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May 5, 2012 7:13 AM

Sep 2011
SeraVerte said:

Then you get the third movie, which finally handles that problem. I thought that with the final piece of the puzzle in place, the series would finally fall into place, boy, was I wrong. This was probably the first time in the series where the audience began to feel concern for the characters. Of course, that it was also ruined by cheesy plot devices (Kokutou runs into too many wierd girls) and priority over moral satisfaction than story logic: Shiki hunts Fujino down, explains why Shiki hates her, purposely forfeits her arm, only to end up redeeming Fujino. Why? No where is it explained why Shiki would do Fujino any favors (ironically, all we get is Shiki explaining why she wants to kill Fujino). Things like that leave me shaking my head in confusion and shame.

From the sounds of it, it's not so much that the characters are unappealing, it's just they're not exactly doing it for you. I thought that everything Shiki did makes sense, you're forgetting that Shiki is actually an insane person not to mention how she has her own moral code system. This is pretty obvious in that Shiki is quick to change her mind depending on her enemies' actions, so that really wasn't outlandish by any stretch. Also one could argue that Mikiya's sympathetic nature is slowly rubbing on her which is definitely a sign of Shiki's developing character. This is definitely becoming more obvious considering her reaction during her conversation with Mikiya at the end.
ronriMay 5, 2012 8:28 PM
May 5, 2012 7:00 PM

Jan 2012
there's not a great deal to say.. other than what's already been said before me... breathtaking at times and my favourite episode/movie of the franchise so far! God damn this series is just amazingly beautiful and deep, and shocking! Everything I want in an anime all in 1 hour!
May 27, 2012 11:55 PM

Aug 2011
I'm really confused over which Shiki is the Shiki that we see in this movie. Because in the 2nd movie, it was clear that the more chattery and playful one was SHIKI, and the quiet one was Shiki. However, in this movie, I'm inclined to believe that the Shiki here is SHIKI, but I actually have no idea how this happened...
May 28, 2012 1:49 AM

Sep 2011
itsvero said:
I'm really confused over which Shiki is the Shiki that we see in this movie. Because in the 2nd movie, it was clear that the more chattery and playful one was SHIKI, and the quiet one was Shiki. However, in this movie, I'm inclined to believe that the Shiki here is SHIKI, but I actually have no idea how this happened...

It's part of the mystery that you finally get to find out in Movie 4....
May 29, 2012 6:16 PM

Jun 2011
The rape scene in the beginning half scared me to death TT_TT
I really did not want to see that. I mean, I have watched animes where the main characters have been raped, but I haven't really seen one that um 'graphic' I guess. Couldn't they have just have made them silhouettes? It would have spared my feminine soul. Now, I'm definitely not going out alone at night.
*rocks back and fourth in my bed*
May 29, 2012 6:22 PM

Jun 2011
Lemonaded said:
Yeah this one was better than the first two. I don't really understand why people are so worked up by the rape scene though. It didn't show much, it's crucial to the plot, she wasn't screaming in pain or anything, and she got herself some sweet revenge. I'm perfectly fine with her going on a rampage killing all those guys who had to do with it too. I think revenge is justifiable. Maybe her murder of the truck driver wasn't but I feel like I can overlook that fact based on everything she went through. The only problem was that the main guy raping her didn't actually die in the end. I hope she goes back for him later.

9/10 from me too.

I understand that the rape scene was crucial for the plot, but some people just find it uncomfortable to watch. I mean its not everyday we see rape scenes, or much less experience it. Oh God, now I'm scared of leaving my home. TT_TT
May 29, 2012 6:25 PM

Jun 2011
Cenedess said:
Well, uh. The rape scene hit me hard x__X I had to pause and mumble 'wtf' to myself before continuing. But I agree it was needed in the sense that it made us feel more for Fujino.
With every movie, I like Mikiya more and more. He's just such a good guy.
Once more, mind=blown by the beautiful animation. But I have to say...I feel the series is a little overrated.

