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Aug 26, 2018 11:07 AM

Jun 2015
I tend to forget how childishly edgy mal users can be until threads like this

Aug 26, 2018 11:14 AM

Jul 2017
-Placeholder- said:

You don't understand economics. If I create a product twice as good as others, it will be many times more valuable. The value of labour increase exponentially with its quality, not linearly. In any human activity there will be a distribution of success, thus is is natural that there are large disparities in wealth in a free-market due to people's differing abilities. you don't need conspiracy theories about oppression to explain wealth inequality. But even those at the bottom end of a modern Capitalist society are better off than the majority under socialism.

Um, the majority under socialism are under constant threat of US imperialism and still have a right to healthcare, education, housing, etc. Try again.

Crying doesn't mean you're weak.
Enduring doesn't mean you're strong.
Aug 26, 2018 11:18 AM

Jul 2017
deg said:
maluhia said:

That is grossly dishonest. Capitalism is defined as an "economic and political system." The military-industrial complex exploits nations of color and is a direct result of capitalism.

The reason for globalization is because of colonialism, lol. Globalization is a form of colonialism that prevents the development of third world countries.

cash remittances is a huge economic relief for the third world coming from rich countries though, im from the philippines and even some of our politicians here thinks we should not control our overpopulation because filipino workers are our biggest profitable exports they say

to give you a concrete example, overseas filipino workers have remittances of 30 billion US dollars in 2017 and thats like 1.5 trillion pesos (our currency/money) thats almost half the total government budget here for 2019 which is around 3.8 trillion pesos and as for numbers of workers we only got around 2.3 million overseas workers while our total population is 100 million people so you get an idea how huge cash remittances is for us here

but i get you and @nonfumi that capitalism main bad effects is inequality (only few become rich like become rich countries) that can lead to dehumanization like racism but things improved already today, we no longer see direct slavery like in the capitalism of the past

capitalism needs to be tamed or be mix with socialists policies is where i stand today, because socialism and its final form communism is not yet ready because full automation technology is not here yet as the meme goes that i support "fully automated luxury space communism"

The prison labor in the US is slavery. The low wages are slavery. The student loan debt is a form of slavery. The IMF is slavery. Slavery to the rich exists. Look harder.

Crying doesn't mean you're weak.
Enduring doesn't mean you're strong.
Aug 26, 2018 11:25 AM

Jan 2013
S-Stop being edgy and unsympathetic.
Show some decency for this zionist!
CabronAug 26, 2018 11:34 AM
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Aug 26, 2018 11:25 AM

Mar 2018
The fully developed communist economic system is postulated to develop from a preceding socialist system. Marx held the view that socialism—a system based on social ownership of the means of production—would enable progress toward the development of fully developed communism by further advancing productive technology. Under socialism, with its increasing levels of automation, an increasing proportion of goods would be distributed freely.[28]

Marx did not believe in the elimination of most physical labor through technological advancements alone in a capitalist society, because he believed capitalism contained within it certain tendencies which countered increasing automation and prevented it from developing beyond a limited point, so that manual industrial labor could not be eliminated until the overthrow of capitalism.[29]

Socialism,as a transitional stage, will develop to all full automation which will make communism possible.The point of socialism is to allow automation to be further advanced, as automation under capitalism will lead to crisis.Automation would most likely become more prevalent under socialism and make labour hours more productive. A socialist country will be able to survive as long as it can defend its own interest and are willing to adapt to the material conditions I think.

contrarychild said:
nonfumi said:

This isn't a funeral xddddd

Didn't know it took a funeral service to show some self decency

This forum isn't a place for respecting the dead especially one that many people do not see worth respecting.
Aug 26, 2018 11:26 AM

Jul 2017

While I disagree with John McCain's politics, it is disrespectful to unsympathetic that he died.

He literally supported terrorists in Syria and neo-Nazis in Ukraine. But go off about your empty platitudes, dude.

People blaming White people for Non-whites not being successful.

Someone is offended that the reality hurts.

Progressives and NeoLiberals are Far Left, so MAL already had Far Left people.

Neoliberals are in the center, and progressives are still capitalist. Literally what are you talking about?

