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Dec 19, 2017 1:10 PM

Aug 2013
Probably one of the better episode of the show. His monologues were pretty interesting. Struggled thru an entire day and arrived at his answer.

Overall, there were plenty of problems I have for this series. The spoilers of the order of elimination in the OP and ED destroyed the gimmick of the show (no main character that the viewers follow -> unpredictable outcome in fights). The reasons for downfall of most heroes are repetitive (letting their guard down). The animation quality dropped immensely in latter half of the series. No backstory for Rabbit (the biggest threat of the series).

The only decent thing I could think of is the Tiger & Ox relationships.

Overall: 4/10
Dec 19, 2017 1:16 PM

Nov 2016
Pretty interesting episode,seeing Rat struggle to came up with a wish and portraying it in that manner was not really what I was expecting as a final when I picked up this show,but it fulfilled it's purpose,even tho his wish was indeed a disappointment.

Nice show overall, fresh concept,execution was lacking,tho.


One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 19, 2017 1:36 PM

Sep 2009
Pfft I skipped to the end, what is this worthless character =/
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Dec 19, 2017 1:45 PM

Sep 2016
I expected this type of ending, and i enjoyed it nonetheless.

The Anime Binge Is Life

-PolarCyrus97 2k17-
Dec 19, 2017 1:47 PM

May 2017
I never really understood why anyone would wish to forget, it's like annihilating yourself.
Dec 19, 2017 1:48 PM

Jul 2014
Best episode, but still an underwhelming ending.

I think Juuni Taisen's strongest points are the way it portrays its characters and their backstories, as well as the philosophical ideas that it touches upon. But ultimately it leaves you feeling empty and wondering "what the heck was point of all that?". There's just not enough in here to make this a worthwhile watch imo. It's a 6 or a 7 for me.
Dec 19, 2017 1:49 PM
Aug 2017
I think the point of his wish was to be underwhelming; he was doing it for himself and not for anyone else.

p.s R.I.P Dotsuku (Whats gonna happen to his daughter??)
Dec 19, 2017 1:58 PM

Sep 2016
Illyricus said:
I liked the ending. It may not been the most spectacular, happy (for the viewers) or even satisfactory (again, for us) ending, but it was in Rat's character, and that is fine. He is a normal individual without ambitions, and the burden of having to experience dying 99 times is something above him. Tbh, it was the best thing he could have wished for, instead in some superfluous wish.

I loved how Rat's monologue started to analyze all the wishes he could wish for (including the thing of reviving the other participants of the Juuni Taisen), just to realize the most of them are worthless, impractical or just plain dumb, and wish the thing who would truly bring him his happiness.
Liked too how we saw brief glimpses of the other 99 routes where Rat teamed up with the other warriors (thing who had made me like Dog more, considering he ended being more sympathethic of what he looked at first), including the one when he hanged out with Rabbit. I cannot help but feel a bit of pity for Boar, since her wish probably indicates she feels very lonely.
And, lmao, the Tatsumi brothers were still rekted hard in their routes xD

I'm going to miss this show a lot. Even if the execution and fights could have been better, and is the weakest work of Nisio so far, it was one of the series I enjoyed and liked the most this Fall, and following this anime (and the daily dose of salt and complaints) week by week was great. I hope the studio animates the second novel one day, I really want to see how Nisio's mind designed the Western Zodiac.
my amigo illy solid synopsis i agree as well but also a few points man so if the 2nd novel gets announced i wonder if a new studio would handle it, so did nisio like watch over this project and oversee everything say such as for example a george rr martin would with early seasons of GOT? or did they just sign a contract with him and went about adapting it how they see fit? when another adaptation comes from nisio best believe ill be watching , this hasn't become one of my fav works from nisio (potentially could have) but alas theres always the future to look ahead to
Facta Non Verba
Dec 19, 2017 2:03 PM

Aug 2013
It nice that we got glimpses of the other routes. I feel bad for Rat for having to experience death 99 times and his wish to forget about the Juuni Taisen makes sense. I never cared about Dog but this episode made me like him.

Overall, it was an enjoyable show. 7/10.

Dec 19, 2017 2:04 PM

Aug 2014
Am I the only one who wasn't a big fan of Rat? Pretty much a useless Overpowered character from the start till the end.

His wish was to forget ... okay so what was the point of this show? what was the point of the character development? if in the end the winner wishes to forget about every single thing that happened? makes a lot of sense

Mediocre show 5/10, Would not recommend it to anyone because it was a waste of time.

