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I'm a journalist doing an article for a major news site about people who watch anime at double speed (yes, really), and I want your thoughts

Nov 28, 2017 4:11 PM
Oct 2017
Hey everybody,

I'm Steven T. Wright, a freelance journalist and big anime fan. (Samurai Champloo still #1) I saw quite a number of people on both this forum and Reddit talking about their habit of watching anime at double-speed, and I'm now writing an article about it for a big outlet. (I'm also looking at why people document their media consumption in the first place and how some might view it as a competition.) My first topic got deleted due to somebody mistaking this thread for a meme/joke, but I assure you, this is a real thing. I know that a lot of people think that it's just a meme, but I've read enough threads and talked to enough people to conclude otherwise - some people really do watch anime at double-speed (or other non-1x speed), and I want to hear from you. If you're interested, I'd like you to consider these following questions. If you're not comfortable saying them publicly, feel free to message your response to me - I'm not picky.

1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

Thanks for reading! Appreciate any and all responses.

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Nov 28, 2017 5:07 PM

Sep 2011
Hey Steven, kiss here~

Sorry your first one was deleted and yes I do remember during an anime watching challenge here quite a few people were being called out from watching their shows at 3.5x speed (a bit ludicrous of a speed, if you ask me) Interesting that it's garnered enough attention for an outlet to pick up :>

1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
Updating my list is certainly important, but mainly just so I can keep track of which shows I've watched. I like to reference it in case someone asks for reccomendations - or to compare my superb taste to those not quite on my level (just kidding, i have shit taste ;)

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
Hmmm. . . I wouldn't say I respect someone any more for having a larger list, but in certain situations it could definitely lend their opinion more weight. If someone is trying to convince me a series is good or bad who would sound more credible? The person with 10 shows completed, or 1000? Around the community here? I dont really see list size being brought up too often tbh outside of debates

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
No, couldn't tell you how many I have without looking, hmm 450 I'd guess? I'm sure some people might see it as a competition but personally I dont really care; as I said above it's more for my own benefit. Also no, the only time I feel pressured to watch something is if someone reccommends me something good or if I need to catch up before a simulwatch :3

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
Not at all, if I don't have time to watch something I wont, if I do I will - Can't think of any time that I've gone above and beyond to binge a show or complete it as fast as possible. Sounds like it defeats the the whole purpose of watching anime to begin with lol /shrug

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
Nope, backlog is there for a reason :o to place the shows I havn't gotten around to watching and plan to eventually (read: probably never haha) and all the shows of a season? God that sounds aweful... pretty sure @Ericonator is attempting that... ALL of them? There's so many bad shows that air each season though, why would you do that to yourself?

Already have to sit through 51 episodes of Asta screaming... :weary:

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
Nope, and I don't think I ever would (Honestly havn't tried, but I don't think I've ever been in a rush to finish a series) Doesn't really sound enjoyable to me - anime is something I do after a long day of work to relax, it's not a second job.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

Oh, i guess I kinda just answered that. I don't see the point but anime was designed as a medium to deliver a story that you can enjoy at your own pace - whether that's 1x speed, or 3.5x speed. I do think that speeding up a show would ruin the atmosphere and voice acting but to each their own i guess

Good luck with your story :] ganbatte ~

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Nov 28, 2017 5:20 PM
Jul 2016
1-Not really
2-i wouldn't say "respect", but i'd be more convinced if somebody with 450+ anime said that an anime was bad more than i would if somebody with 20+ said was good
3-Yes, i pay attention, i see it as a friendly competition, but only with people i know, like my classmates, not strangers.
4-Not very far
5-Nope, I just watch an anime if i feel like watching it
7-I never did that and sound something weird to do, but if someone like to watch like that, who am i to complain?
Nov 28, 2017 5:21 PM

Jul 2017
1. I only use the MAL list so that I can remember what episode I left off on in a particular show. I also use it just to see how many different shows I've seen rather than having to resort to using memory and such

2. Partly, but it honestly doesn't really matter. I find people who aren't hypocrites by saying that "everyone has their own opinion" but then straight away bash others' opinions cause they do not agree with them to be more respectful

3. I look more at total days watched rather than completed for the most part

4. Pretty much depends on the show. If it is super interesting then I would probably go farther to watch it than a show that I find uninteresting

5. No

6. Only watched a few shows double speed only for the purpose of finishing through them cause I prefer to not leave shows unfinished, but in some circumstances, the shows became really unbearable to watch

7. Nothing against it really unless someone only watches in double speed then you'd probably start to question. Only major problem I have with double speed is that it kills the voices, which can ruin some characters imo
Nov 28, 2017 5:24 PM

Sep 2009
I don't watch at 2x speed, but I do skip boring parts, fillers, or parts with poor production quality.

Anyways, people watch at higher speeds, skip parts, and even watch multiple anime at the same time because anime in general tends to have very low production quality.
MortalMelancholyNov 28, 2017 5:32 PM
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Nov 28, 2017 5:30 PM

Apr 2013
Alright, guess I'll answer since I'm bored

1. Updating is a bit important since it helps me keep track of shows I'm currently watching.

2. No it doesn't matter, people that think just because they watched more anime than others deserve respect it's stupid, you can be impressed but that doesn't mean they deserve respect.

3. No, I don't really care, I'm just watching and completing what I enjoy.

4. If I like the shows I'm watching I will finish it, but if I don't they're going into my dropped list.

5. Nope, I'm just an anime watcher.

6. I only watched a few shows at 2x speed when I wasn't in the mood to watch it at normal pace but those shows I eventually dropped since I didn't like them later.

7. Ehh, doesn't bother me, sure it can ruin the voices and background noises but really depends on the person, for me the shows I speed through are usually shows I end up dropping so eh.

Aidoru-OjisanNov 28, 2017 7:13 PM

Ascended Taste
I only came back to this site for the forum sets and to promote my RYM list... Anilist ftw still :dab:
Nov 28, 2017 6:02 PM
Jul 2017
1.) Yes because it keeps me tracking what I already watched. (Too simple right? But still I forgot a lot because I just created this account this 2017 so I don't remember some of the animes that I already watch. LMAO)

2.) If you manage to watch a lot of animes this thing will happened to you. Being a perfectionist too blunt yet so true (too lazy to state the specifics xD)

3.) When I just saw the animes that I watched I just laugh and say "This is so wrong it's right". So no.

4.) Nah, when I feel to watch some I'm going to watch some (sounds redundant LOL) if I'm not feeling it then no.

5.) What I just do is download all of their episode 1-5 and judge it. It's either I dropped it or hold it, The watch it is exception because every season has a good anime thats a fact.

6.) Me and my bestfriend, but not literally doubling it's play speed. We just skip it to the best part that has emotion in it then BOOM! The nostalgic feeling when you watch it in livestream and will wait for a week for a new ep (and its for the rewatch ofc)

7.) If you're planning to watch it on double play speed don't watch any anime or not even an anime. Why? Because you'll just ruin it all. The voice, the gesture even the emotion. Watch it in normal speed so you can understand it better (even in normal speed I always get back through the things I didn't understand much) everyone will agree with me on this answer LMAO!

Nov 28, 2017 6:05 PM
Jul 2017
Other comments make me LMAO and cringe specialy why he/she double the speed because anime now have very low production quality HAHAHA!
Nov 28, 2017 6:08 PM
Jul 2018
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

Well, no. The tab is open, so it's easy to update the list, when I have finished an episode or an amount of episodes or manga chapters.

