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Sep 20, 2018 5:25 AM

Oct 2014
(Please note that I intentionally don't mention SAO, because that's the Death Game VRMMORPG subgenre and not the isekai subgenre)

I noticed that recently some people, specifically the "isekai haters", have had this unexplainable grudge that makes them dismiss any series that has the words "reincarnated into another world", "transported into another world" or "summoned into another world" in the synopsis.

But actually there aren't that many "bad kinds" of isekai out there. Infact there are more good ones.

Bad isekai:

- Isekai smartphone (worst of the worst cliché, the main "culprit" behind the isekai hate)
- Death March (although the source material is good, it's among the slowest-paced isekai in existence, the anime adaptation had many issues and adapted the weakest part of the series)
- Hyakuren something something Valkyria (similar problems to Isekai smartphone)

That's it. Are people so hateful, just because of these 3? I mean take a look at isekai that got a fairly positive reception in the Western anime community:

- Re:Zero
- Overlord
- Konosuba
- Youjo Senki
- Log Horizon

So how come some people assume that every new upcoming isekai will be a bad "harem ecchi full of bad cliché" even when those genres aren't listed in the series description on MAL or other anime seasonal charts?

Grey-ZoneSep 20, 2018 5:29 AM
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Sep 20, 2018 5:29 AM

Jan 2013
1. Overused tropes and cliches
2. Usually predictable plots
3. Terrible and wimpy MCs

Thats more than enough to hate a show and isekai is mostly filled with those
Sep 20, 2018 5:31 AM

Sep 2015
I mean, I consider Death March to be up there among my favorite trapped-in-a-videogame Isekai series. It really was just a pretty chill series about a little group knocking about, and having a good time in a pretty lighthearted and nice way from what I saw in the anime. I'd actually be kind of disappointed if the series tried making a darker or edgier or more serious turn ._. It had enough action and conflict to count as an action series still, but not nearly enough to take away from it's more lax and lighthearted vibe and adventure.

Then again, the situation almost feels like a copy/paste scenario from magic school anime from a year or so ago - you had one or maybe two within a season, can probably count the total number of them within the timespan people acted like it was the only thing being made on one or two hands at most out of literally every single show released, and yet somehow people began shitting their pants and losing their heads about how it's overrunning the medium, never actually looking to compare the series to their contemporaries or putting forth thought into it, just following some stupid fuckin' checklist of "lookie it's a magic school setting and there's a lot of females in the promo let's act like it's just the exact same shit as everything else." Hence why, in the Isekai discussion, I always want to make it a fuckin' point to be like "HEYYYYYY LET'S COMPARE DEATH MARCH AND OVERLORD AND LOOK AT HOW EXACTLY ALIKE THEY ARE, YOU DUMB FUCK."

I legitimately think they're just misdirecting their frustrations a lot of the time onto something being deemed an acceptable target, rather than doing anything productive with it, but eh. The complaints are pretty much the exact same shit from the magic school harem bit, the discussions are pretty much the exact same shit from the magic school harem bit, some parameters moved to just pretty much make it an isekai and these people are probably just going to jump through hoops to try to justify their hyperbole and how they over-exaggerate the prominence and quote-unquote derivativeness of these types of series somehow, rather than recognizing what seems pretty fuckin' obvious to me. I think it's kinda fuckin' stupid, just like I thought the same shit with magic school harems was kinda fuckin' stupid last year, and I have pretty much no respect for it.

Also the fuck kind of thought process does a few seasons with one or maybe shows with a related premise count as spam, overrunning the medium, or even being a trend, anyway? Nobody talks about magic school harems anymore and that was the thing just a few fuckin' months ago, the discussion already shifted to isekai within this incredibly short timespan because of like, a very small handful of shows relative to what's been released within the past year when the bitching became more prominent.

ofc, let's just shit ourselves about how popular and money-printing these series are or something, easy and thoughtless justification where we just hide understanding the concept of a "trend" with "business" without even looking at how fucking prominent it actually is, just that a few idiots greatly overstate the presence of something and we listen rather than look into it ourselves for some reason. Fucking christ, this board.
ManabanSep 20, 2018 5:41 AM

Sep 20, 2018 5:31 AM

Aug 2013
Because it's popular? I don't know why but I think that everything that becomes popular and get on the hype train is almost immediately hated. And it's not only with isekai, it's with every genre.
Sep 20, 2018 5:32 AM

Mar 2018
I just think it's a very hard genre to have a good show. Only a select few Isekai shows have actually been able to make a name for themselves critically and popularity wise.
Sep 20, 2018 5:35 AM

Aug 2015
>Log horizon



30 character... you happy now internet police ?
Sep 20, 2018 5:36 AM

Oct 2017
We're talking about "some" people here. Every fan base has haters, so yeah, deal with it.

