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Is anyone else turned off by visual style only?

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Apr 21, 2016 1:46 PM
Mar 2016
Yup. Bad visuals = Shit anime >.<

Older anime are alright. But when new anime has art that looks like it was drawn by a 5 year old, I cannot help but feel turned off.
Example: Anything Toei >_<
Apr 21, 2016 1:48 PM

Mar 2012
yep, i won't watch anime like ping pong, cause they're ugly as hell

if i can't even look at the screen ofc im not watching...

but its really rare, since i like 90% of anime art
Apr 21, 2016 1:53 PM

Jul 2014
kamisama751 said:
anobaka said:

Well it is both subjective. The story/characters you might find good I might easily find crap and vice-versa.

What if I tell you that objective standards exist? :D

Valaskjalf said:

Because anime is made of visuals. If you want story only, good read a book.

Anime is a medium of storytelling which happens to be visually. The purpose of telling a story is to express something.

aqing0601 said:
I already got knifed for complaining about Aku no Hana in a similar forum like this, so what's the worst that could happen?

Yes, visual styles plays a major role as it is what I will be staring at for 5-6 hours straight.

After browsing your list I won't give you any mercy.

Bring all the knifes! Heck, I will even knife myself if necessary.
Apr 21, 2016 1:56 PM

Feb 2016
Not really, only thing I got turned away by visual was 7 deadly sins on Netflix. I haven't actually watched it, but the screenshots... the animation just seemed odd. Plus the anime story doesn't really seem captivating.

I looked at some misc pics before of it and found this...
It just made me think "Wtf are they doing in this anime?"

“Don’t just mindlessly judge people as you please.” – Rin Okumura
“Your past shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.” – Rin Okumura
Apr 21, 2016 2:02 PM

Jun 2015
Of course. Visuals are a huge part of the experience. If an art style is peculiar, then it should have a reason to be that way. How does it complement the experience?
Apr 21, 2016 2:26 PM

Aug 2013
Insertanamehere said:
monali said:

good work dodging all of my post or sorry i mean almost all of my post
but seriously i was talking just about your favorite i didn't checked your whole list
it was just a little bait from me you know
anyway as i said in my post above that you have already dodged,you can have it your way i'm not here to change your mind

Evangelion, Utena, LOTGH, have good art and animation?

All of them have a solid art and animation at the time they come out and they still easily watchable in this age even though i agree that evangelion wasn't that impressive in that regard but it was better than a lot of shows from the 00's
seriously i think you believe that any old show has a bad art and animation and that's totally wrong
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Apr 21, 2016 2:32 PM

Aug 2014
monali said:

All of them have a solid art and animation at the time they come out and they still easily watchable in this age even though i agree that evangelion wasn't that impressive in that regard but it was better than a lot of shows from the 00's
seriously i think you believe that any old show has a bad art and animation and that's totally wrong

No I don't, I'd say anime like EoE or Jin-Rou have animation that was great for their time and still holds up today but those three I mentioned don't have "awesome" art and animation, even for the time they were created.
Apr 21, 2016 2:34 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Not at all. And looking at Clannad, it really doesn't look that bad, and Nisekoi and Oregairu are hardly some pinnacles of visual style; you're not talking Redline compared to Sailor Moon Crystal, so I don't really get your concern.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Apr 21, 2016 2:34 PM

Jan 2016
Well, I wast turned off by Aku no Hana's use of rotoscope and Seiken Tsukai no Worldbreak's horrible horrible art.

And, I'm still hesitant to watch full CG shows like Sidonia no Kishi, Ajin and the like.

So, I would have to say yes, I'm turned off by just the visuals...
Apr 21, 2016 2:35 PM
Jul 2018
I don't really care much about the visuals. For me it's: characters > story > sound > art.

