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Anti-Weebs are much more cringy than Weeaboos.

Feb 22, 2020 1:45 AM

Mar 2019
Yes I'll admit that us weeaboos can occasionally get a little carried away in our love of Japan. However, I would like to make the argument that anti-weebs are significantly more cringy than weeaboos are. My points for why are listed below.

- I often see anti-weebs, completely out of the blue with no context in the conversation, bring up something they don't like about Japan.

- Anti-weebs are much much more common than weeaboos are. I've been told before that its refreshing to see somebody who's an honest, unapologetic weeaboo. I don't worry about whether I "fit a stereotype too much," I just tell people what I think. Whereas anti-weebs are everywhere, even here on MAL.

- Most weeaboos are honestly pretty self-conscious about it, and try not to bring up their love of Japan all the time to people who aren't interested in it. Anti-weebs usually have no such consciousness and will hurry to bash anybody who says something positive about Japan or tell them they are wrong.

- Weeaboos generally use facts and observations to support why they love Japan. They will say the crime rate is extremely low, that the life expectancy is extremely high, that they love anime so by extension they love the country that created it, and that when they went to Japan the people seemed really nice, or that Japanese values are more in-line with their own. Anti-weebs often just pull stuff out of their ass to "show those weebs how wrong their image of Japan is." Like saying with no evidence whatsoever that the Japanese police are falsifying crime statistics in a significant way, that most Japanese people hate anime, or that people should not take instances of kindness that they encounter in Japan as an indication that Japanese people are nice.

- Being an anti-weeb is just an inherently negative and somewhat malicious mindset to have. The weeaboo mindset is "I love this country," the anti-weeb mindset is "I want to ruin other people's love of this country."

- Weeaboos don't usually play the race card or xenophobia card towards people who are not as obsessive and loving of Japan as we are or even towards anti-weebs. Whereas anti-weebs play the race card all the time and claim that weeaboos love Japan because they are racist towards Japanese people (Which? Wtf? How does that even work?).

- Weeaboos are being more genuine. They can't help but love Japan and are not afraid to tell people that they do. Anti-weebs literally just attack Japan and people who like Japan because they're embarrassed about being anime fans and don't want other people to think they are "one of those weebs," or they attack weebs and Japan because weebs are stigmatized and they want to bash on a stigmatized group of people in hopes that it will improve their own social standing. Which is a mindset I've always found repulsive.

And with that, that concludes my rant.
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Feb 22, 2020 2:31 AM

Nov 2016
Get a life, Ryuk.

I know it's beyond you to assimilate facts but you can start by getting a life. I've never seen a more self-satisfied consumerist than you in my whole life, and I'm genuinely telling you, for the last time, to get a fucking life.
Feb 22, 2020 2:59 AM
Jul 2018
Thanakos said:
Get a life, Ryuk.

I know it's beyond you to assimilate facts but you can start by getting a life. I've never seen a more self-satisfied consumerist than you in my whole life, and I'm genuinely telling you, for the last time, to get a fucking life.

Get a life Translation = there is a healthy middle between the extreme Weeb and the extreme anti-weeb.

Take me for example, OP. I appreciate all the good that comes out of Japan. I even dated one of their women. But Japan isn’t perfect. They are just another nation of people. Same as everyone else on Earth. I feel the same about celebrities and people in power. They are all flesh and blood same as me. I don’t think they are any better than I am lol.

Biggie Smalls said, “Niggas bleed just like us.” He makes a great argument in this context. We are all just people. Each nation has good things about it and bad things about it. So I say everyone should live and let live and just appreciate the good and try to do something about the bad where and if possible. Japan has low birth rate and a lot of suicide for one.

removed-userFeb 22, 2020 3:03 AM
Feb 22, 2020 3:02 AM
Jul 2018
Thanakos said:
Get a life, Ryuk.

I know it's beyond you to assimilate facts but you can start by getting a life. I've never seen a more self-satisfied consumerist than you in my whole life, and I'm genuinely telling you, for the last time, to get a fucking life.
Ryuk is in college if I am not mistaken, and probably has the free time. If he wants to spend his time like this he can and it isn't your business if he does.
Feb 22, 2020 3:11 AM

Jul 2016
So does that mean we're not allowed to cricitize Japan's very real,societal problems and flaws?I´m sorry to pop your bubble,but people are allowed to express their opinions,wether it hurts your feelings or not.You can´t just be like `i love Japan very much so anyone that dares to express something slightly negative must be attacking me´,that´s a pretty close minded mindset if you ask me.
SummerynFeb 22, 2020 3:15 AM
Feb 22, 2020 3:32 AM
Jul 2018
don't know what you're talking about? I've never met a so-called 'anti-weeb' before. closest would be my mom who thinks all Asians eat cats. but that's beside the point.
Feb 22, 2020 3:50 AM

Jul 2016
Remember that scene in Thor: Ragnarok where Thor's strapped to a chair and sent through this psychedelic Willy Wonka dream tunnel telling him how awesome the Grandmaster is? I'd like to get off the boat now.
ChilliePeppersFeb 22, 2020 10:37 AM
Feb 22, 2020 7:21 AM
Jul 2018
Well you're a self-proclaimed weeaboo so of course you won't like anti-weebs. The fact that your post cannot possibly be free of bias means it's useless atm.
Feb 22, 2020 7:49 AM

Feb 2020
Well said most of those anti-weebs are weebs themselves, they remind me of those closet homosexuals that hated other homosexuals.