Also, if isekai were bad and hated by people, they wouldn't be getting anime adaptations, to begin with. End of Story.

Sep 20, 2018 5:37 AM

May 2018
Because it so overused just like how people use to hate idol anime.
Sep 20, 2018 5:38 AM

Jan 2013
I think it's mostly the over-abundance.
Sep 20, 2018 5:38 AM

Aug 2015

deathgame vrmmorpg sub genre ? did you pull that out of your *** ?
Sep 20, 2018 5:39 AM

Sep 2013
Grey-Zone said:

So how come some people assume that every new upcoming isekai will be a bad "harem ecchi full of bad cliché" even when those genres aren't listed in the series description on MAL or other anime seasonal charts?

Because most of it are these 'harem ecchi full of bad cliche'

if you search for isekai content at least 60% will be ecchi harem.
Imagine if you had to eat 10 breads, and when you've eaten 6, all of them were awful, that's basicaly what happens with the isekai genre, most of it are mediocre. When you enconter something good it's surprising.

so answering the question

the overuse of the setup that is ' to send the mc to another world ' to make the story entertaining
Sep 20, 2018 5:43 AM

Feb 2013
the whole isekai hate thing has reached the point where i hear more people complaining about people hating isekai than people actually hating isekai
Sep 20, 2018 5:44 AM

Jul 2013
It is pretty much cause of those three shows mentioned. Out of those three Death March is the lesser extent of bad but boring. Death March was did little to nothing to establish the world building, the characters, etc. And instead reduced into a "harem-ish" slice of life series. I wouldn't have to much of a problem with if they focused on the world building as well. With the other two well those two shows are horse shit and you could tell what will it be about just by looking at the posters.

The main problem people have with Isekai is that they just use it as a scapegoat just to make a harem of fetishy objectified thirtsy girls, who has the only purpose is satisfy the horny males that what it, instead of establishing what makes their world unique. Its sad that a Digimon a kids show could do that better than these three.

That's all I have to say about this

Sep 20, 2018 5:49 AM

Jun 2017
If Overlord is a example of "good" isekai then isekai is really bad...
Sep 20, 2018 5:52 AM

Sep 2013
mhkr said:
If Overlord is a example of "good" isekai then isekai is really bad...
I think he meant that what most people think of x anime

most people think overlord is good
while most people think smartphone isekai is bad, something like that.
Sep 20, 2018 5:54 AM

Apr 2015
People just want new stories, not the Mad Libs version of the same basic idea.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Sep 20, 2018 5:55 AM

Oct 2014
Klad said:
1. Overused tropes and cliches
2. Usually predictable plots
3. Terrible and wimpy MCs

Thats more than enough to hate a show and isekai is mostly filled with those

That doesn't even apply to most of the 8 series in total I listed above. Since it doesn't apply to even 50% of isekai adaptations, then how can you even call it a trait of the subgenre?

Lisbon said:
I mean, I consider Death March to be up there among my favorite trapped-in-a-videogame Isekai series. It really was just a pretty chill series about a little group knocking about, and having a good time in a pretty lighthearted and nice way from what I saw in the anime. I'd actually be kind of disappointed if the series tried making a darker or edgier or more serious turn ._. It had enough action and conflict to count as an action series still, but not nearly enough to take away from it's more lax and lighthearted vibe and adventure.

Then again, the situation almost feels like a copy/paste scenario from magic school anime from a year or so ago - you had one or maybe two within a season, can probably count the total number of them within the timespan people acted like it was the only thing being made on one or two hands at most out of literally every single show released, and yet somehow people began shitting their pants and losing their heads about how it's overrunning the medium, never actually looking to compare the series to their contemporaries or putting forth thought into it, just following some stupid fuckin' checklist of "lookie it's a magic school setting and there's a lot of females in the promo let's act like it's just the exact same shit as everything else." Hence why, in the Isekai discussion, I always want to make it a fuckin' point to be like "HEYYYYYY LET'S COMPARE DEATH MARCH AND OVERLORD AND LOOK AT HOW EXACTLY ALIKE THEY ARE, YOU DUMB FUCK."

