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2021 Anime Watching Challenge - Sign Up (OPEN until NOV 30)

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Nov 29, 2021 1:44 PM
Apr 2015
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 9, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: December 23, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list: Here
⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 232
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 277

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #501
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form: Here

🚩 Card NUMBER: #01
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Enthusiast
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
SarexcaDec 27, 2021 1:48 PM
Nov 29, 2021 1:47 PM

May 2017
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 8, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2021 December 31, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list: HAPSYS's list.

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 231
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 330
πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #304
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form: Sign-up form

🚩 Card NUMBER: #04
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
HAPSYSDec 31, 2021 6:39 AM
Nov 29, 2021 2:06 PM
Sep 2014
Initial Post Number: #2472

πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:
πŸ“£ Link to your Anime+:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 157
⏰ Time Zone: UTC+3

🚩 Card Number: #05
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Rookie
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“š Anime in Forum Set: N/A
πŸ“š Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch

Starting up TO-DO list (remove list before turning in!)

βš”οΈ Challenge list:
    Card #5: Étude's Aviary

    βš”οΈ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01)

When posting this form I am confirming that I have read
the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability.
I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.
TetrisiusNov 29, 2021 2:10 PM
Nov 29, 2021 2:21 PM

Feb 2021
Initial Post Number: #2473♬

πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 04, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list: Completed anime list
πŸ“£ Link to your Anime+: Anime+

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 129
⏰ Time Zone: CET

🚩 Card Number: #08
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Addict
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“š Anime in Forum Set: Kimetsu no Yaiba & Takt Op. Destiny
πŸ“š Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch

βš”οΈ Challenge list:
    Card #8: Ran's Russian Roulette

    βš”οΈ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01)

When posting this form I am confirming that I have read
the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability.
I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.
FlonxNov 30, 2021 3:03 PM
Nov 29, 2021 2:41 PM

Nov 2014
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 02, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 143
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 183

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #107
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #02
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Enthusiast
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2021 3:15 PM
Mar 2019
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2021 (the date your first anime was watched)
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2021 (example: November 30, 2021)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 194 (the day you made your post)
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 277

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #847♬
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #04
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2021 4:06 PM

Dec 2013
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: 05 January 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: 29 November 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 749
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1125

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #27
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form: Sign-Up Form

🚩 Card NUMBER: #09
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: Type: TV | Duration: Endurance

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ” Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
CanaanNov 29, 2021 4:23 PM

"By Depending on others and letting them
Depend on you, people can Exceed what
they can do as Individuals." - Mikoto Misaka

"Rokkon Shojo!"
Nov 29, 2021 4:10 PM

Jul 2012
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 11, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: December 20, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 978
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1,325

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #934♬
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #7
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
JTtheLlamaDec 22, 2021 2:21 PM
Nov 29, 2021 4:16 PM

Mar 2018
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 02, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: December 26, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 286
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 406

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #160
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #08
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Enthusiast
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? YES
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? NO

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
thejinxedstarDec 28, 2021 9:50 AM
Nov 29, 2021 4:17 PM

Jul 2013
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: February 08, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 773
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 808

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #424
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #09
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Rookie
🚩 Restriction: Neat Freak

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes (only answer if "Yes" was selected for inspection)

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2021 4:31 PM

Aug 2008
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: March 27, 2021 (the date your first anime was watched)
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2021 (example: November 30, 2021)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 475 (the day you made your post)
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 622

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 1768
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: 06
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: Neat Freak (put N/A if none)

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2021 4:32 PM

May 2020
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 10, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 21, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 276
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 438

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 676
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #01
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction:

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
IHaveNoLifeYadaDec 24, 2021 4:17 PM
Nov 29, 2021 4:34 PM

May 2020
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 12, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: October 2, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list: Completed List

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 119
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 215

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 675
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form: Sign-Up Post

🚩 Card NUMBER: #01
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Rookie
🚩 Restriction: Endurance

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
dooby2004Dec 28, 2021 4:41 PM
Nov 29, 2021 5:10 PM

Jul 2007
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: Jan 08, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: Nov 26, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 866
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 943

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #252
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form: Link

🚩 Card NUMBER: #3
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
lphDec 31, 2021 9:53 AM
Kt -sA-

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Nov 29, 2021 5:29 PM
Sanzo Party

