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Why straight people refuse to watch anime with BL element?

Aug 23, 2020 9:48 PM

Oct 2017
I often heard arguments from straight people that they refuse to watch any anime with BL element in it, and the reason is often "I'm straight so why should I watch 2 guys with intimate relationship?"

However I never heard people that're gay refusing to watch anime with BG element (pretty much most anime have relationship emphasize on BG pairing)

Not to mention girls seem to be fine with anime that have GL in it, however, guys seem to unconditionally reject anime with BL element in it regardless of writing/ quality of story.

Do someone that's straight male want to explain their rationality?
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Aug 23, 2020 9:53 PM

Sep 2019
I can't think of a good answer tbh... I guess it just doesn't appeal to me? Yuri is cute, romance is relatable in some way but BL just doesn't appeal to me? I don't know how to explain it, someone else can probably do it for me lol.
Aug 23, 2020 9:54 PM

Jun 2007
I'm bi at this point in my life but I'd still agree with the sentiment those people have.

It has nothing to do with boys love being about gay characters, but almost every BL story out there is pretty sexual in nature. I very deeply value romance, it's my favorite genre, and every gay romance story (INCLUDING lesbians even, not just BL) I've seen from anime or manga is never about love. It's always creepy, rapey, and overly sexual and I'm obviously not including hentai in that - or at the very 'best' it's poorly written and under developed.

Not all, but the VAST majority. I very rarely see gay couples in anime that are legitimately developed, even something like Aoi Hana (lesbians, not gays, but still) which isn't all that sexual ends up a VERY poor depiction of how relationships work and the characters are completely unrealistically portrayed.

When the focus of a story is "THEY'RE GAY" things are just difficult to write beyond THEY'RE GAY! I guess.
Aug 23, 2020 10:02 PM

Jul 2012
I'm not a huge fan of romance or say drama anime in general and I'm generally not watching them for the story element as much as the characterization.

That being said the characterization on female characters tends to click with me more. So in the rare case I prioritize romance central anime I'd rather focus on series where the characters are more likely to appeal to me.
Aug 23, 2020 10:12 PM

Aug 2009
Basically because I'm straight, and somewhat of a misandrist, so don't want to watch a show that's exclusively about two guys forming an intimate relationship. If it's a subplot, cool, but it can't be the main point for me to care.

Aug 23, 2020 10:25 PM
Jul 2018
1) I mean, I think the best analogy would be ice cream: some people don't like vanilla ice cream. But that doesn't mean they think vanilla ice cream is bad or anything. I don't care about eating chocolate ice cream anymore, but I don't think it's bad, nor do I dislike it.

2) The hook for a lot of of romance anime, is the idea of, let's be honest, wish-fullfilment: I'm pretty sure a large portion of guys who watched Spice and Wolf watched it because they wanted to subconsciously fantasize of being together with a wolf goddess. So when you're a straight dude, it's...kinda hard to self-insert yourself into the anime's romance, when it's about two gay dudes.

3) It seems like the main selling point, the main hook, of a lot of these BL that they're BL stories, and nothing else. BUT, I am very interested in watching Banana Fish, because it's main selling point isn't JUST that it's a BL anime, but that it's also this mafia drama tragedy set in 1900s New York, which sounds awesome (I'm waiting for the dub to come out to watch it).

FacelessVixen said:
Basically because I'm straight, and somewhat of a misandrist, so don't want to watch a show that's exclusively about two guys forming an intimate relationship. If it's a subplot, cool, but it can't be the main point for me to care.

This. I'm fine with a gay romance subplot, but if it's the only selling point, then I'm not interested.

Aug 23, 2020 10:26 PM

Dec 2017
The only BL I could consider watching is this.
❝Kabo-chan is ran by the MAL staff team and does not respond to individual comments made on her profile.❞
I was immensely devastated.
Aug 23, 2020 10:41 PM

Jan 2010
I think it made them uncomfortable.
I know because I used to feel uncomfortable myself with BL/GL.
Now though, I'm a fan of BL and doesn't mind GL at all.
I don't know what changed me but yeah.
Aug 23, 2020 10:45 PM

Aug 2013
BL is usually made by girls, for girls. It doesn't have a male audience in mind. BG and GL usually have a wider scope, and it helps that most GL authors are women, contrary to popular belief,so it appeals a lot to girls as well. Even the most questionable stuff like Citrus is penned by a woman. I can't even think of a Yaoi that's created by a man, unless you want Bara manga.