Crying doesn't mean you're weak.
Enduring doesn't mean you're strong.
Aug 26, 2018 11:27 AM

Jul 2016
Toxicity levels maximum

But RIP McCain
"This little girl, who's not even half my size... taught me that tears can flow even from these silver eyes." - Teresa
Aug 26, 2018 11:27 AM

Jan 2009
maluhia said:
deg said:

cash remittances is a huge economic relief for the third world coming from rich countries though, im from the philippines and even some of our politicians here thinks we should not control our overpopulation because filipino workers are our biggest profitable exports they say

to give you a concrete example, overseas filipino workers have remittances of 30 billion US dollars in 2017 and thats like 1.5 trillion pesos (our currency/money) thats almost half the total government budget here for 2019 which is around 3.8 trillion pesos and as for numbers of workers we only got around 2.3 million overseas workers while our total population is 100 million people so you get an idea how huge cash remittances is for us here

but i get you and @nonfumi that capitalism main bad effects is inequality (only few become rich like become rich countries) that can lead to dehumanization like racism but things improved already today, we no longer see direct slavery like in the capitalism of the past

capitalism needs to be tamed or be mix with socialists policies is where i stand today, because socialism and its final form communism is not yet ready because full automation technology is not here yet as the meme goes that i support "fully automated luxury space communism"

The prison labor in the US is slavery. The low wages are slavery. The student loan debt is a form of slavery. The IMF is slavery. Slavery to the rich exists. Look harder.

yes but i still think full blown socialism is not yet ready, i see capitalism as a necessary evil to achieve technological singularity and reach fully automated luxury space communism (if we do no invent ultron)
Aug 26, 2018 11:28 AM

Feb 2018
nonfumi said:
contrarychild said:

Didn't know it took a funeral service to show some self decency

This forum isn't a place for respecting the dead especially one that many people do not see worth respecting.

Then don't get asshurt when I say CE is despicable, honey
Aug 26, 2018 11:29 AM

May 2018
maluhia said:

Someone is offended that the reality hurts.

Your wild imagination isn't "reality"
Aug 26, 2018 11:35 AM

Jul 2017
Only_Brad said:
maluhia said:

Someone is offended that the reality hurts.

Your wild imagination isn't "reality"

You aren't even reality, Brad. Go back to LoL.

Crying doesn't mean you're weak.
Enduring doesn't mean you're strong.
Aug 26, 2018 11:35 AM

May 2015

Long time no see! And why again did you quote me? you don't reply to anything I see.....


Now you are not even trying the 1949 deportations were clearly of freedom fihters from the whole country, even if the Soviets labeled them "kulaks", and most "kulaks" were just honest people doing their jobs, doesn't justify murdering their entire families.

Another question for you, why did all east bloc countries ban their citizens from travelling out of their countries, while people in the west could move to the east bloc if they wanted?


Yeah I saw that. It should also be natural to care about the Baltics when you are a Nordic country IMO, they are close to us and would probably be similar societies if it wasn't for the lovely Soviet occupation. Also they are the prime countries to ally with for defense against Russia.

Aug 26, 2018 11:37 AM

Mar 2018
contrarychild said:
nonfumi said:

This forum isn't a place for respecting the dead especially one that many people do not see worth respecting.

Then don't get asshurt when I say CE is despicable, honey

lol i was asshurt?you are the one saying that CE is despicable for discussing CE.
Aug 26, 2018 11:37 AM

Jan 2009
nonfumi said:

Socialism,as a transitional stage, will develop to all full automation which will make communism possible.The point of socialism is to allow automation to be further advanced, as automation under capitalism will lead to crisis.Automation would most likely become more prevalent under socialism and make labour hours more productive. A socialist country will be able to survive as long as it can defend its own interest and are willing to adapt to the material conditions I think.

capitalism can be mix with socialist policies like universal basic income for the time being until capitalism make automation technology more widespread

the socialism of the past failed because of government going totalitarian or tyrant and that hinders technological progress so i would not call that public ownership of the means of production anymore, automation technology like 3D printing or its final form replicators (star trek style) once built under the current capitalism will make communities and even just families become self-sustaining and that will make less government possible, thats what i think
Aug 26, 2018 11:37 AM
Jan 2014

That doesn't rebut anything I've said. N. Korea has property rights, so what? When did I ever say it was pure Communist? Even the USSR has to have capitalist market elements for its survival. The fact is that all countries have a mixture of socialistic and capitalist policies. But of the two, Capitalist society are far more prosperous and wealth increases with the degree of capitalism.

