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Toxicity in the Anime Community, that know one talks about

Apr 15, 2020 8:15 AM

Aug 2016
You might be surprised by what I am about to say, but......., I don't hate casual anime watchers (yeah, shooookiing right?), people who read and liked komisan, cried in anohona and evergarden, who shits on Sao constantly, watches seasonal anime, puts Demon Slayer in the favs and rate it 10, and etc. I'm fine with that (idc), the one that I have problems with is...., the people who wants the medium to be more PC, this is evident to the current most popular forum thread, people are constant asking for the ecchi genre to be removed, saying all sorts nonsense, like it's perverse, degeneracy, and leads to pedoshit. It's ironic, because those people probably read/watch 50 shades of grey, and now they are mad when some animated ass is on the screen. Like someone in the thread said "It is sad that people wished for it to be removed, instead of just ignoring it" (not exact words). And don't get me started on how much they virtue signal, it's unbelievable honestly. I wish I will never encounter people who use the word "problematic" for the things they don't like.
People who uses MAL forums are mostly bug people, take their speech with a grain of salt.
Professional Supreme Gentleman - 恋人はあなたが選んだ兄弟です (AnimeElitism Reddit) (Dead Discord)
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Apr 15, 2020 8:17 AM

Mar 2020
Now let's not exaggerate with this, Fifty Shades of Grey has a ton of spanking and that's what we all wanted to see.
Apr 15, 2020 8:18 AM

Nov 2008
2shizukasensei88 said:
I wish I will never encounter people who use the word "problematic" for the things they don't like.

Yes, the feeling is mutual fam. Fictional works are NOT "problematic"; immature people are.

Apr 15, 2020 8:23 AM

Oct 2017
The guys in that thread are not people like that. You think this is something new people like this have been calling for ecchi to die for the longest time back when there actually was an abundance of it unlike now. Their argument is mostly down to it's depreciating the art form which could be an interesting back and forth if it once again didn't end up being full of ad homs and people look to assert how superior they are for simply a taste preference.

Honestly like I have discussed with people unlike those individuals the so called "SJWs" most of them are yeah sex positive people or claim to be. Rad fems who actually are against sexualization as a concept don't usually intermingle with them due to conflicting on other views. Not inclusive enough.

They have a problem how certain people depict it but would love to write an ecchi or hentai based off their own experiences. That's different than those who hate it entirely because they find it intellectually beneath them.

You going to find way more older titles or those considered by the community to be stimulating in their favourites the guy I got into a "debate with" dropped Evergarden and hate any tear bait show and they probably look down upon most battle shonen as well.
BilboBaggins365Apr 15, 2020 8:29 AM
Apr 15, 2020 8:27 AM

May 2016
I don't care about the pc sjw robots a long as their shitty opinions stay in the WEST only.
They can watch all the shitty diversity infested crap they want here.
Apr 15, 2020 8:30 AM

Dec 2016
I loaned my brah my copy of Starship Troopers: Invasion way back when and his old lady got mad as fuck at the titty scene and said we was watching cartoon porn. Starship Troopers the original movie has a shower titty scene tho... ;_;

If only the normies didn't think we was all raging pedos and anime had their mainstream approval. I am fucking tired of being judged by the normies and I want their approval and validation dammit! I fucking want to be able to for once in my miserable life watch a wholesome harem anime with my Mother and Father dammit.

Btw, Mom if you find my MAL profile I apologize for nothing. Especially not all the Elf hentai.
Apr 15, 2020 8:31 AM
Jul 2018
Why does this bother you? It’s not like the industry gonna change because MAL users want something to be banned/removed.
Apr 15, 2020 8:47 AM

Jan 2019
Here's the thing. I get where you're coming from, but do you not realize by making this thread you're only contributing to the toxicity?

Calling out an entire part of the community as toxic because they call out another part of the community as toxic is only contributing to more toxicity. Where will it end?

I've seen SO many of these threads recently. People who stand on their pedestal and reveal to the world where our community went wrong. But guess what? This community is and always has been and always will be an open place, for every kind of fan. From the most hardcore of ecchi fans to the most hardcore anti-ecchi fans. To the casuals, to the battle anime fans, to the slice of life fans, etc.

It's just as toxic to claim without any real basis that ecchi culture is ruining anime as it is to claim casuals ruin the community, as it is to claim people with different opinions than yours are ruining the community! Which is exactly what you're doing!

I have nothing against you, and I'm not targeting anyone specific. Speaking generally.

