain injury which eventually leads to death if untreated.

That's essentially what it says on the death certificate: cranial hemorrhage due to external injuries; respiratory failure

I am a banana.
Sep 15, 2009 10:33 PM
Jan 2008
J-970 said:
Well, I guess I was expecting this since Mari found out her family was safe. I figured that if one of the two turned out okay, the other would get the short stick. Rather than Yuuki dying though, I thought their parents would have been dead (curse my lack of observation skills and not noticing earlier)

bluerose2244 said:
Funny thing. I had no idea he was dead, but it was hardly denial. I thought from the beginning he needed to die for Mirai to actually grow up. But when it actually came time, I thought the show chickened out and tried to go for a "happier" ending that I would have found less satisfying. On the plus side, that means I actually got to enjoy the episode, with a bit of head-scratching once Yuki started disappearing every other frame. Not too hard to figure out, though.

I felt this way. And just by curiosity, using the International Classification of Diseases 10 (ICD), Mirai suffered of F23.8 (Other acute and transient psychotic disorders) and F43.1 (Acute stress reaction with Post-traumatic stress disorder)
Sep 16, 2009 4:34 AM

Mar 2008
Noooo....please don't tell me.....NOOOOO.......not this twist, please nonoononononononoononoooo.........
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Sep 16, 2009 5:20 PM
Dec 2007
Yuuki was the only reason I watched this show. D;
How can I go on without him?
Sep 16, 2009 10:23 PM

Feb 2008
I actually cried a bit when I heard Yuuki really died. I really thought it was just a dream =P I wonder why Mari didn't try telling her...
Sep 17, 2009 1:07 AM

Aug 2007
I realized Yuuki's death back in ep 8 but at first I thought I was just looking too much into it, because I do have a tendency of over-analyzing things.

But after reading the forums, I guess it was a normal reaction to think he's actually dead (because everyone came to that conclusion), and either we're all correct or we're all over-analyzing it. I guess we were all correct, afterall.

Anyway, I think the whole show was about what would happen during a Magnitude 8.0 earthquake in Japan and I heard it was well-researched by the creators, maybe not only the physical damages, but psychological damages as well. Perhaps by showing Yuuki's death that way, they were trying to portray someone suffering from some kind of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (?) when one loses a loved one. So maybe realistically, someone who's lost a loved one and who's subconsciously in denial couldn't have realized the loved one's death so soon (and that's why they made it span 3 episodes.. and probably why Mirai had to go through her brother's classroom and other stuff before she could finally accept that he was dead).

Also, I think that Yuuki is not a ghost but Mirai's hallucination because of her denial. Everything that Yuuki made her do (find Hina-chan, go after Itsuki to save him, etc.) was just her own thoughts and instincts which she projected onto her imagination of her brother because she wanted to believe that he was still alive.

Or maybe I'm just over-analyzing again. Anyway, this is a very good show. Can't wait to see how they'll end it :)
Sep 17, 2009 3:34 PM

May 2008
RaitoTheReaper said:
Yuuki was the only reason I watched this show. D;
How can I go on without him?

I think you'll survive one more episode

sathepine said:
Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (?) when one loses a loved one.

somebody can have PTSD (D= disorder) without having hallucinations, though flashbacks are common. The hallucination of Yuuki may be related, but would probably be classified as a Psychosis beyond the PTSD...

so I would say the diagnosis is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with positive psychotic symptoms (hallucinations).

I am a banana.
Sep 18, 2009 1:02 AM
Jan 2008
saka said:

sathepine said:
Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (?) when one loses a loved one.

somebody can have PTSD (D= disorder) without having hallucinations, though flashbacks are common. The hallucination of Yuuki may be related, but would probably be classified as a Psychosis beyond the PTSD...

so I would say the diagnosis is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with positive psychotic symptoms (hallucinations).

Like I said, Mirai suffered of F23.8 (Other acute and transient psychotic disorders) and F43.1 (Acute stress reaction with Post-traumatic stress disorder)
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