I legitimately think they're just misdirecting their frustrations a lot of the time onto something being deemed an acceptable target, rather than doing anything productive with it, but eh. The complaints are pretty much the exact same shit from the magic school harem bit, the discussions are pretty much the exact same shit from the magic school harem bit, some parameters moved to just pretty much make it an isekai and these people are probably just going to jump through hoops to try to justify their hyperbole and how they over-exaggerate the prominence and quote-unquote derivativeness of these types of series somehow, rather than recognizing what seems pretty fuckin' obvious to me. I think it's kinda fuckin' stupid, just like I thought the same shit with magic school harems was kinda fuckin' stupid last year, and I have pretty much no respect for it.

Also the fuck kind of thought process does a few seasons with one or maybe shows with a related premise count as spam, overrunning the medium, or even being a trend, anyway? Nobody talks about magic school harems anymore and that was the thing just a few fuckin' months ago, the discussion already shifted to isekai within this incredibly short timespan because of like, a very small handful of shows relative to what's been released within the past year when the bitching became more prominent.

ofc, let's just shit ourselves about how popular and money-printing these series are or something, easy and thoughtless justification where we just hide understanding the concept of a "trend" with "business" without even looking at how fucking prominent it actually is, just that a few idiots greatly overstate the presence of something and we listen rather than look into it ourselves for some reason. Fucking christ, this board.

The main problem is that people focus unusually much on the setting of shows within this particular subgenre, but do not do the same for other genres. And I have yet to see a single rational reason they do so. It's a great mystery to me that none of the haters up until now could give a satisfying answer to. Some said it's "pattern recognition", but I have already proven that there are barely 3 shows this "pattern" even applies to so it makes no sense to apply it to all the other isekai.

But yes, you are certainly right about the "subgenre hate target" that changes every now and then and magic high school was indeed the one right before isekai.

YuskeUrameshi said:
Because it's popular? I don't know why but I think that everything that becomes popular and get on the hype train is almost immediately hated. And it's not only with isekai, it's with every genre.

That's certainly one of the reasons, I agree. But it's kinda hard to accept that that's the sole reason.

mazzetti said:
I just think it's a very hard genre to have a good show. Only a select few Isekai shows have actually been able to make a name for themselves critically and popularity wise.

I disagree. When they aired, series like Log Horizon, Konosuba, Overlord and Re:Zero have been very popular. Every single of these 4 shows are completely different from each other, but people still claim that "all isekai are the same".

MeinKaiser said:
>Log horizon



30 character... you happy now internet police ?

Admit it, you are just salty that people were thinking that "LOGH" means Log Horizon, ever since it aired ;)

KatsutoSaki said:
We're talking about "some" people here. Every fan base has haters, so yeah, deal with it.

Also, if isekai were bad and hated by people, they wouldn't be getting anime adaptations, to begin with. End of Story.

I specifically saw quite a few anime youtubers on their "what i watch in season X 201X" videos dismiss any isekai instantly as trash regardless of anything. My guess is that one of the big anime youtubers once made a video ranting about how terrible isekai are which caused many others to copy paste that behaviour and it influenced a lot of the Western anime community.
Grey-ZoneSep 20, 2018 6:03 AM
Sep 20, 2018 5:56 AM

Jul 2017
Cliches, Bad characters and plot sometimes even predictable.
Sep 20, 2018 5:59 AM

Nov 2017
Isekai is an over saturated genre, when people get trapped in another world it shouldn't be a good thing when most depict it to be this ultimate dream come true, there would be nothing wrong with it if it had some originality like Overlord with good character designs however most of them don't and use the normal tropes of a power fantasy to give you some shitty escapism, they may be fun for some people because of this reason but that doesn't excuse from being a terrible shows for the sole purpose of giving you that escapism and nothing else.
Sep 20, 2018 6:00 AM

Oct 2014
CatSoul said:
People just want new stories, not the Mad Libs version of the same basic idea.

Shqiptari said:
The most rasonable reason is because of the Main Character(Male). They are always OP for some reason and always animes with isekkai genre are predicable. It doesn't feel good, knowing everything that probably will happen...
Should we talk about Chicks fallowing the MC for some reason that we will never know? Better no

blumenbalt said:
Grey-Zone said:

So how come some people assume that every new upcoming isekai will be a bad "harem ecchi full of bad cliché" even when those genres aren't listed in the series description on MAL or other anime seasonal charts?

