Japan's Weekly Blu-ray and DVD Rankings for Oct 17 - 23
Rank / This week's sales by copies / Cumulative sales / Titles

*2. 1,709 *1,709 Kuromukuro Vol.1
*3. 1,508 *1,508 Bakuon!! Vol.5 Limited Edition
*4. 1,485 75,751 Love Live! Sunshine!! Vol.1 Limited Special Edition
*5. 1,383 *1,383 Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu Love! Love! Vol.2
*6. 1,182 *1,182 Netgame no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? Vol.5 Limited Edition
*7. *,852 **,852 Super Lovers Vol.5 Limited Edition
*8. *,760 **,760 Days Vol.1 Limited Edition
*9. *,585 **,585 Motto To LOVE-Ru Blu-ray BOX Special Price Edition
10. *,568 **,568 To LOVE-Ru Blu-ray BOX Special Price Edition
11. *,337 27,749 Kotonoha no Niwa with OST
12. *,325 *5,019 Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
13. *,225 **,225 Death Note Blu-ray BOX
14. *,197 *1,670 Boku no Hero Academia Vol.5
(cut-off 197)

*2. 1,250 *1,250 Days Vol.1 Limited Edition
*3. *,889 **,889 Super Lovers Vol.5 Limited Edition
*4. *,394 72,839 Tonari no Totoro
*5. *,382 61,467 Youkai Watch Movie 2: Enma Daiou to Itsutsu no Monogatari da Nyan! Special Price Edition
*6. *,324 **,324 Flying Witch Vol.5
*7. *,319 **,319 Bakuon!! Vol.5 Limited Edition
*8. *,281 *7,816 Kotonoha no Niwa
*9. *,273 **,273 Mahoutsukai Precure! Vol.5
10. *,266 **,266 Netgame no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? Vol.5 Limited Edition
11. *,256 11,716 Doraemon Movie 36: Shin Nobita no Nippon Tanjou
12. *,196 *8,878 Byousoku 5 Centimeter
13. *,194 *8,205 B-Project: Kodou*Ambitious Vol.2 Limited Edition
14. *,188 **,412 Selector Destructed WIXOSS Movie Limited Edition
15. *,188 23,860 Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
16. *,161 *1,229 Boku no Hero Academia Vol.5
17. *,155 35,438 Majo no Takkyuubin
18. *,134 *8,859 One Piece Log Collection "Caesar Crown" (eps.612-628)
19. *,132 *2,716 Mob Psycho 100 Vol.1 Limited Edition
(cut-off 132)
Source: Oricon Youtaiju
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The Yowamushi Pedal Movie at ¥460,000,000 was displaced from the Top 20.
Note: Kimi no Na wa. and Koe no Katachi are not on here, since they're not based on Late-night/midnight TV Anime, but are original Anime Movies (as in not adapted from any source material).
Highest Box Office Gross: Late-night/midnight Anime Movies Top 20 (Current as of Oct 26, 2016)
Key: Rank / Cumulative gross / Initial number of screens (Highest number of screens) / Movie Name
*1 ¥2,860,000,000 121(166) 『ラブライブ! The School Idol Movie』
*2 ¥2,315,264,894 *77(191) ガールズ&パンツァー 劇場版
*3 ¥2,080,000,000 129(***) 劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 新編 -叛逆の物語-
*4 ¥1,900,000,000 137(186) 映画 けいおん!
