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Apr 2, 2018 9:48 AM

Jun 2016
What's the issue? If your precious old OVA is superior (and you know it even before this new adaptation starts airing), what's the issue with new adaptation's existence? If you don't like it, leave it and keep rewatching old one for decades to come.

It's not like this will harm anything, plus CGI looks great and designs are fine. Ships look good too. Basically its production quality is great, so just wait and see before getting triggered over a piece of fiction getting new anime adaptation.

Also, use novels for comparison, not the old series.
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Apr 2, 2018 9:51 AM

Apr 2012
Pretty sure the main reason is the bishounen character design.
Apr 2, 2018 10:32 AM

Aug 2010
And why is the art so bad compared to the original. @@

And clarifying by art I mean the character designs. And more especifically the main characters, like Reinhard.
AiHikariApr 2, 2018 10:38 AM
Apr 2, 2018 11:31 AM

Jul 2015
I really don't get the hate. The new character designs look different, but that doesn't mean they are bad. I think people just need to get used to the new designs. The animation looks spectacular aswell.
Apr 2, 2018 4:12 PM
Jul 2018
Deus said:
What's the issue? If your precious old OVA is superior (and you know it even before this new adaptation starts airing), what's the issue with new adaptation's existence? If you don't like it, leave it and keep rewatching old one for decades to come.

It's not like this will harm anything, plus CGI looks great and designs are fine. Ships look good too. Basically its production quality is great, so just wait and see before getting triggered over a piece of fiction getting new anime adaptation.

Also, use novels for comparison, not the old series.

It's because everyone's pride has been hurt.
Apr 2, 2018 4:24 PM
Sep 2016
Because there are always someone who want to show off his taste and superiority over others by belittling the new one. We often call them old fogey and megalomania
Apr 2, 2018 4:25 PM

Feb 2010
The CGI is the absolute worst I've seen in years, sans Berserk. There's an overreliance on it, to the point where the 2D characters look very much pasted-in and don't even have 2D thrones anymore. The same exact CGI animation loop running in the background for a minute straight with the same laser intervals was jarring. The same studio has done much, much better work with CGI many years ago already, so here they really dropped the ball.

On top of that, it doesn't convey nearly the gravitas that the novels or the pilot episode of the OVA did. The first episode felt like a crawl and didn't even do half as much as the OVA did in one episode, and that's before considering that the first episode was purely on Reinhard's perspective. There was no tension in any of the action because it was purely one-sided with no actual view of the stakes.

And then there's the music, which was nondescript to a fault. The novel series always had a baroque feel to it, from names to the cultural impressions. There was none of that in the first episode so far.

For the record, my main source is the novel series. I adore it, and the OVAs did, with a few discrepancies, reasonably well adapting them. There are a few problems with the pacing of scenes here and there, which were relatively par for the course back then, but it captured the style of the books nicely.

I really, really wanted this adaptation to turn out well and been looking forward to it for years. When the character designs dropped I was disappointed in the generic look of the main cast, but still hoping for a good adaptation. But the choices they made with the perspectives, the CGI, the musical disappointment and the overall mood and absence of overhead views of the conflict in the pilot have me very, very pessimistic.
DarkChaplainApr 2, 2018 4:31 PM
Apr 2, 2018 4:28 PM

Jun 2015
That always happens when an anime gets a sequel or remake after a really long time. People just like to complain. Surprisingly, as a newcomer, I gotta say, I'm not a fan of some of the character designs (not enough physical variation among the younger characters), but that's hardly a deal breaker for me.

And just my cents: This anime has a more "elite" and older fanbase. I wouldn't be surprised if they dislike many qualities about modern anime in general.

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then why not live beautifully until the end?"- Sakata Gintoki, Gintama
Apr 2, 2018 6:31 PM

Aug 2015
It comes down to two things - the modernisation of the remake, as in the usage of CGI and the character designs, and the mere fact that an old series held in high regard is receiving another adaptation.