Because most of it are these 'harem ecchi full of bad cliche'

if you search for isekai content at least 60% will be ecchi harem.
Imagine if you had to eat 10 breads, and when you've eaten 6, all of them were awful, that's basicaly what happens with the isekai genre, most of it are mediocre. When you enconter something good it's surprising.

so answering the question

the overuse of the setup that is ' to send the mc to another world ' to make the story entertaining

RapidShadow said:
Isekai is an over saturated genre, when people get trapped in another world it shouldn't be a good thing when most depict it to be this ultimate dream come true, there would be nothing wrong with it if it had some originality like Overlord with good character designs however most of them don't and use the normal tropes of a power fantasy to give you some shitty escapism, they may be fun for some people because of this reason but that doesn't excuse from being a terrible shows for the sole purpose of giving you that escapism and nothing else.

What's "exactly the same" between Overlord, Log Horizon, Re:Zero and Konosuba other than the basic premise of "being transported into a different world"?

Sep 20, 2018 6:03 AM

Mar 2017
@Grey-Zone You're missing some.

How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ashes

Both also have generally warm receptions.


The internet culture is prone to panic strikes. It's almost always a handful few over-blowing things, engaging in slippery slope fallacy here and there, and of course, the internet gives them a platform they can be very vocal on that they'd seem like a majority even when they are far far from it. This is one of the newer "things that's going to ruin this thing we love". 'Member Gamergate? The trans-women being allowed in the women's bathroom in that one city?

Heck, if Bruce Almighty was filmed now and Morgan Freeman is casted as God, the Internet would have a hysterical fit about SJWs trying to blackwash God and that they're ruining Hollywood movies forever.
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Sep 20, 2018 6:04 AM

Oct 2014
Grey-Zone said:
So how come some people assume that every new upcoming isekai will be a bad
To me, you can completely remove the aspect of being Isekai and it changes absolutely nothing about a lot of anime, maybe a couple lines of dialogue at best. It begs the question, why do it at all? I assume it's just a marketing cash grab. That isn't to say genuinely good ones don't/wont exist that completely revolve around the idea of Isekai, just that the majority (majority of every genre) isn't going to be quality. I assume people don't think about it like that because most people haven't lived through new genres being born and/or creating a massive wave, and because of it there are a lot more scrutinous eyes on it due to the people trying to cash in on it.

I don't believe in the Devil.
You should. He believes in you.
Sep 20, 2018 6:08 AM

Nov 2017
Grey-Zone said:
RapidShadow said:
Isekai is an over saturated genre, when people get trapped in another world it shouldn't be a good thing when most depict it to be this ultimate dream come true, there would be nothing wrong with it if it had some originality like Overlord with good character designs however most of them don't and use the normal tropes of a power fantasy to give you some shitty escapism, they may be fun for some people because of this reason but that doesn't excuse from being a terrible shows for the sole purpose of giving you that escapism and nothing else.

What's "exactly the same" between Overlord, Log Horizon, Re:Zero and Konosuba other than the basic premise of "being transported into a different world"?

I'm talking about the trash not the good shows(except rezero which is trash except package differently) most isekai anime are bad and only a handful being good that's why people get mad whenever a new isekai gets announced because it 90% of the time it is awful or just mediocre like Death March and when it does break out of cliche people do appreciate it but very rarely does it break out of cliche.
Sep 20, 2018 6:10 AM
Sep 2017
too much lolis and tits thats all you need to know
Sep 20, 2018 6:10 AM

May 2014
Most of them are just escapism riding the popular wave of isekai with little to no creativity. An older isekai anime like now and then here and there, clearly isn't trying to be teenage boy wish fulfillment.
Having said that i'm still going to be watching that slime and spider isekai anime, it's worth giving them a go because there will always be exceptions to the rule.

I still stand by that Digimon is the best isekai and that's not even nostalgia talking since i only finished it last year. The world is actually very interesting and it's not just a video game world with elf girls.
Sep 20, 2018 6:11 AM

Sep 2018
I'm indifferent towards Isekai. I'm giving every show the benefit of the doubt, and even if I've made many bad experiences with Isekai shows in the past, this doesn't mean that I can't get enjoyment out of future Isekai titles that are actually fun to watch.

