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The pros and cons of your country (Discussion)

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Apr 5, 2016 10:18 PM

Apr 2014
Cons: No kinder egg
Pros: We got shit fucks tons of Mcdonald's everywhere. Rad.
Apr 5, 2016 10:33 PM

Mar 2016
Nonnel said:
Volksdeutsche said:

Preservation and security for your own.
You don't put two males in a cage with one female and not expect bloodshed.

Why do you need to protect your culture? We're all humans. Again, what's the difference?

Why do you need to protect your species? We're all animals. Again, what's the difference?

If you had to save a family of birds or a family of humans, which one would you save?
You have your answer, again.
Apr 5, 2016 10:40 PM

Nov 2015

The only thing I like about my country is the history and the historical figures. This whole state went to shit after the 60s. The rest isn't even worth mentioning.
Apr 5, 2016 10:42 PM

Mar 2016
Lothloran said:
Oh look at that, the other thread got locked because we weren't discussing our cultural enrichment

Hey, I thought it'd be cool if we listed 3 pros and cons of our countries and explained why we feel that way.

Oh and hey, try to mention what country you're from, so that if someone from the same country as you disagrees you can discuss it ;) or you can discuss why you agree ;) because discussions.

United States:

-The food. I LOVE my southern cooking, anyone who disagrees with chicken fried steak is mentally ill. It's the best food ever
-The 2nd Amendment, I fucking love my guns more than anything. And I love hunting.
-The cost of food and stuff is super fucking cheap.

Hippies. While I love the first amendment, and I support their right to use it, I fucking hate dirty smelly hippies.
Regressive popular culture. I hate how the media is owned by a select group of people who passively brainwash the masses through repetitive subject matter.
The minimum wage- It's too low.

Discuss with me, my fellow Americans, and discuss your cultural enrichment too.
Discuss everything, OR ELSE.

Chicken fried steak is indeed fucking awesome but food is definitely not cheap for us in NYC :( just yesterday I went to buy some eggs and it was 4 bucks for 6 fucking eggs. But I digress, Americuh:

1. New York City - I don't know how much longer I'll be able to live here but goddamnit this city is perfect. Sure people can be assholes but once I learned I could be one too and not feel bad about it everything became that much sweeter
2. Culture - people will argue about just what American culture actually is, and I love that. We are an incredibly diverse country and because of that I feel like I've been able to grow so much as an individual and come to terms with what I truly like and dislike
3. Potential - I don't care what people say but the fact of the matter is that in this country there exists a potential to succeed like nowhere else. I mean someone is making bank after making an app where you press a fucking button to order a pizza. We might have a long way to go as a nation but at least I know that being an educated, privileged American I will have the means to do well and plan for a happy future

1. Food (that you purchase to cook yourself. Our take out and restaurants are top fucking notch)- I can't help but feel that food is waaaaaaay too processed here. It just doesn't sit right with me that a chicken breast can be the size of a goddamn turkey breast sometimes. I try to purchase organic shit just to not vomit while cooking and it hurts my wallet.. Because I know that same "grass-fed" meal in some third world country would cost me a fraction of the price. Oh well
2. Weather - last week I was wearing shorts. This week I'm in five layers. The weather in the northeast sucks. I'm sure other parts of the country have better weather but I'm partial toward tropical weather anyway. Also Hawaii doesn't count and I still don't really understand how it's a state lol
3. Educational system - I could write forever about this, but I won't. I basically taught myself throughout high school. I then worked in an inner city school and understand that hell is a real place. Our schools suck. Our mentality as a nation about education sucks. Our kids suck- I'm making a blanket generalization here to some degree but seriously, I'm not happy with the culture surrounding education in this country
Apr 5, 2016 11:10 PM

Dec 2015
I live in Belgium

- The food is delicious
- Our healthcare system is one of the best
- The Belgian take on life which says "oh, we can't change shit about it even if we wanted to? Better make a joke about it".

