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Jun 10, 2020 4:22 PM
Aug 2016
be specific by giving reasons,you can say that the anime wasn't your cup of tea but always express without exaggeration
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Jun 10, 2020 5:13 PM

Jan 2019
I was actually just thinking about this like a week ago! Perfect timing. :)

(From worst to best)
1. Conception - 5/10 Ridiculous idea, stupid plot, dull (yet likable) characters, and so close to hentai that it should be one instead of being censored so much.
2. First Love Monster - 5/10 Ludicrous idea, annoying characters, and filled with potty humor but in a few rare cases it was mildly funny.
3. Glitter Force - 6/10 Fun, cute, and filled with sweet characters, but very simple and extremely repetitive.
4. Cowboy Bebop - 6/10 Well animated and dubbed but kind of boring and had almost no cumulative goal plus nearly every extra character ends up dying. Ed was why I kept watching tbh. Not my cup of tea (hate westerns and crime films).
5. Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet - 6/10 Fun series with deep and interesting themes/symbolism but ruined by a weak/forgettable cast and some anti-Christian undertones towards the end.
6. Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody - 7/10 Very generic isekai with a loser “nice guy” lead surrounded by cliched anime babes. Worst isekai I’ve seen. Lulu was literally the best part up until like the last two episodes where it turns a little better.
7. My Roommate is a Cat - 7/10 Cute and wholesome but, yeah, I HATE cats so... the cat segments (which took up 30-40% of the show) were unfunny and boring imo.
8. Haibane Renmei - 7/10 Relaxing, nice soundtrack, and interesting themes but didn’t really care for the cast, animation, and aesthetic.
9. Gurren Lagann - 7/10 Entertaining yet stupid. Defined by over-the-top action and an obsession with manliness, I found it hard to take it seriously. The cast was polarizing as well (loved Yoko and Nia but hated Kamina and “Fore-head boy”). Good opening theme though.
10. Clockwork Planet - 7/10 Nifty setting and cool/unique ideas but so-so cast and too much unnecessary and unfunny sexual content.
Jun 10, 2020 5:45 PM
Aug 2016
most of the shows you mentioned have a bad reputation ,but i don't like to watch dubbed anime,i see it loses its flavor and originality
anyway its your thoughts so i shall be cool with it since i'm asking for opinions
Jun 10, 2020 5:48 PM

Oct 2017
417 piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece [ I don't have any memories of me enjoying at all, after watching several episodes I didn't feel any attachement to the characters, they were are so fking annoying. Oh and did I mention the horrible artstyle ? Yeah I hated that too.
Easily the worst shonen I've ever seen, I want my time back :( ]
me editing this not to get wps
ZhenroJun 11, 2020 8:06 AM

Jun 10, 2020 5:59 PM

Apr 2020
I despise everything in the MAL top 100 anime cause I'm not a fucking pleb
Jun 10, 2020 6:14 PM
Jul 2018
Well I certainly will miss some but, as of what I can remember

Random Order

1-Shachou, Battle no Jikan Desu!
2-Black Clover (couldnt see the entire first episode bc it was so trash)
3-Isekai Smartphone
4-Seikon no Quaser (really?)
5-One Piece (worse than trash)
6-Dragon Ball (same as above)
7-Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou!
8-Soul Eater (cringe)
9-Fairy Tail
10-Chinese anime I don't remember the name but it was traumatic

If you disagree you're wrong
Jun 10, 2020 6:14 PM

Jul 2013
10. Hundred (Dropped)- It was originally #1 but I put it much lower for two reasons, I kinda was too harsh on it the worst thing with this one was that it was generic as heck. And I found much worse shows. At least the blond chick is hot.
9. Juuou Mujin no Fafnir - Irritating characters honestly that's it.
8. Isuca
7. Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid (Dropped)- Honestly I would like it more if the characters were more likable. Better off playing the video game of a title that's to hard to type without going to Wikipedia.
6. Arifureta (Dropped)- It's a mockery to the source material that's it
5. Classroom Crisis (Dropped)- Idk Watched a few episodes and remember nothing out of it.
4. Girlish Number (Dropped)- I despise the main girl
3. Sin Nanatsu no Taizai- I mean the first four episodes were good but was ruined by it's last minute story.
2. Ousama Game (Dropped)- Hated every single minute of it ngl. Awful story and characters. Mediorce artwork yeah nothing else to be said
1. Masou Gauken HxH- Ugh if your characters and story is revolved around ecchi and every character besides the main girl is obnoxious. Welp it's the roadmap to the worst anime ever.
GalacticMagnaJun 10, 2020 6:27 PM

Jun 10, 2020 7:08 PM

Sep 2014
There are two kind of worst anime to me. The ones with terrible production value and the ones I found disgustingly unpleasant. It is hard to mesh these two categories into one and making it a top. However I can give some anime for both categories on top of my head.

For the anime with the worst production value (excluding OVA)

1. Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai is simply unfinished. Not only the animation and art are horrible, there are also a lot of false connection between some scenes. Character's cloth colour or background element changing or disappearing. This anime is a mess.

2. Inferno Cop is apparently intentionally bad for comedic purposes. It looks like it was made by someone who tries to do animation despite sucking hard on it and to story doesn't make any sense. To be honest, I didn't find it funny at all. It was such a waste of time.

3. Rewrite is a mess of a story. They tried to adapt more than 40 hours of story gameplay into a 13 episodes anime. Trying to include the main route + the 5 routes into a single cours. The result was abysmal. Not only the story didn't make any sense already, they also added an original route which just made things even worse.

For the anime that insulted my intelligence

1. Death Parade (dropped) was horribly stupid. The more I watched the episode, the more my hand sank into my face. The reasons why the characters die, their acting like if everything is alright, the stupid motive to make the characters play a game and the idiotic judgment like if the 15 minutes before the characters death was the only thing that matters if they deserve to see the afterlife or not. Everything is so retarded in this anime I cannot fathom how bad this anime truly is.

