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Toxicity in the Anime Community, that know one talks about

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Apr 15, 2020 9:48 AM

Oct 2010
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
ysphyr said:

So what exactly do you suggest? Do you want game developers to only make games that you like?
I play Blade&Soul and it has tons of fanservice in it. The same goes for Lineage II. Any MMO I’ve tried has characters in revealing outfits (except TES Online). Is it not enough for you?

Do not inject your anti trump politics into it(since every game company is left wing)

Don't be like mass effect. I believe that was ruined by Anita Sarkisian because the devs were listening to her for whatever reason. At launch apparently you weren't even able to make a super light skinned character. #diversity

And most importantly do not ever listen to anything shitaku or any cesspool gaming website says.

Or just do what cdprojekt red does.

You basically want censorship to happen, then.
Apr 15, 2020 9:49 AM
Apr 2016
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

I do not understand why you would say this, it does not seem that anyone shares your conviction as well. There is nothing right about what you suggest and the majority understands it. Education and personal development of people in societies is supplementing them with values and understanding of the world. Both elements you mentioned are frowned upon and considered undesirable, vulgar and too obsolete for the modern society based on harmony and personal development as human beings.
that is what you said? More education will see that anime is bad because it isn't pc and woke?

I am sorry, but I am unsure I understand what you are referring to and cannot respond in a clear and coherent manner. Could you quote the parts of my speech you would like me to elaborate on even further? If you wish you can also paraphrase it so that I have a correct idea what is being said and alluded to during our communication.
Apr 15, 2020 9:50 AM

Aug 2016
_Ridley_ said:
Chiibi said:
Fictional works are NOT "problematic"; immature people are.

I don't care one way or the other about what prompted this particular whiny thread among the other whiny threads, but this sentence made my brain hurt.

The word may be over- and misused in online discourse, but "problematic" is a perfectly valid word that absolutely can describe works of fiction. Literally all it means is that the work has problems. It doesn't mean the work lacks value, or that nobody is allowed to enjoy it. It just means that when you view this work from a particular POV, like feminist or disabled theory for example, it reinforces ideas considered harmful.

If the politics don't matter to you and you don't care if something is misogynist or ableist, then it doesn't affect you at all when someone critiques something as problematic. It's no different than someone hating a thing because they thought the music sucked or whatever. If the politics do matter to you, you can take it as a learning experience and decide for yourself how it changes your view of something. Media critique is just another way of trying to understand society. Feminists aren't trying to take anything away from you.

The word is already invalid, because of the often misused of it, it can sit next to the word "literally" and "legit" in Hell.
People who uses MAL forums are mostly bug people, take their speech with a grain of salt.
Professional Supreme Gentleman - 恋人はあなたが選んだ兄弟です (AnimeElitism Reddit) (Dead Discord)
Apr 15, 2020 9:58 AM

May 2016
jal90 said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:

Do not inject your anti trump politics into it(since every game company is left wing)

Don't be like mass effect. I believe that was ruined by Anita Sarkisian because the devs were listening to her for whatever reason. At launch apparently you weren't even able to make a super light skinned character. #diversity

And most importantly do not ever listen to anything shitaku or any cesspool gaming website says.

Or just do what cdprojekt red does.

You basically want censorship to happen, then.
yes that is exactly what I said. Finally someone underdstands.....

Ps no, you are... a word I cannot say because shit mods will ban me.
Apr 15, 2020 10:04 AM

Oct 2010
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
jal90 said:

You basically want censorship to happen, then.
yes that is exactly what I said. Finally someone underdstands.....

Ps no, you are... a word I cannot say because shit mods will ban me.

Do not listen to, don't do this, do not inject that. This is your speech. You aim to silence certain discourses and that is censorship in a nutshell.

If mods can ban you for what you have to say about me, maybe you don't belong to this community.
Apr 15, 2020 10:04 AM
Jul 2018
Chiibi said:
Peaceful_Critic said:

It's a show meant to make fun of black people where a white guy would try to look like an unattractive, cartoony depiction of a black person and go around doing a bunch of negative stereotypes of them like being rapist or dumb for the entertainment of their white, pro-jim crow laws mid-20th-century audience.

What? I'm quite shocked such a show is allowed to exist....aren't people rioting about it?

In terms of racism, that's quite a bit different. If something like that is openly offending a LARGE group of people...then yeah, that should not be allowed to be shown to the masses.

I don't think anime harms people the way a racist product like that does.
It was in a time where Jim crow laws were a thing, so, no, the people who watched it agreed with the messaging of the show. Today, people would call it problematic and riot if that happened.

But anime can be racist, even if to a lesser extent. Anime does sometimes do the exaggerated, unattractive black guy look sometimes. Garterbelt from panty and stocking would be an example that closely resembles black face from the pictures of him I've seen. Being animated doesn't make it immune to this problem. Japan is nationally very Asian and Japanese, and they don't have the same history so they view stuff differently.

I'll say that depends. Some people are easier to influence than others and how subtle the pushing of it may actually be grasping for straws. Like I saw someone who said Steven Universe is anti-black due to the fusions with amethyst being aggressive and violent and the gem alien being "black coded". However, that was grasping for straws due to the several actual black characters in the show being portrayed respectfully. That said, other times pointing something out about an animated show as problematic can seem pretty fair to me. The person who made that point also pointed out how Steven Universe is pretty pro forgiveness(to a large and extreme scale)
And I believe her calling that as "problematic" was perfectly fair.
Apr 15, 2020 10:06 AM

Nov 2008
_Ridley_ said:
Chiibi said:
Fictional works are NOT "problematic"; immature people are.

I don't care one way or the other about what prompted this particular whiny thread among the other whiny threads, but this sentence made my brain hurt.

Good, hopefully it hurt enough to stop using that asinine word so I never have to look at it again.

Apr 15, 2020 10:06 AM

Aug 2016
Manaban said:
2shizukasensei88 said:

I can't do the normal shitpost that I did at first (because I don't wanna be banned completely), and this is a woke/sjw issue, I don't know what you're trying to convey here lmao

The thread that springboarded this entire topic had nothing to do with the type of wokeness you're complaining about. At all. I understand not wanting to read through about 500 posts, but I can summarize it for you, given I've been there in some capacity since the beginning. Right now I'm just lurking it from time to time because I'm exhausted with it.

You are inserting the wokeness aspect in it because you see "Somebody being a dick about ecchi" and immediately assuming "it must be dem damn es jay dubyas." But the closest thing to SJW about it was trying to justify their eradictive notions by making appeals to protecting children, which has nothing to do with the type of wokeness you're bringing up here. Everything else was stuff about fear of how it affects non-fans view of anime and making appeals to high art.

This thread was specifically offensive and got the backlash it did from ecchi fans because it was encouraging and advocating forcing us out. The OP and people who supported his views flip flopped on their reason as to why they should do that constantly, and only one of them was related to morality in any way, being the "protecc the development of children" argument they flipped to at around page 7, which they later flipped off of.

This isn't an issue of wokeness or SJWs or anything like that. You people are bastardizing this by forcing it into the problem. *I* was the one holding that fort while none of you that are asserting this as being the issue that's present here so strongly were even involved. Stop fucking acting like you were a part of the conversation and that you grasp what the issue was when you clearly don't even know the ways they were trying to justify their stances.

So basically, I can't make this kind of thread, because you already save the whole ecchi genre, and me doing this, is just making pointless chaos.

Or probably I just don't understand you, and possibly accidentally straw maning your statement.

