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MAL Users Without 'Drop Rates' ~ Liars, Patient, or just Completionists?

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Feb 24, 2017 4:29 PM

Jul 2014
By my 60th or so anime, I watched Angel Beats and learned I couldn't uphold any 'no-drop' policy. So I'm convinced anyone above 100 anime watched who haven't dropped anything are liars.
Feb 24, 2017 4:51 PM

May 2016
I've probably dropped a lot more shows than I've listed. I used to have a no drop policy if I made it past the 3rd episode but then I stopped punishing myself. Tbh if a show is so bad I don't make it through the first episode i probably won't go through the effort of logging it and dropping it.
Feb 24, 2017 5:27 PM

Feb 2010
there is thing called "delete button" and its very good for anime you drop because why even bother to make a list and rate stuff you didnt finish.
for me its the opposite i dont understand why people list their dropped anime, do they want more entries on list or what..
Feb 24, 2017 5:46 PM

Nov 2009
I'm in agreement with the word "completionist." While there are technically four anime on my drop list, it's only because I can't find the rest of those series (I'm only missing one episode for one of them). It was agonizing for me to break my no-drop record, but for the sake of organization and my inability to finish them, I have added them to the drop list. If I am ever able to find those episodes, I WILL complete the series.

Why? 1) I enjoy having a wide range of anime to talk about. 2) I work at a ThinkGeek and I like to be able to talk to any anime fans that happen through about whatever they are into (although I've been avoiding certain titles for a while, I have finally started Bleach solely for this reason). Knowledgeable staff = repeat customers. 3) I'm a collector at heart, and I consider my "Complete" list to be part of my collection. I have recently begun trying to downsize my physical collections in order to move into a smaller place to save money, but my list will always be my pride and joy. 4) Sometimes I need some palette cleansers after watching a particularly good show. I like to watch a lot of ho-hum shows for the sake of appreciating the really good ones, and they also make good multi-tasking shows. I can watch an alright anime while doing homework or dishes, and if I'm not into it, I can either marathon it to make it end faster or alternate it with a better series to make it less painful. I won't multi-task a show unless I can actually still pay attention, though. If I realize I don't know what just happened, I'll turn it off until I can actually watch it. I usually like to watch things while I'm doing busy work that I don't have to think about.

I have not lied on my list. My "On-Hold" list is not my disguised "Drop" list. It's outrageous because my "Plan To Watch" list was getting out of hand, so I started adding things to "On-Hold" that I intended to watch next (so if there are no episodes logged, it's meant to be next in my queue). This has backfired and turned into a big mess but...well, I'll get it cleaned up eventually.

I will say that there is certainly padding to my actual "Complete" list, considering I've watched a lot of movies, specials, OVAs, and shorts, so my full count and days watched may be inconsistent with what some people may expect. I think most people with lists as large as mine probably have a certain amount of padding, but a good friend of mine has less significantly less shows watched than me (and little padding), but over 100 days watched more than me.
MajesticOtaKingFeb 24, 2017 6:00 PM
Feb 24, 2017 6:25 PM

Feb 2008
Lying, heh. You forget one crucial thing - the listing function is primarily for personal use. I don't mind people looking at my list if they think it might help them find something new to watch or to compare ratings, but I would firstly be deceiving myself if I omitted data on entries I deem important.

It might sound crazy, but I rarely drop anime in comparison to how big my list is. For circa 12 years of being an active fan, I dropped less than 10 shows. I just never bothered listing them because I rarely ask for recommendations, and thus there is no need to specially mark shows which I didn't like that people would potentially recommend to me. The other reason why I don't list dropped shows is because it's basically showing off how much I found something to be a waste of time that I didn't even bother finishing it. The shows that I have dropped were mostly so insignificant, that I didn't even feel the need to add them, and my memory is good enough to remember basic information about them, so I have no need to fret that I will accidentally stumble upon them again.

It's not even about being "good" at finding things to watch or intuitive as much as it is about building up on initial interest. I don't pick up anime that I don't have any initial interest in. No need to write a thesis on something I haven't even watched, but I won't pick up some whack isekai school battle harem blindly without having any drive to finish it.

Feb 24, 2017 6:39 PM
Mar 2015
When I first started watching anime, I had a no drop policy and was able to stick through it. But since I was new, the anime cliches didn't affect me, and I was able power through bunch of series because back then everything I watched was good. It wasn't until I watched around 110ish anime where I started dropping more anime. Even now I try not to drop as much, but usually at the start of an anime season I would be watching 10-15 anime, but by the end I've only watched and completed 7-10 depending on the season.

