All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 337.4
Mean Score:
- Watching14
- Completed1,187
- On-Hold17
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch71
- Total Entries1,289
- Rewatched16
- Episodes20,108
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 72.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries106
- Reread0
- Chapters12,905
- Volumes813
All Comments (3410) Comments
I played Disco Elysium recently which honestly may have changed me as a person. It was a very deep experience. Still thinking about it, weeks later, LOL.
I keep forgetting there's a new Star Ocean! How is it?
Anime-wise, I have a friend (a fellow author in my publishing house) who I watch anime with every week and that has been a fun schedule for us both. We finished Overlord and Kimetsu no Yaiba recently. We're going through Made in Abyss now, which I watched back when it aired, but I wanted her to see it (and I wanted to watch season 2). I finally hit the 100 days of anime mark here on this site, lmao. I remember years ago seeing I was close and thinking I would hit it soon, but then I fell off the anime-watching train. I feel like I was hovering around 95 days for three years. xD
You been playing anything since we last talked about SMTV? I have just been playing random Steam games.
Man, that sounds like a crazy situation you got yourself in! Probably for the best that you both got cold feet if you both rushed into it. Marriage contracts can be such a pain in the ass. Personally, I don't think I ever want to deal with it. I've been with my bf for... I'm not even sure how long now. 13 years? I guess we're common-law married now, if that applies, though I won't ever sign paperwork unless I get some substantial benefit for it.
I guess my stance on things is, if it makes you enough money that you can live comfortably and enjoy yourself, it's worth it. I don't care to make a ton of money. I'm just happy that I have time to write my books and do some other fun things on the side. :)
Most of my anime watching these day is when I watch with a friend over Discord. We've been watching Bungo Stray Dogs, and just finished season 2. Chuuya is mai husbando. :3
My book comes out on April 8th. I'll let you know when it's available. :)
I got a booster shot on Friday and it knocked me the fuck out for a solid day and a half, lol. I'm only just now recovering from that.
I basically avoided most of the Covid stuff since I work at night, alone, so I don't really need to worry about masks or random people breathing on me, lol. And I was already very much an introvert who never left the house xD I get all my groceries put straight into my car now, so I rarely go into the store itself, either.
Mostly the same though, working my usual shift, get home watch anime or play some games or join Monster Hunter with Kam and Dim. Occasional hang out with friends with friends but again that's Switch fun or playing games like Detroit/Men of Medan. Story of my life. Haha.