CGI in general is loathed by many anime fans and this remake has an overabundance of it. I’ve watched anime that handled CGI scenes effectively and some that are downright horrendous, it’s common knowledge that CGI can be shaky at times so it’s no surprise that people are sceptical of the animation quality, especially after the whole Berserk 2016 fiasco. Thankfully, the CGI in this remake isn’t as terrible as it was in Berserk, but many people find it unsightly.

The second point can basically be summarised by this:

Or: if it’s perfect, then don’t touch it. A lot of fans feel disheartened when an older series receives another adaptation because it will be completely modernised and they’d prefer the franchise be left in a perfect state instead of taking any risks. Berserk 2016 is yet again a pretty good example of this, although there aren’t many anime that have butchered their animation that badly. Many fans yearned for another adaptation and waited years for any news, and when it finally received a new adaptation it was amateurish and executed miserably.

Personally I don’t really follow those two notions. It is kinda sad to see one of my most beloved anime receiving quite a bland treatment, but I’m going to continue watching with an open mind and hope something of value comes out of it.

I posted in the first episode discussion with quite a few complaints, some that venture into nitpicking territory, but by no means do I hate this remake. It’s ridiculous to write off any sort of criticism as elitism or hate bandwagoning. If anything, I’m grateful that the franchise will receive more exposure.
SignifieApr 2, 2018 6:35 PM
Apr 2, 2018 6:35 PM

Oct 2017
I only see Elitists with butthurt here smh
Apr 2, 2018 6:51 PM

Sep 2010
At least the OP/ED is good thats really the only good compliment I can give this series.

Also you can remake old character designs and settings with modern anime artstyle while still keeping the nostalgia just look at what Sunrise done with Gundam the Origins. That is how its done. While watching it I was like wow maybe I should give the first series a second chance. It makes me want to watch the original even if it had serious pacing issues that lulled me to death the first time around.

This reboot however is just like Berserk how not to bring back a classic series. terrible CGI or generic bishounen guys with flat expressions. While the orginal was full of Bishounen too the way the characters moved and talked they felt much more alive than what I was seeing here.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Apr 2, 2018 11:39 PM
Mar 2010
Cause the fanbase(not all) is just as toxic as the other fanbase that they make fun of and look down at. They are even saying that the old anime has better animation than this one.

Maybe if they applied just a tiny bit of their brain cells to see why they opt for such a style in today's era and stop being a blind fangay, things wouldn't turn out this way.

Personally I fine the art to be nice., Except for a couple of characters that I have yet to get used too. Anyway it all depends on how the show is presented and directed. The trailer looks impressive. Excited!
Apr 3, 2018 12:09 AM

Feb 2010
excalibur977436 said:
Cause the fanbase(not all) is just as toxic as the other fanbase that they make fun of and look down at. They are even saying that the old anime has better animation than this one.

Maybe if they applied just a tiny bit of their brain cells to see why they opt for such a style in today's era and stop being a blind fangay, things wouldn't turn out this way.

Personally I fine the art to be nice., Except for a couple of characters that I have yet to get used too. Anyway it all depends on how the show is presented and directed. The trailer looks impressive. Excited!

I would argue that the old one clearly does have better animation than the new one, judging by the first episode alone. Not because it is as high-definition and polished, but because it has a lot of character conveyed by the animation, backgrounds etc.

While on a purely technical level, the new adaptation is ahead of the 80s, the OVA had a lot more going on with its characters, their expressions and movements. It had pretty bad lasers in space battle and often had somewhat stilted movements during action scenes, but overall it felt more alive than what I've seen of the new version so far, and didn't rely so heavily on CGI to carry it. Especially with the space CGI, I'd have expected Production I.G. to hit it out of the park with the characters, since they are far more important to the entire franchise than the space battles ever were, but in the end it felt like they had their priorities with the pilot really just wrong. I know they can do better, and I'd have thought a revered classic like this would've gotten their A-Game.