I can even enjoy CGI shows like Sidonia, no problems.
Apr 21, 2016 2:53 PM

Aug 2013
Insertanamehere said:
monali said:

All of them have a solid art and animation at the time they come out and they still easily watchable in this age even though i agree that evangelion wasn't that impressive in that regard but it was better than a lot of shows from the 00's
seriously i think you believe that any old show has a bad art and animation and that's totally wrong

No I don't, I'd say anime like EoE or Jin-Rou have animation that was great for their time and still holds up today but those three I mentioned don't have "awesome" art and animation, even for the time they were created.

by EoE do you mean the end of evangelion??
and yep awesome is a bit exaggerate you can change it to good (or decent for the current standard)
dude i think we're going to have this conversation forever
just to clear things up i don't care when an anime has a good or even a decent art and animation i will watch it regardless
but when the show is shity in that regard i don't think good story will make it up for it because i'm still watching an anime not reading a book
anyway as i said in the beginning you can have it your way
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Apr 21, 2016 3:15 PM

Apr 2016
Yes i can be. I did not have a problem with clannad visually, but for me it has to be really bad for it to turn me off, or just strange in a bad way. I normally don't like the way really old anime is drawn so i don't watch them. Berserk as an example.

I didn't really like prison school art style.

I'm actually the same way with hentai. Western art style always is a dud for me. It seems less detailed and the body proportions are off. Often times there arms and legs are really skinny and barely better than a stick figure.

My favorite style is usually just the standard/normal style in recent anime.
Apr 21, 2016 3:38 PM

Aug 2014
Not really, I watch a show regardless of the style.
Apr 21, 2016 11:30 PM

May 2015
Clannad is fairly traditional though. What do you think of stuff like Tatami Galaxy?

That's one of the best anime in existence.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Apr 21, 2016 11:36 PM

Sep 2015
Me too man. I don't doubt Clannad is any good but I will never be able to watch it cause the characters are so damn ugly. Can't stand any of that old jazz.
Apr 22, 2016 12:13 AM

Sep 2015
I neglected to watch Clannad for a long time cause of how fucking big they're eyes were, now I'm neglecting to it watch cause I can't stand the characters in it. So to answer your question, not anymore. I've come to learn that engaging in different visual styles is one of the best things about anime.
Apr 22, 2016 1:53 AM

Jan 2016
Well, I guess visual style plays a role for me, but mostly, I hate it when people label a style as "ugly". Ugly is completely subjective, so your "ugly" means nothing to my opinion.

Though, I can say that I like when studios take risks with their style.
I like most animation styles, and can appreciate when artists try something new, but I hate when people clearly weren't even trying, or were too scared to try, and the anime looks like a template found on some "How to draw anime" site.
That's when I get bored.
Apr 22, 2016 1:58 AM

Oct 2013
I won't watch old anime, even if it's said they're good.. I can't stand the old art, and I might watch an anime to an end even though the story isn't great but the art is.
Apr 22, 2016 2:30 AM
May 2009
I rarely care about the art once I've seen an episode.
The only thing that can annoy me is inconsistency.
There have been a few shows that have that inconsistent quality.
Apr 22, 2016 2:43 AM

Mar 2014
I'm indifferent to most art styles. Death Note, AoT, FMA, HxH, these all look fine, but they're not winning any points for their art style. They're all distinctly anime. I like it when my anime doesn't look like anime. Animation allows for so much creativity, you can make a show look however you want, be different. Not that a show has to have a beautiful art style, and there are certainly more normative shows that look good, but I just love the weird stuff.

I typically dislike art stypes that accentuate features even more than usual, Clannad being the most notable example. I'm not overly fond of Utena's style either, but other than troll anime and xxxholic, very few things bother me. I got used to Utena, and I could probably get used to Clannad if I ever bother to watch it.
Apr 22, 2016 3:20 AM

Jul 2015
Z-Dante said:

If the art is shit, the anime is automatically shit to me!

That's why kill la kill is a terrible anime in my book .
*cough* Code GeAss *cough*

Yeah 👌 Kill la Kill is 💯 shit that's some 💯 awful animation 👀 right ✔ there buddy 👌👌 you're right ✔✔ go tell'em 👌 mate 👀 oooOOOooh yeah.

