I don't drop any anime, even if i don't enjoy it much, so as to give a proper rating and not miss a great anime just because I don't like a couple of episodes.
As for my ratings, it is based on personal enjoyment.
My rating system 10 : Masterpiece, memorable, extraordinary - can remember story and characters vividly (one of a kind anime; unique) 9 : Excellent - feel great satisfaction and emptiness after watching (will search for manga/novel/images/cosplay/merch etc) 8 : Great - Satisfying and enjoyable but have room for improvement (would recommend to people) 7 : Good and enjoyable - enjoy the anime and nothing more (no sense of satisfaction/emptiness after completing it) 6 : Decent, above average - interesting (possible to find time to watch) 5 : Average, fair - good to watch to past time ( no need to specially make time to watch - easily will forget story and characters) 4 : Bad - just don't watch it
. 1 : tbh it feels more like a parody/joke rather than actual anime
Animes to watch and enjoy: above 7
Animes to help pass time: 5 - 6
Animes to avoid: below 5
10: Superb - The bar by which other anime should be measured. These typically have artwork and music that are second to none. Deep characters that draw you into them and make you care, coupled with a strong story that keeps you wanting to see the next episode or volume. These are the types of things you immediately want to re-watch or share with others, and you will almost always wish there was more to be had.
9: Outstanding; These are shows that are generally very compelling, and leave you with a sense of joy/sadness when the show is over. You may not watch them over and over, but every now and then you’ll get a craving to watch them again. Top notch artwork/music/characters make this rating fantastic, but there may be a very minor thing or two that keep it from being top tier.
8: Very Good Overall, these shows are enjoyable, and leave a good memory behind. Generally good artwork/music/characters here, there may have been a few things that ultimately detracted from the show and prevented it from becoming great. While not the best, these shows never disappoint, and come highly recommended.
7: Good These shows had a lot going for them, perhaps a really good story, perhaps great characters, but there was something about the show that excelled. Normally though, for this rating, there are other aspects about the show that weren’t so good. Perhaps it had a fantastic story, but poor art. Or great characters and a poor story, these shows usually are a balance of good and bad. They’re enjoyable, and if you can get to them, then usually they’re recommended, but not as strongly as the others.
6: Alright ; Shows in this category are just that, they’re alright. They may have had a thing or two going for them, but there was also a lot going against them. Normally, I find shows that lacked a lot of tension or didn’t keep me interested along the way, but finished strong, fall into this rating. If you have spare time, these will probably keep you entertained, but there are likely a lot better shows out there for you to watch.
5: Mediocre These are shows that simply fail to excel at anything. They typically don’t keep you interested, and while they aren’t terrible, they aren’t all that good either. It’s rare that I find anything to fall into this category. These are the shows that are likely to get dropped or put on hold for long periods of time.
4: Not good ; Typically bad, this is a kind of show that might have one redeeming factor, some slim silver lining in the cloud of suck that’s the rest of the show. Whether or not you’ll want to stick around for that little bit is up to you, but the show’s not likely to be worth it in the end.
3: Bad These shows are generally uninteresting and boring, and there’s very little to keep you coming back. The artwork/characters/music are either bland or bad, and there isn’t even a silver lining. There’s no real reason to watch a show with this rating, but it isn’t quite the center of the suck universe yet.
2: Terrible Shows with this rating are an absolute waste of time and space. The fact that anyone burned this to a DVD or created it in the first place is an atrocity. These are going to have generally terrible artwork/characters/music and you can generally only be forgiven watching this once if it’s a movie, or maybe a couple of episodes. Anyone who watches more falls into the masochist type.
1: Abominations These are the cosmic balance to the greatest anime created. These are those joke anime that you see on forums as being mentioned as the worst ever, and are only shown to people as a practical joke. Be warned, showing this to friends and family could be considered evil, and they may hate you for it. Avoid these at all costs, as they may actually take a part of your soul with them.
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Nice to meet you :)