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male suicide is it a problem today?
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Sep 16, 2019 11:22 PM

Aug 2014
heg said:
incel said:
yes and what's causing it is rising hypergamy and women's ability to date up so the bottom 80% of men are left to rot and die

lol i doubt a lot of incels are suicidal they are just more angry

economic insecurity is more of a major factor in suicides imo

most men dont realize theyre incels

this is what happens when you empower and enable women

penis lol
Sep 16, 2019 11:52 PM

Jan 2009

arent they just cel? and empowering women is good since its a natural population control

but the point remains i do not think incels are suicidal overall they are more angry
Sep 17, 2019 1:09 AM

Apr 2014
I'm from Lithuania where male suicide is nr 1 in the world

who's interested feel free to write me
Sep 17, 2019 1:28 AM

Mar 2019
Kosmonaut said:
The biggest problem with male mental health is the culture of 'boys don't cry' or 'men shouldn't talk about feelings'.
Great: he is a weak man who succumbs to his so-called "culture" — culture is the most rotten thing on the planet; the only thing it is good for is filtering out the weak that succumb to it?

So apparently, there is a "culture" like that, and then what? "Ohh no, there is social pressure." — no one forces one to obey it.

If that mean that the man who is sensitive to that "gender role" nonsense commits suicide, then I'm all for it; all that is left is to find a way to increase the suicide numbers of the female men that similarly buy into that crap.

It is obvious that "obscenity" is not a term capable of exact legal definition; in the practice of the courts, it means "anything that shocks the magistrate".

— Bertrand Russell
Sep 17, 2019 3:48 AM

Feb 2019
Sphinxter said:
Kosmonaut said:
The biggest problem with male mental health is the culture of 'boys don't cry' or 'men shouldn't talk about feelings'.
Great: he is a weak man who succumbs to his so-called "culture" — culture is the most rotten thing on the planet; the only thing it is good for is filtering out the weak that succumb to it?

So apparently, there is a "culture" like that, and then what? "Ohh no, there is social pressure." — no one forces one to obey it.
Not everyone can be as non-bourgeois as you, my good pal. Most of us will be products of our socialization - despair not, we'll all be gone in no time.

all that is left is to find a way to increase the suicide numbers of the female men that similarly buy into that crap.
Oh, I see, a true advocate of gender equality.
Sep 17, 2019 3:54 AM

Apr 2015
Ryuk9428 said:
Because feminism disrupts the family, tells women it isn't important and that they should focus on work and careers instead. Working is not a privilege though, its very stressful and it sucks up the majority of your day. Deep down, most women want a husband and a family. Traditional, non-feminist societies provide the opportunity for women to be with their children and not have to deal with the stress of work or at least only have to work part time instead of full time. Meanwhile, men get to come home to a wife who's loving, not exhausted from work, and satisfies the emotional needs men have.

That's pretty USA centric man. Also to my knowledge young bisexual men are biggest risk group to commit suicide in USA.

Darius said:
I'm from Lithuania where male suicide is nr 1 in the world

who's interested feel free to write me

Do they there separate statistics? For example regional, east vs west or rural vs urban.

But if I'd need to make a wild guess alcohol plays a role also in there.
konkeloSep 17, 2019 3:59 AM
Sep 17, 2019 4:19 AM
Jul 2018
heg said:

ok i just read that long post of yours i ignored it for so long but other users are mentioning a white supremacist in this thread so i could not resist reading it

ye the system (capitalism) is fuck up thats why i recommend you advocate for social capitalism more like Andrew Yang is proposing with his universal basic income plan for example, its not like capititalism should be abolish for now since full automation for socialism or even stateless communism (Fully Automated Luxury Communism) is not ready yet until lets say the end of this century when technological singularity is achieve

but ye poverty and the capitalisms influence through stereotype advertisements can really influence and make people compare each other especially with other people that have seemingly perfect lives and that can trigger or lead to mental health problems

but lol at fat women complain or yours though, we males are getting fat too anyway its capitalism again so advocate to have a sugar tax for example

I don't know, I think that's either a troll or just a whiny guy. I mean, that one incel above me is a little bit too obvious, but here, I'm not sure.
removed-userSep 17, 2019 4:23 AM
Sep 17, 2019 4:22 AM

Jan 2009

he seems serious with his white genocide belief though looking at his signature link
Sep 17, 2019 4:29 AM
Jul 2018
AnimeFeminist said:
Hoppy said:

That would make things worse. What we do need is more awareness of male suicide and an opioid ban.

Most of this problems would be solved if toxic masculinity is treated from the young age and men are thought that there is nothing wrong with being emotional.
So yes I definitely think that feminism would help men in the long run.

I hear this all the time, but not a single feminist was able to explain it to me.
What is toxic masculinity?
Sep 17, 2019 4:51 AM

Feb 2019
Maneki-Mew said:
heg said:

ok i just read that long post of yours i ignored it for so long but other users are mentioning a white supremacist in this thread so i could not resist reading it

ye the system (capitalism) is fuck up thats why i recommend you advocate for social capitalism more like Andrew Yang is proposing with his universal basic income plan for example, its not like capititalism should be abolish for now since full automation for socialism or even stateless communism (Fully Automated Luxury Communism) is not ready yet until lets say the end of this century when technological singularity is achieve

but ye poverty and the capitalisms influence through stereotype advertisements can really influence and make people compare each other especially with other people that have seemingly perfect lives and that can trigger or lead to mental health problems

but lol at fat women complain or yours though, we males are getting fat too anyway its capitalism again so advocate to have a sugar tax for example

I don't know, I think that's either a troll or just a whiny guy. I mean, that one incel above me is a little bit too obvious, but here, I'm not sure.
I've discussed with him before, he's quite serious on the white race superiority (based on IQ of all things) part at least. So I wouldn't be surprised if he's serious regarding all the rest.
Sep 17, 2019 5:13 AM

Oct 2010
Kosmonaut said:
Maneki-Mew said:

I don't know, I think that's either a troll or just a whiny guy. I mean, that one incel above me is a little bit too obvious, but here, I'm not sure.
I've discussed with him before, he's quite serious on the white race superiority (based on IQ of all things) part at least. So I wouldn't be surprised if he's serious regarding all the rest.

It's science. I'm not even the one that invented or made the statements first. I'm literally just a messenger but you're a kid so you can't even think past the first step before throwing accusations.

Maybe you should search who James Watson is, he's a nobel prize winner in GENETICS and even HE said it which costed him his reputation because the media and its narrative is completely and utterly controlled by the jews so they butchered his reputation and then he had a chance to salvage his reputation after some years and you know what he did? he stood by his findings and said it again (cus the guy has honor and cus science is above social status)

It's so cheap to just label off someone as troll without even addressing or thinking about the message that this someone is delivering and in most of the situations the message is literally just that, a message, not even a statement that HE made but an information that someone else found out. There are actual scientists that have spend their life researching and that are being paid for it that are consistently saying it.