What I'm wondering about though, is why you consider Log Horizon to be Isekai? Every person these characters are interacting with, so to speak, is also another human being who is trapped in the same situation? They [the main characters] are not thrown into a world totally unfamiliar to them with no one else around that can understand their peculiar predicament? Even if Log Horizon is considered Isekai, it really is atypical for its genre. Meaning that lots of Isekai "haters" might enjoy it.

Sep 20, 2018 6:11 AM

Nov 2014
I'd have to agree with "just haters" argument.

Just look at something like Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari. Ecchi, harem, isekai, not overly manly MC. If that got announced today there would be a lot of salt.

Funnily enough, the most cliche isekai I can think of - Zero no Tsukaima - that on top of all above also includes loli tsundere, has pretty good opinions. No hate bandwagon, no using it as example of something bad.
Sep 20, 2018 6:12 AM

Mar 2017
RapidShadow said:

I'm talking about the trash not the good shows(except rezero which is trash except package differently) most isekai anime are bad and only a handful being good that's why people get mad whenever a new isekai gets announced because it 90% of the time it is awful or just mediocre like Death March and when it does break out of cliche people do appreciate it but very rarely does it break out of cliche.

*inhales deeply*


Did you read his opening post where he very clearly stated this simple mathematical fact:

Number of new wave isekai widely regarded as gutter trash: 3
Number of new wave isekai with generally positive reception and distinct identity: 5 (+2 actually, bringing the total to 7)
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Sep 20, 2018 6:13 AM

Aug 2017
whenever a westerner watches an isekai anime for more than a minute a thing ticks in their brain that causes them to scream in pain and start crying unconditionally
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Sep 20, 2018 6:14 AM

Jan 2013
I don’t hate the isekai trope per se, it really depends on the characters and other things. For example, I watched Zero no Tsukaima when I was like 14 and I looooved it. I quite enjoyed Re:Zero as well, and KonoSuba was a fun watch too. However things like Death March or Isekai Smartphone are just unbearable for me.

weetI guess, as long as I have life, all I can do is fight with all my might.
Sep 20, 2018 6:14 AM

Jan 2009
i do not mind Isekai shows but im not actively looking to watch them, on top of my head the Isekai that i enjoyed the most is The Vision of Escaflowne
Sep 20, 2018 6:16 AM

Mar 2017
@Grey-Zone Oops, also add Knight's & Magic to that list. Not sure about its reception.
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Sep 20, 2018 6:16 AM

Nov 2013
Bias, bias, bias and the usual Internet exaggeration. Did I mention bias?

Most people have only seen the ones that you mentioned and think all Isekai are the same. Which couldn't be further from the truth. It's basically the same as with magical girl anime. Everything after Madoka Magica is a rip-off.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Sep 20, 2018 6:18 AM

Sep 2013
Grey-Zone said:

What's "exactly the same" between Overlord, Log Horizon, Re:Zero and Konosuba other than the basic premise of "being transported into a different world"?

game patterns
discovering rules of the new world
encontering new people to socialize
engaging into problems in the new world because of conflicting morals between your morals and the current morals of the isekai world
lots of girls that the mc deals with, not necessarily being in an affective way, but always a good amount of attractive woman
is it enough?

also, konosuba is kinda different because it's basically a parody of this same genre, but the same patterns are there

don't get me wrong I freaking lot isekai ( and ecchi harem )
I just can't deny the fact that the genre is overused and cliche at this point
Sep 20, 2018 6:19 AM

Aug 2012
It's just so cliche & overdone. The narrative is usually the same with generic and predictable scenarios. I dislike the fantasy setting its usually set to as well. Just not my thing
Sep 20, 2018 6:19 AM

Nov 2017
Eanki said:
RapidShadow said:

I'm talking about the trash not the good shows(except rezero which is trash except package differently) most isekai anime are bad and only a handful being good that's why people get mad whenever a new isekai gets announced because it 90% of the time it is awful or just mediocre like Death March and when it does break out of cliche people do appreciate it but very rarely does it break out of cliche.