Aug 26, 2018 11:42 AM

Feb 2018
nonfumi said:
contrarychild said:

Then don't get asshurt when I say CE is despicable, honey

lol i was asshurt?you are the one saying that CE is despicable for discussing CE.

If you weren't asshurt you'd never reply to my mocking post.
Aug 26, 2018 11:43 AM

Jun 2014
-Placeholder- said:

That doesn't rebut anything I've said. N. Korea has property rights, so what? When did I ever say it was pure Communist? Even the USSR has to have capitalist market elements for its survival. The fact is that all countries have a mixture of socialistic and capitalist policies. But of the two, Capitalist society are far more prosperous and wealth increases with the degree of capitalism.

That map isn't accurate.

The "Economic Freedom Index" was created by right-wing conservatives called the "Heritage Foundation." I wouldn't trust anything from them.

Aug 26, 2018 11:44 AM

May 2015
-Placeholder- said:

That doesn't rebut anything I've said. N. Korea has property rights, so what? When did I ever say it was pure Communist? Even the USSR has to have capitalist market elements for its survival. The fact is that all countries have a mixture of socialistic and capitalist policies. But of the two, Capitalist society are far more prosperous and wealth increases with the degree of capitalism.

Well then there isn't much to disagree with about your comment, the statement about property rights is just silly when economic freedom isn't really a question of how big the states is, if you don't look at extremes.That graph shows that economically free countries are happy, not countries with small states.

Other than that I agree, and nie to see you admitting the Nordic countries are largely capitalist, not socialist.
Aug 26, 2018 11:45 AM
Jul 2018
Cabron said:
S-Stop being edgy and unsympathetic.
Show some decency for this zionist!
RIP John McCain's brain tumor, a real American hero that made the ultimate sacrifice for greater good of the country.
Aug 26, 2018 11:45 AM

Aug 2018
I frankly don't know my politics very well, but all I know about McCain is that he ran against Obama in 2008. That was literally when I was attending elementary school.

Irregardless, hopefully his family recovers from his death and that John found his peace.
╔════════════════ • • ════════════════╗
Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind
I want to get off, but I keep riding the ride
I never really noticed that I had to decide
To play someone's game, or live my own life
- Get Free, Lana Del Rey

╚════════════════ • • ════════════════╝
Aug 26, 2018 11:46 AM

Jul 2017

The Ukrainian Freedom Fighters would've been betrayed by the US after they win the War, so McCain didn't support Freedom Fighters in Ukraine.

Right. He just associates with neo-Nazis, then.

And the NeoLiberal Establishment supports rebels in Syria, not just McCain.

I stated that before in this thread, yes.

NeoLiberals are not Centrists, they are Far Left on Social Issues, for example I am Far Left on Economics and Far Right on Social Issues, but people consider me Far Right politically, so Far Left is not just Economics.

Let's call it what it is. Neoliberals are Democrats. Democrats don't give a damn about social issues. Their platform is literally, "Well, we're not Trump." If they were "far left," which apparently you think is anyone to the left of you, then they would be fighting for marginalized people (but they don't). It's all empty platitudes. The only politician(s) that are even considered left on social issues are Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but even then both of these tools are still capitalist imperialists. They're not allies of the left - they're allies of the center.

If you're far right on social issues, you're not on the left.
If you're far right on economic issues, you're still not on the left.
At best, that would be center.

Crying doesn't mean you're weak.
Enduring doesn't mean you're strong.
Aug 26, 2018 11:49 AM
Jul 2018

Nyu nobody asked you to come in here, by bringing your fucking racist politics in here, you're being just as hypocritical and disrespectful as the commie. Shoo.

Moreover, Alitairus' alt is already here, we don't need one more alt right propaganda bot to ""contribute"" to this conversation. The truth is that I don't want you, him, or the commie here, y'all can just buzz off. The only reason this shit started is because people were calloused in the first place. And it's just as caustic for you to come in here and say "U GUYS ARE BEING DISRESPECTFUL" and proceed to be disrespectful yourself by shoving your racist obsession with whiteness into it. You are disrespectful as @maluhia and @-Placeholder- (alitairus, you were already permabanned for your racism and harassment against me and numerous others, no IP changer is going to hide who you really are). You are on the same level as the communist when it comes to disrespect. The other alt rightists equally disrespectful. You are disrespectful.

At least McCain had the tact to act like a civil human being, even if his politics sucked.