Decided to give it a 5 due to the fact that some characters like Monkey, Tiger, Ox were interesting, would have loved to see more of Tiger and Ox.
Dec 19, 2017 2:15 PM

Nov 2015
Tokoya said:
His wish was underwhelming....Like really underwhelming but at least the kid is happy it seems, so more power to him

However, I liked that we got to fully get glimpses into all the paths that he's experienced, as well as getting the chance to see what everyone else's wishes were as well as learning all 100 of the wishes that Nezumi himself would have wanted (It was pretty cool to see him analyze it all and talk about the pros and cons of them all)

I died when I saw that Boar's wish was pretty much to get the D (I mean, I don't need some magical force to make me do that huehuehuehue) but I think Dog's wish was my favorite because I didn't expect that at all and it was sweet

Overall, to me this was a pretty enjoyable series despite it's flaws and I wouldn't mind seeing the sequel to this getting animated either


Is the manga still running? I was wondering if the manga was worth it to read. Thanks!
Dec 19, 2017 2:36 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Started really fun but with times it became pretty underwhelming.

Not sure if i should give it a 5 or a 6.
Dec 19, 2017 2:45 PM

Jul 2013
lel to think i wasted 5-6 hours of my life on this trash

oh well

(it did have some cool characters though, both personality and design wise so it's not a 100% regret)
Dec 19, 2017 2:53 PM

May 2015
Meh finale. The show had a decent start, but it went downhill for me as it went on, unfortunately. Oh well.


Dec 19, 2017 2:55 PM
Oct 2017
BlackstarFallen said:
Pretty good finale for this show. It gave some nice focus on Rat. He couldn't figure out what he will wish for and was having a hard time. He eventually had one at the end. It was interesting to watch him ask the other candidates what their wish is. This was a decent show overall. It was nothing too amazing.
yea this show didnt live up to the hype
Dec 19, 2017 2:55 PM

Jul 2013
shogunwolfdyvine said:
Illyricus said:
I liked the ending. It may not been the most spectacular, happy (for the viewers) or even satisfactory (again, for us) ending, but it was in Rat's character, and that is fine. He is a normal individual without ambitions, and the burden of having to experience dying 99 times is something above him. Tbh, it was the best thing he could have wished for, instead in some superfluous wish.

I loved how Rat's monologue started to analyze all the wishes he could wish for (including the thing of reviving the other participants of the Juuni Taisen), just to realize the most of them are worthless, impractical or just plain dumb, and wish the thing who would truly bring him his happiness.
Liked too how we saw brief glimpses of the other 99 routes where Rat teamed up with the other warriors (thing who had made me like Dog more, considering he ended being more sympathethic of what he looked at first), including the one when he hanged out with Rabbit. I cannot help but feel a bit of pity for Boar, since her wish probably indicates she feels very lonely.
And, lmao, the Tatsumi brothers were still rekted hard in their routes xD

I'm going to miss this show a lot. Even if the execution and fights could have been better, and is the weakest work of Nisio so far, it was one of the series I enjoyed and liked the most this Fall, and following this anime (and the daily dose of salt and complaints) week by week was great. I hope the studio animates the second novel one day, I really want to see how Nisio's mind designed the Western Zodiac.
my amigo illy solid synopsis i agree as well but also a few points man so if the 2nd novel gets announced i wonder if a new studio would handle it, so did nisio like watch over this project and oversee everything say such as for example a george rr martin would with early seasons of GOT? or did they just sign a contract with him and went about adapting it how they see fit? when another adaptation comes from nisio best believe ill be watching , this hasn't become one of my fav works from nisio (potentially could have) but alas theres always the future to look ahead to
I heard Nisio supervised Monogatari's anime adaptation (not sure if that is true or not, but I heard he and Shinbo worked together for the project), but I don't have any information if he has done the same with Juuni Taisen (or with any of his other works that have been adapted to animation, for that matter).
Dec 19, 2017 2:55 PM
Oct 2017
pennsatucky said:
it was good to see all the participants again, we learned something new about each of them. lmao Boar wanted a harem.. also loved the moments with Rat dying on the battlefield, he's really lucky to have found that one route where he doesn't get killed because he would never have won with his skills.
the scene with the 99 wishes was nice, Rat's points were pretty accurate. in fact I relate to him, it's hard to choose one thing that would have no bad consequences, though the ending itself was pretty underwhelming. when he was sleeping peacefully it made me think that he was the protagonist all along but it didn't feel like that.