Also, watching lots of different anime ranging from good to mediocre to bad makes me appreciate and enjoy the really good anime even more. I don't know, it's just my way of thinking. Besides, if all you watch are the cream of the crop, the top notch anime, eventually you'll run out of good stuff to watch. Eventually... There's more trash than gold, so I've accustomed myself to sub par anime.
Feb 24, 2017 6:44 PM

May 2016
Or you know, They just don't register dropped animes in the list...Like me. I only register and rate animes that I'm currently watching or have completed.
HyperLFeb 24, 2017 6:49 PM
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Feb 24, 2017 6:50 PM

May 2015
I do not drop anime for the sole reason that I do not like leaving anything unfinished because I love stories of all kinds. I will be honest that there were some anime that I really wanted to drop, but I watched them to the end just to see if there was anything redeemable about them. Also, I am one who leans toward the niche side of anime rather than what is popular. I know that I am taking a risk watching an unknown anime because it may end up bad. However, if the anime turns out to be good, it becomes a hidden gem that I can recommend.

Also, I have seen several cases where people drop after 3 or so episodes saying that the anime was bad. This intrigues me to check the anime out to see if it is as bad as they say. Sometimes they're right and the anime does end up being a disaster. However, there are those rare occasions where the unexpected happens and the anime turns out better than expected. These are the type of anime that end up becoming hidden gems. This is how some anime ended up on my favorites list.

Another reason why I complete anime is because of the Help Identify thread. There are some people who are looking for certain anime or characters. Some of these anime can have a very uncommon setting, and it may refer to a very niche anime that very few have seen. I've seen a few users on that thread who were asking for something pretty specific, and unless you watched the anime, you wouldn't be able to identify what anime they were looking for. There once was one user who was looking for an anime where only 4,000 MAL users completed it. Luckily I was one of those members who completed the anime in question, and I was able to identify what the user was looking for. I also like hunting for gifs and quotes.

I have only had two anime on hold for the time that I've spent on MAL: Cross Ange because I was waiting for the rest of the dubbed episodes to air, and God Eater because of the final episodes being delayed.

There are also some anime that I have completed, but did not include on my list because of the fact that I either saw them raw or don't clearly recall what the anime was about. These anime include Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Midori Days, Shaman King, Digimon Frontier, and a few others. I did finish them, but because I can't recall them very well, they don't feel "complete" to me.

Call me a liar, believe what you will. But if there is one thing that I know for a fact, it is that of the 700+ anime that I completed, 161 of them are anime that I definitely didn't drop...
TarotistFeb 24, 2017 6:53 PM
Feb 24, 2017 6:53 PM
Jan 2013
If I kill them and they don't drop shit why would I waste my time grinding on them?
gone bai bai
Feb 24, 2017 6:54 PM

Dec 2013
Have you ever thought to think that some people just can't drop a show because it just bothers them. Simple as that.
Feb 24, 2017 7:19 PM

Jan 2017
Willow_Folk said:

Love to hear all of your Drop Rates % or Policy's
I'd love to find some middle ground on the topic -especially love to hear arguments for a sensible drop rate %. I'm well aware my 32% is quite high.

I wouldn't call mine a no-drop-policy, but don't usually drop Anime because it takes a lot to make me loose my excitement over how a story goes on and ends. The main reasons for me to like a show in the first place are one or more good characters and the plot. As long as one of these things is interesting enough to me, I want to know how it goes on or how a character develops.
Feb 24, 2017 7:45 PM

Apr 2014
I just don't add something unless I complete it all the way. I guess I'll probably forget it existed by the time I log in to update my shit on the extremely rare occasion that I didn't finish it.

Feb 24, 2017 7:49 PM
Nov 2016
Perhaps they're simply putting things 'on hold' instead of dropping them.

There are people I know who hate to drop animes and when they do drop animes, it is because the anime is genuinely bad. Even I am sort of like that but I do drop animes, I am patient so I try to stick to the end but even I have my limits.

As for being dishonest goes, this is the internet, people are bound to lie...
Feb 24, 2017 7:53 PM
Jul 2018
I only have 6 drops but this happened shortly during this season because I got some pissed off with the "No Dropping Policy" but I will give my two cents on the matter.

Before I even dropped anything, why didn't I dropped any show?

