*1, 41,000 41,000 Bakemonogatari vol.3 Limited Edition
Bakemonogatari DVD & BD vol.4-6 Delayed
According to the official website, the release of the DVD and Blu-ray of Bakemonogatari volume 4, 5, and 6 was announced to be delayed by one month on account of the production schedule.
New release dates:
vol.4: Jan 27th
vol.5: Feb 24th
vol.6: Mar 24th
they should have included the many fun youtube videos about Endless Eight. THEN it would totally be worth it. (besides the later EE still have more new stuff happen per episode than certain parts of Naruto Shippuden and One Piece near the end of Enies Lobby =P)
also constantly complaining about it is called "troll successful"
Still have no idea why movie 13 was called "Raven Chaser".
It's simple, it has the popular name Haruhi on it and thus Otaku have to buy it for their collection. I wish I were joking but that's how it works over there. Once people stop trying to think of Japanese sales in terms of the product content they'll finally understand.
Oh, no. Jan 27 till Nadeko Snake in Blu-ray. I have to wait an extra month for Renai Circulation. ;;
The full version of sugar sweet nightmare doesn't come till March. ;;
Speaking of which, I'm glad Bakemonogatari got first but really, Haruhi E8 comes into a shock.