And you never explained why this is not a woke/sjw problem

You just said loads of nothing
People who uses MAL forums are mostly bug people, take their speech with a grain of salt.
Professional Supreme Gentleman - 恋人はあなたが選んだ兄弟です (AnimeElitism Reddit) (Dead Discord)
Apr 15, 2020 10:10 AM
Apr 2017
2shizukasensei88 said:
You might be surprised by what I am about to say, but......., I don't hate casual anime watchers (yeah, shooookiing right?), people who read and liked komisan, cried in anohona and evergarden, who shits on Sao constantly, watches seasonal anime, puts Demon Slayer in the favs and rate it 10, and etc. I'm fine with that (idc), the one that I have problems with is...., the people who wants the medium to be more PC, this is evident to the current most popular forum thread, people are constant asking for the ecchi genre to be removed, saying all sorts nonsense, like it's perverse, degeneracy, and leads to pedoshit. It's ironic, because those people probably read/watch 50 shades of grey, and now they are mad when some animated ass is on the screen. Like someone in the thread said "It is sad that people wished for it to be removed, instead of just ignoring it" (not exact words). And don't get me started on how much they virtue signal, it's unbelievable honestly. I wish I will never encounter people who use the word "problematic" for the things they don't like.

If you could rewrite this in a somewhat comprehensible and logical way and in standard English, it'd be extremely helpful, because I've read this nonsensical textual diarrhea a few times and I still can't understand what your problem (or even point) is. Let me have a go again.

You don't hate casual fans (why would anyone care what you think of casual fans - which in itself is an idiotic and unidentifiable definition -, I don't know, but still).
But you don't like people who...the usual, mean sjw who want to take ecchi away from us, or some other unoriginal drivel all-too-commonly spouted by embarassingly insecure teens (add pc culture in it too, just for funzies)?

Is that the point? Wah wah pc culture gon ruin MuH aNiMuH? Bloody hell, just write that the next time around, what's the point in waltzing around the issue to this hilarious degree?

As for the word problematic, I suggest a visit to, where you'll find plenty of synonyms to use in its stead. You could also not give a damn about people using a word you don't like but that'd require a level of maturity you have apparently not yet attained so, currently, this is the best solution.

I'd hold out a tiny sliver of hope that you could be a troll but it really doesn't seem to be likely at all.
Here's a piece of advice: if you don't like what someone is saying you can - hold it - ignore them. Yes. I know. Now that you've been imparted this frankly essential piece of knowledge, your life is bound to improve drastically. You're welcome.
"The problem with defining even an aspect of your personality by something that you like, is that criticism of that product appears to you to be criticism of you personally. I find it to be a very harmful attitude, [...] you can't rationally discuss a product because you've started to define yourself by its very existence."

John Bain
Apr 15, 2020 10:13 AM

Sep 2015
2shizukasensei88 said:

So basically, I can't make this kind of thread, because you already save the whole ecchi genre, and me doing this, is just making pointless chaos.

You can't make this kind of thread because you don't understand what you're talking about. You're chalking it up to SJWs and wokeness whenever the stances of the people who were attacking us were entirely unrelated.

You're talking out of your ass and making issues that don't exist in the context you're applying them to.

2shizukasensei88 said:
And you never explained why this is not a woke/sjw problem

2shizukasensei88 said:

the people who wants the medium to be more PC, this is evident to the current most popular forum thread, people are constant asking for the ecchi genre to be removed, saying all sorts nonsense, like it's perverse, degeneracy, and leads to pedoshit. It's ironic, because those people probably read/watch 50 shades of grey, and now they are mad when some animated ass is on the screen. Like someone in the thread said "It is sad that people wished for it to be removed, instead of just ignoring it" (not exact words). And don't get me started on how much they virtue signal, it's unbelievable honestly. I wish I will never encounter people who use the word "problematic" for the things they don't like.

What's this?

Manaban said:

You are inserting the wokeness aspect in it because you see "Somebody being a dick about ecchi" and immediately assuming "it must be dem damn es jay dubyas." But the closest thing to SJW about it was trying to justify their eradictive notions by making appeals to protecting children, which has nothing to do with the type of wokeness you're bringing up here. Everything else was stuff about fear of how it affects non-fans view of anime and making appeals to high art.

Here's a more clear breakdown of the various issues the people in that thread were raising, though, that I posted earlier:

Manaban said:
The thread that started this whole chain reaction went from forcing us out due to our fanbase's presence being bad for anime's image to non-fans, to forcing us out due to our type of content not being inspirational/suitable for small children and the fact that we propagate the creation of that type of content by supporting it, to forcing us out because we're inherently unhealthy and live lifestyles that are parasitic to society, to forcing us out because it doesn't constitute high art and, again, we're propagating devaluing anime's image by supporting the creation if the works, to just devolving into the blatant shitposting that Darius guy is doing right now.

2shizukasensei88 said:
You just said loads of nothing

Hope this helps, considering you're pretty clearly accusing me of this without even reading it. Otherwise accusing me of presenting myself as the savior of ecchi wouldn't have been what you took away from my post at all.

Apr 15, 2020 10:13 AM

May 2016
jal90 said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
yes that is exactly what I said. Finally someone underdstands.....

Ps no, you are... a word I cannot say because shit mods will ban me.

Do not listen to, don't do this, do not inject that. This is your speech. You aim to silence certain discourses and that is censorship in a nutshell.

If mods can ban you for what you have to say about me, maybe you don't belong to this community.

That is why I am censoring myself, just like what you want to do to anime. Don't want to hurt your feelings.

And nah, you don't belong here if you are trying to ruin anime for the majority. Sjws are the minority fyi.
Apr 15, 2020 10:13 AM

Nov 2008
Peaceful_Critic said:

But anime can be racist, even if to a lesser extent. Anime does sometimes do the exaggerated, unattractive black guy look sometimes. Garterbelt from panty and stocking would be an example that closely resembles black face from the pictures of him I've seen. Being animated doesn't make it immune to this problem. Japan is nationally very Asian and Japanese, and they don't have the same history so they view stuff differently.

This is more of an issue of cultural differences though. Anime isn't targeted at anyone outside of Japan to begin when people cry "This isn't politically correct!!!" I'm like " duh?" xD

People shouldn't expect a medium from an entirely different part of the world to align with the morals their own country has to begin with. That's just....silly. It's not gonna happen.

Apr 15, 2020 10:16 AM

Sep 2015
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
jal90 said:

Do not listen to, don't do this, do not inject that. This is your speech. You aim to silence certain discourses and that is censorship in a nutshell.

If mods can ban you for what you have to say about me, maybe you don't belong to this community.

That is why I am censoring myself, just like what you want to do to anime. Don't want to hurt your feelings.

And nah, you don't belong here if you are trying to ruin anime for the majority. Sjws are the minority fyi.

I mean, he was there and he even implicitly supported us at one point, at least through passive enablement.

You didn't do jack shit other than come here to try to make this as politicized as possible. Which is the only thing I've ever seen you do. This problem is only important to you now because you can make it into an issue about SJWs, as unjustified as it is (and probably why you didn't stick around in the initial thread for very long at all.) And in the broader community, you don't contribute anything other than pressing your paranoia about the presence of SJWs onto every topic you're in, and the only reason you're saying anything now is because the OP twisted it in a way that's facilitating you being able to turn it into this type of issue.

I'm keeping jal here over you any day of the week. You don't belong here.

Apr 15, 2020 10:17 AM
Jul 2019
Chiibi said:
Good, hopefully it hurt enough to stop using that asinine word so I never have to look at it again.

I haven't used it in ages, but all of the "SJWs are coming for my porn" people here make me want to use it more. Maybe I'll try to work it into everything I post.
Apr 15, 2020 10:19 AM

Aug 2016
Kurgo said:
2shizukasensei88 said:
You might be surprised by what I am about to say, but......., I don't hate casual anime watchers (yeah, shooookiing right?), people who read and liked komisan, cried in anohona and evergarden, who shits on Sao constantly, watches seasonal anime, puts Demon Slayer in the favs and rate it 10, and etc. I'm fine with that (idc), the one that I have problems with is...., the people who wants the medium to be more PC, this is evident to the current most popular forum thread, people are constant asking for the ecchi genre to be removed, saying all sorts nonsense, like it's perverse, degeneracy, and leads to pedoshit. It's ironic, because those people probably read/watch 50 shades of grey, and now they are mad when some animated ass is on the screen. Like someone in the thread said "It is sad that people wished for it to be removed, instead of just ignoring it" (not exact words). And don't get me started on how much they virtue signal, it's unbelievable honestly. I wish I will never encounter people who use the word "problematic" for the things they don't like.

