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Apr 19, 5:46 AM

Sep 2019
Personally i don't like harem animes that much because the romance isn't that good, but the women are hot so there is that. What are your thoughts?
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Apr 19, 5:48 AM

Feb 2020
I don't like harem anime at all. Not my cup of tea. :C
Apr 19, 5:50 AM

May 2021
Boring. Used to watch anime for hot anime girls but thats not my goal anymore
Apr 19, 6:04 AM

May 2019
If the ecchi is on point then they're tolerable if not they're boring.
Apr 19, 6:05 AM

Apr 2010
98.37% - allegedly - of harem anime is dull tedious unfulfilling dross filled with nothing but cheap pandering.

The framing devices themselves can be arranged in an interesting and satisfying way, but every time someone tries to do that, it either gets ignored or massively shit on by viewers, so that's why we can't have nice things.
Apr 19, 6:19 AM

Sep 2016
My impression is that people who project their monogamist principles into fiction seemingly love to shit on harem shows.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Apr 19, 6:21 AM

Dec 2022
The term "harem anime" in itself has a tendency to be deceiving. Ask yourself this: How many "harem" anime have proper harems where the main character is in a sexual and/or romantic relationship with multiple heroines? More often than not, "fake harems" are the default approach to this theme, wherein multiple heroines still have affections for the main character, but the main character doesn't reciprocate with more than one of them (if any). Usually, the main girl will be established as the obvious winner of the "harem" from the very first episode, and the other girls that are introduced are just designated orbiting satellites that fulfil a few archetypical roles in the main character's entourage, occasionally blushing from a few of his innocent gestures.

For as much complaining about the alleged ubiquitousness of harem anime, there really isn't that much of it. Much like "incest anime" that never goes further than one-sided affections and non-blood related reveals, real harem anime is very rare indeed. My appreciation for harem anime would skyrocket if more of them were proper harems, with affection and love distributed more or less evenly amongst each heroine.

Shaded Horizon

Apr 19, 6:27 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to Archean-Return
The term "harem anime" in itself has a tendency to be deceiving. Ask yourself this: How many "harem" anime have proper harems where the main character is in a sexual and/or romantic relationship with multiple heroines? More often than not, "fake harems" are the default approach to this theme, wherein multiple heroines still have affections for the main character, but the main character doesn't reciprocate with more than one of them (if any). Usually, the main girl will be established as the obvious winner of the "harem" from the very first episode, and the other girls that are introduced are just designated orbiting satellites that fulfil a few archetypical roles in the main character's entourage, occasionally blushing from a few of his innocent gestures.

For as much complaining about the alleged ubiquitousness of harem anime, there really isn't that much of it. Much like "incest anime" that never goes further than one-sided affections and non-blood related reveals, real harem anime is very rare indeed. My appreciation for harem anime would skyrocket if more of them were proper harems, with affection and love distributed more or less evenly amongst each heroine.
@Archean-Return 100 Girlfriends is exactly that kind of proper harem you described.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Apr 19, 6:33 AM

Mar 2023
Almost all of them are just souless otaku wish fulfillment.
Apr 19, 7:21 AM

Mar 2012
Don't particularly hate it but I prefer there being only one love interest from the start specially given how most MCs literally pick the worst character in the end.
Apr 19, 7:21 AM

Apr 2024
For some reason, the best anime I've seen all feature fanservice, or context that can be interpreted as fanservice. Sometimes it is done purely for fun, sometimes it is done to show intimacy between the characters or their innocence, sometimes it is done only to scare away inexperienced and closed-minded viewers, sometimes for all the reasons listed. In no case the focus is only on the fanservice content itself. Monogatari series are the best example of this - and they have this harem stuff, too.
Black★Rock Shooter (TV) is beyond its time arthouse fantasy/psychological drama/psychological horror/action. Should you watch it? See my review.

Apr 19, 7:32 AM

Jul 2022
The best part of a harem anime is arguing with your friends over whose pick for best girl is superior.