Ecchi till I die all these loli's call me senpai

(‿!‿) ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
Feb 22, 2020 7:53 AM

Feb 2015
The weeb stuff seemed prevalent in the 00's, maybe early 10's, but can't say any noticeable ones come to mind if I'm thinking more recently. Nowadays, it's mostly self-aware jokes and the anti-weebs still living in the last decade, it seems.
Feb 22, 2020 10:02 AM

Dec 2016
i dunno man, lotta weebs are the ultimate anti-weebs.
AnimeFreak-San said:
is this a male gender issure...human issue...mental illness perhaps?
Feb 22, 2020 10:51 AM

Nov 2016
Peaceful_Critic said:
Thanakos said:
Get a life, Ryuk.

I know it's beyond you to assimilate facts but you can start by getting a life. I've never seen a more self-satisfied consumerist than you in my whole life, and I'm genuinely telling you, for the last time, to get a fucking life.
Ryuk is in college if I am not mistaken, and probably has the free time. If he wants to spend his time like this he can and it isn't your business if he does.

I know you love coming to his defense and it's always cringeworthy to watch you do it. How long will you coddle him before he's terminally neutered at standing up for himself? Or perhaps deep down you believe him incapable of speaking for himself.

I too am a College student. Probably his senior. Most definitely in a better program. Almost certainly doing better at College too. And above all, with a future I can willingly embrace. The only way you can have this much time for nonsense is if you're doing a shitty degree or are absolutely sucking at whatever you're doing. I believe Ryuk is the latter. Or at least that's what his thoughts on work tell me. There's absolutely nothing about this guy that advocates any qualities apart from being adept at rationalizing defeatism. And you, with your naive ideas of critical thinking, believe anyone capable of rationalizations to be the epitome of intelligence.

At least have the dignity to let him stand up for himself.
Feb 22, 2020 11:23 AM
Jul 2018
Thanakos said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
Ryuk is in college if I am not mistaken, and probably has the free time. If he wants to spend his time like this he can and it isn't your business if he does.

I know you love coming to his defense and it's always cringeworthy to watch you do it. How long will you coddle him before he's terminally neutered at standing up for himself? Or perhaps deep down you believe him incapable of speaking for himself.

I too am a College student. Probably his senior. Most definitely in a better program. Almost certainly doing better at College too. And above all, with a future I can willingly embrace. The only way you can have this much time for nonsense is if you're doing a shitty degree or are absolutely sucking at whatever you're doing. I believe Ryuk is the latter. Or at least that's what his thoughts on work tell me. There's absolutely nothing about this guy that advocates any qualities apart from being adept at rationalizing defeatism. And you, with your naive ideas of critical thinking, believe anyone capable of rationalizations to be the epitome of intelligence.

At least have the dignity to let him stand up for himself.
I often don't really come to his defense though(i.e I didn't even respond to other people who were against him in this very thread. You see me defend him more than a couple of times because he is constantly in arguments with tons of people, and if I think what they said wasn't true or was uncalled for I step in because that's what friends are supposed to do.
Also, pretty sure, he'll be fine, he's used to getting criticism online and having no one backing him up. He's the type to want to defend himself anyway. When I respond to someone defending him, he also responds to the same person. Do I think he's incapable? No, he's often better at defending himself than I am.

From what he told me he's studying to be a historian in an above-average college. So he's probably not a loser doing nothing with his life. Whether you are doing better or not isn't even relevant to the fact he is doing something with his life.

His opinions on work had to do with not enjoying office jobs enough to do more hours. If you aren't passionate about the work(which an office job wouldn't be for a lot of people) people typically prefer to do little hours of things they dislike.

I'm not preventing him from arguing with you. I'm standing with him. There's a difference.
removed-userFeb 22, 2020 11:42 AM
Feb 22, 2020 11:44 AM

Oct 2014
both are cringe, doesn't matter which is more so
Feb 22, 2020 11:54 AM

Jul 2019
Oh hi Ryuk long time no see.
Most of the normies don't care about anime it's anime fans making fun of other anime fans they are their own worst enemies.
Weebs can be quite cringy and obnoxious with their endless obsession and idealization of Japanese culture which is far from perfect.
Anit-Weebs or should I say weebs with internalize hate are annoying with their repetitive memes.
Also many weebs employ self deprecating humor which doesn't help their case.

Never explain,
Never retract,
Never apologize
Just get the thing done
And let them howl
Feb 22, 2020 12:30 PM

Feb 2018
Sometimes i am a weeaboo and sometimes i pretend not to be to feel better. Does that count x2?
Feb 22, 2020 12:35 PM
Jul 2018
both are equally cringe.

weebs make it seem like japan is full of innocent angels while pretending people don't know about the otaku killer or junko

anti-weebs are just trend-followers who think hating anime makes them special while they're watching their riverdale or some other residentsleeper show
Feb 22, 2020 1:25 PM

Feb 2019
Imagine not idealizing a country and not being unable of critique when that idealization is questioned, that sounds pretty cringeworthy if you ask me. Now that's something to be hazukashii about.
Feb 22, 2020 1:37 PM
Feb 2017
Thanakos said:
Get a life, Ryuk.

I know it's beyond you to assimilate facts but you can start by getting a life. I've never seen a more self-satisfied consumerist than you in my whole life, and I'm genuinely telling you, for the last time, to get a fucking life.

Someone must not be having a good life atm, are you feeling okay?
Feb 22, 2020 2:57 PM

Mar 2019
Missaliensan said:
So does that mean we're not allowed to cricitize Japan's very real,societal problems and flaws?I´m sorry to pop your bubble,but people are allowed to express their opinions,wether it hurts your feelings or not.You can´t just be like `i love Japan very much so anyone that dares to express something slightly negative must be attacking me´,that´s a pretty close minded mindset if you ask me.