2. No game no Life doesn't make any sense and I cannot understand why SAO is more hated than this anime. On one hand, NGNL is an incestuous isekai with a lot of fanservice. On the other hand, NGNL is an anime about playing games the wrong way. This anime is trash, the MC is said to be intelligent, but I'm pretty sure this guy is doing absolutely whatever thing without thinking and he ends up winning by stupid reasons that makes no sense.

3. Hunter x Hunter 2011 or more precisely the chimera ant arc is one of the worst experience I had in my entire anime history. I had a lot of complaint about this arc, but to put it briefly and without spoiler, I firstly have to say that I hate unnecessary narrator in anime with a burning passion. Too much narration isn't helpful, this is just painfully annoying and I feel like they think I'm an idiot, but since I know it's a shounen, I bared with it. The most disappointing thing about this arc is that it presented some interesting idea included in the themes, but everything was wasted upon overdone character development. Don't get me wrong, character development is important in anime, but at some point it's really too much. When we spend more than a dozen episodes on a kid such as Gon who's just enraged over one single event that was never properly introduced in the anime. It feels like the time was wasted and dragged. Moreover that everything about his characters was concluded by the most anticlimactic way possible because they resorted to an absolute asspull for the finale. Everything about this arc was pointless, it felt like a very bad filler. Also the main antagonist of this arc is the most generic shounen villain I've ever seen.
Jun 10, 2020 7:19 PM
Sep 2018
So far..
1. Skip Beat!
2. Okane ga nai!
4. Arakawa under the bridge
5. One punch man s2
6. Devilman crybaby
7. Jojo part 5
8. Saiki kusuo
9. Konosuba
10. Nana

Jun 10, 2020 7:23 PM

Feb 2018
1. Boku no Pico
2. Boku no pico
3. Boku no pico
4. Boku no pico
5. Boku no pico
6. Citrus
7. Netsuzou trap
8. Yagate kimi
9. Yuri on ice
10. Isozuku reviewers

I don't like anime that has too many ecchi elements.
Jun 10, 2020 7:49 PM

Aug 2018
I really don’t feel like explaining why; some of them have tags, so you can look at those if you really care that much I guess:

10. Air
9. Danganronpa
8. Corpse Party
7. Nisekoi Season 2
6. Guilty Crown
5. Sieren
4. Person 4 Golden: The Animation
3. Oreimo Season 2
2. Eromanga Sensei
1. Pokemon Best Wishes
0. Rewrite
Sigma-Jun 10, 2020 9:35 PM
Jun 10, 2020 7:53 PM

Mar 2016
I've seen a lot of really bad shorts and obscure garbage but here's a list of "anime" anime I really hated.

1. Eromanga Sensei
Creepy and gross. I think anyone who's seen more than like 5 anime in their life can sit through a bit of lolicon bait without batting an eye but this just crossed the line. I was kinda interested in the premise as an online artist myself but the fact that there was like, so much focus on naked 12-year-olds or whatever as a way to be sexy/funny was... eugh. Dropped.

2. Higurashi
Art style bothers me, plots were so-so, and overall found it boring. It's not THAT bad in the grand scheme of things but it's so popular that I was really let down. Dropped.

3. Ousama Game
Shit plot. Shit characters. Cheap animation. Mediocre VA. Random sex. Felt like it was trying too hard and ended up a slog.

4. Ao Oni The Animation (Movie)
SO BORING and made of really bad 3DCG. It's hard to get a 1/10 rating from me if there's at least a plot, but this just pissed me off, especially as I watched it right after the Ao Oni shorts series (which, while bad, was tolerable). This movie took any goodwill I had for the franchise and beat it to death with a crowbar.

5. Pupa
Incest and plot holes. Despite only have 4 minutes per episode to tell a story, it still manages to waste time. Nothing is explained or resolved.

6. Aoki Honoo
Chauvinism, but boring. That's it. That's the movie.

7. Gin no Guardian
Some Chinese garbage that I'm pretty sure was trying to capitalize on the success of another Chinese show from the same time, Quanzhi Gaoshou. It's an isekai and a very bad one at that. The rules of the universe barely make sense. Nothing is resolved. Plot holes everywhere. The characters are annoying. The animation is mediocre at best, as is the VA. It wastes time despite having 13 minutes an episode. It ended on a cliffhanger just so Emon/Haoliners could squeeze another fat turd of Silver Guardian out of its ruined butthole.
And I have a grudge against this company, because they've put out multiple shows with decent sounding descriptions and covers that I sometimes accidentally click on. I'm pretty sure they make some of them because the GOOD shows they're based on don't always make their way to the Chinese public due to censorship, so like I guess they might have a reason to exist, but it doesn't mean /I/ want to see them anymore than the average person wants to see Miracle Star instead of Amazing World of Gumball. Fuck you, Chinese knockoffs.

8. Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
Lewd and unfunny. I also initially watched this when I was like 12 and ended up going back to rewatch it years later to confirm that it was actually bad and I wasn't just too innocent to get it. So I double hate it for having sat through it twice.

9. Super Child
Korean knockoff film. Super boring and every single aspect was bad.

10. Yami no Teio: Kyuuketsuki Dracula
I used this to apply to MAL Rewrite so it holds a special place in my heart, but it's still a dumpster fire. Nothing makes sense and most of it is boring (until it takes a turn for crazytown near the end).

artist | doofus | joiner (but not finisher) of challenges
Jun 10, 2020 8:00 PM

Mar 2020
In order from worst to best:

1. Sailor Moon

2. Angels of Death

3. 7 Deadly Sins (season 3)

4. Black Clover
Jun 10, 2020 8:01 PM

Oct 2015
Hrybami said:

3. Hunter x Hunter 2011 or more precisely the chimera ant arc is one of the worst experience I had in my entire anime history. I had a lot of complaint about this arc, but to put it briefly and without spoiler, I firstly have to say that I hate unnecessary narrator in anime with a burning passion. Too much narration isn't helpful, this is just painfully annoying and I feel like they think I'm an idiot, but since I know it's a shounen, I bared with it. The most disappointing thing about this arc is that it presented some interesting idea included in the themes, but everything was wasted upon overdone character development. Don't get me wrong, character development is important in anime, but at some point it's really too much. When we spend more than a dozen episodes on a kid such as Gon who's just enraged over one single event that was never properly introduced in the anime. It feels like the time was wasted and dragged. Moreover that everything about his characters was concluded by the most anticlimactic way possible because they resorted to an absolute asspull for the finale. Everything about this arc was pointless, it felt like a very bad filler. Also the main antagonist of this arc is the most generic shounen villain I've ever seen.