Apr 2015
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 2, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 208
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 354

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 720
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form: LINK

🚩 Card NUMBER: #06
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2021 5:32 PM
Apr 2016
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 1, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: August 23. 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 172
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 192

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 2103
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #03
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Enthusiast
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
jamiehibiscusDec 23, 2021 10:16 PM
Nov 29, 2021 5:40 PM

May 2015
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 02, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list: Completed

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 400
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 438

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 228
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form: Challenge

🚩 Card NUMBER: 9
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Enthusiast
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
nerfsunnyNov 29, 2021 5:43 PM
Nov 29, 2021 6:09 PM

Nov 2009
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 20, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 689
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 757

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 436
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: 10
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

Nov 29, 2021 7:18 PM

Feb 2016
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 10, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 595
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 660

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #200
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card Number: #03
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected?: Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!?: Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2021 8:15 PM

Oct 2019
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 16, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 70
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 139

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1052
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #10
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Enthusiast
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2021 8:37 PM

Dec 2020
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 02 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 23 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 452 (the day you made your post)
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 474

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #2368♬
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #03
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: No

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
_Alive_Dec 23, 2021 11:48 AM
Main Candies:
Nov 29, 2021 10:10 PM

Feb 2020
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: Jan 4, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: Dec 23, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 41
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 107

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #828
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: Card #8: Ran's Russian Roulette
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Addict
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
IssaPeoDec 30, 2021 7:43 PM
Nov 29, 2021 10:23 PM

Jul 2016
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: Jan. 10, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: Nov. 26, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 684
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 747

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #466
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #08
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Enthusiast
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2021 10:32 PM
Jun 2017
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: Jan 7, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 29,2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 142
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 223

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 906
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #06
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

XIGNericDec 23, 2021 10:14 AM
Nov 30, 2021 12:53 AM

Oct 2012
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: Jan 01, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: Dec 28, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 985
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1117

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 266
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #07
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: Master of TV

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
MegaManBK7Dec 27, 2021 11:25 PM
Nov 30, 2021 2:04 AM
Apr 2018
Initial Post Number: #2494✩

πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 4, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:
πŸ“£ Link to your Anime+:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 183
⏰ Time Zone: PST (GMT-8)

🚩 Card Number: #03
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Rookie
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“š Anime in Forum Set: N/A

βš”οΈ Challenge list:
    Card #3: Strained Shey

    βš”οΈ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01)

When posting this form I am confirming that I have read
the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability.
I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.
ondoitNov 30, 2021 10:14 PM
Nov 30, 2021 3:00 AM

Jun 2016
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: 19 January 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: 30 November 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 512
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 586

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1364
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: Card #8: Ran's Russian Roulette
🚩 Card Level: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…γ€€ Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2021 3:20 AM
Apr 2016
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 10, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 483
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 589

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: ##773✩
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #03
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Addict
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2021 3:25 AM
Apr 2017
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: February 15, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 301
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 319

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 505
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #02
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Rookie
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
SebastianSteyrerNov 30, 2021 4:03 AM

Nov 30, 2021 4:27 AM

Mar 2016
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 6, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: Dec 24, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list: url=

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 232
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 298

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #151✩
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #03
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Enthusiast
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
strawberaetaeDec 24, 2021 2:50 AM

Nov 30, 2021 4:29 AM
Sep 2016
color=#60AFFE]@AWC_mod BINGO!
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 4, 2021 (the date your first anime was watched)
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021 (example: November 30, 2021)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 738
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 833

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 357
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #06
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2021 4:43 AM
Oct 2019
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 8, 2021 (the date your first anime was watched)
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 16, 2021 (example: November 30, 2021)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 55
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 234

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 740
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #07
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Enthusiast
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2021 5:13 AM

Dec 2019
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: JANUARY 03, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: NOVEMBER 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 155
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 225

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #127☩
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #01
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
fgomesNov 30, 2021 5:17 AM
Nov 30, 2021 5:52 AM
Jul 2021
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: February 20, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 237 (the day you made your post)
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 266

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 2106
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #08
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Enthusiast
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2021 5:54 AM
May 2020
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 18 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 07 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 79
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 147

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1135✩
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: Card #03
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: Neat Freak

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
xxR0N1NNov 30, 2021 6:13 AM
Nov 30, 2021 7:56 AM

