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Feb 20, 2015 9:00 AM

Nov 2011
Well this shows of Isuca's more malevolent side this episode. Not only trying to harm Shimazu but some other people uninvolved as well? Pfft.

Action still felt meh though with the mediocre animation. Also to me, this kinda felt like a penultimate episode in a sort of way. The spider thingy was gross..
Feb 20, 2015 11:35 AM

May 2013
So the guys find out the ability that Shinichirou has. They were in a pinch towards the end there, but Shinichirou had no choice but to kiss Sakuya. Now he knows her true name.
Feb 20, 2015 11:39 AM

Sep 2012
Oh god who are you people?
Feb 20, 2015 12:09 PM

Aug 2013
babymilo91 said:
Now he knows her true name.

And I can't figure out why it is that bad.
Dub = fake crap. Always.
Feb 20, 2015 12:56 PM
Jul 2018
Shinichirou finally knows Sakuya's true name.
Feb 20, 2015 12:59 PM

Oct 2014
Oh dear by kissing Sakuya meant that she can be the head of the Shimazu family, it now belongs to Asano.
Feb 20, 2015 1:28 PM

Mar 2009
Spider boobs, huh? That's new.
Feb 20, 2015 2:11 PM
May 2013
it was decent but confused on why she dosent want her named known
Feb 20, 2015 2:12 PM
May 2013
Mormegil said:
Spider boobs, huh? That's new.

this my friend will answer your questions
Feb 20, 2015 2:12 PM

Jan 2013
It was like kinda pretty boring
"No dnt kiss me"
"I'll be head of the family"
Well which is better be killed and dnt be head of family or kiss and survive
it's like stop sulking and being a bitch about it
like "oh no, he kissed me, im not pure anymore, oh better be killed instead"
Suseri seems to be a better Shimazu Head
Feb 20, 2015 3:15 PM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
Since Shinichirou is now confirmed to have the "Eye of Truth", can we safely assume that all the specters from now on will be female? I doubt there'd be a male specter and Shinichirou will be forced to kiss him to find out it's true name.

That spider specter was definitely a lesbian. Why she only melted Sakuya's clothes and left out Shinichirou? "For the sake of fanservice" is a lame excuse at this point. I wouldn't have minded if they at least gave us a good view. The whole "fanservice" things is being handled very poorly in this show.

I thought "Isuca" was the name of that bird. How did it end up being Sakuya's true name. Did I miss something?

Below average episode. The only good thing about this show are the endcards. They're beautiful!

Feb 20, 2015 3:58 PM
May 2013
poor Sakuya , she will exclude from the head of the Shimazu family.
what will happen after he know her name ?
Feb 20, 2015 4:12 PM

Sep 2014
I loled at the random daedric letters on the magic circles
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Feb 20, 2015 4:15 PM

Dec 2012
"The big secret to breaking the rules is to make it look as though you're following them."
Feb 20, 2015 4:54 PM
Feb 2015
Maybe the real Sakuya died from that childhood illness, and the Isuca bird was a demon that took Sakuya's form to take her place... only demons have different names right?
Feb 20, 2015 5:53 PM
Aug 2011
Hinyaku said:
Maybe the real Sakuya died from that childhood illness, and the Isuca bird was a demon that took Sakuya's form to take her place... only demons have different names right?

No, the plot of the anime is bad, but I don't think they will come up with something like this, anyway, what's the plot of this again, find out what that Isuca girl wants? I don't know where they are going with this anymore...
Oh, and

Another thing, didn't Shinichirou already kiss Suseri too? I don't know if I'm mixing the manga and the anime, but if he did couldn't he know her true name too? And one more thing, didn't Shinichirou's lips already touch Sakuya in some way before this episode? If it's the case, he should already know her true name. Like I said, I might be mixing the manga and the anime, but that's some plot holes we got there. Some things in the anime have a reason to happen because of the explanations of the manga, but here if you are watching the anime alone you don't get a lot of things that are happening and they don't really bother to explain... let's see what they do with the other half of episodes.
Feb 20, 2015 6:56 PM

Feb 2013
Much love from me :)
Because i don't think very hard into things like.. plot, animation.. etc I just like watching it :o
Feb 20, 2015 8:24 PM

Mar 2010
rsc-pl said:
babymilo91 said:
Now he knows her true name.

And I can't figure out why it is that bad.