By the way, maybe somebody using terminology such as "blind fangay", talking about people not using their braincells and what not should not be talking about others being "toxic".
Apr 3, 2018 12:14 AM

Dec 2015
Maybe it is not only people that liked the old OVA and hate the new adaption.
Could be as well some people that didn't like the old OVA and dropped it early (so their votes didn't count) - scoring this one here low just to hate it.

(Because they can't score the old OVA low without putting wrong info in their list if they haven't seen it fully - but they can do it for this one. They just can't stand it that the old OVA is higher than some of their other favorite anime in the top list and direct their anger towards this new adaption.)

Apr 3, 2018 12:18 AM

Feb 2013
There are genuine complaints to be made and have been made all the time even in this very thread. But most of the time they are ignored and "the fanbase" is being made into an elitist strawman that just hates everything new.
Apr 3, 2018 12:56 AM

Feb 2010
Oh_Rusty_Nail said:
There are genuine complaints to be made and have been made all the time even in this very thread. But most of the time they are ignored and "the fanbase" is being made into an elitist strawman that just hates everything new.

That bold part is the argument I have the least understanding for, honestly. I can see why somebody would disagree and think the animation is fine, why they'd like the music or enjoy the bishounen designs better than the old classic 80s/90s style characters. But arguing that people who dislike this one just "hate modern anime" like has been thrown around multiple times the last few days on various threads? That just strikes me as baffling.

It is true that modern anime often focuses on different aspects than classic franchises did, that they often highlight fanservice more directly for example or that they tend to feature more pronounced action. But damn me if I don't enjoy that too, if handled well. Arguing that, in essence, people with criticisms just "hate fun" is the epitome of silliness.
Apr 3, 2018 4:28 AM

Jan 2015
Why do people always take criticism as 'hate'?!
Nobody bashed on this series for any other aspect than the new visuals. So you can say if it's a hate wagon or not only after it starts airing.

I don't think the new designs are bad by themselves, I just think they're unfitting. Some characters look way too young, also the old style looked more human-like.
And the anime is called "Die Neue These" which means that the old series is acknowledged, therefore you can't blame anyone if they want to make comparisons between this adaptation and that one.
Apr 3, 2018 9:13 AM
Nov 2015
Maybe they want tokyo ghoul re for the best anime in the season and this anime is a danger for that
Apr 3, 2018 9:33 AM

Aug 2014
The first episode wasn't even that bad, and it definitely deserves higher than a 6.73 (as of typing this). It's no masterpiece, but it's still watchable.
Apr 3, 2018 9:34 AM

May 2015
I don't have stakes in this, seeing as how I have never read the novels, watched the OVAs, or seen the remake's first episode either. But, I'm still going to say this: There probably are genuine criticisms to level at the remake, just like pretty much every show ever. But to act like there isn't some kind of bias from the fans of the previous entries is ridiculous IMO. It's clearly there. Some people were already saying it was trash and a failure before it even aired. This isn't exclusive to just LOTGH, mind you. But it is an aspect here, and you can't act like it just doesn't exist; that no one is biased towards it.

Apr 3, 2018 9:42 AM

Sep 2017
>Rating an anime one episode in

Why is this even allowed on MAL
Apr 3, 2018 9:56 AM
Feb 2010
The fact that the 2 factions had different color lasers and the fact that they were actually rendered as projectiles is enough to bring it down several points.

Apart from that I don't think it was that bad, the aesthetic is a a lot more modern and generic. The CGI is everywhere and especially explosions look like they are rendered at 1/2 or 1/4 framerate which really looks quite bad.

My biggest gripe is with the music. The lack of the classical soundtrack is really just inexcusable as it was responsible for a large part of the charisma behind the original. I don't see why they couldn't just reuse the old soundtrack apart from incompetence.

There is also the pacing of the episode itself. This series is only 12 episodes yet in this pilot barely anything happens. In the original first episode we had an intro narration, scenes from Phezzan and Odin, and the introduction of a lot more core characters. This dumbing down for a "modern" audience is really sad and I wouldn't be surprised if the political drama ends up just being "filler" and all we get is space battles and action scenes.