gonna miss this show :( it was predictable alright but somehow so enjoyable.
She needs 12 D's or more to be satisfied lol
Dec 19, 2017 2:57 PM
Oct 2017
StallionXD said:
It was an eeeh ok show, I liked it, but just that.
I'm the only one that thinks of a wish about "ending the Juuni Taisen for ever" could have been the best wish for the rat?
even if this war that rat participated in would stop the org controling the whole war would just start another war and call it something else lol they will find a way around a wish like that
Dec 19, 2017 2:58 PM
Oct 2017
AnimeAdamOP said:
Giving this a 4/10. This show was pretty bad.
I dont think its bad the characters are really interesting and the fights are decent
Dec 19, 2017 3:08 PM
Apr 2017
9/10 ending. Went from a 6/10 to 7/10 for me.

Anyone knows what would Ox/Ushii wish for?
AoxxAaronDec 19, 2017 3:20 PM
Dec 19, 2017 3:09 PM

Jul 2016
Was a bit of a cop out ending.

Dec 19, 2017 3:10 PM

Aug 2013
I think this show had a lot of potential in the beginning but went into a downward spiral after it's first few weeks. Sure Nezumi got his wish after doing some soul-searching but...for a finale this felt lackluster. What was like a high 7 to potentially an 8 for me dropped to a 5.
Don't believe the hype.
Dec 19, 2017 3:16 PM
May 2016
Wow. I honestly couldn't believe it was finished. I couldn't believe they ended it on such a poor note.

I liked the general direction of the episode, seeing what everyone else wanted to wish for but then his wish was awful.
It's not that I wanted him to wish for world peace or anything, it's just..... what?

I feel like that ending stole 4 hours of my life by watching the entire series. His wish essentially meant that the previous 11 episodes never really happened.

It was a selfish and pointless wish.

Absolutely terrible ending to an otherwise ok series.
Had to change my overall score from 7 to 2. Very very disappointed and I feel like I've been trolled.
Dec 19, 2017 3:19 PM

Dec 2016
A pretty average ending for a sadly pretty average show
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Dec 19, 2017 3:27 PM

Dec 2015
Everybody who made it through this show, CLAP YOUR HANDS.

Probably should have dropped it somewhere in the middle, but I wanted to like it and kept giving it a chance to turn around. In the end I feel like it didn't really achieve anything.
Dec 19, 2017 3:33 PM

Aug 2017
Meh, despite i dislike the wish, the character at least was decent for most of the show. I was thinking that Rat will wish for the Juni Taisen itself to be abolished -.-. Finally, we know more about the other paths and past of some characters that feels incomplete in their episodes. LOL Boar's wish. The show could be much better if they have 24 episodes. 2/5 for the episode. 4/10 for the anime.
NurguburuDec 19, 2017 3:38 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Dec 19, 2017 4:28 PM

Jan 2016
thought this was a perfect show to have one of those train-wreck last episodes, but not for me! i've really appreciated every ep including this one. the conversation between Rat and Horse before Horse goes up in flames is one of my favorite parts of the entire series. from that moment i really liked Rat and always liked when his character appeared.

i figured his wish would be to purge his own ability, but certainly understand the memory choice. no one could understand his life and the incredible pressure he felt. i thought his guilt could have been better explored, he seems to have a conscience - but he didn't seem too concerned about the potential selfishness of choosing 1/100 scenarios that only allowed him to live. But, they were all killers after all.

One of the things i really admired about this anime, Juuni Taisen didn't seem to pander to anyone. it did it's own thing from beginning to end. Certainly not a classic, but very enjoyable none the less.
drtalosDec 21, 2017 5:42 AM
Dec 19, 2017 4:44 PM

Jan 2017
I had expected a better execution of acseries finale, nevertheless it made sense for him to not want to remember; his "hundred paths of pain" would've driven him over the edge.