I don't understand why is it commonly accepted and common sense that black people run faster
but if you bring the notion that white people are smarter then it's suddenly preposterous? No. It doesn't fit the media's narrative and that's why it's frowned upon and that's why the mainstream refuses to accept this simple fact. The media is owned by the people that want to replace the white man so anything that makes this replacement harder is an enemy and will be battled with propaganda and lies and mainly insults (which is what the left does) and complete sidetrack and ignore of the message at hand

and male suicide is mainly a problem for white males, the reasons are blatantly obvious to anyone that actually wants to look for them but i already mentioned this in my previous post

actually the video in the OP's post has some nice comments to it too

lots of music -
Sep 17, 2019 5:41 AM

Mar 2008
Ryuk9428 said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
Ah, what's misleading most of the time when this is brought up is that attempted suicides aren't mentioned alongside it("Attempted suicides occur primarily among women, while completed suicides occur primarily among men."). The attempted suicides need to be brought up so the actual issue can be addressed, and not one with holes in it. Judging by the 50.6% statistics dealing with guns, the issue seems less to do with males being more depressed(Proof). After all, females are noted as the ones facing higher rates of depression("The prevalence of major depressive episode was higher among adult females (8.7%) compared to males (5.3%)."). This actually should be more of a 2nd amendment debate than speculation as to why males are more depressed.

Women are less happy and more depressed in feminist countries...

The countries with the lowest gap in happiness between men and women were Tunisia, Japan, China, Peru and Mexico. The countries with the highest gap were Iceland, Finland, Luxembourg, Austria, and the Netherlands.

Because feminism disrupts the family, tells women it isn't important and that they should focus on work and careers instead. Working is not a privilege though, its very stressful and it sucks up the majority of your day. Deep down, most women want a husband and a family. Traditional, non-feminist societies provide the opportunity for women to be with their children and not have to deal with the stress of work or at least only have to work part time instead of full time. Meanwhile, men get to come home to a wife who's loving, not exhausted from work, and satisfies the emotional needs men have.

The only people who benefit from feminism are corporations who now have significantly more workers, can select from a more restricted pool of applicants, and can pay each of them much less money.

Here is a real study that was for Europe that debunks your claim from your highly biased source.
"Gender differences in depression are largest in some of the Eastern and Southern European countries and smallest in Ireland, Slovakia and some Nordic countries. "
Sep 17, 2019 6:48 AM

Feb 2019
@incisorr Are you once again going to ignore the influence education time, education quality, malnutrition and other factors that affect disproportionately non-white and non-eastern asian races have on IQ test results, supposing IQ even is a valid metric to measure intelligence?
Sep 17, 2019 7:33 AM

Oct 2010
Why are you talking as if i'm the one conducting the research and not scientists? And why are you assuming they are this ignorant and bad at their jobs?
do you think a nobel prize winner can't consider all sorts of factors?

you know he's not the only one that's saying this as well right?

races are genetically different and that's a fact

i recently read that if universities only accepted students based on score and nothing else in the US, then they would have to go from 66% white to 75%~ white so imagine white people are being discriminated IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES because of their race

Ignorance in today's day and age where information is literally at our fingertips is a sin, the only issue is that they are trying to censor/redact a lot of information on some sites so you have to be objective and look at both sides of the story and we live in a time where it's still possible to look at both sides of the story if you search for more than just what u find on the surface

also this thread is about suicide and not about race, yes race is related to suicide which is why i brought it up but you're trying to sidetrack the topic into something more and all this because you're what..? angry cause scientist are publishing their results?

lots of music -
Sep 17, 2019 8:18 AM

Feb 2019
incisorr said:
Why are you talking as if i'm the one conducting the research and not scientists? And why are you assuming they are this ignorant and bad at their jobs?
do you think a nobel prize winner can't consider all sorts of factors?

you know he's not the only one that's saying this as well right?
Scientists once upon a time thought transplanting animal's members to humans would work, but I guess those scientists were your pals, so there's nothing wrong with that.

There are scientists that deny global warming, but I'd wager you do too, so there's nothing wrong there as well.

Dumb dumb me.

i recently read that if universities only accepted students based on score and nothing else in the US, then they would have to go from 66% white to 75%~ white so imagine white people are being discriminated IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES because of their race.
And I guess education time, education quality, malnutrition and other factors that disproportionately affect non-white and non-eastern asian races don't hinder anyone's grades, right? Sorry for even considering that, silly me.

angry cause scientist are publishing their results?
I'm not the one angry here, as you completely disregard what most of the science community says regarding the issue. Besides that, I can understand that science evolves with time and all scientists aren't always right.

You claim white males are the most vulnerable group because of diversity, miscigenation, feminism, LGBTQs and 'fat women', so you are the one that clearly deviated from the original topic. But I guess you want to clearly abide by the topic and under no circumstances deviate from it, sorry for my grave interference then. I'll leave you and your highly woke mind alone.
Sep 17, 2019 11:13 AM

Mar 2019
traed said:
Ryuk9428 said:

Women are less happy and more depressed in feminist countries...

The countries with the lowest gap in happiness between men and women were Tunisia, Japan, China, Peru and Mexico. The countries with the highest gap were Iceland, Finland, Luxembourg, Austria, and the Netherlands.

Because feminism disrupts the family, tells women it isn't important and that they should focus on work and careers instead. Working is not a privilege though, its very stressful and it sucks up the majority of your day. Deep down, most women want a husband and a family. Traditional, non-feminist societies provide the opportunity for women to be with their children and not have to deal with the stress of work or at least only have to work part time instead of full time. Meanwhile, men get to come home to a wife who's loving, not exhausted from work, and satisfies the emotional needs men have.

The only people who benefit from feminism are corporations who now have significantly more workers, can select from a more restricted pool of applicants, and can pay each of them much less money.

Here is a real study that was for Europe that debunks your claim from your highly biased source.
"Gender differences in depression are largest in some of the Eastern and Southern European countries and smallest in Ireland, Slovakia and some Nordic countries. "

Institute for Family Studies only published and interpreted what OCED found.

At this point we both just have two studies that claim the opposite information on an international basis. But studies specific to the US and Europe have found that women have been getting progressively less happy since 1970.

You should be happy with The Guardian, they tend to lean left.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 17, 2019 11:28 AM

Mar 2011
Ryuk9428 said:
traed said:

Here is a real study that was for Europe that debunks your claim from your highly biased source.
"Gender differences in depression are largest in some of the Eastern and Southern European countries and smallest in Ireland, Slovakia and some Nordic countries. "

Institute for Family Studies only published and interpreted what OCED found.

At this point we both just have two studies that claim the opposite information on an international basis. But studies specific to the US and Europe have found that women have been getting progressively less happy since 1970.

You should be happy with The Guardian, they tend to lean left.
just following yours and traed's discourse-- but got confused why you linked what you did just now. What were you trying to display with those links?
"In the end the World really doesn't need a Superman. Just a Brave one"
Sep 17, 2019 11:29 AM

Mar 2019
Ryuk9428 said:
Working is not a privilege though, its very stressful and it sucks up the majority of your day. Deep down, most women want a husband and a family.
No fucking shit almost every man would præfer being a stay-at-home rather than actual work; especially when the is no offspring to take care of.