Personal taste aside, I think most people dislike the image they have of BL rather than the genre itself, which makes then wary of trying new stuff — and frankly,I can't blame them. The fans and the creators themselves don't really help.

I tried reading some of Shimura Takako's BL manga, who wrote Aoi Hana which is one of the best yuri manga and has a talent for complex and interesting characters. Her BL works, though, creeped the fuck out of me. I can't even believe it's the same person who wrote Aoi Hana and Hourou Musuko, it's pure fetish fuel.

Of course there's good stuff among the trash, but most people probably aren't interested enough in it to rummage through it.
Aug 23, 2020 10:58 PM
Jun 2019
1. I know a lot straight people who does like BL, even I wanna try some day Yuri on Ince, for example.

2. It's just something that you are not comfortable if you can't feel the same as the character. Romantic anime are mostly about making you feel like you're part of the relationship, if you can't feel alike, you just skip, even with straight one's. My best friend literally don't like Oregairu because he has never been that type of guy.
Aug 23, 2020 11:05 PM

Feb 2019
Firstly, most of the BL anime aren't even targeted towards males, not even gays. They are just female fetishizing gay people so they are in general disliked by straight people and even gays.

Secondly, there are multiple forms of yuri and yuri as a genre was started by and for lesbians so you could actually find more realistic romance in yuri than in BL or even shoujo romance. Also it is popular among males because there are males who just want to see cute girls if not proper yuri for good romance.
Aug 23, 2020 11:26 PM
Jul 2018
There is a whole science behind it actually.

Fusami Ogi (2001) not only points to the ambiguity of the category of 'shôjo manga' but also attributes the eye-opening contribution of homosexuality as illustrated in 'shôjo manga' to a consciousness-raising among the public regarding gender. 'Shôjo manga,' existing for female readers, has been a medium which (re)produces an ideological notion of the 'shôjo' as a passive girl. In other words, since the notion of 'shôjo' is constructed, so is the category of 'shôjo manga', where in fact there is no reason that the texts cannot be alternately gendered.

Ogi (2001: 176) categorizes the gender representation of 'shôjo manga' published around the 1970s into two types: 1) the proto-world of 'shôjo manga', in which female characters lie in the center to present their lives through heterosexual relationships, 2) the de-centralization of female characters as subjects, for the purpose of subverting the existing gender conventions. Ogi (ibid.) turns a critical eye on the first category as reinforcing the conventional images of the 'shôjo', whereas she celebrates the achievement of the second category of non-women protagonists not only as a challenge to conventional gender roles but also as the outset of questioning regarding gender itself.

Ogi's critical accounts of 'shôjo manga' create a strong argument that unless female writers demolish the heterosexual convention, they would only impose traditional restraints of femininity upon themselves. Ccentering on female characters confines them to perform as objects of male desire, in which their sexual pleasure is constructed through their own objectification. In other words, women's liberation from sexual suffering in the patriarchy through the media representation can be realized when readers and writers experiences the reversed gender roles through a male mask.

The manga subgenre with the theme of boy-boy homosexual relationships, which deals exclusively with male protagonists as the objects of female sexual desire, plainly indicates a challenge to the traditional notion of the 'shôjo'. This is because these relationships are depicted under the umbrella of 'shôjo manga', or under the girls' eyes.

What is intriguing about Ogi's view is that she describes 'shôjo manga' as an "engendered category", which can (mis)guide readers and writers to maintain the existing gender conventions. Thus, this category "acts like an item of clothing which anyone can wear, but the way it is worn creates any individuality and sometimes even works as subversion" (Ogi 2001: 185). According to Ogi, the creators of boy-boy manga -- three women born in 1949, called the 'Magnificent 24s' (because 1949 is Shôwa 24) -- who played with this gender ambiguity of the genre to parody and transform a heterosexual system to a homosexual one, destabilized the conventional code of gender the male gaze.

2.3 Symbolic reality through a male mask: Matsui's argument (return to index)

In the same line of thought as Ogi, Midori Matsui (1993) uses psychoanalytic theory to develop a historical examination of the boy-boy comic up to the maturation of this subgenre in the 1990s. Matsui, like Ogi, problematizes the category of 'shôjo' as a phase imposed by patriarchal discourse, which prevailed through media in the market for girls. She discusses the subversive function of the boy-boy comic in establishing the relations of girls to phallocentric culture.