Did I put a muzzle on you? You're allowed to do whatever you want.

operationvalkyri said:
Well you're a self-proclaimed weeaboo so of course you won't like anti-weebs. The fact that your post cannot possibly be free of bias means it's useless atm.

Of course I'm biased. Someone being biased doesn't mean you can't dissect what they say and determine its merit. That's why we have a lawyer on each side who's job it is to be biased and a judge and jury to determine which one is correct.

I am the defense lawyer and you are the jury, unless you are an anti-weeb in which case you are the prosecutor.


Yeah I agree with you, that's why I said most anti-weebs are people who don't want to look like weebs. I think the vast majority of anti-weebs are other anime fans. In my experience, the general public just doesn't care what hobbies you have.

Thanakos said:
Get a life, Ryuk.

I know it's beyond you to assimilate facts but you can start by getting a life. I've never seen a more self-satisfied consumerist than you in my whole life, and I'm genuinely telling you, for the last time, to get a fucking life.

Yeah I'm pretty happy with the way things are for me right now. I haven't been this happy in years actually. The thing that made me depressed was trying to do that whole thing you guys call "getting a life," Giving up on having a conventional life was the best decision I ever made. I like socializing with no restrictions on what I can say or think.

As for jobs, I've already been hired for after college. Don't know how long it'll last, but I'm not worried. I have no plans to be a NEET, but yes, I find immense satisfaction in the plethora of TV shows and other forms of entertainment out there if that is what you mean by a self-satisfied consumerist.

As for threads like this, @Peaceful_Critic is right, this is literally just fun for me and its fun for her. It seems that you can't tell the difference between arguing for fun and arguing out of legitimate anger. I pretty much never do the latter, people I'm actually angry with I completely ignore and refuse to talk to.
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Feb 22, 2020 3:07 PM

Sep 2018
To be honest from what i have seen it's mostly weebs who are the most anti-weeb, But this is based off of my experience, But knows could be a Anti-weeb police force out there

Feb 22, 2020 3:18 PM
Jul 2018
Ryuk said:
its fun for her.

Not really true for me in cases like this. I don't find uncivil debates to be much fun tbh. If I am throwing insults around 99% of the time, I am angry.
Feb 22, 2020 3:27 PM

Feb 2020
Thinking about it now but,

To what degree should we regard anime/manga as a satisfactory doorway to Japanese culture as a whole? To me even the most "realistic" portrayals are likely to be romanticized, visual presentations of the genuine article. Anime in of itself is just a popular sub-culture. There are surely other things in Japan. To me the implication that the anime industry and the goods produced under that umbrella is the be all-end all is every bit as absurd as, say, a Japanese citizen coming to America to extol the virtues he had internalized from watching his favorite western cartoon King of the Hill.

I don't have the confidence to key generalizations concerning the so-called "weeb" and "anti-weeb" names. I can only go by a much more broad phrase known as "nerd behavior" and anecdotal evidence from my own experience. To me whatever your vice happens to be, anime, comics, super hero movies, drugs, alcohol, etc; it only registers as annoying to me if you actively engage in behavior that hinders my enjoyment of the product in question. Which is pretty hard to do these days, I tend to ignore most anime fanatics and critics alike.

It's already been pointed out in earlier posts in this thread I think but I'll add that both terms "weeb" and "anti-weeb" appear to be unnecessary and exhausting extremes. To be anti-anything implies that you are actively forming an ideology hellbent on being the opposite of what you think that other classification claims to be. Then again if the parent post is anything to go by, deliberately classifying yourself as a "weaboo" sounds too limiting with a few sprinkles of obnoxious.

I'd say shoot for some sort of middle ground minus any hallow grandstanding. What we are essentially talking about is our hobbies and interests. Stuff to spend our disposable income on when possible. No need to get overly emotional or develop some righteous socio-political framework over some simple entertainment.
Feb 22, 2020 4:20 PM

Mar 2019
Peaceful_Critic said:
Ryuk said:
its fun for her.

Not really true for me in cases like this. I don't find uncivil debates to be much fun tbh. If I am throwing insults around 99% of the time, I am angry.

Maybe not this kind. But I perceive you as generally enjoying debates.

Thinking about it now but,

To what degree should we regard anime/manga as a satisfactory doorway to Japanese culture as a whole? To me even the most "realistic" portrayals are likely to be romanticized, visual presentations of the genuine article. Anime in of itself is just a popular sub-culture. There are surely other things in Japan. To me the implication that the anime industry and the goods produced under that umbrella is the be all-end all is every bit as absurd as, say, a Japanese citizen coming to America to extol the virtues he had internalized from watching his favorite western cartoon King of the Hill.

I don't have the confidence to key generalizations concerning the so-called "weeb" and "anti-weeb" names. I can only go by a much more broad phrase known as "nerd behavior" and anecdotal evidence from my own experience. To me whatever your vice happens to be, anime, comics, super hero movies, drugs, alcohol, etc; it only registers as annoying to me if you actively engage in behavior that hinders my enjoyment of the product in question. Which is pretty hard to do these days, I tend to ignore most anime fanatics and critics alike.

It's already been pointed out in earlier posts in this thread I think but I'll add that both terms "weeb" and "anti-weeb" appear to be unnecessary and exhausting extremes. To be anti-anything implies that you are actively forming an ideology hellbent on being the opposite of what you think that other classification claims to be. Then again if the parent post is anything to go by, deliberately classifying yourself as a "weaboo" sounds too limiting with a few sprinkles of obnoxious.

I'd say shoot for some sort of middle ground minus any hallow grandstanding. What we are essentially talking about is our hobbies and interests. Stuff to spend our disposable income on when possible. No need to get overly emotional or develop some righteous socio-political framework over some simple entertainment.