My reason is that anime and manga are my main source of visual entertainment, because I love the art of many anime and this special appeal to them. Also, I can't get that much into characters from RL movies and series.
Ofc, I read books as well and watch western real and animation movies. But I rarely play video games of any kind.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

Not really. Tho I think that you are not able to generalize a genre or calling out the typical tropes, if you don't know it well (enough).
It's also a big plus, if you watch a few old things as well - or for some others the opposite: new anime. I don't like it, when the majority of new anime is talked down, because someone feels too much nostalgia about their childhood stuff. That's absolutely fine, but let's be fair to new ones.
But respect? Eeeh, what. XD

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

Not really, but sometimes pressured, because there are some friends, who give me so many recs and I can't or won't watch them all. Tho they want to talk about them. ^^"

It also depends on the anime. Most of them aren't THAT time consuming, because the case is closed for me, when the last episode has finished.
Some others drag me into fandoms and reading the manga and light novels (and fanfics) and browsing Tumblr to get way to deeply into that stuff and so on. :'D

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

My maximum: 20 episodes on Saturdays or Sundays. :'D
I couldn't finish the last four and continued on the next morning. Did that more than once lol.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

Just the MAL challenge. Looks pretty good so far. Only 4 movies and 2 short series are left. Will watch them after finished my re-watches of FMA:B and D.Gray-man.

For the seasonals: I read the description, look at the covers and watch some trailers. So, for now, I watch ca 2-7 seasonals since a few cours. Tho, for now, I'm watching too much and it's hard to keep up with them. XD So, I put 3 seasonals (Kitan, Just Because and Kino no Tabi) on-hold to watch them later (eventually / for sure).

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

No and I can't understand how you could enjoy that.
Oh wait. Sometimes I'm doing this for the first 2-5 Minutes. Dear, I have watched this show for 1-6 hours straight now, I don't need a "what happened last time". XD

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

^ answer above.
I don't understand, why you ever would want to watch the whole thing on double speed or something. A hobby should bring enjoyment and that's just a weird thing to do imo.
removed-userNov 28, 2017 6:24 PM
Nov 28, 2017 6:20 PM

Sep 2014
I just find Question #2 so funny because why would you flex that you have more hours invested into anime? That is the saddest thing you can ever say to someone. Unless you're getting paid to do it, you have no grounds to ever brag about your anime watch hours. But since the anime community has a huge amount of losers who have little to no ambition in life, they're thinking that the more watch time you have, the better you seem to be.

Oh and at question #6. If you answer "yes" to that, you're already a bigger loser than the people that flex about their watch time.
Nov 28, 2017 6:36 PM

Sep 2015
Damn, lol. I remember when this exact thread was happening during the speedwatch alt spam Jeikobu did a while back and I thought it was the exact same thing again. My bad, I didn't notice that you actually provided proof.

1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

Updating my list isn't an important factor as to why I watch it at all, no. It's just a list of things I've seen. I don't keep a list for every movie I've watched or every videogame I played and the only reason I do so now is because I thought it seemed like a fun idea whenever I stumbled on this site. I wouldn't do it with pen or paper or anything and I wouldn't do it competitively.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

Nope. People can have a ton of shows watched and still say dumb shit. In the case of speeding up, they didn't really sit there and watch it through and through and instead just burst through it for the sake of completing it rather than actually watching it, so I'll offer less respect towards somebody who does that specifically.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

I mean, if I'm nearing a milestone, yeah. I'm paying closer attention now, I did when I was nearing 200 completions, I did when I was nearing 100 completions. I usually set aside a show for milestone completions so I pay attention to make sure I can sync it up. It's kind of more like a celebration than an achievement to me - "Yay, I've seen this many, so I'm going to celebrate that by watching this." I don't think there'd be much to celebrate if I just speedwatched everything I saw for the sake of completing it rather than actually trying to get the best possible experience I could out of something. I hate min-maxing and using exploits in videogames for similar reasons, feels like it'd be watered down and cheap in comparison to earned, so it'd negate any feelings of having really done anything if I achieved a huge list by means like that.

I don't really view it as a competition to begin with, and in cases where people would be overly-concerned it just seems like a trite dick-measuring contest. Usually it can count for experience with a genre or anime in a broader and more general sense, but most of those discussions seem to trace back to a type of genre or tag or something and their experience with that is easily traceable through MALgraph.

No. I pay little mind to what those around me are watching in general. I don't even know the completion counts or days watched of people who are my friends that I speak with frequently on this website.

Feeling pressured to watch more anime because there are people who have seen a lot seems stupid and I'd be very quick to say that's a bad thing, but a more correct wording would be that I just consider it a dumb thing.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

I just watch how much I feel like watching. If I feel like playing a game or something else instead, I do that instead. It's just a way I like to spend my freetime.

Sometimes I watch 70 - 80 episodes a week, sometimes I watch 10 or 20. Usually 30 episodes is about my average.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

I don't even keep up with seasonal anime or have a (maintained) backlog. I just watch whatever I feel like watching at the time, could be something I just stumbled on at the moment or something I'd had a mental note to watch for weeks on end. Though seasonals became a pain in the ass because I fell behind too easily since I found myself spending more time watching complete series and I just kind of stopped keeping up with them.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

No, only Jeikobu and he seemed more shitposty about it than anything, and no, I would not speedwatch. It feels like it would be the equivalent of skipping, and I don't even skip OPs or EDs because it feels like I didn't watch all of the episode. I'm kind of overly-anal about things like that as is.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?


ManabanNov 28, 2017 6:44 PM

Nov 28, 2017 6:39 PM
Jul 2018
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
The only real reason is just to keep track of all the anime I watch, and get good recommendation by other people watching anime.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
I don't know, honestly... At some point it might not be entertainment anymore

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
I never felt pressurized ever. I just watch whatever is interesting

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
Basically whenever I have free time, not anything beyond that about 3-4 episodes per week I guess. Although, I remember once during my middle school/high school days binge watching One Piece and Bleach. During those times I had more free time so I could definitely watch a lot more anime.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
There is a lot of interesting anime every season, that's why I got a crazy backlog on my list. Never finish them but just keeps piling up. But never feld obligated for anything.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
I do it depends. If the anime is going to slowly, i'll speed it up. During my rewatch i do skip some parts it's easier. But if I know I'm going to be out of time to watch some anime i'll speed it up to 1.5x max. Usually 1.5x is my max speed. I did double speed sometime but that's very infrequently.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?
Watching at double speed is not because you want to complete your list, but its about time management. Some people don't have lots of free time. Just watch at whatever speed you feel the most comfortable. If that speed is fast go ahead, some people like a sllower speed just go ahead.
Nov 28, 2017 6:41 PM

Jul 2015
1) When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

In relation to my reasons for watching anime, no. Updating my MAL list doesn't matter. I do it more-so to keep track of the anime I watch. I watch anime because its fun and makes me happy.

2) Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

Oh hell no. I think a rarely-watches or casual anime watcher's opinion is just as accountable and valid as someone who eat, breathes, and sleeps anime. There is no reason to "respect" a person who has watched a hell of a lot of anime anymore than anyone else.

3) Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

I do pay close attention to my watched anime. Rather than feeling pressured, I feel more motivated to watch anime. And even if I do feel like I need to watch more anime, I'm only watching things I'm interested in, and have no qualms about dropping a series if I don't like it. Although I do feel more pressured to watch anime that is very trendy or popular. The MAL challenge does give me a sense of competition, though.

4) Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

The most I have done is binge watch series that I really like. Ex. Gintama, Owari no Seraph.

5) Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

I've only felt obligated to watch certain anime that suits the quota for the MAL challenge.

6) Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

I don't know anyone that has watched anime at double speed, and I would never do that as well. What's the point of watching the anime if you can't enjoy it? The most I have done is skip a portion or a full episode if I have read the manga and know that a certain part is boring.

7) Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

Like I said, there is no point to watching the anime if you aren't even enjoying it. To someone who does this regularly, I would assume they are watching anime for other people, just to say "Oh yeah I've watched that".
CayOfDreamsNov 29, 2017 3:34 AM
Nov 28, 2017 7:11 PM
Jul 2018
DQD said:
Hey everybody,

I'm Steven T. Wright, a freelance journalist and big anime fan. (Samurai Champloo still #1) I saw quite a number of people on both this forum and Reddit talking about their habit of watching anime at double-speed, and I'm now writing an article about it for a big outlet. (I'm also looking at why people document their media consumption in the first place and how some might view it as a competition.) My first topic got deleted due to somebody mistaking this thread for a meme/joke, but I assure you, this is a real thing. I know that a lot of people think that it's just a meme, but I've read enough threads and talked to enough people to conclude otherwise - some people really do watch anime at double-speed (or other non-1x speed), and I want to hear from you. If you're interested, I'd like you to consider these following questions. If you're not comfortable saying them publicly, feel free to message your response to me - I'm not picky.

1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

Thanks for reading! Appreciate any and all responses.

Proof tweet:

1, yes

2, yes and depends on the person.

3, yes, and as somewhat of a friendly competition

4, I'm confused

5, no

6, I usually don't.

7, I don't care
Nov 28, 2017 7:17 PM

Feb 2015
Come back again and present a user that watches gatari series in 30x speed and we'll talk about shit.

Nov 28, 2017 7:34 PM

May 2015
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

Logging shows on M.A.L can be quite the task for someone like myself, as I tend to have my PC turned off most of the time, especially whilst watching an Anime show.
This have course leads to me forgetting to log a lot of the shows I have seen. I know for a fact I've seen more shows that I've logged, but I very much forgot to log them at the time, due to my laziness.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

Not quite. Anime is a form of Entertainment, as is Western movies and TV Shows. As such, I deem someone who's seen less Anime, but has experienced different angles of the Entertainment genre, such as seeing Alfred Hitchcock movies, Steven Spielberg movies, etc-- to be more eligible to comment on what makes a 'Good show', rather than some other guy's comment on a show who has seen far more Anime than the guy that has seen the Hitchcock movies, but has absolutely no idea and concept of other forms of Entertainment media other than Anime.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

I do feel pressured to absorb different genres and such of Anime based upon what other "Anime" fans are saying, because I find it enjoyable to see my own aspect of something that everyone else deems as 'Good' even if I somewhat know I shan't enjoy the experience during the watching sessions.
I would usually never watch a Romance show, as it certainly is not my thing; but, if the show is the talk of the internet, I'll sure as hell oblige myself to watch that Romance show. And I deem it as a good thing-- afterall, that's open-mindedness.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

I like to absorb as much of it as possible. As a rather young person myself, I have quite a decent amount of time on my hands to spend on things such as Anime, so I try my best to see as much as I can before my Time runs out. In life, it is the greatest experience to do as much of everything as you very well can, this includes sitting on your a** watching Anime.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

I find it more important to watch as much Backlog shows as possible. This includes shows from many, many years ago. There are 1000s of old, and fairly recent shows that people love with a passion, so it is definitely more important to finish up that backlog before moving onto Current-airing shows.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)


7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

I do apologise, but, watching Anime at double the speed is quite honestly-- the most radical thing I may of ever heard.
I didn't even know that was a thing within this community. If you do not enjoy a part of a show, and especially the entire show, then why even bother to watch it in the first place?
Personally, I think this is a scenario where people deem 'that' Statistic of how many shows they have seen on their Profile to be more important than completing shows at a slower, more enjoyable pace.

I apologise for my grammar. It isn't often I comment on forums at 3am.
Nov 28, 2017 7:54 PM

Nov 2014
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
Not at all. I update my list here because I watch anime. Why would it be the other way around? Watching anime just to update my list to have more anime seems silly.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
To a certain extent, yes, but it really only makes a difference when comparing extreme ends of the spectrum. I'd certainly be a little more sceptical of an opinion of someone who only has watched a handful of anime compared to a few hundred to a thousand.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
I'm always surprised how many more additions I have when I do check, which is not often. It's not in any way a competition. No, I hate seeing anime as an obligation. It's good for me to not see it as an obligation, because I see it as a thing I do in my free time.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
An hour or two of sleep is usually sacrificed, though I do sleep more than the average person anyways.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
No, like I said, I hate feeling obligated.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
No, I watch it at normal speeds at all time.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?
They can do what they want. I don't care.
I'm not a lolicon, you're just projecting your tendency to lewd 2D characters.

If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
Nov 28, 2017 8:15 PM

Sep 2015
1. No, it's just to keep track of shit.

2. No, you can watch 1,000 shows and still be an idiot.

3. No, it's just there

4. Not that far

5. No, i just watch whatever is interesting

6. No, it's retarded

7. No, just no

N.etorare T.echnical R.esearcher
Nov 28, 2017 8:24 PM

Jul 2012
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
It's motivation for me to finish a show for sure.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
Someone who has watched a lot of Anime is someone worth talking to. I like it when people watch a variety of things and have lots of opinions. It also means they are open minded to different genres.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
Friendly competition yup! It's a good accomplishment. I'm not pressured.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
Every time I am on the train/bus, I try to read manga, watch anime or watch live action shows. I want to make the most out of my commute.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
No. I just want to watch stuff I enjoy.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
Hmmm. I used to go up to 2x but then I started to lose enjoyment when it's TOO FAST. I do 1.1-1.3x for a lot of shows that are moderate paced and not very good (story-wise). I only do 1.0x if I feel that its meant to be watched that way. Some shows like Saiki Kusuo are too fast paced to speed up. The reason why I speed up is because I get bored easily so speeding it up helps me digest it. Also, I use VLC and Vplayer (Android) so it does not affect pitch when I speed it up.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?
I don't care if people do it. Increase the speed if it helps you enjoy it more!
Nov 28, 2017 8:32 PM

Apr 2015
I don't understand speeding. There is not much U can get from watching, it's not interesting, not funny & kinda stupid. I can understand when u speed a bit slow & boring moments of average animes, but wtf 2x speed? It's just like blind looking at blinking screen.
If u can't get anime in half of watching ; drop it or try hard ;)
I guess you have enough time in your life to complete those decent animes you want to watch w/o increasing speed.
Is it GreanPeace? I don't think so - whine to your parents or tell'em to buy sth for ur buttpain. Those ppl won't help you.
.. ..

Nov 28, 2017 8:34 PM

Jun 2014
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor? Do I update my list immediately after watching an episode? Yes. Is updating my list a reason for watching anime? Hell no lol, thats backwards.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community? No. People who have seen few anime series (normies) are typically looked down upon because they usually dont know what theyre talking about in the anime community. But that doesnt mean moar animus = more respect. Someone who has watch 1,500 titles doesnt deserve any more "respect" than the next person. It just means that person has a shit ton of spare time on their hands.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing? Not much. Im slightly interested in statistics such as how many series ive watched in a season or year. But I think its stupid to turn anime watching into a contest to see who can spam their List with the most short movies, OVAs, specials, ONAs, and other quick 1-episode/20min entries. However, I do think MAL's annual Anime Watching Challenge is a good form of competition. It encourages people to branch out and try things they wouldnt normally watch.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here. If Im trying to watch a lot of anime in a short amount of time, the "furthest I go" is forbearing all other forms of entertainment. Normally I only watch 4ish episodes per day, sometimes 6 or 8. But when I was watching through Naruto, I was watching a minimum of 12 episodes per day, at the expense of not doing anything else in my free time.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog? No. I wouldnt say this website pressures me at all to watch more. For me, MAL is just used to remember what I have watched and for discussion community. I have no reason to watch every single piece of garbage on this database just for the sake of having it on my list.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.) No, hardly ever. Literally the only 2 times Ive used 2x speed: (a) Naruto filler seasons, (b) watching Master Keaton -- IMO it was incredibly boring and slow; but at the time I had a stricter no-drop policy; but after that, I decided to let go of the no-drop policy and starting dropping the boring shows; and never had to use 2x speed again.