Let's stop toxicity by not engaging in more toxicity.
"Whether you're sad, you're hurt, or empty, you have to keep playing."

Apr 15, 2020 8:49 AM

Aug 2016
ysphyr said:
Why does this bother you? It’s not like the industry gonna change because MAL users want something to be banned/removed.

Woke Anime is getting created more and more every year, so cringy anime viewers is affecting the industry, somehow

Kata89 said:
Here's the thing. I get where you're coming from, but do you not realize by making this thread you're only contributing to the toxicity?

Calling out an entire part of the community as toxic because they call out another part of the community as toxic is only contributing to more toxicity. Where will it end?

I've seen SO many of these threads recently. People who stand on their pedestal and reveal to the world where our community went wrong. But guess what? This community is and always has been and always will be an open place, for every kind of fan. From the most hardcore of ecchi fans to the most hardcore anti-ecchi fans. To the casuals, to the battle anime fans, to the slice of life fans, etc.

It's just as toxic to claim without any real basis that ecchi culture is ruining anime as it is to claim casuals ruin the community, as it is to claim people with different opinions than yours are ruining the community! Which is exactly what you're doing!

I have nothing against you, and I'm not targeting anyone specific. Speaking generally.

Let's stop toxicity by not engaging in more toxicity.

I never said that the casuals ruins the community

Mod edit: Merged double post. Please use the edit button.
MrZawaApr 16, 2020 1:03 PM
People who uses MAL forums are mostly bug people, take their speech with a grain of salt.
Professional Supreme Gentleman - 恋人はあなたが選んだ兄弟です (AnimeElitism Reddit) (Dead Discord)
Apr 15, 2020 8:53 AM

Jan 2019
2shizukasensei88 said:
Kata89 said:
Here's the thing. I get where you're coming from, but do you not realize by making this thread you're only contributing to the toxicity?

Calling out an entire part of the community as toxic because they call out another part of the community as toxic is only contributing to more toxicity. Where will it end?

I've seen SO many of these threads recently. People who stand on their pedestal and reveal to the world where our community went wrong. But guess what? This community is and always has been and always will be an open place, for every kind of fan. From the most hardcore of ecchi fans to the most hardcore anti-ecchi fans. To the casuals, to the battle anime fans, to the slice of life fans, etc.

It's just as toxic to claim without any real basis that ecchi culture is ruining anime as it is to claim casuals ruin the community, as it is to claim people with different opinions than yours are ruining the community! Which is exactly what you're doing!

I have nothing against you, and I'm not targeting anyone specific. Speaking generally.

Let's stop toxicity by not engaging in more toxicity.

I never said that the casuals ruins the community

No sorry if that wasn't clear. I was speaking generally based on the topics I've seen recently.
"Whether you're sad, you're hurt, or empty, you have to keep playing."

Apr 15, 2020 8:53 AM
Jul 2018
Chiibi said:
2shizukasensei88 said:
I wish I will never encounter people who use the word "problematic" for the things they don't like.

Yes, the feeling is mutual fam. Fictional works are NOT "problematic"; immature people are.
Why are you so adverse about people calling things problematic? I don't really see the problem in seeing a message in a show and saying "hey I disagree with this, pushing it might be bad". I mean, surely, if I called minstrel shows problematic you would agree, no?
Apr 15, 2020 8:54 AM

Apr 2019
2shizukasensei88 said:
ysphyr said:
Why does this bother you? It’s not like the industry gonna change because MAL users want something to be banned/removed.

Woke Anime is getting created more and more every year, so cringy anime viewers is affecting the industry, somehow
could you give examples of woke anime in recent years. only increase I see is more cute girls doing cute things and isekai
Apr 15, 2020 8:55 AM

Aug 2018
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
I don't care about the pc sjw robots a long as their shitty opinions stay in the WEST only.
They can watch all the shitty diversity infested crap they want here.

Amen to this. I don't even like ecchi all that much but I end up feeling compelled to defend it because the sort of stuff I do like also gets labeled as contributing to the downfall of humanity.
Apr 15, 2020 8:56 AM

Oct 2010
Only problematic people would dislike the term "problematic".
Apr 15, 2020 9:01 AM

Sep 2015
Kata89 said:
But guess what? This community is and always has been and always will be an open place, for every kind of fan. From the most hardcore of ecchi fans to the most hardcore anti-ecchi fans. To the casuals, to the battle anime fans, to the slice of life fans, etc.