Mostly the reason as to why I didn't dropped any of the shows is because I developed a more completionist side and how that was developed is that I got a bad impression for a decent amount of shows that I disliked at first, but then revisited them later on only to like them again. That's why I never dropped anything despite how bad the show would be like, and its more like "Hey maybe this can be good" if that makes sense. Just maybe the show says otherwise. Unfortunately after a while it stopped being that type of trend for me, and I got tired of it.

Not to mention when it comes to completed entries (1,289 anime at the moment) it isn't THAT big when it comes to actual TV series. Pretty sure at least 800+ of the entries were from TV from what I remembered last time, 100-150 for OVAs, ONAs, Movies and Short series. So it's not really exactly THAT big.
Feb 24, 2017 8:00 PM

Jul 2016
I just don't watch things i don't think i'll like, the only reason i have any dropped atm is because i put them on my list and some of them i've never given a chance so idk some of them i dropped cuz i know i'd never want to or finish it tho
Feb 24, 2017 8:05 PM

Aug 2013
1. My PTW is basically anime get I manged to get hand on batch of the full series that I put in my anime folder (but not in my already watched)
2. Rarely on-hold any anime, I just marathoned 1 series to the end.
3. Already watched doesnt mean I remembered all details or giving 100% attention while watching (hence my siggy), focused on screen enjoyment and less about critic / details
4. Some of my 7 or less did get on my boring side, but I still can get through most of it.
5. Dropping anime = wasting all bandwidth I used to download them (I lived in place where is internet is not very good for streaming)
6. For short-series, normally I used 2nd monitor and try to listened to conversation. This is not paying 100% attention to it.
7. I dont focused much on PTW, On-hold or Dropped since I just used MAL to keep track of anime I watched.

*As for my siggy, I only did it last couple of years. Majority of the entry came from over last 15 years , and since then I keep running out of time to do all of stuff I liked.
Nah, i dont think sharing anime ratings in signature is cool thing.

Here, stare at this pointless signature instead.
Feb 24, 2017 8:08 PM

Jul 2015
Basically, people with no dropped shows are liars and show-offs? Anyone can show me a MyBooksList site please, I read so many turds from start to finish, I wanna brag about it @_@
Feb 24, 2017 8:21 PM
Jan 2014
12 episodes isn't a whole lot, so it's not that hard to finish show's that I don't like.
Feb 24, 2017 11:18 PM
Jul 2018
It already takes enough effort for me to even start a show. Dropping it seems like a waste if I've started something and, usually the case, realize it's of disinterest to me after finishing halfway. Plus, it sometimes gives a shit show a chance to redeem itself (not like it ever happened though).
Feb 25, 2017 3:29 AM

Mar 2014
I complete everything I decide to watch.
Feb 25, 2017 4:46 AM

May 2010
Yeah I'm sure plenty of people would lie just to consider themselves better xd I mean, maybe there are some, but definitely aren't majority. I've never dropped anything either, I'm a completionists and don't see anything particularly weird about it.
Feb 25, 2017 6:21 AM

Dec 2013
I don't list anything that I drop, it's too much work. No more blablabla just as simple as that
Feb 25, 2017 6:30 AM

Aug 2013
Maybe they just don't watch anime they think they wont like, and therefore have no need to drop anime.
But most are completionists.
Who cares really?
If they enjoy forcing themselves to watch anime they don't really like, let 'em do it.
Feb 25, 2017 7:00 AM

Jan 2017
IntoOpenWaters said:
I'm in agreement with the word "completionist." While there are technically four anime on my drop list, it's only because I can't find the rest of those series (I'm only missing one episode for one of them). It was agonizing for me to break my no-drop record, but for the sake of organization and my inability to finish them, I have added them to the drop list. If I am ever able to find those episodes, I WILL complete the series.

Why? 1) I enjoy having a wide range of anime to talk about. 2) I work at a ThinkGeek and I like to be able to talk to any anime fans that happen through about whatever they are into (although I've been avoiding certain titles for a while, I have finally started Bleach solely for this reason). Knowledgeable staff = repeat customers. 3) I'm a collector at heart, and I consider my "Complete" list to be part of my collection. I have recently begun trying to downsize my physical collections in order to move into a smaller place to save money, but my list will always be my pride and joy. 4) Sometimes I need some palette cleansers after watching a particularly good show. I like to watch a lot of ho-hum shows for the sake of appreciating the really good ones, and they also make good multi-tasking shows. I can watch an alright anime while doing homework or dishes, and if I'm not into it, I can either marathon it to make it end faster or alternate it with a better series to make it less painful. I won't multi-task a show unless I can actually still pay attention, though. If I realize I don't know what just happened, I'll turn it off until I can actually watch it. I usually like to watch things while I'm doing busy work that I don't have to think about.