*inhales deeply*


Did you read his opening post where he very clearly stated this simple mathematical fact:

Number of new wave isekai widely regarded as gutter trash: 3
Number of new wave isekai with generally positive reception and distinct identity: 5 (+2 actually, bringing the total to 7)

IDK maybe I'm interpreting this the wrong way but his question was that why do people hate on new upcoming isekai anime so I gave him a reason why they're hated and why people will hate them unless they do something original like Overlord.
Sep 20, 2018 6:21 AM

Oct 2014
blumenbalt said:
Grey-Zone said:

What's "exactly the same" between Overlord, Log Horizon, Re:Zero and Konosuba other than the basic premise of "being transported into a different world"?

game patterns
discovering rules of the new world
encontering new people to socialize
engaging into problems in the new world because of conflicting morals between your morals and the current morals of the isekai world
lots of girls that the mc deals with, not necessarily being in an affective way, but always a good amount of attractive woman
is it enough?

also, konosuba is kinda different because it's basically a parody of this same genre, but the same patterns are there

Most of these aren't even "bad" traits though. They are on the same level as similarities that almost each fantasy, mecha and/or sci-fi have.
Sep 20, 2018 6:24 AM

Oct 2014
RapidShadow said:
Eanki said:

*inhales deeply*


Did you read his opening post where he very clearly stated this simple mathematical fact:

Number of new wave isekai widely regarded as gutter trash: 3
Number of new wave isekai with generally positive reception and distinct identity: 5 (+2 actually, bringing the total to 7)

IDK maybe I'm interpreting this the wrong way but his question was that why do people hate on new upcoming isekai anime so I gave him a reason why they're hated and why people will hate them unless they do something original like Overlord.

And I explained earlier that that is irrational because there are more of the "unique" isekai adaptations than there are the "copy& paste" isekai adaptations. Whenever I ask people to tell me a list of all the "various reptetive shows", I get nothing.
Sep 20, 2018 6:24 AM

Feb 2018
Probably a lot of generic shity isekai being produced every season since sao aired.
Sep 20, 2018 6:26 AM

Sep 2013
Grey-Zone said:

Most of these aren't even "bad" traits though. They are on the same level as similarities that almost each fantasy, mecha and/or sci-fi have.

I didn't say these are bad cliches, they are just cliches, at least to me. It's arguable that these are bad or not, but that's not really the point.
the point here is that it's really overused, it predictable the steps that the mc will take each time there is an isekai anime, you could literally write the same pattern and it will happen everytime.

when I referred as 'bad cliche ecchi harem' I just mentioned what you said about isekai, I don't find these cliches bad, just like I said I love isekai and ecchi harem, but I can't deny that these are overused cliches and it's pretty much the reason isekai is hated, not necessarily because the cliches are bad but because it's too cliche
Sep 20, 2018 6:27 AM

Oct 2014
xShinigami3125 said:
Probably a lot of generic shity isekai being produced every season since sao aired.

The actual facts contradict that though. Seem my and Eanki's posts

Eanki said:
@Grey-Zone Oops, also add Knight's & Magic to that list. Not sure about its reception.

Knights & Magic is a bit of a special case with it being a fantasy mecha and all. It didn't really get the best receptions, escpacially from source readers, due to overly rushed adaptation and the... CGI. The reasons are obviously different from other isekai though.
Sep 20, 2018 6:28 AM

Nov 2017
Grey-Zone said:
RapidShadow said:

IDK maybe I'm interpreting this the wrong way but his question was that why do people hate on new upcoming isekai anime so I gave him a reason why they're hated and why people will hate them unless they do something original like Overlord.

And I explained earlier that that is irrational because there are more of the "unique" isekai adaptations than there are the "copy& paste" isekai adaptations. Whenever I ask people to tell me a list of all the "various reptetive shows", I get nothing.

Ther are more repetitive isekai than there are good ones you only know of three and even if they have something creative in them the execution is terrible.
Sep 20, 2018 6:30 AM

Mar 2017
blumenbalt said:
Grey-Zone said:

What's "exactly the same" between Overlord, Log Horizon, Re:Zero and Konosuba other than the basic premise of "being transported into a different world"?

game patterns

They have different quirks, rules, and mechanics so they end up having vastly different execution of plot.

blumenbalt said:

discovering rules of the new world

Same as above. Different execution. With Log Horizon in particular building a very detailed and evolving world where the author constantly expands on the many things he established by asking himself what are the many implications of the game rules becoming reality. Building the world from implications of the very first things established, worldbuilding ala George R.R. Martin's Westeros & Essos, one of the most lauded works of 21st century Western Fantasy literature. Gardener type writing.

For context:

“I think there are two types of writers, the architects and the gardeners. The architects plan everything ahead of time, like an architect building a house. They know how many rooms are going to be in the house, what kind of roof they're going to have, where the wires are going to run, what kind of plumbing there's going to be. They have the whole thing designed and blueprinted out before they even nail the first board up. The gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed and water it. They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don't know how many branches it's going to have, they find out as it grows. And I'm much more a gardener than an architect.”