Maintaining a tolerant space like the one you're trying to talk about here by defending the inclusion of people who's M.O. is forcing people they don't approve of out and undermining that premise you're speaking so highly of is kind of ridiculous.

Which, y'know, was the basis the other thread was talking about. SJW censorship like this OP is bringing up so much had nothing to do with it, at most one of them brought it up to try to tell me it was an inevitability to try to use some ridiculous boogeyman tactic on me. That dynamic is being forced into it by people for god knows whatever reason. Paranoia/acceptable blame, probably. Or just shitposting, considering who this OP is.

The thread that started this whole chain reaction went from forcing us out due to our fanbase's presence being bad for anime's image to non-fans, to forcing us out due to our type of content not being inspirational/suitable for small children and the fact that we propagate the creation of that type of content by supporting it, to forcing us out because we're inherently unhealthy and live lifestyles that are parasitic to society, to forcing us out because it doesn't constitute high art and, again, we're propagating devaluing anime's image by supporting the creation if the works, to just devolving into the blatant shitposting that Darius guy is doing right now.

The reasons changed constantly, but the bottom line remained the same. And that bottom line was entirely antithetical to what you're saying here. That is precisely what the fucking issue is in the first place.

The situation is pretty clear cut. One side is saying we need to make these other people leave. The accused side is saying we have as much of a right to be here as anybody else. There is no golden mean. This is not about people liking ecchi or disliking ecchi. This is about people actively trying to force others out due to fear and prejiduce.
ManabanApr 15, 2020 9:25 AM

Apr 15, 2020 9:03 AM

Nov 2008
Peaceful_Critic said:
Chiibi said:

Yes, the feeling is mutual fam. Fictional works are NOT "problematic"; immature people are.
Why are you so adverse about people calling things problematic? I don't really see the problem in seeing a message in a show and saying "hey I disagree with this, pushing it might be bad". I mean, surely, if I called minstrel shows problematic you would agree, no?

People need to stop assuming there are messages in EVERYTHING like it's supposed to dictate your way of life because you watched it and liked it. =_=

Most times they are ONLY meant to entertain.

I don't know what a minstrel show is. But I have a problem with people going "Let's try to cancel this because it offends me and is bad" instead of the rational attitude of "I don't like it so I will just avoid it".

Apr 15, 2020 9:04 AM

Aug 2016
Shanye_Glizzy said:
2shizukasensei88 said:

Woke Anime is getting created more and more every year, so cringy anime viewers is affecting the industry, somehow
could you give examples of woke anime in recent years. only increase I see is more cute girls doing cute things and isekai

Carole and Tuesday and Star Align, there's probably more, but that's what comes out from the top of why head

jal90 said:
Only problematic people would dislike the term "problematic".

I will give you the benefit of the doubt, you probably just don't encounter those "people"

Mod edit: Merged double post. Please use the edit button.
MrZawaApr 16, 2020 1:04 PM
People who uses MAL forums are mostly bug people, take their speech with a grain of salt.
Professional Supreme Gentleman - 恋人はあなたが選んだ兄弟です (AnimeElitism Reddit) (Dead Discord)
Apr 15, 2020 9:11 AM

Jan 2019
Manaban said:
Kata89 said:
But guess what? This community is and always has been and always will be an open place, for every kind of fan. From the most hardcore of ecchi fans to the most hardcore anti-ecchi fans. To the casuals, to the battle anime fans, to the slice of life fans, etc.

Maintaining a tolerant space like the one you're trying to talk about here by defending the inclusion of people who's M.O. is forcing people they don't approve of out and undermining that premise you're speaking so highly of is kind of ridiculous.

Which, y'know, was the basis the other thread was talking about. SJW censorship like this OP is bringing up so much had nothing to do with it, at most one of them brought it up to try to tell me it was an inevitability to try to use some ridiculous boogeyman tactic on me. That dynamic is being forced into it by people for god knows whatever reason. Paranoia/acceptable blame, probably.

It went from forcing us out due to our fanbase's presence being bad for anime's image to non-fans, to forcing us out due to our type of content not being inspirational/suitable for small children, to forcing us out because it doesn't constitute high art, to just devolving into the blatant shitposting that Darius guy is doing right now.

I getchu. But when does engaging in those kind of discussions ever play out, really? Usually they just get more mad, you're mad, and they then reinforce their opinion that (in this case) ecchi fans are the worst, and you just reinforce your opinion that they don't know what they're talking about.