Yang Wenli's introduction is also severely cut. He wasn't even introduced as the "hero of el facil" which leads me to believe that whole part of the story will be also be cut.
Apr 3, 2018 9:58 AM

Jan 2014
senorblu said:
>Rating an anime one episode in

Why is this even allowed on MAL
you must be new here...Violet Evergarden was in Top Anime section one season before it started...
Apr 3, 2018 10:03 AM

Jun 2016
Aggnog said:

The CGI is everywhere and especially explosions look like they are rendered at 1/2 or 1/4 framerate which really looks quite bad.

Explosions in space are supposed to be of low yield. There's no oxygen in space, so if artificial spacecraft explodes, it will burn out very fast as there won't be a lot of oxygen inside to burn up for extended periods of time. However, it still looked weird as it wasn't small enough.

Apr 3, 2018 10:06 AM

Dec 2016
Deus said:
What's the issue? If your precious old OVA is superior (and you know it even before this new adaptation starts airing), what's the issue with new adaptation's existence? If you don't like it, leave it and keep rewatching old one for decades to come.

Bc the incels on MAL like to bitch about anything and everything under the sun. Makes them feel better about their lives. You'll find an overlap with MAL's elitsts as well.
Apr 3, 2018 11:01 AM

Mar 2015
It's the number 1 elitest anime, ofc it's gonna have a hate bandwagon.

I watched the opening and the bishounen characters are definitely a reason to hate on it. Not that I don't like it. I wish they were more not bishounen though
woah there
Apr 3, 2018 11:05 AM

Jan 2016
So, you're telling me that this guy looks better in the old version?
Apr 3, 2018 11:09 AM
Apr 2016
You mixed "critique" with "hater" in the title nibba?
jamesge said:
Because there are always someone who want to show off his taste and superiority over others by belittling the new one. We often call them old fogey and megalomania

This is like universal concept and happens always, but what angers me even more is the reactionary "HaTeRs SuXx", with it dismissing any proper critique there might have been. You can't battle hatism with being a mental infant, you just can't!
Daniel_NaumovApr 3, 2018 11:16 AM
Apr 3, 2018 11:33 AM

Oct 2015
I don't get why anyone cares that people who've seen the original are criticising the new one, when they haven't seen the original themselves. It's just dumb. How could you possibly know if they are right or wrong or not?

Apr 3, 2018 11:40 AM

Oct 2008
Not seeing the original I think my main complaint for it is that I thought their outfits look kind of boring, but I guess I've been watching too much fantasy where they have crazy outfits. I guess they look like something that could be worn by real people. Also the way their ships work seem weird compared to things like Star Trek where they can turn around easily but I guess it's interesting. :)
Apr 3, 2018 11:50 AM

Jan 2015
RobinTheKing said:
So, you're telling me that this guy looks better in the old version?

Absolutely! He looked like he washed his hair back then. Now he looks like some edgy asian kid that dyed his hair red.
Apr 3, 2018 11:58 AM

Jan 2017
It's good remake so far people shouldn't judge it from 1 episode. The only thing that really bothers me is Yang's VA. He sounds way too young and just doesn't sounds as him.
Apr 3, 2018 11:58 AM

Jul 2012
I played through 07th Expansion games with the original sprites, I couldn't give a bigger damn for something as minor as character design at this point.

I do care about the lack of classical music though, it's kinda messing with the atmosphere and presentation here and there (although it's making it seem like a "modernized adaptation" of the books, even if a bit too flashy for my tastes at times), but besides that, thus far, this episode did really good with its content overall (and yes, I read all the books and watched the old series more than once).

Apr 3, 2018 12:02 PM
Jan 2017
Someone who hasn't watched the original looking at the production, time and money spent on the original adaption. I think the new anime model of adapting small amount episodes doesn't seem like it well bode well with this type of grandiose story.