- Everyone associates us with ISIS since the Paris attacks and even more since what happened two weeks ago
- People here are hard to read. You can think they like you until you discover that huge knife in your back
- Our education system has been declining for ten years now. It used to be amongst the best ten years ago but nowadays teachers are getting worse, textbooks are getting moronic and even if you still have to work hard you don't actually learn anything.
Apr 5, 2016 11:14 PM

Aug 2014
I'm from the USA
Pros: there isn't a single con
Apr 5, 2016 11:19 PM
Feb 2014
Trance- said:

The only thing I like about my country is the history and the historical figures. This whole state went to shit after the 60s. The rest isn't even worth mentioning.

Damn, Average IQ: 84.

How does it feel to be literally Bern there?
Apr 6, 2016 12:33 AM

Apr 2009


- safe/no problems with guns
- good healthcare system
- good education system
- multicultural
- many hot grills


- too small, you end up seeing the same people too often
- racism
- kinda boring architecture/history
Apr 6, 2016 1:53 AM

Nov 2015
Nico- said:
Trance- said:

The only thing I like about my country is the history and the historical figures. This whole state went to shit after the 60s. The rest isn't even worth mentioning.

Damn, Average IQ: 84.

How does it feel to be literally Bern there?

I'm surrounded by at least four guys with an above 130 IQ. One of them got a regional distinction in 5 A levels subjects. The other 3 are in my class. One of my seniors was a borderline genius with at least 9 As in ALs and a crazy score in SAT. It's all about where you live. The peeps that dilate the IQ statistic are most likely from Southern Punjab, Northern Sindh and Balochistan - basically the less educated areas. So I'm not really in a bad position but I won't deny that 4 guys aren't enough for me to not say, 'I'm surrounded by idiots'.
Apr 6, 2016 2:31 AM

Jan 2016
I'm from the Philippines.

j0x said:

- foods are delicious
- the language is easy to learn and spell

- high crime rate especially corruption, well one of the presidential candidate here wants to improve or change that and people like him to be the next president
- prices are expensive for the citizens especially the poor, but foreigners said its so cheap since 1 USA dollar is equal to 45 philippines pesos so you got a lot of foreigners here living when they retire especially retired USA military people
- voters vote for entertainers rather than achievers sometimes or a lot of times, seriously Manny Pacquiao who is just a boxer and dont have much of a education is winning the senatorial race

Just gonna add a Pro:

We have the paradise like place called Palawan.

and a Con:

Having one of the slower internet connection worldwide.


Though, that first one(on your cons)... I'm extremely pessimistic about politicians here.. (Only trustworthy politician here is Dick Gordon, tbh)
Apr 6, 2016 2:39 AM
May 2015
Protaku said:
Cons: No kinder egg.

I suggest you leave the country immediately.
Apr 6, 2016 3:14 AM

Apr 2016
Hungary here

One Pro
Russian imported kettlebells

One Con
Lack of kawaiiness, so praise the interwebz...
Apr 6, 2016 3:29 AM

Oct 2015

Pros :
  • Healthcare, university costs pretty much nothing, a lot of financial helps in case of poverty
  • Culture : Rich history, movies, music, monuments; beautiful lanscapes
  • Lovely people living there ~

Cons :
  • Politicians .. Maybe I should begin politics, I wouldn't do worse :p xD
  • Some mentality : People complaining, sometimes racists and close-minded, angry and screaming
  • Difficult to find a job?
Apr 6, 2016 3:37 AM
Jun 2013


01 Huge Population
02 Majority lives in Villages
03 Politics


01 Democracy
02 Mother of Culture and Civilization
03 Pluralistic Society

Apr 6, 2016 3:50 AM

Nov 2011
Pro: No winter
Con: No winter

Its either sunny or rainy. Its so lame.

Apr 6, 2016 3:51 AM

Apr 2015
Everything but the time-zone.

The time-zone.
Last FM
Anime List
Manga List
Clue no. 2: Somewhere in one of the pictures in my forum signature.
Apr 6, 2016 4:02 AM

May 2008
New Zealander here.