If I didn't have a MAL account, half the fun of watching harem shows would be gone.
Apr 19, 7:33 AM

Apr 2019
It's mainly a teeny thing I'm not very interested in. Basically a sub-genre of romance accessible to pubescent boys who can't yet understand their emotions overlayed with power-fantasies. Grown men know that all a harem does is to suck up your time, money and nerves. And prefer actual hentai or actual romance from the shoujo and josei genres for actual romantic emotions.

Apr 19, 7:38 AM

Aug 2018
Harem anime/manga sucks because there's usually a girl I'm exclusively rooting for, and I don't want her to share the guy with 50 plus girls that I don't care about.
Apr 19, 7:42 AM

Jul 2015
It became rather redundant. In 9/10 of harems it is obvious at episode one who is going to win and it's usually an obnoxious and insufferable tsundere.

Apr 19, 7:44 AM
Nov 2022
It's personally one of my favorite generes
Apr 19, 7:46 AM

Apr 2024
Reply to alexw1020
The best part of a harem anime is arguing with your friends over whose pick for best girl is superior.

If I didn't have a MAL account, half the fun of watching harem shows would be gone.

The best part of a harem anime is arguing with your friends over whose pick for best girl is superior.

This is the only correct answer in this thread*.

*Besides mine, of course, because my opinions are supreme and indisputable, and everyone else's opinions are inferior,
Black★Rock Shooter (TV) is beyond its time arthouse fantasy/psychological drama/psychological horror/action. Should you watch it? See my review.

Apr 19, 7:55 AM

Sep 2018
I love some harems and dislike others. If a series cares about being a romance it would best do a pick 1 girl end. True harems do not work well if a story is not a comedy generally. This is why I despised realist hero anime. Mushoku tensei harem elements turned me off on it. Highschool dxd and Sekirei do true harem very well. Monster Musume is one of my fav anime. True harem anime require a likable male mc though that standard varies by each persons preferences.
Apr 19, 8:08 AM

Apr 2015
I like them when they some comedy and ecchi in the mix. Not a big fan of the ones with a huge amount of drama in them.
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
-Tobiichi Origami 
"Are you trying to turn the dormitory into a strip club!?!
-Atena Saotome 
Apr 19, 8:10 AM

May 2022
I don't really mind them, It's not a genre I would specifically choose to watch, but if the story sounds interesting I'll give it a try. Though most of the harems I have watched have been pretty mediocre.
Apr 19, 8:14 AM

Sep 2018
A sub-genre of romance that adds even more tropes on top of a genre already full of them? Not a good starting point, but with the right execution anything can work.

For example, I instadropped old classic harem like To LOVE-Ru and High School DxD because I found them lame and boring, whereas I really enjoyed Kanojo mo Kanojo (it belongs to the 1% of comedy anime that actually made me laugh) and Futoku no Guild (very well written, and no more of a harem than some stuff not labeled as such like Steins;Gate or Monogatari).
Apr 19, 8:15 AM

Oct 2013
Well that depends on which harem anime we talking about, there is great ones like Hayate no Gotoku, To Love Ru, Zero no Tsukaima, Clannad, To Aru, Oreimo and DXD
But then there is trash like Monogatari, SNAFU and Seikoku no Dragonar too so hard to say general thoughts

On MAL the tag is in my top 10 even if at the bottom of the top 10

So would say I still have in general a good mindset of harems
Apr 19, 8:48 AM

Feb 2024
I like reverse-harem or all-female cast, but not a typical harem.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Apr 19, 8:53 AM

May 2023

This judgement of a website after analyzing my list should be enough to sound my thoughts..
Apr 19, 9:04 AM

Mar 2019
My main problem with harem anime is that they are practically all the same, I started reading To Love-Ru and it's incredible how you can predict everything that's going to happen in that shit because you've already seen those things happen like 200 times...
Apr 19, 9:06 AM