There is narration that is done well and narration that is done overly much. I do feel like Hunter x Hunter doesn't follow "show, don't tell" very much.
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Jun 10, 2020 8:07 PM

Sep 2014
ChartTopper60 said:
Hrybami said:

3. Hunter x Hunter 2011 or more precisely the chimera ant arc is one of the worst experience I had in my entire anime history. I had a lot of complaint about this arc, but to put it briefly and without spoiler, I firstly have to say that I hate unnecessary narrator in anime with a burning passion. Too much narration isn't helpful, this is just painfully annoying and I feel like they think I'm an idiot, but since I know it's a shounen, I bared with it. The most disappointing thing about this arc is that it presented some interesting idea included in the themes, but everything was wasted upon overdone character development. Don't get me wrong, character development is important in anime, but at some point it's really too much. When we spend more than a dozen episodes on a kid such as Gon who's just enraged over one single event that was never properly introduced in the anime. It feels like the time was wasted and dragged. Moreover that everything about his characters was concluded by the most anticlimactic way possible because they resorted to an absolute asspull for the finale. Everything about this arc was pointless, it felt like a very bad filler. Also the main antagonist of this arc is the most generic shounen villain I've ever seen.

There is narration that is done well and narration that is done overly much. I do feel like Hunter x Hunter doesn't follow "show, don't tell" very much.

Indeed it is pretty bad. However, this is not even the worse narrator I've seen in anime. To me the worst narrator is in Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi. Honestly the narrator here speaks way too much and say things completely useless or sometimes visibly false ("There's nobody here" while we can clearly see someone hidden in the shrubs). She also speaks while other characters are talking, shut the fuck up.
Jun 10, 2020 9:25 PM

Dec 2015
1. Aku no Hana: Pure and utter trash that pretends to be deep, but is in reality just a shitty story that doesn't even have a proper ending in the anime about two perverted teenagers going through puberty who are absolute edgelords and blame it on the society for not caring about their fucked up ideals. The MC is an absolute fuckwit who lets a bitchy little ugly shitcock forcefully undress him whenever she wants. Basically he is the king of simps.

2. Hanebado: The MC is edgy, overpowered and a douchebag. It has no story, no plot. no nothing.What was the purpose of the story?No one knows.Why did I waste my time watching this shit about ugly high school girls playing badminton in the most boring way possible?No one knows. The only good thing is the animation and that is it.

3. Sakurasou no pet na kanojo: This shit is about a bunch of overly dramatic cringey retards playing house who have a literal song about how lovey dovey they are with each other (as friends of course). The romance between the most irrelevant characters is the most interesting one while the main romance consists of a pussy and a blonde kid who has apparently lost all her braincells because of a mystery that the scientists of the anime world are still trying to explore and acts like a little toddler.

4.Mirai Nikki: Boring.....bland....a story about an introvert and a pink haired murderous broad who apparently everyone who has ever watched this anime wants to stick their dong into. There is a huge lack of emotion. You would expect someone to cry when their parents died in front of their eyes. But no not our MC because he apparently likes an ugly little mushroom lookin' ass psychopath more than his own parents. There are huge plot holes which I possibly can't explain here.

5. Tonari no kaibutsu kun: The MC acts like he is Jesus and can get whatever he wants. He is literally willing to kill anyone who has a crush on his future fuck material. He does not deserve the main girl at all who honestly seems to be more happy with the yellow haired dude than him because he is such a fucking egotistical cunt. The MC is also the fucking greatest mind of the century as he can solve complex differential equations without even studying properly. The whole thing is a ball of unnecessary cliche and honestly feels like a Bollywood movie.

6. Fairy Fail: No one dies......even the people who have died. The MC is a demi-god who can challenge characters who are supposed to be a 100x stronger than him and beat them with no real training and just one thing- the power of friendship. As a result, every arc is predictable to the very dot as you already know beforehand that Natsu Christ will make anyone who dares to go up against his majesty lick his ass hair.

7. Ao Haru Ride: Pretentious MC with an attitude that makes me want to puke hydrochloric acid. The girl tries so hard to suck his cock but he treats her like shit for no reason at all. The other girl in the group has a fetish for PE teachers. The story was strong in the first episode but it just came to a sudden halt when the MC turned into a level 100 edgelord and the girl turned into your typical insecure Disney barbie doll.

8. Bunny Girl senpai: Oh yeah...everyone's favorite.......the MC is so in love with his senpai who in turn is actually a dominatrix and likes bullying his kouhai that he is willing to lower his dignity to a level so low that it makes me gag. The dude shouts before the entire school that he loves her and would like to get peed on by her if her highness would do the honours. The bitch proceeds to treating him like shit and despite him clearly begging for a kiss, doesn't consent to it because of some fucking twisted philosophy that only she understands and no other. The show tries to be funny by making jokes like, " Are you on your period or something?". Ha.....ha....ha ...... Yeah it's really not that funny. The physics is cool I guess but yeah don't try to become steins gate cuz you never can.

9.high score girl: An anime with infinite potential but zero delivery. It is just boring. There is not much to it, its just a brat who likes to play games and cares about people who treat him like shit instead of people who actually care about him. The animation is bad....the story is non existent and the progression is so slow that it feels like that one dookie that would just not come out no matter how much you force your anal line to squeeze that fucker out.