Feb 20, 2015 8:40 PM

Jun 2013
Even though this was the best episode so far, that really isnt saying much
Feb 20, 2015 8:42 PM

Jul 2010
Hilariously bad, especially the splatter scenes, they feel so random and low budget that almost makes this show enjoyable.
Feb 20, 2015 9:39 PM
Dec 2011
Changing how he finds out her true name from the manga to add in all this cringeworthy drama (and plotholes) over it was really poorly done.
Feb 20, 2015 9:48 PM

Feb 2012
Each episode is getting worse, seriously. Characters are getting super annoying and bland (except for Tamako). And, instead of solving problems, they're creating more plot holes. Shinichirou's lips already touched Sakuya's lips in the previous episodes, why did he just discovers her true name now? And what's the big deal with him finding her name? She'd rather die than let the boy discover her name? Ridiculous!
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Feb 20, 2015 9:54 PM

Dec 2007
jbeat said:
Each episode is getting worse, seriously. Characters are getting super annoying and bland (except for Tamako). And, instead of solving problems, they're creating more plot holes. Shinichirou's lips already touched Sakuya's lips in the previous episodes, why did he just discovers her true name now? And what's the big deal with him finding her name? She'd rather die than let the boy discover her name? Ridiculous!
The true name issue actually is a huge deal, and they will probably go into it to some degree next episode. That being said, this series has killed or excised almost everything interesting that was in the manga. Tamako being the main exception.

As others said, this is getting worse instead of better. But that end card is wonderful.
Feb 20, 2015 11:42 PM
Oct 2013
Seriously no one gonna mention grandma with the hamster voice?
Feb 21, 2015 3:12 AM

Jan 2011
Since Sakuya claims that she'll be the next head on her own, I don't see any point in Shinichirou staying. He should just ditch her and join Suseri, definitely a better choice.

Even if Shinichirou found out Sakuya's true name, did he have to blurt out her true name in front of everyone?
I mainly see the animes... so don't blame me for not knowing about the Manga/LN
Feb 21, 2015 3:48 AM

Jan 2009
Episode was ok, though how much they've shifted around events from the manga is making me wonder how they are going to handle some of the later developments in the series.
Feb 21, 2015 5:14 AM
Jun 2014
I'm amazed with the amount of stupid deaths in this, It's like "Oh, he died"... nobody cares ! I like gore in general but this is just crap. Besides Sakuya coundn't be more annoying, hate her. Tamako is the only good character in this show.
How is it that only Sakuya's clothes dissapeared? Her pantsu and Shinishirou's clothes are made of Adamantium?
Why he discovered her name now? He kissed her 2-3 times in the previous episodes...
Kirigaro92Feb 21, 2015 5:26 AM
Feb 21, 2015 5:49 AM

Apr 2014
Yes this fucking changes doesn't make sense. They kissed right on the very first episode like nothing important about it.
And in the second time he now got Sakuya's true name? What the hell is that? There's no development plot occurs.
Shinichirou's power which is "Eye of Truth" can find anybody's true name with just one time by having it touch to his mouth.
Haters always gonna hate.
Feb 21, 2015 6:33 AM

Apr 2011
This is hilariously bad. Sakuya refused to getting kissed while tied up and getting puncture by booby spider woman is cringeworthy and hilarious.
Feb 21, 2015 7:29 AM

Aug 2013
Is the true name thing only for specters or do humans also walk around with fake names? I don't really get it.
My Candies:
Feb 21, 2015 7:37 AM

Jan 2015
MC keeps getting captured so easily over and over again.. kinda annoying hope he gets better soon
Feb 21, 2015 8:09 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
The only thing I like about this series is that they aren't afraid to kill people/show gore (And kinda sort of Suseri)

Sakuya is the most annoying girl ever
Feb 21, 2015 12:24 PM

Jan 2015
Tokoya said:
Sakuya is the most annoying girl ever

Basically where I'm at. She's an incredibly horrible female lead.

Also, these people really suck at their job and rely very heavily on their plot armor. Honestly, how have they made it this far without Shinichirou giving them power-ups?
Feb 21, 2015 9:03 PM

Sep 2013
That hioboro is a helpful move :)
Still hate how bland everything is, must be the Korean animation.
Feb 21, 2015 10:22 PM

Dec 2007
Cresse said:
Seriously no one gonna mention grandma with the hamster voice?
Because that's in line with the manga, and is even explained to a degree. I'm not sure if it'll be properly explained in the anime though, considering how badly they're adapting it.