Gosh same here, rape scene hit me hard. I had to go over here and comment about it just to keep my mind straight.
Jun 7, 2012 11:20 PM

Aug 2010
I really liked this one. The series is starting to get much darker now. The animation was amazing once again. I really liked the scene at the end, it was nice to see Shiki smile. I'm really looking forward to re-watch the rest of the movies because I'm really enjoying the series much more this time around.
Jul 6, 2012 6:11 PM

Feb 2012
I seem to be in the minority here but this was the least enjoyable of the movies so far. It sure explained a lot but it felt like there was something missing. I noticed which parts were supposed to be moving, but I was constantly distracted by the thought "I've seen something like this before". Things that look pretty but make no sense really, meaningless poses that look cool etc, coincidences used as a plot device. Of course if they really wanted things to make sense, the girls would be settling their differences over a cup of tea instead of trying to kill each other. The biggest problem is that the character motivations aren't sufficiently explained and thus, if I can't understand how they think, I'm left with just some action scenes justified by quickly established motives like revenge, insanity etc. And that's not enough to make the characters seem real in a setting that's so clearly a fantasy.

I'm also starting to lose hope that Kokutou will be distinguishable from a generic harem lead who's always nice to everyone. It wasn't a bad movie by any means, I'm just disappointed that despite the revelations and powerful scenes this left me feeling hollow.
Jul 7, 2012 10:19 AM

Sep 2011
The motivations only become clear in retrospect. I would say that it's not so much a fault, as the first movie acts more as an introductory chapter that simply gives the "feel" of the series; a taste of what's to come without revealing its true nature. The motivations may seem simple, even senseless at first glance, but as the series continues to build up, I think you may find yourself looking back at this movie in a much better light beyond the simple justifications of revenge and insanity (which isn't simply the case.) Also do realize that the first 4 episodes are meant to be out of order, just a little something to consider while watching the rest of the movies.

Feorg said:
I'm also starting to lose hope that Kokutou will be distinguishable from a generic harem lead who's always nice to everyone.

And this is where I can promise you, that you will be sorely mistaken and I find that many others might even agree with me. He is one of the only few "harem leads" (where in which I even have a hard time calling him as one) that actually transcends and justifies that very role within the story.
ronriJul 7, 2012 10:42 AM
Jul 7, 2012 4:51 PM

Feb 2012
I do realise that the events here will probably make more sense later. I think most of the problems arise if these movies are examined individually (as they are in the MAL database) particularly because they're out of order. That's why I'm not sure how I should rate the series, whether to watch all of them first and rate them all together or try to view them as individual episodes with a certain sequence.

I didn't mean to say really that Kokutou is a harem lead, it's just because the character hasn't been built in detail yet. Of course in a long series they would have much more time to do that anyway. The action in this movie was impressive, but generally that's not what interests me in anime (or live action). Rather I'd like to know why these people behave the way they do, and it seems that's something that will become clear only by watching all the movies.

In other words, I don't necessarily see it as a fault that they have apparently alternating movies focusing on action and character history. But it takes much longer to establish a good character than to build an action plot so I'm probably bound to find the individual episodes lacking and the total being better than its parts.
Jul 8, 2012 3:58 AM

Sep 2011

Oh no, don't worry. It's not so much I'm accusing you, if anything it's more of a warning or heads-up since the way the series is presented, especially as a series of films than individual ones, I've seen a lot of people do that criticized it immediately for that which I find to be unfair. Because really, it's more like a whole series comprised of film-length "episodes".
Jul 17, 2012 6:18 AM

Sep 2011


Anyway, This One Is Way Better Than The Previous One. 9/10

Aug 23, 2012 8:48 AM

Jul 2011
Poor girl, from the beginning she has always been the victim, her only sin was to be born with that power.

The final fight and the last scene on the bridge was just awesome!
Dec 4, 2012 12:42 PM

Sep 2012
This was amazing. It made me cry.
Dec 4, 2012 1:24 PM
Jun 2012
not bad, this episode has more action.
Dec 21, 2012 11:27 AM
Jul 2012
Wow she got an terrible day. She can't feel pain, Got sex by another person, Killing people, and Got sent to the hospital and finally felt pain. Poor luck of her.
The soundtrack is so beatuful.
Dec 29, 2012 2:23 PM

Mar 2010
its was pretyy good and i wonder what will happen to keita
Jan 19, 2013 4:32 PM

May 2012
A few years earlier than the first episode but damn way better than the first episode IMO the setting of the story was just amazing, I really love the special power the girl has although she had a horrible history and the he being way to nice for everyone is a bit sad to see but still amazing nice part of the story lets see what's next!

