I am WaifuMaster17,Protector of Waifus and true waifu expert.
I like to watch any anime with female characters that i find cute,beautiful and unique and nice music,regardless what flaws anime or girls have. Also i like old anime from 1980's to 2008. Old anime with old animation or art like Death Note,Shakugan No Shana,Fate Stay Night 2006,Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha,Pokemon,Yu-Gi-Oh,Digimon and Dragon Ball Z makes me feel nostalgic and they bring me childhood memories when anime such as Digimon,Dragon Ball Z,Sailor Moon,Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon were shown on TV,but in my country,anime is underrated and there is no anime TV channels or anime convention and stuff like that,so they weren't on TV for long time. Old anime brings me good and nostalgic memories.
As for anime ratings,i rate anime based on my enjoyment and qualities of music,art,romance,action and waifus. To me,action,romance,art,music and quality of female anime characters are most important aspects in anime,not anime's story or perfection or that it's must not have so-called 'tropes'. As long female characters (Waifus),music,art,romance and action is great,i do not care how anime's plot or protagonist is are flawed or lacking strong features or characteristics.
10/10 Maybe not masterpiece in world,but to me,it's masterpiece and one of best anime i ever seen. Regardless of minor flaws that does kinda bother me and flaws that some people complain about like little kids,i still maintain it's an awesome anime,no matter how serious strikes it's have. Also,some of them are not big deal to me. Sometimes i get overhyped and rate it 10/10 because it's was very fun and extremely enjoyable and later i change opinions in some of them after thinking about flaws or anime's design,but i would lower it only to 7-9/10 depending how fun is it and how enjoyable and great stuff it's have to offer.
9/10 Great anime that is really fun to watch with your friends who might like it or hate it and it's have amazing things to show.
8/10 Very good anime that have something unique about it and what it's makes interesting or extremely enjoyable,even with flaws that bother me.
7/10 Good anime that have great stuff and some stuff that makes it kinda uninteresting and many minor flaws,but it's still fun and enjoyable and watchable,with small re-watch value.
6/10 Decent anime that have serious flaw or two,but also have good things that makes anime fun and enjoyable,with very small re-watch value.
5/10 Average anime that have couple of serious flaws that is enjoyable couple of episodes then later it's becomes 'WTF IS THAT?' Not watching it again expect for Youtube or whatever.
4/10 Half-bad anime that would be good anime if it's does not have fatal flaws that ruins my enjoyment and all the fun,but it's have 2 or 3 good things inside.
3/10 Bad anime that is either poorly made and developed or poorly adapted from manga,visual novel or light novel or both that have very serious flaws that probably nearly ruined original work and it's have tons of mistakes and only 1 or 2 decent things that makes it's almost decent.
2/10 Horrible or almost worst anime ever made that have greatly fatal flaws and it's not fun to watch and almost unwatchable and boring as hell that have only one good thing that makes it watchable so you can endure all that hell.
1/10 One of worst anime i ever watched,so extremely flawed and so bad that it's almost burns my eyes,but i can endure it. It's not successful at all. I watched them so i can tell you how to recognize REAL bad anime and how flaws that most hated anime series like Sword Art Online have are not big deal like ones in REAL bad anime i watched have.
How anime protagonists can be good or bad? Like this:
1. They must not be heartbreaking scums like Makoto Ikou (School Days)
2. They must not be wimpy crybabies like Yukiteru Amano (Mirai Nikki),Ganta Igarashi (Deadman's Wonderland) and Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
3.They must not be cowards like Shu Ouma (Guilty Crown),even if they are badass sometimes
4.They must have guts and courage to get a girlfriend or harem,but instead,they are too stupid to do that,like Ichika Orimura (Infinite Stratos) and Rito Yuuki (To-Love-RU)
5. As long they are badass and funny like Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist),Saitama (One Punch Man),Meliodas (Seven Deadly Sins) and Sora (No Game No Life),i don't care in what way are flawed because it's must be stupid and trivial reasons to be hated.
How anime's story can be good?
1. If it's reminiscing your childhood memories and makes you feel nostalgic like Non Non Biyori's story,then it's perfect.
2. If anime's plot have brought a nice stuff that other anime do not have,i don't care about plot.
3. As long anime have badass action scenes,great music,good waifus,nice art and romantic moments or kissing scenes,i don't care if anime's story is good or bad.
4. If story involves characters and if story ruins their good sides,then it's fine or bad depending if you are forgiving those flaws.
5. If story is extremely lazily written like Mars of Destruction's or Furifure's,then it's horrible story.
Favorite openings:
crossing field by LiSA - Sword Art Online
Again by Yui - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
My Soul,Your Beats by Lia/LiSA - Angel Beats
COLORS by FLOW - Code Geass
oath sign by LiSA - Fate/Zero
Favorite endings:
Shirushi by LiSA - Sword Art Online II
Mirror by Rei Yasuda - Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Don't Say Lazy by Houkago Tea Time - K-On!
Ref:rain by Aimer - Koi wa Ameagari no You ni
Ichiban no Takaramono by LiSA - Angel Beats
My favorite lines from anime:
''If you fuss over the small stuff,it only proves how small-minded you are.''
- Kaguya Yamai,Date A Live III
''Value is determined differently from person to person. What could be trash to someone might be a treasure to others. Forcing those value judgments on others will never help us reach an answer.''
- Midori Oono,Houkago Saikoro Club
''It's not the other people. It's the family. I'll force my ideals on my family. And since they're family,i'll lie to them. I'll deceive them. I'll cause trouble for them. I'll make them worry. I'll owe them things... Things i'll never be able to repay. However,i think that's okay. Kagenui-san... Miss Good Guy. If you say that being a fake is evil,then i will shoulder the burden of that evil. If lying is evil,then i'm fine with being evil. I don't need them to like me. I'm fine with being the worst kind of person. As long as she calls me that,it's enough for me...'' - Koyomi Araragi,Nisemonogatari
My motto about anime:
'There is no bad waifu,only bad anime'
''Nekos (Catgirls) are ultimate justice!''
''Watch Mars of Destruction,Tenkuu Daizai Skelter Heaven,Wounded Man,Garzey's Wings,Psychic Wars,Hanoka,Dark Cat,Vampire Holmes,all episodes of Generation of Chaos and Pupa to see difference between real trash and fake trash''
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