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Things you wish the anime community would stop doing

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Dec 12, 2016 6:25 PM

Apr 2014
whenu fansu startu talkingu rikeu thisu-desu
Dec 12, 2016 6:48 PM

Jul 2014
the "Anime is the best thing ever" crowd I shake my head everytime I see this.
Dec 12, 2016 8:00 PM

Nov 2009
@Ryuunokebab - well said.

@IJN_Musashi92 - thank you for sharing your experience. I only know about Japan second-hand.
Yes, I understand that Japanese can learn English if they really want to or need to, I just meant to say that I'm under the impression that too many of them don't do it, and I might have to resort to speaking badly learned Japanese if I come to visit.

KazuyaKujo said:
whenu fansu startu talkingu rikeu thisu-desu

You're the only one who ever talks like this. Baka.
Also, it's a good method of speaking Ukrainian when you only know Russian, but are too Nazi to actually speak Russian.
Dec 12, 2016 8:13 PM

Dec 2013
Stop with its obsession with elitism
Stop with the f'ing waifus
Dec 12, 2016 10:01 PM
Jul 2018
Elitism. That shit should disappear. This ridiculous concept of "taste". Meme discussions and intense hating or hyping.
Dec 12, 2016 10:10 PM

Sep 2012
unblockedbridge said:
Stop giving other people shit for no reason. Just leave other people alone for what they do or how they enjoy anime or how much they've seen. Simple as that.
This, and it applies to more than just the anime community.

But shitty people will be shitty.
☕ Truth be told, I'm quite proud of my house blend. To attain my flavor and fragrance, I use five different types of coffee beans. ☕
Dec 12, 2016 10:32 PM

Mar 2012
My idea of the worst anime fan ever would be someone who:

- Inserts JoJo references into unrelated discussions

- Watches all their shows on KissAnime

- Makes ironic memes about how anime sucks

- Believes that watching dubs is just a phase you grow out of (Totally wrong by the way)

- Is a wannabe elitist whose criticisms and praises are just a mess of smart sounding buzzwords with no meaning

- Bases all their opinions on what other people say and picks their favourites based on what people tell them they're allowed to like

- Thinks Evangelion is a good series
Dec 12, 2016 11:24 PM
Jun 2013
I find the "anime community" in general quite toxic, I think it'd be better if people kept hateful or negative things to themselves, like bashing reviewers for leaving negative reviews, fandom wars, shipping wars, etc etc. There's many times I can't feel as happy as I should be when a manga I like becomes popular through an anime adaptation because of these problems. (These things still occur when it's just manga, of course, but it's a lot more prominent with anime.)

Also, saying things like "anime is dead", "anime was better XXXX year", blahblah blah. I do think that the quality of anime overall has gone down in the past couple of years, but there are still some gems out there that I personally do think are worth watching. If you're going to say "anime is dead", then say it after you've given ALL anime a chance, regardless of what rating you see on MAL or what your friends tell you. But of course, that's near impossible because 1) if you start a show with a negative mindset then of course you're going to dislike it, 2) who really has time to watch all anime ever created, and 3) people will always be swayed by the things around them, even if they don't mean to.

ALSO people bringing in social issues and stuff need to STOP. Sure, some anime has very blatant racism (and it's okay to say that you think it's not okay! because it's not!), but stop nitpicking at every little thing you see. There are more important places and mediums where racism/sexism/etc is a larger issue and I'm 100% okay with your inner social justice warrior wreaking havoc there. But please, don't do it here. If you have to, do it privately. Please.

This is kind of hypocritical of me to bring up after the last paragraph, but there's also the issue with anime fans not understanding the difference between cultural appreciation and appropriation. As a Japanese American, I've come across so many people telling me at school or work that I'm an "irl anime character" or trying to message/talk to me in a strange mixture of Japanese/English (see this tumblr post I dug up for this ... this post is funny, but it's happened) and it's quite infuriating after it happens so many times.