I had half expected nezumi to say his wish is to die

It's overall aesthetics has made me come to the decision that it will be a 10 (partly because it had the hunger games vibes to it)

I consider some anime to be masterpieces, where if others have seen my 10's they'd probably wanna know what's going through my mind
Dec 19, 2017 5:12 PM

Mar 2014
Rodric7202847 said:
AnimeAdamOP said:
Giving this a 4/10. This show was pretty bad.
I dont think its bad the characters are really interesting and the fights are decent

Decent fights- Rabbit vs Boar and Rabbit vs Monkey. The rest were awful. Most of the characters were awful. Tiger basically put this show on her back.
Dec 19, 2017 5:27 PM

Jan 2011
normally i don't think i've wasted time watching most shows even bad ones but this everything leading up this ending lol damn it everything felt so pointless in the end

but once i realized oh yeah this is what rat's character is honestly next to rabbit he might've been the worse one to win but his ending was fitting for him
Dec 19, 2017 5:48 PM
Apr 2015
typical ending ........ this author/writer always writing crap like "you cant do anything , you are minor character, you are not important" . every author works always and always making protagonist who alwaysss being gloomy 24 hour and pessimist as the way of life . pffttt go die with your author you stupid mouse
davremedyDec 19, 2017 6:39 PM
Dec 19, 2017 6:09 PM

Jul 2009
I understand when you have lots of options with no restrictions things can get tough. Like seriously when when we have too many options we ummm and ahhh and just stress ourselves out for no reason (like seriously I have so much clothes but claim I have nothing. As me watch we should get to eat and I'll be stressed. Should I buy the plain black, striped, poka dot or kitty cat socks???)

But this kid's wish was dumb. I suppose his wish was truly just not to be stressed out anymore. But he could have literally asked for ANYTHING. Like he found a reason why all his other wishes would be bad but all he needed to do was just say one and stop over thinking. Like damn he could've wished something like "I wish myself and no one I love/care about every die because of disease/accident/murder or something" Then he could live his life not knowing he'd meet a gruesome end or something. I don't know he could have asked for ANYTHING. Oh well.

I think the last 3 episodes of this series was the best...but the first 9 were terrible.
Dec 19, 2017 6:43 PM
Mar 2017
In fact, he could have wished for more wishes, and so he could revive the "right" people (or try it) and want more ...
The question isn't "What anime do you like?" That is merely a list.
The question is "Why do you like it?" That tells a story. Your story.
Dec 19, 2017 6:51 PM

May 2017
I'd have wished to be on Boar's harem

Dec 19, 2017 7:01 PM
Jul 2018
Good to see other's route/possibility/path, but i disagree with his wish. I guess mediocre series got mediocre ending.
Dec 19, 2017 7:35 PM

Feb 2009
Someone with OP skills who basically cheated to the end wishes to forget the lives of everyone else who actually tried? This is like the story of the one student who waited until the very last minute to turn in a paper yet gets the highest score lol so frustrating and makes you think that only the people who don't give a shit about anything deserve to win.

dog had his daughter
sheep had his grandson
tiger had her love for ox
chicken had her desire of freedom and sense of self
usagi wanted friends (creepy friends, but still friends)
hell, even boar had her desire for never ending love and attention with a harem....and all we get is stupid nezumi who wants to live a crummy life being hated by everyone and not caring?!. stupid ending.

Dec 19, 2017 8:23 PM

Mar 2016
uhhhh okay...
Quite underwhelming, He should have granted Monkeys wish or something... but I guess he just couldn’t handle the stress of all of it :/

The show entertained me 6/10

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Dec 19, 2017 8:34 PM

Nov 2014
Meanwhile I'm just super amused that it was Boar that suggested a harem as a wish. C'mon Nezumi, you're a teenage boy!

On a side note, Nezumi's hair looks weird af. Thank god he had that... whatever... covering it for the entire Juuni Taisen.
BurningSpiritDec 19, 2017 8:39 PM
If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
Dec 19, 2017 8:35 PM

Jun 2014
Quick shoutout to the fansubs who had to go through the hell of typesetting all 100 of the wishes.
Dec 19, 2017 8:38 PM
Jan 2009
...and almost no one understand that Rat didn't wish to forget the Juuni Taisen.

Instead he wished to forget the fact that there is not a single wish that would ever make him happy without remorse or regrets (and in fact, as doudecluple infers, not even one hundred wishes would ever manage to satisfy any man).
Dec 19, 2017 8:54 PM

Jan 2016
My biggest gripe with this show is my favorite character, Dragon, never got to fire off his ice-thrower. Alive or as a dead puppet. And in their flashbacks he only fired it off once I think.

For a guy with the ability to fly and freeze things they really did not do him justice. His brother was infinitely more useful than him as Rabbit's first puppet. All he did was fly around in the sky, get killed before doing anything, fight hand-to-hand as a corpse for a short time, and got frozen by his own ice-thrower that he never fired off during the battle.