The point is that being female is no excuse to be a lazy arse motherfucker: get of your lazy arse, work, and contribute.

Traditional, non-feminist societies provide the opportunity for women to be with their children and not have to deal with the stress of work or at least only have to work part time instead of full time. Meanwhile, men get to come home to a wife who's loving, not exhausted from work, and satisfies the emotional needs men have.
They just have to work 10 times more for it and on top of this for this system to work in a system where divorces exist this ridiculous concept called "spousal alimony" also needs to exist so they have to continue to pay even when they don't even have a severely overpaid maid at home any more doing next to nothing.

That system is ridiculous, and tells a man he can be a lazy motherfucker and contribute nothing for nothing more than being female. Earn your own goddamn income.

It is obvious that "obscenity" is not a term capable of exact legal definition; in the practice of the courts, it means "anything that shocks the magistrate".

— Bertrand Russell
Sep 17, 2019 11:56 AM

Mar 2019
Silverstorm said:
Ryuk9428 said:

Institute for Family Studies only published and interpreted what OCED found.

At this point we both just have two studies that claim the opposite information on an international basis. But studies specific to the US and Europe have found that women have been getting progressively less happy since 1970.

You should be happy with The Guardian, they tend to lean left.
just following yours and traed's discourse-- but got confused why you linked what you did just now. What were you trying to display with those links?

The PISA study shows the graph that indicates gender gap in happiness by country on page 74.

Sphinxter said:
Ryuk9428 said:
Working is not a privilege though, its very stressful and it sucks up the majority of your day. Deep down, most women want a husband and a family.
No fucking shit almost every man would præfer being a stay-at-home rather than actual work; especially when the is no offspring to take care of.

The point is that being female is no excuse to be a lazy arse motherfucker: get of your lazy arse, work, and contribute.

Traditional, non-feminist societies provide the opportunity for women to be with their children and not have to deal with the stress of work or at least only have to work part time instead of full time. Meanwhile, men get to come home to a wife who's loving, not exhausted from work, and satisfies the emotional needs men have.
They just have to work 10 times more for it and on top of this for this system to work in a system where divorces exist this ridiculous concept called "spousal alimony" also needs to exist so they have to continue to pay even when they don't even have a severely overpaid maid at home any more doing next to nothing.

That system is ridiculous, and tells a man he can be a lazy motherfucker and contribute nothing for nothing more than being female. Earn your own goddamn income.

I want to take on the bigger burden of work so that my wife doesn't need to be stressed out. Its my gift to her in exchange for a highly active sex life and so that I can be emotionally nurtured. If she is stressed out and feels like she's been working all day then she might be less inclined to want to take care of me at the end of the day. Instead, we would just both be stressed out and tired. In addition, I'm not the best with kids, so I'd prefer to marry a very motherly woman who enjoys being nurturing towards children and me.

Your paragraph just goes to show though that traditional societies with gender roles really do benefit women more than gender neutral countries do. The good thing though is that it benefits men too. We're all better off going back to traditional gender roles. They existed for a reason, it wasn't all just nonsense.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 17, 2019 12:01 PM

Jan 2009
i did not expect this zero-sum game about gender rights here lol

the feminists are taking the rights of men away kind of thinking and that contributes to male suicide more huh

even if that is true i think its a trivial matter overall whats needed are better social safety nets for males imo and that includes mental health help and not just financial or job seeking assistance
Sep 17, 2019 1:12 PM

Mar 2011
Ryuk9428 said:
Silverstorm said:
just following yours and traed's discourse-- but got confused why you linked what you did just now. What were you trying to display with those links?

The PISA study shows the graph that indicates gender gap in happiness by country on page 74.
That's what I thought--I wouldn't have linked those two articles cause I thought you were countering what traed says..but I'm not getting into discussions, just wanted clarification.
"In the end the World really doesn't need a Superman. Just a Brave one"
Sep 17, 2019 1:24 PM

Apr 2015
Ryuk9428 said:
traed said:

Here is a real study that was for Europe that debunks your claim from your highly biased source.
"Gender differences in depression are largest in some of the Eastern and Southern European countries and smallest in Ireland, Slovakia and some Nordic countries. "

Institute for Family Studies only published and interpreted what OCED found.

At this point we both just have two studies that claim the opposite information on an international basis. But studies specific to the US and Europe have found that women have been getting progressively less happy since 1970.

You should be happy with The Guardian, they tend to lean left.

Did you though read that OECD result yourself?

Anyway since thread is about suicide one of your listed feminist country's suicide rate has been dropping since the 90's, and all those mentioned European countries suicide rates are around Europe's average. Top ranking European countries are Russia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Latvia. Special mention to Greenland. Outside of Europe countries that reach same level are from Africa, South America and Asia.

China is an interesting one though with women committing more suicides compared to men, but that has also lowered.

heg said:
even if that is true i think its a trivial matter overall whats needed are better social safety nets for males imo and that includes mental health help and not just financial or job seeking assistance

Depending of the country, but there should be better understanding of mental health and mental illnesses not being stigmatized. I'm not that optimistic to believe every suicide could be avoided and wanting to live and get help needs to come from that person first before anything can be done... But easing on getting that is a good start.
Sep 17, 2019 1:41 PM
Jul 2018
heg said:

ye sure and i do not know about that considering there is a gap on gender statistics between mental problems overall

>women showed lower rates of mental illness on the whole
>doctors are more likely to diagnose depression in women compared with men, even when they have similar scores on standardized measures of depression or present with identical symptoms"
Keep in mind the "some cases" part("When certain factors, such as work outside the domestic sphere, are controlled, women and men tend to experience a full range of mental illnesses at approximately equal rates.") In other words, the majority of time when those variables were controlled, the rates were equal. However, in minority cases, men showed higher rates.

If you look at the source which supported the second claim you cited(WHO), it was also speculated by the same article that women still experience more depression on average("Depression is not only the most common women's mental health problem but may be more persistent in women than men. More research is needed.") The article talked about this theory more in detail here(Gender-specific risk factors). It also still supports my claim that both genders have the problem of their mental health issues being underreported ("Despite these differences, most women and men experiencing emotional distress and /or psychological disorder are neither identified or treated by their doctor.")
removed-userSep 17, 2019 1:52 PM
Sep 17, 2019 2:19 PM

Mar 2019
Ryuk9428 said:
I want to take on the bigger burden of work so that my wife doesn't need to be stressed out. Its my gift to her in exchange for a highly active sex life and so that I can be emotionally nurtured.
Then you get what you sow. Congratulations on spending your life working to nurture a parasite far more shrewd than you that is not only living of your expenses but can elect at any point to activate a divorce and continue to do so without you receiving any of those benefits you could've gotten for free.

If she is stressed out and feels like she's been working all day then she might be less inclined to want to take care of me at the end of the day. Instead, we would just both be stressed out and tired.
Or maybe you would have more free time to be taken care of because you're not working twice as much as you need to feed a parasite who has successfully managed to live of your expenses.