The female ego masquerading as a boy in this subgenre reflects the struggle and the split goal of the female subject's desire, between achieving a place in the phallocentric universe, and dissolving all discursive gender/sexual boundaries. Also, male homosexuality indicates resistance to 'normal' sexuality and the view of girls as commodities both of which are coded within the patriarchal discourses. Matsui, however, does not simply celebrate female liberation through comics. Instead, she elaborates complicated women's liberation from the patriarchal system through historical phases.

The boy-boy comics in the first phase (the 1970s), which Matsui calls the phallic phase, fall into the Freudian explanation of castration from the dominant male perspective, which reinforced the prestigious status of the phallus. Matsui analyses adolescent subjects in this subgenre, who overcome their narcissistic crisis by turning their object of desire to the asexual other in order to affirm their centrality in the oedipal universe.

The representation of boy-boy relationships in this phase did not overcome Lacan's (1977) idea of the phallus as privileged signifier, or the determiner of subjectivity. For example, even boys' castration fear illustrated by rape is settled with the decision to enter the patriarchal culture and law at the end. Also, the invisibility of the female projected by repressing negative femininity and feminine sexuality through male bodies, would not amply set girls free. The phallocentric idea of sex as commodity was still prominent.

In addition, Matsui understands female readers' rejection of femininity exposed through their fascination with boy-boy manga as "penis envy" (Freud 1914). Thus she encapsulates this phase as being ultimately swallowed up by phallocentric control.

Matsui's second phase (the 1980s), a parodic phase, is characterized as the conscious exploitation of homosexuality as a "pleasure machine for girls" (Matsui 1993: 188). The boy-boy comic plays with fantastic stories to ridicule male fantasies about virginity, by parodying the typical romantic portrayals of girls, exemplified by an exaggerated use of flowers that symbolize female passivity. This phase reveals a challenge to the patriarchal legitimation of female virginity and 'femininity' that keeps free sexual pleasure as a male privilege. This parody significantly shatters the power hierarchy between the genders within symbolic reality. Matsui (1993) suggests that boy-boy comics in this phase demonstrate Foucault's (1980) idea that revolutionary movements should grow within the hegemonic structure.

Matsui's third stage (the 1990s), a nihilistic phase, which occurred during a boom in science fiction, is characterized by a significant distance between the fantasy and reality. For example, this style is symbolized by a system of cloning, sexual dystopia, where babies of any sex are produced possibly by a single Mother, who is a male having undergone organ transplantation. Therefore, sexuality and gender no longer make any sense. In this regard, drawing on Baudrillard's (1990) concept of cloning as erasing the subject as difference due to the death of the original, and his notion of simulation as "the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: a hyperreal" (Baudrillard 1994: 1), Matsui suggests the nonsense of sexual difference, sexuality or reproduction in 'shôjo manga' of this phase.

In reality the exaggerated ornamental background and boys instead of adults had to be used in order to camouflage the subversive content, as long as these boy-boy comics are published, even if it may have limited expression through this medium.

Nonetheless, Matsui (1993) concludes with the positive effect of the boy-boy comic by female writers as a form of female empowerment to reconstruct semiotic reality and to create an arena of sexual indeterminacy through a male mask. In other words, this subgenre facilitates the view of "seduction as an ironic alternative form that breaks the referentiality of sex" (ibid.:194) to raise awareness among women.

3. The possibility of female empowerment through heroes in anime (return to index)

To exhibit boy-boy relationships for female readers in 'shôjo manga' makes them aware of gender/sexuality constructions. Although there is no fixed category called "shôjo anime" as such, the concept of the 'shôjo' is also constructed through anime for societal purposes. Therefore, anime would represent genders depending on the environment, such as public tastes, demand and social expectations. Thus it is important to examine representations in anime from an historical perspective.

This section investigates the subversiveness of TV and theater released anime programs that have been developed around the image(s) of 'shôjo', with which audiences associate themselves. As briefly mentioned in the previous section, anime which appeals to audiences of both genders seems to display subversive features largely through the depiction of female characters, with whom audiences would either identify or for whom they feel desire. On account of the ambiguous concept and volatile image of 'shôjo', creation of the specific image of 'shôjo' facilitates anime's ability to become a subversive site. The examination of gender representations of female heroes will reveal the ideology which is loaded on the image of 'shôjo'. 'Shôjo' is a conveyer of ideology in certain time and place.

