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Shingeki no Kyojin Movie 2: Jiyuu no Tsubasa
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Shingeki no Kyojin Movie 1: Guren no Yumiya
Shingeki no Kyojin Movie 1: Guren no Yumiya
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Onanie Master Kurosawa
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thinkpad Jan 2, 1:55 PM
good taste in asian cartoons and music
starflutter Dec 14, 2024 6:04 PM
School of Rock!

H-5121 Nov 25, 2024 6:54 PM
True, I'm quite happy to see they haven't faded out! That's quite an interesting song and the art style from that era is as epic as ever. I'll check those out so thank you for the additional recommendations. Oh, my mistake; it must have been the OVA I was thinking of. True, Balalaika was not one to be crossed in the slightest.

Thank you! I wish you the same with your cherished characters and tunes!

Sorry for the late reply.
MickeyMinaj Nov 23, 2024 4:28 PM
You spelled Elite wrong lol
It is said that Higurashi can be watched in reverse order and still make the same amount of sense, one of it's kind truly
Hyperventilation was better than I expected, mind you with a run-time of just 16 mins and still entertaining? That's Korean short animations for you. Even Mignon is like super short, but the impact on all the BL girlies is immaculate
I keep hearing their webtoons are meh, so didn't check out
MickeyMinaj Nov 23, 2024 9:24 AM
"loves pets, hates people and watches/reads too much NSFW stuff. Pisces, INTJ, night owl, grunge kid, horror fan"
ALL of this I brutally relate to, not even kidding I went like oh, is this MY profile!??

ngl, I struggled a lot telling Mion and Shion apart despite clear differences in their inherent personalities
Fuyu I've rewatched like thrice ig, it's basically when I want that glow on my skin, iykyk lol.
Once I start on the Mignon marathon, I don't stop especially THAT episode
Rosy_Rose Nov 22, 2024 12:19 PM
Thanks for telling me all of this RenaPsychoKiller! I appreciate it very much for taking your time to write that!
MickeyMinaj Nov 22, 2024 9:39 AM
I like my new name Rena-chan, arigatou~
Fuyu no Semi is like the perfect embodiment of tragedy, i'd tear up every single time
btw love Rena, a true psycho warrior
Rosy_Rose Nov 22, 2024 9:01 AM
Hi RenaPsychoKiller!

I have question about X series should I watch movie first or the tv series?
MickeyMinaj Nov 21, 2024 11:23 AM
Was about to comment how we got similar taste, after reading your bio it made even more sense why. Team Pisces here ;)
H-5121 Nov 17, 2024 7:54 PM
For me I'd say either Self vs Self (featuring In Flames) or Watercolour is my favorite from Pendulum, but I first discovered them thanks to a Yukikaze AMV. Actually a nice little chunk of music I listen to is thanks to the AMV creators of the late '00s and early '10s. Thanks for sharing that one as well. Seems like we do have some overlap indeed. I've heard a little from The Prodigy, but probably not more than a few of their songs are currently in my Liked list so far. One little challenge I'd like to do is name a band I like more than five songs from for every letter of the alphabet.

As for other recs, is there anything not on your favorites on here that you’ve found refreshing recently? I do need to trim down my PTR list, and probably my PTW as well. Yeah Rally from Gunsmith Cats was probably my first waifu so she's certainly influenced my taste in a couple ways. :D I've actually seen the Black Lagoon series, but haven't seen the movie or read the manga yet. I'd be curious to see how Rally vs Revy would play out and see who would end up on top most often come out the victor.

Hope you had an enjoyable weekend! ^_^
H-5121 Nov 16, 2024 7:16 AM
Music is a major part of my day-to-day and I listen to a variety, but I'm pretty sure there's no lack of artists whose sounds falls into the post-grunge sub-genre. "Watch Over You" and "Metalingus" are both solid, and I've got to love the cheeky combo of the latter's name. I haven't checked out The Shizit yet, but recognize the name from reading up a little on RJ. I'll check out those out especially then and appreciate the input!

While all these might not be within your preferences have you heard any songs from any of these bands that you enjoy? Celldweller, Lazerhawk, Pendulum, Nothing More, Polyphia, and Berried Alive.

I'd be quite interested to learn about some of your non-miusical recs as well.
H-5121 Nov 16, 2024 5:34 AM
I think I'm still fairly new to RJ, but really enjoy what I've heard so far. I'll check out Health too then so thanks for the recommendation. Did you hear any of Myles' new songs from his new solo album?
H-5121 Nov 15, 2024 7:26 PM
Hey, thanks for digging the Rabbit Junk song I listed and I'll be listening to more of Perturbator after hearing "Venger". Are you a fan of Alter Bridge as well?

See you around! ^_^
Kyonman Oct 23, 2024 9:11 PM
Good to see you again! Perfect time of the year for that cosplay. I hope everything is going great with you!

My money making hasn't been the smoothest to say the least haha. I am looking for a new job though but also just taking some time to myself and relaxing a bit.
That sounds like a really cool dinner! I know I'd love to go to something like that. Nice that you came in 4th! Sounds like a fun time. Did they just have an event for that or was it like a thing friends put together?