^And I got proof 👀 💯 👌👌
Apr 22, 2016 7:10 AM

Feb 2016
BatoKusanagi said:
Not at all. And looking at Clannad, it really doesn't look that bad, and Nisekoi and Oregairu are hardly some pinnacles of visual style; you're not talking Redline compared to Sailor Moon Crystal, so I don't really get your concern.

Well your are speaking about opinion like it was a fact. Visual style is completely subjective. Just because something is extremely detailed it doesn't mean it automatically better. I simply prefer minimalistic character face styles like Nisekoi/Oregairu.

I think there is an obvious difference between Clannad and Nisekoi/Oregairu visual style of character faces. And yes, to me Nisekoi/Oregairu style is great.
man_of_cultureApr 22, 2016 7:19 AM
Apr 22, 2016 7:16 AM

Feb 2016
kamisama751 said:

Take for example plotholes, they are undenyable and always makes the plot worse. That is already one. ;)

Even plotholes are subjective. I mean there is always some way to explain/deny them. It is also easy to claim there is one.
Apr 22, 2016 7:18 AM

Feb 2016
TheBrainintheJar said:
Clannad is fairly traditional though. What do you think of stuff like Tatami Galaxy?

That's one of the best anime in existence.

I haven't seen it but I googled some images and I must say I am not a fan. :)
Apr 22, 2016 7:22 AM

May 2014
Weirdly enough although visual style can pique my interest, I'm not really repelled if it's something not to my liking.

Except CGI.
It just doesn't look right most of the time.
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Apr 22, 2016 7:27 AM

Feb 2016
kamisama751 said:
anobaka said:

Even plotholes are subjective. I mean there is always some way to explain/deny them. It is also easy to claim there is one.

No, plot holes are logical inconsistency within a story and it is objective. Even if there are some way to explain it if it is not present in the story then it is just overthinking.

We Just won't agree on this one so I guess we better leave it at that. :)
Apr 22, 2016 7:58 AM

Aug 2013
kamisama751 said:

monali said:

but the visual aspect is really important when you try to tell a story in the visual media
just take the tatami galaxy as an example,one of the most enjoyable part of the show is the way yuasa used the visual to tell the story
the same can be said to ping pong or all satoshi movies or even shaft shows and a lot of different shows

Haibane renmei tells me that it just need to move. Good visuals are can but not must.

Haibane renmei has a soft and nice visual
I know that's visual is not a must for you and some people but still visual has a big role at making a good anime
just because YOU don't care about one aspect doesn't make it any less important
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Apr 22, 2016 8:01 AM

Oct 2015
I'll give an anime less of a shot if I do not like the art style. I cannot really enjoy it if I do not like how it looks. Just my preference though.
Apr 22, 2016 8:09 AM

Oct 2014
honorific said:
kamisama751 said:
No, you are the only one. Visuals nearly never plays a role for me.

I don't get the whole appeal to visuals, why is it people like boring and empty shows like Nisekoi just because they look pretty?

Well thats just your opinion it maybe boring for you but not for others. alot of people enjoys them.

Back on topic , If its just visuals then i can watch almost any anime except really old ones from the 90s.
Apr 22, 2016 8:14 AM

Nov 2012
I don't like laziness and huge inconsistencies, unappealing style alone usually isn't that big of a deal. Prettiness, cinematography and originality is a big plus though
Apr 22, 2016 8:33 AM

Aug 2013
kamisama751 said:
monali said:

Haibane renmei has a soft and nice visual
I know that's visual is not a must for you and some people but still visual has a big role at making a good anime
just because YOU don't care about one aspect doesn't make it any less important

Visuals MUST exist but they need not to be good. If we talk about importance then they are all equally important but visual is the least affective one besides sound when it comes to show's quality.

you have a really serious problems dude,what's important and what's not is just what you see
and yep visual is the least effective part for YOU doesn't change the fact that visual is an important part in this VISUAL media the same can be said about music are you sure you are talking about anime not books
I'm sorry that's you can't appreciate visual and that's fine too
but why the heck are you even wasting your time in this media
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Apr 22, 2016 8:55 AM

Sep 2015
If by turned off mean that I automatically assert that anime as bad and drop from watching it without second thought, then no, I am not. Never dropped an anime solely because the visual, so there is that. I always give them a fair shot, even anime with CG because who knows perhaps there is some kind of entertaining things left in there that I can still seek.

