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Hey! My name is Noa. I'm 32 years old and a anime/manga fan since 1996 or so. I prefer reading older stuff over newer series in lack of quality. I'm a big fan of Oldschool Manga like Gegika and Garo. Also very fond of Shounen and Shoujos of the 70s and 80s. I appreciate many different Mangaka and try always to read most or even all their works. Dosen't matter the genre, demographic or gender. There are soo many unique artstyles and authors with brilliant idea, worth to check out.
My favorite genre are sci-fi, drama and slice of life. I guess Evangelion got hooked me in the medium since I watched it back in 99/00. Still, to this day my favorite piece of art.
You can find my complete favorites on AniList.

I stopped watching anime a long time ago..

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Manga with less than 100 Favorites.

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Mangaka with less than 100 Favorites

Unterrated Mangaka

Mangaka with less than 100 Favorites


All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 267.9
Mean Score: 5.34
  • Total Entries1,186
  • Rewatched41
  • Episodes15,513
Anime History Last Anime Updates
7 Seeds
7 Seeds
Jun 28, 2019 12:43 PM
Dropped 2/12 · Scored 2
Made in Abyss
Made in Abyss
Jun 23, 2019 2:21 PM
Dropped 10/13 · Scored 4
Feb 10, 2019 1:42 PM
Dropped 9/12 · Scored 7
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 470.5
Mean Score: 5.34
  • Total Entries3,662
  • Reread48
  • Chapters57,328
  • Volumes7,473
Manga History Last Manga Updates
Tokyo Kaido
Tokyo Kaido
48 minutes ago
Reading 17/33 · Scored 7
Hoshi no Tokei no Liddell
Hoshi no Tokei no Liddell
1 hour ago
Reading 9/? · Scored 7

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someonetookaezo Sep 13, 6:31 AM
Hey hey, it has aye. I've been eyeing Capeta for a little while, but I'm not too sure it'll fill the void F left haha. I'll definitely get around to it, at least a few volumes through. Wish you the best of luck with F. I do have a huge personal connection to the series, so I do understand that it's not the easiest thing to get through.

Kiichi VS is pretty recent, since the English translation came out maybe a month ago now? I loved it to bits, and holy shit the ending is well worth the ride. Just take your time with it, I sped through parts of it and regret doing as such, since I feel many scenes didn't impact me as well as they should have.

Also, do you think reading Dousei Jidai is a good idea, despite the fact that it isn't fully translated?
wd_nintakun Sep 9, 10:09 AM
Hey there, I'm fine! It's just twitter that got nuked down here, but everything else works normally. Life's been the same as usual. I've been on Bluesky for now, it works pretty much exactly like twitter a while before the divorced space karen we all call "musk" bought it. Same handle as in twitter, you all can find me very easily there. I don't know how long this twitter ban will last because elon musk will probably be headstrong about not complying to laws because he's too afraid of being held accountable for letting nazis roam around the site freely because "freedom of speech" LMAO

And yeah, I really, REALLY loved Fire. I have some issues with it, but they're all pretty minor. The brazilian release is absolutely amazing in every aspect and they went all out on it. It's probably that kind of manga I'll still be thinking about it in a very long time. No wonder it became such an instant classic after all!
Moonlight60 Sep 2, 10:58 AM
1. Glass Mask: Depends on the author, mostly if she decides to close the story once the Crimson Goddess rivarly ends or add more arcs after.

2. Ravages of Time: Very far from the ending even if we assume the manhua will adapt the part of the story which is usually adapted from the Three Kingdoms book. The amount of chapter could be even bigger if the author decides to adapt the last 20 chapters of the book which the other adaptations didn't.
MrColumbo Sep 1, 5:23 PM
Hey! Macht auf jeden Fall sehr viel Spaß. Den Manga hab ich nie gelesen, aber an sich ist die Präsentation im Anime echt super. Kann ich empfehlen!