In my opinion, there's a lot to be learned from every society's popular culture. I'm not saying that you take everything in a movie or TV show at 100% face value. If I did I would come under the impression that Japanese people are capable of punching one another hard enough to send them souring into the sky which will then result in them falling to the Earth relatively unharmed.

However, you can learn a lot about a culture from what kind of things it produces in its media.

Let's take American action movies for example. Action movies, whether its the 1980s action movies or the current superhero movies reflect how many Americans want to envision themselves as heroes. Americans are stereotyped internationally as having a hero complex. When a natural disaster happens, we want to jump in and save everyone, when a dictator abuses their people, America wants to save the people from their ruthless ruler.

In 1980s action films, often times the villain is some dictatorship out in Central America, Africa, Southeast Asia. This reflects how much America values democracy and despises authoritarianism. Americans like to think of ourselves as liberators, marching into Rome while the people throw flowers at us thanking us for ridding them of the tyrant who made their lives miserable.

Or if we look at comedy films. A lot of comedy films do represent teenage life fairly accurately. At the least, it represents certain groups of teenagers very accurately. High school life in America often does involve going to parties, trying to date and hookup with girls, and experimenting with drugs and alcohol.

I watched "Thirteen Reasons Why" with my mom once and she asked me if the show was an accurate representation of what high school is like. I told her "well, its not what my high school was like, but I do believe this high school represents the most negative aspects of suburban high school life clustered into one high school." So perhaps one high school has a major bullying problem, but not a suicide, and another high school has a suicide, but not bullying. 13 Reasons Why simply combines all those problems, which often are associated with each other, into one high school.

Spoilers for 13 reasons why

But looking under the surface, its easy to see what the writers are trying to do.

I approach anime and Japanese movies/TV shows with a similar mindset. Student councils are not actually that powerful, but the portrayals of student councils with huge amounts of power may reflect a general feeling that people who are elected student president in Japanese high schools have made it there and there's a lot of social status associated with being elected student president.

So I guess you could say, to what extent I learn about Japan from anime and movies, its about asking why the author did this? Is something supposed to be portrayed as pure fantasy or does it attempt to be a more realistic depiction of life? Are fantastical portrayals a reflection of inner desires and wish fulfillment? Do characters say something casually or do the other characters react strongly to a certain behavior, and if they react casually is that supposed to be the source of humor in the show? If so, why is this considered funny?
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Feb 22, 2020 4:25 PM
Jul 2018

Oh, okay, that's true then. I'm pretty much only on here for the debates.
Feb 22, 2020 5:15 PM

Mar 2008
It's not an either or situation. Saying something good about Japan isn't being a weeb and saying something wrong in Japan isn't being anti-weeb. Japan is a real place not an ecchi isekai waiting for you.
traedFeb 22, 2020 5:34 PM
Feb 22, 2020 5:25 PM
Jul 2018
oof now I'm suddenly recalling that 2009 documentary 'The Cove'.
Japan does have some fucked up stories in fact. just like any other country I suppose.
Feb 22, 2020 5:45 PM

Mar 2019
traed said:
It's not an either or situation. Saying something good about Japan isn't being a weeb and saying something wrong in Japan isn't being anti-weeb. Japan is a real place not an ecchi isekai waiting for you.

Alright, I read probably about 50-60% of those articles. A lot of them are saying the same stuff so I skipped a few.

See though, this is part of why I see anti-weebism is cringy too. You guys point to the fact that yes, bad news/things exist in a country of 125 million people and then proceed to act as if this news proves Japan is the next Bill Cosby hiding some extremely dark secret.

A lot of your own sources show that things simply exist in Japan. I mean, 5,000 homeless people in Japan? San Francisco alone has more homeless people than that. 1,200 sexual assaults? Any major country in the world would be dying to worry about those statistics.

Osaka police covered up 81,000 crimes? Osaka has like 20 million people living in it. I mean, if that's the extent to which they are covering up crimes sign me up. The Guangzhou police were found to have covered up something like 2.5 million crimes.
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Feb 22, 2020 6:34 PM

Oct 2012
Seems like a lot of emotions going on in this thread. Cant we all just get along fellas?

I must say I've never met someone who hates japan this much. But also, arent Japan's social problems pretty well known? Everyone knows about the suicide issue, declining birth rate and rise of hikkikomoris. I feel bad for a lot of japanese people because they live in a pretty strict society and not everyone can take it. Of course there are plenty of great unique things about Japan as well. Japan like everything and everywhere has positive and negative aspect.
Feb 22, 2020 8:27 PM

Mar 2008
Ryuk9428 said:
traed said:
It's not an either or situation. Saying something good about Japan isn't being a weeb and saying something wrong in Japan isn't being anti-weeb. Japan is a real place not an ecchi isekai waiting for you.

Alright, I read probably about 50-60% of those articles. A lot of them are saying the same stuff so I skipped a few.

See though, this is part of why I see anti-weebism is cringy too. You guys point to the fact that yes, bad news/things exist in a country of 125 million people and then proceed to act as if this news proves Japan is the next Bill Cosby hiding some extremely dark secret.

A lot of your own sources show that things simply exist in Japan. I mean, 5,000 homeless people in Japan? San Francisco alone has more homeless people than that. 1,200 sexual assaults? Any major country in the world would be dying to worry about those statistics.

Osaka police covered up 81,000 crimes? Osaka has like 20 million people living in it. I mean, if that's the extent to which they are covering up crimes sign me up. The Guangzhou police were found to have covered up something like 2.5 million crimes.