For these reasons, my examination focuses on the shift in representations of female (particularly girls) heroes, who contribute to the image construction of 'shôjo' and lead to the festival/carnival mode of this medium, in three different time frames: 1) the 1960s and 1970s, 2) the 1980s, and 3) the 1990s. All heroes studied fall into the category of the 'shôjo' defined previously. The results will elaborate on significant roles of the gender representations of this medium, whose complexities reflect real life, in realizing female empowerment and in subverting existing gender norms.
Aug 23, 2020 11:36 PM

Apr 2013
As a straight male this is my viewpoint on the three different scenarios:

BG: Obviously what I'm into so I have no problem watching this.
GL: Not a fan of it, but watching two girls making out isn't something I have a problem with.
BL: Obviously not what I'm into and in comparison to GL I'm not getting the fanservice of two girls making out.
Aug 23, 2020 11:38 PM

Dec 2016
I will only watch it if one of them is permanently gender bended into a fertile big titty elf girl. Who then proceeds to snap out catchy, crass one liners and goes on homicidal killing sprees. v_v You can't make me watch it otherwise. Unless you pay me a lot of money.

I mean, from a marketing perspective I hope people aren't looking for a serious answer on attracting a demographic they can't even understand.
Aug 23, 2020 11:39 PM

Jan 2009
homophobia be it mild or severe and homophobia is rooted on disgust most of the time so why you will watch something you are disgusted right?
Aug 23, 2020 11:45 PM

Apr 2013
deg said:
homophobia be it mild or severe and homophobia is rooted on disgust most of the time so why you will watch something you are disgusted right?

So if I'm a straight male and don't wanna watch a BL anime then it's because I'm homophobic? WTF?
That opinion is in the same category as "If you like lolis, you're a pedophile" O_O
Aug 23, 2020 11:46 PM
Feb 2020
Lemme be really clear over here. I don't watch bl anime firstly because there are hardly any good ones. There aren't a lot of good gl anime either. Most of them are just bland. And secondly, because it's gay and that's it. Now being pretentious about it isn't gonna help if you like that if that's what you're into, by all means, go for it. I'm not into dude, certainly not into anime dudes so why would I like bl anime. Now, this doesn't make me homophobic or a hater. I just don't prefer watching anime centered around bl element. I don't condemn it or spread hate about it, nor do I get automatically disgusted by it, it just doesn't appeal to me enough to rope me in.
Aug 23, 2020 11:48 PM

Jan 2009
Gator said:
deg said:
homophobia be it mild or severe and homophobia is rooted on disgust most of the time so why you will watch something you are disgusted right?

So if I'm a straight male and don't wanna watch a BL anime then it's because I'm homophobic? WTF?
That opinion is in the same category as "If you like lolis, you're a pedophile" O_O

nah im just saying the disgust towards gay sex for example is homophobia too

because the common definition of homophobia is just hate and prejudice towards gay so im not saying youre like this definition

im saying you got the disgust definition
Aug 23, 2020 11:52 PM

Apr 2013
deg said:
Gator said:

So if I'm a straight male and don't wanna watch a BL anime then it's because I'm homophobic? WTF?
That opinion is in the same category as "If you like lolis, you're a pedophile" O_O

nah im just saying the disgust towards gay sex for example is homophobia too

because the common definition of homophobia is just hate and prejudice towards gay so im not saying youre like this definition

im saying you got the disgust definition

So you're saying I'm not homophobic, but I just have disgust towards gay sex (which would not appear in BL anyway unless it's yaoi). At the same time you're saying disgust towards gay sex is homophobia too. You're making absolutely no sense here.
Aug 23, 2020 11:54 PM
Aug 2020
I don't understand why this is a question, the answer is simple, because they are uncomfortable. Someone feeling uncomfortable is enough reason to not watch something. That is like saying why don't all straight males masturbate to gay porn.

Also, since when did you become a representative of all girls? I know, heard, seen many many girls that refuse to watch anime, or a movie or anything with GL elements in them. Assuming that all females love watching GL is just wrong.

And yeah, like most of the people here are saying, most Shounen Ai are not even targeted towards a male audience, so it makes no absolute sense to why they should watch it. Most people try to project themselves onto the characters in the anime, so yeah it's obvious why BL doesn't work with them.