In addition, I'm not the best with kids, so I'd prefer to marry a very motherly woman who enjoys being nurturing towards children and me.
And in what way exactly would your quality of life increase by having children?

Your paragraph just goes to show though that traditional societies with gender roles really do benefit women more than gender neutral countries do.
No shit being a lazy-arse parasite is more beneficial than having to work. Fuck "women"; they aren't the only men on this planet.

The good thing though is that it benefits men too.
Unless of course one is not a completely spineless walkover that enjoys slaving for the benefit of a shrewd parasite conning one thereinto.

We're all better off going back to traditional gender roles. They existed for a reason, it wasn't all just nonsense.
No, the weakling that is so unattractive that the only way for him to apparently secure the companionship he so craves is to pay for it with toil and sweat is benefited by it, alongside the shrewd parasite that manipulates him into doing so.

I am most certainly not benefited by working to pay for another man's expenses; pay your own.

It is obvious that "obscenity" is not a term capable of exact legal definition; in the practice of the courts, it means "anything that shocks the magistrate".

— Bertrand Russell
Sep 17, 2019 2:34 PM
Jul 2018
Ryuk9428 said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
Ah, what's misleading most of the time when this is brought up is that attempted suicides aren't mentioned alongside it("Attempted suicides occur primarily among women, while completed suicides occur primarily among men."). The attempted suicides need to be brought up so the actual issue can be addressed, and not one with holes in it. Judging by the 50.6% statistics dealing with guns, the issue seems less to do with males being more depressed(Proof). After all, females are noted as the ones facing higher rates of depression("The prevalence of major depressive episode was higher among adult females (8.7%) compared to males (5.3%)."). This actually should be more of a 2nd amendment debate than speculation as to why males are more depressed.

Women are less happy and more depressed in feminist countries...

The countries with the lowest gap in happiness between men and women were Tunisia, Japan, China, Peru and Mexico. The countries with the highest gap were Iceland, Finland, Luxembourg, Austria, and the Netherlands.

Because feminism disrupts the family, tells women it isn't important and that they should focus on work and careers instead. Working is not a privilege though, its very stressful and it sucks up the majority of your day. Deep down, most women want a husband and a family. Traditional, non-feminist societies provide the opportunity for women to be with their children and not have to deal with the stress of work or at least only have to work part time instead of full time. Meanwhile, men get to come home to a wife who's loving, not exhausted from work, and satisfies the emotional needs men have.

The only people who benefit from feminism are corporations who now have significantly more workers, can select from a more restricted pool of applicants, and can pay each of them much less money.
The OCED stated that satisfaction meant different things for different countries(so that could influence the results). Also, overall less than 4% in the Netherlands report being unsatisfied, which is a low enough number to conclude that girls, on average, are satisfied( Even, though, on average guys report being more satisfied, girls were still shown to be fine in that regard overall.
Sep 17, 2019 2:54 PM

Jul 2015
heg said:
Sphinxter said:
Bladibla — everything needs to be gendered, and turned into a gender issue.

Having said that, and taking the genderfaggotry out of it, every suicide is a good one for me: the world needs less humans and one who commits suicide is either weak, in which case it is good that he dies, or strong, in which case he obtains the rest that he deserves.

I care not one bit that more males than females die by suicide. One can conjure up statistics on everything and conclude that there is non-null demographical intersection. More poor do x than rich; more tall do y than short; more old do z* than young — I care not.

*to be pronounced /zɛd/, of course.

you advocate for suicide? just why? i do not think you are suicidal yourself so kinda ironic or hypocrisy there

suicide is against our evolution that given all lifeforms here self-preservation instinct and even sex for the prupose of reproduction is like about preservation or suvival of our soul like genes so thats why suicide is considered a disorder


another survival of our soul kind of thing is our personal data with todays modern technology like the internet too
It's because he's our resident edgelord.

Just now he made the point that all statistics are pointless and data doesn't mean anything, but somehow he always finds the take that's guaranteed to be most offensive to the largest number of people.
Funny how that works. It's almost like he's doing it on purpose *hint* *hint*.

Final judgement: Either a troll or a severely damaged individual. Either way it's not worth your time, deg.
"my life at this state could be transposed into a pretty massive biography"

- Cneq, "the guy who was literally using BTC in 2012 to make deals in the first main instance of a digital itemized economy forming naturally in all human history (also the precursor of NFTs) and who had 20k+ total trades.", 23 years old

MAL's most prolific antivaxxer, Noboru.
Sep 17, 2019 2:55 PM

Mar 2018
Railey2 said:
heg said:

you advocate for suicide? just why? i do not think you are suicidal yourself so kinda ironic or hypocrisy there

suicide is against our evolution that given all lifeforms here self-preservation instinct and even sex for the prupose of reproduction is like about preservation or suvival of our soul like genes so thats why suicide is considered a disorder


another survival of our soul kind of thing is our personal data with todays modern technology like the internet too
It's because he's our resident edgelord.

Just now he made the point that all statistics are pointless and data doesn't mean anything, but somehow he always finds the take that's guaranteed to be most offensive to the largest number of people.
Funny how that works. It's almost like he's doing it on purpose *hint* *hint*.

Final judgement: Either a troll or a severely damaged individual. Either way it's not worth your time, deg.
Calling him an edgelord is one big understatement.

“The most shameless thing in the world is political power that can be inherited regardless of ability or talent!”
Sep 17, 2019 2:59 PM

Mar 2019
konkelo said:
Ryuk9428 said:

Institute for Family Studies only published and interpreted what OCED found.

At this point we both just have two studies that claim the opposite information on an international basis. But studies specific to the US and Europe have found that women have been getting progressively less happy since 1970.

You should be happy with The Guardian, they tend to lean left.

Did you though read that OECD result yourself?

Anyway since thread is about suicide one of your listed feminist country's suicide rate has been dropping since the 90's, and all those mentioned European countries suicide rates are around Europe's average. Top ranking European countries are Russia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Latvia. Special mention to Greenland. Outside of Europe countries that reach same level are from Africa, South America and Asia.

China is an interesting one though with women committing more suicides compared to men, but that has also lowered.

heg said:
even if that is true i think its a trivial matter overall whats needed are better social safety nets for males imo and that includes mental health help and not just financial or job seeking assistance

Depending of the country, but there should be better understanding of mental health and mental illnesses not being stigmatized. I'm not that optimistic to believe every suicide could be avoided and wanting to live and get help needs to come from that person first before anything can be done... But easing on getting that is a good start.

OCED only gives the results of their studies, they don't necessarily go into all the specific conclusions that can be drawn from it. The Family Institute concluded that traditional gender roles make women happier. I happened to agree with them.

Feminist countries in Europe often do have higher suicide rates. Finland, Iceland, and Sweden all have pretty high suicide rates. The US's suicide rate is also pretty bad. Europe in general has the worst problem with suicide if you go region by region.