Iolo said:
Is the true name thing only for specters or do humans also walk around with fake names? I don't really get it.
Humans too. It's an actual concept in a great deal of Eastern religion and folklore. And it works the same way - mystics generally guard their true names closely because revealing it to another is thought to grand that individual power over them.
Feb 21, 2015 10:42 PM

Aug 2013
Ok, so he found out her true name...which is Isuca. Also apparently the birds name is also Isuca....but wait. The main villain girl is ALSO listed as Isuca on the character list. many fucking Isuca's are there in this show?

Oh, looks like Sakuya pulled a Suseri and needlessly got her comrades slaughtered.

Darkfox55 said:
Mormegil said:
Spider boobs, huh? That's new.

this my friend will answer your questions

Ahh, MonMusu. A true masterpiece.
Feb 21, 2015 11:02 PM

Jul 2013
I can understand why people want Suseri to be head instead of Sakuya because wow Sakuya is an idiot. Not only she hesitated saving her comrades she also just killed them due to her ineptness.

Her tsundere-ness is even on par with Kirino. No one in their right mind would reject Suseri for Sakuya.
Feb 22, 2015 1:32 AM

May 2013
His ability is that rare huh. That spiderwoman was disgusting. Good thing she was burned. I was expecting decapitation more though.
I didn't get that last part. They should explain it next episode.
Feb 22, 2015 9:02 AM

Mar 2014
It's cliche enough, and the MCs are still dumb af at this point. Nothing here is original in terms of plot and the fanservice is unneeded. I feel bad for the one who produced this garbage. Basically, the anime lost all it's potential from this one ep.
Feb 22, 2015 11:51 AM

Oct 2014
bbrea said:
I loled at the random daedric letters on the magic circles

Me too, but they were random, there was no meaning at all.
Feb 22, 2015 3:56 PM

Jan 2011
the year is still young but i feel Sakuya will take the cake for worst female lead of the year,pretty messed up how she doesn't give a shit about her subordinates though i wish i could care but they die like flies every episode.

show is still pretty bad it's the kind of bad when you know it but you feel like you should watch it because you know its' gonna be forgotten in the coming months lol.
Feb 22, 2015 8:01 PM
Dec 2012
i am just spit balling here but if the main enemy is also Isuca and a western Mage like are Bow wielding hot head. then is it not possible that some where those two are two side of the same coin or family in some way.

Also we already know what is bad about the true name. one is the first person to say it will be the master to them see Tama aka tamako. then we have her family rule i can only suggest that she is required to marry said person
Feb 22, 2015 11:01 PM

Dec 2013
So far, after hitting the mid-point of this short series, I'm giving it like a 6/10. It's about par for these types of shows, but I actually like the way it's running with it's own generic-ness. And, for the record I've never read the manga, so I am basing my opinions purely on the anime.

The last two episodes have left me wondering if Sakuya is really tsundere, I mean there's a line between being tsundere and just plain childish/immature and I'm starting to think she's on the latter side of that line. But, that aside I do understand why having the wimp with the Gary Stu power finding out her true name would be a problem. If she's supposed to be the head of the family, which for some reason seems to think they're the greatest thing since sliced bread and color tv, she can't exactly be under the control of some random ballsack.

All of that being said, I have to disagree with everyone who says that Suseri is better than Sakuya. She is better in no ways at all, unless you're judging solely on the size of her rack. Sakuya may be childish/immature, but so far Suseri has proven to be completely clueless- I mean her actions since her first appearance have been nothing but stupid decisions stacked on top of bad stupid decisions. She rolls in all tough, "I can handle anything and everything all on my own", doesn't bother to follow common sense or proper procedure, and when she starts getting her ass handed to her the only answer she has for everything that goes wrong is begging some guy she's just me to kiss her over and over again. Purple hair and big tits does not a good character make.

If I had to choose between an idiot with big tits, an immature tsundere, and an obsessive retarded cat-girl... Well, the immature tsundere barely wins that race because of the lack of options. I could throw the negligent sensei and the cardboard cutout villain in there, but the immature tsundere still wins. Stereotypes will be stereotypes.
Odds are I'm not going to find my way back to a thread after my first post, it happens on occasion but not often. So, if I say something that offends you and you feel the need to force your opinion on me because obviously everyone should have your opinion or none at all, feel free to post it in the thread that I'll probably never see again. However, if you are interested in intelligent discourse, feel free to message me.
Feb 22, 2015 11:22 PM

Dec 2007
Jonesy974 said:
Ok, so he found out her true name...which is Isuca. Also apparently the birds name is also Isuca....but wait. The main villain girl is ALSO listed as Isuca on the character list. many fucking Isuca's are there in this show?
One's true name is based on one's own innermost feelings and desires. Isuca is the name of the bird, and it bears a special meaning to Sakuya, while also representing her desire for freedom.
The villain is also connected to the Shimazu family, and her name probably stems from the nature of that connection. Therefore, it likely means that there's a deeper connection between Isuca and Sakuya.