10. Relife kanketsu hen: I was heartbroken with this one. Relife was one of those animes that got me through hard times and I had very high expectations for the sequel for one of my most beloved anime series. They compressed volumes of story that was to follow after the anime in just four episodes......just four and made it seem like a joke....I felt like I was being toyed wtf? this what I waited for? This fucking heresy.

At the end, I would like to say that this message is extremely subjective and anyone can like whatever they want no matter how bad I think what they like is.

Look at the stars,
they are retreating.

Jun 10, 2020 10:01 PM

Jul 2019
I've watched a bunch of anime that I consider bad, but nothing compares to abomination that is Master of Ragnarok. If there is hell, then Beelzebub makes you watch Master of Ragnarok for all eternity.
Jun 10, 2020 10:04 PM
May 2018
i dont have worst 10 but i have 1 which have equal to be called the Worst 10 and its mahoukoko retsu something something
Jun 10, 2020 10:08 PM

Jun 2019
I'm fortunate in that I do overall like most of the anime I see. Certainly some are far better than others, but I've never had one I've outright hated or thought was utter dreck. Even the few I've dropped early, like a few episodes in, I can't say were necessarily "bad" - just not to my preference in a world where time and the human lifespan is finite. Even someone with a lot of free time on their hands has to prioritize at least a little bit when there is so much content out there. Still I would say every story in every medium has something redeeming and of worth in it. And because I know my own interests and preferences better than anyone else would know mine, I set about carefully curating my selection of what to watch and usually am not disappointed.

And I can only judge those I've completed as I wouldn't feel comfortable putting into any official list or rating anything I have in the Dropped or On-Hold category. I've only had maybe three or four so far I thought were subpar to the extent of thinking them below the average quality of any non-anime content I watch. Most anime series I've seen are at least "as" good as most Western TV series I've seen, but obviously only a limited amount are really sublime and exceptional.

As per usual with these types of lists, I'll only include series (TV/OVA/ONA) and not films because I find it more interesting that way and more of a fair comparison, and no standalone limited run or one-off specials or other such anime bonus content either. Just full series I've seen either in full or at least seen one season of in full from the 86 series I've seen:

(In ranked descending order from very worst at the top at #1 to least worst at #10)

1.) Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis (6/10)

2.) Gunnm (6/10) (only a two episode OVA, but it serves the function of a full series because it's not a bonus or additional content to any main parent series but is its own entity)

3.) Hanebado! (6/10)

4.) Onegai Twins (6/10)

5.) Yami Shibai (6/10)

6.) Sakamichi no Apollon (7/10)

7.) Babylon (6/10)

8.) Umineko no Naku Koro ni (5/10)

9.) Spice and Wolf (6/10)

10.) Neon Genesis Evangelion (6/10)

Obviously I was intrigued enough by the synopsis and/or aesthetic of any of these shows to start watching, so it's more a case of seeing so many ways in which they could have been better, more meaningful in their worldbuilding or storytelling, less rushed, more fleshed out or nuanced or complex, and just in general capitalized more on the initial hook of their premise to tell a story which better resonated with my mind and heart. Usually it's just a matter of one or more things lacking in the details of how the story is explained which really lowers its intensity and impact for me or ends up underwhelming/anti-climactic or convoluted seeming.
WatchTillTandavaJun 10, 2020 10:18 PM
Jun 10, 2020 10:17 PM

Oct 2019
Hametsu no mars
Garzey's wings
Darling in the franxx
Black rock shooter
Madoka Magica Movie 3
Akame ga kill

Jun 10, 2020 10:17 PM
Apr 2016
1. Dagashi kashi season 2
2. One punch man season 2
3. Aku no Hana
4. Bloodivores
5. Sin : Nanatsu no Taizai
6. Masou gakuen HxH
7. Beatless
8. Sakua quest
9. Sakurada reset
10. Shingeki no bahamut : genesis
Jun 10, 2020 10:20 PM

Nov 2017
- Sora no Otoshimono Final: Eternal My Master (rushed like train)
- Dragon ball GT
- Isekai Smartphone (dumbest isekai ever... even the source material is so dumb)
- Deadman wonderland (the story always change concept in every episode)
- Korewa zombie 2 (watch it by yourself, you'll understand)
- Nakaimo (looking your half sister in the bunch of girl that had lot of lust on you.. and after you found her, then what? you fuck her hard?)
- seirei no blade dance (pedhopile)
- Big Order (JoJo in the end of the world, but this is stinks)
Now Loading.....
Jun 10, 2020 10:32 PM
Jan 2019
Everything under 7.00
Well even they got 8 and 7 didnt mean they are good animes..(its very few.. i love most of 7 and 8 animes)
Jun 10, 2020 10:37 PM

May 2016
My, my.. it seems the woitists came out in force on this topic. I'm seeing a lot of shitting on popular anime simply because they are popular. I even saw some mention Cowboy Bebop 'because it was boring'. Ain't that a laugh riot.
Seriously though, I understand everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes to entertainment, but just because you didn't personally enjoy a given show does not mean its 'trash' or 'garbage' as many are quick to say. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, bit popular shows became popular for a reason. And before anyone starts regurgitating buzzwords like 'weebs', 'normies', 'pleebs', 'casuals' or (my favorite) 'sheep-le,' let me point out that your opinions are just opinions and don't constitute cold, hard facts. Just because your personal tastes don't follow those of popular opinion, that doesn't mean everyone else is wrong. it just means you have a different view on the matter. That's one of the great thing about having free will: you get to formulate your own thoughts and opinions and can differentiate yourself from others. It's like the saying goes: you're unique, just like everyone else.

Back on topic, here are those dubious anime that consider the worst I've ever seen:

10. Burn Up! - To be fair, I watched the English dub of this. By far, one of the worst dubbing jobs I've ever had the misfortune of experiencing. Even for the 90s, it was BAD. For the longest time, this and Rave Master were the worst dubs I'd seen. Then 4Kids dubbed One Piece...