You're just glossing over everything as if it's meaningless just because it's Japan. I like Japan but I know it has a lot of bad aspects to it like many countries do. Pointing out the bad isn't suggesting it's the worst it's there to knock you back into reality .
Feb 22, 2020 10:36 PM

Mar 2019
traed said:
Ryuk9428 said:

Alright, I read probably about 50-60% of those articles. A lot of them are saying the same stuff so I skipped a few.

See though, this is part of why I see anti-weebism is cringy too. You guys point to the fact that yes, bad news/things exist in a country of 125 million people and then proceed to act as if this news proves Japan is the next Bill Cosby hiding some extremely dark secret.

A lot of your own sources show that things simply exist in Japan. I mean, 5,000 homeless people in Japan? San Francisco alone has more homeless people than that. 1,200 sexual assaults? Any major country in the world would be dying to worry about those statistics.

Osaka police covered up 81,000 crimes? Osaka has like 20 million people living in it. I mean, if that's the extent to which they are covering up crimes sign me up. The Guangzhou police were found to have covered up something like 2.5 million crimes.

You're just glossing over everything as if it's meaningless just because it's Japan. I like Japan but I know it has a lot of bad aspects to it like many countries do. Pointing out the bad isn't suggesting it's the worst it's there to knock you back into reality .

I'm not glossing over it, I'm saying these bad things aren't remotely comparable to what other countries experience. Japan's society is an amazing accomplishment. It doesn't have to be absolutely perfect in every way to be an amazing accomplishment. Of course there's news articles about bad stuff because it still exists but 4,500 homeless people in a country of 125 million is an amazing accomplishment. A homicide rate of 2-3 per million people, having only 1,200 sexual assaults, 8,000 domestic violence cases, and 1,200 child abuse cases is an amazing accomplishment. You realize according to your article that there are almost as many programs for domestic violence in the US (2,000 to be precise) as there are even cases in Japan? A country of 125 million people only has about 150 kidnapping cases. I mean I'm shocked that numbers like this are even possible. Even going with your "fabricating crime stats" article. What that article indicates is that crime rates might be 33% higher than they are reported as being. But in the context of Japan, 33% doesn't make much of a difference and I imagine most of the crimes not being reported is petty stuff anyway like theft. I doubt there's serious crimes like murder and rape not being reported.

The only countries on this list with lower numbers of homeless people are very small countries like Luxemburg or Latvia.

I'm dismissing your articles because I'm keeping the large picture in mind and it seems you don't have any sense of scale when it comes to bad things.

What you seem to be arguing is Japan vs utopia. I'm arguing Japan vs the rest of the world.
Ryuk9428Feb 22, 2020 10:44 PM
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Feb 23, 2020 2:00 AM

Mar 2008
Ryuk9428 said:
traed said:

You're just glossing over everything as if it's meaningless just because it's Japan. I like Japan but I know it has a lot of bad aspects to it like many countries do. Pointing out the bad isn't suggesting it's the worst it's there to knock you back into reality .

I'm not glossing over it, I'm saying these bad things aren't remotely comparable to what other countries experience. Japan's society is an amazing accomplishment. It doesn't have to be absolutely perfect in every way to be an amazing accomplishment. Of course there's news articles about bad stuff because it still exists but 4,500 homeless people in a country of 125 million is an amazing accomplishment. A homicide rate of 2-3 per million people, having only 1,200 sexual assaults, 8,000 domestic violence cases, and 1,200 child abuse cases is an amazing accomplishment. You realize according to your article that there are almost as many programs for domestic violence in the US (2,000 to be precise) as there are even cases in Japan? A country of 125 million people only has about 150 kidnapping cases. I mean I'm shocked that numbers like this are even possible. Even going with your "fabricating crime stats" article. What that article indicates is that crime rates might be 33% higher than they are reported as being. But in the context of Japan, 33% doesn't make much of a difference and I imagine most of the crimes not being reported is petty stuff anyway like theft. I doubt there's serious crimes like murder and rape not being reported.

The only countries on this list with lower numbers of homeless people are very small countries like Luxemburg or Latvia.

I'm dismissing your articles because I'm keeping the large picture in mind and it seems you don't have any sense of scale when it comes to bad things.

What you seem to be arguing is Japan vs utopia. I'm arguing Japan vs the rest of the world.

Japan isn't better than the rest of the world though at least not in regard to your idea it's better in everything. It's not best in every regard. It's better than some countries but not all. I don't think there is a single country best at everything even out there.
Feb 23, 2020 3:02 AM
Jul 2018
Ryuk9428 said:

operationvalkyri said:
Well you're a self-proclaimed weeaboo so of course you won't like anti-weebs. The fact that your post cannot possibly be free of bias means it's useless atm.

Of course I'm biased. Someone being biased doesn't mean you can't dissect what they say and determine its merit. That's why we have a lawyer on each side who's job it is to be biased and a judge and jury to determine which one is correct.

I am the defense lawyer and you are the jury, unless you are an anti-weeb in which case you are the prosecutor.
Until those prosecutors show up, theres not much of a case then.
Feb 23, 2020 5:27 AM
Jul 2018
Nice links @traed I’m reading through a couple of these myself.
And let’s not all forget how shitty things are for anime animators aswell everyone!

Worst thing about Japan for me though is the fact that their women are severely lacking in the ass department. A small gripe, admittedly.
Second worst thing is that for a people so smart they are not very open to foreigners. I cringe so much when watching YouTube channels like Asian Boss and Japanese people get interviewed about their thoughts on foreigners and they just make all sorts of guesses and assumptions. Why are they never interested in actually speaking to some foreigners and finding out? Or perhaps even doing a little online research? They are so content with their bubble except for when it comes to educational, work and romance opportunities abroad. It is a great pity.