No matter how you spin it, it's the least productive conversation to have, and its honestly better energy spent in the rest of the community which isn't isolating whole sections of our community.

Toxicity just leads to more toxicity.
"Whether you're sad, you're hurt, or empty, you have to keep playing."

Apr 15, 2020 9:11 AM
Jul 2018
2shizukasensei88 said:
ysphyr said:
Why does this bother you? It’s not like the industry gonna change because MAL users want something to be banned/removed.

Woke Anime is getting created more and more every year, so cringy anime viewers is affecting the industry, somehow

Oh, come on, how does it affect anything? Stuff you like won’t go extinct just because some “woke” shows are being produced.
Apr 15, 2020 9:12 AM
Jul 2018
Kata89 said:

Let's stop toxicity by not engaging in more toxicity.

I second that sentence. Recent threads are getting same-y ( and boring ) and it's not like discussing different likes and dislikes will change anything. You don't like what I like ? So what. I don't even need to know that. Idc. And I certainly won't change because you find what I watch disgusting. Won't happen.
Let's save that energy for more productive things.
I said it once today even and I'm gonna say it again:
Live and let live. Don't get riled up by a few loud ppl that have a different opinion that yours.
Apr 15, 2020 9:12 AM

Nov 2008
2shizukasensei88 said:
jal90 said:
Only problematic people would dislike the term "problematic".

I will give you the benefit of the doubt, you probably just don't encounter those "people"

"Problematic" is a stupid-ass term and I'm pretty sure a SJW invented it.

Apr 15, 2020 9:16 AM
Apr 2016
This is an inevitable natural evolution of the human society. With education being more widely available and gaining in quality, the societies will slowly shift towards virtuous and decent existence. Over the time, considerably more people will frown upon the questionable installations and depictions in art. Compassion, empathy and understanding will guide people instead.

Speaking against these developments is speaking against nature itself. The world will be ushered into a better era, whether certain individuals like it or not. In the brighter future there is no place for the problematic demagogy, hypocrisy, objectification of souls and discrimination of body.
Apr 15, 2020 9:17 AM

Sep 2015
Kata89 said:

I getchu. But when does engaging in those kind of discussions ever play out, really? Usually they just get more mad, you're mad, and they then reinforce their opinion that (in this case) ecchi fans are the worst, and you just reinforce your opinion that they don't know what they're talking about.

I won't change their mind. Their mind is made up. It's less important to convince them of something than it is to make your case to others as to why this is totally unacceptable.

This case is obviously far less severe than what I'm about to say, but it's why challenging neo-Nazis is important. You won't change their mind, most likely. But you can't let them spew their hateful, fearmongering bullshit like that uncontested, either.

So yeah, no. The mere premise they're talking about this on is toxic. It's inherent to what they want to encourage. It's completely unreasonable to expect me to just treat that with passivity when it's going to directly affect me whether I ignore it or not. Denying them the ability to spew their shit uncontested and forcing them into a confrontation about what they want to achieve is the *best* thing I can do.

Context matters. You can't just say BUT PEOPLE ARE BEING TOXIC without examining the framing of the discussion and determining what's creating that environment. That's just being unfair to people who are largely responding in defense to, y'know, people who want to encourage bullying us out of the fandom and fearmonger about our very presence being an issue.

If they respond with that same kind of defensiveness to what just amounts to criticism, fine. That's toxic in its own way. But this thread isn't operating in a vacuum, and the defensiveness of ecchi fans in the point of origin thread here is totally justified.

Context. Matters.
ManabanApr 15, 2020 9:23 AM

Apr 15, 2020 9:23 AM

Jan 2019
Manaban said:
Kata89 said:

I getchu. But when does engaging in those kind of discussions ever play out, really? Usually they just get more mad, you're mad, and they then reinforce their opinion that (in this case) ecchi fans are the worst, and you just reinforce your opinion that they don't know what they're talking about.

I won't change their mind. Their mind is made up. It's less important to convince them of something than it is to make your case to others as to why this is totally unacceptable.

This case is obviously far less severe than what I'm about to say, but it's why challenging neo-Nazis is important. You won't change their mind, most likely. But you can't let them spew their hateful, fearmongering bullshit like that uncontested, either.

So yeah, no. The mere premise they're talking about this on is toxic. It's inherent to what they want to encourage. It's completely unreasonable to expect me to just treat that with passivity when it's going to directly affect me whether I ignore it or not. Denying them the ability to spew their shit uncontested and forcing them into a confrontation about what they want to achieve is the *best* thing I can do.