-We're one of the safest, most peaceful, least corrupt countries in the world.
-It's pretty as shit here.
-Humans haven't been here long enough to entirely fuck the land up yet. Clean air ftw.
-Unless you go into the redneck farmer towns, we're pretty accepting of differences and will probably not judge you unless you're being an asshole.
-It's always super casual and laid back unless there's a sporting event on, in which case we're intense as fuck.
-The rest of the world doesn't hate us.
-In the main cities there's a wide mix of people from many different parts of the world and you very frequently hear foreign languages. I find that cool.
-We're not Australia.

-It's expensive as shit. Food, house prices, petrol (gas), clothing, everything... We're one of the most expensive countries to live in (top 10 at least, IIRC).
-We don't get a lot of variety of products due to being such a small market. For example, there aren't any IKEAs here.
-Nothing ever happens. Political scandals here are the PM pulling a waitress's ponytail or the government thinking about spending millions of dollars to buy a couple of pandas from China.
-We're only good at sports nobody has even heard of.
-We're super far away from everywhere else. While this is a pro in some ways, it also means that travel is super expensive.
-Nobody takes things seriously. We're almost too laid back/casual for our own good.
-The mental health system is completely useless, although I'm sure this is the same no matter which country you're in.

Overall, NZ is a very good country to be born in. We're so far out of the way that nobody bothers trying to fuck our shit up and we only ever really get involved in world affairs if the UK or Australia drag our ass into it with them (see: both World Wars). Nothing ever happens here, and yes, that's a good thing, but it also means that people don't have any idea what a serious situation is like and I think that that makes them less likely to care about things happening overseas (as mentioned, them being so far away also doesn't help).

We have a saying that's "she'll be right", which basically means that everything's gonna be okay and that you shouldn't worry about it. To be fair, this is probably another good thing and is what makes us so boringly safe and accepting. However, on the flip side, this takes the casual attitude almost too far, as there's a fine line between not worrying and not giving a fuck, and I feel like there's a large portion of the population that crosses that line -- unintentionally, of course.
Apr 6, 2016 4:16 AM

Jul 2012

1] Free health care
2] Clean water, clean air, beautiful scenery
3] Hockey

1] The weather can get pretty cold in the Winter
2] Our economy is currently not doing so well
3] Technology isn't very advanced
Apr 6, 2016 4:49 AM

Mar 2016
The United Kingdom:

4 Pros:
1: The infrastructure and transport is pretty good. I can go to London really easily and in multiple ways
2: Being that this country is the origin of the most widely spoken language in the world, I can go to quite a few places and talk to people in my native language.
3: It's generally a high standard of living with a lot of rights.
4: I get 200Mbps down and 12Mbps up. You can get some good internet here.

2 Cons:
1: It's fucking boring here, if this country had a colour, it would be gray.
2: Chavs, Where I'm from, they are numerous. (Chavs are who you think of when I say Essex)
“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”
Apr 6, 2016 4:51 AM

Oct 2015
Zazie122 said:
-We're only good at sports nobody has even heard of.

Rugby, All Blacks ~ ~
At least this, which is a pretty good point imo.
Apr 6, 2016 5:39 AM
Oct 2014
Sweden, Scandinavia

+ Superior culture. Germanic-Protestant, Individualistic, Prussian virtues, the Law of Jante, work ethics.
+ Übermensch people. The most beautiful people on the planet, objectively. Good average iQ score. Best breast and penis sizes on average. Good human height. Very hygienic. Nice people.
+ Nature. Great variety. The landscape and climate depends on where in the country you are.

- Shitty politicians. The system is good, but 95% of the people in government are lunatics. Strong PC culture. Too homogeneous when it comes to topics like immigration and gender. No reliable national defense or agriculture.
- Ugly architecture. Many Swedish towns, especially those under strong influence of Social Dwmocrates look like fucking Societ Minsk. Usch. It's pretty good where I live however because it's a quite wealthy area with private housing.

Apr 6, 2016 5:51 AM

Apr 2015

+Many resorts and various place for tourist
+Great place for culinary shopping
+Multiple cultures
+Generally most people are kind here
+People here are generally pretty or handsome? dunno lol this is the result of googling tho.