If you read all this I applaud you, I'm a little sorry, but I just had to get the stress of finals out somewhere. Now back to studying for linguistic anthropology.
Dec 13, 2016 12:19 AM

Jul 2014
Stop hating and atleast give some credit even if the anime is bad :/
Dec 13, 2016 1:28 AM

Feb 2013
Stop shitting on other people's tastes. My OP MC anime is shit because they're all the same? Tell me about how all of your cute girls in high school anime are all so different from each other.

Stop being creepy with your waifu and best girl. This is one of the reasons people think everyone who watches anime are weebs. And don't pretend you're being sarcastic when you do it all the time.

Get some other hobbies, you can like anime and manga all you want, but do other things, preferably non-Japanese related. You don't even need to go outside for many of them.
Awesome Forum Set by @SenpieX
Dec 13, 2016 1:42 AM

Mar 2012
1. Fujoshits forcing their ships down your throat even when the MC is supposed to be straight and then calling you a homophobe for not shipping it.

2. People lashing at you for how you rate stuff on MAL. I'll give a high rating to something I liked and give low ratings to the ones that I disliked, criticizing my tastes is none of your business.
Dec 13, 2016 1:43 AM

Aug 2014
Stop being a pretentious know it all idiot who gets a boner each time he insults someone else for not liking his "deep, complex 10 dimensional pretentious chinese cartoon". That would fix so many problems, but alas it ain't happening.
Dec 13, 2016 2:11 AM

Apr 2016
Being douchebags on other people's preferences and shoving that their taste is superior.



Posting the comment "Trash review" on someone's comment section simply because his/her favorite anime got a low rating or bad review from someone's perspective but that someone properly elaborated the details of the review.

Saying "Your taste in anime is shit" or "Your waifu is shit" simply because he didn't like the anime or the character.


I despise people like these. It's one of the main causes that this anime community has been deteriorating.
Dec 13, 2016 2:26 AM

Aug 2015
1.Stop fapping to lolis
2.Stop arguing by saying you're not a pedo because you're fapping to 2D childrens.
3.R/anime is the perfect example what is wrong with this community.
Dec 13, 2016 2:31 AM

Aug 2015
Voidd said:
i wish the mods would banned most users via ip adresse.
Actually they do most.They have banned many shitposters via IP.
Dec 13, 2016 2:33 AM

Aug 2015
footmaster said:

Posting the comment "Trash review" on someone's comment section simply because his/her favorite anime got a low rating or bad review from someone's perspective but that someone properly elaborated the details of the review.

Didn't know this was a thing until recently, and I'm utterly disgusted.
Dec 13, 2016 4:45 AM

Apr 2016
There are a ton but especially weebs and edgelords have to go.
Dec 13, 2016 4:52 AM

Nov 2014
ultravigo said:
Voidd said:
i wish the mods would banned most users via ip adresse.
Actually they do most.They have banned many shitposters via IP.
have any names?because from what i've seen they mostly ban trolls, hardly ever shitposters.
Dec 13, 2016 4:57 AM

Oct 2016
tragedydesu said:
Incomplete adaptations
Give us a complete adaptation or don't adapt it at all

I'm fine with adaptations like that since at least they stay true to the source material and mostly serve as advertisements for the source material e.g. konosuba. What I'm not okay with is adaptations that go off-track and don't follow the source material like the original Fullmetal Alchemist or Akame ga kill.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 13, 2016 5:06 AM

Jul 2014
1. Bashing on certain shows/genres/etc they don't like and bashing on the people who like them like little kids who can't deal with others being different and having their own tastes and opinions

2. Complaining about "clichés" in animes― I mean, I'm pretty sure anyone who has seen a decent number of animes can see when something is overused but no need to be a prick about it and immediately assume (and announce) that a show is shit because of it.
. . . . . . . . . .
DO NOT touch my rice. . . . . .
I'm Asian. . . . . .
Dec 13, 2016 5:29 AM

Apr 2015
moondragon84 said:
Ok, here is my list of things.....