I would be easy for me who hasn't seen the original anime to say old fans are complaining but I understand where there coming from.
Temujin26SApr 4, 2018 10:47 AM
Apr 3, 2018 12:36 PM
Jul 2016
I thought it was a solid first episode, I've never seen the original (always been put off by the 80s level animation) but people are always going to complain about something they like getting remade (DBS just finished and that got hate all the way through mainly by DBZ fans who claimed the original was perfect so they shouldn't do anything to it).
Although I can kind of understand where people are coming from, I wouldn't want a remake of my favourite show (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood) because I like it the way it is. However this wouldn't make me instantly rate a remake 1/10 just because I got triggered.
Apr 3, 2018 12:37 PM

Aug 2015
Temujin26S said:
Someone who hasn't watched the original looking at the production, time and money spent on the original adaption. I think the new anime model of adapting small amount episodes doesn't seem like it well bode well with this type of grandiose story.

I would be easy for me who hasn't seen the original anime to say old fans are complaining but I understand where there coming.

The old LOTGH OVA series was released over the course of 9 years in 110 episodes. If a 12 episode season of the new LOTGH came out each year, then it would reach 110 episodes in about 9 years. So we could potentially be waiting the same amount of time as fans did back then for the series to end. Maybe even shorter if they make a new series every 2 anime seasons.

But the original really is a timeless classic that can't be compared to this new one for many reasons. This new series starts off similarly to the old one (proving that Reinhardt and Yang are badasses), but it's not going to be a 1-to-1 replication of the old series.
Apr 3, 2018 12:43 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
I'm actually seeing more of a "bash the elitists" bandwagon than a "hater bandwagon" for this show. Just look at the state of this thread...
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Apr 3, 2018 12:49 PM
Jan 2017
AvidAnimeViewer said:
Temujin26S said:
Someone who hasn't watched the original looking at the production, time and money spent on the original adaption. I think the new anime model of adapting small amount episodes doesn't seem like it well bode well with this type of grandiose story.

I would be easy for me who hasn't seen the original anime to say old fans are complaining but I understand where there coming.

The old LOTGH OVA series was released over the course of 9 years in 110 episodes. If a 12 episode season of the new LOTGH came out each year, then it would reach 110 episodes in about 9 years. So we could potentially be waiting the same amount of time as fans did back then for the series to end. Maybe even shorter if they make a new series every 2 anime seasons.

But the original really is a timeless classic that can't be compared to this new one for many reasons. This new series starts off similarly to the old one (proving that Reinhardt and Yang are badasses), but it's not going to be a 1-to-1 replication of the old series.

Yeah but the difference is those episodes of LOTG 1997 were guaranteed back then, the director in charge of the remake said it would depend on the sales of the 2018 show and movies if they continue adapting the novels. Thats why I said this type of new model doesn't really work well with long running series adaptions most eventually get left in limbo with titles that are not mainstream popular. Of course it's gonna compared it inevitable they are both adaptations of the same novel and it's a remake too they gonna be compared. That begs the question if it's a timeless classic and adapted the novel accurately and expanding it further why make a remake that did it perfectly.

Now if the original anime wasn't faithful to source material missed ton of information and plot points then you would have a point.
Temujin26SApr 4, 2018 10:49 AM
Apr 3, 2018 1:21 PM

Aug 2015
Temujin26S said:
AvidAnimeViewer said:

The old LOTGH OVA series was released over the course of 9 years in 110 episodes. If a 12 episode season of the new LOTGH came out each year, then it would reach 110 episodes in about 9 years. So we could potentially be waiting the same amount of time as fans did back then for the series to end. Maybe even shorter if they make a new series every 2 anime seasons.

But the original really is a timeless classic that can't be compared to this new one for many reasons. This new series starts off similarly to the old one (proving that Reinhardt and Yang are badasses), but it's not going to be a 1-to-1 replication of the old series.

Yeah but the difference is those episodes of LOTG 1997 were guaranteed back then, the director in charge of the remake said it would depend on the sales of the 2018 show and movies if they continue adapting the novels. Thats why I said this type of new model doesn't really work well with long running series adaptions most eventually get left in limbo with titles that are not mainstream popular. Of course it's gonna compared it inevitable they are both adaptations of the same novel and it's a remake too they gonna be compared. That begs the question if it's a timeless classic and adapted the novel accurately and expanding it further why make remake another that did it perfectly.

