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Jan 15, 2015 10:44 AM

Oct 2011
Already love Amon's new partner.

OMG @ the ED scene : 0
Jan 15, 2015 10:45 AM

Apr 2014
Barrian14 said:
I'm not enjoying this season so far. I think that the pacing is off and there is a lot of fat to be trimmed. There are boring being introduced left right and centre and the show hasn't given me a reason to be interested yet.

Lol if you're watching Tokyo ghoul just for the action scenes then I'd advise you to drop this right now since there will be more boring episodes like this. Those boring characters are part of the plot and they were needed to be introduced.
Jan 15, 2015 10:46 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Even though this episode was pure build up and introductions I still liked it

Nice shoutout to The One Eyed Owl vs Arima in the beginning (That was badass) and seeing all of Mado ad Shinohara and those when they were young was cool ;3

Touka wanting to go to Kaneki, Hide and Nishiki's college is kawaii xD I hope she gets in :)

One thing I will say is that it's interesting how they're keeping some things that happened in the manga like Hide working at the CCG as an errand boy, Akira's (Muh waifu) introduction was the same and Suzuya's weirdness (Which is awesome btw)

Dem smiles by Eto though <3333333333 Can't wait to see what Kaneki and Ayato are up to

EDIT: Forgot to mention that beautiful track at the end of the episode.....The OST for S2 is sooooooo good
TokoyaJan 15, 2015 11:03 AM
Jan 15, 2015 10:47 AM

Jul 2014
Barrian14 said:
abyss333 said:
Did it already explain why Kaneki joined Aogiri??? cause i seemed to be lacking that info
I think it's because Riza sort of got into his head

Can we get an ignore button? I lose brain cells when i read shit like this.
Jan 15, 2015 10:48 AM

Apr 2014
Barrian14 said:
abyss333 said:
Did it already explain why Kaneki joined Aogiri??? cause i seemed to be lacking that info
I think it's because Riza sort of got into his head

No she didn't. Rize was just a figment of Kaneki's imagination.

This isn't naruto ok?
Jan 15, 2015 10:48 AM

Aug 2014
adaw31 said:
I feel like this 1 episode helped me understand more about the wards compared to how season 1 tried to explain them. Also, for some odd reason I thought 1 eyed ghouls were more rare than they currently are (saw 2 more ghouls that seemed to be some twins at the end each with 1 eye). Other than that, I like the pacing in this season. Everything seems to be flowing pretty well compared to season 1.

They are rare. Those 2 are probably the only ones you'll find so far. Until later probably.

Xway101 ~By me~
Jan 15, 2015 10:52 AM

Nov 2014
I liked the ending scene the best.

I'm also really happy they finally seem to have found a decent pacing for the series. They included a lot of scenes of which I was sure they'd leave out. I'm pleasantly surprised. I'm also really happy that they are giving my Eto-chan a lot of screen time.

And different art by Ishida for each episode is really nice.
Kvothe51Jan 15, 2015 11:06 AM
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Jan 15, 2015 10:54 AM
Nov 2014
Needs more kaneki screentime. ED is pretty damn good.
Jan 15, 2015 11:16 AM

Jul 2013
So they're at least keeping some content from the manga in huh? It's pretty hard not to compare it to the manga, but I do want to see more Aogiri stuff. It is pretty good after all~
For those who seek perfection, there can be no rest on this side of the grave.
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
Jan 15, 2015 11:20 AM

Sep 2014
Really good episode, albeit slower. The season isn't diverging as far from the manga as I thought it would, at least for now. All the CCG scenes were pulled straight from the chapters and the stuff with Akira was pretty spot on. And that ending! Seriously thought they were going to reveal Eto's identity for a sec... What a teaser haha.
Jan 15, 2015 11:27 AM

Mar 2013
Another build up episode, presenting new
characters and more info of what coming next.
not bad 3.5/5 .
Jan 15, 2015 11:32 AM
Dec 2014
The change in the history gives a air of anxiety for not knowing what comes next. Anyway, I look forward to see Akira drunk =P
Jan 15, 2015 11:36 AM
Jul 2018
Yay, Akira finally gets some screen time. I hope we get to see her more since she's my favorite.