But yeah, I had a hard time watching anime with strange, alien art style in my preferences if anything. For example Mononoke and Kaiba, I feel grateful for watching the latter one cause it turned out to be really good, and I started to think that the style is rather unique.

Tobacco Causes Severe Health Problems, Smoke Moderately While Respecting Others.
Apr 22, 2016 9:55 AM

Feb 2016
Yeah, most of the time, but when I actually read the anime's synopsis, look at the characters and story I immediately add it to my list.
My fav characters- Kanade Tachibana, Naka, and Shana!
Apr 22, 2016 10:08 AM

Feb 2015
Me. I especially hate Pre 2007 Art and CGI.
Apr 22, 2016 10:12 AM
Apr 2015
I tend to put off animes with art styles that does not appeal to me, Clannad as a prime example.

However there are exceptions, like older great animes such as Great Teacher Onizuka of Grave of the Fireflies, where I watched more for the content rather than the art.
Apr 22, 2016 10:15 AM
Dec 2012
I don't like outdated animation but I'll watch it if it the plot is interesting enough.
Apr 22, 2016 10:43 AM

Aug 2013
kamisama751 said:
monali said:
you have a really serious problems dude,what's important and what's not is just what you see
and yep visual is the least effective part for YOU doesn't change the fact that visual is an important part in this VISUAL media the same can be said about music are you sure you are talking about anime not books

kamisama751 said:
Anime is a medium of storytelling which happens to be visually. The purpose of telling a story is to express something.

Anime is a medium of storytelling. :D
You are saying that like I have said visual is not needed at all and unimportant even though I have said myselves that they are all equally important. They are the least affective part when it comes to a show's quality.

monali said:
I'm sorry that's you can't appreciate visual and that's fine too

What exactly do you mean there?
If you mean the importance of visual, which you say is subjecive, then aren't you contradicting yourselves?
If you mean the quality of visuals then where do you got that information from? Since I haven't said anything about that.

monali said:
but why the heck are you even wasting your time in this media

Just because I don't count visuals as high as other criterias doesn't mean I am not allowed to watch anime.
In addition, from your words you are saying why I am wasting my time with anime since I can't appreciate visuals. It means anime got only visuals? Well... that's something I have never heard about.

Anime is a medium of storytelling that relies on visual to tell the story
and i meat i'm sorry that's you don't care about visual like I do
and nope i said visual as a matter of fact is as important as any other aspect but unfortunately people like you don't care about it,and that's doesn't change anything
for the last part see my first post in this thread
monali said:

because you're talking about a visual media if that help
anime is bigger than just writing

but you think anime is merely writing and that totally wrong,if you want writing go read novels you gonna be surprised,but if you want to fully enjoy anime you have to know that's anime has many aspects and no one more important than other
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Apr 22, 2016 10:47 AM

Dec 2014
It can be a huge turn off, but it doesn't stop me from watching the anime if the story is good.
Apr 22, 2016 11:25 AM
Jul 2018

Is anyone else turned off by visual style only?

Absolutely.. I'm not ready to watch Clannad because I can't stand character designs.
Many people dislike Aku no Hana because of its rotoscoping but it's one of my favs.
Apr 22, 2016 12:06 PM
Jul 2018
I can be choosy
I really hate the visual style of the Junjou Romantica series and its familiar for example, to me it's just not that attractive, I hardly understand why people like it, I guess I prefer BL manga with less coarse, cleaner, more soft style of art, but it's probably the stereotyping that also bothers me. Not to mention that their chins could cut wood. Lawd no that style is just no
Apr 22, 2016 12:27 PM

Aug 2013
kamisama751 said:
monali said:

Anime is a medium of storytelling that relies on visual to tell the story
and i meat i'm sorry that's you don't care about visual like I do
and nope i said visual as a matter of fact is as important as any other aspect but unfortunately people like you don't care about it,and that's doesn't change anything
for the last part see my first post in this thread

kamisama751 said:
Visuals MUST exist but they need not to be good. If we talk about importance then they are all equally important but visual is the least affective one besides sound when it comes to show's quality.