If you could rewrite this in a somewhat comprehensible and logical way and in standard English, it'd be extremely helpful, because I've read this nonsensical textual diarrhea a few times and I still can't understand what your problem (or even point) is. Let me have a go again.

You don't hate casual fans (why would anyone care what you think of casual fans - which in itself is an idiotic and unidentifiable definition -, I don't know, but still).
But you don't like people who...the usual, mean sjw who want to take ecchi away from us, or some other unoriginal drivel all-too-commonly spouted by embarassingly insecure teens (add pc culture in it too, just for funzies)?

Is that the point? Wah wah pc culture gon ruin MuH aNiMuH? Bloody hell, just write that the next time around, what's the point in waltzing around the issue to this hilarious degree?

As for the word problematic, I suggest a visit to, where you'll find plenty of synonyms to use in its stead. You could also not give a damn about people using a word you don't like but that'd require a level of maturity you have apparently not yet attained so, currently, this is the best solution.

I'd hold out a tiny sliver of hope that you could be a troll but it really doesn't seem to be likely at all.
Here's a piece of advice: if you don't like what someone is saying you can - hold it - ignore them. Yes. I know. Now that you've been imparted this frankly essential piece of knowledge, your life is bound to improve drastically. You're welcome.

You don't understand what is my problem, because of my shitty writing. *Proceeds to list all my problems
*Says loads of nothing
*Says that I should just ignore shit that I don't like, while replying with an essay, because you didn't like my point
People who uses MAL forums are mostly bug people, take their speech with a grain of salt.
Professional Supreme Gentleman - 恋人はあなたが選んだ兄弟です (AnimeElitism Reddit) (Dead Discord)
Apr 15, 2020 10:21 AM
Jul 2018
Chiibi said:

This is more of an issue of cultural differences though. Anime isn't targeted at anyone outside of Japan to begin when people cry "This isn't politically correct!!!" I'm like " duh?" xD

People shouldn't expect a medium from an entirely different part of the world to align with the morals their own country has to begin with. That's just....silly. It's not gonna happen.
That makes it even more of a problem though, as they only know black people through those depictions. They aren't like me where they see black people and know they aren't those stereotypes which makes the harm more likely to come about.

I don't exactly expect it to(they aren't reading what I'm writing right now), but I think starting the conversation wouldn't hurt and it's healthy to point out something as morally bad when you believe that to be the case to the others around you. Conversations like those are important and should be considered. I mean word of Krone's depiction reached the Neverland Mangaka through fans of the manga. So I wouldn't say: "it's not gonna happen" as an absolute. I mean it could spread enough that someone sends a message to the creator. Now, I don't expect that to happen, but it always could.
removed-userApr 15, 2020 10:25 AM
Apr 15, 2020 10:22 AM

Aug 2016
Manaban said:
2shizukasensei88 said:

So basically, I can't make this kind of thread, because you already save the whole ecchi genre, and me doing this, is just making pointless chaos.

You can't make this kind of thread because you don't understand what you're talking about. You're chalking it up to SJWs and wokeness whenever the stances of the people who were attacking us were entirely unrelated.

You're talking out of your ass and making issues that don't exist in the context you're applying them to.

2shizukasensei88 said:
And you never explained why this is not a woke/sjw problem

2shizukasensei88 said:

the people who wants the medium to be more PC, this is evident to the current most popular forum thread, people are constant asking for the ecchi genre to be removed, saying all sorts nonsense, like it's perverse, degeneracy, and leads to pedoshit. It's ironic, because those people probably read/watch 50 shades of grey, and now they are mad when some animated ass is on the screen. Like someone in the thread said "It is sad that people wished for it to be removed, instead of just ignoring it" (not exact words). And don't get me started on how much they virtue signal, it's unbelievable honestly. I wish I will never encounter people who use the word "problematic" for the things they don't like.

What's this?

Manaban said:

You are inserting the wokeness aspect in it because you see "Somebody being a dick about ecchi" and immediately assuming "it must be dem damn es jay dubyas." But the closest thing to SJW about it was trying to justify their eradictive notions by making appeals to protecting children, which has nothing to do with the type of wokeness you're bringing up here. Everything else was stuff about fear of how it affects non-fans view of anime and making appeals to high art.

Here's a more clear breakdown of the various issues the people in that thread were raising, though, that I posted earlier:

Manaban said:
The thread that started this whole chain reaction went from forcing us out due to our fanbase's presence being bad for anime's image to non-fans, to forcing us out due to our type of content not being inspirational/suitable for small children and the fact that we propagate the creation of that type of content by supporting it, to forcing us out because we're inherently unhealthy and live lifestyles that are parasitic to society, to forcing us out because it doesn't constitute high art and, again, we're propagating devaluing anime's image by supporting the creation if the works, to just devolving into the blatant shitposting that Darius guy is doing right now.

2shizukasensei88 said:
You just said loads of nothing

Hope this helps, considering you're pretty clearly accusing me of this without even reading it. Otherwise accusing me of presenting myself as the savior of ecchi wouldn't have been what you took away from my post at all.

You never explained why it's not a sjw/woke issue again, and I read your reply several time, so you don't have to plaster it again
People who uses MAL forums are mostly bug people, take their speech with a grain of salt.
Professional Supreme Gentleman - 恋人はあなたが選んだ兄弟です (AnimeElitism Reddit) (Dead Discord)
Apr 15, 2020 10:24 AM

May 2016
Manaban said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:

That is why I am censoring myself, just like what you want to do to anime. Don't want to hurt your feelings.

And nah, you don't belong here if you are trying to ruin anime for the majority. Sjws are the minority fyi.

I mean, he was there and he even implicitly supported us at one point, at least through passive enablement.

You didn't do jack shit other than come here to try to make this as politicized as possible. Which is the only thing I've ever seen you do. This problem is only important to you now because you can make it into an issue about SJWs, as unjustified as it is (and probably why you didn't stick around in the initial thread for very long at all.) And in the broader community, you don't contribute anything other than pressing your paranoia about the presence of SJWs onto every topic you're in, and the only reason you're saying anything now is because the OP twisted it in a way that's facilitating you being able to turn it into this type of issue.

I'm keeping jal here over you any day of the week. You don't belong here.

OK so I don't know the point of your post. If you don't like me, feel free to block me. Won't lose sleep.
Apr 15, 2020 10:31 AM

Apr 2010
@Peaceful_critic what exactly is black face? Having big lips? Dude that is legitimately a black characteristic. Why is that an issue?
Apr 15, 2020 10:34 AM

Sep 2015
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Manaban said:

I mean, he was there and he even implicitly supported us at one point, at least through passive enablement.

You didn't do jack shit other than come here to try to make this as politicized as possible. Which is the only thing I've ever seen you do. This problem is only important to you now because you can make it into an issue about SJWs, as unjustified as it is (and probably why you didn't stick around in the initial thread for very long at all.) And in the broader community, you don't contribute anything other than pressing your paranoia about the presence of SJWs onto every topic you're in, and the only reason you're saying anything now is because the OP twisted it in a way that's facilitating you being able to turn it into this type of issue.

I'm keeping jal here over you any day of the week. You don't belong here.

OK so I don't know the point of your post. If you don't like me, feel free to block me. Won't lose sleep.

I was actually active in fighting off that thread, to start. I was there and against it. This wasn't an issue to you at all until you could use it to further your rhetoric.

As somebody who'd actually be affected by the shit you're trying to white knight for, I'm going to be more welcoming towards people who don't exclusively use this community as a platform to attempt to proselytize their personal politics. You don't give a shit about this community or anything involving it. You give a shit about coming here to make as much shit as you can into SJW-anti-SJW politics. So get out. This isn't your hill and nobody is going to be your fucking puppet so you can spew your conspiratory bullshit.