I'm never going to watch Yuri on Ice, no thank you, no matter how good the writing is, nope, it is gay and watching it makes me very uncomfortable.
Aug 23, 2020 11:54 PM

Jun 2020
Gator said:
As a straight male this is my viewpoint on the three different scenarios:

BG: Obviously what I'm into so I have no problem watching this.
GL: Not a fan of it, but watching two girls making out isn't something I have a problem with.
BL: Obviously not what I'm into and in comparison to GL I'm not getting the fanservice of two girls making out.

as a straight female i'll agree with this as well in the opposite order. i would say most of it is preference, i do watch some BL & with the same logic - but i would actually avoid GL, not because it makes me uncomfortable but i just.....don't like it? of course, if it's well-written i would have no qualms about it.

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Aug 23, 2020 11:54 PM

Jan 2009
Gator said:
deg said:

nah im just saying the disgust towards gay sex for example is homophobia too

because the common definition of homophobia is just hate and prejudice towards gay so im not saying youre like this definition

im saying you got the disgust definition

So you're saying I'm not homophobic, but I just have disgust towards gay sex (which would not appear in BL anyway unless it's yaoi). At the same time you're saying disgust towards gay sex is homophobia too. You're making absolutely no sense here.

it makes sense if you get that im saying there are 2 different definition of homophobia going around
thats for the disgust

while the wikipedia article about homophobia do not mention disgust
Aug 23, 2020 11:57 PM
Aug 2020
deg said:
homophobia be it mild or severe and homophobia is rooted on disgust most of the time so why you will watch something you are disgusted right?

So you are basically trying to say that I'm homophobic because I don't look at gay porn the same way I look at straight porn?
Aug 23, 2020 11:59 PM

Jan 2009
TheUnfairMAL said:
deg said:
homophobia be it mild or severe and homophobia is rooted on disgust most of the time so why you will watch something you are disgusted right?

So you are basically trying to say that I'm homophobic because I don't look at gay porn the same way I look at straight porn?

copy and paste

it makes sense if you get that im saying there are 2 different definition of homophobia going around
thats for the disgust

while the wikipedia article about homophobia do not mention disgust
Aug 24, 2020 12:01 AM
Aug 2020
deg said:
TheUnfairMAL said:

So you are basically trying to say that I'm homophobic because I don't look at gay porn the same way I look at straight porn?

copy and paste

it makes sense if you get that im saying there are 2 different definition of homophobia going around
thats for the disgust

while the wikipedia article about homophobia do not mention disgust

Yeah you are trying to avoid my question, am I homophobic for not looking at gay porn the same way I look at straight porn?
Aug 24, 2020 12:02 AM

Jan 2009
TheUnfairMAL said:
deg said:

copy and paste

it makes sense if you get that im saying there are 2 different definition of homophobia going around
thats for the disgust

while the wikipedia article about homophobia do not mention disgust

Yeah you are trying to avoid my question, am I homophobic for not looking at gay porn the same way I look at straight porn?

ye youre homophobic if you feel disgust at least
Aug 24, 2020 12:05 AM
Aug 2020
deg said:
TheUnfairMAL said:

Yeah you are trying to avoid my question, am I homophobic for not looking at gay porn the same way I look at straight porn?

ye youre homophobic if you feel disgust at least

If I'm homophobic that my dick gets flaccid when watching 2 guys make out then fuck yeah, I love being a homophobe and you can't do anything about it
Aug 24, 2020 12:06 AM

Apr 2013
deg said:
TheUnfairMAL said:

Yeah you are trying to avoid my question, am I homophobic for not looking at gay porn the same way I look at straight porn?

ye youre homophobic if you feel disgust at least

Next thing you're telling me is that I'm racist if I don't wanna date a black woman.
Man... and I once thought you were one of the people with the best arguments on MAL :/
Aug 24, 2020 12:07 AM

Jan 2009

hey im homophobic too anyway since i feel mild disgust or feeling uncomfortable about gay sex anyway

im just saying that homophobia is not always about prejudice or hate its also disgust

