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Whats the most innapropiate thing you've seen at school?

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Jul 12, 2021 12:09 AM
Jul 2018
Damn yall schools are whack asf, the worst thing that happened at my school was kids making moaning sounds during class
Jul 12, 2021 7:10 AM

Jan 2018
Corleone said:
There was some fights left and right. The one I recall the most wasn't even really a fight... A wannabe thug barely over 160cm was trying to beat up a nerd around 190cm. But he took all punches without flinching and didn't even punch back.

the wannabe thug is my classmate and the tall nerd was in a class just next to us. He just laughed it off, they both laughed it off.
Jul 12, 2021 3:50 PM

Apr 2020
not really inapropriate but back in elementary school I saw a kid literally getting his finger cut by a door.

He had his hand on the wall and some kid unintentionally slammed the door, thus his finger got cut.

Teachers did what they could, they tried to put the finger in a refrigerator, but it was too late. The next days he had a bandage around his finger.



Jul 12, 2021 3:54 PM

Jun 2015
I was in school like 20 years ago.

my classmates put a firecracker in an electric switchboard.

wasnt that bad nothing really happened, the plastic panel cracked.
Jul 12, 2021 4:25 PM

May 2020
My classmate had a knife in his bag and took it out once teacher was yelling him about something, he got detention for 2 weeks or something and knife was confiscated.

Not sure why he had a knife in the first place or why even take it out if you're too coward to do anything with it.
Jul 12, 2021 7:52 PM

Feb 2010

Back when I was in elementary school at gymnastics class I've had a girl who was in her late teens try to hit on me.
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Jul 13, 2021 4:45 AM

Apr 2021
im on a private school but uh lots of ppl making out and being affectionate i guess, i wont know since i dont really mind other's business but there are a few extreme stories ig
“I am the Dark Flame Master. Perish, enveloped in the flames of darkness!”
Oct 18, 2021 9:43 PM

Dec 2018
damn i forgot how frickin ridiculous and screwed up this whole thread got, nothing crazy like most of this thread happened at any part of my school life
Oct 19, 2021 5:51 AM

Nov 2020
Damn you people got the spiciest schools possible.
If you ever feel bored and are questioning the meaning of your existence, read deez blogs. Maybe you will find your answers.
Nov 4, 2021 9:04 PM

Feb 2016
My school had an arsonist. Nobody was hurt, but classes were interrupted by fire alarms multiple times that week.
This place was known as the top school in the city.
Nov 4, 2021 10:49 PM

May 2016
My friend pissed in the school elevator.

Ah.. the good ol days...
Nov 4, 2021 10:52 PM

Dec 2020
i didnt see it personally but some guy walked in on these 2 people having sex in the bathroom, and later the girl left the school because she got pregnant. this was 6th grade. 😭
Nov 5, 2021 12:34 AM

Mar 2021
_Nette_ said:
There was this disgusting girl who would masturbate during Bible class for some godforsaken reason.

Sounds like the basis of a new John Waters film.

OT: I think the most inappropriate thing I saw at school was a picture of a dick that one of my classmates was allegedly sent.
"Molly Ringwald" out right now - check my Linktree!

Nov 5, 2021 9:03 PM

Sep 2019
Mine is pretty boring compared to others but in the 9th grade a few kids were playing truth or dare and somebody ended up pulling out a condom
"No matter how hard we fight it we always return to where we're meant to be."
Nov 8, 2021 3:10 PM

Aug 2020
someone in the lower school shat in the sink, which lead to everyone in the school being banned from going to the toilet in classes for a few months, unless they had an absolute valid reason to go to the toilet.


she/they () past sets () myanimelist () letterboxd
Nov 8, 2021 4:47 PM

Jan 2021
some kid in elementary school went butt naked and smeared his shit all over the bathroom walls. catholic schools am i right

blockberry creative will pay for its crimes

Nov 8, 2021 4:48 PM
Dec 2017
I am seriously pressing x to doubt with the seriousness of how this really happened.

Nov 8, 2021 4:55 PM

Aug 2017
One of the students was caught giving middle finger to the teacher.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Nov 9, 2021 1:53 AM

Apr 2018
In 9th grade, we were watching Osmosis Jones in biology and I smelt something fishy. I turn around to see a girl getting finger blasted and these dudes were taking turns.
Nov 9, 2021 5:13 PM

Jul 2021
I have no clue about anything inappropriate since my school is private and very manageable with their students but I've once see many boys beating up each other like throwing a tantrum ;-; but they eventually got caught really quick and both were suspended for a week.
Nov 10, 2021 8:10 PM