-Overpopulated, especially Java
-Corruptions by politicians
-There's a religion tag on your ID card which means you MUST take a religion.
-Technologically, we are still a developing country
-I hate when there's so many religious movement such as demonstration, etc, screw religions.
-Too sexist for me, need at least a teaspoon of feminism
-LGBTQs are still being look down here
Apr 6, 2016 5:54 AM

May 2008
Nyarlathothep said:
Zazie122 said:
-We're only good at sports nobody has even heard of.

Rugby, All Blacks ~ ~
At least this, which is a pretty good point imo.

Well, yeah, but other than that we're good at netball, cricket and sometimes rowing. Nobody outside of the British Commonwealth knows what the fuck netball and cricket are, lol.
Apr 6, 2016 6:03 AM

Oct 2015
Zazie122 said:
Nyarlathothep said:

Rugby, All Blacks ~ ~
At least this, which is a pretty good point imo.

Well, yeah, but other than that we're good at netball, cricket and sometimes rowing. Nobody outside of the British Commonwealth knows what the fuck netball and cricket are, lol.

I know what cricket is !! :p

// 30char
Apr 6, 2016 6:23 AM

Nov 2015
Yall better start discussing harder before this thread get locked in the Gulag
You said:

+Many resorts and various place for tourist
+Great place for culinary shopping
+Multiple cultures
+Generally most people are kind here
+People here are generally pretty or handsome? dunno lol this is the result of googling tho.

-Overpopulated, especially Java
-Corruptions by politicians
-There's a religion tag on your ID card which means you MUST take a religion.
-Technologically, we are still a developing country
-I hate when there's so many religious movement such as demonstration, etc, screw religions.
-Too sexist for me, need at least a teaspoon of feminism
-LGBTQs are still being look down here

What sort of religions are you allowed to have? or any religion as long as it's A religion?
For example, if you're an atheist but need to choose one would you be able to put down Norse Asatru just to have one? or do you actually have to follow some sort of government sanctioned guidelines?

Also, I can imagine how difficult that must be, because I assume while you're still underaged your parents get to decide what religion goes on your card so you just end up being tied to that or else risk making your family mad at you.

Vor uns liegt MAL, in uns marschiert MAL, und hinter uns, kommt MAL!
Apr 6, 2016 6:26 AM

Nov 2015
Rarusu_ said:
Sweden, Scandinavia

+ Superior culture. Germanic-Protestant, Individualistic, Prussian virtues, the Law of Jante, work ethics.
+ Übermensch people. The most beautiful people on the planet, objectively. Good average iQ score. Best breast and penis sizes on average. Good human height. Very hygienic. Nice people.
+ Nature. Great variety. The landscape and climate depends on where in the country you are.

- Shitty politicians. The system is good, but 95% of the people in government are lunatics. Strong PC culture. Too homogeneous when it comes to topics like immigration and gender. No reliable national defense or agriculture.
- Ugly architecture. Many Swedish towns, especially those under strong influence of Social Dwmocrates look like fucking Societ Minsk. Usch. It's pretty good where I live however because it's a quite wealthy area with private housing.

How do you feel about the Swedish "Gender Politics Warfare" against Russia in an attempt to "undermine the russians brash masculinity"?

Vor uns liegt MAL, in uns marschiert MAL, und hinter uns, kommt MAL!
Apr 6, 2016 6:31 AM
May 2015
Olli399 said:
2: Chavs, Where I'm from, they are numerous. (Chavs are who you think of when I say Essex)

Ahh the English equivalent of Australia's bogans. I've been unfortunate enough to be around both. I always imagine someone like David Attenborough narrating as I gaze upon them in the distance with nothing but confusion.
Apr 6, 2016 6:32 AM

Nov 2015
McGibletz said:
I'm from the USA
Pros: there isn't a single con

I'm from Texas :) and there are a few Cons here, but I was raised in a tiny town called Alvin on a ranch for the first 12 years of my life.
I think the biggest con, at least in Texas is the Houston Metropolis Personality. Everyone there is soooo booshy, like they think they're the salt of the earth.