Second gripe is we never get to see Rabbit's backstory. Yes, the guy that had the weirdest character design, strongest power, and the one who killed half the cast. Wtf

Third is we never saw those bettors again. Would have been more interesting to see their reactions on that background guy defeating the two favorites to win in one blow.
Dec 19, 2017 8:59 PM

Mar 2017
I'm a little dissatisfied by the finale, mainly because of the lack of a payoff at the end. In my eyes, all that has came from the Juni Taisen is 11 deaths and the 12th person forgetting what he has experienced. A disappointing end to a considerably decent series.
Inuyashiki is the Best Mecha ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Dec 19, 2017 9:30 PM

Mar 2014
A lot of people saying Rat's wish was dumb and to an extent yes it was pretty underwhelming and anti-climatic but if you understand his character it's really fitting. Rat doesn't really want anything in life, like at all. Fame, Money, Power, Wisdom, Eternal life none of that (I mean if he wanted money he could've used his 100 paths to win the lottery or something but he didn't). He doesn't care for world peace or other people's happiness (although he did consider it) and whenever he tries to come up with a self serving wish he sees the downside to it (most of the time it's because he didn't earn it or it wouldn't be real like if he wished for a girlfriend it's not because she loved him but because of the wish) and that's the biggest thing he doesn't care. At first I thought he was gonna wish for the Juuni Taisen to end or something against the whole system (with the people betting countries and all that) but by the end I thought he was gonna wish he was just an ordinary boy (with no powers or anything) but instead his wish in the end also makes sense and is fitting for his character.
Dec 19, 2017 9:54 PM

Mar 2012
I'm surprised that no one here mentioned Rat's best possible wish, to have a smartphone that never runs out of battery. lol

What made this episode enjoyable to me was the fact that we got to see at least some of the other pathways that Rat could have taken. I think there is potential for there to be another season where a different pathway is taken (that doesn't lead to the same order of deaths), because honestly I connected to a lot of character on this show. I really felt for Tiger and her feelings of admiration for Ox. I was a complete sucker for Dog's backstory and want to see more about him and his daughter (OVA maybe??).

Despite all of the ups and downs of this anime, I really enjoyed the ride. I feel like I got to know the characters and had a sense of connection with them. I think it would be neat to have a prequel too that shows either Boar's father's Taisen or Goat's Taisen.

Excuse me now while I cry over Tiger actually getting her wish despite everything that happened to her.
Dec 19, 2017 10:22 PM
Apr 2015
I'm a little disappointed we never were shown the suspected tampering with the contest. It seemed designed for Rabbit to win, and some of the other participants suspected as much, but we were never shown why or how.
Dec 19, 2017 10:43 PM
Feb 2012
ppl who were disappointed with the wish that rat made doesn't understand him. His decision was his own. Everyone must make a choice and he made it. Ox told him that no matter what he chose it was his decision and it would be the right one. So he took it. He wanted to forget. He just want to be a kid. He doesn't want to see himself die 99 times all at once and feel the pain and etc.

TBH this was the best wish he couldve wished for. He didnt wish to be a hero, a savior, a god, a demon. He just wants to be himself. he want to spend his days looking for that one thing that will give him motivation that was found in the others. He didnt want the responsibility of what was to happen should he wished for anything else.
I desire money. Not because I am poor or because I am greedy. It is because with money I will gain power and with that power I will be able to change the world.
Dec 19, 2017 10:49 PM
May 2017
This show had some pretty intriguing characters. Unfortunately, Rat just came off as a little too bland, but the process for selecting his wish was interesting.

The show was fun to watch, and I didn't feel too disappointed with the ending. I would watch the second season if they made one.

A 7/10 feels about right for this show.
Dec 19, 2017 11:42 PM
Jan 2016
Well this episode was interesting. I didn't expect a death game anime to have a message about human desire, but there it is. I like that they revisited all the characters, gave em a little more depth(?).
Dec 20, 2017 12:29 AM

Aug 2015
Pretty good episode. Nezumi was the only one struggling, when the others have had their wish set on their mind. He chose Shuryuu's route, out of 11 routes (of characters) that he could choose. He also thought back some routes that he has abandoned, which was interesting. The ending felt incomplete though. Need a sequel/epilogue to explain the after-game situation. Quite enjoyed the show, even though the quality went down sometimes.. 6/10
Dec 20, 2017 1:17 AM
Jan 2013
Nezumi the most neutral protagonist in anime history
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