Oct 2021
smoking weed in a catholic university

BELIEVE you deserve it and the universe will serve it.
Mar 25, 2022 9:58 AM
Dec 2017
kerofroggy said:
some kid in elementary school went butt naked and smeared his shit all over the bathroom walls. catholic schools am i right

Catholic schools can confirm are some really crazy shit literally in your case

Mar 25, 2022 8:33 PM

Dec 2020
Despite what my professors tried to say about how "this is totally different from school, we treat you like the adult that you are", both of these stories are gonna be from college, because it's literally just school but somehow even worse, and nobody can convince me otherwise

Firstly, there was the art professor for hand-drawn art (as opposed to digital art) - This absolute POS had the nerve to show up an hour late to class, make everybody (including students with mobility issues) travel to an art museum on-foot completely unannounced, and she proceeded to smoke in the faces of said students (at-least 2 of whom had a serious lung condition) all the way there
She also got pissed when a student who had been in a car crash politely refused to draw a visual representation of what "a car crash might sound like"
She had a lack of sympathy unlike any other person I've ever met. She would inconvenience and possibly endanger her students at every opportunity and didn't give a single crap so long as the college continued to pay her

And secondly, there was the photography professor. He STOLE a student's property, proceeded to break it and then had the audacity to return it and blame the damage on my best-friend! And when everyone else verified that they saw him taking it, he just went silent for a second, before continuing the lesson. No apology. No remorse for committing two literal crimes. Nothing
And he forced me to get on a bus for a field trip, even though I explicitly stated that I was afraid of buses. As a legal adult, I should have had every right to refuse for WHATEVER reason I wanted (Hell, after the actions of the drawing professor that I mentioned earlier which all happened in just one day, BTW, I skipped her class every week and there was NOTHING anyone could do about it), yet alone that I have a genuine phobia of buses. But of-course they didn't care. After all, the professor in charge of that field trip was the criminal photography professor

I sincerely hope that the college I attended has closed down since I dropped out!

EDIT: I forgot the time they insisted on staying open during a natural disaster, before back-peddling when people rightfully complained about how that would be endangering students and professors alike

EDIT 2: I somehow forgot about their orientation day. Right from day one, they f'ed up. What was their idea of a welcome gift to ALL students, regardless of sexuality or religious belief? A male condom and a bottle of alcoholic wine. How appropriate (sarcasm)
In any other situation, if you were meeting someone for the first time, those gifts (condom especially) would be considered misguided at best and offensive at worst. But because "college students sure are wild, huh?" or some shit, that seemed perfectly fine to them
Someone who I mentioned this incident to before put it best when they said the college's idea was likely "we don't care if you get drunk on our time, just don't get pregnant and take away from valuable learning time with us", or something along those lines
Kogasa-TataraMar 25, 2022 8:47 PM
My greatest contribution to this website:
Mar 25, 2022 8:40 PM
Lost 💎 Diamond

Dec 2012
someone bringing a diaper to school and sticking it on people's backs as a prank
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Mar 25, 2022 8:47 PM
Jul 2018
I've got a couple

This guy needed to go to the toilet so me and my other friend accompanied him. He heads in but then I hear splashing and not the type of splashing going down a toilet. The type of splashing that's hitting a concrete floor. Next thing you know I see some liquid seep through the crack of the toilet door and at that point I backed the fuck up and thought to myself "this guy is fucking tapped" Then some younger kid came along STARED at the puddle and proceeded to step THROUGH it. Safe to say that kid smelled of piss the entire day not knowing why.

This next story is even worse. There was this kid that really, and I mean REALLY hated his science teacher. So he came up with the most fucked up thing he could think of. He told the teacher that he can bake some cakes for her birthday which was coming up. Little did she know that he CAME inside the cake and put the cake back together. My guy fucking spunked in a cake and fed it to his teacher.... and after that he said "how did it taste?" She said "Like pineapple"

.... My school was stupid as shit
Mar 25, 2022 8:49 PM

Oct 2020
lmao i remember i walked past 2 people fucking in the toilets in year 10, at the time i was confused why so many people were stood outside just listening

another would be my science teacher always standing behind seated girls and putting his hands on their shoulders, he had most the girls at the front with most the boys at the back. forever glad i was at the very back for 2 years straight guy was a borderline pedo
Mar 25, 2022 9:00 PM

Feb 2021
During high school days back in my catholic school, some classes would have 1-2 SPED classmates and I had one with ADHD. Basically it was quite normal for the classroom to be noisy because he often disrupts the discussion and everyone's just being lenient. One time he had a breakdown and attempted to jump off 4th floor, where my classroom is located. He didn't go to school for the next few days, then came back fine and in his usual self.
Mar 26, 2022 4:02 AM

Apr 2012
How about school bullying by your teacher because you were the son of her colleague and in this way she tried to settle the score with your mother? Also, since my mother is a Western Ukrainian Jew (my father is of Russian-Ukrainian origin), students who had problems with my mother spread anti-Semitic rumors against me.
Mar 26, 2022 10:08 AM

Jul 2013
Political correctness is definitely the most inappropriate thing I've ever seen happen in a public school. Woke teachers and communist board of directors getting away with feeding kids garbage.