The other point is that I don't think the problem is with the user you're trying to tell to leave. And, considering the main point, I'd much rather see you bail out in comparison because you're more of a problem than somebody not taking issue with the word "problematic."

Apr 15, 2020 10:34 AM
Jul 2018
Zeroflamez said:
@Peaceful_critic what exactly is black face? Having big lips? Dude that is legitimately a black characteristic. Why is that an issue?
Black Face is when a white person dresses up as a black person using exaggerated purposefully unattractive features. It's not just having big lips(as that can be desirable), it's making the lips so comically big that it looks like no humans on earth.
Apr 15, 2020 10:35 AM

Nov 2008
_Ridley_ said:
the "SJWs are coming for my porn" people here make me want to use it more.

Implying that SJWS aren't actually a threat? But they are a threat. If they've already gotten video games censored, I find that kind of intimidating.

What happened to freedom of speech? Don't misunderstand that I'm some porn freak; I'm really not and I don't "use" it the way porn lovers use it.

But destroying what the First Amendment stands for is terrifying to me. Don't tell me it's overreacting; Australia already wants to ban certain anime titles. What's next then? ALL of it? What if OTHER countries follow Australia?

This is a f*cking problem. We cannot let this escalate.
ChiibiApr 15, 2020 10:48 AM

Apr 15, 2020 10:43 AM

May 2016
Manaban said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:

OK so I don't know the point of your post. If you don't like me, feel free to block me. Won't lose sleep.

I was actually active in fighting off that thread, to start. I was there and against it. This wasn't an issue to you at all until you could use it to further your rhetoric.

As somebody who'd actually be affected by the shit you're trying to white knight for, I'm going to be more welcoming towards people who don't exclusively use this community as a platform to attempt to proselytize their personal politics. You don't give a shit about this community or anything involving it. You give a shit about coming here to make as much shit as you can into SJW-anti-SJW politics. So get out. This isn't your hill and nobody is going to be your fucking puppet so you can spew your conspiratory bullshit.

The other point is that I don't think the problem is with the user you're trying to tell to leave. And, considering the main point, I'd much rather see you bail out in comparison because you're more of a problem than somebody not taking issue with the word "problematic."

uh white knight aren'tyou literally doing that for the person I was talking to earlier? and for me, I'm the one trying to get people NOT to change anime. Keep it as it is do not censor it. Bad trolling. Good bye.
Apr 15, 2020 10:46 AM

Sep 2015
Kayle_x_Morgana said:

uh white knight aren'tyou literally doing that for the person I was talking to earlier? and for me, I'm the one trying to get people NOT to change anime. Keep it as it is do not censor it. Bad trolling. Good bye.

I don't like *our* fight with this community being hijacked by outsiders who just want to make it about their politics. I'll involve myself against you doing that, absolutely. If you want to make me out to be a white knight for it, then so be it.

And I don't give a shit whether or not you're fighting to keep it like it is. Ecchi fans are not a vessel or a battleground for you to fight your war against SJWs. That's all you want. We'll fight shit like that thread on our own, independent of people like you who just want to try to fearmonger to make us paranoid and defensive against your enemies as well.

Apr 15, 2020 10:47 AM

Apr 2010
Peaceful_Critic said:
Zeroflamez said:
@Peaceful_critic what exactly is black face? Having big lips? Dude that is legitimately a black characteristic. Why is that an issue?
Black Face is when a white person dresses up as a black person using exaggerated purposefully unattractive features. It's not just having big lips(as that can be desirable), it's making the lips so comically big that it looks like no humans on earth.

Yeah I don't agree with those old Cartoons that were extremely racist doing that kind of thing. However a character like Garter Belt, Mr Popo or Krone I don't see it as that as an issue. It's just big lips..
Apr 15, 2020 10:54 AM

Dec 2018
People who want something to change purely on their own ideology whilst proclaiming their own ideology as superior are kinda dumb. Demanding something to change is only logical once you’ve considered the popular consensus on the topic as well as the pros and cons of the topic on hand, purely hating on something because of your own bias and nothing else is dumb. The amount of tweets I’ve seen of people being awful human beings to someone because they have a different opinion on anime is honestly saddening. They are truly the problematic part of the anime community.
Apr 15, 2020 10:54 AM
Jul 2019
Chiibi said:
_Ridley_ said:
the "SJWs are coming for my porn" people here make me want to use it more.

Implying that SJWS aren't actually a threat? But they are a threat. If they've already gotten video games censored, I find that kind of intimidating.

What happened to freedom of speech? Don't misunderstand that I'm some porn freak; I'm really not and I don't "use" it the way porn lovers use it.

But destroying what the First Amendment stands for is terrifying to me. Don't tell me it's overreacting; Australia already wants to ban certain anime titles. What's next then? ALL of it?

Censorship is 99.9% of the time a right-wing/conservative action. Even within feminism, the anti-porn wing is the conservative faction that also denies transgender people's validity. There's no movement from left-aligned groups in favor of state censorship. They're generally the groups actively opposing censorship like FOSTA/SESTA in the US.

At worst, your average so-called "SJW" is yelling online about tropes that piss them off. The only difference between them and people who hate tsunderes or w/e is their motivation.
Apr 15, 2020 11:01 AM
Apr 2016
_Ridley_ said:
Chiibi said:

Implying that SJWS aren't actually a threat? But they are a threat. If they've already gotten video games censored, I find that kind of intimidating.

What happened to freedom of speech? Don't misunderstand that I'm some porn freak; I'm really not and I don't "use" it the way porn lovers use it.

But destroying what the First Amendment stands for is terrifying to me. Don't tell me it's overreacting; Australia already wants to ban certain anime titles. What's next then? ALL of it?

Censorship is 99.9% of the time a right-wing/conservative action. Even within feminism, the anti-porn wing is the conservative faction that also denies transgender people's validity. There's no movement from left-aligned groups in favor of state censorship. They're generally the groups actively opposing censorship like FOSTA/SESTA in the US.

At worst, your average so-called "SJW" is yelling online about tropes that piss them off. The only difference between them and people who hate tsunderes or w/e is their motivation.

Regrettably, your whole understanding of the system is based on one unhealthy example, namely on how it is done in the U.S.A. Censorship is a complex matter and in reality does not preoccupy itself with political ideologies of any degree of rotting. Alas, in the U.S.A. the concept itself is a part of the brainwashing of the common folk and is equally used against every political, ideological or cultural group. The censorship, that is. A censorship known to the whole world. Throughout the centuries of its existence. Embedded in the annals of the ancient history.
Zeroflamez said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
Black Face is when a white person dresses up as a black person using exaggerated purposefully unattractive features. It's not just having big lips(as that can be desirable), it's making the lips so comically big that it looks like no humans on earth.

Yeah I don't agree with those old Cartoons that were extremely racist doing that kind of thing. However a character like Garter Belt, Mr Popo or Krone I don't see it as that as an issue. It's just big lips..

Hopefully this does not become a surprise, but there is simply no "just" in art. When someone makes a character up, conceives the concept, they must envision the characteristics of said character, their design. When agreed with themselves on making a black character, the author then was forced to ask himself (I will assume) - "Should the person have big lips? If yes, what would that mean?", and then it happens. A complex system of knowledge, associations and cultural references begin whirling in the mind of the author. Is he knowledgeable enough to know that black characters with big lips are usually associated with derogatory or "funny" cartoons of the old? If yes, then what is the meaning of leaving that characteristic there? Is there a message to be perceived, or the design as a whole being a reference? If not, is it the case of, simply put, cultural ignorance? Then again, there might be reason at all - the author once saw a cartoon or a picture with black people having big lips, or precisely the cartoon in question, and without any further critical analysis simply re-produced the characteristics of the aforementioned character.