9. Armageddon - Several years back, someone dared me to watch a bunch of the worst anime ever created. The next several entries on this list consist of some of these. I'm making an executive decision not to explain why these are bad, as the reasons have already been well-documented and are largely agreed upon by the vast majority of anime fans.

8. Dark Cat - Not to be confused with Black Cat, which is actually a very good show that I highly recommend.

7. Super Kid - if you ever go to the store and look in the movies section, you'll find a bunch of these cheap, crappy knockoffs of popular movies. You know, the ones whose soul reason for existing is being bought by parents or grandparents because they thought it was the actual popular movie it was based on? I'm convinced Super Kid is one of those for Dragon Ball.

6. Mars of Destruction - The only thing being destroyed in this anime are the brain cells of anyone unfortunate enough to watch it.

5. Skelter Heaven - (insert snarky remark here.)

4. Ninja Nonsense - I'm a big fan of absurdist humor when it's executed well. Shows like Excel Saga, Keijo, Ben-To, and Shimoneta are good examples of this. Ninja Nonsense is an example of absurdist humor gone horribly wrong. As I've said in other threads, this show is like combining Excel Saga and Naruto, then extracting everything that made those shows funny and entertaining.

3. Robotica*Robotics - To this day, I'm not sure what the hell I watched here. It's one of those weird shorts that often fall under the dementia tag. Apparently, it's also a shounen ai. I learned that when I needed to watch a show from my least favorite genre for the AWC. This was the only one listed under the aforementioned tag on my list. If there was any such thing going on in this short, it was lost on me.

2. Digimon the Movie - Specifically, the US version that was released in theatres back in 1999. What made this so bad was that 4kids took multiple Digimon movies and specials, smashed them down into a grotesque abomination, and tried to pass it off as a single narrative. Obviously they failed. I think the fact that I paid to see this in theatres is what rates this one so low. 1999 me could have used that 7 dollars to buy a couple packs of Magic The Gathering cards. I'm not salty though! ... much.

1. Hey, President Trap-kun -. rapping Donald Trump making dick and fart jokes? Hard pass. Listening to the real one is bad enough as it is. I would give this one a zero out of ten on MAL were it possible.
If you disagree with any thoughts or opinions expressed in the above post, you're wrong and I hate you forever!
Jun 10, 2020 10:43 PM

Oct 2019
Mars of destrcution: Laughably bad. I'll give it a pass.

Kyochuu rettou: Same as above

Boku no PIco: Self explanatory

SKET dance: So painfully cringe and unwatchable. After 10 episodes I decided enough was enough. I only gave it a 2 because I manged to crack a grin ONCE.

Erased: This is probably the most pissed off I've ever been after finishing an anime. Mainly because I actually enjoyed it at first. There was some cringe writing (like MC is a pedo and that stupid backstory about the girl's father) but it was bearable. However after I finished the anime I realized that the entire story was completely stupid and incoherent. The time travel is a legit asspull. There is no actual ability and thus all the MC's actions make no sense. The villain was anticlamtic and garbage while also being a walking plothole. And the plotline with his mother being killed was completely forgotten. It felt like they just added some time travel and murder mystery into this because they felt like the actual story is completely boring and won't interest people. I felt insulted after watching this.

FLCL: I get that their is a deeper meaning to it. I just found it boring, annoying and off putting. Took me a month to finish 6 episodes.

Angel Beats: Obnoxious, forced and just a messy plot overall. I hated every single character. It felt disgustingly manipulative to me.

Hunter x Hunter movies: More of just pissed me off so much because I'm a huge fan of the show and these movies completely shat on what makes the show great imo.

One Piece Dressrossa arc: It's been a while admittedly but the adaption of the dressrossa arc was insulting. Somehow managed to drag an already dragged out 100 chapter arc into 118 episodes. These episodes were filled with long ass recaps and terrible animation. The story was decent but the viewing experience was so terrible that I had to put it on the list.
franzdrakeJun 10, 2020 10:48 PM
Jun 10, 2020 10:44 PM

Jan 2013
Here's some absolute trash I watched (in no specific order, but I'll just limit it to 10): Kakugo no Susume (absolutely repulsing, made me want to puke), Genocyber (I watched it because it was supposed to have a lot of gore, unfortunately only the first episode has it and the rest is just some boring mess), Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven, Hametsu no Mars, Conception (simulwatched with my friends for some laughs, I'd never finish this alone), Black Rock Shooter (I remember it being the first anime I ever disliked), Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu (all the most disgusting BL tropes stuffed into one anime), Koisuru Boukun (similarly to Dakaichi but worse), Kennel Tokorozawa, DRAMAtical Murder (it just hurts me to see what they did to the VN). And there's also plenty of other stuff I rated 1/10.
Jun 10, 2020 10:49 PM

Oct 2019
one piece is the has the most disgusting animation the most annoying voices i think i have ever heard, it continues to destroy its own community with filler episodes and boring arcs in general. Sorry i just had to rant. It takes all ten of the spots on my list. 100%
Jun 10, 2020 10:54 PM

Oct 2019
Genrou said:
one piece is the has the most disgusting animation the most annoying voices i think i have ever heard, it continues to destroy its own community with filler episodes and boring arcs in general. Sorry i just had to rant. It takes all ten of the spots on my list. 100%

Don't agree with all this but the adaptation of some arcs were disgustingly bad from what I remember watching a while ago.
Jun 10, 2020 11:03 PM

Feb 2016
zero no tsukaima
captain tsubasa
tokyo ghoul
yu-no (hentai and the remake serie)
viewtiful joe
inazuna eleven
ore monogatari
isekai no smartphone
dragon ball gt
The battle is over.
Show respect for the fallen
who fought so bravely.
Jun 10, 2020 11:04 PM

Apr 2016
Eladriel said: piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece

Hey man that's uncalled for take it back
Jun 10, 2020 11:09 PM

May 2020
Without order
Umineko no Naku Koro ni (I hate this one more than any other anime on MAL that I've watched)
My Sister, My Writer
To Love Ru (All seasons)
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku
Black Clover
Danganronpa (All seasons)
Isekai Cheat Magician
Jun 10, 2020 11:10 PM
Oct 2019
This is based on my completed anime list, no "dropped" or "on hold" anime. Also no "currently watching"
1) Island (worst anime excluding ova on my list 2/10)
2) Bang Dream Film Live (worst movie experience)
3) Jitsu wa Watashi wa (manga is better)
4) Kaichou wa Maid-sama (I have no idea why I did not drop this)
5) Deadman Wonderland (one of, if not the worst adaptation)
6) Assassins Pride (this is an absolute mess)
7) Strike the Blood (no senpai, this is our fight)
8) Highschool Dxd (well, I gave it a '5' but that was when I still watch ecchi shows)
9) Darling in the Franxx (this cause of the ending, if you exclude the ending, I may have rate this higher)
10) Masamune kun no revenge/ Maoyuu Maou Yuusha (a bit harsh, but since this is a top 10, I have to include one of it.)

But if you include my "dropped" anime, then the list will change. This includes shows like One Punch Man, My Hero Academia, Fate Stay Night (Studio Deen) and Fate Extra
Jun 10, 2020 11:13 PM

Oct 2019
no order
1) Isekai with a smartphone- dude legit had a smart phone, harem, and no personality. And unlimited magic, it did not fascinate me. Felt devoid of life
2)Berzerk- the recent berzerk left me with questions as to what was going on and the animation was below average. But I would probably watch it over some of the other anime of this list.
3)Isekai Cheat Magician- I dropped this shit. I like generic shit but it felt too basic. I was bored and did not feel like finishing it for the sake of finishing an anime
4)Fairy Tale- Honestly, I did not like the art style of the show. I dropped it after the first 5 episodes.
5)Rifle is beautiful- straight dropped this shit, did not even finish the first episode. I do not know why you choose to keep an anime in 2D but then make everyone and the gun CGI when they go to fire it. Just keep it 2D.
6)Masters of Ragnarok- the show just skips the part where MC gets teleported and somehow becomes a leader of a clan with the help of his smartphone. Additionally, he still can contact his original world after a certain period of time. He too lacked emotion and I felt that they skipped necessary plot points.
7)Vampire Knight- I was a fool. The title made me think of one thing. Instead I get this romantic vampire shit, I could not bear to finish it.
8)Valkyrie Mermaid- I like tits and stuff but first episode just turned me off for some reason. I gave it a hard nope.
9)Pet- I dropped this show cause a) I did not keep up with it b) the OP sounded like shitty sounds c) the dream sequences looked bad to me and d) I did not like the bromance vibes that were going on
10)Girly Air Force- another bad CGI plane stuff, did not care to watch the show, nothing interesting for me to watch
"Perfection is perception. For me, humanity's imperfections is what makes it perfect"

Jun 10, 2020 11:15 PM

Oct 2018
1. Neon Genesis Evangelion.
1. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth.
1. Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion. - Even worse than Ghost in the Shell. It's literally THAT bad. These 3 are a tie for first place. Zero stars!
4. Ghost in the Shell. -Can you say most boring show ever made, ever?
5. Fate/stay night. -I hate Emiya Shirou so much I should be charged with murder.
6. Sword Art Online. -I've never wished harm on a writer, but this show comes close to pushing me that far.
7. Beastars. -Keep this "woke" propaganda out of my anime kthnxbai.
8. Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. -Fcuk you.
9. In Another World With My Smartphone. -worst isekai ever made.
10. Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka. -They all said this anime was great. Many have called it their favorite. I say it would be an insult to shit, to call this anime "shit."
Jun 10, 2020 11:24 PM

Sep 2018
1. Abunai Sisters - "It's so bad, that's it good" does not apply here. Nothing good about it.
2. Panzeer Dragoon - Terrible cgi and voice acting, story was lame and forced.
3. Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven - More boring trash
4. Byston Well Monogatari - Terrible, struggled to keep focus. Nonsensical, difficult to follow.
5. Pupa - Poorly made, wtf story, etc
6. 25-sai no Joshikousei - Can't remember details, hentai in disguise, crappy at that
7. Conception - Crap fights, no ecchi scenes, rarely was it funny, only thing going for it was the nice character designs for the girls. I'd say there were plenty of times that it took itself seriously, other times not so much, not much consistency there
8. Joshikausei - Would have been better with dialogue. None of the characters or their interactions did it for me. Art is pretty good though. Music is crap.
9. Okaa-san Online - Worst isekai ever, absolute trash. Cringe worthy characters and boring story.
10. Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma - Story is a mess
Jun 10, 2020 11:26 PM

Dec 2017
Tokyo Ghoul Root A and :re - just agonizing to watch as a TG manga fan

Fairy Tail - couldn't last more than 30 episodes. I couldn't believe how badly written it was, despite having some interesting characters. I didn't have high expectations of it but everyone said it was close to One Piece so I gave it a shot and expected it to be at least decent. it was not

BnHA S4 - disappointing first arc and horrible second arc

Kill la Kill - after how much positive stuff I had heard about it, it disappointed me greatly

Another - It had a cool premise and interesting first episodes, but everything went downhill after that

Clannad - this one's a bit personal but overall it greatly disappointed me. it had good moments and interesting storylines too but they were overshadowed by cliche drama that has already been told a thousand times. its definitely not as bad as the others I mentioned and probably doesn't belong here, but I'm just mad at it because it had way too much potential and sadly didn't deliver

Jun 10, 2020 11:27 PM

Aug 2016
10. Himouto Umaru-Chan. I found the orange girl unbearable. The way she acted when she was an orange was so asinine (which is the point I think? But it’s not funny so idk why it’s there) The transformation music got pretty annoying after the third time you hear it. I never use this word, but her brother is a real simperino.