Sep 2022
I like harem anime, I find them fun to watch.
Apr 19, 9:07 AM

Jan 2013
Harem is better when it's ecchi. I wouldn't look to harem for romance to begin with.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Apr 19, 9:30 AM
Jul 2018
See one you see them all. I used to be a fan back in late 00s/ early 10s mostly cuz of the ecchi. Don't care these days.
Apr 19, 9:41 AM

Oct 2013
Reply to LostSpectre
Harem is better when it's ecchi. I wouldn't look to harem for romance to begin with.
@LostSpectre Agreed. But I'm not really into romance to begin with, so that's kinda the only reason I'd watch in the first place.
Apr 19, 9:51 AM

Feb 2021
The more harem the better, that's all I know
Apr 19, 10:36 AM

Jan 2013
Reply to FanofAction
@LostSpectre Agreed. But I'm not really into romance to begin with, so that's kinda the only reason I'd watch in the first place.
@FanofAction It's more or less the only worthwhile reason to, but having legitimate romance can help spice up the ecchi as well.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Apr 19, 10:47 AM

Jul 2013
Harem are... Okay. It depends if you're into the characters or not. I mean I read stuff like Magika Swordsman and Summoner not because the story is great but because the girls are likable. Hell my S class (which I dub "my 10/10) Goddess Dormitory is in there (well that and I like Shota/Onee series). Like I said, it depends for me.

Apr 19, 12:21 PM

Sep 2019
I don't mind it, not something I seek out but most of the harem anime I've seen I wouldn't consider good, still I'll stay open-minded.
Apr 19, 12:35 PM

Sep 2007
Reply to Zayvex
I don't mind it, not something I seek out but most of the harem anime I've seen I wouldn't consider good, still I'll stay open-minded.
Zayvex said:
I don't mind it, not something I seek out but most of the harem anime I've seen I wouldn't consider good, still I'll stay open-minded.

Pretty much the same here except I haven't watch as much harem anime as majority of the people who do, but if it piques my interest or so, I'll check it out at least.
Apr 19, 12:44 PM

Dec 2022
Reply to Archean-Return
The term "harem anime" in itself has a tendency to be deceiving. Ask yourself this: How many "harem" anime have proper harems where the main character is in a sexual and/or romantic relationship with multiple heroines? More often than not, "fake harems" are the default approach to this theme, wherein multiple heroines still have affections for the main character, but the main character doesn't reciprocate with more than one of them (if any). Usually, the main girl will be established as the obvious winner of the "harem" from the very first episode, and the other girls that are introduced are just designated orbiting satellites that fulfil a few archetypical roles in the main character's entourage, occasionally blushing from a few of his innocent gestures.

For as much complaining about the alleged ubiquitousness of harem anime, there really isn't that much of it. Much like "incest anime" that never goes further than one-sided affections and non-blood related reveals, real harem anime is very rare indeed. My appreciation for harem anime would skyrocket if more of them were proper harems, with affection and love distributed more or less evenly amongst each heroine.
@Archean-Return I was thinking exactly this when reading the title. The "harem" anime I mostly see these days have pretty much zero romance in them. Not only that, they barely even have any sexual innuendo, let alone physical relationships (unprotected handholding does not count).

Aside from the "fake harem" shows that intentionally lean into that trope, people also call random stuff harem just because women outnumber men in them. I've literally seen people be like "a group of 2 men and 5 women? harem!". It's ridiculous.
Apr 19, 1:20 PM

Jul 2013
I hardly watch it. Like Highschool DxD and To Love Ru?
Apr 19, 1:33 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to LostSpectre
@FanofAction It's more or less the only worthwhile reason to, but having legitimate romance can help spice up the ecchi as well.
@LostSpectre I'll admit I'd rather watch that than an mc that's completely oblivious to the fact that every girl likes him.
Apr 19, 1:43 PM