1. Stop shitposting
2. stop shipping.
3. Stop posting about "elitist" threads every single week
4. Stop with x vs y threads and waifu shit.
5. Stop spamming and use something we like to call "search function", its very nice once you learn how to use it.

What a way to kill AD.

What makes AD lives is a person like me and some others who create thread just for the sake of it
Dec 13, 2016 6:04 AM

Aug 2016
Getting so caught up in their opinions like no one else should exist.
Liking Sword Art Online
Being hypocrites
Dec 13, 2016 7:01 AM

Nov 2016
-I told someone "do you think you are overrating it?" in response to "SHINGEKI NO KYOJIN IS THE BEST THING EVER" and got chewed the hell out for it. Basically overly defensive people who takes the slightest criticism as an insult to their soul. Although I can sympathize with that since there are people bringing out the "X is overrated" argument as often as they can because they are elitist dorks
-"There are no good modern anime"
-"Old anime is too ugly to watch"
-Waifu subculture.
-Preparing another holocaust because anime and cartoon is different.
-Preparing another holocaust because anime is not for kids.
-Make an AMV but don't give any hint of it in the title.
-Think they are better than everyone because they have watched over a thousand anime
-Has watched over a thousand anime but still has no standards
-Those who like catgirls
-Those who don't
-Those who can't get obvious jokes
Dec 13, 2016 9:08 AM
Nov 2016
Hating on certain anime because it's 'mainstream'.

Dec 13, 2016 9:36 AM

Aug 2015
Voidd said:
ultravigo said:
Actually they do most.They have banned many shitposters via IP.
have any names?because from what i've seen they mostly ban trolls, hardly ever shitposters.
Kona comes in mind,basically we were shit posting keemstar memes and i got my second warning whereas kona was banned.
Dec 13, 2016 9:38 AM

Aug 2015
unblockedbridge said:
ultravigo said:
1.Stop fapping to lolis
2.Stop arguing by saying you're not a pedo because you're fapping to 2D childrens.
3.R/anime is the perfect example what is wrong with this community.

Lolis are the hottest tho, i'll never stop.
More reason why FBI should investigate MAL on a daily basis.
Dec 13, 2016 10:23 AM

Mar 2016
flannan said:
@IJN_Musashi92 - thank you for sharing your experience. I only know about Japan second-hand.
Yes, I understand that Japanese can learn English if they really want to or need to, I just meant to say that I'm under the impression that too many of them don't do it, and I might have to resort to speaking badly learned Japanese if I come to visit.

No problem, Hell might be starting some kind of blog maybe, has been on my mind.
Know a handfull of people who want me to start one since I have moved to Japan to be with Family like my Father and his side of the family, Only been living here for about half a year now.
Really did help that I switch my Legal Name back to the Japanese name I was born with that my Father gave me.

As for the amount of people who are Japanese that learn good english nobody really knows so to say.
Like can depend on the persons job if they know Japanese and English, like big tourist spots the people will mostly know both Japanese and English, they kind of need to if they will be helping say someone who do not know a lick of Japanese to save there life. When was in Kyoto two weeks ago with my Father, big tourist spot we gone to most the people who work there known English. Why if was not in big tourist spot the people not really know any english at all.
So location and job also plays a big role into the Japanese knowing English.

Can not say anything about Tokyo, have not been there have no reason to really at the moment for anything.
However Osaka is like second on the list for cultural diversity even if there is tons of people who can not speak English really. One can notice unless a Non-Japanese person knows some Japanese you will not really see them with a Japanese person that much, why will see Japanese people hanging out with other Japanese people.
I'm sure the reason for that is the language barrier itself.