Mar 18, 2013 7:17 AM
Mar 2012
Arumorifly said:
kay, uhh.After watching episode 1 and 2, i didn't feel excited, and on episode 3,oh, there is a nude scene , so i can't probably watch this episode with my little brother around.

Did your little brother watch the episodes with no nudity, but exploding limbs and girls jumping from buildings?
Apr 15, 2013 10:42 PM

Jan 2013
May 27, 2013 5:59 PM

Apr 2013
Shit's good, me want more, now.
May 29, 2013 9:54 PM

May 2012
I really hate rape scenes ... I know it's important for some characters to grow but I'm just really disgusted by rape and that they did that to her for like half a year? ... I tell you man this world we live in ...
Now that that's out of the way again this movies really are spectacular first time trough them and I could not be more satisfied looking forward to the next 1 !! Awesome animation, great OST and we get another awesome story

Truly, comparisons between fellow humans are what turn out to be the most infuriating.
May 30, 2013 12:04 AM

Mar 2012
Hmmm alright i suppose, 8/10.
Jun 21, 2013 7:34 PM

Nov 2012
in the beginning.. wow it is a rape -_- and.. is she dead? I was thinking like that..

and then kokutou find her in the road.. :/

this episode is more dark aura than the previously episode .. :3 but I like it.. especially the blood and some gore :3
it is more interesting than episode 2 :3

looking forward for next episode :3
Jul 9, 2013 10:21 PM

Jun 2010
Better than the boring second film, but I am dismayed by the appearance of stale cliches like the little sister with a brother-complex and the new girl character being in love with the super-bland male lead due to a brief schoolyard encounter.

I’m also slightly annoyed by a fairly blind twist; we’re told Fujino was stabbed but then later that she was never stabbed and her stomach pain was a ruptured appendix. Granted, it had mentioned that two days after the supposed stabbing she had no wound, but she had also started using magical powers and I assumed she had just gained supernatural healing. Saying “of course a wound can’t disappear in only two days” doesn’t feel like an earned misdirection.
Jul 10, 2013 3:42 AM

Sep 2011
Fronzel said:
Better than the boring second film, but I am dismayed by the appearance of stale cliches like the little sister with a brother-complex and the new girl character being in love with the super-bland male lead due to a brief schoolyard encounter.

In fairness of the series's part, this is based on Type-Moon's (or rather Nasu's) first work, and considering how a lot of their works popularized the idea of a little sister with the brother-complex, it's not surprising that this one has it. I actually don't mind that they play it straight and how they blatantly showcase the taboo nature of it (as highlighted by Shiki calling Azaka a pervert in the 6th film) along with the fact that the origin of her attraction wasn't actually based on romance but proper sibling attachment (rather that she likes to spin it as a brother-complex for the sake of romanticizing it). Also I'd argue that Mikiya's "blandness" is purely subjective, especially considering how weird and bizarre he can be, as well as the fact that he's not really a complete goody-good, rather he's simply polite and well-meaning in his actions (which makes for an interesting dynamic especially when his well-meaning nature gets in the way of certain things, namely in this film).

As for the twist, it's just there for the sake of a twist, as it destroys the illusion of how Mikiya and Touko kept romanticizing the scenario in their heads. I myself didn't mind it, as it was mainly used to highlight Fujino's "point of no return" as opposed to actually serving as the main focus for being a twist.
Jul 10, 2013 12:40 PM

Jun 2010
ronri said:
Fronzel said:
Better than the boring second film, but I am dismayed by the appearance of stale cliches like the little sister with a brother-complex and the new girl character being in love with the super-bland male lead due to a brief schoolyard encounter.