However, I do occasionally use the right arrow to skip forward 5-seconds. But thats not for the sake of speed; its more about skipping through recaps / filler / boring or generic dialogue.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed? Honestly, whats the point of watching anything at 2x speed? People who watch in 2x might get the gist of whats going on, but theres no way for them to pick up on any amount of detail or experience the full enjoyment of the show. And if you dont enjoy watching a show, whats the point in watching it at all?
Nov 28, 2017 9:02 PM
Feb 2012
I remember seeing a comment once that this dude watches faster than 1.0x speed. Has he ever given his input anywhere?

Nov 28, 2017 9:11 PM

Dec 2015
1. No, but because of how the site works you're still pressured to do it like that.
2. Depends on the person. One who has seen 1000 anime might not know much about it at all.
3. Yes I do.
4. Not very far. If I really don't want to watch any I don't and I only watch about 3 episodes a day.
5. No.
6. No.
7. It's stupid. I like to get something out of anime and that's impossible when watching at higher speeds.
Nov 28, 2017 9:12 PM
Aug 2014
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

For some reason, I enjoy tracking what I've seen (Or, in my own general terms, what media I've consumed). That might influence the decision a bit, but if I didn't like watching it I wouldn't be here.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

Not really. As others have said, I might respect their opinions a little more?
Not sure about the community.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

Not close attention. As I mentioned above, I do enjoy seeing a record of consumption (believe me, I don't know why), so I do look at the number once in a while.

Certainly not a competition, though there was a time when I started where I was seriously trying to catch up with all the shows my friends had seen.

I guess the closest thing I've seen to being pressured is being told that a show is really good and that I should watch it? Not sure on the good/bad scale.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

I'll think about how many episodes I can watch in my spare time, but that's mostly because I want to see more of a good show.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

Certainly not everything in a season (Usually I only see 1-3 shows that interest me). I've given up on the backlog entirely. It's there when I need a show to watch.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

Nope. The only time I've tried to get through something faster is if I'm skipping an opening or recap, and even then I usually just let it play. If I do, I just skip through that part of the video (Click later on the video bar, hit next chapter on the player, fast forward, etc.)

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

I honestly thought it was a meme/joke. I guess if someone still enjoys watching at those speeds they can do what they like?
I'm not saying Steins;Gate has to be your favourite show. But if you don't like it I'll have to drown you in Dr Pepper.

Sometimes I forget to check back when I post. If you really think I need to hear something it's best to just send me a message.
Nov 28, 2017 9:27 PM

Feb 2013
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

Keeping the record up-to-date is indeed an important factor. It's very convenient to have my list on the cloud as I once lost records of my anime list before while stored locally. This occurred before I stumbled upon MAL, ofc. The accessibility and its function as an anime library catalogue is the two compelling reasons I used MAL, and forsake the local option.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

I do envy that they have more time to spend on a hobby, than I do at least. Yes, they have my respect and hopefully their taste are as refined as the number of shows they watched.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

I do pay attention to those numbers, especially those on the "Plan to Watch/Read" status. Reducing those numbers count as some sort of achievement. I do see it as a competition and feel pressured to watch more, though most of the time it's never really influence my action to watch more. Yes, I see it as a bad influence, as it can unnecessarily increase your consumption and derail your actual priority at hand.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

At the expense of my study time. Yes, I know it's becoming harmful.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

I do feel obligated on clearing out the backlog but never on experiencing all the anime in a season.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

The max speed I'm comfortable with is x1.5. I do this while rewatching the show.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

The double-speed is at the realm of almost unwatchable for me. I can keep track of the subtitle, but at the detriment of my cognitive ability to comprehend the show at a satisfiable level.
"Gahahaha. My hyper weapon will pierce the heavens!"

Nov 28, 2017 10:35 PM

Sep 2016
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
No. I watch anime to be entertained. I update my MAL list only to help me keep track of what I've watched (my memory isn't what it used to be)

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
I don't usually bother to check how many of that large number are just 1-shots, OVAs, or movies, vs actual multi-episode series.
Just by looking at their list, you can't tell if they've been watching for 20 years, or 2.
So a large number for anime entries doesn't mean much more to me than "this person can likely make some good recommendations".
How about the respect of the larger community?
As a whole, I'd say yeah, the wider community respects them, at least more than someone with less than 100 shows completed.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed?
Not really, as stated above, I'm just documenting what I've watched, in case of faulty memory.
Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly?
I don't personally, but I do think SOME people look at it that way.
Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would?
Is that a good or bad thing?
If someone feels pressured to watch more anime, they likely won't enjoy it as much, so that isn't a good thing.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
I have cut into my sleep time on more than one occasion because I "had" to see what happened in the next (sometimes 3-4) episode.
I've put off doing grocery shopping til another day because I was really into the story and didn't want to stop watching at that time.
I often watch anime while eating to get in 1-2 more episodes, and be able to complete something before bed/work/etc.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
Anime is a hobby I enjoy, not an obligation to be fulfilled.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster?
I don't, nor do I know anyone personally that does.
Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
I wouldn't. I might skip a whole or partial episode during a re-watch, but I wouldn't "speed-watch".

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?
Personally, I think it's stupid, and that if anyone actually does it (not just claim to do so online for the attention), then they aren't really watching it, they're just padding their completed list.
Doing that with a dubbed show is bad enough, but trying to keep up with subtitles at normal speed can be a challenge with some shows, let alone 2x speed or more.

You're never too old to watch anime.
If I ever stop watching anime, check my pulse I'm likely dead.

I wake up with coffee & anime, I go to sleep with coffee & anime.

Sorry if my sarcasm is bad, it's not my first language.

Nov 28, 2017 11:04 PM

Sep 2017
1. Updating our activities here on MAL is essential. We can see what episode we left of, our anime list to boast other people and we think of it as a collection.
2. For me, no. Everyone deserves respect whether the list is small or large we have to discover anime to watch in the future.
3. For me, yes. Completed anime is an achievement for otakus. It shows our passion as an anime fan.
4. I'm fine with my currently anime consumption. I always put a rest schedule so that I remain healthy.
5. I never backlog. I bookmarked every new anime per season. After the anime is completed, I watch it.
6. I don't use 2x speed. I'm fine with the normal speed.
7. I think it will ruin the experience.
Nov 28, 2017 11:19 PM

Feb 2016
Did you write this article?

If so, THANK YOU. That game is trash in its current state and its disgusting that it was even nominated for GOTY. And Bluehole is so money hungry I don't see any problems being fixed or how they handle things being addressed. And they already plan to release this game for Xbox in December....


2. My respect? No. I couldn't care less about how many shows someone has seen.
3. No. My list is there to keep track of what I've watched and what I plan to watch. Along with avoiding the trouble of whether I liked something or not because I couldn't remember. I don't view it as a competition. The only time I even look at how many shows someone has seen is if they made a thread on AD saying something like "Why is modern anime so trash?" and meanwhile has like 10 days watched.
4. Wouldn't even bother
5.Depends. Generally speaking no, but if there's a hot show out there that everyone is talking about, I would feel the urge to watch it right away.
6.No and I would never do it. Might as well just read the synopsis and call it a day
7. I think it's stupid

People take these lists way too seriously. I could add a new anime to my list every day without watching any of them to buff my list. I could watch anime at 2x or 3.5x speed to get some imaginary achievement of watching a lot of anime that nobody cares about. I watch anime for entertainment. If I'm not getting enjoyment out of it, why bother?
Nov 28, 2017 11:53 PM

Nov 2016
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
Recently, yes. I like keeping track of my thoughts about what I've watched (normally I'd do that by messaging the hell out of my friend)

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
I don't interact much with the community, but no, not really. I give more value to people's scores, because that's a better way to get a grasp of their opinions. If I see a person gives many similar scores (generally 8, 9, 10), I'll figure they don't take the media too seriously and just rate out of enjoyment, which is fine, but if I'm looking for deeper criticism, I'd probably ask someone else. Still, many people are aware of the flaws of a show and still rate it highly, so, in the end, it all doesn't matter. Respect comes from actually reading what that person has to say, perhaps? I don't discuss with anyone so I don't really care about that. At most, there are people whose reviews I enjoy, though I don't always agree with.
Now, I have no idea what the MAL community values. I'd suppose they value low scores, to be honest: "at max, a judicious mean score should be 5". But I'm biased. I think more shows watched suggests that person has knowledge on the matter, so it probably helps as well.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
Maybe, because it's something I like to talk about so I want to have room for that and I use MAL because I just enjoy keeping record of things. Oh, not competition, no, it's for myself. I don't watch more than I normally would, I've been watching a series of two OVAs for almost a month.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
I don't watch if I don't feel like it... so, not very far, indeed. I might use the time I should be spending on important things, but I'd do that without anime, so..