Can you people just fucking stop while you're ahead? The reputation of this board has been squandered and sullied into oblivion. I can't imagine it'll get much worse than this. The only worse thing is when I was being actively targeted by alt rightists who'd constantly try and get me banned for dissenting their bullshit.
removed-userAug 26, 2018 11:54 AM
Aug 26, 2018 11:52 AM

Jul 2016
yes praise lord ganesh!!! trump is dead lets celebreate!!
Aug 26, 2018 11:54 AM
Jan 2014
Fijure said:
Well then there isn't much to disagree with about your comment, the statement about property rights is just silly when economic freedom isn't really a question of how big the states is, if you don't look at extremes.That graph shows that economically free countries are happy, not countries with small states.

Other than that I agree, and nie to see you admitting the Nordic countries are largely capitalist, not socialist.

Economic freedom and how big the state is are almost the same thing. The state necessarily infringes upon property rights and economic freedom by its very existence. Taxes, regulations, tariffs, labour laws, all these things infringe upon economic freedom.
Aug 26, 2018 11:54 AM
Jul 2018
nicethings said:
I can't imagine it'll get much worse than this.
Is that a challenge?
Aug 26, 2018 11:55 AM

May 2015
-Placeholder- said:
Fijure said:
Well then there isn't much to disagree with about your comment, the statement about property rights is just silly when economic freedom isn't really a question of how big the states is, if you don't look at extremes.That graph shows that economically free countries are happy, not countries with small states.

Other than that I agree, and nie to see you admitting the Nordic countries are largely capitalist, not socialist.

Economic freedom and how big the state is are almost the same thing. The state necessarily infringes upon property rights and economic freedom by its very existence. Taxes, regulations, tariffs, labour laws, all these things infringe upon economic freedom.

They do, but they aren't the only relevant factors. The very graph you shared shows that some of the capitalist countries with the highest taxes in the world also scores highest on economic freedom and life satisfaction. Also, regulations, tariffs and taxes aren't just made for fun, they often serve a purpose, even if there are almost invariably too many of them.
Aug 26, 2018 11:55 AM

Jul 2016
nicethings said:

Nyu nobody asked you to come in here, by bringing your fucking racist politics in here, you're being just as hypocritical and disrespectful as the commie. Shoo.

Moreover, Alitairus' alt is already here, we don't need one more alt right propaganda bot to ""contribute"" to this conversation. The truth is that I don't want you, him, or the commie here, y'all can just buzz off. The only reason this shit started is because people were calloused in the first place. And it's just as caustic for you to come in here and say "U GUYS ARE BEING DISRESPECTFUL" and proceed to be disrespectful yourself by shoving your racist obsession with whiteness into it. You are disrespectful as @maluhia and @-Placeholder- (alitairus). You are on the same level as the communist when it comes to disrespect. The other alt rightists equally disrespectful. You are disrespectful.

At least McCain had the tact to act like a civil human being, even if his politics sucked.

Can you people just fucking stop while you're ahead? The reputation of this board has been squandered and sullied into oblivion. I can't imagine it'll get much worse than this. The only worse thing is when I was being actively targeted by alt rightists who'd constantly try and get me banned for dissenting their bullshit.

That's disrespectful, I have not said anything about the Alt Right in this thread, I only argued against Maluhia's argument that White people were to blame for non-whites being poor.

Going back to your earlier point, capitalism still is inherently racist and imperialist. Mass incarceration disproportionately affected blacks and other minorities via the War on Drugs that spans decades. This was literally only three presidencies ago, and his wife - who called blacks "super predators" - ran for presidency only two years ago in 2016.

Or what about Black Lives Matter? That wasn't a spontaneous out-of-nowhere stunt. There is legit, systematic problems that have caused that spark.

If capitalism didn't thrive on racism/imperialism, then why is the USA exploiting the countries in the global south in its genocidal wars and beyond?

If capitalism wasn't racist, then why does the fossil fuel industry exploit communities of color by devastating their neighborhoods and then get stupid tax breaks to boot?

If capitalism wasn't racist or imperialist, then why does Puerto Rico still not have electricity one year later after the hurricane?