This Halloween I'm definitely having the horror movies running regularly. Its the perfect time for that. Then I'm going to go to an amusement park for their Halloween themed nights and to ride some rollercoasters of course. Then maybe a couple haunted houses. I've been to a small one ran by a garden shop which was pretty fun. I did get spooked by it I'll admit lol.
That's so cool that you're visit castles. Any one in particular that you're excited for? I wonder how they'll all look for Halloween.
Yeah Jujutsu Kaisen definitely didn't stick the landing lol. It was a good series but felt a bit rushed at the end.
At least you have some good things to read with all the rain. Are you a fan of rain? I usually love rainy nights. Great atmosphere for reading or watching stuff.

I do love the characters in Yu Yu Hakusho. For a while I think Yusuke was my favorite anime character in general. I need to rewatch that one day.
Oh sounds like Halloween will be a good night for you then. Re-watching the classics is definitely something I'm into even if I'm not he biggest on re-watching. I totally get doing it though since the quality of newer stuff isn't the greatest.
Oh I like the Purge series too! The first one is definitely the weakest but it is a great series. Hope the marathoning was fun!

Yeah I just don't get people who don't adopt pets that need a home and instead go to a breeder. Theres plenty of them out there that need love and care.
Oh nice! I've had a cat but would totally be up for adopting one someday.

Yeah three half-siblings is definitely a lot to grow up with lol but we still see each other since we all live close. It is always interesting seeing where cousins or other family end up going or seeing what they do once they all grow up. My condolences for the cousin yall lost.
Sounds like you have family all over the place. Do you see your close family often? My family isn't too spread out honestly. Mostly in the same state as I am.

Japan would be amazing to see in the spring. Thats something I want to do one day. If you end up going to America then definitely let me know! Have you been to America before?

Lol hope they stay together long enough for that tour.
Ah ok. At least if a band you like ends up stopping by your country it makes it way cooler then.
Kyonman Sep 28, 2024 1:47 AM
Hey! Hope you're doing well. I'm back from the Netherlands! Spent a good amount of time there but apparently Tulips were out of season so I couldn't bring you back any of those. Next time for sure though! Also got sick after coming back so I'm finally feeling recovered from it.
How have you been?

Another Autumn fan I see. Its definitely my favorite season hands down. I do like going to beaches and museums so I'll keep a lookout for you then. I hope that depression goes away. Let me know if you ever want to talk about it. I'm always open to talk.

Oh nice! Yeah definitely update me on how you feel about Jujutsu Kaisen when you watch it. Yeah the art is not anything special at all. I haven't read Demon Slayer but the animation is amazing. I'm not a big fan of the anime overall but the animation in the fight scenes is the best animation I've seen.
I haven't heard of Mouryou no Hako but I'm sad to hear it isn't supernatural.
I did enjoy HxH but it's hard for me to decide what I liked more between that and YYH. Maybe YYH just because of the nostalgia but I'm really glad HxH is back into being published. Did you enjoy HxH as well?

Yeah I was surprised to hear Franz Ferdinand when I watched the Cyberpunk anime and it's pretty cool that they've done a couple anime OPs.

Glad to hear you're enjoying The 100! I'll make sure to keep that in mine next time I want a show to watch.

Seems like you're getting into the spirit of autumn and getting plenty of those horror films in. I also am not big on Home Invasion Movies. Have you seen Panic Room (2002)? That might be one of the few with that theme that I like. I've seen most of those films and enjoyed ones like House of Wax and of course Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Classics for sure. Do you like to re-watch films often? I'm someone who doesn't really re-watch unless its one of my favorites.

LOL I love that joke. 10/10 for sure. Yeah I heard she was retiring. I'm glad shes taking time to herself now after that great career.

Haha those definitely sound like cats. They sound really cute. I love that you have Shepard mixes. Very smart dogs and high energy it seems. Yeah I love a dog I can give a big hug to lol. Rottweilers and Saint Bernards are great favorites to have. I remember when I was little I would go to a pet store and there was this Rottweiler puppy I would always see and play with. Never got a pet there but loved to play with them.
People have said I'm definitely a retriever guy before ever before knowing I had one. Maybe because of my personality haha.
I'm glad you're an adopter too. Theres so many animals who need rescuing and I just cant bring myself to buy from a breeder. I dont want to ever support them. I've gotten all my pets as rescues. That's actually really cool of you for volunteering in a shelter too.
Lol I bet a lot of the dog training is definitely training their owners more. Usually the owners need it more.
Have you had many pets growing up? I know most animal lovers usually have grown up with a lot of dogs or cats.

I have 3 siblings. All of them half siblings but I'm close to my sisters. All older than me too by a good bit so I've always felt like an only child. Did you have other family around your age growing up? I've had some cousins who felt like sisters to me and were around my age that I grew up with.

Oh nice! I've been to like 3 lol. I'm glad you're going to some concerts soon! That is really cool and uncommon that a non mainstream group is coming to your country! I love that you'll be able to see them. Do you get a lot of artists coming to your country for concerts? I did see that Oasis was having a reunion tour which is awesome. I'm surprised they don't have touring dates for Europe outside the UK yet though. Are you going to go try to see them?
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