On the plus side, there's a huge LGBT culture in Houston and a lot of really really hot girls which serves me just fine ;) lesbian sex is best sex.

Other than that, I mean... in Alvin the con would be that if you hate farming or ranching you're screwed.
I loved all of it, hunting, ranching, taking care of horses and all that stuff, but some people I knew from school absolutely hated it,

I had a pet chicken which was the coolest thing ever.

Vor uns liegt MAL, in uns marschiert MAL, und hinter uns, kommt MAL!
Apr 6, 2016 6:33 AM

Nov 2015
Rick said:
Olli399 said:
2: Chavs, Where I'm from, they are numerous. (Chavs are who you think of when I say Essex)

Ahh the English equivalent of Australia's bogans. I've been unfortunate enough to be around both. I always imagine someone like David Attenborough narrating as I gaze upon them in the distance with nothing but confusion.

U wot m8, i sware on me mum ill mash u up gud m8, meet me at nandos and well fite m8

Vor uns liegt MAL, in uns marschiert MAL, und hinter uns, kommt MAL!
Apr 6, 2016 6:36 AM

Apr 2015
Lothloran said:
Yall better start discussing harder before this thread get locked in the Gulag
You said:

+Many resorts and various place for tourist
+Great place for culinary shopping
+Multiple cultures
+Generally most people are kind here
+People here are generally pretty or handsome? dunno lol this is the result of googling tho.

-Overpopulated, especially Java
-Corruptions by politicians
-There's a religion tag on your ID card which means you MUST take a religion.
-Technologically, we are still a developing country
-I hate when there's so many religious movement such as demonstration, etc, screw religions.
-Too sexist for me, need at least a teaspoon of feminism
-LGBTQs are still being look down here

What sort of religions are you allowed to have? or any religion as long as it's A religion?
For example, if you're an atheist but need to choose one would you be able to put down Norse Asatru just to have one? or do you actually have to follow some sort of government sanctioned guidelines?

Also, I can imagine how difficult that must be, because I assume while you're still underaged your parents get to decide what religion goes on your card so you just end up being tied to that or else risk making your family mad at you.

There's only 6 religions legalized by the government here (Islam, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.) Idk but in our country, Christianity are being separated into that two groups. And yeah I ended up having my ID card as a Roman Catholic because of my family background.
Apr 6, 2016 6:37 AM
May 2015
Lothloran said:
Rick said:

Ahh the English equivalent of Australia's bogans. I've been unfortunate enough to be around both. I always imagine someone like David Attenborough narrating as I gaze upon them in the distance with nothing but confusion.

U wot m8, i sware on me mum ill mash u up gud m8, meet me at nandos and well fite m8

rite ill b dere soon az i find me socks n sandals
Apr 6, 2016 6:38 AM

Nov 2015
Rick said:
Lothloran said:

U wot m8, i sware on me mum ill mash u up gud m8, meet me at nandos and well fite m8

rite ill b dere soon az i find me socks n sandals

oi brav ill git me brover on u, norfwood in the ass now boys

Vor uns liegt MAL, in uns marschiert MAL, und hinter uns, kommt MAL!
Apr 6, 2016 6:40 AM

Nov 2015
You said:
Lothloran said:
Yall better start discussing harder before this thread get locked in the Gulag

What sort of religions are you allowed to have? or any religion as long as it's A religion?
For example, if you're an atheist but need to choose one would you be able to put down Norse Asatru just to have one? or do you actually have to follow some sort of government sanctioned guidelines?

Also, I can imagine how difficult that must be, because I assume while you're still underaged your parents get to decide what religion goes on your card so you just end up being tied to that or else risk making your family mad at you.

There's only 6 religions legalized by the government here (Islam, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.) Idk but in our country, Christianity are being separated into that two groups. And yeah I ended up having my ID card as a Roman Catholic because of my family background.

Yikes, how is Confucianism a religion? I thought it was more of a philosophy? O.O either way that's kind of scary that you absolutely have to have a religion or else... what's the punishment if you don't?