Similarly OP you should try to talk to some Japanese people and see if they think their country is as great as you think.
removed-userFeb 23, 2020 5:35 AM
Feb 23, 2020 9:09 AM

Nov 2016
BlakexEkalb said:
Thanakos said:
Get a life, Ryuk.

I know it's beyond you to assimilate facts but you can start by getting a life. I've never seen a more self-satisfied consumerist than you in my whole life, and I'm genuinely telling you, for the last time, to get a fucking life.

Someone must not be having a good life atm, are you feeling okay?

Think carefully about what you are trying to imply. Think very carefully and then ask yourself: When will I stop thinking trite retorts supremely intelligent and even appropriate?

Peaceful_Critic said:

His opinions on work had to do with not enjoying office jobs enough to do more hours. If you aren't passionate about the work(which an office job wouldn't be for a lot of people) people typically prefer to do little hours of things they dislike.

I'm not preventing him from arguing with you. I'm standing with him. There's a difference.

Quoting your beau ideal from the same thread:

With the absolute plethora of fun things to do in today's world, I find it absolutely baffling that anyone would volunteer more of their time than they have to towards work.

Buddy that's called being subservient. Jobs already demand 40 hours a week out of people...

It's even more ironic when put in the context of this thread. He has issues with people who enjoy work, even more so if they voluntarily spend more time working because they .. enjoy it (?). But he's aghast at how people can criticize weaboos for doing what they enjoy (?). From a detached perspective, his line of thought makes sense because work, or anything productive or constructive or remotely helpful to others, is horrible and consumerism, self-indulgence, sloth, is amazing, therefore anti-weaboos are evil and anti-work folks are good. But I'm lost at how perverted your line of thought has to be before you reach those conclusions and even more come to accept them in others.

Stop taking the side of this manchild for your own sake. You're putting words in his mouth. He doesn't give a shit about people who don't enjoy their jobs; his problem is people who do enjoy -- why?. I suggest you stop using online debates as your sole source of edification.
Feb 23, 2020 9:42 AM
Feb 2017
@Thanakos I’m just wondering. You’re being slightly aggressive towards the user to the point where you seem to be personally affected by it. There’s a difference between telling them in a somewhat respectful manner and telling them to “get a fucking life”.
Feb 23, 2020 9:55 AM

Nov 2016
BlakexEkalb said:
@Thanakos I’m just wondering. You’re being slightly aggressive towards the user to the point where you seem to be personally affected by it. There’s a difference between telling them in a somewhat respectful manner and telling them to “get a fucking life”.

Consider this a matter of style. I'm naturally a very intense person.
Feb 23, 2020 9:57 AM
Feb 2017
Thanakos said:
BlakexEkalb said:
@Thanakos I’m just wondering. You’re being slightly aggressive towards the user to the point where you seem to be personally affected by it. There’s a difference between telling them in a somewhat respectful manner and telling them to “get a fucking life”.

Consider this a matter of style. I'm naturally a very intense person.

Are you intense offline too, or is it just online?
Feb 23, 2020 10:02 AM

Nov 2016
BlakexEkalb said:
Thanakos said:

Consider this a matter of style. I'm naturally a very intense person.

Are you intense offline too, or is it just online?

I'm not sure how you're going to ascertain that but there's no difference between my online and offline persona.
Feb 23, 2020 10:05 AM
Feb 2017
Thanakos said:
BlakexEkalb said:

Are you intense offline too, or is it just online?

I'm not sure how you're going to ascertain that but there's no difference between my online and offline persona.

Just wondering. Some people have quite different personalities online vs offline. An example, I’m quite quiet offline but online I will actively participate in conversations.
Feb 23, 2020 10:17 AM

May 2013
I am more shocked you are putting this much energy in all of this OP

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Feb 23, 2020 10:22 AM
Jul 2018

Actually here's what I got it from:

Yet I'm supposed to sit in an office doing something I didn't enjoy much in the first place for 40 hours a week for the rest of my life?

His position did extend to enjoyable activities too though:

Dude I wouldn't even want to watch anime for 40 hours a week

I've heard people say to not get a job playing video games because they did that and it killed their enjoyment of video games. They couldn't enjoy it anymore because they had to play it nonstop for hours on end every day.

What I said before wasn't me stretching anything or putting words in his mouth, it was literally rephrasing what was said on what I quoted first. Did you misread it as me saying his position that people prefer to do little hours of office jobs because they dislike it? Because what I actually said is that he didn't enjoy office jobs to do many more hours of it and went on to explain(which was defending him on not wanting to do more hours) about how typical that is of people to want to do little hours on what they dislike.

He has issues with people who enjoy work, even more so if they voluntarily spend more time working because they .. enjoy it (?).

No, he has issues with people who live to work and center their whole life around it:
Whatever happened to the notion of "you work to live, you don't live to work.

The fact that there's people pushing towards making work your entire life and demanding that career be people's #1 priority and that they devote all their time to work is horrible for our quality of life.

Which is a more balance type of thing where you split things you enjoy doing in your free time with work. To live to work is to say your life is close to being consumed by it and the "all their time" is a dead give away as to what he actually means.
Though I do agree this line was in bad taste:
Imagine what a boring and unimaginative cunt you have to be to consider an office job as the biggest source of happiness or entertainment you have?

However, even in that case, his problem wasn't people who use office jobs as a source of happiness or entertainment, just their biggest source. Huge difference.