I see your point, I'm with you! As long as the conversation doesn't devolve into personal attacks I don't see any fault with what your saying.

I guess the point I will still press is that *everyone* is a welcomed part of this community, regardless of opinions. So do your thing! Stand up for whats worth standing up for! I would just caution against retaliating against prejudice with more prejudice, as that is what will contribute to more toxicity. (not saying you do this, again, just speaking generally)
"Whether you're sad, you're hurt, or empty, you have to keep playing."

Apr 15, 2020 9:23 AM

May 2013
Cultural imperialists who want to forcibly bend another culture to satisfy their own views.

It’s why the UN has tried to make people think japan is a country of pedophiles. Ironic the real child molesters try to demonize anime and japan.

It’s all to serve a goal of cultural homogeny to facilitate a one world government. There’s no fighting it. Just sit back and watch all you love perverted and destroyed by outsiders.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Apr 15, 2020 9:23 AM

May 2016
ysphyr said:
2shizukasensei88 said:

Woke Anime is getting created more and more every year, so cringy anime viewers is affecting the industry, somehow

Oh, come on, how does it affect anything? Stuff you like won’t go extinct just because some “woke” shows are being produced.

Woke stuff is why games and shows suck ass in America. You joking right? I've said it a million times before, Japan and Asian countries are the only thing unaffected by it.
Apr 15, 2020 9:28 AM

Nov 2008
Kayle_x_Morgana said:

Woke stuff is why games and shows suck ass in America. You joking right? I've said it a million times before, Japan and Asian countries are the only thing unaffected by it.

I can't help but agree. This is why I only watch reruns of older shows on TV....unless it's a reality show or something. :/

Apr 15, 2020 9:30 AM

Oct 2010
2shizukasensei88 said:
jal90 said:
Only problematic people would dislike the term "problematic".

I will give you the benefit of the doubt, you probably just don't encounter those "people"

I am part and interact with the community, so you shouldn't give me this "benefit".

Chiibi said:
2shizukasensei88 said:

I will give you the benefit of the doubt, you probably just don't encounter those "people"

"Problematic" is a stupid-ass term and I'm pretty sure a SJW invented it.

It's in the dictionary.
Apr 15, 2020 9:31 AM

May 2016
_Nette_ said:
Cultural imperialists who want to forcibly bend another culture to satisfy their own views.

It’s why the UN has tried to make people think japan is a country of pedophiles. Ironic the real child molesters try to demonize anime and japan.

It’s all to serve a goal of cultural homogeny to facilitate a one world government. There’s no fighting it. Just sit back and watch all you love perverted and destroyed by outsiders.

They are fighting their hardest they can against immigration which I'm sure will never happen but the issue is the newer generation and I'm not sure how they feel about it and if that ever happens the game is officially over. I don't think Japan will ever be pc until that happens when it changes their demographic and DIVERSITY.

Daniel_Naumov said:
This is an inevitable natural evolution of the human society. With education being more widely available and gaining in quality, the societies will slowly shift towards virtuous and decent existence. Over the time, considerably more people will frown upon the questionable installations and depictions in art. Compassion, empathy and understanding will guide people instead.

Speaking against these developments is speaking against nature itself. The world will be ushered into a better era, whether certain individuals like it or not. In the brighter future there is no place for the problematic demagogy, hypocrisy, objectification of souls and discrimination of body.

LOL. Yes naked woman in animations is why Japan's rape % is so high right? Incels see that and just think it is ok to rape woman.. #rapeculture the world is so awful because of Sexualization of woman. But naked men are ok because toxic masculinity etc. Block list.

2shizukasensei88 said:
ysphyr said:
Why does this bother you? It’s not like the industry gonna change because MAL users want something to be banned/removed.

Woke Anime is getting created more and more every year, so cringy anime viewers is affecting the industry, somehow

Every year? I don't watch a lot but haven't seen any. Looks like the same white straight characters harassing and molesting woman.
Apr 15, 2020 9:32 AM
Jul 2018
Chiibi said:

People need to stop assuming there are messages in EVERYTHING like it's supposed to dictate your way of life because you watched it and liked it. =_=

Most times they are ONLY meant to entertain.