Now if the original anime wasn't faithful to source material missed ton of information and plot points then you would have a point.

This new first episode is adapting the first prequel movie, which is already different from the original. This new season will probably adapt the prequel movies and the first novel. Which is bad in terms of content since the beginning of LOTGH is probably the slowest part. But at the same time it already has a well-established fanbase, and of all the remakes coming out this season this one is probably the most anticipated. People are gonna hate this show regardless of how good/bad it is, but I'm fairly certain it will get renewed for another season. I agree the 12-episode release hurts this show, but it's a good way to keep high quality. And if they get a positive response by testing the waters this season, maybe the next series will be 24-26 episodes long like with BNHA.
Apr 3, 2018 1:47 PM

Nov 2013
Deus said:
What's the issue? If your precious old OVA is superior (and you know it even before this new adaptation starts airing), what's the issue with new adaptation's existence? If you don't like it, leave it and keep rewatching old one for decades to come.

It's not like this will harm anything, plus CGI looks great and designs are fine. Ships look good too. Basically its production quality is great, so just wait and see before getting triggered over a piece of fiction getting new anime adaptation.

Also, use novels for comparison, not the old series.

Dude that's an elitist anime everyone bitches about, did you really expect a peaceful reception with anything new related to it ?
Apr 3, 2018 1:54 PM
Jan 2017
AvidAnimeViewer said:
Temujin26S said:

Yeah but the difference is those episodes of LOTG 1997 were guaranteed back then, the director in charge of the remake said it would depend on the sales of the 2018 show and movies if they continue adapting the novels. Thats why I said this type of new model doesn't really work well with long running series adaptions most eventually get left in limbo with titles that are not mainstream popular. Of course it's gonna compared it inevitable they are both adaptations of the same novel and it's a remake too they gonna be compared. That begs the question if it's a timeless classic and adapted the novel accurately and expanding it further why make remake another that did it perfectly.

Now if the original anime wasn't faithful to source material missed ton of information and plot points then you would have a point.

This new first episode is adapting the first prequel movie, which is already different from the original. This new season will probably adapt the prequel movies and the first novel. Which is bad in terms of content since the beginning of LOTGH is probably the slowest part. But at the same time it already has a well-established fanbase, and of all the remakes coming out this season this one is probably the most anticipated. People are gonna hate this show regardless of how good/bad it is, but I'm fairly certain it will get renewed for another season. I agree the 12-episode release hurts this show, but it's a good way to keep high quality. And if they get a positive response by testing the waters this season, maybe the next series will be 24-26 episodes long like with BNHA.

Your missed my point after 2018 tv show, they adapting the rest of the first novel content with three movies. There's no guarantee there's be more material adapted after this yes LOTH has it's dedicated fanbase but it's not everybody's cup tea.
Temujin26SApr 4, 2018 10:49 AM
Apr 3, 2018 2:05 PM

May 2014
CGI and character designs are kind of a dull line of attack though. There would be problems to point out in the actual script, like some out-of-place lines, strange tactics, or problems with the pacing. Then again, if you go for those, so many other anime could be bashed for the same issues, so I guess it isn't worth it.
Apr 3, 2018 2:06 PM

Sep 2016
This is way more watchable than that boring OVA

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Apr 3, 2018 2:11 PM

Apr 2015
Deus said:
What's the issue? If your precious old OVA is superior (and you know it even before this new adaptation starts airing), what's the issue with new adaptation's existence? If you don't like it, leave it and keep rewatching old one for decades to come.

It's not like this will harm anything, plus CGI looks great and designs are fine. Ships look good too. Basically its production quality is great, so just wait and see before getting triggered over a piece of fiction getting new anime adaptation.

Also, use novels for comparison, not the old series.