Gator said:
deg said:

ye youre homophobic if you feel disgust at least

Next thing you're telling me is that I'm racist if I don't wanna date a black woman.
Man... and I once thought you were one of the people with the best arguments on MAL :/

err im just saying what those science papers are saying lol homophobia is related to disgust too and not just simply hate or prejudice

and im homophobic too by that definition about disgust factor
degAug 24, 2020 12:11 AM
Aug 24, 2020 12:10 AM
Aug 2020
Gator said:
deg said:

ye youre homophobic if you feel disgust at least

Next thing you're telling me is that I'm racist if I don't wanna date a black woman.
Man... and I once thought you were one of the people with the best arguments on MAL :/

Yeah he's the one who made this thread-

I don't expect any good arguments from a person who thinks that being straight makes you a homophobe, next thing he's gonna say that the earth is flat, the moon landing was fake, illuminati is real, COVID-19 is fake, Idk what is he gonna say next.
Aug 24, 2020 12:13 AM

Jan 2009
TheUnfairMAL said:
Gator said:

Next thing you're telling me is that I'm racist if I don't wanna date a black woman.
Man... and I once thought you were one of the people with the best arguments on MAL :/

Yeah he's the one who made this thread-

I don't expect any good arguments from a person who thinks that being straight makes you a homophobe, next thing he's gonna say that the earth is flat, the moon landing was fake, illuminati is real, COVID-19 is fake, Idk what is he gonna say next.

again those science papers is where i get it from they define homophobia is link to disgust too thats all
Aug 24, 2020 12:17 AM

Jul 2019
That type of shows are just not to my liking. I just don't find them that interesting. I have nothing against gay people but watching gay people gay things is not to my liking
Aug 24, 2020 12:18 AM

Apr 2013
deg said:

hey im homophobic too anyway since i feel mild disgust or feeling uncomfortable about gay sex anyway

im just saying that homophobia is not always about prejudice or hate its also disgust

Gator said:

Next thing you're telling me is that I'm racist if I don't wanna date a black woman.
Man... and I once thought you were one of the people with the best arguments on MAL :/

err im just saying what those science papers are saying lol homophobia is related to disgust too and not just simply hate or prejudice

and im homophobic too by that definition about disgust factor

The definition of Wikipedia makes way more sense than your links.

"Homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). It has been defined as contempt, prejudice, aversion, hatred or antipathy, may be based on irrational fear and ignorance, and is often related to religious beliefs."

So if I just don't care about it, that doesn't mean I'm homophobic, that's stupid.
Aug 24, 2020 12:19 AM
Aug 2020
deg said:
TheUnfairMAL said:

Yeah he's the one who made this thread-

I don't expect any good arguments from a person who thinks that being straight makes you a homophobe, next thing he's gonna say that the earth is flat, the moon landing was fake, illuminati is real, COVID-19 is fake, Idk what is he gonna say next.

again those science papers is where i get it from they define homophobia is link to disgust too thats all

Yeah like I said, I don't care about those 3 websites I've never heard about and looks like a piss poor blog page, I go by what is morally and rationally right.
Aug 24, 2020 12:20 AM

Jan 2009

do you feel disgust or uncomfortable when watching gay stuff at least? if so you just do not want it to be labeled homophobia right?
Aug 24, 2020 12:20 AM
Aug 2013
you answered your own question lmao...because they're straight that's why.

Aug 24, 2020 12:22 AM

Jan 2013
I don't mind watching something with BL element at all, but if that's the main/only focus of the show, it's not something I'm interested in at all so I'll most likely take a pass on it. Same with GL/Yuri shows for that matter. It just doesn't appeal to me and I've got literally thousands of other shows to pick from.

But I'm definitely not gonna turn something like Shinsekai Yori off because I see two guys kissing as that's hardly the main point of the show.

Aug 24, 2020 12:22 AM

Aug 2018
I don't mind having some but I just never been into BL romance anime. banana fish was really good I do feel a lot of people heard that it had some BL and didn't watch it there loss. but ultimately I think it comes down to how the romance is done.
Aug 24, 2020 12:24 AM

Apr 2013
deg said:

do you feel disgust or uncomfortable when watching gay stuff at least? if so you just do not want it to be labeled homophobia right?

So you'll just ignore my argument and instead tried to make it invalid by proving that I have some ulterior motive? Alright I think I'm done here... what a disappointing discussion this was.
Aug 24, 2020 12:26 AM
Aug 2020
deg said:

do you feel disgust or uncomfortable when watching gay stuff at least? if so you just do not want it to be labeled homophobia right?