I don't know what a minstrel show is. But I have a problem with people going "Let's try to cancel this because it offends me and is bad" instead of the rational attitude of "I don't like it so I will just avoid it".
I mean, there is a message in pretty much everything if you look hard enough. The show doesn't need to state outright what it thinks in order to communicate a message. For example, Clannad preaches heavily about the value of family and family bonds without outright stating it. You see how each character has an arc centered around this family bond(i.e Fuuko's sister, MC's Dad, Nagisa's/Kotomi's Mother and Father, etc) and

To interpret Clannad as a pro-family piece wouldn't be grasping on straws for what's supposed to be pushing. It was heavily implied throughout the whole show and most shows do message this way as they don't look at their audience as condescending as they do in children's shows. Some are more obvious than others such as DR where they straight out say the themes of hope and despair several times, but others like Clannad are less obvious about it.

It's a show meant to make fun of black people where a white guy would try to look like an unattractive, cartoony depiction of a black person and go around doing a bunch of negative stereotypes of them like being a rapist or dumb for the entertainment of their white, pro-jim crow laws mid-20th-century audience.
If something pushes a moral message you disagree with, you wouldn't want it spreading or being pushed for, so encouraging it not to happen is a more natural response. Ignoring it and shutting up about it does nothing. We should be able to say if we disagree with a moral message of a show and have an actual conversation about it if it should be encouraged or discouraged. That conversation is way more important then discussing if a show appeals to my taste or not.
removed-userApr 15, 2020 9:36 AM
Apr 15, 2020 9:33 AM

Feb 2010
2shizukasensei88 said:
I wish I will never encounter people who use the word "problematic" for the things they don't like.

Have you looked in the mirror? You literally just made a whole thread about calling something problematic, just because you don't like it.
I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 15, 2020 9:33 AM
Apr 2016
_Nette_ said:
Cultural imperialists who want to forcibly bend another culture to satisfy their own views.

It’s why the UN has tried to make people think japan is a country of pedophiles. Ironic the real child molesters try to demonize anime and japan.

It’s all to serve a goal of cultural homogeny to facilitate a one world government. There’s no fighting it. Just sit back and watch all you love perverted and destroyed by outsiders.

Japanese internal crime rates and statistics, released annually by the NAP, have proven UN claims to be true and keep proving them with every new fiscal year. UN is simply fulfilling its duty to the adults and the children to protect the children and prevent the adults from committing even more atrocities upon the world. The cultural apathy and lack of moral guidelines are amongst the factors that facilitate these cruel, unbelievable statistics on children misuse and abuse.
Apr 15, 2020 9:34 AM

Sep 2015
It is incredibly depressing that this is being made into an SJW/wokeness issue, whenever the root problem here - the point of origin that led into this thread - wasn't even fucking related to it.

This component to the discussion is being forced into it for no good reason. The OP is a known shitposter at this point as well, and people are actually biting on this.

People are unlovable.
ManabanApr 15, 2020 9:38 AM

Apr 15, 2020 9:34 AM

Oct 2017
It's important to remember how many trolls and alt accounts there are on this site. A very small group of ideological crazed, angry, joyless people could easily make it look like there is a huge swell of sex-negative sentiment. But I don't think that's the majority at all. They just shout very loudly, and, especially in mainstream spaces like r/anime, and the more social-climbey side of Twitter, people would rather go along with a narrative they don't agree with in order to not risk their neck.

I think... in most cases it's best to ignore them. If it's someone mouthing off a forum or in tweets or on re(eee!)dit then they only have power when you engage with them. When these negative attitudes actually affect content in anime, which they have for a while and it only worsens each year (if you don't think that's the case you aren't paying attention)... when that's the case, that's the time to kick up a fuss. Use your voice to oppose actions and events, not some dribbling troglodyte screaming in to his computer. When there are actual things happening, make it be known that there is an equally passionate and loud, and bigger group of fans that don't support sexual censorship, or the sex-negative, anti-art attitudes that are the source of said censorship.
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aggregate scoring is bad for the anime fandom
Apr 15, 2020 9:35 AM
Jul 2018
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
ysphyr said:

Oh, come on, how does it affect anything? Stuff you like won’t go extinct just because some “woke” shows are being produced.

Woke stuff is why games and shows suck ass in America. You joking right? I've said it a million times before, Japan and Asian countries are the only thing unaffected by it.

So what exactly do you suggest? Do you want game developers to only make games that you like?
I play Blade&Soul and it has tons of fanservice in it. The same goes for Lineage II. Any MMO I’ve tried has characters in revealing outfits (except TES Online). Is it not enough for you?
Apr 15, 2020 9:37 AM

Aug 2016
Pullman said:
2shizukasensei88 said:
I wish I will never encounter people who use the word "problematic" for the things they don't like.