Anyway, you get the point.
RuneRemAug 26, 2018 12:01 PM
Aug 26, 2018 11:55 AM

Jul 2017
-Placeholder- said:

That doesn't rebut anything I've said. N. Korea has property rights, so what? When did I ever say it was pure Communist? Even the USSR has to have capitalist market elements for its survival. The fact is that all countries have a mixture of socialistic and capitalist policies. But of the two, Capitalist society are far more prosperous and wealth increases with the degree of capitalism.

I like how you conveniently leave out the high levels of poverty due to capitalism.

Crying doesn't mean you're weak.
Enduring doesn't mean you're strong.
Aug 26, 2018 11:56 AM
Jul 2018
Neane93 said:
nicethings said:
I can't imagine it'll get much worse than this.
Is that a challenge?

When you're part of the problem, it's not like you'd understand. I can't even tell the difference between half of you forum setless bots anymore. You all blend into one collective pile of grime. At least I can think for myself.
Aug 26, 2018 11:57 AM

May 2015
nicethings said:

Nyu nobody asked you to come in here, by bringing your fucking racist politics in here, you're being just as hypocritical and disrespectful as the commie. Shoo.

Moreover, Alitairus' alt is already here, we don't need one more alt right propaganda bot to ""contribute"" to this conversation. The truth is that I don't want you, him, or the commie here, y'all can just buzz off. The only reason this shit started is because people were calloused in the first place. And it's just as caustic for you to come in here and say "U GUYS ARE BEING DISRESPECTFUL" and proceed to be disrespectful yourself by shoving your racist obsession with whiteness into it. You are disrespectful as @maluhia and @-Placeholder- (alitairus, you were already permabanned for your racism and harassment against me and numerous others, no IP changer is going to hide who you really are). You are on the same level as the communist when it comes to disrespect. The other alt rightists equally disrespectful. You are disrespectful.

At least McCain had the tact to act like a civil human being, even if his politics sucked.

Can you people just fucking stop while you're ahead? The reputation of this board has been squandered and sullied into oblivion. I can't imagine it'll get much worse than this. The only worse thing is when I was being actively targeted by alt rightists who'd constantly try and get me banned for dissenting their bullshit.

This thread has certainly managed to gather the entire circus in one place, sadly it doesn't have a feminist aspect to attract @LoneWolf. If it was in the heyday of CE @swirlydragon would have also joined by now.

However, I agree with @Neane93, it's a blast at this point, but we are far from done, this thread can and will get even better.
Aug 26, 2018 11:59 AM

Jul 2017
nicethings said:

Nyu nobody asked you to come in here, by bringing your fucking racist politics in here, you're being just as hypocritical and disrespectful as the commie. Shoo.

Moreover, Alitairus' alt is already here, we don't need one more alt right propaganda bot to ""contribute"" to this conversation. The truth is that I don't want you, him, or the commie here, y'all can just buzz off. The only reason this shit started is because people were calloused in the first place. And it's just as caustic for you to come in here and say "U GUYS ARE BEING DISRESPECTFUL" and proceed to be disrespectful yourself by shoving your racist obsession with whiteness into it. You are disrespectful as @maluhia and @-Placeholder- (alitairus, you were already permabanned for your racism and harassment against me and numerous others, no IP changer is going to hide who you really are). You are on the same level as the communist when it comes to disrespect. The other alt rightists equally disrespectful. You are disrespectful.

At least McCain had the tact to act like a civil human being, even if his politics sucked.

Can you people just fucking stop while you're ahead? The reputation of this board has been squandered and sullied into oblivion. I can't imagine it'll get much worse than this. The only worse thing is when I was being actively targeted by alt rightists who'd constantly try and get me banned for dissenting their bullshit.

Lol @ anyone that doesn't know McCain supported terrorists in Syria and neo-Nazis in Ukraine. But apparently I'm "disrespectful" for calling a politician what he is: scum.

Crying doesn't mean you're weak.
Enduring doesn't mean you're strong.
Aug 26, 2018 12:00 PM

Jan 2009
Nyu said:
nicethings said:

Nyu nobody asked you to come in here, by bringing your fucking racist politics in here, you're being just as hypocritical and disrespectful as the commie. Shoo.

Moreover, Alitairus' alt is already here, we don't need one more alt right propaganda bot to ""contribute"" to this conversation. The truth is that I don't want you, him, or the commie here, y'all can just buzz off. The only reason this shit started is because people were calloused in the first place. And it's just as caustic for you to come in here and say "U GUYS ARE BEING DISRESPECTFUL" and proceed to be disrespectful yourself by shoving your racist obsession with whiteness into it. You are disrespectful as @maluhia and @-Placeholder- (alitairus). You are on the same level as the communist when it comes to disrespect. The other alt rightists equally disrespectful. You are disrespectful.