Of course I feel uncomfortable what the fuck? Are you mentally disabled? My father, my teacher, my friends, and literally every other straight person is uncomfortable when watching gay porn, and they have all rights to be uncomfortable and no that doesn't make them a homophobe.

Your logic is completely dumb and irrational, I don't give a flying fuck about those 3 blog post you claim to be science papers, why don't you go ahead and pitch to Wikipedia to change their definition of homophobia? Then I'll listen to you. There is a reason behind why they will never accept it. Cry and whine all you want, but your words mean nothing to me, if you think that being uncomfortable with gay porn makes me a homophobe, cool I don't give any fucks because like I said, your words don't matter to me. I'm not gonna listen to someone who keeps showing me papers and math calculations to why the Earth is flat just like I'm not gonna listen to you.
Aug 24, 2020 12:27 AM

Jan 2009
AbdirahmanS said:
deg said:

do you feel disgust or uncomfortable when watching gay stuff at least? if so you just do not want it to be labeled homophobia right?

Because it's shocking, whereas straight stuff is everywhere and has always been so you don't even blink an eye for it. I think that is a pretty normal reaction tbh. Doesn't mean you hate gay people.

ye im just clarifying if they feel disgust at least

and ye i do not mean homophobia is always about prejudice or hate like the wikipedia says


but ok im gonna stop linking disgust with homophobia

no harm done intended dudes
Aug 24, 2020 12:34 AM

Aug 2020
Because I don't fuck with that gay shit and that's all there is to it.
Aug 24, 2020 12:36 AM

Jan 2017
TallonKarrde23 said:
I'm bi at this point in my life but I'd still agree with the sentiment those people have.

It has nothing to do with boys love being about gay characters, but almost every BL story out there is pretty sexual in nature. I very deeply value romance, it's my favorite genre, and every gay romance story (INCLUDING lesbians even, not just BL) I've seen from anime or manga is never about love. It's always creepy, rapey, and overly sexual and I'm obviously not including hentai in that - or at the very 'best' it's poorly written and under developed.

Not all, but the VAST majority. I very rarely see gay couples in anime that are legitimately developed, even something like Aoi Hana (lesbians, not gays, but still) which isn't all that sexual ends up a VERY poor depiction of how relationships work and the characters are completely unrealistically portrayed.

When the focus of a story is "THEY'RE GAY" things are just difficult to write beyond THEY'RE GAY! I guess.

I think you need to read more BL LOL yeah, a lot of older BL focuses heavily on the sexual nature of the relationship and in older BL it does tend to get rapey and fetishist but there is a lot more BL nowadays that isn’t like that. There are tons of BL out there that even with lots of sex scenes doesn’t have a spec of rape in them. Honto Yajuu, for instance, portrays more than just the sexual aspect of the relationship between Aki and Tomoharu. Or just read shounen-ai - the only sex there is just implied and the stories are more focused on developing the romantic relationship between the main characters.

There’s plenty of anime/manga that ISNT BL that look at gay relationships: No. 6, Yuri on Ice, Koi to Uso, Shimanami Tasogare, Ao no Flag and Sasaki to Miyano (before anyone tries to CHECK me on this one, it may be labeled as shounen-ai on MAL, but it isn’t published in a BL magazine and it’s put in the shoujo section of Japanese bookstores - if anything, then, it’s a shoujo. The author is clear it isn’t a BL). Are some of them a bit problematic in their portrayals? Yes. But at least they’re trying.

Things are changing, don’t be nervous to venture into the BL world, it isn’t all rape and fetishization.

TheUnfairMAL said:
I'm never going to watch Yuri on Ice, no thank you, no matter how good the writing is, nope, it is gay and watching it makes me very uncomfortable.

The focus of Yuri on Ice isn’t on the relationship between Victor and Yuuri, it’s on the figure skating. It’s a sports anime that just so happens to have a gay relationship. If that makes you uncomfortable then so be it but I think you’ve unfairly categorized it as a BL anime when it isn’t.

But anyway, back to OP’s question. The main problem is that BL is a genre. I think many of the replies here have danced around that fact and in doing so, have come off as, to some degree, homophobic. But they (most likely) are not. They just don’t like the BL genre - whether it’s the tropes, the portrayals of characters, or the relationships. It’s no different than someone not like the Mecha or Slice of Life or Romance genres. I myself aren’t the biggest fan of the former two but I will give them a chance if I think the plot is interesting enough. Some/many won’t, hence your question OP. It’s a genre. Perhaps the reasoning can come off sounding a little callous but it is what it is. Some people want to see pretty anime boys make-out, others would rather watch two giant robots beat the shit out of each other and call it a day. I guess what it plainly boils down to is preferences.