― George R.R. Martin

Let me spell that out for you, as a fantasy nut. The world of Log Horizon is one that I consider in high regards. And I'm weaned on Middle Earth and Westeros & Essos, two of the finest worlds in Western fantasy literature. So there.

blumenbalt said:

encontering new people to socialize

Every anime ever.

blumenbalt said:

engaging into problems in the new world because of conflicting morals between your morals and the current morals of the isekai world

Different executions and ideas.

blumenbalt said:

lots of girls that the mc deals with, not necessarily being in an affective way, but always a good amount of attractive woman

What fucking anime are you watching where there isn't a good amount of attractive women?
EankiSep 20, 2018 6:35 AM
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Sep 20, 2018 6:31 AM

Oct 2014
RapidShadow said:
Grey-Zone said:

And I explained earlier that that is irrational because there are more of the "unique" isekai adaptations than there are the "copy& paste" isekai adaptations. Whenever I ask people to tell me a list of all the "various reptetive shows", I get nothing.

Ther are more repetitive isekai than there are good ones you only know of three and even if they have something creative in them the execution is terrible.

Again the mysterious "unknown" bad isekai that exist somewhere, sometime. I wonder in what secret dimension these phantom anime are hiding that I didn't get to see them.
Sep 20, 2018 6:32 AM

Apr 2015
Grey-Zone said:
What's "exactly the same" between Overlord, Log Horizon, Re:Zero and Konosuba other than the basic premise of "being transported into a different world"?

I don't think it's fair to count Konosuba in with other isekai, since it's a parody.

I'm not trying to argue that all isekai, especially the ones that have reasonably high scores on MAL, are bad. I'm explaining why people are hesitant about the isekai genre—almost every isekai show that comes out desperately wants to be one of the shows that you listed, which is where the "Mad Libs" feeling comes in.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Sep 20, 2018 6:36 AM

Oct 2014
CatSoul said:
Grey-Zone said:
What's "exactly the same" between Overlord, Log Horizon, Re:Zero and Konosuba other than the basic premise of "being transported into a different world"?

I don't think it's fair to count Konosuba in with other isekai, since it's a parody.

I'm not trying to argue that all isekai, especially the ones that have reasonably high scores on MAL, are bad. I'm explaining why people are hesitant about the isekai genre—almost every isekai show that comes out desperately wants to be one of the shows that you listed, which is where the "Mad Libs" feeling comes in.

But that's the thing - there aren't THAT many of them out. I think the total amount of isekai anime in existence are only about 15-20 at maximum even if you include the 10+ year old series. Maybe up to 30 if you count those where the line is blurry about whether the "other world" is a physical or virtual world, like Digimon, Monster Rancher and Ixion Saga (speaking of which I have to finally find time to finish Ixion Saga some time).

In other words, there are still more of the unique isekai than the copy&paste isekai. People think of imaginary isekai series that don't exist...
Sep 20, 2018 6:37 AM

Oct 2013
Overused/repetitive tropes and cliches. I do hope japan would do a move on isekai. They are getting carried away with this market trend.
Sep 20, 2018 6:38 AM

Oct 2014
xchyssa said:
Overused/repetitive tropes and cliches. I do hope japan would do a move on isekai. They are getting carried away with this market trend.

Meanwhile I still wait for someone to give me list of that "endless amount" of copy&paste isekai that's greater than the list of 3 I listed above...
Sep 20, 2018 6:43 AM

May 2017
this is b'coz there are "haters" in this world, they hate Isekai smartphones b'coz the main character has many wives ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , just that
Sep 20, 2018 6:43 AM

Jan 2016
Oh yes, the "All Isekai anime are the same" stuffs.
It's a concept. Isekai's character trapped in a different world trying to escape is pretty much just like (mostly) shounen's weak main character trying to become stronger. I think there is nothing wrong with this, as long as its not generic or plagiarizing. The part that Overlord, Re:zero, etc did right is they are not just a generic harem ecchi pointless getting into another dimension anime, they are an anime with real, new, unique story. That might be the thing where some haters unreasonably ranting on isekai anime saying that it's all just frickin same, just some full ecchi harem fanservices anime, while obviously there are no way they can find success if its just a same pointless harem bullshit.
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