I have not lied on my list. My "On-Hold" list is not my disguised "Drop" list. It's outrageous because my "Plan To Watch" list was getting out of hand, so I started adding things to "On-Hold" that I intended to watch next (so if there are no episodes logged, it's meant to be next in my queue). This has backfired and turned into a big mess but...well, I'll get it cleaned up eventually.

I will say that there is certainly padding to my actual "Complete" list, considering I've watched a lot of movies, specials, OVAs, and shorts, so my full count and days watched may be inconsistent with what some people may expect. I think most people with lists as large as mine probably have a certain amount of padding, but a good friend of mine has less significantly less shows watched than me (and little padding), but over 100 days watched more than me.

Dear god ... your pain threshold must be very high.
I can understand the motives that may lead someone to have a flawless record and i can understand folks who are then, by consequence, 'picky' in what anime they choose to resign themselves to ... but damn i just find the thought so very alien from one thought alone:
Aren't you always on the prowl for that new, monumentally entertaining anime?

I'm operating under the assumption that quite a considerable number of MAL members watch several anime at once. If this habit develops for others as its developed for me, it's easy to rationalize the fun from the boring especially with stimuli to compare.
“Join my wander, to a yonder. In search of the meaning from mystery & wonder ...
And when tragedy finds us, and breaks our bodies, we'll find peace in one shared mind.”

Feb 25, 2017 7:11 AM

Feb 2016
ziggy_Z said:
I complete everything I decide to watch.
ziggy_Z said:
I complete everything I decide to watch.

The same here me too 12-24 episodes not that much to finish
Feb 25, 2017 7:18 AM

Feb 2015
The only thing I really care about the list is the completed and plan to watch lol, I rarely put anything in dropped or watching.
Feb 25, 2017 7:41 AM
Nov 2010
I usually don't put shows that I've watched a few minutes or an episode or two of and dropped because I don't need it listed and the only thing it'd do is put myself or those who recommend me anime off from getting me to watch something that might be good.

As for the rest, I always try to complete shows that I'm in for long enough to care about what's happening in them.

And I use my On-Hold as a shortlist of Plan to Watch, since I can just leave the on-hold shows in Watching.
Feb 25, 2017 11:19 AM

Nov 2009
Willow_Folk said:
IntoOpenWaters said:
I'm in agreement with the word "completionist." While there are technically four anime on my drop list, it's only because I can't find the rest of those series (I'm only missing one episode for one of them). It was agonizing for me to break my no-drop record, but for the sake of organization and my inability to finish them, I have added them to the drop list. If I am ever able to find those episodes, I WILL complete the series.

Why? 1) I enjoy having a wide range of anime to talk about. 2) I work at a ThinkGeek and I like to be able to talk to any anime fans that happen through about whatever they are into (although I've been avoiding certain titles for a while, I have finally started Bleach solely for this reason). Knowledgeable staff = repeat customers. 3) I'm a collector at heart, and I consider my "Complete" list to be part of my collection. I have recently begun trying to downsize my physical collections in order to move into a smaller place to save money, but my list will always be my pride and joy. 4) Sometimes I need some palette cleansers after watching a particularly good show. I like to watch a lot of ho-hum shows for the sake of appreciating the really good ones, and they also make good multi-tasking shows. I can watch an alright anime while doing homework or dishes, and if I'm not into it, I can either marathon it to make it end faster or alternate it with a better series to make it less painful. I won't multi-task a show unless I can actually still pay attention, though. If I realize I don't know what just happened, I'll turn it off until I can actually watch it. I usually like to watch things while I'm doing busy work that I don't have to think about.

I have not lied on my list. My "On-Hold" list is not my disguised "Drop" list. It's outrageous because my "Plan To Watch" list was getting out of hand, so I started adding things to "On-Hold" that I intended to watch next (so if there are no episodes logged, it's meant to be next in my queue). This has backfired and turned into a big mess but...well, I'll get it cleaned up eventually.

I will say that there is certainly padding to my actual "Complete" list, considering I've watched a lot of movies, specials, OVAs, and shorts, so my full count and days watched may be inconsistent with what some people may expect. I think most people with lists as large as mine probably have a certain amount of padding, but a good friend of mine has less significantly less shows watched than me (and little padding), but over 100 days watched more than me.