Manga spoilers

Wow, Eto's lips were nicely animated!
Jan 15, 2015 11:45 AM

Nov 2012
The pace slowed down, but still very enjoyable episode with some new characters.
Jan 15, 2015 11:48 AM

Oct 2013
Great episode.....I wanted more Kaneki screen wise just because he's badass......

Great ost near the end.

Jan 15, 2015 11:50 AM

Apr 2013
What was that song called Near the end, before the ED?
Jan 15, 2015 12:00 PM

Apr 2014
Good episode with chunks of some manga chapters and some original scènes. Not that bad. Most of the episode was straight from the manga. Only the scénes in the coffee shop, the scénes from kaneki and the ending were original. Not a bad start for this season so far
Jan 15, 2015 12:05 PM

Nov 2014
iv0rywave said:
What was that song called Near the end, before the ED?

I'm fairly certain they won't release the OST before the season ends.
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Jan 15, 2015 12:31 PM

Feb 2014
I was a bit sceptical whether I'm gonna like this as they're not following the manga, but this episode was really good. I'm liking it more. I'm really pleased there was no action (not really) but the episode was still interesting. We caught up with some characters .. I liked Kaneki making coffee. Sort of made me feel bad for him, I wonder what his real intentions for joining Aogiri are..
Jan 15, 2015 12:31 PM

Sep 2014
How dare Akira disrespect glorious pimpmaster Amon
Jan 15, 2015 12:32 PM

Jun 2011
Waaaahhh~~ I'm in love with that ED~

Liked the episode very much, not as intense as the first, but still makes me look forward to the future so much :) Can't wait for next week~
Jan 15, 2015 12:35 PM

Oct 2014
Anyone know what the time gap is between ep 1 and 2? Seems like a lot has happened.
Jan 15, 2015 12:40 PM

Jun 2011
Barrian14 said:
I'm not enjoying this season so far. I think that the pacing is off and there is a lot of fat to be trimmed. There are boring being introduced left right and centre and the show hasn't given me a reason to be interested yet.
How did you ever get through the first season? I think these first two episodes alone have been more interesting than the first 10 episodes in the first season.
Jan 15, 2015 12:41 PM

Apr 2014
redrin said:
Anyone know what the time gap is between ep 1 and 2? Seems like a lot has happened.

There was a six month timeskip in the manga after what happened in the aogiri arc so we can assume the same happened here.
Jan 15, 2015 12:50 PM

Dec 2013
It's weird that no one ( I think ) mentioned how awkward that waving goodbye scene was...

I felt uneasy watching that.
Jan 15, 2015 1:02 PM
Jul 2013
Well another episode seen and I still know nothing... Jesus Christ!
Jan 15, 2015 1:03 PM
Sep 2013
An ok build up episode setting up for when everything goes in motion. Glad they fleshed out Akira and all her personality. Looks like there keeping the secrets still from the manga and everything which is very promising. Wonder If the twins get there whole backstory.
Etos Lips hnnnngggg.
That ost near the end.
Kaneki doesn't need to say anything and I'm interested.
Jan 15, 2015 1:04 PM

Feb 2014
robis798 said:
It's weird that no one ( I think ) mentioned how awkward that waving goodbye scene was...

I felt uneasy watching that.

Yeah 15 secs of waving lol.
Between the adult world and the world of kids,

there, Holyland exists.
Jan 15, 2015 1:05 PM

Aug 2013
That ending with the song was really sad. The part with HInami getting her mask was cute, but the overall felt like a crual separateion.
Even if I'm almost always up for some romance, I kinda hope that Touka doesn't have romantic feeling for Kaneki. I always saw their relationship as a mentor and her apprentice, but very close. Almost like if Kaneki was filling the hole her brother left behind by leaving her alone.

Also, two new one-eyed ghoul! :O
That girl at the end looked like a trouble maker. But I'm pretty sure we never saw that face/hair before... A totally new character?