Learning Japanese can be fun if you make it fun, just have to study study study and push past the hard stuff.
Have to say the most hard part for me was learning katakana, Hiragana and Kanji.
If can get past learning them and reading them for the most part the rest is kind of fun to learn.
However is wise to keep in mind that you can learn Japanese but if you do not have anybody to talk to in Japanese...
Well can make things little more hard, You know Basic Japanese but have nobody you can talk to and practice the language with. So when you do talk to the Japanese person you be kind of confused cause you never had someone talk back to you in Japanese before. I learn that first-hand and when started to talk to some of my now very close Japanese friends, Was very confused and they helped me learn how to get used to it, in return would help them learn some English.
So can be a trade off really, find a Japanese person or a few who will work with you learning Japanese and if they want to learn something like English.. well everything starts to work out. Kind of how my good friend Haruko knows more English today then what she used to know. Mess with her some days and call her Haru-sama. XD

Will admit one can learn some simple Basics from anime but at the same time said person has to know what the word itself means, if the word is casual or formal and the right time to use said word. One might also have to take into account just what dialect the word might be as well.
When myself was learning Japanese never did take dialect into account.
Still find myself today asking friends or co-workers what something means sometimes. If person is in Kansai region if the person they are talking to lives there they might use the Kansai dialect.
Here in Osaka some people use what is called Osaka-ben dialect.

Like in Most every anime after a group of people sit down and get ready to eat, before they eat you will mostly hear them say "Itadakimasu" This is real however there is times where there is no need for it, like if eating alone it be kind of pointless really yes it still be respectful but since you are alone you might look like a nut. lol

But yeah, that is a very common thing in anime one might hear..
What you will not hear most of the time is the other stuff when it comes to eating.

Like how ended up fixing breakfast for my Girlfriend two days back.
We both sit down at my Kotatsu and said Itadakimasu.
She must have been hungry, she eat all the food I made for her and said "Okawari" meaning like More food please.
Next thing Know she was taking some of my food off my plate with her chopsticks. She starts eating it and just says "Oishii" meaning like this food is really good. Just looked at her like. Really? why you little theft, can have made you more.. lol Did not have to start eating mine.
She just looks at me and says "Kekkou desu onaka ga ippai arigatou gozaimasu" meaning like No thank you I'm full, Thank you very much.
I just started laughing, I let her get away with to much.
She is Japanese, born and raised, I'm half Japanese from the US that moved here to Japan and have big weak spot for her cuteness and she knows it, that's how she gets away with so much from me. lol

Plus side I learn better Japanese from her and she slowly learns some English.
She likes some anime and try's to use the English dubs sometimes with Japanese Subtitles to learn some basic English.
Myself kind of learn a bad habit from that the other away around English subs why watching and sometimes point out just where they messed up.
Like one recall found funny was in Japanese in the anime the Female was saying to her Father: You are a asshole, just please leave me alone stupid.
In the English Subtitles it said: Leave me alone you stupid ass!
Was just.. Meh close but still off.

But anyway a person can learn some Basics from Anime but not that good.

Dec 13, 2016 10:31 AM

Nov 2014
ultravigo said:
Voidd said:
have any names?because from what i've seen they mostly ban trolls, hardly ever shitposters.
Kona comes in mind,basically we were shit posting keemstar memes and i got my second warning whereas kona was banned.
she got banned? i thought she quit, good riddance.
Dec 13, 2016 10:44 AM

Jul 2013
ultravigo said:
Voidd said:
have any names?because from what i've seen they mostly ban trolls, hardly ever shitposters.
Kona comes in mind,basically we were shit posting keemstar memes and i got my second warning whereas kona was banned.

Aren't bans temporary? I see that Emiya has returned.
Dec 13, 2016 10:55 AM

Jun 2015
All the unasked self-questioning and self-assessment
Dec 13, 2016 10:57 AM

Feb 2010
☢ all this elitist and casual thing
☢ using word weeb
☢ complaining about anime genre they dislike and still watch it
☢ writing reviews after one episode aired
☢ complaining how bad current season is every fkin season
☢ seeing racism, sexism and feminism everywhere
Dec 13, 2016 11:02 AM

Nov 2014
Talk openly about hentai like it's a good conversation topic. They clearly know others next to them are listening, but they keep talking about it like its their pride. I cant live one day now without hearing the word ''hentai'' or thoes moaning music remixes on youtube, killme.