And if you think this is silly, wait until you hear Suseri's true name :P
Feb 23, 2015 1:35 AM

Jul 2012
Not so fantastic episode. "NO don't kiss me". But what then? Die or live, easy as that. -.- Sakuya really is an annoying MC and it is getting worse after each episode.
Tom's Hardware graphics veteran++ (Legacy)
i7 6700K@4.0 GHz, ASUS Z170 PRO GAMING, RTX 2080, G. Skill RipJaws V 3200MHz 16GB,
Noctua NH-D15, CorsairRM 850x, Win10x64, 1920x1080

Feb 23, 2015 3:20 AM

May 2009
Sakuya makes a huge deal about not being the head of the family, but given how they don't listen to her anyway, and prefer Suseri, who is even more incompetent than Sakuya in every way imnaginable, to lead them. She might as well let Suseri take over and watch from the sidelines as the whole family falls into ruin. And now that Sakuya's 'real' name is out (I'm having trouble buying that she is indeed called Isuca, when all evidence point to it being the bird's name), I don't see how much worse it could possibly get.

BTW, if Shinichirou needs to kiss someone to learn her true name, how come just touching the cursed sword in the last episode made him learn its true name? I'm calling BS on that one. Or is this rule just limited to humans and other living beings?

And is Sakuya's tailor also one of the family? Does he have a panties fetish or something, given that that is the only piece of clothing of hers that never seems to break or melt, when all her other clothes do?

Lastly, Sakuya really needs to lay off on the tsun-tsun. She's becoming increasingly paranoid, and now that the cat's out of the bag, I see no need for her to hold him back anymore. He knows everything about her now, so she might just as well accept that he's there and move on with her life. I don't think it can get any 'worse' than this. Also, he needs to stop being a friggin' doormat and tell her to STFU. If she wants the household chores done so badly, she should either let him do his job, or fire him and do it herself.
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Feb 23, 2015 7:17 AM

Dec 2013
Wait.... they kissed in the first episode, they kissed in the car, and now just because the sensei just happened to mention that kissing will allow Shinichirou to discover his targets true name, she starts getting all wishy-washy about it????

First off, if they've kissed so many times already, why doesn't Shinichirou already know her name? Second, exactly what correlation does knowing her true name have with her eligibility to become the next head of the Shimazu house? Third, after all that's happened, why was she so obsessed with shooting down the western magician, even going so far as to leave her clan members to die in the spider-woman's trap?

Sakuya has really messed up priorities if she values her own position over the lives of others. I wouldn't want to have her as the head of my clan.

This story is beyond confusing. Can anyone who's read the manga care to explain what they're doing wrong here?
Feb 23, 2015 1:16 PM

Nov 2014
L-Ryoshi, just like you said, but want to add:
1) "We need to rescuer our friends" - they talked more than time needed for shooting an arrow
2) And of course there IS a ONLY ONE way to WIN, but we will talk for more than 5 min before done that

About second. It wasn't the situation where "it'll be my first time" and the enemy is SO KIND to wait this melodrama played out. It was the situation between LIVE and DEATH, the hell they was doing/talking about ? Is this so pleasurable to talk while having numerous bleeding from spider arms ?

For the first part of episode i was pissed of, for the last i become bored ...

Have only one question, will the next episode be more pleasurable, or there is a way to become more worth.
Like you now, when you think that the worse can not be, there is always a way
Feb 23, 2015 1:32 PM
Jul 2018
So now that her name was revealed what'll happen exactly?
Of corse one of the spirits had to be a spider. Nasty creatures. This one was alright though, not hairy and disgusting like they always are. :)
The bad Isuca really resents Shimazu Family. Maybe she was cast out and abandoned by them? :/
Feb 23, 2015 10:13 PM

May 2012
this is so bad its fun to watch xD lol and dat ending, woooo isuca shocker :p
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