Traditional gender roles will not guarantee that a nation's population is happy. I do believe it is one factor that improves a society but if traditional gender roles alone made a society great then 1930s America would've been "great" but we were going through a major depression during that decade so it wasn't. Eastern Europe is in a similar situation. I don't think that gender relations are a problem in Eastern Europe. Men and women, for the most part, seem to get along quite well over there. But Eastern Europe also has a depressing climate (colder climates are associated with more depression), extremely high rates of alcoholism, higher than average rates of poverty, and occasional outbreaks of war, ethnic tensions, and authoritarianism.

However, the suicide rate in Southern European nations like Italy, Greece, and Spain, which are much more similar to Western and Northern Europe with the exception of traditional gender roles, have much lower suicide rates. The only countries in South America that high suicide rates apply to is Uruguay, Suriname, Bolivia and Guyana. Most of which are tiny countries, but Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador all have pretty low suicide rates.

@Peaceful_Critic the Netherlands is probably doing the best out of those countries but Iceland and Sweden for example have some of the highest rates of anti-depressant usage.
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Sep 17, 2019 3:09 PM
Jul 2018

Yeah, but anti-depressant usage doesn't necessarily mean one country is more depressed than another. S. Korea leads the world when it comes to suicide despite low usage("In the United States, for example, only about a third of people with severe depression take an antidepressant. In South Korea, where antidepressant use is the lowest among the countries analyzed, the suicide rate is the highest in the developed world.")
Sep 17, 2019 3:14 PM

Jan 2009

lol look at some other post here too about feminism causes male suicide


i see but i do not get why you are adding female suicide here though i mean feminism movements are vocal that advocate for social changes for females sufferers of suicide, im not saying that we men should have our own feminism like movement like masculinism lol but just advocating for our mental health is a start to give us easy access to help and safety nets base on that youtube video i posted in the first post
Sep 17, 2019 3:19 PM

Mar 2019
Sphinxter said:
Ryuk9428 said:
I want to take on the bigger burden of work so that my wife doesn't need to be stressed out. Its my gift to her in exchange for a highly active sex life and so that I can be emotionally nurtured.
Then you get what you sow. Congratulations on spending your life working to nurture a parasite far more shrewd than you that is not only living of your expenses but can elect at any point to activate a divorce and continue to do so without you receiving any of those benefits you could've gotten for free.

If she is stressed out and feels like she's been working all day then she might be less inclined to want to take care of me at the end of the day. Instead, we would just both be stressed out and tired.
Or maybe you would have more free time to be taken care of because you're not working twice as much as you need to feed a parasite who has successfully managed to live of your expenses.

In addition, I'm not the best with kids, so I'd prefer to marry a very motherly woman who enjoys being nurturing towards children and me.
And in what way exactly would your quality of life increase by having children?

Your paragraph just goes to show though that traditional societies with gender roles really do benefit women more than gender neutral countries do.
No shit being a lazy-arse parasite is more beneficial than having to work. Fuck "women"; they aren't the only men on this planet.

The good thing though is that it benefits men too.
Unless of course one is not a completely spineless walkover that enjoys slaving for the benefit of a shrewd parasite conning one thereinto.

We're all better off going back to traditional gender roles. They existed for a reason, it wasn't all just nonsense.
No, the weakling that is so unattractive that the only way for him to apparently secure the companionship he so craves is to pay for it with toil and sweat is benefited by it, alongside the shrewd parasite that manipulates him into doing so.

I am most certainly not benefited by working to pay for another man's expenses; pay your own.

Getting sex is gonna require work in some capacity, especially since I'm well aware of the fact that I estimate that about 90% of the population doesn't seem to want it as badly as I do. It makes sense then for me to try and give girls a little bit more incentive than they might naturally have. Because I know in my future I will likely have access to a good bit of money, I figure that promising to provide a stress-free life for them is a good enough incentive for them to be a little extra affectionate/attentive.

I'm okay with this, I'm appreciative of women who would agree to take care of my high needs and I want to return the favor. I imagine that good sex would be a pretty nice bonus. The good thing about fucking a guy like me is that I put a lot of energy and effort into it, but I'm thinking that there's a lot of girls who would like to fuck me sometimes but may not naturally want to fuck as much as I do, so I'd like the chance to give them an incentive to be more proactive. I don't consider her to "be a shrewd parasite" for taking this agreement. I consider that to be an agreement that we've reached and if I hold up my end of the agreement, then hopefully she will as well.

Yes divorce raping people is unethical.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 17, 2019 3:22 PM

Mar 2019
Peaceful_Critic said:

Yeah, but anti-depressant usage doesn't necessarily mean one country is more depressed than another. S. Korea leads the world when it comes to suicide despite low usage("In the United States, for example, only about a third of people with severe depression take an antidepressant. In South Korea, where antidepressant use is the lowest among the countries analyzed, the suicide rate is the highest in the developed world.")

In South Korea, I'd say its because they are ignoring the problem and doing nothing to solve it. Anti-depressant use means that there's a problem but that its being treated in a way that will result in people being able to sort of cope with it but not truly be satisfied. There are a lot of health issues that go with sustained use of anti-depressants and it also shows that there's something which is causing depression frequently resulting in needing treatment.

If the root of the problem is solved, then anti-depressants won't be necessary.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 17, 2019 3:29 PM
Jul 2018
heg said:

lol look at some other post here too about feminism causes male suicide


i see but i do not get why you are adding female suicide here though i mean feminism movements are vocal that advocate for social changes for females sufferers of suicide, im not saying that we men should have our own feminism like movement like masculinism lol but just advocating for our mental health is a start to give us easy access to help and safety nets base on that youtube video I posted in the first post
My first post was mainly so people had a better way of angling themselves to the right solution(as many people in this thread addressed from the angle that men were more depressed). Though I do believe that men do need to be more encouraged to seek mental health, and men's depression also needs to be addressed(so I do agree with you). I also think addressing firearms would do more good in getting rid of the inequality that have men dying more.
Sep 17, 2019 3:30 PM

Mar 2019
Ryuk9428 said:
Getting sex is gonna require work in some capacity
I cannot say it has ever require of me more than the usual price of a train ticket to go see a friend.

especially since I'm well aware of the fact that I estimate that about 90% of the population doesn't seem to want it as badly as I do.
Maybe you should take that number and consider that your claims of that what you refer to as "traditional gender roles" being so much better that involve pretty much the only benefit of more sex then applies not to the man that seeks sex not as eagerly as you?

It makes sense then for me to try and give girls a little bit more incentive than they might naturally have. Because I know in my future I will likely have access to a good bit of money, I figure that promising to provide a stress-free life for them is a good enough incentive for them to be a little extra affectionate/attentive.
Ah yes, love and sex is to be purchased but prostitution is bad, because happen it in the confines of matrimony, then it is somehow not prostitution, though it is.

I'm okay with this
Mayhap you are, but you make generalized claims that this is supposedly in the interest of all rather than just you. You're of course free to live your life how you wish and hire a prostitute whom you style a spouse; I for one have no problems with prostitution, but your claim continues to be that this lifestyle would benefit others who — by your own admission — are not nearly as interested in sex as you are.