Dear god ... your pain threshold must be very high.
I can understand the motives that may lead someone to have a flawless record and i can understand folks who are then, by consequence, 'picky' in what anime they choose to resign themselves to ... but damn i just find the thought so very alien from one thought alone:
Aren't you always on the prowl for that new, monumentally entertaining anime?

I'm operating under the assumption that quite a considerable number of MAL members watch several anime at once. If this habit develops for others as its developed for me, it's easy to rationalize the fun from the boring especially with stimuli to compare.

It's hard to explain, I guess. I rarely find myself getting bored while watching even bad anime (although there are a couple titles that come to mind), even the bad ones. I AM on the search for anime that I will love, but it's easy for me to get overwhelmed emotionally by shows that make me feel things, so I watch shows that aren't as good to help even that out before I search for something groundbreaking again. I'm a highly empathetic person. Like, uncomfortably so. It's really easy for me to get overstimulated emotionally, and watching less than great anime helps me to stay average.

I mean, there are a lot of reasons why I do what I do, and the horrible urge to literally watch every anime is no doubt a part of that. I completely understand why other people wouldn't want to watch anime this way, though. There's nothing wrong with dropping anime; I just choose not to do it.
Feb 25, 2017 11:21 AM

Apr 2013
I just delete things I drop (or do not add them at all, cause most of those were dropped after 1-2 episodes)
Feb 25, 2017 11:50 AM

Jul 2013
Check my list since I can tell you the drops and whats not
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 25, 2017 12:10 PM
Jun 2013
My list exists for my own sake, so keeping an anime I don't want to think about on the list just serves to punish me. And since the list is public, other ppl comparing their list to mine brings up the possibility of try to discuss these shows I don't want to think about.

I pick about 20 shows to watch each season, and finish about half of them. I find no benefit in keeping a bunch of 2/13 episodes watched anime on my dropped list. I have no critical analysis of these shows worth giving and I don't expect anyone else to have one if they haven't completed the show.

Anyways, I have used the "delete entry" button many times. In my opinion, keeping an anime on the dropped list means I want ppl to see that I dropped the show
Anime exists
all is well
Feb 25, 2017 1:04 PM

May 2016
Shows that are 12-25 episodes long, I'll just tough it out and finish it up even if I don't like it. I don't really feel fulfilled if I drop something.
Feb 25, 2017 1:08 PM

May 2016
Most anime I've dropped I've either forgotten about entirely or forget which episode I dropped it on.

This glorious signature image was created by @Mayumi!

I am the Arbiter of Absolute Truth, and here is my wisdom:

"Anime was always influenced by the West. This is not news.
Shoujo is the superior genre primarily aimed at young people.
Harem/isekai are lazy genres that refuse any meaningful innovation.
There is no 'Golden Age.' There will always be top-shelf anime.
You should be watching Carole & Tuesday."
Feb 25, 2017 4:00 PM

Nov 2009
I just want the achievement on MAL graph. My drops are now on hold, although it's rare I do find an anime I can't envision myself completing someday.
Feb 25, 2017 4:09 PM

Mar 2016
The shows that i don't like are based on the first episode if i don't Come through the first episode i drop it and i don't bother to list it in my list.

My on hold is basicly also dropped because there is a low change i Will pick up these shows Whitin a year
Feb 25, 2017 4:17 PM

Nov 2013
like i said on another post like this 1 hour ago...

if i'm picking an older anime i already know if they are good cause they have high scores or i already know them from facebook etc

for seasonals... i pick a lot of them and every season there's like 2 or 3 that i kinda dislike...but i just watch the episode and after i finish the episode i'm like...ok it wasn't that bad lol

in my completed list are a few that i didn't complete but i watched a lot of random episodes on tv when i was it might not be accurate lol

i'll drop an anime after many seasons changing protagonists/rules (yugioh), stupid shitty deaths (chaos dragon), mob psycho (Cause it annoyed me like...) or hatsukoi monsters cause too many things i dislike in one anime (boys love, reverse harem, 10 years old with 3 meters...and more)
favorite "new girls" from summer <3 ... click sig for older seasons and more possible picks (rip all the other choices)
Feb 25, 2017 4:19 PM

Feb 2016
I used to drop quite a few shows but ended up finishing the show a few years later anyway. [→ I had too much free time back then.]
As for now I'm finishing even a "bad" show just because I'm a "completionist" [maybe?] and because I can watch [re-]airing shows on TV - so I usually watch the ones "I'm not that much into" while doing stuff like cooking/ironing etc.