Vor uns liegt MAL, in uns marschiert MAL, und hinter uns, kommt MAL!
Apr 6, 2016 6:43 AM
May 2015
Lothloran said:
Rick said:

rite ill b dere soon az i find me socks n sandals

oi brav ill git me brover on u, norfwood in the ass now boys

Nah alrite m8 im sorry m8 letz go on tha jeremy kyle show tha geezer will sort this shit out rite nice.
Apr 6, 2016 6:45 AM

Nov 2015
Rick said:
Lothloran said:

oi brav ill git me brover on u, norfwood in the ass now boys

Nah alrite m8 im sorry m8 letz go on tha jeremy kyle show tha geezer will sort this shit out rite nice.

Only if you wear a different track suit as me m8

Vor uns liegt MAL, in uns marschiert MAL, und hinter uns, kommt MAL!
Apr 6, 2016 6:50 AM

Apr 2015
Lothloran said:
You said:

There's only 6 religions legalized by the government here (Islam, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.) Idk but in our country, Christianity are being separated into that two groups. And yeah I ended up having my ID card as a Roman Catholic because of my family background.

Yikes, how is Confucianism a religion? I thought it was more of a philosophy? O.O either way that's kind of scary that you absolutely have to have a religion or else... what's the punishment if you don't?

I also don't think that Confucianism is a religion either but welp, that's what those peeps in the government decide, not me.

You can just add a certain religion on your ID card without actually doing religious activities tho, but people will mostly look down on you. You can't express your thoughts about the flaws of religionsor why you dislike it too. Oh yeah I think this should be added to the cons section: There is a cyber bullying law here, and there's already people who got arrested for whining about their city or country flaws in facebook, twitter, etc.
Apr 6, 2016 6:50 AM
May 2015
Lothloran said:
Rick said:

Nah alrite m8 im sorry m8 letz go on tha jeremy kyle show tha geezer will sort this shit out rite nice.

Only if you wear a different track suit as me m8

I'm sensing a potential sitcom.. ;p
Apr 6, 2016 6:58 AM
Oct 2014
Lothloran said:

How do you feel about the Swedish "Gender Politics Warfare" against Russia in an attempt to "undermine the russians brash masculinity"?

I feel like that is Swedish Progressives in a nutshell. We need to rearm and join NATO asap. Then they can try to undermine the Russian's masculinity all they want.

Apr 6, 2016 7:28 AM

May 2015
Volksdeutsche said:
Nonnel said:

Why do you need to protect your culture? We're all humans. Again, what's the difference?

Why do you need to protect your species? We're all animals. Again, what's the difference?

If you had to save a family of birds or a family of humans, which one would you save?
You have your answer, again.

Answering questions with bad analogies doesn't count as answering questions.
Apr 6, 2016 7:56 AM

Sep 2015

+(mostly) free healthcare
+variety in scenery (dense cities, forests, old 50s style areas, beaches)
+everyone smokes weed

-ZERO fucking jobs
-shitty weather that only comes in extremes
-everyone smokes weed

talk me down
safe & sound
too strung up
to sleep
⋯⋯ ⋯⋯
watch this space
i'm open to
falling from grace

Apr 6, 2016 8:18 AM

Oct 2015
Lothloran said:
McGibletz said:
I'm from the USA
Pros: there isn't a single con

I'm from Texas :) and there are a few Cons here, but I was raised in a tiny town called Alvin on a ranch for the first 12 years of my life.
I think the biggest con, at least in Texas is the Houston Metropolis Personality. Everyone there is soooo booshy, like they think they're the salt of the earth.

On the plus side, there's a huge LGBT culture in Houston and a lot of really really hot girls which serves me just fine ;) lesbian sex is best sex.

Other than that, I mean... in Alvin the con would be that if you hate farming or ranching you're screwed.
I loved all of it, hunting, ranching, taking care of horses and all that stuff, but some people I knew from school absolutely hated it,

I had a pet chicken which was the coolest thing ever.

Huh, small world. My girlfriend is from Alvin and lives here in Houston now.
I had a pet duck, which I would say is the coolest thing ever.
Apr 6, 2016 8:34 AM

Apr 2015
Rick said:
So I'm from Australia

- The "Outback" I love the tranquility.
- The animals.
- Most of the people are genuinely quite laid back, easy going and funny.

