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Japan's Weekly Manga & Light Novels Rankings for April 29th - May 5th

May 13, 2013 2:42 PM
News Team

Apr 2010
The weekly manga and light novels rankings for April 29th - May 5th

Rank / This week's sales by copies / Cumulative sales / Titles

*1, 406,745 *,406,745 Kuroko no Basket Vol.22
*2, 341,407 *,341,407 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Vol.4
*3, 214,443 *,214,443 Toriko Vol.24
*4, 197,973 *,197,973 Gintama Vol.49
*5, 148,982 *,148,982 High Kyuu!! Vol.6
*6, 129,699 *,363,073 Ao Haru Ride Vol.7
*7, 104,503 *,104,503 Beelzebub Vol.21
*8, *86,049 *,364,020 Vagabond Vol.35
*9, *85,379 *,728,195 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.10
10, *80,494 *,305,775 Ookiku Furikabutte Vol.21

11, *60,720 *,*60,720 Vampire Knight Vol.18
12, *60,426 1,224,026 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.2
13, *60,008 1,177,377 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.3
14, *59,588 1,054,301 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.4
15, *59,358 *,*59,358 Owari no Seraph Vol.2
16, *59,336 1,009,722 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.5
17, *59,312 *,*59,312 Saiki Kusou no Ψ Nan Vol.4
18, *58,771 *,964,325 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.6
19, *58,359 1,260,371 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.1
20, *58,102 *,244,019 Giant Killing Vol.27

21, *57,043 *,881,664 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.7
22, *56,977 *,851,833 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.8
23, *56,347 *,817,513 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.9
24, *56,160 *,136,442 Arakawa Under the Bridge Vol.13
25, *55,668 *,197,694 Saki Vol.11
26, *54,854 *,114,882 Black Bird Vol.18
27, *53,222 *,452,091 Fairy Tail Vol.37
28, *50,694 *,*92,203 Miseinen dakedo Kodomo ja Nai Vol.1
29, *50,606 *,459,150 Detective Conan Vol.79
30, *50,148 *,546,128 Silver Spoon Vol.7

Rank 31-50

Light Novels and Anime/Manga related books
*1, 37,677 803,576 Toshokan Sensou Vol.1 Small Size Edition
*2, 21,500 522,216 Toshokan Sensou Vol.2 Small Size Edition
*3, 17,992 282,427 Sword Art Online Vol.12
*4, 16,654 444,516 Toshokan Sensou Vol.3 Small Size Edition
*5, 16,542 *75,826 Hidan no Aria Vol.14
*6, 16,354 *46,580 Bannou Kanteishi Q no Suirigeki Vol.3
*7, 16,036 *16,036 Gintama Character Book Dekohon
*8, 15,380 424,576 Toshokan Sensou Vol.4 Small Size Edition
*9, 15,143 385,224 Toshokan Sensou Vol.5 Small Size Edition
10, 14,652 *68,233 IS: Infinite Stratos Vol.8

11, 13,261 346,021 Toshokan Sensou Vol.6 Small Size Edition
12, 12,650 *15,504 "Utsusemi" Hikaru ga Chikyuu ni itakoro... Vol.7
13, 11,986 *11,986 Hayou no Tsurugi Series 6 Ukon no Gyouan Vol.16
14, 10,394 *10,394 Ryuugoroshi no Sugosu Hibi Vol.6
15, 10,037 101,659 Hataraku Maou-sama! Vol.1
16, *9,845 *12,625 Isekai Mikyuu de Harem wo Vol.2
17, *9,459 *84,599 Hataraku Maou-sama! Vol.2
18, *8,204 *72,575 Hataraku Maou-sama! Vol.3
19, *7,953 *11,605 Rokurenkoku Monogatari Vol.6
20, *7,641 *23,138 Saint☆Onii-san Comic Guide

21, *7,558 *11,694 Fujimi Nichoume Koukyou-Gakudan Series Gaiden: Viola wo Kai ni
22, *7,490 624,116 Biblia Koshodou no Jiken Techou Vol.4
23, *7,236 *89,483 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Vol.1
24, *7,139 *63,985 Hataraku Maou-sama! Vol.4

Source: Oricon Youtaiju
symbvMay 14, 2013 12:36 AM

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May 13, 2013 2:46 PM

Nov 2009
Shingeki no Kyoujin is doing great ever since the anime came out. Also good to see Infinite Stratos coming back into sale again!!!

May 13, 2013 2:46 PM

Jul 2011
*4, 197,973 *,197,973 Gintama Vol.49

May 13, 2013 2:50 PM

Apr 2011
Kuroko no Basket #1!Great.