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
Ah... no... sometimes I feel like I should catch up on things soon, not for the site, but because I'll miss the feelings I had from the previous episodes and break the mood if I keep the time gap too long.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
No, and I don't know anyone that does it either. I think none, I wouldn't be enjoying myself. I don't even ever skip openings and endings because I'd feel like I didn't watch the whole episode how I was supposed to. I always hope for a scene after the credits as well.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?
Well... is the person able to keep up with what's being said? Maybe they're impatient or maybe they take more pleasure in updating MAL than anything else. I try not to judge, lol. If the goal is enjoying the anime, I find it a weird tactic. If it's feeding your list, then... well, isn't that silly? Are you even absorbing what you're watching or are you thinking "lol another one completed". Just pretend you've watched it then, and read a summary. :p
Nov 29, 2017 12:13 AM

Jul 2014
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
Yeah that's a thing I often think about. I've finished shows that I hated just so I could put them on my list. Probably not really good for me though.
2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
That varies from person to person. It takes a lot for me to respect them, but if they actually have watched 500+ anime, and a wide variety of them, I will have a much easier time accepting their opinions since they have so much more experience than me, so they probably know their shit. As for the community, I think their opinions should be valued at least slightly higher than those with 50 shows watched.
3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
Oh hell yeah I do. What's the point of having a MAL profile for anything else than ones list, and maybe shitposting? To me it is sort of a friendly rivalry between me and some good friends. None of us would get into a fight if the other passed someone though. It's a lot of fun to be honest. I have however felt pressed to watch anime that I wouldn't normally watch. I have often dropped them though. I hate when people just push me into watching a show, because I usually end up disliking it.
4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
I don't go that far, but I have done some fun things. There was a time where I spent the entire night watching Death Parade, the night before the final prom of my school. Because of my lack of sleep I got exceptionally drunk way too fast. Good times. I have many times watched anime the entire night, but that time something fun actually came out of it.
5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
I do feel like I have to clear my backlog, but never to watch everything a season has to offer. I simply don't have the time and I certainly don't want to.
6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
I have done it once. I was watching a show I very much disliked and I couldn't take it anymore so I just cranked the speed up and had a blast of a time compared to before. Probably won't do it again.
7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?
I'm not completely against it, but I do think it's sort of cheating. Even doing it myself felt a little wrong, but I couldn't help myself. Do what you gotta do though.
"Most anime makers are basically autistic" - Hideaki Anno
Nov 29, 2017 12:14 AM

May 2017
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
Currently it is.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

Not necessarily, though I would like to have a large list of watched anime one day.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

Yes I pay attention to the amount I've completed, and it's friendly to me. More or less a personal goal right now, as a hobby.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption?

I'm not sure how to answer this.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

Clearing my backlog is important, but I will mostly watch anything that interests me at the time.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

Nobody that I know of does this. I tried it with my sister once, I can't remember what we were watching (AOT or SAO come to mind?) but we were trying to get through slow parts and it ended up being really funny and entertaining. I remember watching the opening of whatever it was and the song and animation worked so good and it sounded even better lol so we got a kick out of that.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

I think it's interesting in general. I haven't done it since, but it's a decent idea to get through slow periods in an anime. Though I would rather drop a show than force myself through it, even at double speed.
Nov 29, 2017 1:02 AM

Apr 2012
1. No.
2. Not mine. Some people seem to respect it, but I think the idea is a little silly so I'm not interested in understanding it better.
3. No.
4. I have no interest in my level of anime consumption, I just want to watch things I like.
5. No.
6. Only bits of shows, for instance, when watching Sailor Moon, I didn't want to watch the transformation and attack sequences every episode. Although that wasn't really fast-forwarding, it was ten second skipping forward with mplayer.
7. Anime is for your entertainment, do whatever you want with it. You might want to ask yourself whether watching something you don't want to sit through at normal speed is what you want to be doing with your one and only life, but you don't have to. If compiling a massive list of watched anime through double-speed watching everything is what you really want to do with your life, you're not harming anyone, so go for it.
logopolisNov 29, 2017 1:07 AM
Nov 29, 2017 1:25 AM
Sep 2012
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

The main reason why I have ever watched anime has always been because I simply like watching anime. While I will admit that growing my list was a major factor in my early days of watching anime, all of that has always been secondary to anime being one of my main sources of entertainment. I watch anime because I like anime.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

I do not respect people simply because they have watched more than me, I respect them for who they are and if they're nice to me. As someone that wants to watch as many anime as I could, I would say that I do feel a bit impressed at the few people that have actually managed to watch and complete a few thousand titles, and have accumulated a few hundred total days.

I feel that most people on this site care more about peoples ratings rather than their completions. From what I have seen and personally experienced, it is usually when people see someone with around 3000+ completions that people really start to comment - which is usually negative (e.g. they have no lives, their list is fake, etc).

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

Anime was still very new to me when I first joined MAL. I remember being in the forums and being so lost whenever people made references and comparisons to anime I had not seen before. A few of my friends that would give me recommendations had already logged several hundred or a couple thousand completed titles and a couple hundred total days; I respected the recommendations of people that have seen so much anime. With anime being a new medium to me, everything was new and really exciting to me, and I simply couldn't wait to watch as many of them as I could so and accumulate as many completed titles as them. At times it felt like a chore slogging through anime was really terrible, but never felt pressured to watch anime simply to catch up and overtake those people ( since I knew that would never happen). Whenever there is an anime that is terrible, there is always an anime that puts a smile on your face airing at the same time.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

I am currently experiencing anime burnout, so I have not watch that much anime as I used to. Back in my peak, I used to watch between 45-50 seasonal anime + 25-40 completed anime, shorts, specials, and anime movies. I watched so much anime that I reached 1000 completed titles in 2 years, with practically every single one of those completions happening within the 3 years since I started watching anime at the time. Most people simply can't believe that I could watch so much anime and still be able to do other things, but it's really not that hard to watch a good amount to anime if you know how to multitask properly. You simply watch anime while doing other things like eating, exercising, taking public transportation, etc. Throw in a few shorts each season and you can build up a decent list in no time.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

This site does not make me feel obligated to do anything. The only thing that would be considered an obligation would be talking with my friends here. Either because of fights, having nothing in common anymore, no longer having interest in anime, real life getting in the way, etc. But I would mainly consider those friend issues rather than obligations towards MAL. I watch most anime of season simply because I want to watch them.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

I do speed up anime for recaps and anime that I either really do not like or am simply not that interested in. Many anime give recaps after 6 or 8 episodes, with nothing new shown. Since I have already every scene from those 6-8 episodes being recapped, why not speed through it all instead of wasting my time re-watching scenes that are still fresh in my mind? As for anime that I find terrible or simply not interesting, I highly do not think that forcing myself to grind through every second in order to capture the full experience would make my opinion any better. If anything, speeding through those kind of anime makes me less likely to hate them more since speeding makes things more tolerable and I get to see the ending.

