(There is a lot of text which i've accumulated throughout the years and many of the things i wrote are old but i won't edit them because its hilarious to me to see how stupid i was when i was younger, writing all that stuff, and how my "Style" is changing with time)
p.s the reason why my average score is slightly higher is because i obviously pick animes that i think i'd like and not just watch anything randomly and naturally when i look for things that fit my preferences i'd end up liking most
p.p.s a some of my scores are now outdated and i might not agree with them as much ,cus i've been watching anime for so many years now, so things that i've rated awhile ago might not be very accurate any more but unless i rewatch them i won't change. For example i might not rate some things that i currently have at 10/9 the same way but if i felt like it deserved a 10 at the time i won't change it in the future (altho there might be exceptions)
How i rate things?
I rate mostly based on reasoning and on how cohesive plots are, how much sense it makes within its own settings and if it's properly explained and justified on top of how entertaining it is and how it is presented. I'm generally accepting of *all* genres so if i watch an anime that's perfectly executed but is not in my preferred genre (romance/comedy) i will still rate the anime highly because i can appreciate the effort and i even find enjoyment in all sorts of genres if they are well made.
There are exceptions (as with all things in life) which is why i use my "blogs" to clarify things and the time at which the anime has aired/and i've seen it does matter to an extent. I also look at how many things the anime is attempting to achieve and how it does it (like a focus on comedy or characters or plot/story or all three of those cause believe it or not some animes actually succeed at getting everything right) but i don't rate an anime higher because it has more things that it focuses on, i rate animes high if they are good at what they do. If it's a comedy as long as its not too bare and blatant , even if it's lacking on character development, as long as the rest of the anime is really good and they utilize the screen time they are given correctly, i will rate it highly.
I will not reserve my 10 score for one anime out of 500 because i believe that's silly and even elitistic. There is no objectively correct score and this is even wildly mood based so if you were to see a X or Y show in a different period of your life then it's not the show getting better, just you seeing it differently. I will still try to be objective but will not straight up condemn animes because they did one or two things wrong as long as they are good as a whole. Being stiff with your entertainment just means getting less enjoyment out of it and that's already doing it wrong.
That being said, animes i rate high are clearly good by my standards and animes i rate poorly are lacking in something and that's usually justification and reasoning because i don't forgive stories that do whatever they want without trying to make sense which is why supernatural is the easiest genre for me to hate because it's the easiest genre to screw up by just putting unexplained silly phenomenons that make no sense whatsoever but are just trying to hold a flawed production together. Altho like i said i can overlook a flaw or two as long as the rest is good and this applies to supernatural as well, if the characters and the story are good (and potentially comedy or romance or whatever other parts) then i can forgive ''some'' unexplained things.
nmr spectroscopy uses magnetic fields and a beam of radiowaves aimed at nucleus of atoms, the radio waves's frequency varies. Nuclei absorb energy and the amunt depends on its environment: atoms attatched to and whole groups even like COOH. Nucleus is partially shielded by surrounding electrons. Different nuclei in different environment absorb diffferent energies at different frequencies in different amounts. Tetramethylsilane (Si(CH3)4) is used as a standard substance where all other's absorbance are measured relative to TMS (Si(CH3)4) and it is at 0 all the time, this standard substance. These relatives are known as Chemical shifts in ppm. nuclear quantum effects in hydrophobic bonding (this bit is just random).
I've heard about Vsauce but this is the first time I'm watching one of his videos and I've got to say that everything he said makes perfect sense. It was a great video and a great boost to self-confidence at the same time.
Medication helps some people, anti-depressants never helped me and it's way over prescribed, was just curious. Anyway yeah i played shadowverse for a while, i dropped it when i had too much on my plate. I just recently started to binge on Borderlands 3 after finally caving in and buying it. It has been a ride but in a week i'll probably get bored of it and move on to something else. As for card games, hearthstone is the only one I've consistently played over the years. It does get old but every now and then an expansion comes out and reels me in for a couple weeks.
Anyway, i like having someone to talk to on here sorry i took a while to respond just don't check as often as i used to. Please just keep your head up, there should be some hope for the future. I myself am working a shitty job that doesn't pay well but it's gotten to the point where i'm only working night shifts and really enjoy not working a miserable 9-5 job. I haven't had a serious relationship in several years and it is depressing but it's no ones fault buy my own for not putting myself out there. That is about the only thing that really gets me down these days i could care less about work or school, as long as i am not alone i will be happy with my life.
Sorry to hear :(
Anime and gaming was my escape during the worst part of my life, i just stuck with it and got hooked on Japanese music in the process. Are you taking any medication or found helpful ways of dealing with depression? If you ever want to chat i'll be on here, I don't see myself abandoning anime / mal anytime soon.
The only game i've played recently is Hearthstone, have you ever got into it? I've been playing the new solo adventure recently. Then when i get bored of it i'll consider buying Borderlands 3 or wait for another game that catches my eye. As far as getting distracted that is why I've been avoiding subbed shows but there are a handful of shows like Gintama that i'll eventually get around to watching in subs.
If your into Diablo 3, I will probably get back into it in December when they update the game.
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Anyway, i like having someone to talk to on here sorry i took a while to respond just don't check as often as i used to. Please just keep your head up, there should be some hope for the future. I myself am working a shitty job that doesn't pay well but it's gotten to the point where i'm only working night shifts and really enjoy not working a miserable 9-5 job. I haven't had a serious relationship in several years and it is depressing but it's no ones fault buy my own for not putting myself out there. That is about the only thing that really gets me down these days i could care less about work or school, as long as i am not alone i will be happy with my life.
Anime and gaming was my escape during the worst part of my life, i just stuck with it and got hooked on Japanese music in the process. Are you taking any medication or found helpful ways of dealing with depression? If you ever want to chat i'll be on here, I don't see myself abandoning anime / mal anytime soon.
The only game i've played recently is Hearthstone, have you ever got into it? I've been playing the new solo adventure recently. Then when i get bored of it i'll consider buying Borderlands 3 or wait for another game that catches my eye. As far as getting distracted that is why I've been avoiding subbed shows but there are a handful of shows like Gintama that i'll eventually get around to watching in subs.
If your into Diablo 3, I will probably get back into it in December when they update the game.