At least McCain had the tact to act like a civil human being, even if his politics sucked.

Can you people just fucking stop while you're ahead? The reputation of this board has been squandered and sullied into oblivion. I can't imagine it'll get much worse than this. The only worse thing is when I was being actively targeted by alt rightists who'd constantly try and get me banned for dissenting their bullshit.

That's disrespectful, I have not said anything about the Alt Right in this thread, I only argued against Maluhia's argument that White people were to blame for the Third World being poor.

he is blaming CAPITALISM for poverty, stop your white victim complex
Aug 26, 2018 12:02 PM
Jul 2018
dude, lady, whatever gender you are
you do know that dying of cancer is a pretty horrible thing, right?
I would consider myself to be more left of center, so it's not like I agree with him either, but likening him to hitler and the like is absurd, he's not anywhere near that level at all, I just think you're too blinded by your apathy by going too far down the socialist rabbit hole, but dude, have some common sense and at least pretend to be indifferent, it's not cool to celebrate someone's death who wasn't even that bad a politician compared to what we have in the White House rn

jesus christ child
Aug 26, 2018 12:07 PM

Jul 2017
nicethings said:
dude, lady, whatever gender you are
you do know that dying of cancer is a pretty horrible thing, right?
I would consider myself to be more left of center, so it's not like I agree with him either, but likening him to hitler and the like is absurd, he's not anywhere near that level at all, I just think you're too blinded by your apathy by going too far down the socialist rabbit hole, but dude, have some common sense and at least pretend to be indifferent, it's not cool to celebrate someone's death who wasn't even that bad a politician compared to what we have in the White House rn

jesus christ child

Dude, you do know that like, McCain killed millions of people in his genocidal wars he advocated for, right? Being "left of center" isn't anything to be proud of. That just tells me you voted Hillary lol.

Crying doesn't mean you're weak.
Enduring doesn't mean you're strong.
Aug 26, 2018 12:08 PM

Jan 2013
Neane93 said:
Cabron said:
S-Stop being edgy and unsympathetic.
Show some decency for this zionist!
RIP John McCain's brain tumor, a real American hero that made the ultimate sacrifice for greater good of the country.
Damn, I didn't know John McCain's brain tumor was an American hero.
I need to brush up on my history.
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Aug 26, 2018 12:12 PM

Jul 2017
Nyu said:
deg said:

he is blaming CAPITALISM for poverty, stop your white victim complex

"Going back to your earlier point, capitalism still is inherently racist and imperialist. Mass incarceration disproportionately affected blacks and other minorities via the War on Drugs that spans decades. This was literally only three presidencies ago, and his wife - who called blacks "super predators" - ran for presidency only two years ago in 2016.

Or what about Black Lives Matter? That wasn't a spontaneous out-of-nowhere stunt. There is legit, systematic problems that have caused that spark.

If capitalism didn't thrive on racism/imperialism, then why is the USA exploiting the countries in the global south in its genocidal wars and beyond?

If capitalism wasn't racist, then why does the fossil fuel industry exploit communities of color by devastating their neighborhoods and then get stupid tax breaks to boot?

If capitalism wasn't racist or imperialist, then why does Puerto Rico still not have electricity one year later after the hurricane?

Anyway, you get the point."

I never specifically said Whites are the problem. There are minorities in power that are equally as atrocious. The fact of the matter is most people in power are, indeed, White. Take that however you please.

Crying doesn't mean you're weak.
Enduring doesn't mean you're strong.
Aug 26, 2018 12:12 PM

Jan 2009
Nyu said:
deg said:

he is blaming CAPITALISM for poverty, stop your white victim complex

"Going back to your earlier point, capitalism still is inherently racist and imperialist. Mass incarceration disproportionately affected blacks and other minorities via the War on Drugs that spans decades. This was literally only three presidencies ago, and his wife - who called blacks "super predators" - ran for presidency only two years ago in 2016.

Or what about Black Lives Matter? That wasn't a spontaneous out-of-nowhere stunt. There is legit, systematic problems that have caused that spark.

If capitalism didn't thrive on racism/imperialism, then why is the USA exploiting the countries in the global south in its genocidal wars and beyond?