I'm appreciative of women who would agree to take care of my high needs and I want to return the favor. I imagine that good sex would be a pretty nice bonus. The good thing about fucking a guy like me is that I put a lot of energy and effort into it, but I'm thinking that there's a lot of girls who would like to fuck me sometimes but may not naturally want to fuck as much as I do, so I'd like the chance to give them an incentive to be more proactive. I don't consider her to "be a shrewd parasite" for taking this agreement. I consider that to be an agreement that we've reached and if I hold up my end of the agreement, then hopefully she will as well.
Then go find one if there are supposedly so many — no one is stopping you.

Yes divorce raping people is unethical.
And yet its possibility a necessity — the only other option is not allowing for divorce or ending up on the street.

Spousal alimony exists for a reason, a reason that is nonexistent when men are expected to be responsible for their own bread rather than live of that of others of course.

Even if it were not regulated by law no stay-at-home domestic partner should ever dare to be foolish enough to not negotiate it in a contract ere he live with another mand live of his expenses for the duration of that arrangement, for when it ends he has nothing left to fall back on; he has no diploma, no housing of his own &c. — and that is why it exists, and that is why the man who paid for his domestic partner's expenses for any duration ends up paying for said's expenses till his own death, even after separation.

It is obvious that "obscenity" is not a term capable of exact legal definition; in the practice of the courts, it means "anything that shocks the magistrate".

— Bertrand Russell
Sep 17, 2019 3:33 PM

Feb 2018
So, suicides are good. it's helps overpopulation.
Wives who don't work outside are parasites and...why the f*ck have children?, that does not improve your quality of life at all, right?

What beautiful thoughts, really. Not at all those of a troll.

Sep 17, 2019 3:34 PM

Jan 2009
Peaceful_Critic said:
heg said:

lol look at some other post here too about feminism causes male suicide


i see but i do not get why you are adding female suicide here though i mean feminism movements are vocal that advocate for social changes for females sufferers of suicide, im not saying that we men should have our own feminism like movement like masculinism lol but just advocating for our mental health is a start to give us easy access to help and safety nets base on that youtube video I posted in the first post
My first post was mainly so people had a better way of angling themselves to the right solution(as many people in this thread addressed from the angle that men were more depressed). Though I do believe that men do need to be more encouraged to seek mental health, and men's depression also needs to be addressed(so I do agree with you). I also think addressing firearms would do more good in getting rid of the inequality that have men dying more.

ok and i totally agree with your #GunControl proposal there

its "agency vs structure" again that reminds me how they lowered the suicide rate on the Golden Gate Bridge by adding safety nets around the bridge
Sep 17, 2019 3:50 PM

Mar 2019
Sphinxter said:
Ryuk9428 said:
Getting sex is gonna require work in some capacity
I cannot say it has ever require of me more than the usual price of a train ticket to go see a friend.

especially since I'm well aware of the fact that I estimate that about 90% of the population doesn't seem to want it as badly as I do.
Maybe you should take that number and consider that your claims of that what you refer to as "traditional gender roles" being so much better that involve pretty much the only benefit of more sex then applies not to the man that seeks sex not as eagerly as you?

It makes sense then for me to try and give girls a little bit more incentive than they might naturally have. Because I know in my future I will likely have access to a good bit of money, I figure that promising to provide a stress-free life for them is a good enough incentive for them to be a little extra affectionate/attentive.
Ah yes, love and sex is to be purchased but prostitution is bad, because happen it in the confines of matrimony, then it is somehow not prostitution, though it is.

I'm okay with this
Mayhap you are, but you make generalized claims that this is supposedly in the interest of all rather than just you. You're of course free to live your life how you wish and hire a prostitute whom you style a spouse; I for one have no problems with prostitution, but your claim continues to be that this lifestyle would benefit others who — by your own admission — are not nearly as interested in sex as you are.

I'm appreciative of women who would agree to take care of my high needs and I want to return the favor. I imagine that good sex would be a pretty nice bonus. The good thing about fucking a guy like me is that I put a lot of energy and effort into it, but I'm thinking that there's a lot of girls who would like to fuck me sometimes but may not naturally want to fuck as much as I do, so I'd like the chance to give them an incentive to be more proactive. I don't consider her to "be a shrewd parasite" for taking this agreement. I consider that to be an agreement that we've reached and if I hold up my end of the agreement, then hopefully she will as well.
Then go find one if there are supposedly so many — no one is stopping you.

Yes divorce raping people is unethical.
And yet its possibility a necessity — the only other option is not allowing for divorce or ending up on the street.

Spousal alimony exists for a reason, a reason that is nonexistent when men are expected to be responsible for their own bread rather than live of that of others of course.

Even if it were not regulated by law no stay-at-home domestic partner should ever dare to be foolish enough to not negotiate it in a contract ere he live with another mand live of his expenses for the duration of that arrangement, for when it ends he has nothing left to fall back on; he has no diploma, no housing of his own &c. — and that is why it exists, and that is why the man who paid for his domestic partner's expenses for any duration ends up paying for said's expenses till his own death, even after separation.

That's unusual, almost every other guy has to work for it.

They may not want it as badly as I do but a lot of guys, I dare say most guys, want it more often than they are having it. Most guys do not seem satisfied with their sex lives.

I never said prostitution was bad. I've actually supported it in several threads.

"Lots" may have been a misspoken word. I meant that if a girl was interested in having sex with me, she probably still wouldn't want it as much.

Well I think spousal alimony is mostly bullshit. If you divorce someone you broke the contract. Find another guy to make a similar contract with or acknowledge that you're going to have to live with less money than you would've if you stayed married.
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Sep 17, 2019 4:01 PM

Mar 2019
Just a random thought, I think @Sphinxter would have loved Weimar era Germany. The social culture of Weimar era Germany matches his values almost exactly. You should look it up.
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Sep 17, 2019 4:04 PM
Jul 2018
Ryuk9428 said:
Peaceful_Critic said:

Yeah, but anti-depressant usage doesn't necessarily mean one country is more depressed than another. S. Korea leads the world when it comes to suicide despite low usage("In the United States, for example, only about a third of people with severe depression take an antidepressant. In South Korea, where antidepressant use is the lowest among the countries analyzed, the suicide rate is the highest in the developed world.")

In South Korea, I'd say its because they are ignoring the problem and doing nothing to solve it. Anti-depressant use means that there's a problem but that its being treated in a way that will result in people being able to sort of cope with it but not truly be satisfied. There are a lot of health issues that go with sustained use of anti-depressants and it also shows that there's something which is causing depression frequently resulting in needing treatment.

If the root of the problem is solved, then anti-depressants won't be necessary.
And the root of S. Korea probably isn't a lack of gender roles. The last time I checked S. Korea had gay marriage illegal, so they aren't a very progressive country.
Sep 17, 2019 4:08 PM

Mar 2019
Peaceful_Critic said:
Ryuk9428 said:

In South Korea, I'd say its because they are ignoring the problem and doing nothing to solve it. Anti-depressant use means that there's a problem but that its being treated in a way that will result in people being able to sort of cope with it but not truly be satisfied. There are a lot of health issues that go with sustained use of anti-depressants and it also shows that there's something which is causing depression frequently resulting in needing treatment.