They want everyone to know that European traders are the ones to blame completely for the Triangular Slave Trade when West Africa started it by sending away their captives that they got during a turf war. Numerous Native Americans eventually slaves or those former prisoners of war also. Everyone knows that West Africa wanted European guns but were way too broke to pay for them. Every tribe leader or man wanted power so no one was ever innocent.

They can eat it, especially when more and more Americans study for GEDs.

I blame public schools for making every court in America communist, favoring women over men. Like the smart boy in the first Transformers movie said, "pros before hoes".
Mar 28, 2022 5:11 PM
Mar 2022
This kid in my class is molesting other students, including me. I punched him in the face and he stopped.
Mar 28, 2022 5:31 PM

Nov 2020
Weird couples breeding in the hallway like it’s normal and nobody is watching.
If there's a hole there's a goal-Master Oogway
Mar 28, 2022 5:34 PM

Aug 2009
I mean, back in high school, just because I haven't seen the used condoms, that doesn't mean that I didn't get word that orgies happened in the gym locker room.

Mar 29, 2022 11:18 AM
Ooga Booga

Jul 2020
aside from the usual drugs and all that stuff, there was one guy who found massive happiness in sticking sticks into random cats' asses.

smoochie smoochie[/center]
Mar 29, 2022 12:39 PM
Jan 2021
Another dude touched my ass in high school. 
scarydragonJan 11, 2023 7:15 AM
Aug 12, 2022 5:13 AM
Jul 2018
A classmate watching pr0n in my 7th grade.
Aug 29, 2022 9:19 PM

Jul 2017
When I was in middle school, there was a guy who loudly spit out his phlegm onto the classroom carpet floor a couple of times while the history teacher was in the middle of teaching. He was one of those big troublemaker students in class who would cuss every sentence or so, and I sat a few seats to the side of him. I think that was the craziest thing I’ve seen during school lol. Aside from that, nothing else crazy happened that I’ve seen or heard about. There’s the occasional banging and shouting in the boys’ locker room, as well as some pushing, shoving, and throwing of objects sometimes, but it wasn’t too shocking or anything. School life was quite tame overall.
Aug 29, 2022 9:24 PM
Dec 2017
Everytime this thread is bumped, i just cannot help but cringe laugh at how seriously messsed up shit can be in your schools lol.

Aug 29, 2022 9:30 PM

Mar 2021
In 9th grade, this couple kisses in the hallway but in the freakiest way. He pinned her hand to the wall and started to kiss her and they were the same grade as me.

and This one happened in the second semester I was sitting in the back of the classroom and I saw this couple there were normal at first and in 2 mins I saw her putting her hand on his no no square. On that day I want to bleach my eyes
Aug 29, 2022 9:33 PM

Aug 2022
Damn... this thread. I went to very strict private schools so I didn't really experience many inappropriate things.

The most 'inappropriate' (more like disgusting) thing I've witnessed was when my classmates kept a container of food, let it rot, and then added substances such as water, juice, etc. like it was their chem lab or something. It was in our classroom for a long time. At one point it turned green and when a tylenol pill was added, it would start bubbling... Quite literally a safety hazard. Whenever I think about, I feel like throwing up
Aug 29, 2022 9:55 PM
Dec 2017
bambirose said:
Damn... this thread. I went to very strict private schools so I didn't really experience many inappropriate things.

The most 'inappropriate' (more like disgusting) thing I've witnessed was when my classmates kept a container of food, let it rot, and then added substances such as water, juice, etc. like it was their chem lab or something. It was in our classroom for a long time. At one point it turned green and when a tylenol pill was added, it would start bubbling... Quite literally a safety hazard. Whenever I think about, I feel like throwing up

Oh you should see this one particular thread i have booked marked ever since i saw. Which anime characters body parts would you cut off and eat and holy shit that thread was so bad, it was hilarious. XP

Aug 29, 2022 10:24 PM
Aug 2020
Probably the time some other student was looking up porn on the class computers or when one student pulled a knife on another. (I was outta there real quick)
Sep 26, 2022 6:55 PM

Feb 2015
Firebind2 said:
Probably the time some other student was looking up porn on the class computers or when one student pulled a knife on another. (I was outta there real quick)

We had one of those too. I swear, every school's got one. I'll remember him for the rest of my life, I'm sure lol.