But before all of that happens, the author thinks of how the character will/should/would look like. There is never just "just". The thought itself cannot be diminished to something meaningless.
Daniel_NaumovApr 15, 2020 11:08 AM
Apr 15, 2020 11:04 AM

Feb 2010
2shizukasensei88 said:
Pullman said:

Have you looked in the mirror? You literally just made a whole thread about calling something problematic, just because you don't like it.

Bruh, have you heard people who used the word problematic for things they don't like? And I never said that it was problematic tho, gEt rEkt wItH fACtS aND lOgiC

okay 'bruh', keep the self-awareness low and if you're lucky you'll never realize how cringy you LoOk RiGhT nOw...

I just don't get why people like you always have to shoehorn politics into this topic, as if that's the only reason people don't like ecchi, because they worship political correctness. That's just bullshit. Some people just don't like it and are assholes enough to want it to disappear for that reason, and some are arch-conservative or religious and dislike it for that reason and others, like the OP from that other thread, are just ridden with personal insecurities and don't want to be associated with something that might get him judged by others and wants it gone for that reason.

I rarely see anyone actually say that they want ecchi to be gone because it's not politically correct, that are usually words being put into their mouths by people like YOU who want to politicize the topic to rant against the left and liberals in general by creating this narrative that anyone who for any reason dislikes ecchi is a SJW or PC fanatic, even when the complete opposite, the conservative right-wing and religious people are just as much against it if not more than the most zealous SJWs are, along with tons of people who just dislike it for personal reasons or out of insecurity.

And I'm sick of all this political bullshit, of people like OP politicizing average assholes or frauds like that other OP, spinning every tale in a way that exclusively and only blames the left when the reality is just not that simple, not that black and white. But when your main goal isn't to defend ecchi from all sides but to fearmonger against the left, that doesn't matter. Am I right?

That last line about 'virtue signaling' is another one of those extremely hypocritical complaints. You don't have a problem with virtue signaling, you just have a problem with people on the left doing it because you disagree with them. But your whole post, this whole thread is a giant 'virtue signal', it's just not signaling virtue to SJWs but to the other end of the spectrum, the anti-SJW crowd and alt-right. But it's the same fucking principle, the same fishing for likes and +1 posts and similar-minded people patting each other on the back for agreeing with each other that the other side is the worst thing in existence. I actually hate that too, but unlike you I'm not selective about it and hate it on both sides.

If you were genuine and unpolitical and willing to distinguish between different groups of people who dislike ecchi for different reasons instead of just immediately labeling anyone who hates it a PC-terrorist and blaming the left for it, we could have a conversation. I would be on your side. I did tell off that guy from the other thread as well because he was full of shit. It's just that you are too, making it hard to want to pick a side.

Idk what it is, but too many people who defend ecchi just seem like they want to force politics into everything, making me not want to side with them because of that. They're locked into this 'us vs. them' mentality and can't seem to interpret any conflict or disagreement on any other level than the political one. They have no other mode of argumentation than:

1. Identify disagreeing party and antagonize it.
2. Try to undermine their credibility by accusing them of being PC/SJW.
3. Ignore all nuance of their opinion and reduce it to 'muh evil SJW' by applying buzzwords like 'virtue signaling'.
4. Framing their own political stance and bias as being 'unpolitical' and convincing themselves that that's true so they don't realize their hypocrisy.

It's very easy to agree that people who want to remove ecchi as a whole are assholes. It's very hard to find someone defending ecchi who doesn't do it in a hypocritical and politicizing fashion and whose arguments aren't extremely reductive, selective and manipulative. People like OP just make it incredibly hard to agree with them because they manage to take a very agreeable stance and coat it in so many shitty, political arguments and agendas that it becomes really hard to willingly associate with them and their argumentation. They're undermining their own cause and don't even see the irony of it.
I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 15, 2020 11:08 AM

Oct 2013
Same people who complained about the meme score of Ishuzoku Reviewers, guaranteed.
Apr 15, 2020 11:10 AM

May 2013
Daniel_Naumov said:
_Nette_ said:
Cultural imperialists who want to forcibly bend another culture to satisfy their own views.

It’s why the UN has tried to make people think japan is a country of pedophiles. Ironic the real child molesters try to demonize anime and japan.

It’s all to serve a goal of cultural homogeny to facilitate a one world government. There’s no fighting it. Just sit back and watch all you love perverted and destroyed by outsiders.

Japanese internal crime rates and statistics, released annually by the NAP, have proven UN claims to be true and keep proving them with every new fiscal year. UN is simply fulfilling its duty to the adults and the children to protect the children and prevent the adults from committing even more atrocities upon the world. The cultural apathy and lack of moral guidelines are amongst the factors that facilitate these cruel, unbelievable statistics on children misuse and abuse.

How can you type that while Nordic countries have the highest child rate statistics in the developed world.

And wow, you’re saying internal investigations show statistics are worse than thought. Let’s do that with all countries now.

But it’s all the fault of cartoons and not the fact that the world is run by globalist pedophiles.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Apr 15, 2020 11:10 AM
Jul 2018
Zeroflamez said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
Black Face is when a white person dresses up as a black person using exaggerated purposefully unattractive features. It's not just having big lips(as that can be desirable), it's making the lips so comically big that it looks like no humans on earth.

Yeah I don't agree with those old Cartoons that were extremely racist doing that kind of thing. However a character like Garter Belt, Mr Popo or Krone I don't see it as that as an issue. It's just big lips..
Ooof, I was wondering who Mr. Popo is and then I looked at him. Wow, that's yikes. I would recommend looking at what blackface looks like. And if you still don't think Mr.Popo or Garterbelt resembles blackface, I genuinely don't know what to tell you. I mean Krone is more forgivable(since the blackface isn't as blatantly obvious and there are other more respectful depictions of blacks in the show), though she uncomfortably still greatly resembles a minstrel archetype about black women both personality wise and appearance-wise(i.e that black women are seen as manly and aggressive). It's kind of telling how her appearance is used to terrify the children, not just her facial expressions(which implies her to be unattractive) and how every other character in the show looks like your typical anime character.
Not trying to say the mangaka who made the character was bad, as they did apologize and was probably a result of ignorance, but still, I think the character could've been more respectful.
removed-userApr 15, 2020 11:15 AM
Apr 15, 2020 11:14 AM
Apr 2016
Peaceful_Critic said:
Zeroflamez said:

Yeah I don't agree with those old Cartoons that were extremely racist doing that kind of thing. However a character like Garter Belt, Mr Popo or Krone I don't see it as that as an issue. It's just big lips..
Ooof, I was wondering who Mr. Popo is and then I looked at him. Wow, that's yikes. I would recommend looking at what blackface looks like. And if you still don't think Mr.Popo or Garterbelt resembles blackface, I genuinely don't know what to tell. I mean Krone is more forgivable(since the blackface isn't as blatantly obvious and there are other more respectful depictions of blacks in the show), though she uncomfortably still greatly resembles a minstrel archetype about black women both personality wise and appearance-wise(i.e that black women are seen as manly and aggressive). It's kind of telling how her appearance is used to terrify the children, not just her facial expressions(which implies her to be unattractive) and how every other character in the show looks like your typical anime character.

To be fair Krone is not a positive character (although a conflicting one) and this, in theory, might explain the choice of the elements of her design. Just as the we-know-who viewed black people in the bad light during the old blackface cartoons time, the author paints Krone the same. Although for considerably different reasons (the vileness of the audience vs the vileness of the characters themselves), it draws direct parallels with Krone (crone) being a predominantly negative character.
Apr 15, 2020 11:20 AM

Apr 2010
Daniel_Naumov said:
_Ridley_ said:

Censorship is 99.9% of the time a right-wing/conservative action. Even within feminism, the anti-porn wing is the conservative faction that also denies transgender people's validity. There's no movement from left-aligned groups in favor of state censorship. They're generally the groups actively opposing censorship like FOSTA/SESTA in the US.

At worst, your average so-called "SJW" is yelling online about tropes that piss them off. The only difference between them and people who hate tsunderes or w/e is their motivation.