Uh ja Touch war auch toll, hab dafür auch 2 Anläufe gebraucht xD
Kurisutina04 Aug 31, 9:18 PM
It took me months to get through the first 30 chapters as well. After that though, I binged the remaining chapters in a single day. Arai's style grows on you relatively quick and once it picks up it never slows down. Has my absolute favourite ending in a manga too.
MizunoWaveRider Aug 22, 12:51 PM
Hey, mir gefällt es bisher ganz gut. Ist teilweise seeeehr übertrieben (vor allem der Protagonist), aber auf eine charmante Art und Weise.
Von Miyazakis Filmen erinnert es mich mehr an Laputa als an Mononoke oder Nausicaä.
Peachie5000 Aug 11, 11:48 AM
Ah yes I had the same confusion when I finished it - As of what I've looked into I believe it ends at 117, yeah! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Definitely an underlooked one.
Mo_justexisting Jul 31, 12:16 AM
Hi! I was referring to the 15 volume CMX version since I collected the physicals in english and I wasn't completely sure how the chapters are divided in the aizouban version that the Rose Garden is translating from. I'll definitely edit that when I write another review after it's completed to make it more clear especially because I am waiting on their translations to binge read the rest of the series too. Thanks!
Akunmehchai Jul 21, 7:44 AM
Hey! I haven't read "Second Hand Love" and hadn't realised it was being published in English. I'll have to get a copy. Thanks for letting me know!
ReSeinen Jul 6, 3:40 PM
Nikaidou is a fun manga, it's in the same league as Kurosawa in the way that it's a series that centers more on characters frustrated dreams and sense of belonging but it doesn't rely on much of Fukumoto's gambling staples but does use the visual metaphors he's known for. He's got a great art style, and many unique character designs, some people dare to call them ugly when they offer amazing insight into the characters, like Ootsuki's kind demeanor through his face (working as a facade), or Teiai's corporation's staff being more square-shaped which contrasts highly with how crazy Hyodou looks, etc.
ReSeinen Jul 6, 9:23 AM
I think you should stop at part 5, like you said part 3 through 5 takes place in one night so I think it’s best to read them consecutively. Part 6 is difficult to recommend atm since there’s no gambling, it can get intense at times but it is mostly SoL so if you’ve not read it yet I’d say wait until it returns from hiatus at least to start it because Fukumuto has stated there’s another part coming after that, he said he needed some research before that but has been working on his new series, Nikaidou Hell Golf, for a while but it doesn’t seem like it’d last for the long run.
MizunoWaveRider Jun 29, 5:27 AM
Joa Naruto liest sich aber auch sehr schnell. Wenn du die ganzen Erklärungen nur so überfliegst, dann bleibt da nicht viel übrig, an dem man sich länger verweilen kann.^^ Zumal ich ja das meiste schon vom Anime kenne.
Ich find halt die Kontinuität krass, und auch so mehrere Sachen parallel lesen. Ich hab meistens so ganz oder gar nicht Phasen.

Ich wollte auch noch Bleach und evtl One Piece lesen. Bleach hatte ich nie geschaut und weiß daher nur sehr wenig drüber.
One Piece schreckt mich bisschen ab, weil ich das schon immer für stark überschätzt hielt.

Ashita no Joe wollte ich auf jeden Fall irgendwann mal lesen, hab eigentlich nur gutes darüber gehört. Wobei ich nicht weiß, ob da Manga oder Anime besser wäre.

Ja dacht ich mir, dass die Blue Period Adaption Grütze ist. Es gibt einfach keine guten Adaptionen mehr, alles nur noch massenproduzierter Einheitsbrei.
MizunoWaveRider Jun 28, 6:28 AM
Naruto Manga macht Spaß, liest sich sehr flüssig (außer wenn Kishimoto mal wieder jeden Pups erklären muss). Finde es auch interessant zu sehen, wie sich der Manga am Stück liest. Man klappert halt einfach mal so 5 Jahre Arbeit in paar Tagen ab und sieht die ganze Entwicklung des Mangakas in Zeitraffer.

Sport Manga interessieren mich bisher null, aber wer weiß, vielleicht wirds ja noch irgendwann.

Blue Period hat ich mal die ersten paar Folgen vom Anime geschaut, fand den aber eher läppisch produziert. Vielleicht sollte ich mal den Manga versuchen.

Finds krass, wie viel du liest, und auch permanent am Ball bleibst. Bei mir schwankt immer das Interesse ein bisschen. Hätte auch gerne die Ausdauer (oder Motivation?) regelmäßig so zu lesen.
Zico10s Jun 27, 1:44 PM
Kann ich machen. Vielleicht werde ich auch ne Review schreiben, wenn es mir richtig gut gefällt. Ich mag es immer über unbekanntere Werke zu reden.
Ich würd dich aber noch fragen, was dir persönlich mit am meisten an 7 Seeds gefällt, was es von den meisten Mangas unterscheidet bzw. besser macht.
MizunoWaveRider Jun 27, 1:05 AM
Moin, ich pack nur Sachen in die Favs, die ich mehrmals geschaut/gelesen habe.

Mir gehts gut, ich acker mich grad durch den Naruto Manga durch? Liest du momentan was interessantes?
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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