The worst part is that I'm ashamed because I know what titles they're talking about...ㅋㅋㅋ
Dec 13, 2016 11:04 AM

May 2014
Literally everything the anime community does needs to stop deadass
Dec 13, 2016 11:10 AM

Jun 2011
Not knowing the difference between bait and shonen ai.
Asking for a rec for a war anime but not wanting mech or anime before 2005.
Asking for recs with plots that really are done better by anime pre 2005 but then saying no anime before 2005.
People not listening when you say you want recs for anime pre-2005 and they give you anime from 2007... what... even.
People acting like your eyes are broken for thinking the animation in Akira is wonderful.
People mindlessly hating dubs.
Expecting your homemade cosplay to look like it was made at a factory and to be perfect in every way and for you to look exactly like the character...
People not knowing the difference between Daicon Bunny, Misty May, Haruko, and Mikuru... Jesus fucking Christ!!!

*feels old*
*feels very old*
*is ignored at con except by maybe one other oldfag*
*seriously I watched 50 anime from this year and people thing me liking older anime is some slight against new anime. Yuri on Ice is my new favorite thing and that can't be enough for people who like new anime NOPE gotta love only new anime for these people who only like new anime*
The anime community in a nutshell.
Dec 13, 2016 11:19 AM

Jun 2011
Rinar said:
-I told someone "do you think you are overrating it?" in response to "SHINGEKI NO KYOJIN IS THE BEST THING EVER" and got chewed the hell out for it. Basically overly defensive people who takes the slightest criticism as an insult to their soul. Although I can sympathize with that since there are people bringing out the "X is overrated" argument as often as they can because they are elitist dorks
-"There are no good modern anime"
-"Old anime is too ugly to watch"
-Waifu subculture.
-Preparing another holocaust because anime and cartoon is different.
-Preparing another holocaust because anime is not for kids.
-Make an AMV but don't give any hint of it in the title.
-Think they are better than everyone because they have watched over a thousand anime
-Has watched over a thousand anime but still has no standards
-Those who like catgirls
-Those who don't
-Those who can't get obvious jokes

I like catboys and cat girls. I am still under 1k anime though. still not too late to change! Or not! XD

But still yeah. People who hate new anime because it is new and old anime because it is old drive me up the wall so much. And also people who hate me for the PREFERENCE of older anime not realizing that I watched 50 anime this year. and I actually LOVED Yuri on Ice like... omg it might top Evangelion for me. Do you know how hard it is for an oldfag to say that? Like seriously... I am like... questioning my religion right now. I prayed to the alter of Eva for a long time. But I donno. Yuri on Ice is kinda where my life is. haha! And it is just as "bad" as ecchi bullshit in a lot of ways and I really don't care. It actually reminds me of the good old days in anime where they just let loose, had a good time and had some real romance going on.

I am kinda that horrible otaku who collects every release of a show they love but ug. I really don't know anyone else who does... Kinda wish I could meet someone else who felt those old ways... And also made their own cospaly...
The anime community in a nutshell.
Dec 13, 2016 11:24 AM
Jul 2018
Gexis said:
Stop Shipping
Stop Roleplaying
Stop all the Waifu shit

This king 👑 is here ladies and gentlemen.
Dec 13, 2016 2:29 PM

Jun 2016
Well it would be nice if people didn't put other peoples anime down but I guess such things only exist in an ideal world ...
Dec 13, 2016 3:45 PM

Oct 2012
SeibaaHomu said:
- Thinks Evangelion is a good series

You Can (Not) Stop Me From Thinking That </3

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Dec 13, 2016 3:52 PM

Jun 2008
How about stop calling it a "community"....