" I suggest you stop using online debates as your sole source of edification."
Does highschool not count? Not only that, but I do other things like watching science-based YT(i.e Vsauce) channels and play math games like prodigy.
removed-userFeb 23, 2020 11:02 AM
Feb 23, 2020 10:38 AM

Nov 2016

I dislike splitting hairs especially if they are in bad taste. Any neutral party can notice the damage control in your post and that is where I usually draw the line. Extending this pointless quibble would be derailing without a point. I don't care what you think he said, he said what he said and it's clear as day what he meant. Let's end this.
Feb 23, 2020 10:41 AM

Dec 2014
you see a lot of those dudes on reddit, who go out of their way to state how much they hate anime
Feb 23, 2020 11:25 AM
Jul 2018
Thanakos said:

I dislike splitting hairs especially if they are in bad taste. Any neutral party can notice the damage control in your post and that is where I usually draw the line. Extending this pointless quibble would be derailing without a point. I don't care what you think he said, he said what he said and it's clear as day what he meant. Let's end this.
Is that so? Well, then I suppose what you meant to say with this statement:
" I suggest you stop using online debates as your sole source of edification."

Is that I shouldn't use online debates at all as a source of edification and that the sole part was unimportant to what you actually stated and only makes a small, insignificance difference.

It is clear what he meant, and it is what I said he meant. You just made him into a fictional idea of this Saturday morning cartoon villain by removing the actual nuances of what he stated into an inaccurate black and white statement:
"Work is bad, anyone who enjoys it is a cunt, we should only laze around"

Alright, if you want to go you can. I'll keep responding though if you make another statement about Ryuk on this thread.
removed-userFeb 23, 2020 11:34 AM
Feb 23, 2020 11:28 AM
Jul 2018
They are far worse, they are just like the haters of k-pop, They just want to ruin peoples hobbies just because they don't like it themselves.

Feb 24, 2020 2:09 AM

Mar 2019
traed said:
Ryuk9428 said:

I'm not glossing over it, I'm saying these bad things aren't remotely comparable to what other countries experience. Japan's society is an amazing accomplishment. It doesn't have to be absolutely perfect in every way to be an amazing accomplishment. Of course there's news articles about bad stuff because it still exists but 4,500 homeless people in a country of 125 million is an amazing accomplishment. A homicide rate of 2-3 per million people, having only 1,200 sexual assaults, 8,000 domestic violence cases, and 1,200 child abuse cases is an amazing accomplishment. You realize according to your article that there are almost as many programs for domestic violence in the US (2,000 to be precise) as there are even cases in Japan? A country of 125 million people only has about 150 kidnapping cases. I mean I'm shocked that numbers like this are even possible. Even going with your "fabricating crime stats" article. What that article indicates is that crime rates might be 33% higher than they are reported as being. But in the context of Japan, 33% doesn't make much of a difference and I imagine most of the crimes not being reported is petty stuff anyway like theft. I doubt there's serious crimes like murder and rape not being reported.

The only countries on this list with lower numbers of homeless people are very small countries like Luxemburg or Latvia.

I'm dismissing your articles because I'm keeping the large picture in mind and it seems you don't have any sense of scale when it comes to bad things.

What you seem to be arguing is Japan vs utopia. I'm arguing Japan vs the rest of the world.

Japan isn't better than the rest of the world though at least not in regard to your idea it's better in everything. It's not best in every regard. It's better than some countries but not all. I don't think there is a single country best at everything even out there.

It doesn't have to better in every single category. Its a matter of a cumulative total when you take every category into account. The fact that they are #1 in so many is incredible. It would be absolutely phenomenal if they were #1 in every category, but that would be impossible. Then again, I would've previously thought it was impossible to only have 150 kidnappings a year and 5,000 homeless people in a country of 125 million people.

I do have a very high level of respect for Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, South Korea, and Greece, but I still think Japan edges them out a bit.


I'm not really referring to anybody who's an anime fan as a weeaboo. More specifically, I'm saying anime fans who fall more into the stereotype of anime fans. Or you could say "red blooded anime fans" lmao.


Working more than 40 hours a week is really excessive because working 40 hours a week is already demanding a lot from people. Some of the most enjoyable activities in the world can become ruined by doing it 40 hours a week. If my job was reviewing animes and I had to watch animes 40 hours a week, almost every week, for years on end, I would very quickly get sick of watching anime. Play video games as your job 40 hours a week? Video games become ruined. Listen to my favorite types of music for 40 hours a week? I will end it wanting to smash every record. I love ecchi and porn but I would never want to masturbate 8 hours a day.

40 hours a week is insane. And you can tell that its insane by the incredible amount of cyberloafing that people do. I literally just wrote a paper for one of my classes where we discussed cyberloafing at office jobs and found a study showing that the average employee cyberloafs about 25% of their working hours away (or 10 hours) and that some employees cyberloaf as many as 5-6 hours a day. In Britain, the average employee cyberloafs 40% of their time at work. From what I've seen, people who don't cyberloaf, like many of the older people I talk to who didn't really have the technology to cyberloaf when they were working, lose parts of their sanity from the grind of office work.

And workaholics are a problem, because now more and more companies expect us to act like them. Instead of the small number of workaholics being the "star employees" it soon just becomes the standard and asking to actually have a life of your own makes you one of the bad employees. If the number of workaholics continues to expand, it gets to the point where everyone is expected to live for work and all the fun of life is drained out by corporations that expect us to devote increasingly large amounts of energy to them.

There's also the impact on society to consider. Our society will be a more fun, happy, and enjoyable place to live in if people have time and energy for fun things. The more workaholism becomes the standard behavior, the more fun is drained out of society. Everyone will be too exhausted and busy to do anything fun.