Here's mine: we had this trend at my middle school called "ball tagging," where you would go around and randomly smack your guy pals in the nuts. Not SUPER hard, you weren't trying to hurt them, just enough for them to feel it but still be able to laugh about it. Some guys did use a little too much force, but they were disincentivized from doing so because if you busted someone's balls too hard, you'd spend every second at school in fear of the inevitable retaliation. Well, the administrators were sick of this trend, and one day they called a meeting specifically for all of the boys. The meeting wasn't ABOUT ball tagging, but one of the principals felt compelled to speak up, and what he said definitely would NOT fly today.

"So yeah, listen up, we've been noticin' all this HITTIN' EACH OTHER IN THE BALLS stuff." Every boy starts laughing. "Yeah, well you shouldn't be laughing, because it isn't funny. I know none of you are probably thinking about this yet, but one day you might wanna have kids, and if you damage someone's private parts, how are they gonna do that, huh? Don't you think that would be awful? Not very funny now, is it? If we see any more of this behavior, you will be expelled. It's assault, and it's unacceptable behavior at this school. And personally... I think it's pretty gay."

Being middle school boys, we all thought this was hilarious, and cool, and epic. But MAN, I can't IMAGINE that happening today...
Sep 26, 2022 9:08 PM
Jul 2022
jerked off way too much in middle and high school, and i would always do it in class while in secret watching hentai
myanimelist (or as i like to call it mya) resident JK by day and magical girl by night
Sep 27, 2022 1:36 AM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022
Crow_Black said:
For me aside from the lolcow fuckery like drugs,alcohol,wannabe gangbagers,sex and vandalism borderline pranks.

Was this, i saw a teacher who was known for being quite touchy feely and hell i even saw him kiss a female student but i never said anything at that time but if i could turn back time, then yeah i would anonmously report it from the shadows with evidence.

And i have no fucking clue if he still does work there hopefully not and also, what do you think is the most innapropiate thing you saw at school?

You sure this isn't from some romcom anime? Seems like I've seen all of that in anime..

Sep 27, 2022 1:39 AM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022
School shooting like man thought he was rambo, another kid showing up with a katana like he is prime shishio..

Bomb threats and a hostage situation..

Serial murders..

Sep 27, 2022 5:28 AM

Jun 2021
At elementary school, even if i wasn't attending school cafeteria / canteen myself anymore in my final year (1996-1997), i still clearly remember than three or four people of my same age (one or two in my same classroom and two in the closest one that shared the same teachers) bullied a younger kid at lunch time by picking her glass of water, throwing a raw egg and an apple peel in it, and mocking her by asking: "do you want a cocktail?"
When the homeroom teacher discovered it, she brought up the two bullies not in my same classroom to ours, with the exact same glass on her desk still filled with the egg and apple peel, and exposed them to public humiliation for what they did before obviosly reaching their parents. Usually i hated that teacher for being too strict, easily driven into yelling and anger, but that exact day for once she went from rejected to respected. Even if those two bullies from the other classroom didn't stop being such in the future... the ones in my same one instead mellowed out.

After this, i still laugh thinking about the final day (6th or 13th of june 1998) of my freshman year of junior high, about what happened after the sound of the final bell. Everyone including the teacher soon ran out except for me and another classmate, i just because i was finishing writing about holidays assignment homeworks, and he because he was yelling like a madman and transforming the classroom into a battlefield by throwing the desks and chairs upside down as if a paintball game was about to begin. I was genuinely sorry that he was held back in 1st grade for the following year 'cause he wasn't a bully as some other awful people in the same class, he teased me every now and then but knew when to stop and it was never mean-spirited (anyway, i successfully switched section between the second and third year exactly to escape the bullies). Now he has a full family and is a regular customer of the restaurant i work into.

Finally, nothing much happened in my high school (mostly attended by rich families kids even if i wasn't one, and with non-existent physical bullying) except for students occupations of the newer part of the building in early 2002 (in a time i wasn't attending due to an injury), and again in early 2003. Can't even remember the official reasons, anyway i was too scared of the consequences if i was caught in taking part of the "pacific" riot and went to normal lessons in a different classroom of the older part of the school with most of my classmates. My longtime best friend instead wasn't there and even before this occupation in those months we weren't talking to each other after i acted up and he booted me out of our friends "official" group of those times (to be fair, they were justified). Still, i was concerned with him being suspended or something similar but it didn't happen, in hindsight i can't even picture him having key roles in that uprising situation, he probably just wanted to skip normal lessons. Next time i see him, if i remember i will jokingly ask about it, considering the 20th anniversary is almost coming and now we're even close to each other than before.
_untitledSep 27, 2022 5:39 AM
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