QuattroVaginas said:Youngjames said:
I finally caught up to it, my god tomino what happened to you man, you go from masterpieces like zeta to complete and utter nonsense like this, I cant even call these characters characters they are just walking plot devices here to spot off buzzwords that will probably go unexplained for the rest of the series, the art looks nice but thats all there really is to it so far.
I couldnt finish it but even fucking AGE was less a clusterfuck of shitty writiing and half assed explanations than this turd, tomino man you ended the gundam franchise with the most perfect note of turn A gundam, that was you farewell letter in the most perfect way, why would you come back to shit on that by making this
How did you feel about Turn A characters?
They were at the very least characters with visible motivations and personality, they did more than just announce the situation, and harry is probably the best char clone out there.