(I just wish people wouldn’t mistake the appearance of an LGBT relationship to mean the anime was BL or GL. Just like how in Western media, shows do not have to be categorized as LGBT to feature LGBT relationships - for example, while I’m on this tangent, Degressi is my favourite trashy teen drama and it has all kinds of relationships on it - gay, straight, lesbian, you name it and I’m sure Degrassi had it. But it was a teen drama, not specifically a LGBT teen show. See what I mean?)
Aug 24, 2020 12:41 AM

Apr 2015
I really love these kinds of pointless question threads when the OP answers their own question in their opening post.
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
-Tobiichi Origami 
"Are you trying to turn the dormitory into a strip club!?!
-Atena Saotome 
Aug 24, 2020 12:41 AM

Mar 2016
how many boys love anime even are there? i don't even watch girls love and im not specifically attracted to romance genres anyways. like i'll enjoy a well written gay male relationship for being well written, but i dont wanna waste time on yet another boring romance that has no chemistry or rationality
"I like young-girl sexual creations, Lolicon is just one hobby of my many hobbies," he says.
I ask what his wife, standing nearby, thinks of his "hobby".
"She probably thinks no problem," he replies. "Because she loves young boys sexually interacting with each other."
Aug 24, 2020 12:41 AM

Oct 2010
I don't deny the elements of fetishization, but fetishization and shitty portrayals of relationships are common to BL, GL and hetero love stories, and honestly when it is thrown so often it sounds like an attempt to not cut slack to a genre or theme you are not interested on at the beginning. That's the problem I think, how this broad stroke criticism reeks of complacency.
Aug 24, 2020 12:44 AM

May 2018
It depends on how central is this element to the plot.
For example shows which are dedicated to only that like Yuri On Ice and Free are boring to me. I am simply not interested.

On the other side when this is part of the personality of some of the characters, not the main focus and not played as fanservice, for example like in Sentou Yousei Yukikaze, Golden Kamuy or some shoujo/josei, I wouldn't mind that.

"However I never heard people that're gay refusing to watch" - really? I think they will avoid a show that will be mainly about strait romance and/or have tons of strait fanservice (because it will be boring to them).
They will tolerate such when it's only supplementary to some other story, or I am wrong?

alshuAug 24, 2020 12:49 AM
Aug 24, 2020 12:45 AM
Jul 2018

Hi, since the conversation is public I am going to intrude here. Now, deg I haven't read the other source, but I do know for a fact that you linked 2 scientific studies. I just got done reading them in full(
However, based on what I read alone, I think you had a misunderstanding. While the study did talk about the disgust response and it's a correlation with homophobia, it didn't say having that response by itself 100% means you are homophobic:
"The results showed that disgust sensitivity was positively correlated with negative attitudes toward homosexuality, and positively correlated with moral concerns in five domains (care, fairness, loyalty, authority, and sanctity)."

"Consistent with prior research (Inbar et al., 2009b; Terrizzi et al., 2010), the results show that disgust sensitivity was positively related to negative attitudes toward homosexuality. In other words, individuals who are more sensitive to disgusting stimuli were found to be more negatively prejudiced toward the gay and lesbian population."

Same deal with the other one. It was saying that if you have that response, there's a higher chance you may be homophobic. Not that you are homophobic by default:
"We argue that the disgust triggered by gay men’s sexual practices (specifically, anal intercourse) is a critical, though overlooked, contributor to heterosexual men and women’s homonegativity (i.e., negative attitudes and behaviors directed toward men who are or are perceived to be gay)."

Anyway, TheUnfairMAL try to be kinder to deg, he means no harm. It wasn't meant as an attack on you personally.
Aug 24, 2020 12:47 AM

Jan 2009

ye thanks and lol he thinks those are just some crappy blogs that i link but whatever

also im not gonna bother linking disgust and homophobia from now on
Aug 24, 2020 1:00 AM

Oct 2010
@alshu You have to be kidding, trolling or just kind of clueless. Free and Yuri on Ice are both sports anime and only the second has a BL story that is not even the main focus.
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