If capitalism wasn't racist, then why does the fossil fuel industry exploit communities of color by devastating their neighborhoods and then get stupid tax breaks to boot?

If capitalism wasn't racist or imperialist, then why does Puerto Rico still not have electricity one year later after the hurricane?

Anyway, you get the point."

its still about capitalism, if history is revise and the blacks is the one that spread capitalism then its still the capitalistic system which is at fault here and the topic of our arguments

its not about race but the economic and political system is the topic we are having there
Aug 26, 2018 12:15 PM

Jan 2009
Nyu said:
maluhia said:

I never specifically said Whites are the problem. There are minorities in power that are equally as atrocious. The fact of the matter is most people in power are, indeed, White. Take that however you please.

So you are Anti-White. Europeans worked hard to be in power, that is not racism.

lol what a bait, dont fall for it @maluhia he just have a white victim complex
Aug 26, 2018 12:17 PM

Mar 2018
deg said:
nonfumi said:

Socialism,as a transitional stage, will develop to all full automation which will make communism possible.The point of socialism is to allow automation to be further advanced, as automation under capitalism will lead to crisis.Automation would most likely become more prevalent under socialism and make labour hours more productive. A socialist country will be able to survive as long as it can defend its own interest and are willing to adapt to the material conditions I think.

capitalism can be mix with socialist policies like universal basic income for the time being until capitalism make automation technology more widespread

the socialism of the past failed because of government going totalitarian or tyrant and that hinders technological progress so i would not call that public ownership of the means of production anymore, automation technology like 3D printing or its final form replicators (star trek style) once built under the current capitalism will make communities and even just families become self-sustaining and that will make less government possible, thats what i think

Yeah it failed considering most of them aren't around anymore.
I do think 3D printing does look promising but I do wonder what their widespread implementation may entail whether it will all be good or not. I can make a bunch of predictions but I'm unsure about them all. I do hope 3d printing doesnt cause any kind of crisis and that the economy remains stable. I do know however is that with the power of 3d printers all kinds of societies including socialist may be able to prosper somewhat.
Aug 26, 2018 12:19 PM

Jan 2009
nonfumi said:
deg said:

capitalism can be mix with socialist policies like universal basic income for the time being until capitalism make automation technology more widespread

the socialism of the past failed because of government going totalitarian or tyrant and that hinders technological progress so i would not call that public ownership of the means of production anymore, automation technology like 3D printing or its final form replicators (star trek style) once built under the current capitalism will make communities and even just families become self-sustaining and that will make less government possible, thats what i think

Yeah it failed considering most of them aren't around anymore.
I do think 3D printing does look promising but I do wonder what their widespread implementation may entail whether it will all be good or not. I can make a bunch of predictions but I'm unsure about them all. I do hope 3d printing doesnt cause any kind of crisis and that the economy remains stable. I do know however is that with the power of 3d printers all kinds of societies including socialist may be able to prosper somewhat.

yep 3D printing is a double edge sword technology that it can be dangerous since you can print guns and other weapons with it too but i say the benefits outweigh the negatives if it means most families that have that kind of automation technology will have economic security
Aug 26, 2018 12:22 PM

Jul 2016
deg said:
Nyu said:

So you are Anti-White. Europeans worked hard to be in power, that is not racism.

lol what a bait, dont fall for it @maluhia he just have a white victim complex

"I never specifically said Whites are the problem. There are minorities in power that are equally as atrocious. The fact of the matter is most people in power are, indeed, White. Take that however you please."
Aug 26, 2018 12:22 PM

Jul 2017

So you are Anti-White.

Apparently me calling out capitalism = anti-white. Even though I hate Obama, McCain, Joe Biden, Maxine Waters, the Clintons, Trump, my hispanic congressman, Tulsi Gabbard, Elizabeth Warren, Nina Turner, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, literally everyone in the DNC and GOP, etc.

Europeans worked hard to be in power, that is not racism.

It's pretty damn racist to imply colonialism is "working hard."