*5 ¥1,040,000,000 *64(*88) 劇場版 あの日見た花の名前を僕たちはまだ知らない。
*7 ¥*,850,000,000 102(***) 劇場版 PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス
*7 ¥*,850,000,000 *24(101) 涼宮ハルヒの消失
*8 ¥*,800,000,000 108(157) 傷物語 Ⅰ 鉄血篇
*9 ¥*,743,000,000 *94(***) 劇場版 TIGER&BUNNY -The Rising-
10 ¥*,700,000,000 *38(*99) 劇場版 マクロスF 恋離飛翼
11 ¥*,680,000,000 120(152) 映画 ハイ・スピード-Free! Starting Days-
12 ¥*,678,184,800 *39(*85) THE IDOLM@STER MOVIE 輝きの向こう側へ (VideoM@ster版 = ¥772,973,700)
13 ¥*,650,000,000 *30(*31) 劇場版 マクロスF 虚空歌姫
14 ¥*,600,000,000 *70(*94) 劇場版 TIGER&BUNNY -The Beginning-
15 ¥*,590,000,000 *43(***) 劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 前編 -始まりの物語-
17 ¥*,560,000,000 *18(*48) 劇場版 シュタインズゲート 負荷領域のデジャヴ
17 ¥*,560,000,000 *43(***) 劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 後編 -永遠の物語-
18 ¥*,550,000,000 *50(*51) 魔法少女リリカルなのは The MOVIE 2nd A's
20 ¥*,500,000,000 *30(*93) 劇場版 とある魔術の禁書目録 エンデュミオーンの奇蹟
20 ¥*,500,000,000 117(***) 傷物語 II 熱血篇
Oct 30, 2016 7:08 AM by Ejc
It's honestly a waste of time trying to explain it to the idiot who wrote gay boring anime is selling high, he's just just butthurt that Keijio is selling below average. Just let him be if he feels happy letting all his anger out by throwing shit on female oriented shows then fine, does he gain anything? Not really lol
Anyways you know I've never bought a Cd drama so I'm a bit lost in that department but if the studio that made the anime made the mistake of changing the cast then of course I would understand why the anime would be selling a bit less then others but 500 copies is ridiculous. I'm pretty bummed that even if the series did a lot of changes its selling terrible here I thought we would get a sequel just like Utapri and Hakouki did but guess I was wrong D: Wow I can't believe they changed Kae's seiyuu I absolutely love HanaKana she in my opinion fit Kae perfectly what were they thinking when they changed her /:
Same goes for the manga, been so behind with it but I keep hearing from people who've read it that the anime is a bit better? Hmmm I would definitely be upset if I knew as a manga reader that they were rushing the anime but I don't believe it's all bad the comedy is what I think saves the anime. I don't really mind animation never had a problem with that I'm all for new and old animation ^^
You know what I just realize this is the second reverse harem adapted from a manga, first it was Ouran Highschool host club right? Sorry for being so random but I would've prefered if either Barajou no kiss or S•L•K were adpated they deserve it more D: Anyways I can totally understand why Japan viewers who follow the manga wouldn't want to buy the discs but I still can't help to love the anime and hope for it to sell a bit more in the future.
@hpulley Alrighty thanks for the info you've been very helpful my friend, even if the sales are terrible for now I won't lost hope that it will somehow manage to sell around 3k after its done airing !!
Girls, don't get so worked up over that guy, or waste your time on him. I understand it can get really infuriating to have to deal with people like him, but I just assume he's homophobic, like many other guys on MAL seem to be. I don't watch anime series that appeal to females, because they don't appeal to me, but I don't get angry over anime aimed at females selling well. I think it's a good thing, that there's more anime out there that appeals to females, but I think it is too extreme what marx-chan was suggesting. Yes, there needs to be more of a balance so that female fans can also enjoy the seasonal anime, but to oppress male fans just because of one rotten egg is not the way to go.
As for the question from @-Janet, UtaPri Season 4 is not solicited on Amazon JP, so there's no estimate available from Amazon Stalker. Although, even if it gets solicited on Amazon JP, it'll most likely be underestimated anyway due to strong performance at Animate.
I do apologize for my words your absolutely right about that but I can't help to hate his guts whenever I see him on any forums. It's either him whining like a little bitch about how female oriented anime is taking over the industry or insulting yaoi stuff it's pissing me off very much like wtf no female on here bitches about how much harem is made every season. Is he that stupid that he hasn't realize how much LN harem Novels are adapted into anime? :/ HE NEEDS TO LEARN TO SHUT HIS MOUTH AND RESPECT ANIME THAT'S TARGETED FOR US FEMALES. Anyways again I apologize I know not every guy on here is like him D:
Ahh and thanks for answering my question regarding Utapri, hoping it's able to save this fall season, I thought either Watashi or Macross Delta would save this year but I underestimated both sadly, still have a little hope either sell more as time goes.
@Hpulley You know what I don't understand Shojo anime use to sell fantastic back in the early 2000's through 2010 but for some weird reason it started going downhill. As of today I'm still wondering what happen to shojo anime that had over 26-50 episodes?
Oct 29, 2016 5:02 PM by NoNameNoName000
Same here, I agree about 3-gatsu but atleast the manga has a crazy sales, one of the reason for not caring about the anime sales.