I have to emphasize that I do NOT speed through every anime I do not like or not interested in. Only anime that I would have a very hard time watching otherwise. As for why I watch anime that I would not be interested in, it's because I like to give every airing anime a chance - and you can not properly judge anime until you have seen them.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

I think that speeding through anime is acceptable for anime that you have already seen a several episodes of, does not appeal to you, and would have an otherwise hard time watching otherwise. I know that many people do not consider it properly watching anime, and adding those to lists would be considered padding to them. I simply do not care what they think.

I have already watched several episodes at normal speed to know that it does not appeal to me, and it's not like I do that for most of the anime I watch. These people do not even remember every single detail of the anime they have watched the previous season, so why should I care about every single detail about an anime I am not interested in? Many of the people that attack others for what they list are people that would get defensive and angry if I blast them for how they ruin the MAL ratings system by abusing it with their own rating system... because it's THEIR anime list. Well, this is MY anime list and I will list all the shows that I feel that I have completed.

Sorry for the rant. I have had to deal with this topic and similar issues many times in the past.
Nov 29, 2017 2:03 AM
Dec 2013
I'm just going to answer 6 and 7.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

No. Never.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

That it's stupid, that it'll ruin the experience, and that people who do it don't take watching anime seriously as a hobby (but they probably do it with live-action shows too). That if you're not a completionist, then it's better to just drop the anime instead of speedwatching if you're not enjoying it. If they speedwatch every anime then wtf? If someone has a MAL account and they speedwatch, they should probably state that somewhere on their profile, just to be honest about it. Speedwatching just the OPs, recaps, and EDs are fine, though, but it'd be smarter to just skip them.
wildhoodNov 29, 2017 11:31 AM
Nov 29, 2017 3:17 AM
Oct 2015
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
Recently, I've started to use MAL more often so after I finish an episode of an on-going anime I usually leave a comment, most of them are a simple comment, usually about a certain scene that I enjoyed in that particular episode or what stood out to me but other than that it's just some random comment.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
If I had a choice of getting a recommendation or some sort of advice relating to anime I would rather choose the person with a larger list due to the fact that they probably have a deeper understanding in anime as a whole.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
Personally, I don't really compete with any of my friends because we're heading into our final year of school so we may have to reduce the number of animes we watch.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
The amount of anime I watch per day is rough 1.1, because in a week a usually watch 8 episodes during school weeks but during holidays where I have nothing to really do I would usually catch up on a few animes, so to answer the question "how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption", I would in a few words, 'Not very far'.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
If there's an interesting anime to watch I would watch it, by no means do I feel obligated to watch a certain amount of animes per season. I watch anime as a stress reliever or a moment of enjoyment where I don't have to think about anything that is going on in real life.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
Personally, I haven't watched any animes in 'double speed' and to my knowledge, none of my friends has either. If I were to ever watch at double speed it would be when I'm rewatching one of those long series such as Fairy Tail or One Piece.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?
My personal opinion about watching anime at double speed is just odd and I find it weird because, If you were to watch it in double speed you wouldn't be able to listen to any background OSTs, the intense voice acting and many other features that you will be missing out on. As mentioned above I prefer watching anime to escape whats going on in real life so for around 20 minutes I don't have to think about it.
Heckle was here...
Nov 29, 2017 3:27 AM

Apr 2017
There really has to be fuckall going on for journos to be reporting this as a news worthy thing
Nov 29, 2017 3:28 AM
Apr 2013
That 2x or 3.5x speed watching anime is a joke posted by one user.
Nov 29, 2017 3:42 AM

Jan 2017
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

No. I do update my list so that I can keep track but it is definitely an important on why I watch anime.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

When I see someone with 100 - 200+ days of watched anime, my reaction is "Wow". I do find them amazing. I guess that's a kind of respect, no? But actually, not really.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

Not really. A competition? Hmm... no. Pressured? No. I only watch when I want and when I have the time. Good or bad? Neither.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

I watch 8 episodes to one cour at most (only on weekends and holidays only though, 1 to 4 eps for normal days)

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

I do set some milestones for myself (though for now, it's for reading manga) partly due to my slight (so slight) obsession of large numbers.

Watching all animes in a season? No. I never tried that. I only watch 1 or 2 anime ongoing anime.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

I don't know why you would do that. I watched at double speed for education videos (Khan Academy, TED-Ed) but for anime, NO. If I ever got bored, I'll skip some scenes but I won't watch it at double speed.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

All I can say is, I don't know why would you do that. It ruins the enjoyment. If you do it just to say "I've watched 100 episodes of anime this day (due to watching at double speed)", you'd better stop.
Nov 29, 2017 3:44 AM
Dec 2016
1. i watch anime because i love the action presented in it, it also has a knack of making characters which i connect to (like MHA or FMA for example) and the soundtracks are AMAZING in some anime.
2.the nuber of shows a person has watch dosent commend my respect, his ratings are what do.
3.i do not pay attention to the total amount ive watched, and i dont like most anime so i know what showes im going to watch beforhand.
4. umm i dont do much but i try to be free in the time slots in which the anime i like air.
5. no i dont feel any obligation, i only come to this site to rate anime and check on formus if theres any intresting discussion.
6.nor i or anyone i know watch anime in any boosted speed, we all watch it normally.
7. i think watching anime in boosted speed is a negetive thing due to it increasing the chance you will miss a visual que the show wanted you to notice, and it will mess up all the shot composition and the music
Nov 29, 2017 3:52 AM

Jan 2015
1, Not sure if I got this properly, but if you mean if I watch anime just to add it to MAL account, then no it is not important, but if you meant updating it after watching an anime, then yes for that one.

2,Not really, it's not a game where the more time you put it the better your skills/items are, I don't respect someone with 1000 anime behind their backs more than someone who just started their 1.

3, I do check it time to time, I have a separate notepad file where I break down which anime I watched which year, just some fun statistic if you ask me. When i started watching anime I watched way more shows a year, both old and seasonal ones.
I had a period, like 2 years ago where I cared a bit to watch more shows because of MAL, but it's over now, and don't really care anymore.

4, I don't do anything in particular to maximize it, I just watch it whenever I have time and in the mood for it. Nowadays it's usually max 1-2 episodes a day.

5, Not really.

6,I don't, and don't know anyone who watches at double speed. I would never do it, if I find an anime that boring to speed it up, I wouldn't even watch it in the first place.

7, I feel like it takes away the enjoyment, and is something that the producers of the show didn't intend to be watched that way.

Hope this helps, good luck with your article!
Nov 29, 2017 4:36 AM

Jan 2013
DQD said:
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

No. Updating my list is important for me, but it isn't one of my reasons for watching anime.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
Depends. Yes, if it's a person who's been watching anime as a hobby for many years, is knowledgeable, open minded and has broad taste. No in the opposite case. And hell no if it's a person who watches shows just to tick them off the list and impress others with his amount of completed.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
I update my list regularly so I do pay attention I guess, but it's not like this is some kind of a competition for me. I only watch things when I feel like it and I avoid creating a weird pressure around it.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
Dunno, I participate in various anime challenges (like 'mystery anime challenge' etc.) and they make me watch things I woudln't watch ortherwise, but I think it's good cause it helps me to broaden my taste. This way I sometimes discover unusual shows and end up liking them a lot even though they didn't seem that likeable at first, and I'd probably have avoided them if it wasn't for the challenge.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

Not sure, do the challenges count as 'milestones'? If yes then maybe, cause if I start a challenge then I stick with it until I finish it. But most of them don't have a time limit so I just complete them at my own pace, I don't force myself to watch anything just to put it there. And I mostly choose the challenges that I know I'll complete without trying too hard, cause they require types of shows I watch very often. As for the backlog, I try not to create one in the first place, cause it's hard to get rid of it later.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
No. I might speed up to 1.5 if there's a boring scene (like a backstory of a character I completely don't care about) or when I'm in hurry but want to watch 'just one more episode', but never faster cause it distorts your perception of whatever you're watching. You don't have time to see visuals, the sound is distorted, the pace is ruined and it's harder to pay attention to the story and as a result you don't get full enjoyment out of it.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