I have never disliked an anime more, and this is the only one I would go at a length to describe my distaste for. Ebina’s thighs were pretty good though 👌
Thigh-CrusaderJun 14, 2020 6:56 PM
Jun 10, 2020 11:38 PM
Oct 2019
Wounded Man
Dark Cat
Mars Of Destruction
Mars Of Destruction
Mars Of Destruction
Mars Of Destruction
Mars Of Destruction
Mars Of Destruction
Mars Of Destruction
Mars Of Destruction
Jun 10, 2020 11:39 PM

May 2015
In no particular order (numbered for organization):

1. Shakugan no Shana - Biggest waste of my time. The 1st episode was the best episode. Every episode and season following it only went downhill.

2. Glasslip - It was about absolutely nothing.

3. Ulysses: Jeanne D'arc and the Alchemist Knight - Bastardizes a historical story with some of the worst direction I've seen in an anime. Expected considering its director.

4. Seikon no Qwaser - Extremely repetitive to the point that I got bored so bad that I nearly threw up...

5. Wanna be the Strongest in the World - Terribly boring with a terrible ending.

6. Gundam SEED Destiny - Gundam SEED Destiny sucks...except its music. It's music was good, but Gundam SEED Destiny sucks.

7. Your Lie in April - The lie was people saying that this was good.

8. Aldnoah.Zero 2nd season - I don't even...

9. Tokyo Ghoul 2nd season - Uhh...

10. Masou Gakuen HxH - When it's not doing the Ecchi, it's doing nothing.
Jun 10, 2020 11:42 PM
May 2015
Kimi no todoke is the most boring anime I've ever watched. Top 10 would be a lot of thinking so i don't want to do it but. Kimi no todoke is definetely my least favorite. And Rosario Vampire sucked as well
Jun 10, 2020 11:57 PM
Jul 2018
From least worst to most worst

10. Koi Kaze (3/10) - Just really gross.
9. Youjo Senki (3/10) - Bad writing, worse theology. The art-style matches the voice acting and characters in that all of them are terrible.
8. Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 (2/10) - somehow manages to be worse than the rest of AoT, which is a feat in of itself. It's practically a parody at this point.
7. Masamune-kun no Revenge (2/10) - Everything wrong with the harem genre multiplied by 10, everything wrong with LN → manga → anime adaptations multiplied by 10.
6. Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (2/10) - Laughably lazy animation, ten million boring flashbacks, a mass of meaningless characters/character arcs, and the biggest Mary Sue in all of anime. It also didn't help that its "jokes" were worse than, like, the jokes in a filler episode of Naruto.
5. Eromanga-sensei (2/10) - Shameful.
4. Kimi ni Todoke (2/10) - Like Your Lie in April, but shoujo-ified and somehow even worse in terms of plot development, characters, and themes. And at least Your Lie in April had a purpose.
3. Dr. Stone (1/10) - Name any aspect of anime, and in Dr. Stone's case, its practically guaranteed the best way to describe it would be "terrible." The animation, characters, comedy, themes, art, sci-fi aspects... they're all the bottom of the barrel in terms of quality. The only half-decent thing about this show is the premise.
2. Kenja no Mago (1/10) - @Mythologically put it best in his review: an "indistinguishable stream of visual diarrhea."
1. Vinland Saga (1/10) - In terms of anime, what's worse than being terrible? Being incoherent. Everything about this story is incoherent. The animation is also bad. It's basically just a fantasy, and while watching I kept asking myself how one show could get this much wrong about religion.

I decided not to include drops, OVAs, ONAs or specials, but if I did the OreImo ending, Itazura na Kiss and Fire Force would be in there somewhere.
Jun 11, 2020 12:14 AM

May 2018
10. Yumeria - incredibly bland and nonsense harem which even tries to be edgy at some point.
9. Tekken - I was expecting a movie of sorts but it's only a low quality low budget anime omake to the games.
8. Sin: The Movie - another low quality "lets milk the fans" venture.
7. Tokusou Kihei Dorvack - one of ugliest mecha I have ever see, plus dumb plot and cardboard cutout characters.
6. Thermae Romae - people are praising it, but I don't get why. The premise is dumb, the jokes are lame, the cultural-historical references are common knowledge and it's very low budget.
5. Island - it's not only bland harem with incest be the whole time travel idea is pretty idiotic.
4. Unkai no Meikyuu Zeguy - I even have forgotten what this was about and why I have it 3/10.
3. Shuranosuke Zanmaken: Shikamamon no Otoko - too ugly, too simple, too dumb.
2. Youma - see above.
1. Salaryman Kintarou - this is the ultimate example that seinen can be pretty trashy . We have this totally unappealing "rebel without a cause" who suddenly must make a career in the construction business. He is totally incompetent but has "out of the box thinking", incredible amount of luck and plot armour. Also he has all the women (yep, it's harem too). His antagonists are mainly his corrupted bosses who even would ruin their business just out of spite.
I mean I get the idea - salarymen can dream too...but Kintarou is someone's very petty, very dumb and very unimaginative dream. Why not submarine fleet admiral or space pirate or something wild like that?
Jun 11, 2020 12:37 AM
Jun 2020
I don't know about ten but Neon Genesis Evangelist fucking sux
Jun 11, 2020 12:38 AM
Jun 2020
@RedVelvet930 bruh 7/10 is a borderline masterpiece, if you don't like something that's like a 3/10 at best
Jun 11, 2020 12:45 AM

Oct 2008
10. Arcana Famiglia
9. Samurai Gun
8. One punch man
7. Ling Qi
6. X-men
5. Trouble Chocolate
4. Bikini Warriors
3. Makura no Danshi
2. Ulysses: Jehanne Darc to Renkin no Kishi
1. Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desu ka?
Jun 11, 2020 12:45 AM
Mar 2020
mob psycho but just cause i didnt check before watching it and believed was mpd psycho anime adaptation, such a disappointment.
Jun 11, 2020 12:53 AM
Sep 2019
1-BNHA - Lack of development in story and Character
2-SAo - same as BNHa and Isekai Trash mc
3-iS - (mecha shit)
4-18if - Can't even continue after ep1
5-Fairy tale - do I even need to explain whh.?
6-Demon Slayer - overrated trash ending in mc 🤩
7-Fragtime - lesbian gayshit
8-Future diary - trash MC and main girl
9-our lie in Aprl - to much dramatic boring show
10-Isozuku reviewers - 👀you know this 👀
Jun 11, 2020 1:02 AM

Aug 2018
WoW.People are really sheltered from bad anime.