If the root of the problem is solved, then anti-depressants won't be necessary.
And the root of S. Korea probably isn't a lack of gender roles. The last time I checked S. Korea had gay marriage illegal, so they aren't a very progressive country.

I would agree that is not the root of South Korea's suicide problem. I would argue in South Korea's case that it has more to do with their brutal work culture which is worse than both America's and Japan's. OCED estimates South Koreans work some of the highest number of hours per year of any country. The prime minister had to pass a law restricting the maximum number of hours from 68 per week to 52 because too many companies were working their employees exactly 68 hours per week.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 17, 2019 4:20 PM
Jul 2018
Ryuk9428 said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
And the root of S. Korea probably isn't a lack of gender roles. The last time I checked S. Korea had gay marriage illegal, so they aren't a very progressive country.

I would agree that is not the root of South Korea's suicide problem. I would argue in South Korea's case that it has more to do with their brutal work culture which is worse than both America's and Japan's. OCED estimates South Koreans work some of the highest number of hours per year of any country. The prime minister had to pass a law restricting the maximum number of hours from 68 per week to 52 because too many companies were working their employees exactly 68 hours per week.

That seems quite fair.I have nothing more to add
Sep 17, 2019 4:52 PM

Feb 2010
@incisorr because a flawed hypothesis is not a fact. Hell even a normal hypothesis is not a fact.

No matter how much you try to call it a fact its just a hypothesis.

Theres not enough hard evidence or data. (and ancidotal evidence is not hard evedence.)

Also you're the one that started the thread derailment dont play the no you game here.
GrimAtramentSep 17, 2019 4:59 PM
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Sep 17, 2019 5:09 PM

Jan 2017
Ryuk9428 said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
Ah, what's misleading most of the time when this is brought up is that attempted suicides aren't mentioned alongside it("Attempted suicides occur primarily among women, while completed suicides occur primarily among men."). The attempted suicides need to be brought up so the actual issue can be addressed, and not one with holes in it. Judging by the 50.6% statistics dealing with guns, the issue seems less to do with males being more depressed(Proof). After all, females are noted as the ones facing higher rates of depression("The prevalence of major depressive episode was higher among adult females (8.7%) compared to males (5.3%)."). This actually should be more of a 2nd amendment debate than speculation as to why males are more depressed.

Women are less happy and more depressed in feminist countries...

The countries with the lowest gap in happiness between men and women were Tunisia, Japan, China, Peru and Mexico. The countries with the highest gap were Iceland, Finland, Luxembourg, Austria, and the Netherlands.

Because feminism disrupts the family, tells women it isn't important and that they should focus on work and careers instead. Working is not a privilege though, its very stressful and it sucks up the majority of your day. Deep down, most women want a husband and a family. Traditional, non-feminist societies provide the opportunity for women to be with their children and not have to deal with the stress of work or at least only have to work part time instead of full time. Meanwhile, men get to come home to a wife who's loving, not exhausted from work, and satisfies the emotional needs men have.

The only people who benefit from feminism are corporations who now have significantly more workers, can select from a more restricted pool of applicants, and can pay each of them much less money.
I mean it's not surprising since feminists are in a constant state of outrage and insecurities that are set to burst at any moment, of course they would be depressed lol And the best part is they live for that shit, it's like paint thinner, they get high off it lol
Sep 17, 2019 6:07 PM

Mar 2011
Cneq said:
Ryuk9428 said:

Women are less happy and more depressed in feminist countries...

The countries with the lowest gap in happiness between men and women were Tunisia, Japan, China, Peru and Mexico. The countries with the highest gap were Iceland, Finland, Luxembourg, Austria, and the Netherlands.

Because feminism disrupts the family, tells women it isn't important and that they should focus on work and careers instead. Working is not a privilege though, its very stressful and it sucks up the majority of your day. Deep down, most women want a husband and a family. Traditional, non-feminist societies provide the opportunity for women to be with their children and not have to deal with the stress of work or at least only have to work part time instead of full time. Meanwhile, men get to come home to a wife who's loving, not exhausted from work, and satisfies the emotional needs men have.

The only people who benefit from feminism are corporations who now have significantly more workers, can select from a more restricted pool of applicants, and can pay each of them much less money.
I mean it's not surprising since feminists are in a constant state of outrage and insecurities that are set to burst at any moment, of course they would be depressed lol And the best part is they live for that shit, it's like paint thinner, they get high off it lol
Talk about adding fuel to a needless fire. Did either of you outside of Ryuk read any of the links posted in the thread? I suppose American slavery should've been reimplented off this kind of logic if so
"In the end the World really doesn't need a Superman. Just a Brave one"
Sep 17, 2019 6:12 PM

Jan 2017
Silverstorm said:
Cneq said:
I mean it's not surprising since feminists are in a constant state of outrage and insecurities that are set to burst at any moment, of course they would be depressed lol And the best part is they live for that shit, it's like paint thinner, they get high off it lol
Talk about adding fuel to a needless fire. Did either of you outside of Ryuk read any of the links posted in the thread? I suppose American slavery should've been reimplented off this kind of logic if so
Excuse me? lol what the hell does slavery have to do with anything I just said? I said feminists come off as living in a constant state of outrage and insecurity. Period dot dot. Wasn't replying to anything else besides agreeing that most feminists are depressed due to the two reasons I said above.
Sep 17, 2019 6:18 PM

Apr 2015
Ryuk9428 said:
OCED only gives the results of their studies, they don't necessarily go into all the specific conclusions that can be drawn from it. The Family Institute concluded that traditional gender roles make women happier. I happened to agree with them.

Feminist countries in Europe often do have higher suicide rates. Finland, Iceland, and Sweden all have pretty high suicide rates. The US's suicide rate is also pretty bad. Europe in general has the worst problem with suicide if you go region by region.

Traditional gender roles will not guarantee that a nation's population is happy. I do believe it is one factor that improves a society but if traditional gender roles alone made a society great then 1930s America would've been "great" but we were going through a major depression during that decade so it wasn't. Eastern Europe is in a similar situation. I don't think that gender relations are a problem in Eastern Europe. Men and women, for the most part, seem to get along quite well over there. But Eastern Europe also has a depressing climate (colder climates are associated with more depression), extremely high rates of alcoholism, higher than average rates of poverty, and occasional outbreaks of war, ethnic tensions, and authoritarianism.

However, the suicide rate in Southern European nations like Italy, Greece, and Spain, which are much more similar to Western and Northern Europe with the exception of traditional gender roles, have much lower suicide rates. The only countries in South America that high suicide rates apply to is Uruguay, Suriname, Bolivia and Guyana. Most of which are tiny countries, but Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador all have pretty low suicide rates.

I can see that and I can as well question their source reading and their hypothesis that you agree with. Their source report does not mention a word about traditional gender roles nor having too many options that those students are confused of their future plans. What OECD suggested as a cause was related to body image and growing up to an adult. It also mentioned boys are more affected if they were unsatisfied with life compared to girls. It alone does not back up at all what you said.