If you need to speed the entire thing up then you should probably just drop it instead of wasting your time. It means that you don't care about it and just want to skim throught it to mark it as 'completed'.
fuyukiNov 29, 2017 11:34 AM
Nov 29, 2017 4:46 AM

Feb 2017
1. Im update my anime list so i can remember show i have watched.
2. No, we all have fun interacting on our community, atleast it is for me. I dont care about that.
3. Ridiculous question, we are watching anime as a hobby and source of entertainment.
We discuss certain anime on internet, read people opinion and interacting with our fellas. I watch what i like. Leave what i dislike.
4. Im not a hardcore weaboos that dont have a life, jk. I dont have a life D: .
I watch anime if i feel wanted to watch, i usually sleep late to take 1-2 hour to fulfill addiction.
5. Anime is my hobhy and addiction, i watch because i want and love it, but i dont take all airing seasonal anime. Im sorting the show i might like and enjoy.
6. I ever watch 'some episode' on 'some anime' with faster speed (1.25 / 1.5).
Its because the premise hook me but im aware and know the show is turn to be a garbage and not enjoyable, but i manage to complete it because its already on late episode or i curious how it ended.
However, i would drop it on early episode if i turned to dislike it.
7. Its an 'option' to completing and not droping some show that 'turn' to be bad. You like the premise of the show, but it turn to be so bad, it either you drop it, or completing it in fast way. It might disgust you but make you curious how the story and how it ended.

MAL score and most user-based rating system are all joke, Imagine trusting plebs and hivemind. Find users who have good sense and rating and use them as a reference. Check my guide to rate
Your taste is trash. Cope, seethe, mald
Nov 29, 2017 5:58 AM

Jan 2016
MAL provides an easy way to catalog anime you have seen. A quick reference for yourself, if you don't remember off hand by a particular name, or for friends to check. Also a very convenient way to see if there is additional content related to a title you may not have known about.

As for the overall number of seen anime "Commanding Respect", creating "Competition", or "Pressure", the answer is obviously, No. MAL doesn't treat a 100 episode anime any different than a 30 second promotional video, both are just +1 in the seen category, and if you aim to do so, could easily rack up a few hundred of these types. If one wanted, they could add 1,000 titles overnight or more for that matter, the number is more or less useless.

Life does get busy and complicated, sometimes you have to create time for your hobbies. This is where things like the AWC can be nice, a small challenge to assist in watching anime and/or anime you may not normally watch.

To your overall question, about watching anime at double (2x) or greater (3.5x), I would have to say I don't agree with it. Let me be clear, I don't see it to much as something to judge either. Good or Bad, Benefits and Draw-Backs, what a person is wanting out of and gets out of a hobby, is really up to them. It's not my place to say. However, it clearly should not be used in any circumstance where multiple people are participating, i.e. a competition or challenge.

Time is part of life and the experience of events, it plays a key role in how we perceive actions and emotions, how we absorb information from our senses. Timing or pacing is also considered when the creator/writer created their story, when the animators put it together, and the director made it flow. When you view the medium at 2x-3.5x speed, in my opinion, you are destroying an aspect of that work. An OP is there, not just to fill space in a time slot, but to change the viewers mood. Silence and its duration is placed to create tension or unease. The amount of time you spend with a character can also build your connection to them. I believe it stunts the impact a story can have on it's audience and is a substantial loss for the viewer.

(That being said, the appeal is obvious when you look at a 500+ episode anime with countless fillers. You also have to consider, not all people are looking for a powerful story, some just want something on in the background, or only see a series as worth a few laughs)

All in All, you get out what you put in. If I'm not willing to commit the full time needed to watch the story and be involved in it's events, I might as well not bother, as I've missed the point of why I want to watch that story in the first place.
Nov 29, 2017 7:39 AM

Sep 2017
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

-Nope. I pretty much dont care about my list anymore since im more interested in forums.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

Nope. If they are a douche then I wont be impressed.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

Yes I do and have an xml to make sure I wont lose it. Nah im not competing for anything. Nope.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

I dont plan to maximize my anime consumption. I dont see much interesting title this days.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

Nope. Although I tend to watch or watched about 30 or 40% of seasonals starting from 2007.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

Yes I do it and I tend to rate them 5 or lower.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

I think it's fine. Most of the time people drop them but I just speed them since I dont like to drop anime. All that matters is you understand what the show is about, how the plot progress, and how it ends.
"When you made this thread, I cried and screamed"

-Swagernator 2017
Nov 29, 2017 8:20 AM

Jan 2017
1: A little, but more so for manga. I had watched Hunter x Hunter and wanted to know what happened next, but I realized I would have felt as if I cheated if I had started at the last chapter that wascover and went forward from there and then counted it as completed on MAL.

2: Yes, If someone has less than 100 anime (yes I know even I have only semi-recently passed that mark), then I might not take their opinion as seriously, espcially if they make a general comment on anime as a whole.

3. Yeah, I see it as a freindly compition. Or rather, more accuratly, a self-motivator if that makes any sense. If I get in an anime slump, I am more inclided to look for great new shows, rather than half ass-ing it.

4. Unless its a really good show or has an amazing ending theme, I wont watch the ED. Also, there was alot of still-frames in Mobile Suit Gundam and I would skip ahead (10 sec).

5. I do feel more inclided to finish my "On Hold" list, but other than that, no, not really.

6. I do not, and I would not do this because I think that changes the anime in that its differnt from what the producers/animators/mangaka wanted to be shown.

7. I do not like the idea of watching anime with double the speed.
Nov 29, 2017 8:27 AM

Feb 2010
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
Not really. I mean I love having statistics and documentation for my consumption (or really any part of my live) but I document all my watching of other mediums like Film and western TV shows as well on other websites like myepisodes or letterboxd but I still watch way more anime than those so it can't be the reason why I love anime so much. It just adds to the other reasons, which is how it should be imo. Enjoying the +1 to your list process is not a bad thing, it's only problematic when it's pretty much the only reason or just replaces some of your previous reasons. So I guess my answer depends on where you draw the line between important factors and just factors. It is a factor, but not an important one I'd say.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
'Commanding' is too strong a word. I can definitely respect dedication to something you love but only if it comes with a decent personality because I never respect pricks. One reason why I was very interested in people with large lists early on was because they could give me recommendations that others couldn't, because they also know older and less popular stuff. The other reason why I tend to respect them is because I value a varied experience with the medium over just being a hardcore fan of one or two genres. I'm an 'all-rounder' so I like to converse with similar-minded people.
But no, it doesn't command it. There's more important factors related to respecting someone than their list size obviously.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
Well I pay attention to it yes, that's the whole fun of keeping stats like that. Competition tho, not really? I mean yeah in some cases there was a friendly sense of competition but it's never serious. And I try to make the best of it, channel it into more motivation and enjoyment from watching more anime. As far as I see it everything that makes you have more fun with your hobby is a good thing so it all depends on how this stats-keeping and passive kind of competition impacts your watching. Does adding that +1 replace your other reasons for watching or does it just add to them? For me it's generally the latter, so it's a good thing.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
I multitask a fair amount while watching some anime. That's pretty much my way. I've been like this before anime too, I liked to have the TV running in the background even when I was on my computer playing games just so my ears could focus on something. I think that how much attention a show requires can vary a lot. Some shows definitely need you to pay 100% attention, but others you can totally enjoy with 50% too. So yeah sometimes I chat with people in skype while I watch something, or write the occasional short MAL post. That's about as far as I'd go.
Well, and I skipped some fillers in Bleach and Naruto because I wanted to continue them, wanted to finish them but if I were forced to watch all the fillers I'd have dropped them.
Oh and this probably counts too, I generally try to have a bunch of anime with shorter episodes around that I can watch when I have less than 20 minutes time. Like if I have to leave in 10 minutes to catch my train I don't want to watch half an episode and I don't want to just sit around doing nothing so I watch 3 episodes of some show where the eps are 3 minutes long, for example. I always like having that option.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
Well not something meaningless and random like everything from one season, no. The kind of 'challenges' I give to myself are more about creators and studios and wanting to watch everything they've done or been involved in. For example eventually I'd like to have seen all the Studio Bones anime. I want to watch everything that Yuasa was involved in. I want to watch all the long-running battle shounen and sports anime since those are two of my favorite genres. But the motivation is always watching all of something that I love, that have a common element that I am a fan of. Seasonals don't have that. Clearing out my backlog is actually a scary thought because then I would be done with the medium, I'd have seen everything I want to. I'm fine with that never happening :>.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
Sadly, yes, I've heard about these people, I've met them on the forums, talked to them, called them stupid and then tried to forget about them. I don't know anyone personally, and if I did I'd stop talking to them probably, that's how little respect I have for people who do this. I would never, ever, ever do this under any circumstances unless my life depended on it.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?
I have no respect for them and don't even see them as anime fans really, because it ruins literally every other reason one would watch an anime for, except the +1 on the list. And maybe roughly knowing what is happening, in the same way you roughly know what is happening if you read wiki summaries (which is what I always recommend to speedwatchers, just read the wiki page and add the show to your list, that is even more efficient and efficiency is the only thing you care about apparently).