Have you looked in the mirror? You literally just made a whole thread about calling something problematic, just because you don't like it.

Bruh, have you heard people who used the word problematic for things they don't like? And I never said that it was problematic tho, gEt rEkt wItH fACtS aND lOgiC
People who uses MAL forums are mostly bug people, take their speech with a grain of salt.
Professional Supreme Gentleman - 恋人はあなたが選んだ兄弟です (AnimeElitism Reddit) (Dead Discord)
Apr 15, 2020 9:37 AM
Jul 2018
We have literally been talking about this since what seems like forever.
Apr 15, 2020 9:38 AM

Nov 2008
Peaceful_Critic said:

It's a show meant to make fun of black people where a white guy would try to look like an unattractive, cartoony depiction of a black person and go around doing a bunch of negative stereotypes of them like being rapist or dumb for the entertainment of their white, pro-jim crow laws mid-20th-century audience.

What? I'm quite shocked such a show is allowed to exist....aren't people rioting about it?

In terms of racism, that's quite a bit different. If something like that is openly offending a LARGE group of people...then yeah, that should not be allowed to be shown to the masses.

I don't think anime harms people the way a racist product like that does.

Apr 15, 2020 9:39 AM

Apr 2010
Chiibi said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:

Woke stuff is why games and shows suck ass in America. You joking right? I've said it a million times before, Japan and Asian countries are the only thing unaffected by it.

I can't help but agree. This is why I only watch reruns of older shows on TV....unless it's a reality show or something. :/

TV shows are absolutely ass now days because they are too busy trying to put a message behind everything instead of trying to make an entertaining show.
Apr 15, 2020 9:39 AM

Sep 2015
operationvalkyri said:
We have literally been talking about this since what seems like forever.

It's nothing new, it's just been escalated. It's been an omnipresent topic on this board for as long as I've been a regular, though, as well as before -_-

People probably have too much time on their hands due to the pandemic.

Apr 15, 2020 9:39 AM

Apr 2019
We're all a bunch of hypocrites. Deal with it.
Apr 15, 2020 9:42 AM

Aug 2016
Agent_Redacted said:
We're all a bunch of hypocrites. Deal with it.

Well that's true, but we can be more bearable human beings, for being less hypocrite
People who uses MAL forums are mostly bug people, take their speech with a grain of salt.
Professional Supreme Gentleman - 恋人はあなたが選んだ兄弟です (AnimeElitism Reddit) (Dead Discord)
Apr 15, 2020 9:44 AM
Apr 2016
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
#rapeculture the world is so awful because of Sexualization of woman. But naked men are ok because toxic masculinity etc.

I do not understand why you would say this, it does not seem that anyone shares your conviction as well. There is nothing right about what you suggest and the majority understands it. Education and personal development of people in societies is supplementing them with values and understanding of the world. Both elements you mentioned are frowned upon and considered undesirable, vulgar and too obsolete for the modern society based on harmony and personal development as human beings.
Apr 15, 2020 9:44 AM

Aug 2016
Manaban said:
It is incredibly depressing that this is being made into an SJW/wokeness issue, whenever the root problem here - the point of origin that led into this thread - wasn't even fucking related to it.

This component to the discussion is being forced into it for no good reason. The OP is a known shitposter at this point as well, and people are actually biting on this.

People are unlovable.

I can't do the normal shitpost that I did at first (because I don't wanna be banned completely), and this is a woke/sjw issue, I don't know what you're trying to convey here lmao
People who uses MAL forums are mostly bug people, take their speech with a grain of salt.
Professional Supreme Gentleman - 恋人はあなたが選んだ兄弟です (AnimeElitism Reddit) (Dead Discord)
Apr 15, 2020 9:44 AM

May 2016
ysphyr said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:

Woke stuff is why games and shows suck ass in America. You joking right? I've said it a million times before, Japan and Asian countries are the only thing unaffected by it.

So what exactly do you suggest? Do you want game developers to only make games that you like?
I play Blade&Soul and it has tons of fanservice in it. The same goes for Lineage II. Any MMO I’ve tried has characters in revealing outfits (except TES Online). Is it not enough for you?

Do not inject your anti trump politics into it(since every game company is left wing)

Don't be like mass effect. I believe that was ruined by Anita Sarkisian because the devs were listening to her for whatever reason. At launch apparently you weren't even able to make a super light skinned character. #diversity

And most importantly do not ever listen to anything shitaku or any cesspool gaming website says.