In fairness of the series's part, this is based on Type-Moon's (or rather Nasu's) first work, and considering how a lot of their works popularized the idea of a little sister with the brother-complex, it's not surprising that this one has it. I actually don't mind that they play it straight and how they blatantly showcase the taboo nature of it (as highlighted by Shiki calling Azaka a pervert in the 6th film) along with the fact that the origin of her attraction wasn't actually based on romance but proper sibling attachment (rather that she likes to spin it as a brother-complex for the sake of romanticizing it). Also I'd argue that Mikiya's "blandness" is purely subjective, especially considering how weird and bizarre he can be, as well as the fact that he's not really a complete goody-good, rather he's simply polite and well-meaning in his actions (which makes for an interesting dynamic especially when his well-meaning nature gets in the way of certain things, namely in this film).

As for the twist, it's just there for the sake of a twist, as it destroys the illusion of how Mikiya and Touko kept romanticizing the scenario in their heads. I myself didn't mind it, as it was mainly used to highlight Fujino's "point of no return" as opposed to actually serving as the main focus for being a twist.

You clearly write from the position of having seen the entire series which is of course a perfectly sensible position to think about things, but what's the immediate effect on the viewer as they watch it? I'm in this position; as I write this this third film is as far as I've gotten in the series. Right now the cliche of the brother-complex (was that really popularized by Type-Moon? Am I just confusing it with sister-complex characters which go back at least to the '80s?) is just sitting there and Mikaya hasn'y shown himself to be anything more than a typical nice guy romance protagonist.

As the third of seven installments this is almost halfway through, although that's not true if you look at it by running time since the later films are generally longer. Since Mikaya is obviously a very important character in this story I'd like it if I had some reason to care about him at all. At least for the moment he's a snore.

I'm probably especially annoyed because Fujino's spending what appeared to be her last moments (not thrilled by the cop-put of her survival when it explicitly pointed very strongly in the other direction in more than one way) thinking about him was real drag. The story about her search for the sensation of being alive and motivation was pretty interesting, and "I love sempai because he was nice to me once like two years ago" doesn't stand up next to that.

"Twist for twist's sake" doesn't sound like very good writing, but you've pointed out an interesting way that it changes the story; Fujino's revenge against the gang members (an immediately comprehensible motivation) becomes a trivial coincidence and we're left with the more difficult issue of her sense of being alive that I found more interesting.
Jul 10, 2013 7:32 PM

Sep 2011
Fronzel said:

You clearly write from the position of having seen the entire series which is of course a perfectly sensible position to think about things, but what's the immediate effect on the viewer as they watch it? I'm in this position; as I write this this third film is as far as I've gotten in the series. Right now the cliche of the brother-complex (was that really popularized by Type-Moon? Am I just confusing it with sister-complex characters which go back at least to the '80s?) is just sitting there and Mikaya hasn'y shown himself to be anything more than a typical nice guy romance protagonist.

Oh no don't worry, I was merely pointing more to show that at least this one some how tries to explain the idea behind it. While I'd say that Type-Moon didn't start it, it became almost a common practice on their part to the point that they essentially popularized the trope in their works (which mind you, I find to be ridiculous on their part). That said, reason why I went out of my way on this one to dispel such views, is because I was admittedly surprised that they at least played it straight and actually addressed it in this series, to the point that the brother-complex was treated more as a romanticized idea by the character, due to the fact that the origin of her attachment is shown to be less romantic/sexual and more of a proper sibling relationship (which admittedly surprised me as I was just as skeptical as you were back then).

Fronzel said:

As the third of seven installments this is almost halfway through, although that's not true if you look at it by running time since the later films are generally longer. Since Mikaya is obviously a very important character in this story I'd like it if I had some reason to care about him at all. At least for the moment he's a snore.

As for Mikiya, I would say one of his highlights would've been his role in the second film, but the significance of his actions there only becomes much more obvious in the final film (needless to say I don't want to spoil it of course).

Fronzel said:

I'm probably especially annoyed because Fujino's spending what appeared to be her last moments (not thrilled by the cop-put of her survival when it explicitly pointed very strongly in the other direction in more than one way) thinking about him was real drag. The story about her search for the sensation of being alive and motivation was pretty interesting, and "I love sempai because he was nice to me once like two years ago" doesn't stand up next to that.