Crying doesn't mean you're weak.
Enduring doesn't mean you're strong.
Aug 26, 2018 12:23 PM
Jul 2018
deg said:
nonfumi said:

Yeah it failed considering most of them aren't around anymore.
I do think 3D printing does look promising but I do wonder what their widespread implementation may entail whether it will all be good or not. I can make a bunch of predictions but I'm unsure about them all. I do hope 3d printing doesnt cause any kind of crisis and that the economy remains stable. I do know however is that with the power of 3d printers all kinds of societies including socialist may be able to prosper somewhat.

yep 3D printing is a double edge sword technology that it can be dangerous since you can print guns and other weapons with it too but i say the benefits outweigh the negatives if it means most families that have that kind of automation technology will have economic security
You don't need a 3D printer to make a gun. Stuff like blow back SMGs are stupid simple.
Aug 26, 2018 12:23 PM

Jan 2009
Nyu said:
deg said:

lol what a bait, dont fall for it @maluhia he just have a white victim complex

"I never specifically said Whites are the problem. There are minorities in power that are equally as atrocious. The fact of the matter is most people in power are, indeed, White. Take that however you please."

I never specifically said Whites are the problem. There are minorities in power that are equally as atrocious.

try again you are trolling hard thats why you get that kind of response from him anyway
Aug 26, 2018 12:25 PM

Jan 2009
Neane93 said:
deg said:

yep 3D printing is a double edge sword technology that it can be dangerous since you can print guns and other weapons with it too but i say the benefits outweigh the negatives if it means most families that have that kind of automation technology will have economic security
You don't need a 3D printer to make a gun. Stuff like blow back SMGs are stupid simple.

ok but maybe more complex and powerful weapons will be created by future 3D printers
Aug 26, 2018 12:26 PM

Jul 2016
maluhia said:

So you are Anti-White.

Apparently me calling out capitalism = anti-white. Even though I hate Obama, McCain, Joe Biden, Maxine Waters, the Clintons, Trump, my hispanic congressman, Tulsi Gabbard, Elizabeth Warren, Nina Turner, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, literally everyone in the DNC and GOP, etc.

Europeans worked hard to be in power, that is not racism.

It's pretty damn racist to imply colonialism is "working hard."

Colonialism improved Africa, just like you argued the Soviet Union improved the Baltic nations, African Nations that were Colonised are richer than African Nations that weren't Colonised.

And saying everything is racist against non-whites, implies that it is White people being racist.
RuneRemAug 26, 2018 12:38 PM
Aug 26, 2018 12:31 PM

Jul 2017
Nyu said:
maluhia said:

Apparently me calling out capitalism = anti-white. Even though I hate Obama, McCain, Joe Biden, Maxine Waters, the Clintons, Trump, my hispanic congressman, Tulsi Gabbard, Elizabeth Warren, Nina Turner, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, literally everyone in the DNC and GOP, etc.

It's pretty damn racist to imply colonialism is "working hard."

Colonialism improved Africa, just like you argued the Soviet Union improved the Baltic nations, African Nations that were Colonised are richer than African Nations that weren't Colonised.

And saying everything is racist against non-whites, implies that it is White people being racist.

The Baltic nations improved under the USSR. Africa was literally exploited for its resources.

I'm calling you racist, not anyone else. Good talk.

Crying doesn't mean you're weak.
Enduring doesn't mean you're strong.
Aug 26, 2018 12:36 PM
Mar 2011
Cabron said:
S-Stop being edgy and unsympathetic.
Show some decency for this zionist!

Hey hey Ho ho
the zionists have got to go the neo cons to

Leon Owning the neo Lib who the brist left have let infilrtae them

"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Aug 26, 2018 12:51 PM
Jan 2014

The European powers hardly benefited from Colonialism. It cost a massive upkeep to maintain the colonies. Meanwhile, the Baltic nations "improving" under Communism (using some arbitrary measurement like GDP, since people ion those nations faced massive oppression and tyranny) does not show that socialism works, because correlation isn't causation. Virtually every nation in Europe improved under that time period, it was due to advanced in industrial techniques. However the Capitalist nations were much more prosperous than the socialist ones.
Aug 26, 2018 12:52 PM

Sep 2012
DateYutaka said:
Cabron said:
S-Stop being edgy and unsympathetic.
Show some decency for this zionist!

Hey hey Ho ho
the zionists have got to go the neo cons to

Leon Owning the neo Lib who the brist left have let infilrtae them

fucking based...

Oh maybe, maybe it's the clothes we wear
The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair
Or maybe, maybe it's our nowhere towns or our nothing places
But we're trash, you and me
We're the litter on the breeze
We're the lovers on the streets
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do

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