I understand it is in somewhat the same situation as Dennou Coil and Log Horizon -- big NHK $$$ behind it, so they are much less worried about the otaku market.
Oct 26, 2016 12:27 PM by hpulley
Agreed, good to see Yuri on Ice, Drifters, and Gundam up there. Wish 3-gatsu was higher though.
Same here, I agree about 3-gatsu but atleast the manga has a crazy sales, one of the reason for not caring about the anime sales.
Oct 26, 2016 12:19 PM by removed-user
Agreed on the Flying Witch sales though they may be too low for a sequel, given that the manga sales are also fairly low (volume 4 did rank but only 28K).
Now, Netflix doesn't care AT ALL about disc sales, they care about Netflix views. So if you want to see more Kuromukuro then subscribe to Netflix and watch both seasons, maybe even a few times. If everyone watched it elsewhere then Netflix doesn't know there is interest, doesn't see any views and will almost certainly NOT offer to fund a second season. Legal streaming is a BIG part of a show's income now, probably more than disc sales; this includes foreign streaming, in fact it may be higher for foreign streaming, especially in China. So if you want your show to continue, then support it with legal streaming at least (and buy discs and merch if you like too).
I heard that Netflix rate the series by the number of hours that it was watched.
Would be good if we had more data about how well an anime is watched on those streaming sites.
Oct 26, 2016 8:46 AM by hpulley
Nice to see Flying Witch sales remain consistent at least, Days sold a bit more than I thought it would.
A shame it's low sales for the first volume of Kuromukuro but hopefully it's done well enough for Netflix that they could fund a sequel of sorts, wasn't happy with the fairly open ending as it left many things to be resolved.
Agreed on the Flying Witch sales though they may be too low for a sequel, given that the manga sales are also fairly low (volume 4 did rank but only 28K).
Now, Netflix doesn't care AT ALL about disc sales, they care about Netflix views. So if you want to see more Kuromukuro then subscribe to Netflix and watch both seasons, maybe even a few times. If everyone watched it elsewhere then Netflix doesn't know there is interest, doesn't see any views and will almost certainly NOT offer to fund a second season. Legal streaming is a BIG part of a show's income now, probably more than disc sales; this includes foreign streaming, in fact it may be higher for foreign streaming, especially in China. So if you want your show to continue, then support it with legal streaming at least (and buy discs and merch if you like too).
I heard that Netflix rate the series by the number of hours that it was watched.
Would be good if we had more data about how well an anime is watched on those streaming sites.
Oct 26, 2016 8:21 AM by swordmasterman
Oct 26, 2016 6:38 AM by Robiiii
Overall Mal forum members need to understand that it is not about them, not about their anime. Many shows are made today for many different tastes. There is no need to put down anime that is not your style. Instead just enjoy the shows you like. Don't worry too much about disc sales. It seems like streaming and merch sales are more important today in determining the success or failure. Discs play a part but a smaller part than before in the current media mix world.
This is true. As proven by Love Live! and Gundam, they made 42.3 billion yen and 16.9 billion yen respectively in 2014, while the number from Oricon (which includes Movie BD/DVD, Anime BD/DVD, Music CD, Books/Novels and Manga), they made 5.3716 billion yen and 6.1435 billion yen respectively. That huge discrepancy in overall sales, can only be due to other revenue streams such as mobile game sales, merchandise sales, cosplay sales, etc.
Oct 26, 2016 2:03 AM by Ejc
Overall Mal forum members need to understand that it is not about them, not about their anime. Many shows are made today for many different tastes. There is no need to put down anime that is not your style. Instead just enjoy the shows you like. Don't worry too much about disc sales. It seems like streaming and merch sales are more important today in determining the success or failure. Discs play a part but a smaller part than before in the current media mix world.
@SeijiroUshio sadly I don't think Flip Flappers will increase much. It is not a style or type of anime which sells a lot. Hopefully its committee is not counting on high disc sales to recoup costs.
Oct 26, 2016 1:53 AM by hpulley
Here are the weekly Blu-ray and DVD rankings for October 17 - 23
Rank / This week's sales by copies / Cumulative sales / Titles
*1. 2,624 *2,624 Flying Witch Vol.5
This is the second time I see Flying Witch in the list, I really really hope it gets a sequel.
That's sad I hope it picks up in the coming weeks.