I suspect you are projecting heavily onto me because you are jealous that there are so many things out there that I love so strongly. Perhaps you should find more things you enjoy.
Ryuk9428Feb 24, 2020 3:46 AM
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Feb 24, 2020 4:05 AM
Jul 2018
Ryuk9428 said:
traed said:

Japan isn't better than the rest of the world though at least not in regard to your idea it's better in everything. It's not best in every regard. It's better than some countries but not all. I don't think there is a single country best at everything even out there.

It doesn't have to better in every single category. Its a matter of a cumulative total when you take every category into account. The fact that they are #1 in so many is incredible. It would be absolutely phenomenal if they were #1 in every category, but that would be impossible. Then again, I would've previously thought it was impossible to only have 150 kidnappings a year and 5,000 homeless people in a country of 125 million people.

I do have a very high level of respect for Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, South Korea, and Greece, but I still think Japan edges them out a bit.


I'm not really referring to anybody who's an anime fan as a weeaboo. More specifically, I'm saying anime fans who fall more into the stereotype of anime fans. Or you could say "red blooded anime fans" lmao.


Working more than 40 hours a week is really excessive because working 40 hours a week is already demanding a lot from people. Some of the most enjoyable activities in the world can become ruined by doing it 40 hours a week. If my job was reviewing animes and I had to watch animes 40 hours a week, almost every week, for years on end, I would very quickly get sick of watching anime. Play video games as your job 40 hours a week? Video games become ruined. Listen to my favorite types of music for 40 hours a week? I will end it wanting to smash every record. I love ecchi and porn but I would never want to masturbate 8 hours a day.

40 hours a week is insane. And you can tell that its insane by the incredible amount of cyberloafing that people do. I literally just wrote a paper for one of my classes where we discussed cyberloafing at office jobs and found a study showing that the average employee cyberloafs about 25% of their working hours away (or 10 hours) and that some employees cyberloaf as many as 5-6 hours a day. In Britain, the average employee cyberloafs 40% of their time at work. From what I've seen, people who don't cyberloaf, like many of the older people I talk to who didn't really have the technology to cyberloaf when they were working, lose parts of their sanity from the grind of office work.

And workaholics are a problem, because now more and more companies expect us to act like them. Instead of the small number of workaholics being the "star employees" it soon just becomes the standard and asking to actually have a life of your own makes you one of the bad employees. If the number of workaholics continues to expand, it gets to the point where everyone is expected to live for work and all the fun of life is drained out by corporations that expect us to devote increasingly large amounts of energy to them.

There's also the impact on society to consider. Our society will be a more fun, happy, and enjoyable place to live in if people have time and energy for fun things. The more workaholism becomes the standard behavior, the more fun is drained out of society. Everyone will be too exhausted and busy to do anything fun.

I suspect you are projecting heavily onto me because you are jealous that there are so many things out there that I love so strongly. Perhaps you should find more things you enjoy.

I can agree with this post. In my current job I often have to work 6 or 7 days per week. No other job has been like this but here it is mandatory lol. Today I had a doctor appointment. I let work know in advance about it. They tried to swap around one of my days off but this would result in me having to work for 8 days straight. So I blew my lid and shouted at the idiots and stormed out. On the day of my appointment they miraculously found somebody to take over my duties while I get seen for my health. Suddenly it can be done when before they said there was no other solution. Sometimes you just have to put your foot down at work but for people who work unstable jobs maybe they can’t do this. Which is a real shame. Overworking people isn’t going to profit in the long run. We see it happen to video game devs aswell with crunch.
And we are pro gamers quitting.

I also do this cyberloafing thing whenever and where ever possible lol. Didn’t even know there was an official term for it. Most jobs are boring anyway and talking with co-workers about the same sad shit every day is not fun. Not even for extroverts who love normie shit which is why they all look forward to holidays and weekends.
removed-userFeb 24, 2020 4:34 AM
Feb 24, 2020 4:19 AM

Aug 2016
too much or too little of something is cringy it really doesnt matter. lifes all about balance brother
Feb 24, 2020 5:39 AM

Aug 2014
I'm just an anime fan, but am not obsessed with Japanese culture at all. Thus, I do not identify as a weeb, as I use the literal definition of weaboo: "a mostly derogatory slang term for a western person who is obsessed with Japanese culture, especially anime, often regarding it as superior to all other cultures."

My brother is the closest to an anti-weeb I have encountered. Although he's watched numerous anime with me, he likes to trash-talk Japan. (He does the same for many other countries, though.) I don't necessarily count anime bashers as anti-weebs, since they may not be criticizing Japanese culture as a whole; many just don't know much about anime to begin with.

Ryuk9428 said:
Play video games as your job 40 hours a week? Video games become ruined. Listen to my favorite types of music for 40 hours a week? I will end it wanting to smash every record.

Speak for yourself. I game more than that each week and have a blast! I used to listen to a lot more music than that every week as well.

As for work in general...well, I abhor and avoid it whenever possible. heh. (In a way, I envy those able to derive satisfaction from any sort of labor.) I probably would enjoy my hobbies less if I had to do them professionally, so I do get your point.

Ryuk9428 said:
And workaholics are a problem, because now more and more companies expect us to act like them. Instead of the small number of workaholics being the "star employees" it soon just becomes the standard and asking to actually have a life of your own makes you one of the bad employees. If the number of workaholics continues to expand, it gets to the point where everyone is expected to live for work and all the fun of life is drained out by corporations that expect us to devote increasingly large amounts of energy to them.

The solution is simple: refuse to work for them. Easier said than done, I know, and it's not like the majority will be able to take that route...but I sure did. (I've been self-employed for about a decade now.)
SmugSatokoFeb 24, 2020 5:44 AM
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