Regrettably, your whole understanding of the system is based on one unhealthy example, namely on how it is done in the U.S.A. Censorship is a complex matter and in reality does not preoccupy itself with political ideologies of any degree of rotting. Alas, in the U.S.A. the concept itself is a part of the brainwashing of the common folk and is equally used against every political, ideological or cultural group. The censorship, that is. A censorship known to the whole world. Throughout the centuries of its existence. Embedded in the annals of the ancient history.
Zeroflamez said:

Yeah I don't agree with those old Cartoons that were extremely racist doing that kind of thing. However a character like Garter Belt, Mr Popo or Krone I don't see it as that as an issue. It's just big lips..

Hopefully this does not become a surprise, but there is simply no "just" in art. When someone makes a character up, conceives the concept, they must envision the characteristics of said character, their design. When agreed with themselves on making a black character, the author then was forced to ask himself (I will assume) - "Should the person have big lips? If yes, what would that mean?", and then it happens. A complex system of knowledge, associations and cultural references begin whirling in the mind of the author. Is he knowledgeable enough to know that black characters with big lips are usually associated with derogatory or "funny" cartoons of the old? If yes, then what is the meaning of leaving that characteristic there? Is there a message to be perceived, or the design as a whole being a reference? If not, is it the case of, simply put, cultural ignorance? Then again, there might be reason at all - the author once saw a cartoon or a picture with black people having big lips, or precisely the cartoon in question, and without any further critical analysis simply re-produced the characteristics of the aforementioned character.

But before all of that happens, the author thinks of how the character will/should/would look like. There is never just "just". The thought itself cannot be diminished to something meaningless.

Big lips is a trait a lot of black people have. As long as the author is just drawing big lips and isn't portraying them in a negative light I don't see there being an issue.
Apr 15, 2020 11:21 AM

Aug 2016
Pullman said:
2shizukasensei88 said:

Bruh, have you heard people who used the word problematic for things they don't like? And I never said that it was problematic tho, gEt rEkt wItH fACtS aND lOgiC

okay 'bruh', keep the self-awareness low and if you're lucky you'll never realize how cringy you LoOk RiGhT nOw...

I just don't get why people like you always have to shoehorn politics into this topic, as if that's the only reason people don't like ecchi, because they worship political correctness. That's just bullshit. Some people just don't like it and are assholes enough to want it to disappear for that reason, and some are arch-conservative or religious and dislike it for that reason and others, like the OP from that other thread, are just ridden with personal insecurities and don't want to be associated with something that might get him judged by others and wants it gone for that reason.

I rarely see anyone actually say that they want ecchi to be gone because it's not politically correct, that are usually words being put into their mouths by people like YOU who want to politicize the topic to rant against the left and liberals in general by creating this narrative that anyone who for any reason dislikes ecchi is a SJW or PC fanatic, even when the complete opposite, the conservative right-wing and religious people are just as much against it if not more than the most zealous SJWs are, along with tons of people who just dislike it for personal reasons or out of insecurity.

And I'm sick of all this political bullshit, of people like OP politicizing average assholes or frauds like that other OP, spinning every tale in a way that exclusively and only blames the left when the reality is just not that simple, not that black and white. But when your main goal isn't to defend ecchi from all sides but to fearmonger against the left, that doesn't matter. Am I right?

That last line about 'virtue signaling' is another one of those extremely hypocritical complaints. You don't have a problem with virtue signaling, you just have a problem with people on the left doing it because you disagree with them. But your whole post, this whole thread is a giant 'virtue signal', it's just not signaling virtue to SJWs but to the other end of the spectrum, the anti-SJW crowd and alt-right. But it's the same fucking principle, the same fishing for likes and +1 posts and similar-minded people patting each other on the back for agreeing with each other that the other side is the worst thing in existence. I actually hate that too, but unlike you I'm not selective about it and hate it on both sides.

If you were genuine and unpolitical and willing to distinguish between different groups of people who dislike ecchi for different reasons instead of just immediately labeling anyone who hates it a PC-terrorist and blaming the left for it, we could have a conversation. I would be on your side. I did tell off that guy from the other thread as well because he was full of shit. It's just that you are too, making it hard to want to pick a side.

Idk what it is, but too many people who defend ecchi just seem like they want to force politics into everything, making me not want to side with them because of that. They're locked into this 'us vs. them' mentality and can't seem to interpret any conflict or disagreement on any other level than the political one. They have no other mode of argumentation than:

1. Identify disagreeing party and antagonize it.
2. Try to undermine their credibility by accusing them of being PC/SJW.
3. Ignore all nuance of their opinion and reduce it to 'muh evil SJW' by applying buzzwords like 'virtue signaling'.
4. Framing their own political stance and bias as being 'unpolitical' and convincing themselves that that's true so they don't realize their hypocrisy.

It's very easy to agree that people who want to remove ecchi as a whole are assholes. It's very hard to find someone defending ecchi who doesn't do it in a hypocritical and politicizing fashion and whose arguments aren't extremely reductive, selective and manipulative. People like OP just make it incredibly hard to agree with them because they manage to take a very agreeable stance and coat it in so many shitty, political arguments and agendas that it becomes really hard to willingly associate with them and their argumentation. They're undermining their own cause and don't even see the irony of it.

Well whatever (I'm not being passive aggressive, I swear), you're right and I am wrong, I just didn't see that way, because most leftist that I am exposed to are fucking retarded (hence to the bias that I developed, that they are all retarded), and the right-wing are based and always right, and I totally used the us vs them mentality (which is fucking retarded), and yeah, I know I'm fucking cringy, I'm just capitalizing from it.

Thank you fir explaining it properly for me to understand, who retarded my basis is, unlike other people who just said confusing shit.
People who uses MAL forums are mostly bug people, take their speech with a grain of salt.
Professional Supreme Gentleman - 恋人はあなたが選んだ兄弟です (AnimeElitism Reddit) (Dead Discord)
Apr 15, 2020 11:23 AM
Jul 2018
Daniel_Naumov said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
Ooof, I was wondering who Mr. Popo is and then I looked at him. Wow, that's yikes. I would recommend looking at what blackface looks like. And if you still don't think Mr.Popo or Garterbelt resembles blackface, I genuinely don't know what to tell. I mean Krone is more forgivable(since the blackface isn't as blatantly obvious and there are other more respectful depictions of blacks in the show), though she uncomfortably still greatly resembles a minstrel archetype about black women both personality wise and appearance-wise(i.e that black women are seen as manly and aggressive). It's kind of telling how her appearance is used to terrify the children, not just her facial expressions(which implies her to be unattractive) and how every other character in the show looks like your typical anime character.

To be fair Krone is not a positive character (although a conflicting one) and this, in theory, might explain the choice of the elements of her design. Just as the we-know-who viewed black people in the bad light during the old blackface cartoons time, the author paints Krone the same. Although for considerably different reasons (the vileness of the audience vs the vileness of the characters themselves), it draws direct parallels with Krone (crone) being a predominantly negative character.
Just to be clear, are you saying that Krone was drawn that way out of her portrayal of a villain instead of as a black person? If so, I agree(and I don't think the author made her to be disrespectful), but I believe that the depiction is harmful regardless as it reinforces a stereotype to a country that doesn't see that kind of person.
Apr 15, 2020 11:25 AM
Apr 2016
Zeroflamez said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

Regrettably, your whole understanding of the system is based on one unhealthy example, namely on how it is done in the U.S.A. Censorship is a complex matter and in reality does not preoccupy itself with political ideologies of any degree of rotting. Alas, in the U.S.A. the concept itself is a part of the brainwashing of the common folk and is equally used against every political, ideological or cultural group. The censorship, that is. A censorship known to the whole world. Throughout the centuries of its existence. Embedded in the annals of the ancient history.