You still have’t understood that I also mean visual is as important as everything else. A show just need to accomplish the basic need of its visuals. Having better animation/art is just a can but not a must unless it is a show completely focused on visuals like Redline.

monali said:

but you think anime is merely writing and that totally wrong,if you want writing go read novels you gonna be surprised,but if you want to fully enjoy anime you have to know that's anime has many aspects and no one more important than other

Telling that animation/art is the least affective thing when it comes to quality doesn’t mean they have no impact at all.
Saying that I should read novels if I want writing could mean that anime has no qualitative writing. I just want to consume those anime with good writing. Where is the problem?
Fully enjoying anime is not possible since there will always be shows that you dislike unless you are tasteless, which can be a good thing. However that is not my ultimate target and anime with good writing are enjoyable enough for me. ;)
Then you say that no criteria is more important than another, which I have also said multiple times.

so if we're on the same page from the beginning how did we end up taking three pages of debate
oh wait maybe because even though you made me hate the word "writing" you can't write a long post enough to make people understand what in your head or maybe I'm the one at fault but i'll bet its the first
anyway i totally agree
but when i said that you should stick with novels that's because you'll find far more of what you like than what anime gonna offer to you
and i love me some good writing anime but i still can enjoy anything else if it has a certain aspect more outstanding than the others without make any of those shity, that what i meant by fully enjoy anime
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Apr 22, 2016 2:48 PM

Dec 2015
I have low standards, like im watching kagewani and kagewani: shou and im fine with it

i'd rather judge an anime from it's story and characters rather than it's artwork *cough sword art online cough*
Apr 22, 2016 2:50 PM

Oct 2015
I wouldn't say I've ever been turned off from a show due to visual style, but there have been some shows that I started watching purely cause I liked the visuals or character designs.
Apr 22, 2016 6:52 PM

Jan 2013
Definitely, as an artist it really matters.
Even if the anime itself is really good, it would definitely affect how much I enjoyed it.

EDIT: Also, the main reason why I got into anime was because of the art, so :P
Apr 22, 2016 6:59 PM
May 2015
dadnaya said:
I won't watch old anime, even if it's said they're good.. I can't stand the old art, and I might watch an anime to an end even though the story isn't great but the art is.
Wow...someone who's also very similar to me. If you look at my list, I also don't plan and will never plan on watching old anime even if the story is great because I also can't stand old art/animation.

Apr 22, 2016 7:03 PM
Feb 2015
I'm very turned on by good art style. If the style is shit but the story, sound, and characters are amazing, it's only going to get up to a 6/10 in my book, I don't care how great the plot was but art in animation counts a lot
Apr 22, 2016 7:04 PM

Apr 2015
I don't really care what visuals style they choose to use as long as they put enough effort on it. That's why I usually don't like CGI, since nowadays they only use it to save money. And since they don't bother to make it look presentable, chances are they don't put enough effort on the script either.

tl;dr: Bad animation=Bad production
Apr 22, 2016 10:21 PM

Jun 2015
It really depends. I enjoyed Clannad because it was different for a change, but you're you I guess.
Apr 22, 2016 10:22 PM
Dec 2015
I'll watch any anime if it is good, regardless of immaculate or simple artstyle. That being said, I actually like Clannad's art.
Apr 22, 2016 10:29 PM

Jul 2012
On rare occasions, generally I prefer certain styles over others but it wont turn me completely away from an anime.

Niki said:
I don't like laziness and huge inconsistencies, unappealing style alone usually isn't that big of a deal. Prettiness, cinematography and originality is a big plus though

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