Oct 26, 2016 1:30 AM by SeijiroUshio
LOL at that guy complaining about female oriented shows as usual. You're beyond pathetic at this point. Look. Sometimes female oriented shows don't sell well, sometimes male oriented sales don't sell well. Is that so hard to understand?
About TouRabu, I'm an anime only watcher so I can't say if they've changed things in the anime. It trends on twitter every time a new episode comes out in Japan. It's kind of hard to guess how much it'll sell at this point because Animate, Gamers plus DMM. Considering how much the stage play sold, I was expecting some more Amazon sales to be honest. Maybe fans are waiting for the Ufotable version?
The audience for Diabolik Lovers and WatashiMote are different. The former is an otome anime while the latter is a shoujo manga to anime adaptation which usually flop on their faces when made into anime (at least in recent years).
As a big fan of the manga who also bought both the limited edition drama CDs, I was extremely disappointed when they changed the cast for the anime. I don't dislike the new seiyuu but the drama CD cast fit the characters much more. HanaKana did a much better job as Kae, imo.
Another thing is they're sort of rushing the anime by adapting two-three chapters per episode. An anime only fan won't really notice much but as a manga fan when those little things that make the chapter special are left out, it leaves a bad feeling. That and the budget for the anime seems meh too.
I still like the WatashiMote anime, but no way as much as the manga. I'm guessing here, but Japanese fans may be the same. They watch it every week but they don't find it special enough to want to buy it and own it.
EXTREMELY sorry for this wall of post.
It's honestly a waste of time trying to explain it to the idiot who wrote gay boring anime is selling high, he's just just butthurt that Keijio is selling below average. Just let him be if he feels happy letting all his anger out by throwing shit on female oriented shows then fine, does he gain anything? Not really lol
Anyways you know I've never bought a Cd drama so I'm a bit lost in that department but if the studio that made the anime made the mistake of changing the cast then of course I would understand why the anime would be selling a bit less then others but 500 copies is ridiculous. I'm pretty bummed that even if the series did a lot of changes its selling terrible here I thought we would get a sequel just like Utapri and Hakouki did but guess I was wrong D: Wow I can't believe they changed Kae's seiyuu I absolutely love HanaKana she in my opinion fit Kae perfectly what were they thinking when they changed her /:
Same goes for the manga, been so behind with it but I keep hearing from people who've read it that the anime is a bit better? Hmmm I would definitely be upset if I knew as a manga reader that they were rushing the anime but I don't believe it's all bad the comedy is what I think saves the anime. I don't really mind animation never had a problem with that I'm all for new and old animation ^^
You know what I just realize this is the second reverse harem adapted from a manga, first it was Ouran Highschool host club right? Sorry for being so random but I would've prefered if either Barajou no kiss or S•L•K were adpated they deserve it more D: Anyways I can totally understand why Japan viewers who follow the manga wouldn't want to buy the discs but I still can't help to love the anime and hope for it to sell a bit more in the future.
@hpulley Alrighty thanks for the info you've been very helpful my friend, even if the sales are terrible for now I won't lost hope that it will somehow manage to sell around 3k after its done airing !!
Girls, don't get so worked up over that guy, or waste your time on him. I understand it can get really infuriating to have to deal with people like him, but I just assume he's homophobic, like many other guys on MAL seem to be. I don't watch anime series that appeal to females, because they don't appeal to me, but I don't get angry over anime aimed at females selling well. I think it's a good thing, that there's more anime out there that appeals to females, but I think it is too extreme what marx-chan was suggesting. Yes, there needs to be more of a balance so that female fans can also enjoy the seasonal anime, but to oppress male fans just because of one rotten egg is not the way to go.
As for the question from @-Janet, UtaPri Season 4 is not solicited on Amazon JP, so there's no estimate available from Amazon Stalker. Although, even if it gets solicited on Amazon JP, it'll most likely be underestimated anyway due to strong performance at Animate.
Oct 26, 2016 1:28 AM by Ejc
LOL at that guy complaining about female oriented shows as usual. You're beyond pathetic at this point. Look. Sometimes female oriented shows don't sell well, sometimes male oriented sales don't sell well. Is that so hard to understand?
About TouRabu, I'm an anime only watcher so I can't say if they've changed things in the anime. It trends on twitter every time a new episode comes out in Japan. It's kind of hard to guess how much it'll sell at this point because Animate, Gamers plus DMM. Considering how much the stage play sold, I was expecting some more Amazon sales to be honest. Maybe fans are waiting for the Ufotable version?