Honestly don't know what you think is critically high suicide rate. Like Sweden's suicide rate was 15.8 year 2016, Iceland's was 21.7, Norway's 13.6, Denmark's 13.2 and Finland's 20.8. Only Iceland and Finland stand out from those and even when comparing to most Eastern European countries it is lower, but it's not a big challenge with Russia having 48.3 rate. And Finland's suicide rate has been dropping since the 90's like I mentioned, Iceland's case I don't know.

So you can figure reasons for high suicide rate in Eastern European countries other than abandoning traditional gender roles, but that's impossible to your feminist countries? Funny because I can think of few like dark seasons up in North, drinking culture that doesn't resemble that of Southern Europe, lack of social contacts and needing to be secluded. Just few popular ones. I know it was some big wonder back in the day why Finns, Estonians, Hungarians and other finno-uralic people kill themselves that someone figured we have genes that just makes us depressed, but I'd just blame it mostly on culture more so on social part of it.
Sep 17, 2019 6:36 PM

Mar 2011
Cneq said:
Silverstorm said:
Talk about adding fuel to a needless fire. Did either of you outside of Ryuk read any of the links posted in the thread? I suppose American slavery should've been reimplented off this kind of logic if so
Excuse me? lol what the hell does slavery have to do with anything I just said? I said feminists come off as living in a constant state of outrage and insecurity. Period dot dot. Wasn't replying to anything else besides agreeing that most feminists are depressed due to the two reasons I said above.
No one put a spotlight on slavery until you made that the focus of replying to my post--which means the overall point of the post and its intent was lost on you most likely cause of the type of example used, but the example was to emphasize a point I was making but you didn't actually answer the question. So I guess the answer was no, cause ryuk's posted links discredited what the user says, so you agreeing with it made me question if you were blindly agreeing or sincerely read the contents of the links and came with the same conclusion.
"In the end the World really doesn't need a Superman. Just a Brave one"
Sep 17, 2019 6:44 PM

Jan 2017
Silverstorm said:
Cneq said:
Excuse me? lol what the hell does slavery have to do with anything I just said? I said feminists come off as living in a constant state of outrage and insecurity. Period dot dot. Wasn't replying to anything else besides agreeing that most feminists are depressed due to the two reasons I said above.
No one put a spotlight on slavery until you made that the focus of replying to my post--which means the overall point of the post and its intent was lost on you most likely cause of the type of example used, but the example was to emphasize a point I was making but you didn't actually answer the question. So I guess the answer was no, cause ryuk's posted links discredited what the user says, so you agreeing with it made me question if you were blindly agreeing or sincerely read the contents of the links and came with the same conclusion.
"so you agreeing with it made me question if you were blindly agreeing or sincerely read the contents of the links and came with the same conclusion."

I agreed with a single sentence and therefore threw my personal opinion out there. It has nothing to do with any of the content mentioned before and doesn't need to either.
Sep 17, 2019 7:03 PM

Mar 2019
konkelo said:
Ryuk9428 said:
OCED only gives the results of their studies, they don't necessarily go into all the specific conclusions that can be drawn from it. The Family Institute concluded that traditional gender roles make women happier. I happened to agree with them.

Feminist countries in Europe often do have higher suicide rates. Finland, Iceland, and Sweden all have pretty high suicide rates. The US's suicide rate is also pretty bad. Europe in general has the worst problem with suicide if you go region by region.

Traditional gender roles will not guarantee that a nation's population is happy. I do believe it is one factor that improves a society but if traditional gender roles alone made a society great then 1930s America would've been "great" but we were going through a major depression during that decade so it wasn't. Eastern Europe is in a similar situation. I don't think that gender relations are a problem in Eastern Europe. Men and women, for the most part, seem to get along quite well over there. But Eastern Europe also has a depressing climate (colder climates are associated with more depression), extremely high rates of alcoholism, higher than average rates of poverty, and occasional outbreaks of war, ethnic tensions, and authoritarianism.

However, the suicide rate in Southern European nations like Italy, Greece, and Spain, which are much more similar to Western and Northern Europe with the exception of traditional gender roles, have much lower suicide rates. The only countries in South America that high suicide rates apply to is Uruguay, Suriname, Bolivia and Guyana. Most of which are tiny countries, but Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador all have pretty low suicide rates.

I can see that and I can as well question their source reading and their hypothesis that you agree with. Their source report does not mention a word about traditional gender roles nor having too many options that those students are confused of their future plans. What OECD suggested as a cause was related to body image and growing up to an adult. It also mentioned boys are more affected if they were unsatisfied with life compared to girls. It alone does not back up at all what you said.

Honestly don't know what you think is critically high suicide rate. Like Sweden's suicide rate was 15.8 year 2016, Iceland's was 21.7, Norway's 13.6, Denmark's 13.2 and Finland's 20.8. Only Iceland and Finland stand out from those and even when comparing to most Eastern European countries it is lower, but it's not a big challenge with Russia having 48.3 rate. And Finland's suicide rate has been dropping since the 90's like I mentioned, Iceland's case I don't know.

So you can figure reasons for high suicide rate in Eastern European countries other than abandoning traditional gender roles, but that's impossible to your feminist countries? Funny because I can think of few like dark seasons up in North, drinking culture that doesn't resemble that of Southern Europe, lack of social contacts and needing to be secluded. Just few popular ones. I know it was some big wonder back in the day why Finns, Estonians, Hungarians and other finno-uralic people kill themselves that someone figured we have genes that just makes us depressed, but I'd just blame it mostly on culture more so on social part of it.

Yeah and that makes no sense to me. It seems far more plausible that people are depressed and killing themselves as a result of lifelong loneliness than because of "body image problems" which quite frankly sound related anyway. After-all, why do you want your body to be attractive?

All of those suicide rates are very fucking high. Russia's suicide rate being terrifyingly high doesn't discount that all of those rates are very high. Greece's suicide rate is 3.8, Spain is at 6.1, and Italy's is 5.5.

Northern countries being secluded is strongly related to what I was talking about. Lifelong loneliness as a result of the breakdown of family and marriage. I wouldn't be surprised if the dark seasons and cold climate contributes though.

The UK, France, and Germany drink a lot but Sweden and Iceland are not particularly hard drinkers. Certainly not compared to the Spanish. The Finnish drink a good bit though.
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Sep 17, 2019 7:47 PM

Mar 2019
Silverstorm said:
Cneq said:
Excuse me? lol what the hell does slavery have to do with anything I just said? I said feminists come off as living in a constant state of outrage and insecurity. Period dot dot. Wasn't replying to anything else besides agreeing that most feminists are depressed due to the two reasons I said above.
No one put a spotlight on slavery until you made that the focus of replying to my post--which means the overall point of the post and its intent was lost on you most likely cause of the type of example used, but the example was to emphasize a point I was making but you didn't actually answer the question. So I guess the answer was no, cause ryuk's posted links discredited what the user says, so you agreeing with it made me question if you were blindly agreeing or sincerely read the contents of the links and came with the same conclusion.

How are the links discrediting my claims?
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