That's fair enough, but I'd say that Fujino's survival was more of a setup to certain key themes that will be addressed in the series, as her case as a "murderer" sets up to highlight Shiki (and another character) in the final film. Not that it's the only reason, but not only is her survival more symbolic of how she has to face up her crimes, but it also served to highlight certain traits of Mikiya and Shiki which gets fleshed out even further in the series. In this case, I actually thought that Mikiya's "saintly" traits were almost inverted within this film, based on the fact that his actions (accidental or not) actually served to be detrimental in regards to Fujino's case. Rather the only real saving grace was his actual forgiving nature towards such unstable people (Fujino, Shiki), which serves to be a key element of his character later on.

That said, I guess the reason I do bring up such ideas is because I find that Kara no Kyoukai is less of a series of stories told in multiple films, but rather a continuous story that's told within the form of a film series. In that regard, some key themes are left out or merely foreshadowed until the final films (specifically Movie 5 and Movie 7 acting as the main focal points), and while my initial post might've seemed confrontational (I truly apologize in that regard), I was merely warning you about the nature of the series itself.

Just for added perspective, the series was based on the novel which were actually divided into three acts: Act I (Movies 1-3), Act II (Movies 4-5), Act III (Movies 6-7 + Epilogue)

I hope that at least somehow helps in terms of contextualizing its narrative style. ^_^
ronriJul 10, 2013 7:37 PM
Aug 2, 2013 4:33 PM

Jan 2012
Wow, this movie was just...
The art and Music were top notch, not to say the VA's too (FUJINO'S VA SHOUTING MAGARE WAS JUST PERFECT).
Really did pull my heartstrings at parts, and the action scenes were amazing too.
Aug 3, 2013 8:46 AM

May 2011
Pretty entertaining movie.
The battles scenes were good, nothing too spectacular but the sound and art are still amazing.

Aug 23, 2013 3:51 AM

May 2012
50:55 ano egao

I'll save Fujino, my love is unbendable!

Isayama Hajime should be awarded The Manga with The Highest Inconsistencies of Characters' Appearances.
He keeps performing multiple plastic surgeries on those Shingeki No Kyojin characters in a SINGLE chapter.
Yes, I've read up to the latest chapter of Shingeki No Kyojin manga.
Forced myself to read through the kidsketching chapters after the anime's ended. At least from now on, I only have to go through the hell once a month.
Patiently awaiting SNK TV/movie/OVA anime-sequel.
The 2015 SNK live-action movie would probably suck.
Sep 9, 2013 8:57 PM
Aug 2013
I didn't like this one as much as the two previous movies, but the story was interesting. The artwork is still as gorgeous as ever and the tone is wonderfully creepy and dark. Shiki as a character is fascinating to me and all the voice actors did a really good job. I hope the fourth one is better in terms of not being as confusing (that and I'm not a huge fan of explicit gore and nudity).
Nov 18, 2013 6:15 PM
Jul 2018
3 movies into this series, and Shiki is already one of my favorite characters XD Mikiya's also a character I like :D I also feel slightly bad for that Fujino girl, the way she was raped and scarred like that by those bastards... I'm pretty surprised they animated that with no censorship at all.
Dec 15, 2013 3:58 AM

Jun 2012
Really good, much better than ep. 3 imo. .
Nice visuals =O

Dec 17, 2013 4:23 PM

Aug 2013
Well, that was a bold move to show such horrible thing. Rapist were fucking pig that should get their ass kicked. Though, I disapprove murder as Miaki, and even more torture. But, I understand that she had her reason. What they did to her was fucking horrible, one of the thing that truly disgusts me the most is rape.

The movie in itself was excellent. We learned more of Shiki power, even if I still don't fully understand it. The fight was really good, even if I don't really understand how Shiki survived without any injuries that fall.

How the guy described the rape was truly shocking, but so realistic it hurt. The fact that there was no censorship was also really great, since we could experience the horror.

Fujino was an interresting character, her story was really well done and even plausible (without all the magical aspect).
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Dec 25, 2013 3:06 PM

Apr 2013
"A slight murderous intent... leaning towards you."