Ouch below 500 copies? That's ridiculously low for this kind of anime even Diabolik Lovers season 2 sold better then Kiss him, not me. Is there by any chance a special event or something that will boost the sales? Oh and how did changing the cast from the Drama Cd affect the sales? The anime itself is hilarious and quite likable even males are actually enjoying it a lot so I still don't understand why the sales are low.
The audience for Diabolik Lovers and WatashiMote are different. The former is an otome anime while the latter is a shoujo manga to anime adaptation which usually flop on their faces when made into anime (at least in recent years).
As a big fan of the manga who also bought both the limited edition drama CDs, I was extremely disappointed when they changed the cast for the anime. I don't dislike the new seiyuu but the drama CD cast fit the characters much more. HanaKana did a much better job as Kae, imo.
Another thing is they're sort of rushing the anime by adapting two-three chapters per episode. An anime only fan won't really notice much but as a manga fan when those little things that make the chapter special are left out, it leaves a bad feeling. That and the budget for the anime seems meh too.
I still like the WatashiMote anime, but no way as much as the manga. I'm guessing here, but Japanese fans may be the same. They watch it every week but they don't find it special enough to want to buy it and own it.
EXTREMELY sorry for this wall of post.
It's honestly a waste of time trying to explain it to the idiot who wrote gay boring anime is selling high, he's just just butthurt that Keijio is selling below average. Just let him be if he feels happy letting all his anger out by throwing shit on female oriented shows then fine, does he gain anything? Not really lol
Anyways you know I've never bought a Cd drama so I'm a bit lost in that department but if the studio that made the anime made the mistake of changing the cast then of course I would understand why the anime would be selling a bit less then others but 500 copies is ridiculous. I'm pretty bummed that even if the series did a lot of changes its selling terrible here I thought we would get a sequel just like Utapri and Hakouki did but guess I was wrong D: Wow I can't believe they changed Kae's seiyuu I absolutely love HanaKana she in my opinion fit Kae perfectly what were they thinking when they changed her /:
Same goes for the manga, been so behind with it but I keep hearing from people who've read it that the anime is a bit better? Hmmm I would definitely be upset if I knew as a manga reader that they were rushing the anime but I don't believe it's all bad the comedy is what I think saves the anime. I don't really mind animation never had a problem with that I'm all for new and old animation ^^
You know what I just realize this is the second reverse harem adapted from a manga, first it was Ouran Highschool host club right? Sorry for being so random but I would've prefered if either Barajou no kiss or S•L•K were adpated they deserve it more D: Anyways I can totally understand why Japan viewers who follow the manga wouldn't want to buy the discs but I still can't help to love the anime and hope for it to sell a bit more in the future.
@hpulley Alrighty thanks for the info you've been very helpful my friend, even if the sales are terrible for now I won't lost hope that it will somehow manage to sell around 3k after its done airing !!
Oct 26, 2016 1:07 AM by NoNameNoName000
About TouRabu, I'm an anime only watcher so I can't say if they've changed things in the anime. It trends on twitter every time a new episode comes out in Japan. It's kind of hard to guess how much it'll sell at this point because Animate, Gamers plus DMM. Considering how much the stage play sold, I was expecting some more Amazon sales to be honest. Maybe fans are waiting for the Ufotable version?
Ouch below 500 copies? That's ridiculously low for this kind of anime even Diabolik Lovers season 2 sold better then Kiss him, not me. Is there by any chance a special event or something that will boost the sales? Oh and how did changing the cast from the Drama Cd affect the sales? The anime itself is hilarious and quite likable even males are actually enjoying it a lot so I still don't understand why the sales are low.
The audience for Diabolik Lovers and WatashiMote are different. The former is an otome anime while the latter is a shoujo manga to anime adaptation which usually flop on their faces when made into anime (at least in recent years).
As a big fan of the manga who also bought both the limited edition drama CDs, I was extremely disappointed when they changed the cast for the anime. I don't dislike the new seiyuu but the drama CD cast fit the characters much more. HanaKana did a much better job as Kae, imo.
Another thing is they're sort of rushing the anime by adapting two-three chapters per episode. An anime only fan won't really notice much but as a manga fan when those little things that make the chapter special are left out, it leaves a bad feeling. That and the budget for the anime seems meh too.