Nov 2013
Reply to Deknijff
Well that depends on which harem anime we talking about, there is great ones like Hayate no Gotoku, To Love Ru, Zero no Tsukaima, Clannad, To Aru, Oreimo and DXD
But then there is trash like Monogatari, SNAFU and Seikoku no Dragonar too so hard to say general thoughts

On MAL the tag is in my top 10 even if at the bottom of the top 10

So would say I still have in general a good mindset of harems
@Deknijff Definitely agree. Like any genre, when it's done well, the anime is good.
Apr 19, 1:50 PM

Aug 2017
I like it since I'm generally attracted to the male lead of a harem.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Apr 19, 2:05 PM

Aug 2017
The less the better, but there are always exceptions.
Apr 19, 3:06 PM

Aug 2018
theres some good ones and theres some bad ones. Usually bad. But for those of us who enjoy cute anime girl antics, it's definitely worth a look. I especially enjoy the ones from the late 90s/ 2000s which are often VN adaptations. they have a certain charm which I find irresistible. I wish they still made them like that...

I usually end up dropping all the newer ones I try or I rate it a 6 and basically forget about it. Overall it's an ok genre. Just ok. Nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be.
Apr 19, 3:25 PM

May 2021
Harem means more waifus
More waifus means more booba
More boobs means the anime is perfection.
Echidna best waifu :D
Apr 19, 5:46 PM

Feb 2020
I love harem and I love hot women
Harems are great when its a TRUE harem not fake, and there's spice i.e incest, lolis, monstergirls or other non basic stuff in the harem

Apr 19, 6:21 PM

Mar 2016
A banger that you never founded in other media. Besides eroge or galge of course

Apr 19, 6:41 PM

Jun 2023
It's the biggest piece of dogshit of all genres 💩

Apr 19, 7:13 PM
John Titor

Jul 2017
Not my favorite genre, but there are some gems out there (KamiNomi, Hyakkano and KissxSis).
Mi música chiptune (auténtica, no fakebit) / My chiptune music (real, no fakebit)
Battle of the Bits
Apr 19, 7:35 PM

Aug 2021
I like harems, but it depends.

Every time I see a harem I think about the amount of sanitary pads that must be spent by the female characters.

Apr 19, 7:43 PM

Mar 2008
It's really more a theme than a genre. It can be good or bad but I generally am entertained anyway even if it isnt good. I would rather a more complicated love polygon melodrama Or an actual polyamourous relationship or an actual love rivalry story not a lot of fawning over MC with very little payoff but there always can be exceptions.
Apr 19, 8:15 PM

Dec 2022
Reply to Archean-Return
The term "harem anime" in itself has a tendency to be deceiving. Ask yourself this: How many "harem" anime have proper harems where the main character is in a sexual and/or romantic relationship with multiple heroines? More often than not, "fake harems" are the default approach to this theme, wherein multiple heroines still have affections for the main character, but the main character doesn't reciprocate with more than one of them (if any). Usually, the main girl will be established as the obvious winner of the "harem" from the very first episode, and the other girls that are introduced are just designated orbiting satellites that fulfil a few archetypical roles in the main character's entourage, occasionally blushing from a few of his innocent gestures.

For as much complaining about the alleged ubiquitousness of harem anime, there really isn't that much of it. Much like "incest anime" that never goes further than one-sided affections and non-blood related reveals, real harem anime is very rare indeed. My appreciation for harem anime would skyrocket if more of them were proper harems, with affection and love distributed more or less evenly amongst each heroine.
You summed up some of my thoughts on the genre better than I could. Especially screw those fake harems where MC is just running away from the women.
MALoween 2023 Candy: ///
Apr 19, 8:29 PM

Aug 2016
you go into harem anime for the funny dynamics, characters chemistry and jokes, not for "proper romance" writing.
There are cases like tenchi muyo or saber marionette were the harem theme goes in hand with a creative sci-fi adventure.
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