Coming from Shiki, that's a confession of love right there.
Powerful eyebrows.
Feb 5, 2014 9:45 PM

Dec 2012
Well that was certainly something else. This sure didn't pull any punches, but those scenes definitely helped showcase the extremity of Fujino's inability to feel to pain. If I saw correctly, she was pretending to be in pain during the rapes in order to try to experience the sensation of it. I'm still a bit lost on how all of this is going to add up, but I suppose that's what the other movies are for. All in all I'd probably give this 7/10 standing alone, but in context to the rest of the movies that may change.
Mar 17, 2014 4:14 PM

Aug 2012
Yeah, this was much better than the first two movies, although that's probably because I have a better understanding of the characters this time around.
Apr 20, 2014 8:59 PM
Dec 2011
The best one so far. I was not huge on that ending. Felt a little Cheesy to me. Otherwise a sold film.
May 19, 2014 6:55 PM

Dec 2013
I thought Fujino's pain was because she was pregnant.

I felt rage when that guy was telling all they did to her and yet playing the victim, if i was Kotukou i would have punched that idiot in the face.
Jun 29, 2014 8:33 PM

Jan 2014
Well, that was a very entertaining film. Can't wait to watch the next one.

Recommend me an anime
Aug 14, 2014 2:51 PM

Jun 2012
Not sure if this movie was better because it had bewbs or because fujino was played by pandemonium-san.
Sep 5, 2014 7:45 AM
Aug 2014
Absolutely incredible. One of the best films in anime I have ever seen. Pressing play on 4 now. The rape scene was intense, and I sincerely got all the feels from this one. Ufotable are masters in their craft and this makes me that much more excited for Fate Stay Night!

10/10 easily.
Sep 20, 2014 2:46 PM

Aug 2014
I will admit it at first i didn't know know what to think with this series after watching the first movie but man they have been getting better with each release ,best one yet
9/10 for me
Sep 25, 2014 6:19 PM

Nov 2012
Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. Such awesome name. Much cool powers.
Sep 27, 2014 11:40 AM

Jan 2014
Good Lord Shiki can cut magic. Where is your God now?

On a more serious note, I thought it was a great improvement on Satsujin Kousatsu, which frankly bore me at times, even though my preference still goes to Fukan Fuukei and its beautifully eerie atmosphere.
Fujino was an effective character, even though very hard to empathize with, her case reminding me a bit of
However, I really have to commend Mikiya for his boundless kindness; I mean, being willing to protect both a piece of shit and the woman he raped, even though she herself turned into a serial killer who murders indiscriminately and enjoys twisting her victims' limbs in the most gruesome ways possible, is commendable as fuck. Can't help but notice everyone is after his D, also. I mean there's Shiki, the woman from Fukan Fuukei who wanted him "to take [her] away", Fujino etc.
Are there more?
SapewlothAug 21, 2016 12:45 AM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Oct 11, 2014 3:27 AM
Aug 2014
dtshyk said:
Holy crap! They explicitly described the rape scene! I expected something radical, but not to this degree.

The actings of Noto Mamiko as Fujino was incredible. She faithfully reproduced Fujino's weakness and cruelty. I'm not satisfied with the description of Fujino's power at the first half of the battle scene. It would have been a better composition of the layouts to make the destructions more dynamic. But the drawings of Fujino in her vomited blood was quite in detail and "painfully" beautiful.

When the bridge collapsed, I was surprised to hear the slow BGM. It was a unique and wise choice to express Fujino's distress. In this OVA, it's not certain Fujino got blind due to the peritonitis. According to the interview with Nasu Kinoko, she did and that's her penalty for the murders.

The last Shiki's smile shot me right in the center of my heart!
i only have one problem.. that is ... Keita did not die.. i hate rapist people .. 9 of 10
Oct 14, 2014 3:20 PM

Jan 2013
I'm pretty touchy with these topics. I don't like rape plots. And with that much blood she lost, she should have died. Shiki's "I killed the problem in her stomach" thing is bullshit LOL

Well done though.
Oct 14, 2014 3:41 PM

Sep 2011
Udgey said:
Shiki's "I killed the problem in her stomach" thing is bullshit LOL

Well it's obviously supernatural, which is a pretty big element in this series in terms of how it ties in with Shiki's overall role and place in the story. In this case, Shiki's role is very obviously being set up as that of a shikigami and a shinigami in one, and thematically speaking it's very appropriate that she of all people would be the one to "pardon" or "spare" Fujino in the end, especially as someone with a natural affinity for death.
ronriOct 14, 2014 3:50 PM
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