Some of the shows I'm just finishing to either recommend or to not recommend them to friends/family.
Feb 25, 2017 7:20 PM

Aug 2016
Yes, I suppose patience is something for me as a completionist. I'm not much of a completionist in other aspects of life, however.

Anyways, I believe it is best to give all anime a chance until the very end, even if I found it somewhat boring or unenjoyable, so that they can show me their full potential (if any hehe). I am also then given the right to score however I want, having finished the whole thing. (this doesn't affect my decision in finishing everything I start though) I am also more wary when picking anime so that I can avoid things I think I will really hate. Well, sometimes. I guess I know my taste, usually.

Hope that helped. (unless someone else already said a similar thing)
Feb 25, 2017 8:35 PM

Apr 2015
Some people use it too much, some too little. Some people go, "Hey, didn't like the first episode, gonna drop this show" and some go "Don't really feel like finishing this show, but hey, technically I 'watched' it, so gonna add it to watched list anyway."
Feb 26, 2017 5:17 AM
Dec 2015
Masochists, at least some of them.

I think if people just dropped what they don't enjoy they'd be better off. Sometimes I feel people watch shows they actively hate just to complain about them on the forums.
Feb 26, 2017 5:47 AM

Feb 2012
vvickie said:
there is thing called "delete button" and its very good for anime you drop because why even bother to make a list and rate stuff you didnt finish.
for me its the opposite i dont understand why people list their dropped anime, do they want more entries on list or what..

This is pretty much my feelings. Waste of space and at worst only adds to mental backlog. I only keep things that are somehow relevant and I put a lot of investment in. Besides I have things in my favorites that I have "dropped" at least once before. Failed attempts go back to the ether and maybe one day they'll be relevant once again. Some I even liked very much, but they ended up not getting translations so I will just nuke them for the time being. In my view, building invisible OCD-chains for myself is only counterproductive in the end, so I will simply destroy them, but that's only my way to manage things.
Feb 26, 2017 5:57 AM
Dec 2015
I think I fall into the patient ones tbh, it's rare to see that but I don't get usually bored with the stuff that I watch so I stick with it it until the end and that part might be included for me as a completionist but it's lower compared to the patience I have for this
Feb 26, 2017 10:19 AM

Jul 2016
my attention span sucks so i envy people who never drop any anime or put anything on hold, i'm moderately easy to please but i find that i can stop watching/drop anything even if the anime itself is amazing in my opinion.
Feb 26, 2017 1:39 PM

Feb 2016
I usually complete whatever I'm watching so that I get the whole picture even if I don't like it as I'm watching.

The only thing I actually stopped watching because I couldn't take it anymore was the movie Spring Breakers.

Feb 26, 2017 2:09 PM

Feb 2017
I never drop, cuz i feel like:
when i start shit, flush it good till its gone in the end.
guess perfectionist.

To avoid this i research the anime, if it is somthing good in my taste
Feb 26, 2017 4:27 PM

Nov 2011
I just dont bother with the ones I never finished. So I guess I'd be under the "liars" category out of sheer laziness.

Feb 26, 2017 4:30 PM

Apr 2014
How is it impossible for someone to appreciate the work people put into the anime they produce, and you complete the show the show to show it to them (Figuratively speaking)
Feb 26, 2017 4:35 PM

Mar 2013
To truly call an anime shit, you must endure all of the shit it is

I get extremely annoyed with people who watch 1-3 episodes then call the series an abomination, that's like only eating 1 layer of a multi-layer dessert and tossing it because it's disgusting when the 2nd and 3rd layer make you a fatass because it's so damn good. If I dropped series after a single episode I wouldn't be calling Kingdom the most manly anime to grace my eyes, saying Baccano! is one of the most well written series to date or that Grimgar is what good video game styled anime should be
Feb 26, 2017 4:54 PM

Jul 2013
So I could keep my no drop MALgraph achievement

I'm not sure if thats still a thing or not though.
Feb 26, 2017 5:26 PM

Jan 2016
For myself I don't have any drops but the reason for why I don't is I only watch animes I own on DVD (well that are recorded one here) I do the 3-5 episode rule before deciding if I'm gonna buy it on DVD or not ether way I don't start recording it until I own a psychical copy of it.

(sorry if this might be a bit confusing or doesn't make sense I'm not the best with making sentences)

All the Anime's on my list are all one's I own Personal physical copies of, or have seen in theaters that I plan on buying, series that I've watched on FUNimation or HIDIVE will not be on here unless/until I have already bought it.
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