The animation, the dialogue, the music, the atmosphere, the voice acting, everything just turns into random shitty versions of itself if you speed it up, it has zero left from the vision of its creator and director. Nothing is as intended anymore. As far as I'm concerned you can't judge anything about the anime except the vague gist of the plot if you watch anime like that. You've seen a different show than I have. It's the lowest form of watching for me and I really disrespect the people who do it. They don't care about watching anime, they care about efficiency and list size and nothing else because that's the only thing they're getting out of watching anime like that.

Of course part of the disdain is that they're cheating at their list size stats and I only value stats so much because they're supposed to be accurate. But more than that it feels like they disrespect the anime medium that I love so much by saying none of the shows are worth watching as they are, none are worth the full attention, the 20 minutes per episode that were intended for them. The only way they can make watching anime bearable to them is by getting them over as quickly as possible. That's not the mentality of a fan, of someone who enjoys anime. If I enjoy something I want it to last as long as possible not get it over as quickly as possible. That's why people who speedwatch as a general choice are the lowest to me and I don't see them as fans at all, they're closer to people who hate anime and want to rub it in by participating in the community with all the fans. "See how much I think of your shitty medium, I can't even stomach one episode without 3.5x speed, how can any of you enjoy this in normal speed??"
This was me doing an impression of what they subconsciously think :>.

People who only speedwatch stuff they get bored of are just stupid because they generally only do it because they refuse to drop stuff even if they dislike it so they have to find some method to 'cheat' that'll still allow them to quasi-drop the show in terms of giving a shit about it, but add it to their completed list so their stupid no-drop policy can be kept up for appearances. Their issue isn't that they don't like anime in general, they're just extremely neurotic to an unhealthy degree by having a pointless no-drop policy and make themselves suffer through shows they don''t like in ways that ruin them even more (speedwatching). I pity them more than I resent them.
I probably regret this post by now.
Nov 29, 2017 8:33 AM

Apr 2015
I'm not sure that you can actually write about people who allegedly watch their anime at double speed because I have a feeling that the majority of them are shitposting except for that one guy, who just...clearly isn't mentally all there.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Nov 29, 2017 8:36 AM

Feb 2010
CatSoul said:
I'm not sure that you can actually write about people who allegedly watch their anime at double speed because I have a feeling that the majority of them are shitposting except for that one guy, who just...clearly isn't mentally all there.

I actually think there's more people than you think who do this, although the ones who do it as their default watching method are probably very rare. But as I way to keep up a no-drop policy I actually think there's probably thousands of people out there who have done it before for at least one show.
I probably regret this post by now.
Nov 29, 2017 8:47 AM
Nov 2017
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

I think the inverse is true, when I think about my reasons for updating MAL, watching anime is an important factor. I used to keep a giant notepad doc to track what I watched and what I planned to watch. MAL makes it convenient to track what anime I've seen (in case I want to rewatch or recommend a show, or which shows I will watch.)

Basically, I use MAL because I watch anime, rather than watching anime because I use MAL.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

Not at all, if someone has completed an absurd amount of shows, I'm not fact, I see it as a sign of someone with little or no outside life. The MAL community respects people with an impressive amount of shows, and naturally if that person is more active in the community.

Personally, I respect people who have the rationality to drop bad/cheap shows, or even drop shows they don't like. You'd be surprised, but there are bubbles where people think it's obligatory to complete something before one can even give an opinion. No one has to sit through hours of garbage just to have the right to say it's trash.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

I pay close attention to my list, because I hope it improves the accuracy for recommended shows that I might like. It's great to expand my horizons. Regarding my friends or other people's list, "competition" is too strong a word. I don't feel pressured to watch more anime, but it does excite me to see what cool show someone else might be watching and what opinion they might have on it.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

To maximize consumption, I drop shows. If I get bored or if the show appears to be going nowhere, I drop it. No time to waste with shows that I'm not enjoying.

Anime such as "Robotic;Notes", I really wanted to like. However after 30 mins (an episode and a half) of generic highschool moments, dragging out plot aspects, lack of any actual world building, or mecha design/mechanics, WHY WATCH IT ANYMORE?? Seriously, most people would drag themselves through it looking for the good moments, tolerating as they go along. Me? Hell no. Life is to short spend too much of it watching anime.

P.S: And if you have to watch an anime at double speed, maybe that anime is terrible and not worth watching. The people who make anime didn't not design them with the intention of them being watched at 2x or 4x the speed.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

Watching the newest season? No. Clearing out my backlog? YES. (And try as one may, it always gets bigger. Even more reason to not waste time and just drop a show instead of watching a show how it's not supposed to be watched.)

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

NO. (Admittedly I did try it, but it only ruined the flow and made me realize that if I have to fast forward...maybe the show is...bad.) I might skip ahead to see if the story if going anywhere and see if I'm wasting my time. Granted not all great anime are great 100% of the time, but even with that, I don't feel obligated to save time and fast forward just because I'm impatient.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

Go ahead. It's not my cup-of-tea, but if you want to go ahead.

If you have to fast-forward, perhaps the show isn't good (it clearly isn't worth your time)...and maybe you should consider dropping the show.
Oddmutt_EmanNov 29, 2017 8:56 AM
Nov 29, 2017 8:49 AM

Jul 2017

1. No. I started watching anime way before I discovered this site. Updating the list is pretty useful to keep track of my progress though.

2. I'll try to have respect for everyone.

3. No and Yes. In normal circumstances, I don't really care about my anime count. But now I am at 99 completed titles, so I am paying attention to it. XD
Once I determine which anime will be my 100 titles I'll stop paying attention to it again.

4. I don't know if that counts. But I always have 3-4 series downloaded in my NB computer, so I will have something to watch outside home when I feel like it.

5. Never feel obliged to watch anime, but this site does help me clearing out my backlog. As I won't forget what I'm watching/ put on-hold.

6. I haven't seen anyone doing this...

7. I think there is a loss of enjoyment when watching anime at double-speed. I always try to have the full experience/enjoyment of an anime I don't even skip op and ed.

I don't know if that's useful information, but this site does change my watching pattern of anime. I used to finish anime one by one. But now I am watching several anime at the same time, as I can keep track of my progress with the list.
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