Jul 2016
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 05, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 476
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 539

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 930
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: # 06
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Rookie
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2021 9:45 AM

Nov 2018
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 02, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: December 19, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1420
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1957

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #41
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #05
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: TV, Endurance

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
ShockZzDec 23, 2021 1:18 PM
Nov 30, 2021 10:26 AM

Jun 2016
Initial Post Number: 2506ღ

πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 27, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:
πŸ“£ Link to your Anime+:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 266 (202 at the time of my original post, #1382. I accidentally deleted it today while editing from my phone)
⏰ Time Zone: UTC-5

🚩 Card Number: #03
🚩 Card Level: β˜…β˜…β˜… Bingo Legend 64/64
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“š Anime in Forum Set: Princess Tutu (Avatar), Baccano!, Nichijou, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (Signature)
πŸ“š Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch

βš”οΈ Challenge list:
    Card #3: Strained Shey

    βš”οΈ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01)

When posting this form I am confirming that I have read
the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability.
I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.

Andres_CQNov 30, 2021 10:46 AM

Nov 30, 2021 10:35 AM
Jul 2018
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: Jan 20, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: Nov 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 212
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 307

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #744
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #2
🚩 Card Level: BigDud's Deathmatch
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
removed-userNov 30, 2021 10:43 AM
Nov 30, 2021 10:52 AM

Jun 2016
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 27, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 266
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 266

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #2506
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #03
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

Nov 30, 2021 10:59 AM

Jan 2011
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 18, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1441
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1448

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 2395
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #08
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
It’s always best to start at the beginning
Nov 30, 2021 11:02 AM

Oct 2019
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 08, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 224
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 329

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #299
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #11
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N//A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2021 11:06 AM

Apr 2017
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 10, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list: Boop!

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 428
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 495

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 43
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form: nya~

🚩 Card NUMBER: 06
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2021 11:39 AM
Jan 2017
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: JAN 01, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: NOV 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 245
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 400

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1218
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #01
🚩 Card Level: BINGO LEGEND
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? YES
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? YES

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
holmeskudoNov 30, 2021 11:46 AM
Nov 30, 2021 12:20 PM

Jul 2020
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 02, 2021 (the date your first anime was watched)
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2021 (example: November 30, 2021)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 126 (the day you made your post)
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 281

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1718
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #04
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Enthusiast
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
aimeramieDec 24, 2021 8:39 PM
Nov 30, 2021 12:24 PM

Aug 2019
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: Janurary 5, 2021 (the date your first anime was watched)
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021 (example: November 30, 2021)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 152 (the day you made your post)
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 249

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 477
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: 4
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No (only answer if "Yes" was selected for inspection)

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used? Yes

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages? Yes?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages? Yes

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them? Yes
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL) I think

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title? Uhhhh

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2021 12:28 PM

Feb 2021
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 20, 2021 (the date your first anime was watched)
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2021 (example: November 30, 2021)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 28 (the day you made your post)
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 147

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1588
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #04
🚩 Card Level: BINGO LEGEND
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format? yes
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms? yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used? yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used? yes

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages? yes
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages? yes

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them? yes
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL) yes

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title? yes

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team? no
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2021 12:39 PM

Mar 2012
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 09, 2021 (the date your first anime was watched)
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 28, 2021 (example: November 30, 2021)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list: Completed List

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 635 (the day you made your post)
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 710

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #657
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form: Form

🚩 Card NUMBER: #02
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used? Yes

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages? Yes
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages? Yes

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them? Yes
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL) Yes

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title? Yes

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team? No
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
YanzatNov 30, 2021 12:49 PM

Nov 30, 2021 12:45 PM

Jan 2018
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 684
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 700

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 2262
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form:

🚩 Card NUMBER: #05
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2021 1:09 PM

Jul 2014
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 6th, 2021
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30th, 2021

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list: mozgow's list

⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1,100
⏰ Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1,228

πŸ“œ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #22
πŸ“œ Link to your sign-up form: link

🚩 Card NUMBER: #07
🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend
🚩 Restriction: Endurance

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Jackpot!? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format? Yes
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used? Yes

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages? Yes
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages? Yes

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them? Yes
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL) Yes

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title? Yes

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team? No
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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