And all of the SnK volumes on top 30 again?XD
May 13, 2013 2:52 PM

Mar 2012
Snowical said:

*1, 406,745 *,406,745 Kuroko no Basket Vol.22

♥o♥ Kuroko
May 13, 2013 3:12 PM

Jun 2011
My life would be complete if High Kyuu!! got an anime adaption.
May 13, 2013 3:15 PM

Nov 2008
*1, 406,745 *,406,745 Kuroko no Basket Vol.22
Nice going

*9, *85,379 *,728,195 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.10
Seems like this weeks was Shingeki no Kyojin, all its volume are selling so well. I can probably already predict that there will be a second season at this rate.
May 13, 2013 3:17 PM

Aug 2012
*1, 406,745 *,406,745 Kuroko no Basket Vol.22

Light Novels and Anime/Manga related books
15, 10,037 101,659 Hataraku Maou-sama! Vol.1
17, *9,459 *84,599 Hataraku Maou-sama! Vol.2
18, *8,204 *72,575 Hataraku Maou-sama! Vol.3
24, *7,139 *63,985 Hataraku Maou-sama! Vol.4

Nice to see these selling well. :D
May 13, 2013 3:18 PM
Feb 2012
Look at those nasty titans, trampling all over the charts again.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
May 13, 2013 3:26 PM

Aug 2012
Shingeki no Kyojin sales out da roof.
May 13, 2013 3:48 PM

May 2011
Gintama ranked 4th this week. ^^
May 13, 2013 3:54 PM

Mar 2013
Hmmm, I wanted to see Hataraku at the top :/ but it does seem to be selling pretty well so no complaints there.
May 13, 2013 4:09 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
All those Shounen Jump mangas up there :D Kuroko no Basket <3 And good seeing Ao Haru Ride again.
May 13, 2013 4:28 PM

Mar 2013
Snowical said:

*3, 214,443 *,214,443 Toriko Vol.24
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Vol.1
24, *7,139 *63,985 Hataraku Maou-sama! Vol.4

Toriko FTW
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 13, 2013 4:34 PM

Apr 2012
10, 14,652 *68,233 IS: Infinite Stratos Vol.8

May 13, 2013 4:44 PM

Apr 2009
God damn SnK, calm down

Learn to share
May 13, 2013 4:57 PM

Oct 2012
Saki and Achiga-hen~

If only SnK wasn't there -.-

May 13, 2013 5:01 PM

Dec 2007
Yay for Ao Haru Ride's 2nd week and Kuroko in first place!!! ^_^
May 13, 2013 5:01 PM

Dec 2012
Wow SnK still strong, damn.
May 13, 2013 5:02 PM

Feb 2010
Eww, boring list. Nothing truly underrated to be found here.
May 13, 2013 5:09 PM

Jun 2008
Not suprised to see Shingeki no Kyojin up there
May 13, 2013 5:24 PM

Jul 2010
Ao Haru Ride continues to be excellent.
May 13, 2013 5:28 PM
Apr 2011
I seriously do not understand how AssClass manages to sell that well. It's times like these that i wonder what's up with Japanese people's taste in manga. It's barely an average series.

Great to see Kuroko and Shingeki doing well though
May 13, 2013 5:39 PM

Aug 2012
glad to see the manga version of Shingeki no Kyojin is selling well.
May 13, 2013 5:48 PM

Feb 2012
Glad to see Gintama on *4.

Kurobasu going strong.
May 13, 2013 6:09 PM

Jul 2012
Snowical said:

*5, 16,542 *75,826 Hidan no Aria Vol.14
10, 14,652 *68,233 IS: Infinite Stratos Vol.8

Hidan no Aria and Infinite Stratos still in the top ten this week. Hell yeah!
Wecc said:
All Hail HaXXspetten King of the Loli Traps!

May 13, 2013 6:18 PM
May 2012
Hum, MAL information and Wikipedia says there are only 4 volumes of Toshokan Sensou and the serie was concluded in 2007 so why there are 6 volumes of Toshokan Sensou on the rank? whats happening?
May 13, 2013 6:27 PM

Jul 2012
Hataraku! Yay!
My Anime Blog:
Episodic overviews of the latest anime.

May 13, 2013 7:20 PM

Nov 2007
Saki and Achiga-hen!

Maou-sama still in the LN chart, nice.
The News Club: Quality News/Discussion (anime, CDs, manga, novels, games, seiyuu), & sales data (daily, weekly, mid-year, yearly).
May 13, 2013 7:24 PM

Feb 2010
Sanguis said:
My life would be complete if High Kyuu!! got an anime adaption.