Hopefully this does not become a surprise, but there is simply no "just" in art. When someone makes a character up, conceives the concept, they must envision the characteristics of said character, their design. When agreed with themselves on making a black character, the author then was forced to ask himself (I will assume) - "Should the person have big lips? If yes, what would that mean?", and then it happens. A complex system of knowledge, associations and cultural references begin whirling in the mind of the author. Is he knowledgeable enough to know that black characters with big lips are usually associated with derogatory or "funny" cartoons of the old? If yes, then what is the meaning of leaving that characteristic there? Is there a message to be perceived, or the design as a whole being a reference? If not, is it the case of, simply put, cultural ignorance? Then again, there might be reason at all - the author once saw a cartoon or a picture with black people having big lips, or precisely the cartoon in question, and without any further critical analysis simply re-produced the characteristics of the aforementioned character.

But before all of that happens, the author thinks of how the character will/should/would look like. There is never just "just". The thought itself cannot be diminished to something meaningless.

Big lips is a trait a lot of black people have. As long as the author is just drawing big lips and isn't portraying them in a negative light I don't see there being an issue.

But Krone is an objectively negative character. We cannot know what exactly author put there, especially in such questionable moments, unless they openly tell us (and even then we ourselves must choose whether to believe them or not). This should be always kept in mind, that there a certain cultural difference between depiction and reality. Alongside all the other differences.
Peaceful_Critic said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

To be fair Krone is not a positive character (although a conflicting one) and this, in theory, might explain the choice of the elements of her design. Just as the we-know-who viewed black people in the bad light during the old blackface cartoons time, the author paints Krone the same. Although for considerably different reasons (the vileness of the audience vs the vileness of the characters themselves), it draws direct parallels with Krone (crone) being a predominantly negative character.
Just to be clear, are you saying that Krone was drawn that way out of her portrayal of a villain instead of as a black person? If so, I agree(and I don't think the author made her to be disrespectful), but I believe that the depiction is harmful regardless as it reinforces a stereotype to a country that doesn't see that kind of person.

I honestly cannot say anything since I lack the Word of Author for it. I merely listed all the possible implication why such a design exists.
Apr 15, 2020 11:25 AM

Nov 2008
Peaceful_Critic said:
Zeroflamez said:

Yeah I don't agree with those old Cartoons that were extremely racist doing that kind of thing. However a character like Garter Belt, Mr Popo or Krone I don't see it as that as an issue. It's just big lips..
Ooof, I was wondering who Mr. Popo is and then I looked at him. Wow, that's yikes.

As someone who just rewatched Team Four Star's version of the series, I have to admit, Mr. Popo is definitely on that "yikes" scale of offensive. xD

Kinda looks like those statues they made in the 50s. >___>

Apr 15, 2020 11:27 AM
Jul 2018
Tylaen said:
All this talk about PC and I wasn't invited. Tsk!

Anyway, tomatoes are political.
I give you full permission to jump in any conversations I'm having. You can join anytime.


Ah, okay, fair enough.


Well, it's good you can agree with that. Oh, and as a quick question how is Mr. Popo personality-wise? You don't need to answer, but I am curious.
removed-userApr 15, 2020 11:31 AM
Apr 15, 2020 11:29 AM

Oct 2017
2shizukasensei88 said:
Manaban said:

The thread that springboarded this entire topic had nothing to do with the type of wokeness you're complaining about. At all. I understand not wanting to read through about 500 posts, but I can summarize it for you, given I've been there in some capacity since the beginning. Right now I'm just lurking it from time to time because I'm exhausted with it.

You are inserting the wokeness aspect in it because you see "Somebody being a dick about ecchi" and immediately assuming "it must be dem damn es jay dubyas." But the closest thing to SJW about it was trying to justify their eradictive notions by making appeals to protecting children, which has nothing to do with the type of wokeness you're bringing up here. Everything else was stuff about fear of how it affects non-fans view of anime and making appeals to high art.

This thread was specifically offensive and got the backlash it did from ecchi fans because it was encouraging and advocating forcing us out. The OP and people who supported his views flip flopped on their reason as to why they should do that constantly, and only one of them was related to morality in any way, being the "protecc the development of children" argument they flipped to at around page 7, which they later flipped off of.

This isn't an issue of wokeness or SJWs or anything like that. You people are bastardizing this by forcing it into the problem. *I* was the one holding that fort while none of you that are asserting this as being the issue that's present here so strongly were even involved. Stop fucking acting like you were a part of the conversation and that you grasp what the issue was when you clearly don't even know the ways they were trying to justify their stances.

So basically, I can't make this kind of thread, because you already save the whole ecchi genre, and me doing this, is just making pointless chaos.

Or probably I just don't understand you, and possibly accidentally straw maning your statement.

And you never explained why this is not a woke/sjw problem

You just said loads of nothing

No it's you used a thread that had nothing to do with SJWs to justify another SJW scare campaign thread. All the big anti-ecchi people in there weren't SJWs or espousing anything to do with that. This isn't something new ecchi hasn't been something like by certain groups of fans for a long time. The justification for your thread came from that one.

All and all I have talked about this in the past but it is a big reach that Western SJWs will change anime/manga in any significant way. What could happen is you may have more youth in Japan influenced by those views and it pass into manga that way but that would be the only way as most content still is curated by Japan. We may be making a bigger impact on what gets new seasons etc but the manga that end up being hits and then fit for adaption that is still Japan. Still sure it could happen we already got some creators in this industry that hold some pretty far left and also far right views. Just support the content you like.

Most of the arguments presented by groups that really like to go on this are mainly comicsgaters looking to branch out their reach as the comics gate outrage and industry slowly die (at least the big two). A lot of them really don't understand the industry or really even pay attention to manga that much outside of as an example for their community of what comics need to be doing.

If you are just talking about toxic SJW fans who like to virtue signal yeah you always will have them. That said they aren't even close to not talked about they are easily one of the more hated groups in the fandom.
BilboBaggins365Apr 15, 2020 11:32 AM
Apr 15, 2020 11:32 AM
Jul 2018
2shizukasensei88 said:
this is evident to the current most popular forum thread, people are constant asking for the ecchi genre to be removed, saying all sorts nonsense, like it's perverse, degeneracy, and leads to pedoshit.

Personally, I don't think the Ecchi genre should be removed, Ecchi and even Hentai as an art-form isn't inherently bad, I just think that the culture it creates should be lessened.

However you can't deny the perverse way in which they depict young girls and boys. People who have illegal and immoral sexual desires will be able to use this art-form as a way to satisfy said desires. Even if it is culturally appropriate in Japan, there are other global cultures were it is culturally inappropriate, immoral or even illegal.

Imagine if the sale of guns all around the world was allowed. Gun-enthusiasts everywhere would be ecstatic as they can further their gun-based hobby, and other people could now purchase said guns for self-defense. However, there are places in the world and people within it that would misuse this gun regulation for their immoral deeds.

So I wouldn't say that Ecchi/Hentai leads to the creation of people who love child porn, but it would definitely give people a legal loop hole to attain it. This applies to all 2d/3d pornographic/ecchi material.
Apr 15, 2020 11:34 AM

Oct 2017
Kami_sama_ said:
2shizukasensei88 said:
this is evident to the current most popular forum thread, people are constant asking for the ecchi genre to be removed, saying all sorts nonsense, like it's perverse, degeneracy, and leads to pedoshit.

Personally, I don't think the Ecchi genre should be removed, Ecchi and even Hentai as an art-form isn't inherently bad, I just think that the culture it creates should be lessened.

However you can't deny the perverse way in which they depict young girls and boys. People who have illegal and immoral sexual desires will be able to use this art-form as a way to satisfy said desires. Even if it is culturally appropriate in Japan, there are other global cultures were it is culturally inappropriate, immoral or even illegal.

Imagine if the sale of guns all around the world was allowed. Gun-enthusiasts everywhere would be ecstatic as they can further their gun-based hobby, and other people could now purchase said guns for self-defense. However, there are places in the world and people within it that would misuse this gun regulation for their immoral deeds.

So I wouldn't say that Ecchi/Hentai leads to the creation of people who love child porn, but it would definitely give people a legal loop hole to attain it. This applies to all 2d/3d pornographic/ecchi material.