Or just do what cdprojekt red does.
Apr 15, 2020 9:45 AM
Jul 2018
Manaban said:
operationvalkyri said:
We have literally been talking about this since what seems like forever.

It's nothing new, it's just been escalated. It's been an omnipresent topic on this board for as long as I've been a regular, though, as well as before -_-

People probably have too much time on their hands due to the pandemic.
One symptom of which is goldfish memory apparently.

And you're lovable, Manaban.
Apr 15, 2020 9:46 AM

May 2016
Daniel_Naumov said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
#rapeculture the world is so awful because of Sexualization of woman. But naked men are ok because toxic masculinity etc.

I do not understand why you would say this, it does not seem that anyone shares your conviction as well. There is nothing right about what you suggest and the majority understands it. Education and personal development of people in societies is supplementing them with values and understanding of the world. Both elements you mentioned are frowned upon and considered undesirable, vulgar and too obsolete for the modern society based on harmony and personal development as human beings.
that is what you said? More education will see that anime is bad because it isn't pc and woke?
Apr 15, 2020 9:46 AM
Jul 2019
Chiibi said:
Fictional works are NOT "problematic"; immature people are.

I don't care one way or the other about what prompted this particular whiny thread among the other whiny threads, but this sentence made my brain hurt.

The word may be over- and misused in online discourse, but "problematic" is a perfectly valid word that absolutely can describe works of fiction. Literally all it means is that the work has problems. It doesn't mean the work lacks value, or that nobody is allowed to enjoy it. It just means that when you view this work from a particular POV, like feminist or disabled theory for example, it reinforces ideas considered harmful.

If the politics don't matter to you and you don't care if something is misogynist or ableist, then it doesn't affect you at all when someone critiques something as problematic. It's no different than someone hating a thing because they thought the music sucked or whatever. If the politics do matter to you, you can take it as a learning experience and decide for yourself how it changes your view of something. Media critique is just another way of trying to understand society. Feminists aren't trying to take anything away from you.
Apr 15, 2020 9:47 AM
Feb 2017
Finally someone lucid in this site, those hating on ecchi threads are idiotic to say the least, if u don't like it just ignore bro there's no problem, not all anime are focused on ecchi but still have it like many shounen do, they forget anime is made to air in japanese TV, i tilt when i see someone giving 10 to kimetsu, but i mean one day i gave a 10 to tokyo ghoul so who am i to judge them
Apr 15, 2020 9:48 AM

Sep 2015
2shizukasensei88 said:
Manaban said:
It is incredibly depressing that this is being made into an SJW/wokeness issue, whenever the root problem here - the point of origin that led into this thread - wasn't even fucking related to it.

This component to the discussion is being forced into it for no good reason. The OP is a known shitposter at this point as well, and people are actually biting on this.

People are unlovable.

I can't do the normal shitpost that I did at first (because I don't wanna be banned completely), and this is a woke/sjw issue, I don't know what you're trying to convey here lmao

The thread that springboarded this entire topic had nothing to do with the type of wokeness you're complaining about. At all. I understand not wanting to read through about 500 posts, but I can summarize it for you, given I've been there in some capacity since the beginning. Right now I'm just lurking it from time to time because I'm exhausted with it.

You are inserting the wokeness aspect in it because you see "Somebody being a dick about ecchi" and immediately assuming "it must be dem damn es jay dubyas." But the closest thing to SJW about it was trying to justify their eradictive notions by making appeals to protecting children, which has nothing to do with the type of wokeness you're bringing up here. Everything else was stuff about fear of how it affects non-fans view of anime and making appeals to high art.

This thread was specifically offensive and got the backlash it did from ecchi fans because it was encouraging and advocating forcing us out. The OP and people who supported his views flip flopped on their reason as to why they should do that constantly, and only one of them was related to morality in any way, being the "protecc the development of children" argument they flipped to at around page 7, which they later flipped off of.

This isn't an issue of wokeness or SJWs or anything like that. You people are bastardizing this by forcing it into the problem. *I* was the one holding that fort for 8 pages while none of you that are asserting this as being the issue that's present here so strongly were even involved. Stop fucking acting like you were a part of the conversation and that you grasp what the issue was when you clearly don't even know the ways they were trying to justify their stances.
ManabanApr 15, 2020 9:59 AM

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