1.Try Knights - A sports anime by the abysmal collaboration of Gonzo & Seven.It doesn't know what it's doing.From shitty art-style to shitty animation.The show talks about tactics every other minute but does nothing.

2.Hatena Illusion - Even powerpoint presentation has more fluidity than this shows animation.From generic character designs to awful story.

3.Choyoyu - I have never felt so insulted before.These seven high schoolers are such prodigies that they would put Logic to shame.How the frick you build a truck and a nuke from nothing.They even deflect missiles with their hands.For every problem Tsukasa has a plan ready out of it's arse.

4.Yami Shibai - Their only job was to scare me but it fails hilariously.Even the jumpscares aren't scary.It's just a bunch of random stories with ghosts and shadows.

5.Tokyo Ghoul Re - The series qas declining after season 1 but Re sucks balls.I had never seen such a rushed and incoherent adaptation.Thousands of characters are introduced every episode and killed.It's hard to follow anything.Even earlier events from the series becomes redundant.

6.PuPa - From gross artstyle to character designs.Even though it's episode were four mins shorts,I felt like losing mine valuable time.The opening and ending are so appalling whenever it came it was ear rape.The story going nowhere and the last episode doesn't even makes sense.

7.Skelter-Heaven - What the hell is even happening in this show.From terrible voice acting to visuals.Not gonna lie I enjoyed it for how bad it was.

8.Hanetsu no Mars - Same as above.
9.Kyouchuu Rettou - A horror film qith giant bugs.It sucks in every department from shitty music to CGI.The characters are annoying and they all deserve to die.The only thing it does well is insect rape.It was like watching a trashy hentai.

10.Arifureta - The show is an edgelord's wet dream.I had seen all forms of terrible CGI but the show aces it.The fights are so awful it made me puke.Also his harem of horny girls are annoying and one-dimensional as it gets.
sonofbatmanrp13Jun 11, 2020 1:09 AM
Jun 11, 2020 1:04 AM

Jan 2020

However you've got quite a few in list, including Fairy Tail, Cowboy Bebop, Terror In Resonance, Code Geass (Series) and Bakemonogatari. Shouldn't be taken as an offense, of course...
Jun 11, 2020 1:06 AM

Sep 2008
I'll only list stuff I have finished and had objectively no saving grace. it's a really shallow mystery plot, with no conclusion and bad art. I shouldn't list this one just because it's unfinished, but it was a huge letdown anyway. an absolute mess, if any of these shows deserve the worst title, it's this one. the art is laughably bad, the effects are cheap, the short runtime doesn't allow any sort of story to be told properly, all of it is garbage. even I could do better unfortunately. ugly as hell character designs, nonsense story, DISGUSTING background art. it's trying to sell a feminist message about how men are violent, evil to the core and selfish, while every female character is an insufferable violent dick towards them undermining any credibility. another "feminist" masterpiece. it berates society, war, men, and technology. aka everything otaku like. with only women remaining, humanity is doomed to die, they wage war against eachother without men just fine, then in an attempt to revitalize humanity they use the technology they hate so much, they summon aliens whom they also have a war with, and then everybody dies but the future of humanity is safe???? ungrateful bitch of a sister having incestous feelings towards his beta doormat brother who breaks his back for her and humiliates himself nonstop, but she can't stop being tsun. it was disgusting and fills me with anger to this day just thinking about it. I honestly don't remember much about this one by now. the art is bad, the animation is almost unexistant, the runtime is short yet it tries to tell a grand story fit for a full seasonal show. it's cheap, it's stupid with no originality on top. a lof of what I just wrote for skelter heaven can be said for under the dog. the most valid criticism I have is that this show tried to shove in the story of a full length anime into 30? minutes. yet it wastes too much time on the premise. I don't think I'd have a lot of problems with this one if it was at least 6 episodes. it wouldn't be original in the least, the art would still suck but at least it'd feel complete. I love the garo franchise, and I don't understand how this anime happened. from the garbage art to the boring or downright stupid characters, to the length. the animation was awful. I didn't like the designs, the titular garo has even less presence and screentime than some side characters. the story was a lackluster. and I had to suffer through 23 episodes of this. not only it was worse in every possible way than the previous garo anime entry, it's downright the worst action anime ever made. at least from the ones I've seen. damn I want to unwatch it. a complete waste of time, an unneeded sequel nobody asked for. it shares nothing of the original flcl's values. this anime is a sin, a soulles cashgrab. it's very existence is disrespectful. read the skelter heaven paragraph again, I'm not going to repeat myself. I wanted to like this show since it falls right into my interests, but it was simply bad on all fronts. it has a message, and it's conveyed in the dumbest and most boring way. there's a lot of technobabble going on which serves almost no purpose aside from taking up air time. if you strip that, there's not much left aside from awful art and even worse animation that made me laugh in the most serious situations. if you want to portray androids with angelic beauty don't go to diomedea. they look worse than jcstaff's designs. if you want them to do weird things during fight scenes, do wath black magic m66 did. I'm not even sure if it was intentional, or the animation was just that janky. the main characters are extremely unlikeable archetypes. they don't need to be more to tell this type of story but itd've certainly helped to make it more bearable. 20+4 episodes of this trash, and I watched it all. what's wrong with me?
馬鹿げた倫理 全部ガラクタで
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