Poor Amon, he really inherited a bunch of little brat. I'm liking that Mado girl so far, she's pretty clever (even though her conclusion on why Rize was a girl was a bit weird). From what I understood too, she basically said that its the Anteiku cafe who killed Rize, right? I feel stupid for never catching that or even thought about it... That Seidou was annoying though. He's the kind of kid who it must be freaking annoying to work with, always shouting for no reason.

I can't understand why Kaneki joined Aoigiri. To me, it look like they want to establish the ghoul to rule the city. But that totally goes against ideology he liked from the Anteiku cafe. The Aoigiri seem to be blindly killing Dove force. I just don't get it, I hope we get some explaination soon or seeing him acting completely at the opposite to how he acted before will be annoying.

Was it Hideyoshi who joined the Dove? He looked like him, but with long hair. Such a massive death flag, guise...
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Jan 15, 2015 1:06 PM
Sep 2012
Kaneki got noticed by her senpai Eto-chan <3
El Psy Congroo.
Jan 15, 2015 1:11 PM
Sep 2013
minouneetzoe said:
That ending with the song was really sad. The part with HInami getting her mask was cute, but the overall felt like a crual separateion.
Even if I'm almost always up for some romance, I kinda hope that Touka doesn't have romantic feeling for Kaneki. I always saw their relationship as a mentor and her apprentice, but very close. Almost like if Kaneki was filling the hole her brother left behind by leaving her alone.

Also, two new one-eyed ghoul! :O
That girl at the end looked like a trouble maker. But I'm pretty sure we never saw that face/hair before... A totally new character?

Poor Amon, he really inherited a bunch of little brat. I'm liking that Mado girl so far, she's pretty clever (even though her conclusion on why Rize was a girl was a bit weird). From what I understood too, she basically said that its the Anteiku cafe who killed Rize, right? I feel stupid for never catching that or even thought about it... That Seidou was annoying though. He's the kind of kid who it must be freaking annoying to work with, always shouting for no reason.

I can't understand why Kaneki joined Aoigiri. To me, it look like they want to establish the ghoul to rule the city. But that totally goes against ideology he liked from the Anteiku cafe. The Aoigiri seem to be blindly killing Dove force. I just don't get it, I hope we get some explaination soon or seeing him acting completely at the opposite to how he acted before will be annoying.

Was it Hideyoshi who joined the Dove? He looked like him, but with long hair. Such a massive death flag, guise...

The girl who looks like trouble at the end is a new character.It was Hide works at the cgg but not really on the field just as kind of part time delivery guy.
Jan 15, 2015 1:11 PM

Oct 2013
Goddamn excellent episode.

It seems they will follow (kinda) the events from the manga,but Kanekis storyline has been tweaked.
Jan 15, 2015 1:14 PM

Apr 2014
minouneetzoe said:
Almost like if Kaneki was filling the hole her brother left behind by leaving her alone.

More like as if Kaneki was filling the hole left by her father actually but that's something that can be discussed later on.
Jan 15, 2015 1:15 PM
Sep 2013
Barrian14 said:
I'm not enjoying this season so far. I think that the pacing is off and there is a lot of fat to be trimmed. There are boring being introduced left right and centre and the show hasn't given me a reason to be interested yet.

From where It started its actually doing good from what its taking from and adding new scenes and original content.
Jan 15, 2015 1:17 PM

Mar 2012
Just fuck this bullshit. I love Tokyo Ghoul but I must say this anime is freaking shit, why don't they even adapt the story exactly like in the manga? WHY IS KANEKI EVEN IN AOGIRI?! Bullshit studio -.-
I don't care if they follow some events of the manga, fuck this shit, Kaneki in Aogiri makes no sense.

I just hope that Tokyo Ghoul gets adapted again from the very beginning with no rushes and hopefully following the true, original and exact story of the manga, that would be one of the best things that would happen to the anime industry this year...