I still like the WatashiMote anime, but no way as much as the manga. I'm guessing here, but Japanese fans may be the same. They watch it every week but they don't find it special enough to want to buy it and own it.
EXTREMELY sorry for this wall of post.
Oct 26, 2016 12:29 AM by phoenixalia
All is well in the world. Hoping to see it pull more, but this is fantastic on its own.
is this what the heterosexuals tell themselves?
Maybe male otaku should actually bother to buy shit then? Don't blame women cause they're actually bothering to help fund the industry at this point. I hope female otaku aimed shows flood the market so you will get to experience the glory that is male fanservice at every corner. almost similar to what female otaku had to experience for years before the rise of our fujoshi overlords.
Oct 25, 2016 9:53 PM by marx-chan
Touken Ranbu looks like 7.5K (4.2K BD, 3.3K DVD) which could be much higher if there is much storefront interest. It is #1 at DMM and ranking fairly well at Animate and Gamers so I expect it will be higher than the Stalker estimate.
It'll probably be 30~50% underestimated, but still lower than expected. Touken Ranbu is the 2nd most popular DMM game behind KanColle (last time I checked), so I would've expected at least 20K+ average. KanColle did well below its expectations, since KADOKAWA expected the anime to make 2 billion yen, but it only made around 900 million yen. Of course, when you make a terrible adaptation (according to the fans of the browser game and the light novel), your sales are going to get smashed really hard. Although I haven't been looking closely at what the Touken Ranbu fans in Japan think about the anime, so it may be too early to call.
Oct 25, 2016 9:22 PM by Ejc
Kiss Him Not Me/Watashi Mote is selling TERRIBLY! Under 500 copies predicted right now. It's a total train wreck. I think they messed up by changing the cast from the drama CD. Sadly, it will be one of the worst bombs of the season. Chance of it improving over time? Very low. Sorry...
Trickster and Udon no Kuni will be even worse. They're about the only ones that'll bomb worse than WataMote.
Ouch below 500 copies? That's ridiculously low for this kind of anime even Diabolik Lovers season 2 sold better then Kiss him, not me. Is there by any chance a special event or something that will boost the sales? Oh and how did changing the cast from the Drama Cd affect the sales? The anime itself is hilarious and quite likable even males are actually enjoying it a lot so I still don't understand why the sales are low.
Oct 25, 2016 7:26 PM by hpulley
Do you know the estimates for Kiss him, not me? I know it's below 2k but is there any chance it would reach higher in the next couple of months? Was hoping it would sell fantastic because of the whole Ouran vibe it was giving off D:
Though glad Drifters is selling well hoping for a second season in the future ^_^
Trickster and Udon no Kuni will be even worse. They're about the only ones that'll bomb worse than WataMote.
Ouch below 500 copies? That's ridiculously low for this kind of anime even Diabolik Lovers season 2 sold better then Kiss him, not me. Is there by any chance a special event or something that will boost the sales? Oh and how did changing the cast from the Drama Cd affect the sales? The anime itself is hilarious and quite likable even males are actually enjoying it a lot so I still don't understand why the sales are low.
Oct 25, 2016 6:56 PM by NoNameNoName000
why is gundam on here twice? Also nice to see mappa might finally have a successful show and an original one at that.
6.6k is supposed to be brave witches.
Oct 25, 2016 6:08 PM by JizzyHitler
The early stalker estimates for autumn,
12.5k Yuri on Ice
11.4k Drifters
10.4k Gundam IBO
*7.6k Natsume Yuujinchou Go
*6.9k Hibike S2
*6.9k Haikyuu S3
*6.6k Gundam - IBO S2
*4.3k www.Working!
*3.7k Izetta
*3.6k 3-gatsu no Lion
*2.5k Anitore S2
*2.4k Teekyuu S8
6.6k is supposed to be brave witches.
Oct 25, 2016 5:55 PM by rederoin
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@Hpulley You know what I don't understand Shojo anime use to sell fantastic back in the early 2000's through 2010 but for some weird reason it started going downhill. As of today I'm still wondering what happen to shojo anime that had over 26-50 episodes?
26 episodes, a.k.a, 2 cours anime in general come less and less. About shojo series around 50 and even more episodes, most of the companies that were doing them stopped those doing or only focused in 1 timeslot for them and have a super popular Shoujo anime long-running. Example: Precure, Pripara and Aikatsu. They are all Shoujo series.
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