Also, stop trying to make drama where there isn't any to be had.
Dec 13, 2016 3:54 PM

Oct 2014
Shoryu said:
SeibaaHomu said:
- Thinks Evangelion is a good series

You Can (Not) Stop Me From Thinking That </3

how can anyone stop thinking the most objective truth in anime?
Dec 13, 2016 3:56 PM
Aug 2014
Attacking people who think old anime is better?
Dec 13, 2016 3:57 PM

Oct 2015
.Obsession with taste
.Entitlement - wanting Japan to cater to their tastes while they refuse to contribute a cent to the industry (also this is weeaboo behaviour)
."All modern anime sucks" attitude
."All retro anime sucks" attitude
."All moe anime sucks" attitude
."All manly anime sucks" attitude
Dec 13, 2016 4:03 PM

Aug 2015
Tenshi_Shura said:
ultravigo said:
Kona comes in mind,basically we were shit posting keemstar memes and i got my second warning whereas kona was banned.

Aren't bans temporary? I see that Emiya has returned.
As far as i know there is a system for banning someone i may be wrong though.
First they'll give you warning.After 3rd warning they ban you for a certain hour,then they ban you for a day and it will keep on increasing depending on the post[Offensive,racist or attacking other users] you will post.And after that if mods decide then they'll ban your IP.
Dec 13, 2016 4:04 PM

Oct 2012
gabrielrroiz said:
Shoryu said:

You Can (Not) Stop Me From Thinking That </3

how can anyone stop thinking the most objective truth in anime?

Hehe, well, I do recognize Eva has its short-comings, but ultimately, the reason why I obsess over Eva is because it's very personal and meaningful to me; I don't expect others to feel the same, as my experience is my own, yours with yourself, and so on. In a strange way, perhaps, I will say Eva is my personal #1, the best of the best, but I believe other anime, and other stories are indeed leagues above Eva. However, my attachments to such anime is quite gripping to the point I can't nor dare say Eva is "objectively" the best anime ever.

It's always nice to meet fans alike though.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Dec 13, 2016 4:25 PM

Oct 2014
Shoryu said:
gabrielrroiz said:

how can anyone stop thinking the most objective truth in anime?

Hehe, well, I do recognize Eva has its short-comings, but ultimately, the reason why I obsess over Eva is because it's very personal and meaningful to me; I don't expect others to feel the same, as my experience is my own, yours with yourself, and so on. In a strange way, perhaps, I will say Eva is my personal #1, the best of the best, but I believe other anime, and other stories are indeed leagues above Eva. However, my attachments to such anime is quite gripping to the point I can't nor dare say Eva is "objectively" the best anime ever.

It's always nice to meet fans alike though.

i kind of only use the term objectively when joking
and i agree there are other stories that are way better than eva but as far as personal impact the show has i can not even imagine anything in anime that could match the sort of impression eva had for me
Dec 13, 2016 7:33 PM

Mar 2012
AveryGamerDude said:
Attacking people who think old anime is better?
Thing is if you were around back then to experience all the crap that was forgotten by time you probably wouldn't have that same opinion.

Even now that basically everything is subtitled and like half of everything is dubbed we still end up forgetting about a whole bunch of shows. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe there's probably a whole bunch of old seasonal crap from 1995 that never even got a DVD release let alone subtitles?
Dec 13, 2016 7:36 PM

May 2014
Lord_Sithis said:
Elitism. That shit should disappear. This ridiculous concept of "taste". Meme discussions and intense hating or hyping.

Literally the only good thing about the anime community.
Dec 13, 2016 8:41 PM

Aug 2015
Stealing good answers to these kind of topics because it makes me come off as unoriginal...
SomeEdgeLord said:

I WILL report you from this forum if this continues.
In real life, I am one of the coldest, unsympathetic, people you'll ever know, who's grown up in an even colder household, you really don't want me to break my persona, I know how to make people feel bad.

YearnsforAttention said:
hm who has 1656 friends on MAL
that's right me
bye bye

YearnsforAttention said:
I don't want your approval
how many damn times do I need to say it
I enjoy irritating you
I am gonna do things MY way
Dec 13, 2016 9:07 PM

Jul 2012
Making these threads on myanimelist
Dec 13, 2016 9:59 PM

Aug 2015
People who thinks that hating on Charlotte will make them sound cool... :I
Fk those fgts!
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