Cgi ships are just boring and characters look quite gay.
Apr 3, 2018 2:30 PM

Jul 2016
Watched the original anime and got more of this than I expected. I thought the anime would end up as a trainwreck but what I have seen from the first ep they do seem to treat the material with a certain respect.

The characters look modern and fine imo, yes I prefer the design of the older anime but its good enough for me. I prefer watching anime over its story than aesthetics although even I couldn't stomach the new Berserk. And I definetely have seen worse cgi, its completely fine and I'm glad they paid attention to some details like the amount of ships in space. I think they got the key things right just view this adaption as logh lite and an entry point for newcomers into the series for the older adaption, which the first ep gives me high hopes for.

The soundtrack clearly tries to sound somewhat classical while being modern as well and I'm a big fan of the OP and ED track, visuals aren't really too great in them though.

Overall I think the anime will probably convey the story in a suitable way, they also brought us right into things happening and didn't have Reinhard have a big monologue over how he got there and who Kircheis is and whatever, which many new anime often fall victim to. We even got hints at how the nobles view Reinhard in this episode. I liked it, its worse than the ova but its still good.
Apr 3, 2018 2:41 PM

Mar 2009
I love the orginal and after seeing the first epiosde of this re-boot all I can say im Smiling it´s just what I love a good space opera with loots of big epic space fights this is what sci-fi lacks a good story and epic space battles instead they make slap stick comedy sci-fi like that Space☆Dandy nothing aginst that anime but a huge fan of space operas in style with Macross and this one but sure some times I enjoy sci-fi´s like lost universe or outlaw stars but my biggest love are sci-fi in style with Macross,Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu,Cowboy bebop,Sword of the star, Space battle ship yamato.

So yeah I love this reboot have nothing against it.

But I will see it´s okey for people to dislike it tell people why they dislike it but no need to keep spewing your hate over and over we know you don´t like it then make it simple don´t watch it and piss off when your done no need to nag about it like a broken record.

I mean I tell people I dislike sword art and attack on titan and when they ask why I tell them why and that´s it im not going around saying I hate them in every damn forum topic about them I told it once that´s enough.

So yeah don´t like it don´t watch it and sod off thank you very much.
Apr 3, 2018 2:47 PM

Nov 2013
Yeah, how dare long time fans of the franchise be disapponted when the newest addiction to it doesn't hold up to the rest.
You all need to watch Nami.

Apr 3, 2018 3:24 PM

Mar 2009
abystoma2 said:
Yeah, how dare long time fans of the franchise be disapponted when the newest addiction to it doesn't hold up to the rest.

Well I been a long time fan I even have the novels but I can speak for my self and i´m not disappointed sure it may not be like the original but if I wan´t the original I bloody watch the original I mean it´s that bloody hard is it to go back and watch the original.
Apr 3, 2018 3:27 PM

Feb 2013
Farabeuf said:
I'm actually seeing more of a "bash the elitists" bandwagon than a "hater bandwagon" for this show. Just look at the state of this thread...

Indeed. The worst part is that while good critique is being made, those posts are ignored completely. You can see well-rounded, reasonably argued post and right under that you see something like "its because elitism".

I think I will just abstain from forums. This is way too childish.
Apr 3, 2018 3:32 PM

Nov 2013
SwordBreaker28 said:

Well I been a long time fan I even have the novels but I can speak for my self and i´m not disappointed sure it may not be like the original but if I wan´t the original I bloody watch the original I mean it´s that bloody hard is it to go back and watch the original.

Imagine if we could get something with same atmosphere and at least similar design as original, but with upgraded HD modern animation.
You all need to watch Nami.

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Poll: » Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou Episode 10 Discussion

Ulquiorra - Aug 8, 2018

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deg - Jul 15, 2023

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Poll: » Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou Episode 11 Discussion

Ulquiorra - Aug 8, 2018

14 by Robbini »»
Oct 1, 2023 4:00 AM

Poll: » Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou Episode 12 Discussion

Mayuka - Aug 8, 2018

33 by Sun_Chan »»
Jun 30, 2023 11:48 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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