Yes, I am mad. Fuck Studio Pierrot, hope it goes bankrupt.
Jan 15, 2015 1:18 PM

Oct 2013
Aogiri on the move
Jan 15, 2015 1:31 PM

Apr 2014
b1GZZ said:
Just fuck this bullshit. I love Tokyo Ghoul but I must say this anime is freaking shit, why don't they even adapt the story exactly like in the manga? WHY IS KANEKI EVEN IN AOGIRI?! Bullshit studio -.-
I don't care if they follow some events of the manga, fuck this shit, Kaneki in Aogiri makes no sense.

I just hope that Tokyo Ghoul gets adapted again from the very beginning with no rushes and hopefully following the true, original and exact story of the manga, that would be one of the best things that would happen to the anime industry this year...

Yes, I am mad. Fuck Studio Pierrot, hope it goes bankrupt.

Why are you blaming pierrot for this? Ishida ASKED them to do this route.
Jan 15, 2015 1:42 PM

Oct 2014
giggled at the chicken mask :3
Jan 15, 2015 1:45 PM

Jun 2010
Gawd this is way to slow even if it's AU.
<--- Who Your Waifus Look Up To --->
Jan 15, 2015 1:51 PM

Jul 2014
Yay the introduced Akira this episode, she's one of my favorite characters
Jan 15, 2015 1:53 PM

Aug 2014
I was a bit dissapointed in the first episode, but this one left me assured that the title will continue to put out awesome shows.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Jan 15, 2015 2:00 PM

Nov 2014
Z4k said:
b1GZZ said:
Just fuck this bullshit. I love Tokyo Ghoul but I must say this anime is freaking shit, why don't they even adapt the story exactly like in the manga? WHY IS KANEKI EVEN IN AOGIRI?! Bullshit studio -.-
I don't care if they follow some events of the manga, fuck this shit, Kaneki in Aogiri makes no sense.

I just hope that Tokyo Ghoul gets adapted again from the very beginning with no rushes and hopefully following the true, original and exact story of the manga, that would be one of the best things that would happen to the anime industry this year...

Yes, I am mad. Fuck Studio Pierrot, hope it goes bankrupt.

Why are you blaming pierrot for this? Ishida ASKED them to do this route.

Blaming Pierrot for things has kind of become a circlejerk at this point.

Although they definitely did mess up the first season.
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Jan 15, 2015 2:03 PM

Dec 2013
Ok episode. Never really gave a shit about Akira -_-
Also they made Suzuya's voice so annoying!
Jan 15, 2015 2:15 PM
Jul 2018
Amon got a new partner named Akira.
Jan 15, 2015 2:18 PM

Dec 2011
That part timer is for sure a ghoul. It just reeks of suspicion.

And looks like one-eyed ghoul isn't as uncommon as I thought it would be, except for the known strongest and Kaneki, there are even two girls in this ep.

I am really intrigued on the girl with the bandage though.
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Jan 15, 2015 2:22 PM

Sep 2007
This episode's pacing/teasing is way worse than the manga I feel like... and I thought the manga was slow.

........I'm going to [at least try to] put this on hold for a month or two.... ._.
Jan 15, 2015 2:31 PM

Dec 2013
Fiji said:
That part timer is for sure a ghoul. It just reeks of suspicion.

That part timer is Hide. Kaneki's childhood friend.
Jan 15, 2015 2:33 PM
Feb 2014
Arima Kousei from Shigatsu is in Tokyo Ghoul? bruhhhh
Jan 15, 2015 2:38 PM

Apr 2014
SakBoyK said:
Arima Kousei from Shigatsu is in Tokyo Ghoul? bruhhhh

Bruh Arima Kishou is the original Arima. You got me bruh?
Jan 15, 2015 2:42 PM

May 2014
such a good episode.
not much happened action wise, but its the small episodes like this that take the time to build up before something big.

s2 was released really close after s1, i love it!

OST is soooooo good. not as upbeat as the first season, i feel like it means more to kaneki however.
the ending song though, is one of the few anime to have me stick around to the end
solid 10/10 IMO
When people see good they expect good, and i don't want to live up to anyone's expectations.
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