May 13, 2013 7:40 PM

Sep 2012
TheMoonEmperor said:
I seriously do not understand how AssClass manages to sell that well. It's times like these that i wonder what's up with Japanese people's taste in manga. It's barely an average series.
You can find out why this manga is so unique and special by reading this analysis from Mainichi, a major national newspaper in Japan. Japanese of course. But in short, this manga has a very unique and appealing take of the kind of education and teacher that young students (those in secondary and primary schools) in Japan would find appealing and convincing.
Perhaps a good opportunity to learn something about a foreign culture instead of just questioning the taste of that culture because you think your taste is better?

Mecasonic said:
Snowical said:
16, *9,845 *12,625 Isekai Mikyuu de Harlem wo Vol.2
I believe it's Harem, not Harlem.
symbvMay 13, 2013 7:47 PM
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
May 13, 2013 10:30 PM

Aug 2012
Gintama doing great this time!!
May 13, 2013 10:54 PM

May 2013
shingeki no kyojin is doing well. awesome.
May 13, 2013 11:39 PM

Dec 2012
^ I wish I have those translated. Whatever the reason, it's a fresh air in list of Light Novels rankings.

Informative sig, btw, which temps me to ask something. I saw Zettai Shounen novels marked as English translated on Wikipedia, but couldn't find who got the license and where (or when, idk) I can buy them. Could you help?
May 13, 2013 11:45 PM

Oct 2007
jmal said:
200k for Saki and 140k for Achiga. Now if only Kobayashi would put out enough to ensure the anime can finish one day before I die.
Don't worry, after Zenkoku-hen there has to be at least one more season (finals + maybe individuals, that would mean another two cour) and who knows if she plans going international or pro later. She'll keep on drawing longer than Miura ;)
May 13, 2013 11:58 PM

Oct 2007
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but it seems that SnK is getting the largest boost from anime out of any manga.
All volumes above 56k in one week.
All volumes sold 154-173k except for volume 10 which sold 758k (30k limited edition). That means consistency is great and people buy the manga as a whole (unlike Magi where all volumes ranked at the same time only once).

Seeing how it goes, I'm willing to take a bet Shingeki will overcome Naruto by volume 11.
May 14, 2013 12:28 AM

Dec 2011
Snowical said:

*6, 16,354 *46,580 Bannou Kanteishi Q no Jikenbo Vol.3

That's the 3rd of a 12 book series, and a volume that came out 3 years ago. Is that really right?
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
May 14, 2013 12:35 AM

Sep 2012
kuuderes_shadow said:
Snowical said:

*6, 16,354 *46,580 Bannou Kanteishi Q no Jikenbo Vol.3
That's the 3rd of a 12 book series, and a volume that came out 3 years ago. Is that really right?
Good catch. It should be "Bannou Kanteishi Q no Suirigeki vol.3". It is not in the MAL database so I have now linked to a Japanese site and made the correction to the first post.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
May 14, 2013 12:52 AM

Nov 2011
*2, 341,407 *,341,407 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Vol.4

Excellent news. Hoping this will get an anime adaptation in the future.
May 14, 2013 1:26 AM

Oct 2010
Snowical said:
The weekly manga and light novels rankings for April 29th - May 5th

Rank / This week's sales by copies / Cumulative sales / Titles

23, *7,236 *89,483 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Vol.1

Finally !!! manly tears T_T
May 14, 2013 2:12 AM

Feb 2012
Gintama's doing great, that's good to see. But SnK owns the list, I'm not surprised.
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything.
May 14, 2013 2:44 AM
Sep 2012
I can´t believe that Vampire Knight sells after those very bad chapter we´ve gotten. Anyways the last chapter will be out this month so it will conclude with 19 volumes? last it will end.

I´m pretty sure that the Manga ranked 2 will get Anime Adaption soon. It sells too good not to be made into one.
May 14, 2013 3:02 AM

Feb 2009
Shingeki still going strong. No surprises there.

Kuroko and AssClass selling spectacularly in their first weeks. Still proud of AssClass. Never thought it'd sell this well and it's most deserving as that chapter with Nagisa was just amazing.

I'd have though SAO would drop out by now seeing as the hype for it in the LN sales died with the anime but good to see it pulling strong for a 4th week. This volume is particularly good from what I've read in the summaries so I'm pretty excited to actually read it. So yeah.
May 14, 2013 3:36 AM

Dec 2011
belatkuro said:

I'd have though SAO would drop out by now seeing as the hype for it in the LN sales died with the anime but good to see it pulling strong for a 4th week. This volume is particularly good from what I've read in the summaries so I'm pretty excited to actually read it. So yeah.

It's a few thousand copies below where vol 11 was when it dropped off (285972)
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
May 14, 2013 7:37 AM

Aug 2011
I seriously don't get why Ato nimo Saki nimo Kimi dake can sell 50k in 2weeks ._.
I learn to appreciate other manga after reading this manga.

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