- The accent.
- Bogans.
- Everything is fucking expensive.

Australian accents are sexy af tho.
Apr 6, 2016 8:35 AM

Feb 2012
@caffeine_queen quick ques, I don't really have any idea, but is weed legal there or nah?

Philippines is quite beautiful when you get to the right places, so that's the pro. But con is the really terrible government.

I'd just like to say this, but farmers here are being killed because they're asking rice from the government. Drought right now, so they can't harvest rice. And the police rains bullets on them. And they get fucking medals for it.

set made by tsudecimo ★ i m a d g m t r a s h ★ pnch blc mal rewrite

Apr 6, 2016 8:44 AM

Sep 2015
Bear said:
@caffeine_queen quick ques, I don't really have any idea, but is weed legal there or nah?

not yet, justin trudeau, (recently elected prime minister) is aiming to legalize it, but apparently "It's going to take many years."

talk me down
safe & sound
too strung up
to sleep
⋯⋯ ⋯⋯
watch this space
i'm open to
falling from grace

Apr 6, 2016 9:16 AM

Jul 2014
South Africa


- Beautiful scenery, especially the beaches and mountains
- Interesting history
- Local dishes are nice
- Culturally rich and diverse


- High crime rate
- Unemployment and poverty
- Corrupt and incompetent politicians
- People play the race card AT EVERY GIVEN OPPORTUNITY!
- Shit economy, because our president is a cunt.
Take care of yourself

Apr 6, 2016 9:20 AM

Jul 2011

-Beautiful lands
-the hospital is free :)

-school programs obsolete
-Shitty politicans
-Catholic church
-high cost of living and low wages
-italians don't have a minimal wage!!!!!!!! Being paid 600-800€ is pretty common (the avarage rent is 600€)
-shitty infrastructure
-high level of unemployment figures
-high public debt
-high taxes while having bad services
DortApr 6, 2016 9:24 AM
Apr 6, 2016 9:32 AM

Apr 2012

The food.
The architecture.
Our state parks.

Apr 6, 2016 9:38 AM

Nov 2015
Zazie122 said:
Nyarlathothep said:

Rugby, All Blacks ~ ~
At least this, which is a pretty good point imo.

Well, yeah, but other than that we're good at netball, cricket and sometimes rowing. Nobody outside of the British Commonwealth knows what the fuck netball and cricket are, lol.

You guys should trans-locate to Asia. Everyone knows cricket here.

By the way, New Zealand was my favorite team this world cup followed by WI. NZ's defeat from Tea-fetishists was heartbreaking, to say the least.
Apr 6, 2016 9:49 AM

Dec 2015

+ Good healthcare (Personally I also like the system but I know a lot of people dont so)
+ Cost of living is lower then most of the very high income countries.
+ Very tolerant
+ Social safety net
+ Good minimal wage and dropping/stable unemployment rate (around 6,5%)
+ I guess I will say here that we have weedshops and look like a cool guy. (Not that I actually smoke it :D)

- While our schoolsystem is not as expansive as in the US or UK we still pay about 2000 euro a year here which is a lot more then in all bordering countries (excluding UK).
- Sooo crowded x(. It is a pain going to university with public transport in the morning.
- I dont like the political parties.
- Public transport can never come on time. :D
- Horrible weather

I forgot to read that the OP said 3 pros and cons so I did 5 of each :D. The 6nd pro is more of a joke. I dont really care about that at all. But overall I am very happy to be living here and got nothing to complain :). I wont say it is the best country as its certainly not but I think it comes pretty close.
JoopsterApr 6, 2016 9:58 AM
Apr 6, 2016 9:57 AM

Sep 2014
Blahkabelison said:
Rick said:
So I'm from Australia

- The accent.
- Bogans.
- Everything is fucking expensive.

Australian accents are sexy af tho.

The accents annoy me. Glad i'm not the only one who feels this way. Australians sound like they're trying to talk while having hot food in their mouths.
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