Well while I agree that I don't believe in the moral defense it's their culture everything I defend is something I think makes sense in human society and I guess this could be considered ethnocentric but I do believe there are certain morals/ideals etc that everyone should live by. When you really think about it isn't that controversial. I don't think anyone is really going to put their name to defending the bacha bazi. (well maybe the MAP community on twitter lol man they suck at enforcing and dealing with those scum bags)

At the end of the day your last comment nope there have been legal cases in the States on that. There isn't a loop hole. Japan recently closed off a lot of exploitive content in the past as well.

Not to mention you should probably clarify what you mean by illegal. People who enjoy rape hentai are just often into non consent play which is totally fine and healthy. A lot of fetish or BDSM content when taken outside the realm of fantasy is messed up but within a healthy adult relationship can be even beneficial.

BilboBaggins365Apr 15, 2020 11:37 AM
Apr 15, 2020 11:36 AM

Nov 2008
Kami_sama_ said:

However you can't deny the perverse way in which they depict young girls and boys. People who have illegal and immoral sexual desires will be able to use this art-form as a way to satisfy said desires.

Which is a lot better than physically harming a real kid.

Tell me I'm wrong. :/

Apr 15, 2020 11:39 AM
Jul 2018
TolkienFan365 said:
Kami_sama_ said:

Personally, I don't think the Ecchi genre should be removed, Ecchi and even Hentai as an art-form isn't inherently bad, I just think that the culture it creates should be lessened.

However you can't deny the perverse way in which they depict young girls and boys. People who have illegal and immoral sexual desires will be able to use this art-form as a way to satisfy said desires. Even if it is culturally appropriate in Japan, there are other global cultures were it is culturally inappropriate, immoral or even illegal.

Imagine if the sale of guns all around the world was allowed. Gun-enthusiasts everywhere would be ecstatic as they can further their gun-based hobby, and other people could now purchase said guns for self-defense. However, there are places in the world and people within it that would misuse this gun regulation for their immoral deeds.

So I wouldn't say that Ecchi/Hentai leads to the creation of people who love child porn, but it would definitely give people a legal loop hole to attain it. This applies to all 2d/3d pornographic/ecchi material.

Well while I agree that I don't believe in the moral defense it's their culture everything I defend is something I think makes sense in human society and I guess this could be considered ethnocentric but I do believe there are certain morals/ideals etc that everyone should live by. When you really think about it isn't that controversial.

At the end of the day your last comment nope there have been legal cases in the States on that. There isn't a loop hole. Japan recently closed off a lot of exploitive content in the past as well.

I understand that there are laws to prevent child-porn from being viewed. Nothing is stopping an avid child-porn lover from watching Boku No Pico. Which isn't classified as child-porn because the ages of it's characters are not specified, but it is heavily implied in how the characters act and 'interact' with each other.
Apr 15, 2020 11:40 AM

Apr 2010
Peaceful_Critic said:
Zeroflamez said:

Yeah I don't agree with those old Cartoons that were extremely racist doing that kind of thing. However a character like Garter Belt, Mr Popo or Krone I don't see it as that as an issue. It's just big lips..
Ooof, I was wondering who Mr. Popo is and then I looked at him. Wow, that's yikes. I would recommend looking at what blackface looks like. And if you still don't think Mr.Popo or Garterbelt resembles blackface, I genuinely don't know what to tell you. I mean Krone is more forgivable(since the blackface isn't as blatantly obvious and there are other more respectful depictions of blacks in the show), though she uncomfortably still greatly resembles a minstrel archetype about black women both personality wise and appearance-wise(i.e that black women are seen as manly and aggressive). It's kind of telling how her appearance is used to terrify the children, not just her facial expressions(which implies her to be unattractive) and how every other character in the show looks like your typical anime character.
Not trying to say the mangaka who made the character was bad, as they did apologize and was probably a result of ignorance, but still, I think the character could've been more respectful.

Mr Popo isn't black. He isn't even human. He's an Alien. I could see why someone would look at him and kind of be taken a back but he isn't even meant to be racist at all.
ZeroflamezApr 15, 2020 11:44 AM
Apr 15, 2020 11:43 AM

Aug 2016
@Pullman already destroyed my flawed points with facts and logic lmao, so I how do I lock this thread lmao?
People who uses MAL forums are mostly bug people, take their speech with a grain of salt.
Professional Supreme Gentleman - 恋人はあなたが選んだ兄弟です (AnimeElitism Reddit) (Dead Discord)
Apr 15, 2020 11:44 AM
Jul 2018
Zeroflamez said:

It may resemble black face but it really isn't. Mr Popo isn't black. He isn't even human. He's an Alien. Garterbelt's face may resemble black face somewhat but he cannot be "black face" because he is black.
When I say it resembles blackface, I'm not saying it is actual blackface. I'm saying the physical characteristics of the character are similar to those shown in actual blackface performances. Aka the word "resembles" instead of saying "it is".
Apr 15, 2020 11:44 AM

Oct 2017
Kami_sama_ said:
TolkienFan365 said:

Well while I agree that I don't believe in the moral defense it's their culture everything I defend is something I think makes sense in human society and I guess this could be considered ethnocentric but I do believe there are certain morals/ideals etc that everyone should live by. When you really think about it isn't that controversial.

At the end of the day your last comment nope there have been legal cases in the States on that. There isn't a loop hole. Japan recently closed off a lot of exploitive content in the past as well.

I understand that there are laws to prevent child-porn from being viewed. Nothing is stopping an avid child-porn lover from watching Boku No Pico. Which isn't classified as child-porn because the ages of it's characters are not specified, but it is heavily implied in how the characters act and 'interact' with each other.

Well again functionally speaking it isn't child porn unless there is actual child abuse or it's a realistic depiction which it doesn't qualify under. A child support hotline had to put out a statement not to report stuff like that because it doesn't qualify as abuse which I agree with.

Plus the problem is you don't have to go to the lolicon/shota argument this eventually just leads to older characters in their teens being accused and the problem with that anime characters rarely age up or at all in a distinguished way. That's why adult characters have been accused of being pedo bait like I saw someone on twitter accuse Rumi Usagiyama (bunny girl from MHA) of being pedo bait despite being 27 and having the body she does. So yeah this gets kinda insane eventually when even moe styles or even those that dress in lolita fashion or adults who cosplay lolicons characters get called that. It helps to have a good ability to distinguish fiction from reality. You have characters that behave older and younger and really how old a character looks really comes down to the design cartoony vs realistic moe vs grit etc.

I don't have a problem with "problematic fantasies" granted a lot of that stuff doesn't really do much for me (the fetishes I have a pretty wholesome) because it takes up unnecessary resources, there is no indication of contributing to it plus in an even different cases people who draw it for psychological reasons (where there is proof that it helps trauma) would get in trouble.

Of course actual pedos and other people who have issues need help and if they refuse it prison but I don't correlate that stuff with it.
BilboBaggins365Apr 15, 2020 11:48 AM
Apr 15, 2020 11:44 AM

Nov 2008
Peaceful_Critic said:

Well, it's good you can agree with that. Oh, and as a quick question how is Mr. Popo personality-wise? You don't need to answer, but I am curious.

He's pretty inoffensive as a character but...he doesn't even do much...xD That I can even remember; it's been forever since I watched the original show that wasn't a parody or something. He's a minor side character who is on the 'good fighting evil' side.

Apr 15, 2020 11:45 AM
Jul 2018
Chiibi said:
Kami_sama_ said:

However you can't deny the perverse way in which they depict young girls and boys. People who have illegal and immoral sexual desires will be able to use this art-form as a way to satisfy said desires.

Which is a lot better than physically harming a real kid.

Tell me I'm wrong. :/

Of course you are right, but that is no justification for allowing such content to exist in the first place.

That's like saying "taking illegal drugs yourself is better than forcefully drugging others". Of course it is, but both are illegal actions nonetheless.
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